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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1888, p. 8

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'iilWl iiinji llii'iiilinww iiii mi i in mil ii 111 minimi miiiii imiwi mil mm iiiii L.1' '1" IL. J"!1 1.1.IJ wininriiw&i i> ii" in1 h'i w « ii'i •* " "*»w * * v /** -*> »• rw ^ * » "<*» "c > ,,s®i¥ PRH5 *¥» xr« ** >y^.' . KSMS if""" lu fC-'WVil 2MToHEQNJErir.-.v» rsj Spring 1888, ' . ; • ' v. -v-\ /ni- . MWtST SMAtkK* ^ LAKGFST "VARIETY CLOSEST PRCES../ :S ' fe M»ne recently oo- of ftfe aedate up-towa betels. Among tbe arrivals Wtte of a distinguished army ? of brilliant attainments home the leader of its etrcles. Being a stranger, Witkal pununingi she caused ner 1» registered simply as Mrs, J Jffo one noticed her or seemed who she was or where she came *tt<i onoe or twice shes was Haturally, she was a trifle .» And maintained an equally ^ntooni reserve. A few days one of her friends arrived who had Wquaintances among the guests of the fctilMB, and was quite popular with HMHn She was astonished, however, It find that they had practically ig- BOred the quiet lady whose shoes some tit them were not lit to unloose, and re- MMTked that they had missed a treat fat not knowing one of the most culti­ vated women in the land. Then they W0te all solicitous for an introduction. The denoument came a day or two liter. Mrs. C. was in the parlor when her friend entered* and at once took s •eat by her side. „ , "I'm going to introduce yon, she mid, ana before a word of objection could be uttered she turned to the company and remarked: "Ladies, al­ low me to present to you my friend, Mrs. Gen. C ." . In an instant everybody recognized a name that is a part of the country s history, and there was a fluttering ol delighted surprise. The ladv rose in fcer own queenly style, looked around the group, and then with chilling . hauteur, said: "Excuse me, ladies, but, like your- t, selves, 1 prefer choosing my acquaint* *• " ances in this hotel, and as I expect to leave to-morrow any further knowl- y~ ? .!' edge of each other is unnecessary. -- ?•-' ftwn Topic*. v •" m • • »f k Brave Frontier Wom îl. K , The wife of a recent Governor of a ffvi1 ;»|Mf Western State used to take her i,\ S&U.U "Sole SSSZilX £e I ornament, in black-and colors. * '* to sleep with the stars for company. Pi «'v* Her husband was obliged to make long freighting trips to some distant wiring camp. She has recently pre- V t aided in her husband's home at the fe. State capital, while he filled the high­ lit*' ' cat office in the State. And that capi- fjj1, ' tal has sprung from a few dugouts to 76,000 inhabitants since her/days and It- j f7 r̂'; C A S H Since adopting the cash system our customers are more than | pleased with the ? - > t - * % . , „ i itJL ± >argam§ To be found a* our store. Baying and selling for Ca-h enable^ We received last week25 styles I tia to discount foimer prices, and we are giving our customers including the elegant | the benefit thereof. We have now, in every department, a fitter line of Goods than ever before, and invite a careful inspections by the buying confident that by so doing you will MERCHANTS Make it tor your interest to buy your Oft " 1 * *1»S£ 1 J' *' .'tn; ' :%4, .&M Forty- six inches of fines| fabric, and verj handsome shades. We al«o have a complete and new stock of A §•*: •!$ DRESS TRIMMINGS, Beaded Sets, Silk Sets* GROCERIES, Wool Sets. We are confident we can please you both in quality and price* In short we Defy Competition in any and all departments. Braids, Velvets, etc. imvitedv l>rl rs. Inspection |3gf~Give us A Call before Purchasing. j^Fl S ALTHOFF BROS • i 1 .. McHeify, 10,%88. CARPETS, V. SHEPARD rights of danger on the river bluff/ unci her children yet in their teen&, By Sample, latest styles, large | selection. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, } i Still among the living and at the front with a superb stock of the newest and tast £i-". have been enjoying the educational advantages of a State university. 8# Another brave women, afterward the wife of a county Judge, was seized by an Indian lover, who intended to place her upon his pony and carry her away with him. She gave him a quick blow with the rolling pin that she was using, then pnshed him with all her mignt out of the door and against his pony. Then she snatched her rifle, took tne cap box from her pocket, where she always carried it, and, fitting a cap to her gun, aimed at the Indian's heart. In the meantime he had mounted his pony, and now fell upon his face on . . . i . -t u the pony's neck. The cap snapped, I And last but not least, don t fortunately, but she pursued him, de- | forget OUT new termined to kill him. She was a good matkswoman, frequently killing ante­ lopes and other game. Her husband tell that if she had killed him there would have been no escape from the fnry of the savages,who were camping near in large numbers, and his only conveyance being a slow ox team.-- Daughters of America. McHE^I -DEALER IN-- TLLimUS, Also the Celebrated Garland Stoves es The Prize and Black Acorn, iinirvesal,' Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors,"|Elegant I Coal Heaters. We have one of the Of us for the next DATS, Remember OUB S T O R Is ful| of New Goods in every Depart- ment Which we shall offer at as Low Priees as is consistent with hofK est, upright, square dealing, which shall be our aim in all our transactions. By thus doing we hope to merit and receive a liberal share of your esteemed patronage which is most respectfully so­ licited. 8T0FFEL A BLAKE. that we keep And fixtures of all kindi. In­ veterate fault finders admit them to be awtul cheap and dreadful nice. ' ""%*? CLOTHING, Do not fail to see that new let of Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jack­ ets, Shirts, etc., received this | week. They are O. K. New colors, new shapes, good I quality, small profit*. MORGAN HPR E, Short V Bid PolW Angus, ' And Jersey Cattle. . Billside Wert McHenry, Oar Morgan Stock la all pare bred, and Mrtcinated from the best Morgan stosk^u the Outed States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the Head ef our Stock, is one ot the best bred Morgan torses in the country, and can show more and . *11 purpose colts than any other horse im the West. We Invite the Inspection of on* stock by •ixaeown and all lovers of line animals, . A few full blood Morgan Oolts and young towes tor sale. Also one matched team, full la CXttte we have the full blood Short Horn i ^ _ . , , « . i which we are crossing with the Red Polled | ana warranted by the pioneers Angus and therefore instead of sawing offuhe P * •' J - -l Bonis we are breeding them off ftod suoeess. _A tew Heifers and Balls, both pure bred 5*' Horns and the dross above mentioned Mr tale. J- R- taylor A Sons. V. *Mt MoHenry, DU. Feb, t;th. IflSS y • * *" r [Largest Stocks df Stoves IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty stoves from*which to make a selection. In short | everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can be found at I our Store. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. JOBBING! AND - Promptly Attended To, McHenry, Sept. 27th, 1887. ypjlgtjVj ifMUtal -I wim im TIIBB, j BOOTS AND SHOES Look over our large new stock f. HAUPERlSCH, t Carrin of A11 our custom goods are made ad warranted by the pioneers and'with I'a west for good footwear, . I ^aig° & Co. By buying n„r. I Hberal|y f()r cagh we areJenai,le3 to reduce prices on many favor­ ites, in addition to recent good j improvements. FELT BOOTS AND ©VERS, Sip tnd Brain Wool Liasd Boeto, Bsbbor and Boa Boota, -FI Men's, Women's Hisses & Children's Buckle Arctics Higrli pntton Arctics, And Warm Goods of all kinds. These goods wil' be .sold so low that it will pay you to come from all over McHenry Cojmty to trade with me. ; ; M A K E R , XeHenrj, • In demand for Lent. Lent! demands lots of Fish. We carry | a complete stock oi |fo. I Jftsh. N. w. H. DWIGHT, Wooditock, B.--House Established In I860. ' Illinoi«. WEST SIDE _ I havejww on tend a lot of Top Bt Bottom And wariant them toibe|A No. l in every par tkralar. If you want a .bargain In this line Mil on me, I also do a General Blacksmithing ?isinessf and will do your work in the best manner and with the least possible delay. REPAIRI1N G TEA, - COFFEE, SPICES; We handle a full, clean, good and cheap line of Family (irocer- ies. Remember *your faults and i give part of your trade to tLtyxstr'*' attended to. Call and Pi HAIIPCRISOH. West McHenry, L. 0. LIHCOLN, Prop Having recently remitted my Restauraat, near tbe Depot, iu first class style. I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold lleals, At all hours of the day or evening. Hot Coffee or Tea on five minutes notice. 1 A FULL STOCK Or Bakera1 Supplies ALWAYS OR HAND. Choice Fruits, of All KMs, XH THEIB SEASON. • im DM LINCOLN* WMt MoHaary, May list, 1887. Practical Planter aid Decorator ;i /5 HEBRON, ILL. ? ' Decorating, Paper-Hanging CALCIMININQ, Q&AININQ, &o Done oa short notice and satistketioa guaiaa- teed. Call on or address, H. FISH. Hebron,inL, May SSd, 1W7, Farmers if you need any goods fje m Wpuey, bring wood E, Lawlus. a And know that -we have to meet any and all com petition. Gall and you can clearly see why we can make you Special Offer for a short time xm iM'- - SHOES Youra Trul' i & MoHENHY, iww receiving a full assortment T,W; r- - . 1 Y ' * V 1 1 i i v i t e y o u r i n s p e c t i o n o f t h e s a m e ; I t w i l l b e o u r a i m toP OUR STOCK , j H * '* f 4f -V s jQgmplete at IA11 -WITH THE BEST- AND NEWEST GOODS, W« 3F». STBVig West McHenry , DEALER IN* AND i, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware held a'barfel'1 866 °Ur Qalvanize<i Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that will FXJZiL LXXTS OF For both coal and wood, of the best makes,always on hand, ill short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in Vic Henry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. "• I have employed a first Tinner, and all ' Will be done on short notice and specialty of Butter Factory work, respectfully solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A A share of public patronage W. P. ftlM STEVENS, as 1 ---"-"iMCALER IK"! • >" DRUGS, UEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles* FOB MEDICAL PURE USE Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and always on hand. PHYSICIANS; PRESCRIPTIONS 0gt*iSiully Compounded, McHenry, December 28th, 188|»; W» BE8LEY. Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from . . . . . COMPANY, Near tli© Depot* McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are . prepared to offer to the public Tkt Bist Quality of.Ltunbir! • * --AT THE-- LOWEST LIVING PRICES. 7vV^S,V; •• '£7 s^- Casiop, Door aid WiMow Frames-Ready Maie-always oo Hail Also the Best Brand# of BarbuWIreJ We shall keep our stock, complete at all times and spare iio jpi_ to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. ̂ WILBUR XiUMBER OOMFilT^ I C, H. GRANGER, Manager rm • n.-v •. \ .. " ... J

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