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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1888, p. 4

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Jkiilttto. FEB. 22. 1888. X VAN SLYKE, Editor. Sl> A DT7t> be found on XTXXL HiK file AT GEO. P. •t, A 00.*3 Newspaper Advertising I Sprnoe Street), where advertising -.V ft NEW YORK- (MTOa the Board of Trade at Stftn. en Monday, bids opened forj batttr »t 96 cents, but soon advanced to ftB oenta, at which all but one sale trtt* made, one sale going at 29 cents. The sales were 17,760 pounds, the value be log 94,983. MIT The American Manufacturer •aya: "Grover and the Lamb--Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white U snow, bat Grover in his message •aid that little lamb must go. A nd so be tried to drive it out, but still it lingers near, and threatens to make Orover go within another year. JQTTbe late D.R. Lecke was offered the mission to St. Petersburg 3or to Berlin by President Grant, but he pcefered to stay at |hone and build up * great newspaper. This is additional •videnoe that Nasby knew what con­ stituted true greatness, even "if be jjjldn't know hew to spell.--Ex 'Mount Vernon, 111., was almost totally destroyed by a cyclone, on Sun • day afternoon last, and what was last week a beautiful little city of four thousand inhabitants, is to-day mark- #4 by ruin, desolation and death. $be loss of life was frightful. Fully forty five were instantly killed, fifty fatally injured and over'200 others more or less seriously hurt. Five hun­ dred buildings were wrecked, fend the Soaocial loss Is estimated at nearly a million dollars. It was one of the'most 4ire calamities that has visited this Country for many a day. the JfifWe are pleased to nete the pro- jgress of the Modern Woodmen, and ftublish belew a clipping from Woodmen's Echo: Gain In membership (luring Deo.... Gain daring month of November Gain during month of October.... Membership January 1st, 1SSS .. Membership January 1st, 1337 . .. The Farmers Institute- The Frees of tbe County have done well In circulating the objects and dates of the coming Institute. I have no doubt It will continue to keep tbis. matter fresh in tbe minds of the people, February 28th, and 29th, will soon be bere. and from all we can learn the attendance will be large. Let tbe farmers within easy reach come out in large numbers, and should it become necessary, take come of your friends from abroad home with you after the evening exercises of the 28tb, The Beoeption Committee and many other citizens of Woodstock will cor­ dially entertain any who may prefer private entertainment to our well con- ducted hotels and restaurants. Some errors crept into our published pre- grams-^-MrsrW. B. Austin will have an original Poem instead of an Essay; W, C. Vandercook, of Cherry Valley* 111. will speak of the Sheep Industry, instead of Mr. Cole at the outset, Mr Cole taking part in tbe discussion. Regret to,say, Hon. C. H. Tryon cannot be with us, but he has prepared an ex­ cellent paper on the important subject of Drainage, which will be read by his friend A. W. Smith Esq. Have been asked If ladies will be In attend ance. This wlll^be a matter ef|choice with them, for our meetings are open to all who desire either to listen er take part in the discussion. lOur pro­ gram Is before tbe people and will be followed as nearly as circumstances will permit, ao that ladies when not interested in any subject, can retire at any time without any breach of de corum. On the evening of the 28th, we shall expedt a large attendance of ladies as well as citizens generally, and we trust all will be well enter­ tained and instructed. Let all our friends be on hand la time fro n the beginning to tbe close of tbe five session?, as the carrying out of tbe program" will need tbe whole time, hope all our County papers will give plaee for this paper as the Sentinel has kindly consented to send slip to each THOS. McD'RICHARDS. Woodstock, Feb. 13,1888, MAY GOO BLESS YOU." ABoston Paper-Hanger's Trouble and how he got out of it-Plain Wordsfrom the Sunny South. h- -.i,: . - u v* ><• f t - r - When we are in trouble we cry for help. When we are rolieved we often forget to l»e thankful. But not always. Mr. W. W. Uriflln, of Trout' Creek !>t. Olair Co., Alii., writes: "T had a bad attack of "hitlsand fever. My system was full of miliaria, For two yoars I w»» scarcely able to wo~k at all, Sometimes mv heart would palpitate for two hours ata nine. My legs would get cold to the knees, and I fully expected to die. In September, 1SS1.1 Iwuglit a bottle of shaker Extract nf U-'iots, or Seiarel's Curative Syrnn, of your agent, Mr. R. M. King, and before I had taken the tfrat bottle I felt 'jotter, and in a short time w vs abie to go to work. May tiod oless you for the good you have done." Mr. Wm. J. McCann, 99 Randall Bt , Boston, writes: '"Six months ago I began to throw up my food after eating. I thought I was go ing into consumption (soon begin to have pain in the chest, stomach and sides, I got little steep and awoke all tired out. f\ once lost live pounds in four days. I began using Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Syrup, and when I luid finished the sixth bottle I could eat. three square meals a day, and go to sleep the minute I struck the bed. 1 am a paper hanger bv trade, and have worked every day since I took the second bottle, and gained IS pounds. I outjht to bo thankful and I am." This reniedv opens all the natural passages of the bodv, expels the poison from the blood and enables nature to rebuild what di­ sease has destroyed. Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Srrup \s sold by all druggists, or senu to the propri­ etor, A. J. «Vliite, 54 Warren St, New lork. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, 116 Monroe Street. Educate for Business at this Practical fnstituti »n. students can enter at any time. If so do not foil to get an estimate on your Lumber from • ~*v Fli$D F.-JUDD, Principal. Near the Depot. McHenry, Illinois. . Our stock of Lumber, of al kinds, is the most complete of LUR and we are prepared to offer to th- public Thi Btst Quality of Lunbtr, --*r THE-- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- Mows, Dm. Its, IMflim. Casings, Door ami Window Frames-Reatly Made-always on Haul Also the Best Brands Of BarKWire, W5B shall kee.) our stock complete at all times and spare no pain to accommodate all wh I may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY*; O. H. GRANGER, Manager. ?,v V I v; « Ia V «• , JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. FTNE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew- ". Special attention watches. Give me A elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine a call. JOHN P. SMITH. .. 8761 .. 1,003 ..15.S8K I .. 8,050 Gain daring the year.. 7,236 pj Daring tbe montb of December four tee a thousand dollars was paid te ^ . beneficiaries, Only sight assess me tits o&Ued during the year. Cost of $10001 t" Insurance at 40 years of age, 94. We Invite comparison with other life in- j luranoe organizations. $ • (9*A. M. Jones, Chairman of the | Republican State Central Committee, lias issued the following call: "There will be a meeting of the Re- *.* publican State Central Committee at £* . the Grand Pacific Hotel, in Chicago, C Jllarch 16, at 12 o'clock noon, for the > purpose of selecting the time and fe. ; place for holding tbe next Repnbllean .State Conveatlon, and to transact such p';' ether business as may come before the Committee. The committee desire to Inset active Republicans from every •county In tbe State at this meeting, and they are hereby Invited to be present. :A. Iff. JONES. Chairman Republican State Central Com. HOIS FOR THIRD PiKTY MEM TO CRACK. - Wbat Northern State, where the Democrats had a majority, ever passed a law restricting tbe liquor traffic? In tbose Northern States which have a Prohibitory Law, what was the atti­ tude of the Republican and Democrat­ ic parties in relation to the passage oi aocb Act? Can the Third "Party men name a single Democratic Governor, in a Northern State, who ever signed a Prohibitory Law? These are pertinent questions, an d we ask for a candid and truthful an- ;•» swer. Mere assertions amount to nothing. Facts are what the people want. According to the Chicago Herald^ Representative Hopkins, of Illinois, is one of the men who are warmly disposed to hurrah for what 1* getting to be known quite commonly as tbe Cullom boom. Mr. Hopklne does not hesitate to say in tbe most flatfooted way, that be thinks. Cullom would stand a much better chance of winning than Blaine would. Wbat he would fear to see crop out In New York, In case of Blaine's nomination, would be not so much mugwumpery as the old trouble among tbe Stal­ warts. He would expect to see both the Blaine men and the Conklin men throw oft their bats and go in to win In case Cullom was nominated, and thinks New York could be carried by the Republicans under such circum­ stances. WW A Washington correspondent, under date of Feb. 17th says: "The administration circus is te be put on tbe road again for a short exhibition tour of one week. The show is to go South, as far d.$>wn as Florida, on a Ifcn,^special train|which will leave here on Tuesday, returning Saturday night. the special train will Include lobrated car with plate glass which the menagerie was ex- d during tbe Western tour last has not been learned at this lag. This hurried trip has been to help the good cause of Ing Cleveland delegates to the ocratio nominating convention, anti-Cleveland mutterihgs hav- reoently been heard in that section •how will consist of the following i: Mr. and Mrs, Cleveland Mr. lira. Whitney, and Col. and Mrs. >t. The show will be accem- d by representatives of the •t*d and United Press, whose will be to supply any enthusi- that may be lacking In the lW»etiee.ef the CJTOM by the natives." Letter From Minnesota. RICH PBAISIE, Minn., Jan. 28, '88, - EDITOR PLAINDEALER: -- Enclosed please flad 83 subscription for your valuable paper. Tbe PLAINDEALER i? a welcome visitor with us and we would feel very lonesome without It. It keeps us posted on all the doings In; McHenry and vicinity, and often: brings us face to face with our old ac­ quaintances and friends with whom we lived and associated years ago. In return we would like to let* them know how we are getting along up bere In the Northwest. Rich Prairie is a German settlement of about 350 families and I feel proud to say that it is the "garden spot of Morrison County." It takes all strangers by surprise that come through hero. We live about fourteen miles ei»st from our counrty seat, which is Little Falls, and It Is also our nearest railroad sta­ tion, It Is a village that has a brill­ iant future in prospect. Located on the banks of tbe Mississippi, tbe Father of Streams, it has one of the best water power* in tbe state, which is now being Improved by capitalists from Louisville, Ky„ to the amount of about 9500,040, and when completed will bring factories of all kinds, also saw mills, grist mills, etc., and hun­ dreds of people will find employment, Tbe small pamphlet I sent you some­ time ago will tell you all the partlcu larf. What we want in Rich Prairie is i railroad, and tbe prospects for one are good just now, Tbe Denver, Huron A Duluth road is completed to Sauk Center, a city about 35 miles west of Little Falls. Little Falls and Kicb Prairie, via Mille Lac are on a straight line from Sauk Center to Duluth. The distance from Ricb Prairie to Duluth on a bee line Is one hundred miles. The business men of Little Fails and tbe capitalists that are building tbe watei^power there are in­ terested and are working bard to carry tbis point and there Is no doubt but wbat they will be successful In tbe near future. With a railroad through here and a few elevators we will have one of tbe best markets in tbe State oi Minnesota, The average yield of wheat for the last twenty years have been from 15 to 20 bushels per acre, on old land, new breaking the yield reaches 30 to 35 bushels per acre. With a railroad through here our land would double in price, and wheat would bring about 8 to 10 cents per bushel more which would amount to about t25,000 per year that our farmers would receive For thjB last few weeks we have had very cold weather here. The ther­ mometer showed 56 degrees below zero, Pretty cold, but we fellows up here can stand it all right enough We are used to it. We are not like the Illinois fellow (he might have bet from McHenry) who left St. Paul about a year ago when tbe winter first set In and bad the Impression that it would take about four overcoats to keep him warm. The ideas of Eastern people are altogether wrong in regard* to our climate. There are any amount of farmers bere who have lived In States and they are well satisfied with the ciimate. Last week a young man walked a quarter of a m lie with noth­ ing on his feet but one pair of stock­ ings, and did not freeze bis feet. ThlB was on a bet, and he won tbe bet too. Our letter is getting a little long', and we will wind up by glvlag our re* gards to all that know us, especially to our friend and partner, Joseph Draper, and family, Yours respect* fully, B. THE CHICAGO H6RTH- WESTERN ili RAILWAY. RAILWAY. Penetrates! the Centers iof£ Population In llinois, Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements oi local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres Its equipment^of day and parlor cars, din ing ami place sleeping cars is without rival. its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished by BERKARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III* J. M. WHITMAN, Vio-9PreK and t/en. Manager. H. C. WICKER, Traffic Manager. R P. WILION, • -General Passenger Agent. D. NEEDHAM'8 SON8 116-11* Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Red Umt Blossoms Cancer, Catarrh, _ Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,Pilei WhoupiiiK Couifh, and a DG DISEASES. Send for cir- paper FOR SALE at H. V. Store, McHenry. SL00D DISEASES. CTUBri-MfllUtfB SHKPABD'B Hardware SIBLEY'S #|*TESTED*#| O E E D o for our new Vegetable Flo /er, Teld Plants, Bulbs Implem'ta. SEND" vegetable pl oy -nail m application. Don't neglect writing for it HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. V. CHICAGO. ILL. 822-326 X. Mils ft. 12-11H. Clark Si. use STEWART'S' HEALING kCREAM For Chapped Hands, Lips, etc. It make# the skin smooth, soft and white ; cools and heals the face sifter shaving; also cures Burns, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, cuts from corn husking, [etc. This Cream is the most satigfac tory preparation made. ^Prlco, 15 and BO cts. a bottle. ^If your druggist does not keep it and i will not order it, send 24 cents i ^stamps for large sample Imltlt Stewart Healing Powder Co. „ 404 N. 2nd Street, bt. Louis, Mo. t>w»ziar Farmers if you need any goods and have no miney, bring wood. E. LAWLUS. SMITH & ROGERS' Quintette Orchestra, RTNGWOOD ILL. Ar«i prepared to furnish First Clans IfntlA to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. M. Rogers, 2d Violin and Prompter, Kebt. Madilen. Clarionet, O. Curtis, Cornet. E. Ingalls, Basso. Address all communications to Jerry Smith, Ring wood, Illinois, or Mort Rogers, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, J DEEP CUTS, DEEP CUTS- IF THEY KEEP Extraordinary inducements offered a few days longer to close out balance of our BLANKETS, &c. Rooklord WOODSTQCK, ILL. Why pay $1 when you.can buy for 50 cents? Bargain Sale of .Which formerly sold at 40 to 50 cents has beet) reduced to 30 cents. -OVERCOATS,- Good $2.00; $5.00. Better $4.00 to AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. IT 1--At 19, 29 and 39, in­ cludes Ladies and Chilurens Night Robes, trimmed Chemise, tucked and trimmed Princess Skirts, tucked Drawers with Hamburg flounce, Corset Covers, Hamburg edge. Misses Aprons, large size, Infants Slips, Dresses and Night Crownt». Above goods are worth 37 to 50. Lot 2--At 49, 59 and 69, in­ cludes Mother Hubbard Night Gowns, Hamburg embroidered and tucked Chemise, Hamburg embroidered insertion and tuck­ ed Drawers, with insertion and flounce of Hamburg, Skirts, with tucks and Hamburg em­ broidered flounce, Corset Covers, tucked Yokes, Hamburg Em­ broidery trimmed. Stad fot Ulustrattd Ciiculw Butte rick's Patterns sent by mail to any part of the country. Send to us for a fashion sheet. BLANKETS White, Scarlet and Gray, re­ duced one-thiid from former price. We also have many bar gains in OTHER GOODS, To which we respectfully in­ vite your attention. Of all descriptions, at lowest market prices. Please loofc us over. . • RESPECTFULL F, John Evanson & Co. J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock, III. I Executor's Notice. deceased. INSTATE of Ohauncy Beckwith, U The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the lset Will and Testament of Chauncy Beckwith, deceased, late of the County ot McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear be­ fore tbe County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the April Term, on the.llrst Monday in April next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose ot having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said estate are"rcquested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 24th day of January, A. D., 18S8* SOPIIBONIA BECKWITH, Executrix. 29--4w INVENT ON Call in and get measured for • nobby pants at 97. Don't pay §9 and #10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clotboa altered, fitted and cleaned, aa bo cao not bo boat ir doing a nice job. 1L LAWLUS, Tailor. DEEP Sea Wonders exist in thong, ands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home, should at once send their address to Hallctt & 'Jo., Portland, Maine, and receive free full infor mation how either Hex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per (lay and upwards, where- ever tney live. You are etartod free. Cap­ ita! not required Some bare made orer (90 !• a single day at this work. All sucoeed. has revolutionized the world during the last half century. Not least among the wonders or inventive progress is a method and system of work that can'be performed all oser the country with­ out separating tho workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex, young or old; n<» special ability required. Capital not needed; you are started free Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free something of great value and importance to you, that will start you in bus iness which Will bring you in more money right away th%n anything else in the world. Grand outfit m 1 "" Augusta, Maine. - RICHLY .is • will And honorable employ­ ment that will not take them from their hemes and families. The profits are large and sure for every industrious person, many have made and are now makinir several hun­ dred dollars a i.ttnth. It is easf for any one to make #5 and upwards per day, who is will ing to work. Either sex, young or old; cap ital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader can do It as well as any one. Write to us at oacc for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Stinson ft Co., Portland Maine. CATER BROTHERS, Llbertyville* Illinois. Im porters and Dealers in CLEVELAND BATS, COACH, AM Bmgliik Bkir* Harm. We have a fresh im pertattee of tbe above stock in nges from t« o to live years all auita ble for breeding, These horses are all of our own selection, reg. lstered, and of high individual merit. Terms reasonable Oan be seen at our sta Wes. Inmetioi and;correspondence eollo Ited. -FISH I- Is a good time to repei form new resolutions, to up to pay up, to keep your UPPTILUY your brain food, brace! name j, i. ^Weil 1 should remark. We can sell you all kinds of Salt Fish cheaper than any ot them. We buy at S P O T C A S H . W hen you obtain good Fish at lowest prices. Our stock of fish fresh, new. sound, cheap, in pack­ ages to suit all. NO. I wmnrisH, Holland Herring1, 8PICED, Dom estic H erri ng, Norwegian Herring, Spiced, bead, tail and akin off, in pail-!, very fine. SCALE® IIERKING, POLLOCK, CODFISH, Whole and boneless. 4 to 9 cents for choice fish. Spring Styles CLOTHING Dress Goods, DOMESTICS Wall Paper TISSOW SIADSS, . . And sell nt the lowest CASH PRICES. Ji We Hav# Plain Cod, Boneless Cod, \V hite Fish, Mackerel, Holland Herring Labrador Herring, Sealed Herring, Salmon, etc. Come and get prices before BUYIAP. Arriving da ly on ouc fast gravel train. All bought for eas|| and marked in plain figures to sell on small margins, Pleas& IOOK u? all over, CANDEE BUS BIB MOSS Our old Reliable Leaders. GEOOEBIISt Always A No. 1; alway i a good variety ; always as cheap &«L£OQA goods can be sold. . §|| af McHenry, ^_VJL

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