W- ml by Mm ohlldwn Legion will ^0i»d T«mplar8 Hall, on toon, at 4 o'clock, at will b« •peaktog, staffing, | •to. A ganaral invlta- j l iztfadcd to all to coma oat aod «hlldrtD oa this occasion. Im of tha W. C. T. U. will m tet Mm. J. B. Parry, on Thuraday ^ »*, Jana 14, at 2:30. We wlah r«3Ktend a cordial Inritiatiea to all j 1atftwiom«et with us. m MM. J. B. PuuiT, Pre®, X**. T. J. Wmm, See. « YIm Loyal Teaiperance Lagldn ttMts every Friday aftarooon at four ^oleok at Good Templars Hall. A j»Mral Invitation la extended to the yiMMg of this village and vicinity to attend. I tappoae there Will be tome whoj , • M*T cbanc* to read these pages "I wlah they weuld let up on this subject (M - we are tired of it, let it alone. My! |V mends, that la juat what the saleen ||skeeper wants ua to do, let It alone, bnt we moat net let It alone, till the rum W' pewer la driven from our land. For it I la the createst Iniquity on the face ef j ^ Mi earth, the law governing: and law j defying saloon. Ita course at any & tine Is abeaaoiable bat when ii cones | te deaeerating the aahbath, what can I ji&s , aayf My tongue fails me. This sun- £ \ . 4iy aaleon is not only a breaker of law, aeaborner of village boards; bnt jfe- ^ • «lae a foe to the heme, and a curse to !'•" tiy Sunday and aee how many work- §£,| > . lag men are lounging around drunk or j pC,' drlnki ag beer. Men who ought to be h it home and ieaviag all their earninga I Ls-a* where they are needed, are fennd ben. N« greater disgrace can come |§ to as at a village than te aee our laws! ^ neglected.^ INT. Opening \ TV It for part or :! to* A"' •• «#!< TmBm --,DEALBR IN WIS? , r . .MEDICINMs, ihi': &»i-A FULL .LINE • • X '*> s.ffja • i l l x - ftnctl call ^^Ind s# price% and it Hdl w you to without • r 1 •t -m 0 o o jSmgi, Chtaicals, Bye tafia, Faints, Oils and Colon. m - m • • • . - % Constantly on hand. Also a largeJine ^ I Patent Mdflicines, Toilet Articles, | ^ *| --JiND COMPLETE STOCK OF---- v' * " , ^ ' STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. ; Physicians JPrescription^- Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- *•§" f"* ""ui-IA «. STORY. < SHEPARD OPPOSITE BISHOP'S -DEALER IK- A full line of Gasolene Stoves now on hand, at Bottom Prices, warranted to give satisfaction. ^r* Gardem Tools, Kinds. . Aoent tor th^ tf^WbiKtted Nickle Barn Door Holler, now made of steel. % Fish Poles, Tackle, Boat Oars, Powder, Shot, etc , always on hand. We guarantee to give satisfaction in shop work or no pay. Cog nizantaswe are of the scarcity li^money, we wttl accommodate those who accommodate us. JOBBXXTG AND RBFAXRXSTa y.;*M k M 4 Promptly Attended To. RICHARD BISHOP, -DEALER IH ALL KINDS OF q | To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity: I am now ^prepared to show a new] and clean assortment of * I Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at q prices that I>m^confident will pay you to investigate betore mak- MagjowfuiclWr*. 'fjpa h . i; •A ' . CASH STORE 5g. Q WHOFFlSm*m< McHenry, Apr,. 21th, 1888. H. V. SHEPARD; 8c BLAKE. Havin BOOTS AND * * • » • » * " ' o a - Uur stock is complete in every Department, and as we have come to stay we shall offer you Goods and Prices that will merit your patronage. Our stock of Groceries is all new, and comprises the choicest assortment Teas, Coffees and Spicea, Brought to McHenry. * In D^y Goods there is nothing Wanting to satisfy the most criti cal purchaser, and prices are marked to. - M •m ' • m Remember the place, opposite West McHenry Post Officer FITZSIMMON8 & HENDERSON. ?Wf Bt McH enry, H1„ May 15th, 1888. Have now a full stock ot all the latest novelties in Dress Goods, In forl^es wear, we have the never exclleed Johu foster. For Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo, . In Boots, the Buffa o and Kedpath Bros. For house cleaning time we have in a fine assortment of W AIL L PAIPER examining onf Bargains. Q Q MCHENRY, ILL. For Musical People. lOBTffS MUSICAL JOURNAL m musical monthly published. Con. a leal If yon want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unexcelled* Do you "vant a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. EXAMINE the Yorce Drop Corn Planter, the only perfect plant er jnade. The advantages of straight rows are as follows: No corn will be plowed up or covered in cultivating; better Corn can be raised, as it can be kept cleaner; one man can tend one-third more Corn, besides doing better work. With these advantages the price of the Force Drop Planter can be more than saved on a field of 100 acres. Wood and iron Pumps, platform spring Wagons, combination Wagons, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection, manufactured by the Watertffwn Spring Wagon Co., of VI atertown, N. Y., who carry a three years stock, enabling them to season well thric go«ta tafcp^Uag ttoa onthe Your(< RICHARD BISHOP. J^so Mce Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery JPlushes, #u*tafo Poles and W indow Shades. In * ? GROCERIES. ' We Jwu|| all clean, fresh, first cliss goods, and we shall j BEAR THE MARKET DOWN ^ " f - • < srt x ?0 the Lowest Living Prices. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Come and get the dandiest fit and the finest goods for the least money to be had in the town, STOFFEL & BLAKE. jbttaelwi P4®68 mus£o»y literature and lneve/y issue. Every •^i. i r receivea worth lof sheet musie *y-BCted ^rom .°"ro catiilDgue of publication* **.* Pr*l?"a.m' t!1.U8 lhe subscriber really re. Jhe year ,mu8lc which would "2?* 'n®®1 not lees than »22 tortl. Ww» »• February number an instructiye fffrf,T*fon BilUad Sln8'nK. *Jy Emma O. S!2i ?*«.commenced ana will continue MftnU OiMttbc. This series ot articles is WWFtbmany times the price of subscrip. but one of the many valuable fea- s. 4W»ii *rthi» popular publication. Only *1 ® p«r y«ar. Specimen copy 10 cents. A PIANO FREE. sending the greatest number «g»*rl Milsu-al Journal JWWfl to July 1st, 1888. we will give a >|f|MI<M.Uprtght Fiftoo with stool and cover, •BMM4IMI AummWiae Wilcox ft White or. Mjm to the on« wndtng the second greatest HBlb«r. Wot tan particulars address F. A. HOBTH & OO., Pubs.. 1»« Cbestuut St., Phila., Pa. rr th® newt to Hannah," that fat place to buy Ladies Fi ilsat Altliofl IfM. ' •.S-v v.' ̂Parker9s SPAVIN CURE! » CHE4tALXl> aa an application to honeato* the eon of Sparta* Rhra- BimtlsBi, Hyllat, MaTlealar JsUta, sad all avren Uaw- new, also (or ttmeUt bm wbMi reduced. ^ Prle« ei.OS per ksttls^ BoldbydruggUta. Msgog(Mil> S. W. Bole Proprlator, AmiM. IT. ®tada mpplM byjia. B.Oa«la *Cfe, Detroit, ltlch. i Pater Behaack * Sons, Oktoacn, m.t i Kn«BrfitOa,SiMhKa Turkish Towels and bordered lines *,<m •or 5 cent counter. 8xorau> ft lluuu, PATENTS Caveata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent bnsineM conducted for Moderate Keaa. Oar Ofllce 1» Opposite V. 8. Patent Of fice. We have no tab-agencies, all busineaa direct, bene* can transact patent bnaineta in leaa toe and at less cost tnau Uumn reuota from Washington. .. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free ot dW.OMl" not due till Mtant la aeemwd. Al»<A,"Hpw to Obtain fitirote," with niav uS.S£SS.i&S,rmtuu-wm*"m C. A. SNOW & CO. Ofssin raHBt<maa,WMMagtWMl>.C. <a liuoitonAs iBonraB SIAUIOI, INTERIOR 10. INTERIOR, Black Stallion, Bred bv James Wadsworth, Ohieago, II'. Sired by Iron <>uke No. 181, the sire of Oorian'ler, 2:'29%; Relate, 2.233^; Maud Ooolc, 2:30; Monroe, 2:27^; Silvet Duke, 2:2#5i, Also the eira of Warwick Boy, the aire of Bart Sheldon, 2:29^, and Tom Barry, 2:2«M. 1st dam, Clara Jones, bv Mftmhrino Chief No, 11, Clara Jones also the dam of Rose Medium 2:26%. Balance of dams to the 11th all thoroughbred. Iron Duke 181, sired by Itysdyk's Hainbletonian, No. 10. l.itdam by Miller's fir Henry, by Cole's Sir Henry ; 2d «»atn 5y Young Red Jacket, by Ked Jacket, by Duroc; 3il dam by Mam brino Messenger, by Mumbrino; 4th ilam by Red Bird, by Bishop's Uaiubletonian. LiE^CltlP'riON --Interior, Black Stallion, 162£ hands high, weighs 1235 pounds, trotted a 4th heat in 2:44^. Interior Is a Ham tile Ionian all over; clean limbs and sound as a dollar; with a level head and fine disposition; with his breeding should get trotters, and does get fine targe colts that are vatuabl* for all purposes. BAY HENRY, ROADSTER STALLION* By Richmond Boy, Dam by Turner Horse, son by Colby's Young Morril. Bay Henry ia. tort Wrsll known to need any description. His stock shows for him TBUM3.--Interior will serve a limited number of approved Mare? at #20 t» insure a mare with foal; iulu to insure a living colt Bay Henry will serve a limited nuinberot approved mares at $10 the season. Alljmaiei .mist be returned regularly. 1 shall hold'persons respon sible for service for mares tlrat are traded or disposed of without my consent, or mares that are hot returned regularly. The service money sh'tli be due immediately when msres are disposed of. All accidents ai.d escapes at owner's risk. Insurance money will be due March 1st, lHt>9, ami must be paid in oath or approved note. The«e >italliotta will stand at my Stable«, three-fourths of a mllo East ef Solon, until farther notice. E. S. JOHONSUOTT, Solon, III. AGfENTS WANTED. ipssps^nTi VZ\~; 5/im i a canvass tor one of the largest, oldest es. "••»!• kCB VaH la To canvass tor one of the largest, oldest es tablished, b^st known Nurseries in the coun try. Most liberal terms. Unequaled facil ities. Geneva Kurser 9B-4W W. Established 1846, T . S M I T H , Geneva, JV. Y. Tho Ko»inl« Pill't:.i- Mow l.i n:u!ii /.ni{;irc. A full tud autheJ'lK? history of JUi.s iue aiul k'<ii u>uh rhe trruia u.arr h of events thnmirli v l,.j i liaiijcd map of Kurope, leaUinir tl.o iii-nnun Nation t» vie- 5o-^r,to national un.t v amt >ii| i(Miiu< v. Hcrmaaa Uwi the (iistinKui^iiril <icnnan feofrfirr ami Writer. rtibll*hed in Hi rinamimi Knstlish. Kjtiv fnh crkc ill-is- iT»tion*,Hnf pom nit*. tiaUletio«r^s,«t<i. J ein! iui ierma WEST M H1NBI* • --0SALEB Drugs and lledieines, PAINT8, OILt, ^ •/k PUBB WIIfBS AIVD i lQUOBSi FOR MEDICAL USE. £'~ « Also Bottled Ate and Porter for Medical use. The best brands oi Cig ars and Smofeing and Che wing Tobacco always on hand. | . . • PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, G. W. BE8L«V. It so do not ftil to get an, estimate on yoar Lumber from, . A ' ( • . " Near the Depot, > -- -- " ; ' Oiir stock of Lumber, of 411 kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepare4|o#fe public * ^ Th« But Qn&llty of LsnWr, --AT THR-- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- , "5 'V <MB'kiS-S- m . i V ̂ V>. • . ' Casing, Door andfMow Frames-Ready Maie-always si Hail Also the Best Brands of BarKWIre.l We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no to accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. o.» e«4»™a, W ,X .... -