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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1888, p. 5

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m -WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14, 1888, '4MB Railroad Time Table. Takinc effect Sept 19th, trains will put McHenry Station daily, except Sunday 8, as Bellows: OOINO SOUTH. Lake tteneva Passenger *•* •" A:«* Lake Geneva Express take Genera Freistht.i 2:00 r. • ake Geneva Passenger.i.... ;.8:26 • * oortfo MOHtt. Lake Geneva Freight ,.,,..B*11 A. M Lake Geneva Passenger • • .9:52 Like Geneva Egress »4:56p. it l*keGenevaPassenger. 7:00 • B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 r Church Directory. 'METHODIST EPISCOPAL CMUROtf. 'preaching every Sabbath, merging and even- :>~2i Kingwood at 2:30 P. *. \ •"^AJrowd in and wership with OB. "Butine»» 1m* for Eternity. UABDY E. WTCKOFF, A. B., Pastor. UNIVERSAL 1ST CHURCH. 0 Services every Sunday morninjc, and every frst and third Sunday evenings in each JMDth. A cordial vrelceme is extended to every one tOjoin us in our worship. Our Mott»--Stu'iy to know the truth. Ex­ amine--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." REV. II. SLA.DE, Pastor. Announcements. !»;•' y •• fe' !: FOR STATE'3 ATTORNEY. • . ^hereby announce myself a candidate for officeolState's Attorney, subject to the approval of the Republican Convention of the U£••••'• County. J M. F. ELLSWORTH. S^iSated February 27th, 1888. m FOR STATE'S .ATTORNEY, t a*. ' I hereby announce myself as a candidate tor the office of State's Attorney, subject to the approval of the Republican Convention of * ^Ipis county, A. B. COO& j Marengo, III., Feh. 22i, 1898. * FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. ; -;J;deslie the nomination as Republican can- * 41<iate for the office of State's Attorney, such oandidaoy subject to the decision of the Re­ publican County Convention. A. W . YOUNG. ££= *e. | Boy Wanted. ' Wanted, a boy from 14 to 18 years pt age to learn the art of Printing. To one who means business a first class chance wilt be given. Apply at this office. :y\ % • a==a= READ all the new advertisements (bis week. It will pay you well. REMEMBER the Calico Party a| Pftr* ker House Hall, en Wednesday evening next, March 21st. WE are under obligations to G W. Oris wold, of Beverly, Mo., for a copy $f. the Macon, Mo., Times. MB. SLADE'S subject next Sunday evening will be: "Some things about Hell, and what the Bible has to say re* spectlng ir." DISAPPOINTMENT en the part of those who bad been relied upon to give the next lecture in the McHenry Course postpones any notice this week. Miss DORA BESLEY entertained a pleasant party of young folks on Monday evening, at the residence of her parents, on tbe West Side. CAPT. JAMES NISH, who h as been dangerously sick, at his home in Cary, ts reported as Improving rapidly, be­ ing DQW able tosit up a part of tbe time. WE have received a new advertise­ ment for the firm of Stevens & Miller, toe late for this week, but which will appear in our next. In tbe meaatime call and inspeot their bargains. A. G. LOCKE, the Baker, has sold ont his business here to Barbee A Layton, and given them possession of the same. Mr. Locke, we un­ derstand, intends locating at Baraboe, Wis. ANDY MILLER IS the last victim. On Tuesday morning he wa* attempting to stand en his head on the horse pow­ er, back of the Brewery, and when re­ monstrated with he shouted "let me be,its a bey and weighs 12 feet." He meant twelve pounds. But those little mistakes will happen. THE date set for tbe Chicago Opera House Annual extravaganza willbe about tbe latter part of May. Tbe machinists, artists, property men and carpenters have been busy upon the piece for the last four months and it will eclipse any production of a simi­ lar nature ever seen In the west. / FEWER farmers will sell out this I year and make a brake for the west I than for many years past. The re­ ports ot ravages of the weather in the land of the setting sun has saved itiany friends to grand o'd Illinois. It will result in good to the farmer and te Illi­ nois. It is a poor bliwsard that Mows nobody good. / IF tbe person who is asked the ques­ tion, "Have you seen the new coin-- tbe one and three eights ?" replies in the negative then produce a new five- cent nickel, and point to the date-- 1888, which Is tbe "one and three eights," This is the latest joke. But be \ sure tbe person asked bat not read this item, f WE hear that W. H. Ford, formerly / of the Riverside House, to this village. ./ will take posession of the Waverly I House, Woodstock, on the 15th. Mr. Ford i3 one of the best landlords in this part of the State, and we will guarantee that the Waverlv will lose none of its former popularity While g ander bis control. TRY this It you want to see the : purple lilac bloometh before its time: {ftit ofi a go id sized branch of lilac from two to three feet in length, put - It in a jar of tepid water, and keep it in a warm room, about 70 degrees. Keep the water ia the jar tepid by pouring in warm water twice a day, and In about four weeks you will have fragrant blossoms. If you don't sue- . ,4|Hd say the PLAIN DEALER lilac blase# PKRSONAL. J. A. GOING, of Chicago, was on oat streets on Saturday last. Miss GRACE STEVENS, of Burton, h been calling on friends here this week. MRS. J. HAHOVEK, ot Chicago, was visiting with Mrs. Geo. Schrsiner, in this village, last week. MRS. E. J. HANLKY IS visiting friends In Elgin and Cbicago this week. GEO. W, BESLEY attended the fane- ral of Dr. J. W. Bullock, at Wauk*gan on Sunday last. MRS. WIQHTMAH, mother of H. E. Wight man was reported quite sick on Monday. MISS MAGGIE WALSH, who has been visiting friend# In Cbicago the past month, returned to this vil'age on Thursday evening last. O. A. SLAFTER and wife, of Iowa City, Iowa, were here to attend tbe funeral of E. D. Slafter, last week, and remained until to-day. A. N. TRIPP and Miss Julia A. Slafter, of Belvldere, were in attend­ ance at the funeral of E. Slafter on, • •' " . 11"" 1"" • » 1" r- s, , THE Ladies Willing Workers Socii- ty, connected with the Univetsalist Church, will meet with Mrs. O. W. Owen, Thursday afternoon, March 16, at the usual hour. MRS. W. A. CRIST v, President, Miss JVLU A. STORY,[Secretary. FORTY TWO inch black Spanish Lace skirting, French and American Satines Braids, Jet ornaments, etc. Largest assortment of Hamburg, Swiss, and colored embroidery in the county, from Htbrei cents up, at Ladies sales­ rooms, Mas. H. s. GBKGORT. THE publishers of the Legal Advi­ ser, of Chicago, proposes to donate to the relief fund for the benefit of the Mt. Vernon sufferers, rendered desti­ tute by. the cycloue which lately passed over that city, twenty-flve per cent of the amount of subscriptions and re­ newals received for that paper during the month of March. A COLLECTOR for a harvest company says: "I always visit personally every raau who wants more time, and If 1 iind his machine under cover and care- fully stored, he very seldom need ask a second time for the exteuslon* If, however, the machines, plows, etc., stand where they were last used'I gen­ erally begio to foreclose. AT the residence of M'r. and Mrs. 0. A. Walsh will be held a Leap Year Cap Sociable on Friday evening, March 16th. Caps will bo'given the gentlemen an 3 ladies with caps cor­ responding will invite these gents to luncheon consisting of orauges and cake, served for fifteen cents a couple An interesting programme will also be rendered during the evening. WE havje received for our Soldiers Dep irtment, but too late for this week, another endorsement of the course of W, H. Cewlln in bis dealings with "Young Bayonet Points," and condemnation of the course of that chronic iebel sympathizer. It is from members of Nunda Post, G. A. R., and will appear in the Soldiers Depart­ ment next week. A SCIENTIFIC paper says that th« useie3sness of the lightning rod is be­ coming so generally understood that tho agents find their vocation a try­ ing one. Fewer and fewer rods are being manufactured each year, and tbe day will come when a lightning rod ou a house will be regarded in the same light ad a hoi&e-4tioe oVera mans do >r. , 1SUI1 b JFUU gv (U UliUltffl f ' , ..... "Wall, DO, I ain't been lately. I ain't a professor, nohow, bnt wife thar is." "No, not now, Eli,"rejoined his wife, a tall thin woman with an expression of countenance that suggested a pain­ ful memory of toothache. "I wuz a professor, but don't you know I danced over at Shelby's last fall ^two year "Yas, that's a lack. < No, mister, we ain't much on church doin'a. Old 'Squire John Holt that preaches a right smart uster come 'round once in a while and drap us a pr'ar ur two, but he Proceedings ml the Board of Trustees. MCHENKV, III., Mar 5,1888. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present. Granger. Crlsty, Parker, vValsh and Rot bermel. Minutes of last meeting raad. and approved. Tlie following bills were presented, audited and tbe clerk ordered to draw orders on the treasurer for tbe same: Thos Murphy, care lamps .18 00 GeoCurtU, Village Constable..... -25 00 sMcDouaid, streetwork.................. 600 WIN -icliricuer, «« 150 Stevens A Miiier, <41 ................ 4 00 AUholl Bros, oil 3 30 Perry A Owen, oil "... 3 39 B Gilbert, oil 4 00 Moved by Trustee Crlsty that Police Magistrate Holmes be requested to be present at the next regular meeting of tue Board with bis Docket, and that if he has any bills against the Corpo­ ration he present tbe same. QirrieiJ. On motion adjourned. F. K. GBANOEB, Pr«sid«i!jt. J. VAN SLYKE. Clerk. ;, The Waters Stock Farrijy; Genoa Junction, Wis,, is an estab­ lished success. The Stallions in use there are deservedly popular; the fees charged are low and terms liberal. There *vei;e la the neighborhood of 300 mares ttred at this farm last season, cemiog from all parts of tbe Union. The farm is probably the best ap­ pointed stock farm ia ;tbe west. Mr. Waters bas^about 150 bead of floe stock of bis owu on the plaee, Visitors are always made welcome on week days and the stock shown willingly, A catalogue and 'illustrated circular is sent to any qne desiring it. Gold Paints, Bronze Paints, Silver Paints, ejtc., at J. A. Story's, Full lift* of stationery* !! f, A* Story's. >.w* ^ry Besley> Iron Tonic Bitters, ELIJAH DEXTER SLAFTER. DIED--In this village, Wednesday morning, March 7th. 1SS8, ELIJAH DBXTBB SLAFTER, in the 71th year or his age. ie subject or the above notice was born at Pompey, N. Y., December 14, 1814, From a Memorial book bofore os we learn that from early youth he was subject to tbe trials and hardships so common In those early days, bnt with a steadfast purpose and hOneit motives, for which he was so charac­ terized in later years, he sunrouated obstacles that at times seemed Impos­ sible, and earved for himself an honorable nime and place among men. In the year 1836 ho emigrated to Illinois, and settled In McHenry coun­ ty, whlcb, with the exception of a few years spent In Wisconsin, has been his home until the day of bis death, and where be endured the hardships and trials Incident to the early pioneers of this then comparatively nnsottled country. In the year 1846 he married MariaLucretia Lillie, with whom he lived 30 years and to whom six children were born, viz.: Orln A,, who now resides at Iowa City, Iowa, Emily D % the wife of Geo. W. Colby, of tbla town. Ruby A., who resides at Minne­ apolis, Minn., Sylvester, who died In 1859, at tho ago of 16 months. Chailes W., now a resident of this village, and Elcner E. who died in IS70 at the age of 6 y«ars. His wife died In October 1876. since which time he has lived with his son Charles, and although past seventy years of age of those who saw him on the streets daily but few thought that a fatal disease was preying on bis once strong constitution, and that he would suc­ cumb to the grim destroyer so soon. But then death is no respecter of persons, and like a tblof in the night he creeps In when and where least ex­ pected and soon -.r or later wo must all bow submissively to his will. In thn beginning of the year 1888 his friends noticed signs of failing health and urged him to lay aside all business cares which bo finally reluctantly con­ sented to do. The best medical skill was employed but to no avail. He slowly but surely failed, and on the morning of the 7th lost,, be quietly ani peacefully breathed bis last while reclining in his chair, not a struggle or a move to indicate that the spirit had returned to the God who gave it, tie had been a member of the Metho­ dist Church for over 40 years, and died as he had lived, a consistent Christian man. We honestly "believe Mr. Slafter had not a real enemy In the world. He was truly "the noblest work of God,'1 an honest ipan, and was honored aa<i respected wherever known. Ho will be missed at his home, among our citizens and in the church where bis wise counsels were ev<*r for the right and where his every word and act were for the best Interests of his fellow man. Verily a good man has fallen. His funeral was bold from the M. E. Church on Friday afternoon, and was attended by a large concourse of rela> lives and friends, snd bis remains were Interred in Woodlaud Cemetery, beside those ot h!s wife, wbo ha1 pre­ ceded him a few short years only. Tbe sympathy of the community is with tbe bereaved member! of the family. A CAUDL In taking leave of the people of McHenry and vicinity, we wish to re­ turn our grateful acknowledgment? for the kindly1 treatment and liberal patronage we bave received at your hands, and we would solicit a continu­ ance of the same for our successors, Mr, and Mrs. Birbee. We feel justified in making the statement that Mr. Barbee thoroughly understands his business, and his manner of work is such as not to ofiend the most fastid­ ious. »He will bo capable of giving you a much greater variety than we bavo done. We hope and predict for tbom a much larger business than wo have been able to do. Thanking you again for your many words of encouragement in tho past and yonr kind wishes for our future well-being, we remain very respectful- ly, A. G. LOCKE AND WIPE., Toachers' Examinations. For the purpose #f oxamining teachers t will be at-- Huntley, March 19th, Nunda, March 26th. McHenry, March 21st. Rich jaond, March 22d, Hebron, March 23d. Harvard, March 24th. % Woodstock, March 26th. Marengo, March 27th. Examinations will commence promptly at 9 o'clock A. M.. and punc­ tuality will be necessary in order to complete tbe work in one day. LESTER BARBER, Supt. Schools. Marengo, 111., March 1st, 188S. OWING to the lack of Banking facili­ ties In this vicinity, we have decided to open a Banking House In connec­ tion with our mercantile business, un­ der the name of the Bank of McHenry. We expect to open about March 15th and? hope that our eflorts willbe ap­ preciated by the .public. PERRY & OWEN. Cigars at J. A. Stoiy's. Call at Mrs. H. U. Nidols for Easter goods. _____ Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Brashes, and all supplies for painters. A. Story's. CliMMM J. A. Story's. FOR SALE. l offef tbr sale my honse^ Woldfs and shop, situated in tbe village of McHenry, cheap for cash. Is pleasantly located and a desirable property. For further particulars call on tbo undersigned, on tbe premises. ALGONQUIN. [NOTIC*.--Persona In Algonquin and viein- ity, knowing themselves indebted for the Pu.iXDRAt.ut can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wishlOK lo subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call on ifaim and get a sample co py.] EDITOR PLAINDXALER:--Mr. and Mrs. James Pbilp, Jr., gave a Progress­ ive Euehre party on Wednesday even­ ing of last week. They entertained s large number of friends. A very pleasant evening was spent by all. Mrs. C. E. Cbapell and S. S. Cbapell received the highest honors. J. Van Slyke, of the PLAINDEALER, was a caller in Algonquin on Saturday of last week. We are called upon to announce the sad death of Mrs. Wm. Rattery, nee Miss Florence Tubbs, who died Marcb 11th. 188S, aged 27 years. She leaves a husband, a little son one week old, and many relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Rev. Mr. Ferris, of Dundee, preached' the funeral sermon at the Congregational Church on Monday of this week. The remains were tuterred at our Cemetery. Th^ family have tbe sympathy of the entire communi­ ty in this their hour of sorrow. A daughter of Wm. Head, of this village, Mrs. Hattie Schroder, of Dun­ dee. died on Tuesday la6t, leaving a husband and four children, one a babe a weok old, to mourn her le?g. A daughter of Wm. Wodrack, living in Chicago, died on Thursday of last week. Tho remains were brought out here on 3*thrd«y last and ^interred In our Cemetery on the hill. C. E. Chapell came In with a carload of milch cows on Saturday last. He sold them at private sale to > David I'yott. Enault and Janook have purchased s set of Hydraulic Drilling Machinery for putting in Tabular Wells and the.v are prepared to put down wells on short notice and on reasonable terms. Give them a call. . I. 1 . L1 am1. • IL RING WOOD. Sum PLAINDEALER:--Moaof Is going out for feed and makes it scarce and things dull and no prospect of Spring yet. Mr. Frank Thompson has left tbe employ of J. W, Crlsty and Is making arrangements to open a store hero. Wm. Lan^ham has sold one of his lots to a man from Cbicago. Consid­ eration 9150. Every house in town is now occupied and more Is wanted, if some one would sell some lots the place would grow. Mr. Cole, of Richmond, shipped a carload of Barley from here last week. James Green is doing a good busi­ ness buying calves and poultry. The uew Shoemaker is doing a good business and the farmers are bringing in their harness to be repaired. He does It in a workmanlike manner and his charges are reasonable. The Leoiure at tbe Congregational Cbnrob by Rev, Goo. Schorb, was a success and was very interestif^ ; FARM FOR ifk:*r. 'rt The undersigned offers for rent what is known as the Kimball rarm in tbe town of Burton. Contains 160 acres, 40 acres meadow, 45 acres of plow land and the remainder pasture. Has good house and two barns on tbe premises. Wlil be rented reasonable lor cash rent. Apply to FRANK COLE, Sitf Spring Grove, III. FOK SALE. A Urge quantity of Shellfed Cora tor sale at Bistiop's Mill. Wells A Richardson's celebrated butter color for sale at New Drug Store. Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for milli­ nery goads, and to get your dressmak­ ing done cheap. We guarantee satis­ faction. ] * Special Notice. We will deliver all Seeds and Ensi­ lage Corn contracted for with our pat­ rons, on March 15, 16 and 17, without tail, and request all to come on either day prepared as per our agreement. BONSLETT & STOFVEL. J. A. Story's for best grade of Kerosene Oil. New Spring stock of Wall Paper just received at John Evanson & Co.'s All kinds Ladlws' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley'e Drug store west side. ' Farmers, look to yonr horses. To bave them In good trim for spring work use Besley's Condition Powders. The best in the market. Go to J. A. Story's for host grade of Kerosene Oil. f £ , You will find a full lino of artUi's ^n ate rial at J. A. Story's, New Spring styles Rock ford Shoes just In at Evausoo's & Co.'s Examine the new 4tock Rockford Shoe8 for Men and Boys. These goods are reliable and prices very reasonable ac Joba Evanson's A Co.'s Befley's Condition Powders are a great benefit to cows. lacreases tbe flow of milk and keeps them healthy. Our 25 cent Tea is elegant. If it don't please you return it, »TOFFEL & BLAKE, Easter Egg Dyes for sate at J, A. Story's. Look at beautiful Easter Cards to be given with each package of Easter Egg Dyes sold by J. A. Story. Gorham Seoders are ahead of them all. Sold by E. M. Owen A Soc. Besley's Death to Rats is sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. .. , Beautiful Easter Cards at ?. A, Story. The custom of sending Enater Cards, Is increasing each year. You will find beautiful cards at J. A. Story's. t ' MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Ground Feed iat re a son able prices. Call and learo prices at Bishop's Mill. MASOWTC.--A. F. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even. tnirs of each month. MODBBH WOODMBH or AXKPICA.--Meet at Maaonio Hall every 8d and 4th Thursday even, ingadf each month. Neighbor* cordially in­ vited. SONS OF TBHTBHAMCB.--Meet at Unio^ Hall on Tuesday evening of eaeh week. NoQeary, Marc* B, Wf S*« the latest improved Wheel Pul- verlzier that beats e'tber the knife or solid wheel, at E. M. Owen & Son's. I FRomember and sea It before yoafcay EDITOR PLAINDEALERMrs. Sawyer Is very sick. W. 3. Erckenback will go west. George Bouton closes his school Friday. Ed Cornue movtd last week to Sioux Falls. Linn H. Young I* making Hebron friends a short visit. Mrs. Lyman Pieree is on the sick list and under the'eare of Dr. Turner. Miss Llbbie Lee, from Nunda, spent a few days with friends in town. The winter" term of the public schsol will cloia on Wednesday of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester have en­ gaged to work for James Stewart for a year. Mr. and Mrs Henry Munger and Miss Ella Rowe went to Harvard Saturday night. Dr. E, L. Herrfok and H. J. Vinoelette spent two days\of last week in tbe great city. George 3oddard\|nd Mrs. Frank Torre nee won the heafl flguris at tho euchre party Friday evening." W. L. Glass and Frank Hepfurer started Saturday night, for the west, with a carload of horses and sheep. Thei^deBtlnatloa is Dakota. rhechildrens sick list is a long one Infiamatlon of the lungs or something rkin to it is the general complaint: Theron A. Rowe Is expected thl* week from Winnebago City Minn. He comes to work his sister's (Mrs. Dora Glass) farm. His father and mother accompany him. A few of the young people from here joined with South Hebron in a surprise party for Archie Mason, Thursday nlgbt, at the residenoe of C. H. Tryon. W. 8. Erckenback recently sold his farm of 113 acres to J. F. Brown. Con­ sideration 85650. A few days later Mr. Brown sold tbo same property to James Stewart at sixty dollars per acre. The receipts of the donation Friday evenlug were 937, The Missionary quilt was struck off, for the sum of five dollars to .Mrs. Ira Phillips, who In turn presented It to Rev. Cress. George Bouton and George Manor will start soon on a tour through several states, organizing lodges, of the order of the Modern Woodmen of America. . Under their directions a lodge was started at Genoa Junction last week, Mr. John Vanderkarr died at the residenoe of Dr. E. O. Gratton, on 'Tuesday of last week. The funeral services were held at the church Thurs­ day morning and the remains interred in the South Hebron cemetery. If the "Prowler" would oeme to He­ bron, and attend one of our maecyie- rades or party's he would be heartily welcomed and treated to the best of our knowledge and ability, even though there is danger that he would "get in a teff and use his cane" we should not be frightened nor flinch an inch, but, here, we are too close neigh­ bors to sling any Ink over that little black dividing line, and as the "Prowler" has proveo himself to be a witty punster, we sr--timidly wish he would keep over in his own column, and we will never be to rash as to ven- ture near tbe line and throw an empty bottle over on his domain again. 'MID pleasuas and palacss though wo may roam, be it ever so bumble,'* there's no specific for pain like Siva- tlon Oil. Price 25 oents a bottle. Our line of Dress Goods. Gingbams and Prints cannot be surpassed in quality and price. • , ^ STOFFKL & BLAKB. Relieving That a good uew stock of clothing Is needed in this place we have put in a complete ling. Call and look it ever. YOurs truly, STEYENS A MILLES. LOOK out for counterfeits! See that you get the genuine Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup! Do not let {lie dealer sell you somo "just as good" bnt insist upon getting tbo genuine with the Bull's Head trade mark on the wrapper. NEW THIS WEBK. Having decided te continue business in McHenrv, I have enlarged my store and put it In better shape than ever before. I bave just been to tbe city and bought a fine new stock of Milli­ nery and ladles furnishing goods as fine as was ever brought to McHeery. I shall keep first class help in the Mill­ inery and Dressmaking departments and I wlsli the Ladies of McHenry and surrounding country to call and exam­ ine for themselves. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS, Call aod see tbo grand display of latest style pattern Hats and Bonnets at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Fisb of all kinds CHEAP at A Blake's. Dexter Registered No. 2,039. Imported 1882 bv D. Duuham, Aug­ ust, 1882. Foal 1878. Color black with small white stripe in face and one white ankle. Weight 1,700 when in good condition, ibis horse has very fine action for a pure bred draft. Has fine disposition, is perfectly sound and smooth. He paid more for him in France thah for any one be ever Im­ ported. There ^re a few unscrupulous tbirgs going about the country stating for their own benefit that this horse is not a recorded animal. Such state­ ments are entirely unfounded, ungon tlemanly and are entirely fal«e. To all who are interested in raising such stockl would invite Inspection. N, S. COLBT. McHenry, 111 Linseed Oils, turpentine. Brushes, and all anppllos for painters at J. A. Story's. We handle the celebrated John Fan- tor 8*o§£ vr " ">"Wn»rrti. * Bna. Measles still linger. Tramps and peddlai^abound. Bad colds are th^ order of the day* St Patrick'* day next Saturday, the 17th. The dehorning foyer is raging vio­ lently. We bear whispers of another meat market In town. Rick Hodge Is back In hi* old posi­ tion at tbe City Meat Market. Wm. Walker has rented Charles Ooulman's farm and moved thereon. Hurry up and get your photo taken. Mr. Hanchett leaves town, the first of May. Oatman Bros, paid 91,36 for January milk at Washington factory. They paid 91,26 for butter! if As town meeting day draws nlgb, so interest in the offices to bo filled and the aspirants for tho positions in­ crease. Mr. Clapsattle, who slipped and fell on the Icta a few weeks since died Tuesday March Cth. The funeral was held Thursday. He was over 80 years old. County Superintendent of Schools Barber will be at Richmond, Thursday March 2d, for tbo purpose cf examin­ ing candidates for teachers certificate. C. N. Culver a&d bis daughter, Mrs. Will Sherman, returned from their Ohio visit last Thursday. "Billy" got a good caneing immediately after tbeir arrival' The farmers of, South Hebron are agitating the building of a obeese fac­ tory. It is a good location; the farmers of that neighborhood being now extensively engaged in dairying. Tbe types made us say last week that "McConuell & McGaw paid 91,35 for January butter," 91,3L was their divi­ dend and as this ranks first in tbis vicinity. Is sufficient as It Is. We would suggest that the Chief of the Chicago Police sead out to Mc­ Henry county for Detective Benthusen and put him on the track of the Snell murderer. Evidently Chicago can't catch Tascott. without assistance. This weatber brings groans and com plaints from thej rheumatios. Josh Billing* once said "The best medicine I kno for rumatiz, is to thank the Lord it ain't the gout." We quote from memory so perhaps tbe spelling does Josh an lnjustioe, but the senti­ ment does him credit anyway. John C. Smith, of Nelsoi Neb. popped in upon his Richmond friends last Tuesday evening. Mr. Smith is the same genial, whole souled gentle­ man as when be stood behind tbe counter in tbis town. He reports a good business. Western life appar ently agrees with him and he with it. Fred Hohenstein, who has many friends In Richmond and vicinity has recently taken unto himself abetter half and has removed from Independ­ ence, Iowa, where be has been employ­ ed st the Insane Asylum for a few years, to a farm near Woodstock, 111. Fred Is a tip-top good fellow and vour correspondent extends hearty con­ gratulations. • It Is seldom that there art as many sick in our little burgh as at present. In fact February, and so far tbis month, was an unusually sick time and the doctors were kept going continu­ ally. The measle epidemic gets new additioos about as fast as any victims get canvalesceut and tour deaths have taken place in quick succession; Mrs. Dr. Waters being the first and Mr. Clapsattle the last to succumb. Wo are pleased to seo by tbe PLAINDEALER that Hon. A, W. Young is a candidate for tbe Republican re- nomlnatlon for the position of States Attorney. Mr. Young was atone time Principal of our Public Schools and made many warm friends In Richmond during that period. To that number hi has been constantly adding ever since. Your correspondent is a tirm believer in that old saw uL«t well euougb alone," and as Mr. Young has proven conclusively his fitness >tor the position and his ability to fill it with honor to himself and constituents, it seems to us the Republicans of McHen­ rv County will make no mistake by re­ nominating and re-electing htm for another term. Married, at Solon, Thursday, March 1st, at tho residence of the brides pa­ rents, Adam S, Jackson to Miss Grace, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. Holdeman. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Cross, of the M, E. Church of tbis village, after which the large number^ of guests sat down to a sumptous re­ past. Mr. and Mrs. Jt have our con­ gratulations and well wish'.s. [Through some inexplicable over- si«ht the above Item was omitted from our last weeks communication, Ed] la Conaumptlon Incurable? Read the following: .Vr C. H. Mor­ ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abcess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incura­ ble Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption am now on ouy third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decaf ur. Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption i would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in In best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at G. W. Besley's Drug 9tore. FOR SALE. Tho undersigned offers for sale bis House and Two Lots, situated In the village of Nuuda. Is pleasantly locat ed, has a good well and cistern, good barn and other outhouses, and Is a de slrable piece of property. Will be sold reasonable it applied for soon. For further particulars Inquire at this offloe or on tbe premises, of D. B. WARKEB. Hebron Department Richmond A feholco lino of BoxPaptir, at Besley's, West Side. LODGE DIRECTORY THE PROWLER. CONTRIBUTED BT SXOKE the -Empire Cut best Five Cent Cigar tn tho City residences for sale, Apfijir ti Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. j Do you want a pair of Boh Slaf^MMP If so da not buy until yott learn gif ll prices. ^ V E BI3HOP Oandee Rubber Goods and the Red Jaeket Felt Boots at Bonslett & Stoffel'a. Besley's Famona Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A* •»- glen's ana John Helmet's. ^ = WHEAT WANTED.^ Tbe highest market prlee In cash will bo paid for good Millioff Wheat at tho Fox River Valley Mills, Me- Henry. R. BISHOP. Notice. To those that wast Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything In my lino of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- las' Store, F. A. HTAI»% ' KoHenry, An* 10,1885. 11-4-ly , - WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price ia cash will be paid tor good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Henry. R. BISHOP. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy ' and happy Cloaks at your own price. Alse OveroeA^ I Pea Jackets. Suits, etc., at Bonslett * et«f. let's. All kinds of Story Books for children " oheaper than dirt, at Besley's. > Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever need, a new thing, at | Besley's. , : Turkish Towels and bordered linen Handkerchiefs on our 5 cent counter. Si-orFBL A BLAKB. Gorham Seeders are ahead of than all. Sold by E. M. Owen A Son, See the latest improved Wbeel Pul­ verizer that beats either tho knife or solid wheel, at E. M. Owen A Son's. Remember and se^ it before you bay. School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West Side. We offer rare chances en Underwear; also Gloves, Mitts, Caps, etc. BOWBLBT T <T SXOCTMU, Shakespeare's Works, Red Llae Edition, for only 91 at Besley's drag store west side. ' We sell the well known Kenosha Crackers always fresh. BOXSLBTT A6TORRS&. 1 * •! 'I Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drialt for any weather. Ladies' and Gents' hose and socks of pure wool, splendid value, at. Evat- ' ^ son's closing out s*le. . Tbe finest styles tn hanging lamjea ever seen tn this village at Geo. W; 1 Besley's -Vest Side Drug Store. For Flour, Feed, Uay. Ensilage Corn,Clover ,0% Timothy, Millot, etc., sea iSiusiett A StoJtel ' ' Our SO cent Japan Tea is gooi; the ssceails ^ - %l much better. Try it. . • •BONSLETT 3t STOFFftS* SEWING MACHINES. * 1 ¥he American No, 7, the Helpmate, Eldredge, New Home, Wheeler A Wil­ son No. 8. Household, Howe Improved, Davis and New York cat) all be bought of O. W, Owen, Mctienry, at 920 less than manufacturers' prices. Call and see them. ^ . WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price -la ««itt will bo paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox 'River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP, v WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price 1|| filth willbe naTO for good milling wheat at tho Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R, BISHOP. Call and see our stock of spectacles. Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when yeu can get just as good tor one-tourth the money. fisj| and be convinced. GEO, W, BBSLBT, r'M at the West Side Drug Store., * ' ^ WHEAT WANTED. • _ * ' The highest market price fa *fi«h ' J: will be paid for good Milling Wheat ? at tho Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- v i Henry. R, BISHOP. ^ CARPET WEAVING, The undersigned is prepared tor weave Rag Carpets on short notloe . ~i and at Reasonable rates. Residenoe one Block West of tbe residence of ' Wu). Walsh. Orders respectfuliv hi*../• *,$ llclted, and satisfaction guaranteed, ' I MRS. WM. FOLTZ. ,j| Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. 'j'.J The best Salvo in the wot id tor cuts orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feiref £ sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptiaus, and poe- tively cures piles, or no pay required. it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price SB «*» ts par box. For sale . Besley. / FOR SAL& .' j- In the village of Ring wood, the fol­ lowing property One good Dwelling House contain- ing seven roo«s, good cellar. On the same lot is a shop 12x32, one story, suitable for almost any kind of boal* ne8S. If applied for at once, will sell bouse separate for 9500. Or will sell house, lot and shup for 9650. Posses­ sion given immediately. Also another house and lot well located. The house contains tea rooms, and there i* a good stable aod other outbuildings on the premises. Will ha sold for 91000 cash. Call ou or addrtss, WESLEY LADD, J 15-18-6 m. Ring wood, III, ^ FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 1 Having decided to quit farming I ofier for Sa'e or Rent my farm, con- sistltig of 270 acres, situated one mile East of llartlartd Depot, and four and a half mtles Northwest of Woodstock. One hundred and sixty aeres'are under cultivation, the balance Meadow and Pasture. Good baru and house, and well fenced. It parties do sot want the whole, will rent or sell 160acres seperate. For further particulars Inquire of nudeisigned oo the > premises. ...» ^ = H. QuWLDf. 32 1 m. •. . Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay 99 aod 91u. Your choice out of 200 samples. Ateo have your clothes altered, fitted aad cleaned, as be can not be beat In doiac a nice job. -JM i*awi.i!V'I*Uac. if'V - rr't}7r, ' . , k . . , . - t X • k f . - • ^ i

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