V-V--' H^py yliafahy. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1888, Railroad Time Table- Taking effect Hept lath, trainR will pass McHenry citation daily, except Sundays, as follow*: . GOING SOOTH. Lake Genera Passenger ?A.^M Lake Geneva Express Lake Genera Freight Lak« Geneva Passenger., ®:8B aoiHO HORTB Lake Geneva Freight. Lake 3eneva Passenger.. Lake Genera Express... Lake Genera Passenger. 9-11 A. M 9:5*2 «• .4:55P. M 7:00 " B. Brss, Agent. McHenry, 111 MODEftK WOODMEN OP AMElilCA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second an* Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor lially invited. MASONIC. MCHEKRT LODGE, Na 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and (earth Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKE, W. M. Church Directory. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CBUBCH. Preaching every Sabbath, merning and even ing At Ringwood at 2:30 P. U. Crowd in and worship with as. "Butineu tone for Eternity. HARDY E. WTCKOFF, A. B.t Pastor. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. BOrvlcea every Sunday morning, and every first and third Sunday evenings In each iionth. A cordial welceme is extended to every one to jeln us in our worship. Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex amine--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." BBV. II. SLA.DE, Pastor. Boy Wanted, Wanted, a boy from 14 to 18 yoarB of age to learn tbe art of Printing. To one who means business a first class chance will be given. »A»D1T at tbla office. GEO. W. OWEN sold bis dog "Bob" to an Elgin party last week. THE youngest child of Banlel Oranger, aged five weeks, died quite suddenly ene day last week. REMEMBER the Lecture at Geed Templars Hall on Tuesday evening next, by Rev. Harry Lea. Subject "Men of One Idea." LOST, in this village, a Bunch of Keys. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at the store of O. W. Owen. TBE father of Thomas Stanton, who lives near Fox Lake, died on Friday last and was burled from the Catholic Church In this village, on Sunday. He was abeut 75 years of age. WE are under obligations to C. P. Walte for files of Kansas City, Mo, papers, just received. Also to Jehn R. Brents for a oopy of the Bowling Green, Kentucky, Times and Gazette. HAS your girl invited you to the Leap Tear Party at the Parker House, this evening? If not you can make np your mind she has "gone oil with a handsomer man." ALL members of Star Lodge, 1. O. G. T., are requested to be cn hand and ready for business at 7:30 sharp. to-morrow evening. Don't forget. PER ORDER. taLgT us then, be up and doing-- with a heart for every fate"--for we all know that all tbe colds we take in the process--can 'be cured by the timely use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup WE acknowledge the receipt of an Invitation to the Graduating Exer cises of the Senior Class of the Illinois College ef Pharmacy, at tbe Grand Opera House, Chicago, Thursday, Feb. 23d, at 2:30 p. M. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS, Dentist, will not be here en the 25th as per adver- tssement, other business calling him away, but will make his next visit to this village March 10th. Those inter ested will take due notice. •ALLEY CAMP, Modern Woodmen oi Auerica. will hold a regular meeting at the Parker House Hall, on Tuesday evening next, Feb. 28tb, A general ftttendauce ef members is earnestly J requested, FRANK G. CARPENTER in LippincotCs] for March has "A Talk with a Presi dent's Son," the "son" being General John Tyler, of Washington, who gives much ourious (reformation from behind the scenes et the Tyler administration. THE next Lecture of the Course will be given at Good Templars Hall, on Tuesday evening next, Feb. 28th, by Rev. HarryLea, of Woodstock, Sub ject, "Men of one Idea.'J This will be *1118 Itrfrj Lecture of .the course, and li is hoped that the bouse will be full. WE would call particular attention to tbe article to be found on tbe first page ef this paper, on tbe Tarifl question, from the pen ef J, H. Gracey. It is tbe most clear, concise and com* mon sense article that we have ever read on that question. We commend It to tbe careful perusal of every reader. THERE are three circular farms, each touching the other. In the centre is a >piece of land containing exactly one acre, and Its bounderies are termed by the arcs of tbe three circles. How much land Is contained In each circle ? To get a diagram, take a piece of money and draw three circles, letting each one just touch tbe other. ONE of the great events at the Chi oigo Opera House in the near f Jture will be a production of the dramatiza tion of Haggard's great novel "She,' According to the eastern papers where the piece has met with great success, tbe wlered and imaginative quality of the story has been admirably trans fered to the stage. The scenery is described as very gorgeous, tbe music as quaint and original and abundant end tbe whole piece Is said to be a novelty of the most unusual character. Try Bedey'i Iron Tonic Bitters, PKRSONAl*. D B. WARNER, ef Nunda, was on our streets on Thursday last. R. WAITE, ef Elgin, wal Ml onr streets on Wednesday. MRS. C. B. CURTIS, ef 1$lgtn, has been visiting friends In this vjllage. MRS. 8. B. HAULT, of Chicago, visit ed her sister, Mrs. H. O. Thompson, last week. Miss JESSIE WIG HTM AN spent part of last week ^rith friends at Palatine, III. MAIL AGENT J. D, NISH was a pleas ant caller at thle office on Saturday last. LEW WALSH, ef Elgin, spent Satur day and Sunday with friends In this village. Miss EFFIK KENNEDY has been quite sick the past week but Is now reported better. HENRY COLBY started for Hartley, Iowa, en Monday morning. He ex pects to be gone about a week, < Miss KATE BILL has had charge of the Post Office during the absence of Miss Wightman. F ¥• A^PAKKJKIVWIII MURE wlth^kis MAT MOORE, who has beeo with F. A. Parker the past two years, will re turn to his heme at Johnstown, N". Y,. abeut March 6th. MR. 8LADE will preach a sermon next Sunday merning appropriate to "Lent" and will be at Ringwood in the evening. Subject "Pure Religion.1' LADIES of the W, C. T U. will meet with Mrs. T.J. Walsh, on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 23d, at 2:30. We wish 'to extend a cordial iavitation to all ladies te meet with us. Mas. J. B. PEEBT, President MRS. E. PEBKIVS, Secretary. CAMEL Hair and Wool Shawls In black and white; Gent's Heavy Linen Handkerchiefs,only a fewjdozen; Wool Dress Suitings, with moss and leather trimmiags to match; a variety of Boy* and Ladies Collars and Cuffs, at tbe Ladles Salesroom. MRS. H. S. GREGORY. WE would call particular attention to tbe new advertisement of tbe Wilbur Lumber Company which can be found in another place in this paper. No Yard in this or adjoining counties keep a largar or choicer stock of Lumber, and builders will do well to call and get their prices before buying. Read their advertisement In another column carefully. THE farmers' Institute, to be held at Woodstock next Tuesday and Wednes- day ought to bring out the farmer who desires to keep up with the times The addresses will be first clftss in every particular, and It Is hoped by chose who have had the management ef securing the meeting te be held In this county that it will be largely at tended. It is like our Fair, all helping to give the county a name throughout the state, placing us foremost in progressive matters. Again wiPiBay let there be a good attendance, A, PARKER, having bought • hotel atJSAUJUt&e, Iowa, willjjsell hfif very stock, in this village, at Public Auction on Saturday of next week, March 3d. This is no sham sale, but everything will be sold without re serve, as Mr. Parker is obliged to be in Iowa by March 15, to take possession et his property. His stable comprises some fine carriage and work horses, and his carriages, busses aud other stock are first class in every particu lar. Xo ene who wishes anything in this line should fail to attend the sale on the 3d. /THE friends, of John Blake were fceoiewhat alarmed at his strange actions on Friday morning last. They watched him harness his cow and at tempt to milk his horse, and when he took a pall of water and a tin eup and passed It around, Insisting that all should take a drink they immediately summoned a jufy and were about te try dim for lunacy. But when he struck up and sung "Where Is my bey to-night," the mystery was explained. A ten pound boy had arrived at blB home the night before, and no ere talamed him for being a little excited, rather and son are deing well. PREPARATIONS for tbe annual spec tacular burlesque at the Chicago Op era House are progressing finely and a spectacle Is promised far outrivaling last Summer's attraction. Captain Alfred Thompson, whe designs the eostumes and scenery, was In Chicago last week consulting Manager Hender son in regard to miner details and the company is being gathered from the best burlesque talent la the country. Last summer'scast was weak In many respects. Tbe many bl.misbes in scenery found in the 1 »st summer's production will be entirely overcome, the management having secured the service* of Mr. Wm. Veegtlin and Mr. Wm. Crane, two of the foremost art ists engaged in this line of work In America. It is not the purpose of the management to put the piece upon tbe road after Its run at the Chicago Op era House. Tbe annual summer ex travaganza is written and prepared for this theatre alone, as after a run of that kind such a piece sutlers by the mutilation usually occurring on tbe read, TAKE NOTICE. If you want a gentleman's driver, a nice carriage team, a good substantial work team, a kind and trusty lad'es' driyer or a saddle horse, do not fall to attend tbe auction sale Saturday, March 3,1888, at 10 o'clock, a. m„ at the livery stable of F. •. Parker, West McHenry, 111. Our line of DressGoods, Ginghams and Prints cannot bo surpassed In quality and prlc0. Bromi * BULKS. I'Iweeding* of the Board of Trustees. McHisirar, 111., Feb. 6,1883. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Granger, Crlsty, Parker. Walsh and Rot ber me I, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented, audited and tbe clerk orderetl to draw orders on tbe treasurer for tbe same: s McDonald, street work Wm *chriener, . " C Block, « *o H Block, •• Geo Curtis, Tillage Constable R Bishop, repairing puuip Thos Murphj, care lamps J Van Slyke, publishing proceeding*.. the Moved by Trustee Walsh that sum of |25 be allowed Mrs. Harriet Holmes for damages sustained by step ping through * bole in the sidewalk. Lest by the following vote, Ayes--Walsh, Nays--Crlsty, Parker, Rothernel, Moved by Trustee Parker that a do nation of $10 be made te Mrs. Harriet Holmes on account of her age, poverty and misfortune, and that the money be placed In the bands of Mrs. T. J. Walsh, to be expended as she saw fit. Carried, Moved by Trustee Crlsty that tbe Village Oonstabie be directed to en force the Ordinance in relation te Saloons being open on Sunday, and instrugted to prosecute all known to violate said Ordinancc.il Carried. f Moved,by Trustee Walsh that the < Village Constable be Instructed te notify the Justices of the Peace to All IMPORTANT FACT. »Isqr Con for Weak, Tired, nd Ner vous XTeellags. Persons complain that they are weak, tired, d exhausted: they have no appetite, t strength, no life or ambition to work; they te irritable, cross, bine and discouraged; leome esses there are pains and aches in •ioos parts of the body. there is often 'estion, dyspepsia, belching of wind, doll and general dispirited feeling. Hleep- resUess, and wakeful nights follow, "lect of these symptoms results in exoes- nervous prostration or paralysis with imbness, trembling, oold feet and legs, ckling sensation and weakness and weari- of the limbs. ALGONQUIN- ousanda become prostrated, paralyzed insane by neglecting the first symptoms, jt knowing that the nervous irritability, ioom of tho mind, loss of memory, nervous iskness and depression show an exhaustion nerve foroa which will, unless the proper iterative reme.iy is used, result in utter intal collapsj and absolute prostration of ve and physical power. , *ve yourselves from the?e terrible results |ule there is yet time by the use of that fnderfnl nerve mvigorator and health re- rer, Dr. Greene's Nervnra Nerve Tomo. It ia purely vegetable remedy, and may be »d by children or the most delicate ra ids with absolute certainty of cure. Its ts are truly wonderful, and it is only sary to use it to be convinced of ite rvelous restorative and strength-giving era. Do not fail to u«e this remedy, for it is greatest medical discovery of the oentury, id an absolutely certain cure will result. S drugsrista keep it. Price $1 per bottle. Be and get Dr. Greene's Nervura Nerve nic; take no other, for this remedy has no oat. If your druggist doe i not hare it, he 11 get it for von. Its discoverer, Dr. «me, 35 West J4tli street, New York, the r_ rat specialist in curing nervous and ehron- persone 0 diseases, can be consulted free, personally " bv letter. Use his great remedy and write n'about your case. The Wealth of Napoleon. * ' One of the most remarkeble historic al incidents of this oentury was the . .. „ , psappearance of Napoleon I.'s enor- turn over te tbe Treasurer all monlec ^%Ttnne. In 1810 he was far and In their hands belonging to tbe Vil- |»eay the richest individual in the world. 1 age, and to collect all fines now out standing. Carried. On motion adjourned. F. K. GKAHGBB, President. J. VAN SLTKE. Clerk. e camo out of the Italian campaign ding in 1800 with $4,OIK).000, accord- g to his own account. This, he niain- ined, was his private property. Tak- g tlie statements he made to his iends and others at Bt. Helena, he net have hidden away when he left ranee the last time the enormous sum $40,000,000, or 200,000,000 francs, his would make him very much the MR, EDITOR:--I find an article In the PLAINDEALER, of last week's ' Issue, ev idently from the pen of Mr. Hogan, of Velo, saying that be Is still of the realthiest man in the world, for that opinion that an onnce of blood is Uni then was equal in influence to worth more than a pound of meat, etc. 1200,000,000 now. No (sovereign of his Mr. Hogan, I understand, Is the owner ime col|ld. he/m «<> aPIfoaeh him in ,. * . ' , , personal fortune. Marshal Soult, the ef two or more famous flyers, and in Gf tbe jmperial marshals (whodied the last three weeks he has been in November, 1851, just about a year spreading himself lu a sort of a gar before his great antagonist, the Duke bag style, with a great amount ef°' Wellington), told a venerable blow and bluster on tbe amount of 8ene.Ial °®cer' *ho 5®Pe?,ted ,, . . it to the writer, that when the Lm- money he would wager on the afore- peror went to Elba he had 60,000,000 said flyers mentioned. In the PLAIN- francs covered up in Paris alone. DEALER he says he is now looking for Of the $12,000,000 hard cash paid some of tbe money he lost, or In the^ over at one time by the United States language of Mr. Hegan, the money be 10 NaPoleon •» Consul, in lhOU, it i| [None*.--Persons in Algonquin and violn u ity, knowing themselves indebted for the 8< PLAINHEAI-RR can learn of the amount 2 Balling on John Helm, who is snthorued to . receive money and receipt for tlie same, in " jurname. Tnos€ wislitog to subscribe can a leave their names at his (Store. (Jail on |him and get a sample co py.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--On Wednes day evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morton, Mr. and Mrs, H. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. J, Peter, Mr, and Mrs W. Julian, Mr. and Mrs. H, B. i'hroop, and Mr. and Mrs. J, Helm attended a Euchre Party at Chas. Hoxle's, at Duudee, A very pleasant evening was spent by all. Several of our Modern Woodmen atten^d the dedication of the Wood- mans Hall, at Dundee, on Monday evening of this week, the Railroad Company running an Excursion train from Nunda on the occasion. Our thaw caught a very severe cold on Monday of this week. Miss. Clara Hubbard, of Wayne, spent Sunday;here with friends. Some very enjoyable as well as In structive meetings were held at 2the Congregational Church during the past week, conducted by Frank W. Smith. The meetingsjwHi be closed by the popular lectures -'Under which fi flag," and "In) and* out of Anderson- ville," on Monday and Tuesday even ^ ing of this week. Mrs. Geo, Dedd gave a tea party on Saturday last, and of course the ladles enjoyed themselves. The Basket Sociable on Tuesday evenlng}>f last week was a^snecess, beth socially and* financially. Miss Belle Rattery drew the quilt. The twins born to the wife ef^one ef our Modern Woodmen, on Monday of last week, are doing well.. Their combined weight was 14 pounds. When Doc. B'ord ..heard of tbe twins that-was born in thft Wood mens Camp, he went straight way aodttnade appli cation for membership and^a seat at their Camp fire, C. E. Chapel) came in with a car load of milch cows on Saturday last, and he Is billed for an Auction Sale or Tuesday, Feb. 21st. -- B -- w a s common rnmor--not verv irenpral 1 eauae to Qtilncy lu Jan, 1887 and put out at Interest at LibertyVilie, and _fw i rf^n 1 entered this school which was recom- it is my candid opinion that if the McHenry boys who backed G. O. at Ltbertyville would tell the truth, the amount of money lost by Mr. Hogan at LibertyviUe wouldn't buy a two- cent postage stamp. And in regard to tbe |20 forfeit which be applied on interest last week, It Is all gas, for 1 have the $20 in my pocket which the stake-holder declared forfeited to me, aud I will match either of the horses mentioned In the PLAINDEALER, the race to take place within two weeks on Bangs Lake, Wauconda, for 950 er $200 a side, and I wish Mr. Hogan te tistinetly understand that I am still of the opinion that an ounce of sand is worth more th|n a pound of wind, /vv- v D. MCCABE. Wauconda, Feb. 20,18S8. 0l Firth Congressional lastitnte. Hon. George Reed, Vise President for the Fifth Congressional District, has completed arrangements for what promises to be an Interesting meeting for the farmer.-* residing in the coun ties of Lake, McHenry, Boone, DeKalb and Kane. The meeting will *0 held in Woodstock, Tuesdav and Wednes day, Feb. 2S and 29l 1888. Arrangements have been nsade for excursion rates on the roads leading to Woodstock, Tbe programme hits been prepared with great care, and Includes the following speakers and topics: Address of Welcome, Hon. M. L. Joslyn, Mayor of Woodstock; Re- spoo9ev Hon. Samuel Dysart, Franklin Grove, president State Board. Shall we dehorn our cattle, and why t H. H. Hail, Atkinson, 111.; Land drainage, Bon. C\ H. Tryon, Greenwood; Feed for the oairy, both for profit and eooo- omy, R. M. Patrick, Marengo; Im proved stock, Col. Charles F. Mills, Springfield, Secretary State Board of Agriculture; Chemistry In the feeding Stablg, Prof. Wm. McMurtrie. Cham paign; Ensilage, E. J. Oatmao, Dun dee; Education for Farmers, Prof George E, Morrow, Champaign; Es says by Mrs. Ira Curtlss, Marengo. F. G. Hackley, Riley; Wm, Alien. Wood stock, and Mrs. O. H. Gilmore. Wood stock; Farmers' Institutes and their mission, Hon. D. B. Gill bam, Upper Alton; Public highways, Hon. &. C. Lewis, Deer Park;Our Insect enemies, Prof. S. A. Forbes.Champaign; Will it pay t<frenew our orchards In Northern Illinois? J. V. Cotta. Nursery, III.; The breeding of horses, uses and profits, Hen. John Landrigan. Albion; Diseases of Swine, prevention, eteM W. W. Ellsworth, Woodstock; The sheep industry, and profits at present prices, Frank Cole, Burton. Our readers will serve their best in terests by attending what promises to be an interesting and profitable meet ing for farmers. Five pounds good roasted Cofleo for #1.00 at Stoflel * Blake's, Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal. * Farmers, look to your horses. To have (hem In good trim for spring work use Besley's Condition Powders. Tbe beBt in tbe market. ^ In order to m&ke room for the larg est stock of spring and summer goods ever brought to Woodstock or McHen ry county, we will sell our winter and warm goods and heavy boots and shoes of all kinds at a great bargain, and it will pay you to come from all over the county to trade with us. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. A Remarkable Kccord, Notwithstanding the adversity of tbe elements, and in .spite of the storms aud blizzards which have been reported as impeding travel in the great Northwest, wo have from tbe Chicago & North-Western. Railway tbe official statement that its "OVEU- LAND EXPRESS" between Chicago and Council Blufls during the 50 days of Its operation, irom December 20th to February 6ih, has suflered no serious interruption to Its movement. During enly four days of this time--In the midst, of the great January storm- was this train as mue^ as one beur be- alnd its schedule. Eight tlinos jjits arrival was within ene hour of sched ule, and In every other iustance its arrivals have been accurately£on time. It Is confidently asserted that no fast train upon.any other roadfjn this continent can during the same period show a better.re cord* v 32-1 w ' V . ' • Our 25 cent Tea is elegant. If it don't please you return it, ttTOFFEL & BLAKE, Through Sleeping Cars to tlie Pacific Coast, By special arrangements, beginning March 1st, the Chicago & North western Railway will despatch for special pariies new Family sleepers, to run through from Chicago to Los Angeles, California and Portland, Oregon, without change. These cars provide sleeping accomo dations free of charge. For detailed information, apply to the agents of the Chicago & North western Railway, or to the General Passenger Agent at Chicago. 32-2w, AN Old Story.--Look at a human being under tbe influence of that terrible torture rheumatism. Trivial symptoms were neglected until the disease became eitablished, whereas all tbe long suffering could have been prevented by the prompt use of Salva tion Oil, costing on!y,25. cents a bottle at ail drug stores. We handle tbe celebrated Jehu Fos ter Shoe, STOFFEL & BLAKE. Fish of all ABWtflk kinds CHEAP at Stolid The Sunny South. The Chicago & North»Western Rail* way Co. Is no*r selling cheap first-class Excursion Tickets at Very low rates to tbe health and pleasure resorts of the South, including Jacksonville aud oth er Florida poiuie; New Orleans, La., and to points In Mississippi, Alabama and Texas, For tickets, rates and full informa tion, apply to agents Chicago & North Western Railway. 32-3 w, f* Go to Mrs. C. A. flfnson's for Dress- Slaking, Dress Trimmings , and Millin ery goods, etc., at a very reasonable price. We visit the eity every Mon day for goods ordered that I have not on hand. Call again. MRS. C, A. HUTSON. West McHenry. YFOTATQBS. We bare a car load extra choice Early Rese at fl per bushel. This is an excellent opportunity fer farmers to secure good seed, as straight Early •Rose potatoes are scarce this year, Hence we advise you to purchase at once. JOHN EVANSON A Co. Besley's Condition Powders are a great beneflt to cows. Increases t be flovof milk and keeps them healthy. TAKE NOTICE. Having cold out my Furniture busi ness I would respectfully ask all those Indebted to me to call and settle the same at once as 1 most close my books. JOHN B. BLAKE. |McHenrj, Jan.a4tk,l£S8. QPISCT, 111. Fob; li lBSS, EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Believing (list luanyjot your readers are Inter ested in business Colleges and educa tional Institutions generally, I seuti you a few items concerning the Geiu city Business ̂ College of this city. <&ended to me by a former student, tbe'ieueflt arising frem the comple tion of tbe course of study furnished by this college; the, stimulus one re ceives in being assorted with several hundred energetic jopug 4 people preparing themselves ftf the duties of life and the kindly Interell taken by the teachers in (he welfare of students cannot be too highly estima ted. Quincy has a well regulated system of public Bchoels and many fiat- Churches, these together, with Its healthful climate and good society make it a very desirable place of resi dence. Homing that these few items may be of Interact~H*o^fottr readers, 1 remain. Yours respectfully, F. M. CARR. SLAUGHTERED AT AUCTION.. Having concluded to change my bus iness to hotel keeping In the West, 1 now ofler at public sale without re serve, no matter what it brings, the best livery outfit in this country foi the size of it. The horses are all either first class livery stock or good substantial work horses. Tbe carria ges or rolling stock were all made to order, never haying bought or used a cheap, low grade vehicle of any de scription. Sale to come oil Saturday, ilarch 3J, 1888, at ten o'clock a. in. Belew is a partial list of the stock: 13 liue Livery and Work Horses, 1 bay Pony, 6 Top Buggies in good order, 1 fine New Haven Carriage, new, 1 two seated top Platform Wagon nearly new, 1 two seated Carriage, 1 two seated three spring wagon uew, 1 five sealed Park Wa^ou 15 passengers, 1 Omnibus 22 passeugers. 1 extra Car riage Top, I tiuok Board, 1 fine new ferilaud Cutter, 3 4well Body Cutters one new, 1 pair Light Bobs. 1 Lumber Wagon. 2 sets 'Bus Harness, 4 sets L!gbl Hame Harness, 4 sets Single Harness. 10 fine Leather Nets. 4 Web Nets. 5 Bufialo Rjbes, 1 Wolf Kobe, 2 pair5A Square Blaukets, 300 bushelt Oats, Whips, Lap Robes, Spreads. Stable Blankets, Bells aud other arti cles found in a first cl»ss livery stable. TERMS OF SALE.--All sums ef elG cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per ceut interest. A liberal discount for cash. F. A. PARKER. J F. K. GUANOES, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. The..underslgned will sell at public auction on tbe old Sutton farm one mile southeast of McHenry on the riv er road, 011 Thursday, Feb. 23d, 18S8, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following propertj': 7 cews, new milch and springers. 4 yearling Heif ers, 1 yearling Bull, 2 two-yoar-old Steers, 4 Calves, 1 spao ef Horses 5 and 10 years old, 1 bay Mare 5 years old, l bay Gelding 7 years old, 6 Shoats, 2 Lumber Wagons, 1 Milk Wagon,1 tep Buggy, 1 pair Bob Sleighs, I Mower, 1 Hay Rake, 1 Sulky Cultivator. 2 Dia mond Tooth Cultivators, 1 Sulky Plow. 1 Sod Plow, 1 Harrow, 1 Corn Planter, about 12 tons Slough Hay, Household Goods, and other articles not men tioned. TERMS OF SALE --Sums of FLO and under cash. Over that sum a credit of ten months will be given on ap proved notes at 7 per cent interest Two per cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon. M. KENAELLY. ,F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. In tie village of Ringwood, the fol lowing property One good Dwelling House contain ing seven rooms, goofl cellar. On tbe same lot is a shop 12x32, one story, suitable for almost any kind of bus! ness. If applied for at once, will sell bouse separate for 9500. Or will sol) bouse, lot and shop for $650^ Posses sion given immediately. Also another house and loc wvll located. The house contains ten rooms, and there is a good stable and other outbuildings on tho premises. Will be sold for 91000 cash. Call on or address, WESLEY LADD, itlefwoo^W. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY*. MASONIC.--A. F. and tA. M. meet at Masonic Ilall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- inirs of each month. MODRRN WOODMEN OF AMWCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Thursday even ings of each month. Neighbor* cordially In vited. SONS OF TKMFEKANCK.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER Masquerade Friday evening. Moving time has nearly arrived, Frank Valentine has moved to Ne-' brack a. •? A number of wells III town have become dry of late- Master Hugh R?we has been quite sick with diphtheria. Tbe prevalliug disease at present is a cold and sore throat. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chapman, are happy over the possession of a little daughter. Stud^ up your spelling lessen for Saturday evening and win the diction ary, Henry Skinner shipped six fine horses from the north last week which be has for sale. . * . ; i *- • Thurston Mason will have an auction on Monda^ 'beSft. * Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Vincelette went to Chicago Friday for a weeks recrea- lion. • Mrs. Archibald bas let her farm te Nick Mergener, arid will move to town soon, The people from the south part of town gave Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Glass a pleasant surprise the other evening. As soon as the poles can be set, G. B, Stone will extend a telephone line from town to his residenoe. The Misses Marshall's, of Elgin, are visiting their sisters, Mrs, Archibald and Mrs. Chas. Ehle. Ira Ellis and Beal Finch finished filling Munger's Ice house Thursday. Thirty six loads of eighteen large cakes each filled It, A few of the young people from here surprised Miss Madge Merry, over at Alden.on Friday evening. Representatives from many nations will be present at Rowe's Hall on Fri day evening, to keep time to the music furnished by Smith and Corle6s, celebrated Orchestra from Janesvllle with harp accompauiment, The Leap-year Sociable was enjoyed by all except those gentlemen who were obliged to remain at home while their "better half' went with a hand somer man. A Literary Society has been organ ized by the good people on the Kicb>noud road. At the first meeting tield at Mr: Kelley's last week Miss Bell Fenner was elected president and Frank Parsons Secretary, At this writing the bargain is abeut dosed that will make J. Reynolds the •wuerofWm. II yd as farm, and F. E. fatten will take possession of tlie Hot&lv ,kThere is many a slip twlx; tbe cup^*0^ UP" but should the ex- •hange takO1*00' Mr- njrde will go feb California',^. The second euMj,1'® the home of Mr. Conn on Tuesday number were prese merry time. Mrs, Dr.""HerrTck and Pete Rowe were the wluncs of th»- nead prizes. The next party will be the residence of Sanford Rotnour on Thursday evening of next week. We understand thereMs a movement in certain parts of the ceunty to devi ate from the path of virtue, in regard to (he contract entered Into at the convention in regard to Circuit Clerk Now we in this If fie section of the •ounty consider this contract as bind ing as an oath, and will support W. P. Morse. "Boys look a leetle out," aud don't be foolished. but stay by Web ar.d you will all wear diamonds. ̂ ' '• mm Business Notices. A choice line of Box Paper, ehesK* et Besley's, West Side. ^ SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," tk* best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale, Apptr ft#, \ Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. ̂f Do you want a pair of Bob Sleighs* t Vl If so do bujr iiotil yon learn m* • prices. - • frl •Wv, •••; R BISHOP ' ' Candee Hnbber Goods and the Red Jffisk jt ' Felt Boots at Bonslett ft Stoffel's. Besley's Famous Waukegui Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A« £*» glen's and John Heimer's. ^ WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prioe in casb will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Jf^x fliver Valley Mills. Mc Henry. R, BISHOP. , • ! t Notice, To those that want "Tubs, Vats, Hay . Racks,and anything in my line of busi« ness. Work done on ihort notice to , order. Shop one door South of Law* 'us' Store, F. A. HKBAKD. McHenry, Aug. 10,1885. 11-4-ty •, WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cashtv; will be paid tor goed Milling Wheati at the F<?x River Vall<*y Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP, f Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy Cloaks at your own price.- Alse Qvereoats, Pea Jackets. Suits, etc., at Bonslett A Sto&, fel's. •"«. 1 :ti "A i J All kinds of Story Books for children cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Wagon Grease" ever used, a new thine, aj? Besley's, • £ School Books and Stationery, alt kinds, at Besley's Drug Store A| Side. • V; sMf We offer rare chances on Underwear; a!eo!r, fV t' Gloves, Mitts, Caps, etc. BON8T,KTT A STOFTSL. Shakespeare's Works, Red Lino > Edition, for only #1 at Besley's drug : «tore west side. We sell the well known Kenosha Cracker^ always fresh. BONSLETT ASTOFFBI* Besley's celebrated Ale on draught tt John Heimer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Gngeln's. The most healthy drink fori any weather. - Ladies' and Gunt»* hose and socks of oure wool, splendid value, at Evan~ iou's closing out s tie. For Flour, Feed, Hsy. Ensilage Corn,Clove# * Timothy, Millet, etc., see R»n»lett A Stoffel, Bob Sleighs of nay own manufacture *nd warranted cheap. Cill aud seo •em, R. BISHOP, I We have a good tea 5 pounds for $1. Tea drinkers ple tse call for sample.. JOHN EVANSON & Co. : Our 30 cent Japan Tea is good; tbe 60 cent ii nnch bfrtter. Try it. .mtfyflS-lETT & STOFFEL. ially efficacious in noting upon the Kid- T. ijw, and other excretory organs, clcanslng. S lengthening, and heating their diseases. As J 1 appetizing, restorative tonic, it nromotoe gestlon and nutrition, thereby budding up ith flesh aud strength. In malarial districts, ill wonderful medicine has gained great "• wpbrity iu curing Fever and Ague, Chills and r, Dumb Agu<\ and kindred diseeaps, •. Pierco'a Golden HedtsS) DIs. v, cry URES AlAJBWgB5» r, T SEWING MACHINES. The American No, 7, the Helpmate^' 1 Eldredge, New Home, Wheeler & WilW & « •ton No. 8 Household, Howe Improved, Davis and New York can all be bought . >, I nf O. W, Owen. McHenry, at $20 lest. , J than manufacturers' prices. Call wA them. WHEAT WANFBD. The highest market price in casi *111 be psid for good Milling Wheat,*; »t the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo FARM FOR SALE OR REHF« Having decided to quit farming I ofler for Sale or Rent my farm, con listing of 270 acres, situated ene mile Bast of Hartland D.ipot, and four and a half mllos Northwest of Woodstock. One hundred aud sixty acres^are under cultivation, the balance Meadow and Pasture, Good barn and house, and well fenced, If parties do not warn the whole, will rent or sell 160 acre>- per ate. For further particular* inquire, of the uudeislgned ou the premises. H. QUINLIN, 32-1 m. Besley's Death to Rata ts sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale Ids House and Two Lots, situated In the village of Nunda. Is pleasantly locat ed, has a good well and cistern, good barn and other outhouses, and Is a de slrable piece of property. Will be sold reasonable if applied for soon. For further particulars inquire at this office or on the premises, of * D. B. WARNER. Nunda, Feb. 20'h, 1888. Brace Up. Ton §uw, feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with headache, you are fidgetty nervous, and generally out of soru and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, whieh nave for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate vou for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than be fore. What you want is an alternative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re newed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes in this manner to thank her many friends in McHenry and vicinity for the very liberal patronage be stowed on her while here, and would respectfully ask all these Indebted to her to call at the old stand, in West McHenry, where they will find her daughter ready to give them a receipt for the aaouut We trust that all indebted te me will call at once as 1 wish to settle my outstanding ac counts as soon as possible. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Honest Abe Flour. #1.05. Good Smoking Tol»0o*,l»oaoUat Oonsleti &Hefll»l*a» R. BISHOP. Henry. WHEAT WANTED. J The highest market price In cashfc* will be p*id for good milling wheal - " at the Fox River Val>y Mills. Mc* Henry. • R, BISHOP. ^ ' k'•' " C«y and see our stock of spectacle^ - Don't pay a high price to a traveling 1 stranger when you can get Just at" - good lor oue-fourth the money. Cal|» tod be convinced. GEO, W, BBSLST, |g at tbe West Side Drug Store. - WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cask ' .<»- Jvill be paid for good Milling Wheal it the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc*.. Henry. R. BISHOP. CARPET WEAVING. || The undersigned is prepared tf v If weave liag Carpets on short uotloo md at Reasonable rates. Resldenc# f »ne Block West of tbe residence oiv: Wm. Wilsh. Orders respectfully so-" Ilclted, aud satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. WM. FOLTS. * ^ < Buoklon's Arnica Sal vow ' The bc>st Salve in cue world lor outs jruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever - 1 sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilltlainsn corns, and all skin eruotians, and pos<* , „ '.ively cures piles, or no pay required* >t is guaranteed to give perfect satisV. faction, or mouey refunded. Prioe ift r * e»ts per box. For sale by G.-WV Besley. A Special Sale of Clothing, At Auction Prices* Drab Overcoat Diagonal Silk Faced, only 9.00 A. Custer Fine Beaver * 9.0Qr A Beaver Square Coatf 3.7$: Heavy Twilled Suit 4,90; Cheap aud line Check Pants 2.41) - Boys Suits 1.00, 2.00 best 3,7$ Scotch Caps, d'ble knit, 35 to 40 Leather faced Mittens .40 Undershirts r r -M to .5$ English Hose only ' E. LAWLU8, . •n Frontof tho Riverside HotoL Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has eaoMN$ snch a general revival of bu«loett at Besley's drug store as their glf* ing iway to their customers of so many trial bottles of Dr, Kiug's New Ola* covery for consumption. Their tradB' is simply enormous in this very valval ble article, from the fact that it allfiiiyp cures and uev«r disappoints. Cougha, col 's asthma bronchitis, croup, ana all throat and lung iliseav* quickly ovroA You can test it before buying liy nf. ting a trial bottle free, largo tlto Every bottle warranted. 4 4 -a h . i' 4 - "-4 -*'f 'i All kinds LaiKV and Gen It Pocket books and bags at Bdalev's ~ «ett siAtt