"" S" WEtoHESDAY. MAY 23, 1888. Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept 19th, trains will pass McHenry station daily, except 8u todays, as follow*: GOING SOUTH. LakeGenevaPassenger .....J:2s A. M Lake Geneva Express .8:28 ' Lake iien«?a Freight 2:00 r. M Lake Geneva Passenger............ ..3:28 '* o<ft so iroiTi; Lako Geneva Freight , Lako Seneva Passenger... Lako Geneva Express...., Lake Geneva Passoncor.. I..... 911 A. u . . . . . . . . . . . .8 :62 •• 4:85P. U ...........6:31 " B. Buss, Agent. Mcllenrr, III MASONIC. MCW£NBT LODQE, No. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKE, W. M MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor lially invited. putting a JOHN HEIMEB, has been new Floor In his Saloon^ MB, BLADE'S subject next Sunday evening will bo "The Grammar of the Bible."; THE Willing Workers have twenty- five yards good rag carpet for sale at Perry & Owen's. DIED--In Ring wood, Monday, May 21st, 1888, Mrs. Chase, widow of Joehua Chase, aged 87 years. ABB you going to see CastelloV groat show to-morrow P If not, why not? You will miss a rich treat. 5'- READ the card Of E. R. Austin, Livery, Boarding and 8ale Stable, to be found in another column. AN excellent receipt for the pre vention of pants bagging at the kne^ Rattle Story. Is given in an exchange pants; HON. renaosiL. DR. DAVIS, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Monday. H. C. SWAN, of Blgm, was^n our streets on Tuesday. ;» MB. AND MRS. R. BISHOP I«N in Woodstock on Monday. Mas. E. PERKINS is visiting with trienda in Chicago this week. G. BOLBY and J. Helmrr spent Fri day and Saturday in Chicago. ELDER J. E. BASSE-IT is imported quite ciek. ^ - H. V. SHICPABD and wife spent Sun day with friends at Barrevlllo. JOHN WENT WORTH, of Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. P, J. and H. L. DIMICK, of Chicago, were the guests of Jacob Bishop sod family la«t week, G. T. HOWE, of Chicago, has been calling on friends In this village, the past few day*. JOHN WEIQHTMAN, of Chenoa, 111. IF visiting with his brother, H. E. Weightman, in this village. DEPUTY SHERIFP, Larry Jones, of Woodstock, passed through town oa Monday. HON. R. BISHOP IS atteadlaf the Democratic State Convention, it Springfield, this week. WM* HOLMES and son, James, ot Keno-ha, Wis were ealllng on relative* and friPBds here last week. MRS. FBANK WARD has been quite sick the past week, but U now re* ported better.) MRS. CELIA LINCOLN, of Chicago, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Cnrtis. last week. if Miss MARY WENTWOBTH and Mis* / Kate Howe started on Tuesday morn J tag for Hartley, Iowa, tQ visit Mise -Wear knee TH B. FABWBLL will aeeept ; thanks for a copy of his speeoh on the Financial Problem, delivered In the [. 8. Senate, April 16th. WE learn that C. Btegemann wis kicked In the lace by ono of his horse* on Monday afternoon, and severlj Injured. , WE learn that Mist Stella Beckwith. J was recently married at Minneapolis,! ( Minn, We have not learned further! V particulars. / MARRIED.--At Fox Lake. April 25th. I 1888, by the Rev. P. M. O'Neil, Mr. I Johnie Boyle, of McHenry, and Miss Mary A. Welsh, of Fox Lake. THE Woodstock Sentinel came out In a new dress last week, which much Improves Its appearance. We are glad •to note this evidence of prosperity on the part of.our neighbor. WE are requested by the managers of tho Dramatic Club to, in this public manner, return their thanks to Smith's Orchestra for the very excellent music furnished during the two evenings of their Play. Mdaaxt sites ODHMJTY. The McHenry Brick Company are now running full blast and turning oat finer brick than ever before. They nave just purchased another pieoe of land, adjoining that which they here tofore owned, and convenient to their Yards, which shews, on a thorough rest, to contain sixteen feet of solid Blue Clay over the entire pieoe. This. w<th the large amount they, had before, ensures them an abundance of material, and on this last purchase the clay being of a superior Quality ena bles them, avwe said before, to make finer Brick than ever before, and this is saying a good deal, as the McHenrj Brick no»j have the reputation among oo a tractors and builders of being the best Brick on the market. They have ah© added new macliioery and put the Yard tn shape to do the largest amount of work and In the best manner, as the large contracts for Brick already made this season, and the orders dally coming in make It imperative that every available hour be used to meet the demand. The great advantage tills firm has It the fact that the junior member, and Superintendent, Mr. Isaac Wentworth. hat had an experience of many years In Uie business and has no superior a* t llrlck maker in the West. He knows )ost what to do, when to do and how everything in this line and the * nvtltequfDce It be never makes a poor trick. Contractor! and builders, and any person contemplating building should not fall to examine the Brick made by the McHenry Brick Company before purchasing. Their Yarda are one block South of the Depot, In this village. IllgUV, populace that was crying for their alooil. Tho great fear qf their friends that they might be made victims of the n w o. . _ _ _ , . _ , c r o w d was illustrated in Conklin; . . LAFTRR, an employee of this ioom, where a number of men had as- Offlce for the past few years, has ac- sombled. Mr. Conkling, walking back cepted a position on the Belvidere Bind fourth, stopped occasionally at the Northwestern, and departed for that window in full sight of the people on place on Monday. I1116 8troot to read t,ie bulletiu. the street to read tho bulletin. He noticed that the occupants liad crowded F JACOB JUSTEN, who has been sick themselves back to the walls and re "iad confined to the house for the past framed from going to the window, al three months, is so much improved tll0"gh evidently as curious as himselt chat be was on the street on Tuesday. L° ascertain the condition of Garfield as ra- u j • 3 \t was recorded from time to time. He has had a Severn selgo. I ] r THE Rev. Frank Smith, of Marengo- wlll preach in th6 M. E. Church next Sunday morning and will give his fine lecture on "Under which Flag?" on Monday evening, May 28. Everybody It cordially invited. JOHN BYBNES, who bat fortoverai years done butinest al 276 South Water Street, Chicago, bas removed to 33 Market St., that city, where be will at all times be glad U see hie many friends from McHenry and Lake counties. NEW good, all shades and textures for Ladlet and Children1! wear, bought at cut rate pricet and said accordingly. Colored and white ombroidery for children at half price. Bleached Sheet Ing 18 cents per yard. Feather Fans; Momie Cloth for fancy work. Butter icks latest fashion paper of 16 pages .free to every lady visiting the Ladies1 Salesroom this week, Nichols* Block. SEB the advertisement of DAO Cas- tello's great combined thew. It will be In McHenry to-morrow, Thursday, the 24tb. Prof. Mayo's educated horses are, of themselves, a tbow, but this feature it only one of many at traction! of tbi! aggregation. Two ^performances daily. Admission only 25 cents; children 15 cents. The bills say "We abhor vulgarity and no semblance to It permitted.*' No one tbould fall to tee this great tbow. MEMOBIAL DAY bat come to be the one day of the year lor' *11. It la the day tet apart for all to unite and ylslt the graves of loved ones aad eever them with spring flowers. It is not wholly an old soldier! day. It is a legal holiday, but the old soldiers take the lead and set an example ail tbould follow. Thit day In McHenry this year will be made especially at tractive, and you fie everyone invited to join, not only in paying tribute to tho departed soldiers, but to all those who sleep in our Cemetery.. WB believe in the man or woman who bas "enemies." Milk-and-water people content themselves with sim ply doing no harm, at the same time doing no good. They are negatives. Your man of force, who does not wait for the stone to get out of the way, but maufuliy rolls It over, may unin tentionally hurt somebody's teet in the act, but thousands who have to go that way will thank him for clear ing it. The man who has no enemies Is generally a sickly. cowardly, creep ing creature, caring for nothing but hiinself, smirking and creeping bis unchallenged way to the obscurity he merits. He ad 1s notbiog to the common stock, does no good tn the weild, and Is lowered into tlx feet of earth without a sincere regret from anybody. He has no enemies, but bas ho a friend? A place is vacant, but not in any warm, grateful heart. g. Go to Mra. E. W. Howe's for Mllllu- tqI tod pjrn DIED.--At the residence of Presently one of liis visitors sprang up Mid saiil: "I can't stand it any longer. ",f! I am going now." Conkling, in sur- parents, in Nunda, ou Thursday, May tprise, asked him what was the matter, I7tb. 1888, Cal. Henry, son of Cornelius and got the response: "Ican't sit here Henry, aged 19 yearsj Ho wat a quiet, an^ 8eo }*ou &° to that window every Wssumlng Young to an, and one who three or four minutes- for eveiT tiine f . _ iyou go there I expect to hear a ritle ttiftdo friends whewwr be W€d(> abc) '-,1 ~a. .1 • «• t i • j .. . . . , ' " jsuot and soe you fall !* Looking around bis many friends In this village, wher* jjn tho faces of the others, Conkling he resided for several years, found that this man had only expressed extend tbelr heartfelt aympatby to tllft common fear of them nlL Yet his bereaved parents in their bereave- tUroaSh aI1 that period he never had The C.U» of bl. d...b ... . afertoi,en1c°eVet ""icil""ed ^vere cold, which ionsujQptioa. eaded In quiok THE Drama of tbe "Little Brown Jug," by home talent, at Riversid* Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings- last, wat well attended, and highly en joyed by all. E*ch part wat well taken, and although It wat tbe flrtu «W>earA«e0 Qf most of the actors upoi. the stage, it shewed tb%t with a little experience they would prove second to no amateurs in this section, all done so well we eannot particular Customs of the Modern Parsee<% The strange manner* and customs of lie Parsees of to-dav prove beyond all '.oubt that thev still believe in magic, itchcraft, and astrology. On rising in lie morning an orthodox Parsee turns is face to the sun and says his prayers 'e then rubs mirang, cow urine, upon lis face, hands, and feet, chanting an ncantation against .evil spirits for hich this liquid is considered a specific, •vuwuu then bathes in puro water, prays Wh iiefore the household tire; takes break- * %ast, and repairs to business. On the birth of a child a magian and a fire- Ize but only say we hope they ma> priest, who is always an astrologer, are conclude to bring out some other piij icalled in to predict the futuro of the in tho future. baba The magian, dressed in a strange I -- ffl.„-- 'robe of many colors, a pointed cap with] IT would be a good plan for those jingling bells, and with a Ion who are interested in tbe doings 01 tbe Village Board to read the pro* PMeeeiiacaot the Board or Trustees. KcHrarnr, III., May 11, 1888, Board met In special session as per adjournment. President Howard in the chair. Present, Trustees Granger. Cristy, Parker, Walsh, Bishop and Hauperisck. A petition tn received asd read from retldents of the West Side, ask Ing for a sidewalk from Main Street, near the Methodist Church and run- •ling south between blocks fire and six along Center Street to the south side of John Street, which, on motion was laid over untit tho next regular meet ing. On motion 4be Street Commissioner was directed to-set the three extra street lampt at follows: one in the oenter of the public fquare, one on Barbian's corner, and one on the cor ner of Leickeu's lot. On motion, duly seconded the Street Commissloaer was Instructed to grade and repair street In front of the Cath olic Church. And repair walk at be taw fit. . On motion duly seconded, the street commissioner wat Instructed to lay a regulation walk from the brewery corner wott to tho walk running to the tchool honto. On motion the Street Committee were instructed to see to the improv ing of street in front of Jarneg ft. par ry's reside nee and do such draining as in their judgment seems necessary. Moved that the street ia front of BTauperiseh't shop be graded and graveled and a blind well dug to take care of surface water. Carried. A motion to lay A walk on Elm Street In front of the residences of T. J, Walsh and Dr. Fegers was lost. On motion the Street Commissioner was instructed to make such improv- ( ments on the Red Bridge as may be (doomed neoeseary. On motion duly seoindeJ, the Clerk ^ was instructed to notify E. M. Owen that in building his new rence, he was infringing on the street and that the < Board should insist thtt it be moved . to its proper place, p i On motion tho Street Commissioner | was instructed to put in a tile drain j across tbe street near the depot. | On motiou duly seconded the Street . Com-nissioner was directed tn build a 1 three plank walk from the bridge, north of Hanly'e Mill lonth to the cheese factory on the west side of street, and repair the read from the Corporation line north, as the Street Committee may dlreot, and that be be instructed to make all needed repairs to walks and crossings throughout tbe village. Ou motion adjourned, U. A. HOWARD, President. Attest, J . VAN SLYKK, Olerk. > THE GREAT HEN PUZZLE! l| .Mathematical Incubators Hatch t out Various Result*. Village ceedings, which are published in these eolutnns foilowiog each meeting. Tht idea of cursing the "city paps" hat always been prevalent, and we tup* pose always will--but you can't suit everyone and tbe man is a fool who tries. Tbe present Board Is a good oue and we predict that it will have a prosperous reign. Therefore we say read the proceedings before you find fault at some things you have heard has been done. NEVEB have tbe Inimitable comedy powers of those genuine actors, RobBon and Crane beeaseeo to better advantage than in Tbe Henrietta, which is now being pre* sented at tbe Chicago Opera House. On Monday night the piece was given in Chicago for the first time and; the result gratified tbe many euloglumt passed upon Bronson Howard's work «ince its initial performance at the Union Square Theatre last September. The bouse wat crowded from pit to dome, and to judge from tho Immense advance sale* It see me probable that orchestra pit will have to be given up to spectators. Mr. Crane as Nicholas Van Alstyne, aad Mr. Robson as Bertie bis ton, certainly achieved the greatest success of their oareert. They were supported by a east wbiob did ample justice to the laughable situa tions and humorous lines of Mr. How ard's charming play. It Is American in sentiment, by an American author, and acted by a company of American actors. There were repeated curtain calls during the evening. Immense audiences will douotless witness tbe pie* during the four weeks of itt en gagement at the Chicigo Opera House. "Decoration Day." The years that have elapsed tince tbe close of tbe civil war have terved to obliterate all sectional feeling, and a united and prosperoui nation joins in keeping green the grays of all its beloved dead. It Is In this spirit that- the publisher of tbe New York Fami ly Story Paper has had written a thrilling and pathetic romance, pecul iarly appropriate to this national h(»li- Jay. entitled "Faithful Leonore; or, His Grave Kept Greeu." In the same paper will also be found a woekly in stalment-of the -Lifts and Adventures as a showman of P. |\ Bar rum," writ ten by biniielf, and equally Interesting to the young folks at well as beads of families. These are rare literary treats, and those of oar readers who are not already enjoying them will do well to obtain No. 766 of tbe New York Family Story Paper of their newsdealer *»r send direct to tbe pub Usher, Munro's Publishing House, Nos. 24 and 26 Vandewater Street, New York, and receive the paper four Memorial Day in Waucon0a. Will be observed at Waucoada, 111., Wednesday, May 30th, 1883. Pretident Justus Bangs. Marshal Frank Powers The procession will form near tbe O, A, R. Hall, at 12:30 aod march to the Cemetery, led by tbe Wancoada Cornet Band. After decoratkg the graves with flowers th« following programme will be given at the stand. 1--Prayer by Rev. W. H. Plercfe 2--Singing by tbe Choir. 3--Address of Welcome by Comrade Cook. 4--Music by the Band. 6--Oration by Rev. T. R. Sat Uriel d. 6--Singing by the Choir. After tbe Public Exercisos a Straw berry and Ice Cream Supper will be served in O. A. R. Hall by tbe Ladies Relief Corps. , PER OBDBB. -- flpF' TBS NATIONAL |RBPDBC.I04^ CONVENTION. % / For the above convention the Chica go & Nortb-Westero Railway Co. will Hell excursion tickets to Chicago and return %t rate ot one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold June 16th to 19th Inclusive, and will be good for return from June 30th to 25th Inclusive. For full information call on or ad dress any ticket agent of tbo Chloago A North-Western Railway. 45-4w. The National Democratic Convention. Tbe Chicago and Northwestern Rail way Co. will tell excursion tickets to Ht. Louis and return for the above con vention at rate of 1 fare for tbe rouad trio;sucti tickets will be sold Juno 2d o 5th inclusive, and will be good to return June 6th to 11th Inclusive. For tickets aud all information call •in or address any ticket agent on tho Chicigo & North-Western Railway. 45-2 w. THE LITTLE BLIND GOD ON BAIL*. Is the - rather eccentric title to a sprightly romance published In most elaborate style, profusely illustrated, tbe scenes laid In the Northwest. By Rand. McNally A Co.. Chicago. Price flftv cents, post-paid to any address. 45-3*. Meeting of National Educational , Association, San Franeisoe. • The next annual meeting of the Na tional Educational Association of tbe United States will be held in San Francisco. Cat., from July 17tb to 20th iuelusive and the Chicago and North- >Vestern Kailwap Co. ofiers a specia. inducement of a r\te of one fare for tbe round trip to all persons desirous of visiting California at that time. Tickets will be sold irom June 14th to July 13th inclusive, and will be good for return passage any time within ninty days from date of sale. Circular containing full information can be obtained by applying to or addressing any ticket agent of tbe Chicago ana North-Western Railway Co. iJoltA Lumm, of Michigan City, Indian*, Wins. , In our issue of May Ath we published tthe follfiftvlh£; • "th# following hen and egg problem Is a puzzler and we will send THE PLAINDEALER six months to the person sending the first intelligent, correct solution, in an en velop and directed to tbe editor. Here Is the problem:--"If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half tn a day and a half, how many egg will six bens lay In seven days?" The PL.AINDDEAI.ER had not been In tbe Post Office an'honr before we be- g«n to reoelve answers, We received answers, besides those from this connty, from Osborne, Ktn., Fairfield Neb,, Nelson, Neb., Des Moines. Iowa] Dubuque, Iowa, Stillwater, Minnesota,' St. Paul, Minnesota, Chicago, Illinois, Bay City, Mlcblgin, Waukegan, Illi nois, Michigau City, IndUna and other places. We cannot publish all as it would take too much space, but give the difiercat numbers figured out: Fourteen got the answer as 28. Eleven as 43. There was but oue correct an swer received, which we give In full as follows: One hen will do f as much in the same length of time, as 1J hens will do; therefore, one hen will lay in 1} dayc } of 1} eggs which is oue egg. N<>w It is very plain that 1 hen lays 1 egg la 1J days; and at the end of 7 days she will have laid as many eggs as Ij is contained times in 7. which is 4#; or in other words, she wiil have laid 4 eggs and another one $ laid. There are six hens workiag on these egg6 during tbe 7 days, so of course ther# will be 6 times as many eggs laid, making 24 eggs complete, and each of 6 others only £ laid: and, as I stated above, the question is hew many eggs will the hens produce in tbe time given, and it Is impossible to take § of each of 6 eggs laid by 6 different hens, and make 4 whole eggs, even if each of the bens eould be pursuaded to lay § of an egg. Therefore my answer is 24 eggs. Respectfully, JOHN J. LUMM, Michigan City, Indiana', Tbo above is the correct solution and Mr. Lumm wins the prize. Stylish Millinery. MRS. E. W. HOWE, three doors West oi tbe Riverside House, Mc Henry. bas one ot tbe finest assort ments of millinery and fancy goods over shown in town. Ladies are e-iraestly Invited to call aid see the latest and mo<t attractive styles in ladies', misses' and children's bead- wear, for spring and summer. She has had several years' experi ence in the business, and is confident that she can please all who desire stylisb and artistic millinery. Satis faction guaranteed, and prices always reasonable. She is also prepared to do all kinds of Dress Making on short notice and In a style that cannot fall to please. Give her a call examine Goods and learn prices before buying. MRS. E. W. Ho«i» •ilL BOAT FOR a ALE. A large, fine Sail Boat, everything complete, for tale ohoapw Enquire at «§Sfr^ • Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC.--A. F. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- n of each month. MODERN WOODMKW OF AMEPTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in vited. SONS or TEMPERAKCE.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALBB:-^-9ava your flowers for May 30th. E. F. Hewes went to Whitewater last week. *M!ss Carrie Hodge came home from Elgin Saturday night. Mrs Dr. Turner is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Dart, at Minneapolis Minn. * W. C. Hyde and family expeot to start this week for a home in Califor nia. A fight In town en Friday caused some excitement and no little con tempt for the parties concerned. Mrs. Clara Rowe, from Richmond, was the guest of Mrs, Dr. Herrick the first of last week. Albert Manley, fro a Harvard, was shaking hands with old friends here a few days ago. Mrs. J. Van Hoozen and two daugh ters, Rett and Nettle, from Green wood, spent Thursday In tow a. Taylor Brothers are erecting 3 large Monitor windmills (eighteen foot wheel) at Pleasant Pr||rie. Allie Hyde will net accompany his yareats to California, but will remain with Mr. Stone, at least eight months. Miss Jessie Rowe Is spending a few weetyat Greenwood. Rev. Anderson will, start this week for a trip to California. Frank W. Smith, from Marengo, will occupy his place in the Presbyterian pulpit dur ing his absence. Attend the May Party, at Rowe's Hall, on Friday evening of this week. Mugic by Smith's Orchestra from Jauesville. Tickets $1. A good time is anticipated. J. B. Stone, of Richmond, Is baviag an elegant mansion erected on hi» tar tn iu East Hebron. The old houst nas becu torn down to make room for the new one. J. B. believes thoroughly in improvements. Rutnor says that the H. C. B. will make their last appearance iu public as a Cornet Band on Decoration Day. If this be true maojr regrets will be expressed aud the hope that the mem bers will think twice before coming to * permanent decision to disband. What would Hebron do without'Our H. C. B? The public sch >ol will have an ex* liib.tiou at Rowe's Hall, on Saturdoj evening of this week. A fine llterarj program is being prepared and those «vho attend are sure to be highly eu- icrtaiued and their kind .patronage idd to the fugd of tbe school treasury. Ice cream will be served at the clost of tbe entertainment. Admission 10 cents. All are Invited. A.meeting was beid Saturday even ing aud arrangements made for tht .»pproprate observance ot Doooroilou Day. tt.- W. Mead was elected Presv- Jeut of the day aud D. A. Clary Marshal, C. A. Stone, Frank Rowe anu il. W, Merry were appointed a com mittee on program. There was also appointed a floral Committee of te'ii ladies. A good .speaker will be pro cured and let each one exhibit a patriotic spirit by doing all In tbeii power to make the arrangments a suc cess, and ofler from their heart a floral tribute to the memory ot the beroic deai, ^ . ALGONQUIN- [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin ity, knowing iheuiseive) iuuebted for tbe PLAINDKALEB eau learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money aud rucutpt for the same, in uur name. Those wisniog to subscribe can leave tneir named at his store. Call on hiiu and get a sample copy.J EDITOR PLAINDEALBBXH. B. Tbroop had a cousin from Minnesota visiting with him last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cbapm in, of Chica go, were here last week aod bad tbelr sons remains moved to the new addi tion of our Cemetery aod a very fine family monument erected on their lot. Mr, Argard, of Eau Clair, Wis., Is visiting here with his daughter, Mrs uhas. Wandrack. Wm. Morton caae4n on Friday Ia6t with a carload of cows Tor his farm. D. W, Thomas c*me in on Saturday last with a parload of milch cows and be Is billed for an Auction Sale for Tuesday of tbi) week. Our First Base Ball Nine pi ayed a game of Base Ball with the Cary Club, at Cary, on Saturday last. Tbe score ?tood 20 to 23 in favor of Algonquin. Mrs. Wm. Estergreen is quite sick. Dr. Nas»n is in attendance. Eb. Duun, of Shelby villa, Til., It visiting his father here for a few days. Miss Ainie Philp Is visiting with friends in Chicago. Cbas. Wandrack received a telegram from Chicago on Sunday morning last, that his brother John was sick. He drove to Elgin and took the noon iraln for Chicago, but at this writing we have heard nothing more. Mrs. L. E. Rlolet and children, of Waukesha, arc the guests of Mrs. John Helm. I. V. Moutanye, of Elgin, was a pleasant caller on Sunday last. At a meetlug beid on Tuesday even ing of last week, tbe following officers and committees were chosen for tbe observance of Decoration Day: President of the Day--C. W. Hart. Marshal --Chas. Wandrack. Committee of Arrangements--John Helm, C. Wandrack, C, Kublank, E. A F-ird and Wm. Rattary. Committee on Musics- E. Morton, Mrs. D. W. Thomas and Miss Amelia Adamek, Committee 09 Finance--E. Morton, H. Beothusen and Lou Wenhcltz. Committee on Decoration -- Mrs. Mrs. Chapoll, Mrs. Holm, Mrs. Wan drack, Mrs. Blgctow, Mrs, J, Phllp, Jr., Mra. Bcnthnscn, Mrs, W. Morton, Mrs. H. Keys, Miss. McKoe. The Committee of Arrangements have secured tbe services of tbo Cary Cornet Band to furnish music fer tbe occasion. ' Mrs. Smith, who hat been very low with diphtheria, it now doing finely under the; skillful treatment of Dr. Nason. Try Besley's Iron Tonlo Bitters. F.nll line of stationery at JT, A. Story's. Worsted cable twist dress goods on ly 12J cents at Evanson's. New Spring Millinery goods In all the latest styles at Mrs. C. A. Hutson's Go and see E. L awl us' velvet finish ed Corduroy pants, very cheap. Extra Choice Flour, 91 per sack at Brauson's. A full assortment of Clothing, price from #5.00 a suit up at Stoftel & Blake. Wells, Richardson ft Co.'s Butter 2olor for sale by J. A. Story. Potatoes 91.10 per bushel at Ivan- son's, Paints, oils, and varnishes, brashes, etc.; a full line of painter's supplies to bs found at J. A. Storv's. Besley'* Death to Rats is sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Go to J. A. Story's for drags, medi cines, dye stufis, olgars, drug notions, stationery, etc. Screen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prices, Extra heavy white Bed Spreads 91 each at EVinson's. v;;--. '• • . . . , iv;,f If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, call at Aitbofi Bros. FOR REN r. First class rooms suitable for a small family. Inquire of MRS. WM. MCCOLLUM. McHenry, April 17,1888. Try the new Japan Tea 20 cents per pouad at Evanson's. Go to J. A. Story's for stationery of ill kinds. Legal cap, Letter Cap Fool's Cap, Bill, Note, &c.. Iu great variety. Also latest novelties In let ter and note paper. Call and examine. Dyspepsia and indigestion cured by use of genuine Vermont Spruce Gum to be found at J. A. Story's drug store Horsford's Baking Powder for sale by John Evanson & Co. Mrs. C. A. Hutson wishes to Inform the ladies of McHenry and vtclnit) 'hat she la fully prepared to show a> rttie a stock of Millinery Goods as eat tie found. I have secured a first clas» Milliner and Dress-Maker, and can do >oth kinds of work ou short uotlce aod will guarantee satisfaction. 1 MRS, C. A. HUTSON. The Chicago Itifeat Market. Situated near the iron Bridge, Mc tienry, has beeWrecently fitted up ii first class shape,'aud is now prepared o furnish customers with Fresh anc Salt Meats ef all kinds, of the bos quality, and at Bed-Rock Pricet When we say Low Prices we meaii just what wo say; aad we invite you ©•«eft!l and sea for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for Calves, Llydes and Tallow. GIVE ME A CALL. THOS BURKK. Proprietor. JOHN L. »ULLIVAN Has landed, ready to knock out tbe pugilists of America, and we are pre pared to knock out any and all high prices waged on tbe trading public. Hid don't you forget That our stock is all cleao and new. That our styles are the Utes:. That we buy as cheap as cash can •buy. i That our goodsjare as represented. ^ That we keep a No. 1 general stock That we try to please our custom ers. *Tbat we get a large patronage. That our prices are as low as the political star of a Chicago boodler. That the public know it, and we are tbankrnl for It. Come and see us. Respectfully, STOFFEL & BLAKE, Riverside Block. New Meat Market- in the Brick Building opposite the Parker House, West Miae, is now open and ready for busiue«s with a full <itock of Fresh and Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, Sausa re, etc. Also a full lia«- of Canned Goods and all kinds of Veg etables in their season. A share ot public patronage respectfully solloltoo Call and see us. SIMES & RINDEL. West MoHenry, May 23d, 18S8. Look through our liao of table linen, towels and crashes. For all shades ot Dress Goods from black down to white call on us. In Satines we have black, plain brown, figured browu, figured blue and also lighter shades in imported and domestics, An elegant lino of latest shades of the celebrated Jamestown dress goods. Full stock of choicest groceries kl- waysonhand. STOFFEL & BLAKE. Clover Blossoms! We want all the Blossoms you can furnish ns this season. Save your fiells and we will make it pay you. S. S. SHKPARD A SON. Cigars at J. A. Story's. Merit rifine; We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Dr. King's new 11re pill-1, Buck leu's Arnica Halve aud Electric Bitters and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to garantee tham every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory re sults do not follow their uee. These remedies have won their great pepu- larltr purely on their merits, G. W. BESLKY, Druggist, Oucklon'a Arnica Salvo. Tbe best Salve.iu the woild tor cuts oruUes, sores, ulcers, salt rheuui, fevor sores, tetter, etiapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptian6, and pos- tively cures plies, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 26 certs per box. For sale byGK W. Besley, __________ See the English Satlne corset at 75c, worth 91.00. See our bargains la table dotha aad "7' •'-.'•.A Cigars at J. A. Story's. A choice line of Box Paper, at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE tbe -Empire Cuban,* best Five Cent Cigar In tbe market. City residences for sale. Apply fp Ala W. Smith, Woodstock, Dl. Artist's tupplies at J. A. Sfory't. * Go to J. A. Story't fer best grade of . • ' Kerosene Oil. Gold Paint*, Bronze Palate, Silver * | Paints, etc., at J. A. Story's. Ton will find a full Hoe of ar€tit*i ? material at J. A. Story's. Go to J. A. Story's for best grade of ' { Kerosene Oil. ________ Besley's Worm Syrup for ehlldrebr has DO equal. Try the Vermont Spruoo Gam jast 1 received at J. A. Story s. 1 1 ; Wells A Richardson's celebrated butter color for sale at New Drag Store. A All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pockel books and bags at Besley's Drag store!Mm west side. IF you want a first class Photograph* ;i «*all on L. E. Bennett, over Perry dl ' j Owen's store. 11 * -'3$ Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Broshea* p and all supplies for painters at J. 4* Story's. ' ^ SALE."' • %<•: A large quaotitv of Shelled Corn wr *• sale at Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powder# are a great benefit to cows. Increases tbo flow of milk and keeps them healthy^ ^ HOUSE TO RENT. Good garden and outbuildings, j fertps reasonable. Infuire at thli...^ office. _______ Every thing In the Implement llao " can be found at Bishop's Warehouse. , j Call and examine. Prices low. 1'-MMi "Carry the news to Hannah," that the best place to buy Ladles Fino < Shoes is at Altboff Bros. Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter ' On draught at J. Bonsletfs, A, Ban glen's and John Heimer's. <. | Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy ind happy -" ^ All kluds of Story Books for children /:jj cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. . -f u Linseed Oils, lurpenttne. Brashes, "4> tnd all supplies for painters at J, A, Tory's. MIDDLINGS,' '"V;j Corn Meal and Ground Feed at rea* tenable prices. Call and learn prices . it Bishop's Mill. Go to Altboff Bros, for Floe Shoes. l'he finest stock In town. V i Believing • Thit a good new stock ef dotbtag ft leeded in this place we have pat io * , omplete linn. Call and look it over. C% Yours truly, ' * - STEVENS A MlLLEB. Besley's celebrated Ale on draught it John Helaaer't. J. Bonslett's and A. / -Cnneln's. The most healthy drink ferg%i »ny weather. - WHEAT WANTED. ( J Che highest market price In-caab, *111 be paid for good mllllog wbeatV. it the Fox River Valley Milk, Mc- Henry.. R, BISHOP. ? We haye special inducements to >fler in Laoe Curtains, Window ;?!?' •i.lades and Turkey-red Damask ^ JOHN EVANSON C. F. TORNOW, l3 Custom Tailor, of Nuuda. wishes to " ihfor.n tbo citizens of McHenry and ' V vicinity that he will visit McEteary *j m tbe 25th of each month, with af«ul» vi§ line of samples, and will take orders- /i for single garments or full suits aad . M {uarantee satisfaction in quality of 1 foods, good fits and low prices. Headquarters a' the Parker Houee. :.-'£ Should the 25th tall on Suaday, wtlt Ifl be here tbe following Monday. 0. F. TOBHOW. '1 Dated. April 25,1888. 49-tf --------- ft Farmers, look to your horses. To U have them la good trim for spring, I work use Besley's Condition Powders. \ J The best in the market. ' A Safe Invoatmont. Is one which Is guaranteed to give 4 vou satisfactory results, or in case of Si failure a return ef purchase price. 0a, ii hie safe plaa you can buy frost oar -i advertised druggist, a bottle of Dr. ^ Klug's New Discovery for Consump- .1 ion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any aflec* ^ ion ot throat, lungs or chest, such a) % Consumption, inflammation of Inngss t 8 bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough* "I croup, etc., ate. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and can always be depended upoi. Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's Is drug store. Furniture! Furniture! JUSTEN BROS, wish to Inferse rhe pubiio that their store on the Easi Hide, formerly occupied bv Joba B^vyJgj Blake, which has beeu closed on ao^|f§ count of sickness, is now open and will' remain open every day, where can b# a found a full line of Furniture of all' kinds, from a single chair to a full par*' lor set, aud at as low figures as aar !H! other store in the couuty. Any kind. of furniture for less tnoaev than sseall* ^ er dealers can sell it. You can savo-. money by buying yeur house-keeping outfits of us. Call and see us, Inspect goods and learn prloes before buying' •V'?j elsewhere. . JOSTBN BB03* "yM McHenry, May 15,1888. /! Disolution Notices. NOTICE H hereby given that the yartaer-ship heretofore existing between Leoa-* uril lionslttu, Will Biitislett, and Sioaoa tofl'el is tbis day UISSOITO.1 by mutual oea- setu All persaus tDiiet>te>i to tko late Srw ' ire requested to pay the S.tuie by JBR* IStik next. Tbe notes, acceuats, etc., vriil be touad at the store of the late lirtn, and any ono of • *aid lirrn are authorized to accept paymtuE and to receipt tor tbe uw I. EON ARM BOWSJIAVSI, WILL BOSSIERR^'I-."'*" 8IMOX STOFFEL.. S?- • Dated at McHenry, Ai>rU W. / VTOTTCE is hereby given that the under-1 i.^1 signed have Ibruied a copartnership for the purpose of conducting a general inerchao- tide business at the store fornaerl / occupied, br the firm ef Bonatett A Stoffel at w«»t McHenry, Iti. Win. BOSSLBXT, SnuMiitofvu. Dated at W. MeHeary, IiL, Uie totk day et April, 18S1 Notice. npHK undersigned having soi l his Interest ta JL the firm of Bousiett A Motfel t» Will Bonstett aad Sitnotv StoSeL who wiUeoatOM* the busitisds of cienerai aterahandtae as tbe old stand, will devote his entire at^eottta to the bran ami feed buaineaa beriefteft