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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 May 1888, p. 5

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VII**'*®,; Time 3-E- reflfeot Sept. 19th, train* Will pat* - itUtion «UUr, except Sunday a, 001*0 SO0TB ittenevaPaaaenger " &KBSSK:::::::: '» Paseeager ' OOtit» W»IU£ MO«m|nlKkt »«hwn^MM6t USmT&PMMUm" . .8:22 • .. a:00 p. II ..»« *• ...... 1-Ui.K 9:52 .4:66*. M ............S:S1 M B. BUSS, Agent. McHenry, 111 if*; ' MASONIC. Moffwntr LOQOf, No. in A. r, and A. M.-- Regular Oommnntcation* the aeeond and (eurtb Monday* in each month. J. VAN SLTKE, W. M. f: MODERN WOODMEN OP AMEBIC A. > , Meet at Parker Hons« Hall, every Second ' ' • I ^ Tli* ¥*7 Term of the Circuit Court 1* In session at Woodstock this week. • Tpg;C«i»$r«l Meat Market, Altbofl Bros., proprietors, bare a new and tasty sifB. | RIAO the Doe Dollar List of John $5vanson & Co,, to be found In aaother 'fdsos In this paper. R BISHOP IS treating bit Mill to new coat of paint, which Is a great improvement in Its appearaaee, Bee. Robinson Is doing the work. rDs. A. S. CHILDS has purchased * lot 'of Henry Sim**, west of this Market •nd opposite the Parker House, and is building, himself a tasty office. rTaie MoHenry Brick Company have Just sold 60,000 Brick to the North- rwestern Railroad Company, to be jhipped to Lake Superior. THESE will be no preaehlng at the Unlversallst Church next Sunday. Sunday School as usnsl at 13 M. The Children and others at the school are •specially desired. K. A. HOWABD, of the West Side ' Market, will accept the thanks of the editor and family for a fine Surloln Jfteak, from one of the Fat Steers >|atoly bought of Burton Stevens, : R LOST, somewhere between the Blacksmith Shop of E. Carpenter and #Ichael'Doherty's or between the latter place and Haaly's Mill, on Mon- . day last, a pair of Farrier's Pinchers The flnder will confer a favor by re- . turning the same to E, Carpenter, ». S. FHEPABO A Son, find log that they could not get Clover Blessoms enough In this section, are putting up a Dryer at Graytown, Ohio, twenty- four miles east of Toledo, where they will take in Blossoms this season. They will also buy all the Blossoms they can get la this section. THB REV. FRANK W. SMITH, ot Marengo, will deliver bis Interesting lecture,"In aad out of Andersonville." at Band Hall, Ringwood, Friday •venlng June 1st, 1888, for the benefit •f the M. E. Church of that piace, AD are cordially invited. Tickts 25 cents. Children 10 cents. BTOBOER. I TO-DAY, May 80th. Memorial Day, is ttelng generally observed all over the Country. In this village the precession #111 form at Grand Army Hall at l:3t, 7. M., and march to the Cemeter Where appropriate services will take place, as per tbe programme published last week. Wi notice that M. F. Walsh na* bought out the Interest of his partner In tbe Harvard Herald, and that will, early 1n June, put In* press, type) Otc, and print his paper at home. Walsh has the ability and push to make a good paper and we wish him lueosss. ' THB now Steamboat for Captalu Frenoh's line between this village and Fox Lake, arrived on Friday last and was put la the river on Saturday. Her machinery is being put in and she will be in running order in a few days. Bbe is 60 feet long and a model of beauty, and looks as though she light make speed. / ' BURGLARS forced an entrance Into the Depot at this place, on Thursday night jast, and suoceeded la getting abeut 94,50 In pennies, two rubber Coats aad one Overco it. It was tbe algbt Castello's Slow wae here and no doubt the theft was committed by V some follower of that cooeera, No Jyjlue has been obtalaed as yet. LAMES' aud Misses gauze Vests, ftloves and Mitts lor Children, IS cents, ... How Ribbons, German Blue Long Cletli, 11 oents, Black Spanish Lace Skirting a bargain at $1.76, tbe pret­ tiest assortment of colored and white embroidered Dress Patterns to be found, always the cheapest at the es' Salesroom, Nichols' Block. jrim G, B. CCRTIS, of Elgin, was on our streets ope day last week. T. B. TCRNCB and wife, were a Belvldere last week' Miss BESSIE Goiira Is spending > few weeks with- her grandparents, u this village. JATGOINO, who has been visiting bis grandparents. In this village, re­ turned to Chicago on Saturday.. D. S. BABBITT and family, of Elgin, removed to their summer cottage, at Pistaqua Bay. last week. HOWARD PERRT. who Isatt3ndlng school at Aurora^ 1s spending a short vacation at his home. In this village. MRS. FRED COLBY, of Eagle wood, was visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright, In this village last week. CLAKEKCE MTERS went to Grey- town, Ohio, last week, to put up a Clover Dryer at that placf f*r Shepard & Son. REV A SLADE IS awaytora week and over Sucday, visiting his old parish In Wisconsin, and attending the Wisconsin Universalis! State Con­ vention. THB Willi eg Workers will meet with Mrs. E. Carpenter, Friday June 1st, at 2 SO p. M. to uomplete the arrangements for a Strarfherry Festi­ val which will be held Juno 8th. Mas. W. A. CRISTT, President. Miss JULTA SToar, Secretary. ONE ef the best variations on the ben-and-a-half theme we have seen is from the Smltbvllie (Ga.) JV&tw, and evidently comes from the Inmost depths of the editor's heart. It Is as rollows: "If a delinquent and a half should come up and pay * dollar and a half In a year and a half, an editor and a half would then stand some chance of getting a meal and a half occasionally." MRS. CURIIS wife of Hon. I. R Curtis of Marengo, will give a Lecture under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. of Mc- Henry, at tbe Unlversallst Church, Monday evvening. June 4th. Subject, The Past, Present and Future Mao and Woman*" Admission free. Mrs. Curtlss is a lady of marked ability and a fine speaker and nd one should fail to come out and boar her on this occa­ sion. /Wi ^ave A HEW kind or olrd has been seen around here lately in considerable nnm- hers. They are lively, fancy colored little fellows, about the sice of a spar- |ow, but slimmer built. They skir­ mish arouud the trees ac a lively rate §pr flies and worms. Wo never saw Inch a bird before, and cannot And any •no that oan name U. - DAW. CASTELLO'S Show, which gave 'Iwo exhibitions In this village on Thursday last, was not aa well attend­ ed as Its merits deserved, on account .ye presume, of the,favorable weather for farmers to complete corn planting. But we can truly say It was one of the |est shows that has visited the plaoe in many year*. Prof. Mayo's school Trained Herees far surpassed any­ thing ef the kind we ever saw. All Who attended went away well pleased frith every part of the entertainment aad pronounced It as worthy of tbe fatroaage of the public.* flk tansSB*S. rr w ^ - ^ -l > i. < *~J * 'S , THE editor can go around town and ask a hundred people "what's newP" and ninety-nine ef them know "noth­ ing special." And yet fifty of them know somethiBg, which if not found la the next PLAINDEALEB will as ton Ish them greatly, dlssppoiat them mote and perhaps make them madder than hornets. Don't be afraid to let out information. We need It in our buelaitss. , ' AN eastern edl tor says a man In ftew York got into trouble by marrying two wives. A western editor replies by as­ suring his contemporary tbat a good many in that section have come to the *ame thing by marry log one. A nor­ thern editor reports tbat quite a num­ ber of his acquaintances found trouble by merely promising without going *ny further. A southern editor say that a friend ef his was bothere enough when simply found in eom-' pany with another 'nan's wife. ILL BONSLVTT and Simon Stofiel have bought out the Interest of Leonard Boislett, In the firm of Bonslett & Stofiel, and will hereafter run the business of General Merchants under the same firm name, Bonslett & Stofiel. They are young men ef ex­ cellent business qualifications, but both haviog been members of the old firm are well known to the buying public aud need no Introduction from is. kiBop f fn» complete stopk/f all 11mes and if close attention fwjH»ilTO^s Mlfyuuunaihs CffT merit tKjpatrfrnago they wttt tie sufe U get, [Leonard Boeslett, the retiring mem- oer of the firm, will give his attention tg*tba,Food business^ Read the ad< verilKlluiiBl SI uew firm in another column. .j? THB Omaha Dally Worlds %tk a« ox- tended notice of the CI ty of Hoxie, Kansas, has the following to say of two of MoHenry's former business men: "Colby & Beers, are dealers ID general mercbaadlse. They occupy a building 24x70 feet, with a warehouse 22x24 feet. They have a large stock of not le$| than #10,000, and a corps of clerks on duty. The store Is crowded witha nice olean stock of everything a man looks for in a general ftore* The cellar Is stored full, the shelves full, the counters full, ceiling full, sare full, but the men are not, for "two Beers'do not run the business. Mr. Colby Is a capltalUt in Illinois, and Mr, Beers the alert manager on the ground. A man of his business tact is not In Hoxie for health, and tbe big stock is not there without reason. Here is so much additional evidence for Hoxie and the kingdom of Sher­ idan." LIBERAL OFFER.--We call the atten­ tion of tbe readers of the PLAINDEAL- BR to the advertisement In another eolumn, headed "The Best OCer Tot," in which the publisher oilers to send to any one a large 40-column paper four months at a price which barely pays tbe cost, relying on future sub­ scriptions ftr his profit. Among the premiums absolutely given to sub­ scribers we notice 80 acres of good timber land, gold and silver watches, and many other premiums, a complete list of which will be sent each trial subscriber. , 44-4 w .V.' May 28th, 1888. Came Into my pasture about May 16, 1888, and restrained May 23, \ yearling Bull, color roan, head indicating Jer­ sey blood. The owner is requested to prove property, comply with the law relating to this cl ss of animals and taka htm away. GEO. M. HARRISON. Two and one-half sailes Southwest •f Blag wood, 111. 46-3w. • -<..W .* ' ' *, n**~ *' „ ' V F • tallest kind of sport for the past wook catching Redhorso, and when we at tempt to teli anywhere near tho ber of pounds that have b^eu MpSi fr>>m tbe river, near the Irqn the past six days, wo shall expect that persons that do not know of the fact will say "It smells tUby." Ing prohibited by the^lsb law it be>^me neccssary to devlaf seme way to chich Bedboree antlAt was done by fastening three lar^e fish hooks oil a line att^hed to v^pole, and after a little practifeqlt wn astonishing how easy It wa^^rkook them np. And that It was fyfowlu too Is evidenced by the fad; that mets. women and childreufftned tbe brtdg^qimost con­ fer the put week, eafei^wltb a 1 line taking a hand In tin is setting the figures small when we over a ton of fish a day have been taken from the river at this .point for past week. Wo kept track as near as we could for one day and over foiKp hundred were caught, running In*1 eight from 4| to 10 pounds each. ant| other days even more than this ave been taken out. It beats the oidest settler." | At this writing, ueeday^the fun is diminishing, and probably by the time this reachns our readers it will be entirely over But our towu Is turnod into erta grand Fish Market. "Fish to tbo right of us! Fish to the left of us! Fish a!) aroand ot! Fish!. 1 iiVtj ^ The Use Of Lnb^' V ;5=' Tbe crszy screams of the loon are heard again through the silent watches ef^the night and in tho oarly morn. Seven were seen sporting thomselve* in the pond the other morning. It will be a good thing If they become numerous around here, as they make magnificent sport for the innocent ehootlsts who come In the sumtrer with their kits. If there Is anything tbat will tickle a loon half to death it is a pair of breech loading, nickel mounted, double and twist, brown can vas, copper riveted throughout elty sportsmen after him. He will stand on his head and kick at the clouds with delight. He will sit on the water like an oldfashioned three-decker with his ofl eye shut and bis beak on a grin, until the city ch«p thinks that If be can't blow that galoot c!ean out of tbe water at the first pop it would be use­ less bis shooting at a barn. Then be draws up, holds bis breath, shuts hi* eyes aud pops. So likewise do^s the loon, and while the sport Is' oonfusndly loeking fer the pieces, the loon comes up within 4} feet of the boat and laughs a wild lunatic laugh that would put unholy thoughts into the very best ohurch deacon that ever lived. Then the rowing aad shooting commences. aBd If the loon does not take at least five hours fun oot ot the n, why be must be a young one and not feollng extra well. Yes, loons should be encouraged. Doooratlon Day in MeHsnj^; ^Arrangement* to observe Decoration /Day in an appropriate manoer. In this village, have been made, and all are invited to meet at G. A. R. Hall, at 1:30 p. M. sharp, on Wednesday, May 30tti, from which place the line of mar ;h will be taken up at 2 o'clock, border of mareh will be as follows: 1. MoHenry Post and ex-soldiers* 2. Young Ladies with Flowers. • 3. Choir. 4. Mcdenry 5. Citizens. On arriviug at the Cemetery tho G, A. R. Post will oonduct their special services, at tho conclusion of which the young ladies will proceed to deco­ rate the graves of tbe departed heroes under direction of some member of the Post. After the Decoration ceremonies are over tbe programme will be as follows: 1. Singing by tho Choir. 2. Address by H. Y. Shepard, Esq. 8. Singing, America. It is earnestly requested aad hoped that all will lay aside the usual avoca­ tions and turn out and aid In doing honor to an# keeping bright the mem­ ory of our soldier dead. The young ladles of tho village art earnestly requested to come out and each bring a Bequet of such tf lowers as they can procure, By tbat day wild flowers will bo In abundance should others be soaroe. But be sure and be on band with a Boquet of some kind. Should tho weatbeV prove stormy the exercises will 1M held ta G. A. 8. Hall. Wide Awake for May Is as bright aad sunny as a May morning. Tbe beautiful frontispiece (after 3tefleck's famous palutlng) shows the late Em­ peror William and his brother when boys. In company with their famous mother. Queen Louise. A brief arti­ cle about tbe Emperor, with a portrait from his last life photograph is timely. President Madison's Family, with its beautiful portraits of Dolly Madison and other members of tbo family. Is very chatty and entertaining. These glimpses of the children of jour presi­ dents appeal forcibly to evtiry Amer­ ican aoy and girl. Youag coin coU lectors would turn first to tbe Pleasures of a Young Numismatist. Mrs. Clark's Bis 1 and Fall of tho Migit is delightful in its fun. whieb goes borne to every lad wbo has owned an ama­ teur printing press. Several jolly poems add to tbe entertainment fur­ nished. The more substantial features includfl In a Typhoon, by Olive Risley Seward, Chinese Dragooa, by Prof. Douglas of tbe British Museum, Night In a Beaver Town, by Edmund Collins. In tbe June issue will begin Mrs. Crowningshield's serial of training- ship life--Plucky Smalls: His Story. Newsdealers have this Issue tor 20 oents, or It will be mailed by the pub­ lishers, D. Lothrop A Co., Boston. A sample back number of any of tho Lothrop magaalnea cents, or o! the f< LODQB DIRECTORY. •' Axeptca--Meet at «T»rjr 3d and 4th Thursday even. of eaeh month. Neighbors cordially In- #»*8 or TBMPKttAWC*.--Meet at Union Hall Oft Tuesday evening ef each week. XT EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Hunger's dividend for March milk was 91,15 per one hundred pounds. The exuberant supply of dandelion blossoms this year Is something re- markable. Miss Nellie Hoivdan spent th* last of tbe we»k with h$r sister, Mrs, Dr. Herrlck. Robert Benson mud daughter re­ turned from Minnesota on Thursday. Peter Wiihurn is drawing lumber fer tlio building of a large barn on bis farm. Mrs. Paxon, Sr., Started this week for a visit to friends In the east, Rev. Andrews and family expect to spend about th<$e month? in tbe Golden State. # Mlitis EUla Rows and Annie Good sell returned last week rtom a visit to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Casterllne, from Centra! Wisconsin, are viBliing rela­ tives In thl4 vicinity. School will close |be last of June with a grand picnic, ai Twin Lakes. J. A. Retnour is at Twin Lakes, assisting In the spring transformation of Capt. Ackermaifs attractive sum­ mer resort. Mrs. E. Pierce #ent to Kogleweod Wednesday to ftipBia until the first ef tho week, when she will go to Michl gan and from thenoa to Vermont. A large crowd attendud the May Party on Friday evening. Several couples were present from Greenwood, Keystone and Rich in >nd. Tbe lawsuit bstween Chas. Earnest and Warner Wentwerih, at Harvard on Friday, was decided in favor of the former. Wentworth p«id the cost and was placed under bonds of two hundred dollars to keep the peace fer a year. Richmond will make things lively en Wednesday evening. The elite will attend a dance, tor the benefit of tbe baud at tbe Culver House and the creame <ie lacreame will attend one at Burton's Opera I House, while tbe upper ten," if thiy wish can dance in the street, to itie blending of tbe music of tho two orchestra's. As usual tho attendance at the school exbibltlou Saturday evening was large, tfhe program in:orestiug and entertaining^, aud the ice cream manufactured byi Earl Taylor was ot the best, Hebron wfil celebrate the,, 4th ol J«or. Mi. : A4.GONOOIM. in Algonquin and Ticln- tnueoted for ttic team of itio amount by Wtto is iuUiorutiil to & reOeapt for tue in tVllBlAg to subscribe can 3. oatt <ra biio costs but AvB for fifteen oaats. [NOTIOB.-- uy, fcaottiaf calling on 4 receive uu> our nam*. leave meir nainenat ttw. »nu get a eawpie co py. j EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--C. E. Chs- peli started North on I'lidsd^jr of last week to bay milch cows. Au i'oa Party was given Mrs. Sr, by her daugbter, ^ i s, O. eli, lu Up nor of but 60th uirtbdjiy. •' Mrs. James Hubbard, of Chicago, is visiting with relatives and friends uere. Mr. and Mrs. Babbitt, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with friends, Mrs. ||4nule and children, of Cbi* cago, are iho guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Ford.- dugb Penny and family, of Chicago, were tbe guests of E. A. Ford over duuday. Mis. L. E. Riblet and cblldrea left on Monday morning of this week for their ho JIO at Waukesha, Wis. Geo. Fart en, of Ottawa, Kansas, is /isiting with relatives and friends here. Miss Nellie Wandrack, of Elgin, spent Sunday here wltu friends. D. W, i'bomas came iu on Sunday morniog last with a cirload of milch cows. He is billed for an Auction Sale for Thursday, May 31st. John Crue, of Chicago, w«p.a caller In towu ouo day last week. Mrs. Sherwood is having a very iiao monument put up on her lot at tbe Cemetery, in memory of her late hus­ band, J. A. Sherwood. A Mr. Patter­ son, of Detroit, Micblgao/i* erecting It. When It Is completed it will bo one of the finest monuments lu tho Cemetery. Won Lake Itomapi^.^'.j' Csptin French Is making regular trips with the steamer Grayling from McHenry to Fox Lake oyery night. A young son arrived at the home of Mr. Norton last week. > Mf. Norton now thinks be 1s worth on«. thousand dollars more than be was a few days ago* Mr. Willie of Chicago surprised his oottajj^ as Lake with a new coat of paint. He has also bad his shade trees trimmed, grounds raked, and a coat of white-wash on his picket fence. Clark & Neltenor, proprietors of the Lakeside Hotel, have had a roof built on their danelng ball which was cover­ ed with eanvas. They will now move tbe pool tables out of tbo liotel into the hall where they will remain during the Summer season. Mr. C. Knoll has taken the contract of repairing the steamer, Mary Griswold. It will be ready for nse In about three weeks. • George Drury of Fox Lake will com­ mence hauling the lumber for his new house as soon as the roads get dry. ' . & No use going to the city for a like­ ness ot yourself or friends when you can got a far better one by calling at the Gallery of L. E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store, lu this village. Ho will guarantee yon satisfaction Call aad soo his sped mens, It Is the Now York &<n, a Demo­ cratic organ, tbat utters the following: ,-Mr. Oovelaad has been the cause of more deeply excited passion, political or otherwise, tbau any public offloer we can recall. He has angered the heart ef the Democracy In all Its vi­ tality In his attempt to establish a civil service sysurn to which it Is op­ posed uncompromisingly, and In every, element of its composition. He has pursued a course particularly offensive to the Irish democracy. Ho has deep­ ly grieved American patriotism by bis pro British fishery treaty. He has aroused the oppesitloa of tbo grand army of the republic. He has brought out the very last impulse of sectional animosity at the north by attempting to restore the rebel flags. Ho has suddenly and unexpectedly declared that protection, long the most vital of all sentiments in the north, and rapid­ ly overspreading tbe south, most yield to the free trade theory of tbe tariff smasher, and to the interest of British merchants and manufacturers. 'The nomination of Mr. Cleveland will be a direct challenge to each aud all of these elments, and tho fato of a oaadl date of sueh pronouuoed qualities will naturally be overwhelming, whither he be beaten or successful." ntm >N. For tho abova oonvontlon tbo Chioa- ga A Nortb-Wostorn BaUwa* C* will soli excursion tlckete to Chicago aad return at rate ot one faro for tho round trip. Tickets will bo sold June I6th to 19th Inclusive, aod will bo good for return from Juno 20th to 26thioclusive. For full Information call on or ail- dross any ticket agent of tbo Chicago A North*Western Railway. 45-4w. Jk._ ebolco lino of Box at Boeley's, Weet Side. -- the "Empire Cuban,1 best Flvo Cent Cigar In the ft^If Mr. Edison's improved phono­ graph will do all that is claimed for it tbe device can be used to great advan­ tage in the United States senate. It will take In just what is said and re­ produce it in recognizable tone at any rime, and gentlemen who have been rash in their expressions can not clear themselves by tampering with the record and then asserting that they did not utter what was ascribed to them. The deadly phonograph will be produced, tbe clerk will turn the crank, and the speech will be repeated correctly. Of course, this will be hard on the gallery. It is enough to ondure to listen to an average senator's ftpeech for a single time. , Highway Notice, ftoblla Letting of Contract. Notice is hereby given t-iat propo­ sals will be received by tbe Commiss­ ioners of Highways of the town of Mcileury, County of MoHenry and State of Illinois, on the 9th day of Juiie, 1888, for furnishing of twenty piles (20). 16 feet long, 10 inches at the butt end, aud the drawing of the 6ame at the Klpperslnk Creek, at or near what Is known as Nortbrop's Mill, In Ro*d District No. 4. Also eight piles, 13 feet long, 10 In­ ches at the butt end to be delivered at the bridge near Matt M. Freunds and Matt Kehns, in Road District No. 1. and the driving of the same. Also to build a bridge on said piles, 14 feet long and 16 feet wide, at Mati M. Freutids or Kehns. Th« above pieces of work may be bid on separate l.v or all together, and tbe same will be let to the lowest responsible bidder by public letting, at the McEIenry Village Council Room, in MoHenry Village, at the hour ot two o'clock p. M., Juno 9th, K?>J 1888. Further description of the work ; ?wlll be given oa the day of letting or n*\r b> »b'ti<ie 1 >f th) I' »<v t Jn •< The Commissioners reteryo the right t.e reject any or ail bids. Diated at Mclieary this 26th day ol May, A. D. 1888. ATXKN P. GOLCT, V S > MJCASTOR ADAxa, VOemt ofBtgbwais, JACOB STOO*., ) WO* MAVES, Town Olerk. Bonslett A 8toffel Sloop constantly on haud. White Alfalfa, Mammoth and Juie clover, Timothy, Red Top, common and Gorman Mlllot, Flax, Huugarlan. Buckwheat, Amber Cane, White and Red top Virgin! t ensilage corn. Pump­ kins seed. Pride of the North seed corn, encu nber seed etc. Also a full stock of garden and flower seeds>of reliable tested seeds. Remnants at end of season to close out cheat#. Try our Honest Abe flour, only 105 warant nd. We carry constantly all grades of A$*tF«ad meal. Settlement Notice* ' Art person* knowing themselves in­ debted to the lato firm of Bonslett & itoffai, either by notes now due, book accounts or borrowed money, to April 0183S, are hereby respectfully, but tfrmlv requested to call at the store of Bonslett «fc Stoflii at once and balance your account either by oash or note, as tbe books aod notes will only be loft thero for a short time for a bo vo purpose. Yours truly. BONSLETT & STOFFBL. The notes, accounts, etc., will be foua<l at tbe store of the late firm, and any one of sai<l ilrm are authorized to accept payment and to receipt for tbe same LEONARD BovatOTT, WILL BON§LET?T, SIMON STOFKKL. • Dated at MeBeary, April io„ • 46-8w • Good Potatoes at ESanson's 90 cents por bushel, for Mlllln- Mi --•my Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's ery abd Dress Making. We h«vo about 50 bushels good Pota­ toes at 90 oents per bushel. JOHN EVANSON A Co, Boy tho correot style Hats of as; very choap. . Our Groceries are always fresh and cheap, BOWSLSTT FT STOVFEL. Boys Kn*?e Paots, extra good quality 65 cents per pair, at Evansoo's* Men's Suits, of good clean goods* only f3 per suit, at Evanson's, THK VBBDWI UNANIMOUS. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies* ' I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle eold his given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was care i of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, fteliviile. Ohio, affirms: "The beet selling medicine I bave ever handled in my 20 years' experience. Is Electric Bitters." Thousands or others have added their testimony, so that the verdict Is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of tbo Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at G. W. Besloy's Drug Store. Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at $7* Don't pay $9 and 910. Tour choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, as he eau oot bo boat Ir. doing a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Tailor. School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Bosley's Drug Stona jgfost 81de. ' • WHEAT WANTED/. The highest market price in cash will be p«Td for good Milliog Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo­ Henry. B. BIJSHOP, Clgan at J. A. Story's. yiV ,"7 the Vatieaal Bemoeratie Ceaveatlea Tbe Chicago and Northwestern Rail­ way Co. will sell excursion tickets to' St. Louis and return for tbo above con­ vention at rate of 1 fare for tho round trio; such tickets will be sold Juno 2d to 5th Inclusive, and will bo good to return Juno 6th to 11th Inoluslvo. Fer tickets aud all Information call on or address any ticket agent on tbo Chicago,A North-Western Railway. 45-2 w, THB LITTLE BLIND GOD ON RAILS. Is the rather eccentric title to a sprightly romance published lu most elaborate style, profusely illustrated, tho scenes laid in the Northwest. By Rand. MoNally A Co.. Chicago. Price fifty cents, post-paid to any address. 45-3 J?, Meeting ef National Edneatiomal Association, San Franeiseo. Tho next annual meeting of the Na­ tional EduoatieQal^Association of the United States will be held In Sao Francisco, Cat., from July 17th to 20th Ineiuslve aod the Chicago aod North- Western Railway Co. ofiers a special inducement of a rtte of one fare for tbe round trip to ail persons desirous of visiting California at that time. Tickets will be sold from June 14th to July 13th inclusive, and will be good for return passage any time wlthio aiaty days from date of sale. Circular cootaintng full infirmatlen can be obtained by applying to or addressing any ticket agent of tbe Chicago and North-Western Railway Co. 45-«ow5 w Try Bosley's Irqn Tonlo Bitters. Full line of statloasry at J, A. 8tory's. Worsted cable twist dress goods on­ ly 12} cents at Evaoson's. New Spring Millinery goods In all the latest styles at Mrs. C. A. Hutson's Go and sea E. L awl as' velvet finish­ ed Corduroy pants, very cheap. A full assortment of Clothing, price from 95.00 a suit up at Stofiel & Blake. Wells, Rlchardsoo & Co.'s Bntter Jolor for sale by J. A. Story. Potatoes 91.10 per bushel at Evan- son's, Paints, oils, and varnishes, brashes, etc.; a full line of painter's supplies to bs found at J. A. Story's. Besley'i Death to Rats Is sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Go to J. A. Story's for drags, medi­ cines, dye stuffs, cigars, drug notions, jtatloaery, etc. Screen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prices, If you want to see the finest stetk of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, call at Altbofl Bros. FOR RENT. Fkatclass rooms suitable for a small family. Inquire of MBS. WM. MCCOLLVM. MoHenry, April 17,1888. Go to J. A. Story's for stationery of all kinds. Legal cap. Letter Cap, Pool's Cap, Bill, Note, &c.. in great variety. Also latest novelties in tet­ ter and ^ote paper. Call and examine. Dyspepsia Aid Indigestion cured by use of genuine Vermont Spruce Gum to be found at J. A. gtery's drug store. Mrs. C. A. Hutsoa wishes to inform the ladles of McHenry and vicinity that she la fully prepared to show as flue a stock of Millinery Goods as oan be found. I bave secured a first olass Milliner and Dress-Maker, and can do both kinds of work ou short ootloo aod will guarantee satisfaction. MRS, C. A. HDTSON. The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near tbe Iron Bridge, Mc­ Henry, has been recently fitted up in flrst olass shape, aad is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, of the best quality, aud at Bed-Reck Prices Wb'en we say Lew Prices wo mean just what we say, and we Invito yon to call and see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for Calves, Hydee and Tallow. ! GIVE MB A CALL. 4 THOS. BUBKI. Proprietor. > JjOHN L. SULLIVAN Has landed, ready to knook out tbe pugilists of America, and we are pre­ pared to knook out any and all high prices waged on the trading public, and don't you forget Tbat our stock is all cleaa and new. That our stylos are tbo latest. That we buy as cheap as cash can buy. That our goods]are as represented. Tbat we keep a No. 1 general stock Tbat we try to please our custom­ ers. That we got a large patronage. That our prices are ss low as tho political star of a Chicago boodler. Tbat the public know it. aod we are thankful for it. GwmeJWMI sae us. Respjctfully, STOFFEL & BLAKE, Riverside BlocK New Meat Market. In the Brick' Building^opposlto tbo Parker House, West Side, is now open and ready for business witn a full tteck of Fresh and Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, Sausage, etc. Also a full liae of Canned Goods and all kinds of Veg­ etables in their season. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited Call and sec us. SIMES & RINDEL. Wmi McHenry. May 23d, 18S8. /. Stylish Millinery. tfRS. E. W. HOWE, three doors West ot the Riverside HOUSA, Mc­ Henry, bas one ot tbe finest assort­ ments ef millinery and fancy good* ever shown in town. Ladies are earnestly invited to call aad see the latest and mo«t attractive styles in ladies', misses' and children's head- wear, for spring and summer. She has bad several years' experi­ ence in tbe business, aod is confident tbat she can please all wbo desire Stylish and artistic millinery. Satis­ faction guaranteed, and prions always reasonable . She la also prepared to do all kinds ef Dress Making on short notice and In a style that cannot fali to please. Give ber a call examine Goods aad leant prices before buying. MM. E. W. HOWI* City residences for sale, _ Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Artist's supplies at J. A. Go to J. A. Story's for best grate Kerosene OU. ___________ . 3£i£',J Gold Paints, Bronaa Paints, SUvaf,-^; ^ fr raj Paint?, etc., at J. A. Story's. Tou will find a full lino Of artist'*, material at J. A. Story's. Go to J. A. Story's for beat Kerosene Oil. Besley's Worm Syrup tat cbUdrasL has no equal. ^ Try the Vermont Spruce Gam received at J. A. Story's. Wells A Richardson's hotter color for sale at Store. All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pocket „ books and bags at Besley's Drag ttoroili wast side. v|g® IF you want a first dam Photograph* call on L. E. Bennett, oyer Parry it?'® Owen's store. _________ Linseed Oils. Turpentine, Brosb«e.^ and all supplies for painters at J. A. • Story*s. _______ FOR SALE ~ge qui sale at Bishop's Mill. Besley's Condition Powders atf i great benefit to cows. Iacroaip# MM flow of milk and keeps them hMUllkj; HOUSE TO RENT. Good garden and outbulldlngi*; Terms reasonable. Inquire at office. . I Every thing lu the Implement llao can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Call and examine. Prices low. ' . "Carry the news to Hannah,** that tbe best place to buy Ladles Fine Shoes is at Altbofi Bros. ' A large quantity of Shelled Own fir it BIi ' #j Drink Besley's Ale and bo healthy and happy , , All ktuds of Story Books for eblldrai i ll cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. MIDDLINGS, • %\ Corn Meal aud Ground Feed at ran* • * I sontvble prices. Call and learn prices \ ; ̂ at Bishop's Mill. Go to Althofl Bros, lor Floe Shoes. Tbe finest stock In town. " V H .-•< • h « Believing •;« That a good uew stock of clothing ta •. needed in this place we bave p4t in a complete line. Call and look it over* / Yours truly, STKVSNS * MiUUOb-;, , "WHEAT WANTED. ' *' Hh The highest market price In cash ; .'* i will be paid for good milliog wheat " at the Fox River Valley Mills. Me- ' Henry. R, BISHOP. ,i?l| C. F. TORItOW, Custom Tailor, of Nundat . WttfcM t6 inform tbe citizons of MeEliuu^ aad .i/' vicinity that he will visit.' on the 25th of each month, with line of samples, and will take orfienM fi for single garments or full salt* anil guarantee satisfaction in quality of goods, good fits aad low prices. ivvIS Headquarters a' the Parker House. Should the 25th tall in Sunday, will be here the following Monday* c. F. TOEMOW. Dated. April 25,1888. Farmers, look to your horses. To have them in.good trim for spring work use Besley's Condition Powders. The best iu tbe market. - w v*- Furniture! Furnlturol * JUSTEN BROS, wish to tnfhf^i the public that their store on tbe Bait «£/' side, formerly occupied bv John Jl* Blake, which has been closed on a#> ; -A count of sickness, is now open and mill remain open every day, where can found a fu!l line of Furniture of ftl! M kinds, from a single chair to a fuU par- lor set, and at as low figures at other store In the county. Any of furniture for less money tban entall- er dealers can sell it. Ton eaa * save - V;* money by buying your house-keeping . ^ outfits of us. Call and see us, inspect * goods and learn prices before buyfesg ^ elsewhere. , * * JGSTEK BaoC McHenry, May 15,1888. A WOMAN'S DISCOVKBT. **Another wonderful disoevery t»*n been made and that too by a lady In this country. Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven jmarp she withstood its severest test^Pbot her vital organs were undermined and< desth seemed Imminent, Fer three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovsry for Consumption and was so much re­ lieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle bas been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. --Get a free trial bottle at G. W. Besley'i Drug Store. Look through our llna of table lines, towels and crashes. For all shades ot Dress Goods from black down to white call en us. In Satlnes we have black, plain brown, figured browu, figured blue aad slso lighter shades in tmpcted and. domestics. An elegant line of latest shades ef the celebrated Jamestown dress goods. Full stock of choicest groceries al­ ways on band. STOFFEL & BLAKE. Clover Blossoms! We want all the Blossoms yea ee* furnish us this season. . V " Save your fields and we will make tt pay you. S. S. SHEPABD A Sow. Cigars at J, A. Story's. Bucklon's Arnica The best Salve iu tue world tor cats oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeutn, favor sores, tetter, chapped bands,ehllblalaa» corns, and all skin eruptlans, and pee~ tively cures piles, or no pay requited, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 35 cer ts per box. For sale byG. W. Basle y. THE BEST OFFER YET. -VROTT TVAST IT! Don't itelaTjmtsaa*at X once for UAVTKETK StrTiNQ.% tao popular paper, with us forty toitCM off humorous ami literary matter, prafuMlf it. lustrated, aoaily priated on UiM japSft:" and containing UH> «-r am of tbo SeM ptwth ti«n« of the day, an well as U largo aoKMMltOC original matter by tbe oe»t HUUMIWI N£': er» YOQ I oa't go to MWP mail tig It, If orter to in traduce it we will Mad if ta aw.: addres* |oo» xosrxns on TXIAI. ftar ootyN eeats in silven Splendid prtaala-- snea away. Nothing life it. Sead tMar SIM abow this to your frteuJs. HAWKEYS SR r*'J V- •'t;' . Ly

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