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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1888, p. 8

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^ ttie StftVi'liii , tbeW.C. T. U, |M*t or credit fop if tit* W, C, T u. Will W. A.Critty, on Thursday April 19, at 2:30. We wltlp a cordial iivlutlon to all i «e«t wiih o*. :.x>- MRS. J. B. PERK*, r*wM*a«F Iw. l, PHKim, Secretary. | I, courage, grip--those are el«~ tided now; the elements thai; iiiifs tory. • ^ money annually spent in the . J States for alcoholic drinks . ex-; >$#*>,000,000, enough to pay mori limit the national debt; more thail O.COO every hour from sunrise td arise from January to Decemberl It Is well to teacb a child to 6lng, "f to be an angel," but it Is some** tbl&g better to teach him to sing. "I nrftQt t* be a nan." Be who lives on th«/lnoom« of tb# IMtloon la a pauper. He lives at the Expense of others and gives in return - vtwibiog that can help or bless. ^ • • • -4i-> - 1 ». -Y ^ < 'i v * 1 • jn- ^ * * >\i1 . f'bii '$i *-f*y ? ' . f,i ^ V 1 1 ' Administrator's Notice* ESTATE of Peter Soluimaker, deceased. J The undersigned having been iippointea Administrator of the estate of Peter Scnu- inaker deceased late of tlie county ot .Mo- Henry »n<l Siate of Illinois, hereby gives- aotice that he wilt appear before the .county «Oart of McHenry county, at the Court House i«i Woo IsuicU, at the May term on the first Monday in May next, at which tune all pert •ons liHvmif claims against s»ai 1 estate are n<K tMed and reqnested to attend for the purpose ®f having the 6ftme adjusted. All psri-ons in <l*Med to gal<l.esuite are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, lUli dav of March, A. D, ISfS. NICK SOliUMAKbE, Administrator. 9B.4W Executor's Notice* ESTATE of John Reed, deceased. ^ .., . The undersigned having been apjAmiwl •xeeutor of the last will and testament of <Joten Beed. Me ceased. lite of tlie county off McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he "ill appear before the County Oonrt of McHenry county, at the Court House I" Woodstock, at the June term, on the first Mondav in June next, at which time nil persona having claims aeaimt said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make iaamediate payment to the under- ~\*ed this 7th day of March, A. D 1888 P. M. O'NEILL, Executor. : EIPERSR WAUW I. The ftrui aUtiU-'i :h of hi.- h.l- i TtWBUTifUl »*.;uvh « i * vt-?in ihvo'i»'h v.-'hi.-. h !if tbemapcf Kihmjj*. . it»ftihn;r UUf<rt »-iM*n N-Ur IO national un tv a:ut MHW!H;V.V ily (TEA. tivfe. the (ii>tii!giu.-Hc«l i"»'-mt And vv aer* I'tfb'lshttt in German nnd fifty f*i. ill'is* CWUwn^.tine |Kirtm it-, ban .-*•••-iipv ptc. .» vmi '>> trims • JRtClllo f»AliltUan<t **t ur*» €-fco*«f <»f territory*• ' l B. B£ACH & CO., 120 ^afcfaiagtou St., Chicago, ill Howe's Bioci% VtBENBT. ILIJNOIS, CHAS. A. BARBEE, Prop. We take pleasure Id announcing to the eiti- •• - --.*• UADAn*» ani4 aitrvAtimlinir f^AlinlfV of McHenrv and surrounding country tfcat «re keep on hand at all times a full stock •fall hinds of iP»»w!ii3SP*ppMgfw If? ' * A A| • \ #r* % «*• A . „ . y -w' "* » t %• m .r:r mm wn0supplies, RICHARD BISHOP, it i if TIT ni i^iOT|rtri|iiT JCXJA A. (One Door Wast of Riverside House,% T,^ e'l 5T ' <*! • r ALEH •• r ( >' KL 1 >Ufat H* *: -'-W W ' '** ~7u DRUGS, .ME D I C I N E S , ^nr- ~ "v m t w 7 * t** t *i i t *%*&<* fT'eyBW '..J/* •• ^ 4.'T_ 4 v , ; . . n- « *•; r ' . [a mx mnb or--- ' > - „ - > : . Drugs, Sja Stsfis, Faints, Oil* and Mm«. '41 / Constantly on hand. Also a large line i.f... « Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- ' • STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUND1UJES. - ̂ hTtiioians Prescriptiongi t, 41 m t fWy^*Jr Headqimrte^s for all kinds of FanBingiloslsil mi 3EEDMMB 1 SSEDER S M 52 ... * f^retully a"n4 accuratey compounded fey a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. ' JULIA A. STORY* We keep on hand all the first class ones, such as the Gorham, | Buckeye, Van Brunt. Kenosha and Bad^r. All the best and old . 5 makes with the latest improvements. V , 'tw . f! ' * t< pulverizing ,r',::;i Both 16 ami 20 inch, ut Bottom Prices. Also a Spring TcMStlt "«' Harrow that beats them all. Harrows in both 40. 6C and 72 teeth, with lever or common, two or three section. Call before you buy One, : PLOWS! "PLOWS t Aliivays on hand. Such makes f|« the celebrated Norwegian, thi • iardest plow on oarth, will outVoar two cheap plows. Also Star, Garden-City, Moline, jrand Detour, and others. Remember Plows j iave advanced ten pe cent, but we will not be undersold nevertb(h> '>*- less. All warranted as represented; • » i Carrittges, Both Milk and heavy, at Bottom Prices. Also the best line of high price Carriages ever handled in the County, of the LaCiosse, Wallace, llenuey, Cortland ai.d others. * Call -before you buy anything iu our li*t$, as we alw^js have ths je^t mado. > E. M. OWEN A SOMb ? 1 i •--i' CTT S H Since adopting the cash system ocif customerfi are more than pleased with Incomparable argams To be found our store. " Buying and selling for Ca-h enables us to discount foimer prices, and we are giviug our customers the benefit hereof. e have now, in every department, a finer line of Goods than ever before, and invite a careful inspection by the buying public, confident that by so doing you will ...-KV-ift-'i GROCERIES, A f p AS* - • iSSiS:1 f\ " JkxA hope by a close attention to business to ' lac ill llm nntrnmifr of the Public. From a 'loaig experience In the business ire are eonfl- ^tant that we can please ail. «K'1 P4 mi ifr"- nss, cms, 4nd fn short everything in the Bakefr line Will ue kept on hand /V#resh Every A FULL STOCK OF - • Cnfectionery and Cigars, Canned Goods. Et c. All of the liest qnalitT and at the lowest Oall and bee us. CHAS. A. BARBEE. McHenry. March 27th, 188%, ' ' •DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity : I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural implements second to none in the county and at, prices that I am confident will pay ycu to investigate before muk- mgJyour.pureV--^ PACTS YOU CAN BIT ONJ ;Tfcat tha 0ld*t/ and largtti tobaec* iartsff «• tMrtW Is la Je*«ey City, N. J. $ ^ Att this factory mains the popdar sad W0*14- . faasd ««» Flag, the acknewMga* StaaA* * «r< for firat-daM chewing tobacco. ^ fid this facta*? was ettabliahsd as lsa( <T " *7®®> ^ Shaft last year (ittti) It aade sad sold tbtsasnum L, fsality or 97,98s^8o lbs. or lonrtssa thoa- V* «ad tons of tobacco. ^ Alt ttb was more than cut susnlli ot allthato" hsaso iaa(k in the United States aotwith* ^ that there were $|l6 |aetcriea at w«ak. 2i year* tint fsstnry has beipsA ̂MyfWtOw Uaited States Government to tha astsotoforer Forty-four million serenhna* K drnd thoaisnd dollars ($44,700,ooe.oo) faU Bp Into the V, 1. Triamry In laternal Rarsaas " Taass. . 4 That ths p&y-roll of Ob bctatjr is abo*t$i,oee^ I CKMO per yesr or fao^oeswso per wash. | That this faetoty employs about 3,300 opsnthM. 1 - Thai ttds laStory makes such a wonderfully ges£ AewinClimaa Plug that many other factories ham tried to imitate it in vain, and in despair ' try to attract custom by offering laigsr 1 of inferior goodi for the same price. ; thia factory nevertheless continues to iuertaw 1 every year. 9hrt tkb lM*ory belongs to aad is opamtod fcf ' Youn, very truly, ' | F. LORILIAIID * CO. ifSMM; , Bats; Caps, etc.; etc. e are confident we can please yoil both in quality.and. price* In short we Defy Competition in any and all departments. l3f~Giv<?; tw s Call before Purchasing. V McBenry, IH.r January 18, ^LTHOFF BROS1 ' • * v T * - 0PPO8ITE Eft SHOP'S MILL, MelIE> I tY ILLimtlS. -DEALER IN- Parker's SPAVIN CURE IS VnE%VAI.KI> •s an application to horses foe the euro of Spavin, Rhea- •Mtism, tgpllnt, Navicular JeiBt>t and all severe Lame* BftBt also for track wh6S reduced. Price VI .00 per battle.' flold by druggists. Strong tastt- aoalsli on application. ^ E. W. BAKER, Bole Proprietor, ANTRIM, H? H. Trade supplied by J AS. k.O«T1S JtOo., Detroit, Mich.; Peter Taa flchaaclr ft 80ns, Chicago. QLi Merer Bro's ft Co., Bt. Louis. Mo. If you want to own best, liehold it here, finely finished, well proportioueu, light running, durable, superior quality, unexcelled. Do yon * ant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. TUEF & STFBBL1 PLOWS; Pulverizers, both disk and knife, Prairie City Seeders, Praine City Drills, HarrowS, all kinds, Sulky Plows, wood and iron Pumps, for deep and shallow wells, platform spring Wagons, ̂ combination Wagons, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection manufactured by the Waiertown Spring \Vngo i Jo., of Watertown N Y., who carry a three years stock, enabling them to sea&on wel i tLeir goods before placing them on the market. Very Truly Yours, RICHARD BISHOP. WATERS I the Celebrated Garland Stoves and Ranges The Prize and Black Acorn, Unirvesal, Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors* Elegaqt Coal Beaters. Vte have one of the Largest Stocks ctf Stoves i^L MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty stoves from which to make a selection. In short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonud at our Store. ' ' i Come one and ull and examine our Goods and learn Prices. ,t/i i • W. West McHenry , DKALER IN--«- , .in, Copper nd Sheet-Iron Ware Oomo an l see our Galraniused Iron Kerosene Tanlts, that we make ourselves, that » 1 hoW a barrel. ^ • The Church Swivel Ilay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pullers. "beatIn tlic market. Call ami sco it. ' .FULL LIHB OF STORES , . liior both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. " fei short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not foil to -call when in want of anything in my line and sc Tinner, and all anything my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all V « J01?«N><S AND REPAIRING W ill be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully" solicited. W. P. STEVENS, WEST M • ' DEALER IN-- Drugs tod Medicine PAINT8f OIL8b ToUet AjrticOsft. • J: • •*-_ : ~.y , * PUBB 11 . > WINES' AND : : LIQUOBSI FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smofcing and Chewiug Tobacco always on hand. j PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, l^arefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. w. BESLEY JOBBING AND Promptly Attended To. U. V. SHKPARD. McHenry, Sept. 7th, 1887. WEST SIDE BETOBE BVBK9IXO TOT* MA.KJE* •end for eatalogqg and lllaatrated ctrcolar arrtpg vedtarees and AMA Mb MM deftOrtptton^QT breed 7 IOW ba-go-ine, tlm •ver used. » H Wagor tbing,»' ib Towels an<1 bor<i<'red lineo 4|tsfd>lafi on our 5 cenr Counter. StOFFEL A BLAKE. pedhnees and seven stallions u mare at all H to the beat. _ _ terms liberal. Visitors weekdays. Come by the stallions, a etock but send your address . _ WATER8 STOCK FARM e»oA jvvenwii ww. SURFACE V CULTIVATION Bi Increases yield of corn 30 bu. i Kzportmenta in this ac ~ State AsrienlturafCoili SANDWICH ENTERf PATENTS Caveats, and Trademarks obtained, and all Patent Iwslness conducted lor ]H<nl«rsi« l-'ees. Our Olllce is «>ppowlto I!, H, j'atont Of­ fice. We have no eub agencies, nit l>uslnest direct, hence can transact patent bueinees In less time snd at leas cost tlian those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise If patentable or not, free of Charge. Our fee not due till patent in secured. A book, " How to Obtain Patents," with reta*. ences to actual client® in your State, county <• town, sent free. Address, w C. A. SNOW & CO. Omalto PkUBt ommt Washlacton,». C. Iowa ». I Petri Batt«PS. extra food Be »Ml. per dozen at Evautoa'». 1. D. LIHCQLH, Plop. Havlnk recently refitted m? Restaurant, near the Depot, In llrst class style, I am now prepared to acooinmodute the public with i Warm or ili Meals, At all hour* of the day or evening. Hot Coffee or Tea on Ave minutes notice. > » *• A FULL STOCK OF Bakers' £?upp ALWAf S ON HAMO. Choice Fruits, of All KMi, IN .Ti<EIR SEASON. L. D. LINCOLN. McHenry, MIJ 8jst,M8|^ em He FISH9 Practical Pidnter and Decorator, HEBRON, Decorating, PaperpHanging, CA1.C1MIN1NQ, ORAININQ, dec Qw» on short notice mnd satisfivotion gatni- * teed. Call on or address, H. FISH. ^ HMMmMfll., MaT'SM/IMr. Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Limber from v Farmers if you need any goods and have bo maney, bring wood. £, LAWLUS. ...... . .^ty.r-7 '• . Near the Depot, « • ' West McHenry, Illinois. t Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most.complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public - The Btst Quality of Luabtr, LIVING n LOWES® THE-- PRICES- - , f»% "it. V * ik~~ m Casiii, Boot and ¥ Mot frames- Also the Best Brands#of BarbIWIre.1 We shall kee:> our stocfc complete at all times and spare no p*i&9 to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. " WilxBUli LUMBER COMPAlTfl Cf H. Mauager \ • *' „ • ;•'> , ' r ' * ft C"' "- ' f Of'*, 11

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