VOL, 13. BUSINESS CAKDS. Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1888. NO. PsaLMHCD XTEBT WEDHBSDAT BT V A N 6 L T K E , - | *©ITOB AND PROPRIETOR. , . Office In Bishop's Block, ' --OFKHITK PBSBT A Owra'l '*M TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. <.*• Tear (in Advance) ......... #1.50 PNot Paid within Three Months a.00 Subscriptions received for three or six Jponths in the same proportion. f ' fel * ' t, h' '3-x : , Bates of Advertisings ' -W« announce liberal rates for advertising m the PLA.IKDSAC.BB, and endeavor to state lb era so plainly that thev will be readily un- Itratood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year . • Inches one year - ••«* - • ' .f 'S Inches one year - %"{. . .. v»'. • ¥ Column one year • >* &" «» <4 Column one year. '• Column one year - 5 00 10 00 15 00 30 00 woo 100 00 W«. OSBORSE, M. D. PHYIOIAV AND U UGEOX. Office at the Parker House. West McHenry. Galls promp.ly at tended to day and night. V PAUL BROWN, ATTORNEY AT L\ W. U. S. EXPRESS co.'s Buildtng, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan eery, Nunda, 111. ASA W. SMITH, TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor]U» k. Chancery.--Woodstock, III., H&1 MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER, AU KMDS Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111, inch means the measurement of one ih dewn the column, single column width. ^vpTearly advertisers, at the above rates, have ft* privilege of changing as often as they MMU, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having •tending cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All ethers will be charged 10 eents per Hne the first week, aud 5 cents per lis* for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first Issue, and leents per line for subsequent issues. Th'is, Ml inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDKALBK will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. tr IF P;v'- f t - " - ' * 1 »' ; H. T. BROWN, M. D. IHT8IOIAN ANI> SURGEON. Oflee at Residence, McHenfy, 111. C. H. PEGERS, M, D- PHTSlClAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. O. J.HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry. 111. Office at Residence, one door West if M. E. Church. * BARBIAN BROS. GIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Orders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. 1, Livery Stable. 4 E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. rftr class rigs, with or without drivers tarnished at treasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds dene on short notice. HEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MOHENBY, TTX, Keeps open for the accommodation,*.o®' the Public a First-Class . Loon and Restaurant, he will at all times keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. > f,- i* • v R-'; if ' h to*' • jV Also Agent For' •' '; - '®RANZ I1LWA1JKEE LAGER BIER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles all ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail* , - isidered. ^«^||rders by mail promptly attended tty 0OOD STABLING FOR H0R8K& Vj|a Call and see us. \ Robert Sohlessle. - ir.%est McHenry, 111. -j;' ^ U :le: SALOON AND RESTAUR 4NT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS FSna Kentucky Liquors, 'fjfrmdi Bitters, f": ^Mamcyiasta BeeK • --AND-- la any quantity from Snitz Qiaos to SCO barrels. AT VTHOELSALE OB RETAIL w|5*«r in bottles, kegs or case as ^NMtp *s th« cheapest .• ° DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS & DAHLIN. DENTISTS Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 2fith of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs ou Friday, I will stay but one day. . W e b u y n o n e b u t t h e l > e s t a n < nil at Reasonable Prices. C * sv Call and see mis and I will use -feu well. ^ ANTONY ENGELN. ; " ^^IcAenty, III., 1886, k , Overo»at8, in all the latest style*, at MteS St tes War Claim ApcT --op-- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Ileirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. TTJf, H. COWLIN'. Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstock, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MORESBY, III., April 1st, 1883, T would respectfully invite the Public to call and examine m7 stock of Horses before making arrangements ..elsewhere. No buai. ness done on Sundjt^. _. ^ - N. 8. COl-BT M'HBNBY ai JOSLYN A CASEY, ATTORNETS AT LAW, Woodstock All business will receive prompt atten tion. J O H N K L E I F C E N . HOUf*E Painter, Gratner, CalcUniner and Paper Hanger. Resilience one Block West of Riverside Houso. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK RTREBT, Chicago, 111. special attention given to re pairing Pine watches and Chronometers. WA Pull Assortment of Goods in bis line E. R. AUSTIN, anil Sale Stable. At Parker .House Barn. T?I»ST' CLASS JTIGS, with or without „ ^ at Reasonable Rates, *ni1 frsm «I1 Trains.-- Orders forBagga«| Promptly Attended to. West McHenry, S, r ^ SI for 13 Weeks. The POT,ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the Uaited States for three months on reoetjpt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to BICHASD X. 70S, FBAITKLIK SQTTARB, New York. THE OFFER YET. YOU "WT t delay, ihit send at euee tor HAWK 1;YE SIITTING.S, tue papular paper, *tth - 1 numoronsand lite! ATTENTION ! Farmers and It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWt Fresh milkers or springers, to call at si premises before purchasing. I can furnli such by the car-load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, CBBMDirO. Farrnatii&ut four miles northwest of Harvard Illinois. its forty coliknns of rj"' matter, profusely II. • . -• 1 --Tinted on tinteii jiaper, and oontainlng ths^eam of the best publica- tions of the day, at jjrell as a large amount ot original matter byJM oest humorous writ ers Yon won t gRto sleep reading it. In we will send it to any • ON TRIAL for oaty 10 itendid premiums given 1 it. Send to-day and nd«. Address, E SIFTINOat Oes Moines, lewa. lustrated, neatly order to introduce address rotnt MO: cents in silver, away. Nothing show this to year M-8«r to year JJAWI SMITH & ROGERS' Quintette Orchestra, JRTNOWOOD ILL. Are prepared to furnish First Class Mn»fe to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. M. Rogers, 2*1 Violin and Prompter, Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C, Curtis, Cornet. E. Ingalls, Basso. Address all communications to Jerry Smith, Ring wood, Illinois, or Mort Rogers, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, U © iM-at the worm lor low pvices. A liaiulxome and Strongly Bound I'hoto-graph Allmra, fi'-Z x Id's nch.f>. crilt- Bidos nii^l cdsos, lioldinu '22 pa«;e« of Cab-met and Card rjct.ui'os sent for 60 cents, retail price. A Rcit E'1«*H IPhntairriipH Allmm.SJi xio1" Kinlusscii ri»dd"<l "iiios, mold edfepB, extension clasp, hoi iin'i 32 pantof (Vibinot find Card pictures sent for St.no, retail* for Illustrated circulars CDCC of tli« nbove nnd RNCC KiNt'.n STYI.F.S OF Famtiee <Vr JicMahia, Clnclunati. Ohio. iiinstratea circulars M.3UMS G. O. ANDREW^ ; GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most EM5QNA5LS TSSlfS. On C. Andrews, - *lfi Spring Grove, 111; Spring. 3rove, Sept 8th, 1885, 11-U-Sm E. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or Z f Q £ We make Suits to order of the oest Cloths, Foreign or •Domes tic. T TUB LOWEST PRICES That good Goods can be sold HB ALttO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. a, Call LAWLU8. 19th. JOHN P. 8MITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew elry always on hand. Special attention given te repairing fine watohos. Give me a call. JOHN P. SMITH. D. NEEDHAM'8 SON! 116-111 Dearborn Street. OUOAM Omr Send for dr* SSSiuM" oiJWi.Iefitiofi FOB SALE at H. V. dHBFARD's Hardware Store, McHenry. Pomp lUpabiag, CEMEHTiNQ,, ETft The nndersigned ie prepared to do all jobs la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or VU1 put m ITew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as eheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pnmp Repaired era new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post Offloe, Jonnsburgh, 111. L. BANTE8. Johnsburgh, 111., Kay 25th, USB. ' : M THE CHICAGO*"® NORTH' "west •• RAILWAY. Penetrates the Centers^ofC Population? in Iowa, Kip, ttiimesola, Dabta, Nebraska tttfi VyofliiiE. MoHenry^Jan. SIBLEY:S ATESTEDA OEED S SENDto„'0rr Vegetable, Flower, Plants, Bulbs, Implem'ts. IllKtT.lfid Ct SEEDS Fie'd •Jf by mail on application. • 1%'KKa Don't neglect writing for it. mm SIK.SY & co. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago, III. V » : Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- inganu place sleeping cars Is without rival. Its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information oheerfully furnished b7 BERNARD BUSS. Agent, MoHenry, III. J. U. WHITMAN, Gm. Manager. -;r--^ H. a WICKER, Traffic Mamagmr. '•M #. WILQON, Qtneral Pauenetr Agent. ; I. Howe| Block, MoHENI^, ILLINOIS, CHA8. A. bARBEE, Prop. We take pleasure la announcing to the cttl- *eno of Mofienry and surrounding country that we keep on hand at all timos a full stock of all kinds of - BAKER'S SUPPLIES, And hope by a elolsattention to business to merit the patronage of iho Public. From a long experience in toe business we are confi dent that we can please ail, BB1A0, IBS, CAKES, And in short everything in the Bakery line will be kept on hand Fresh livery Day. A PULX, STOCK OP and Cigars, Canned Croods, Etc. trfoos-f ^mifsn-ff^'iu ** th° lowe,t CHAi A. BARBEE. McHenry, IfarobSVth, 1888. Soldiers' Department. OOWTRlBtJTD BT WM, H. COWLIK. V- G- A. R, Directory. ,l '5 ! M'HEOTtT POST NO. 643. "Keetsthe First and Third Sa tarda v evenings of each month. L. S. BBKHSTT, Com. nOHKOMO JKMT KO m I IMeets the second Friday eventim of each month. W.IC. P it ACOCK, Com. WOODSTOCK TOST. KO 108. Meets first and third Monday evenings of MM month. W*. AVBBT, Ota, ITOU *OIT, MO 236, Meets the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. W*. Bunas, Com. HARVARD POST, HO SSB. Meets the second and rourtn Monday * even ingsot each month. a. J. WIUTTLSTOW, Com. MAKBiroo POST, KA 169, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. Joitsrjw. GREEK, Com. WAUOONDA POST, NO. 368. Post meets every second and fourth Satur day evening In G. A. R. Hall, Main St. WABBBN £. POWERS, Com, m^tgm -DKALKS nr~ Rye and Mill Feed. Prices 3S Low AS THE LOWEST Call f nd get figures before buy ing elsewhere. Will guarantee jpou satisfaction in every particu- Don't Pay AnyofMfc To Boj You Feed Jot YOB. Large uew Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West McHenrv, Ilindjli V • : W, A. CR18TY. --SBIED.U or- MORGAN HORSES, Bti Polled Angu, Jersey Cattle. Hillside West MoHenry, III. ; He wisa, - Practical Piaster aM Decorator, HEBRON, ILL. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, OALCIMININO, QhjlIlflNa. d*. •» • r ^ H. FISH. Our Morgan Stock is all pure bred, and ariginated from the best Morgan stoafc in the United States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head jf our Stock, Is one ot the best bred Morgan Horses in the country, and can show more aud better all purpoje celts than any other horie In the West. We invite the inspection ipf .our stock by ii>rsemen and all lovers o! fine animals, A few full blood Morgan Colts and young norses for sale, Also one matched team, fult iloeds. tn Cattle we have the fall blood Short Horn which we are crossing with tbe Bed Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off tthe norns we are breeding them off and with food onoeess. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred Short Horas and the cross above mentioned for sale. R- Saylor A Sons. W««t McHsnrv. III.. Feb, 27th, 18*8. ALDKN, 111, February 4, 1886. J. DIOKIKSON & SOM, Barrington, III* Dear Air.--Please Mnd me by ex press two dozen Coir Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try it on a SOW that was almost dead with milk foyer, and It eared her. It Is a good lfip»ta»£i • c, y- Along the BUrmish Line. Chattanooga, Tenn., has a W. R, C • W. R. C. has been organised at Helena, M. T. Decatur, Mtch,, proposes IS have a soldiers' monument. In the next National convention of the W, R. C. Kansas. Ohio, and Illinois will be partially represented by color ed delegates. It Is proposed to colebrate the anni versary of the battle or Champion Hill, MI88., as "Logan Day." Milwaukee, Wis,, leads at the pres ent time in the effort to obtaia the National encampment in 1889. By the will of the late Albert Cook, of Seneca Falls, N. Y., the sum of $10,- 060 is bequeathed to Cross Post, No. 78, of that city, for a soldiers* monu ment and statue. The Department of Rhode Island, W. R, C., has a membership of 272, The Indiana soldiers and sailors' monument will cost #221,000. There are 329 Inmates in the Soldiers Borne at Grand Rapids, If leh. The present membership of |he de partment of New Jersey Is 7,098, Memorial Day should bs used tn- 'VMUltf ef'Detsi atton Day. Decor at ton Day Is not known by the Grand Army, In the South "Decoration Day" is correct. Reunions will be held lo. Kansas as follows: Cawker City, June 6. 7, 8; Norton, Aug. 9. 10, 11; Washington, Aug. 21,22,23,24; Topeka, Oct. 1, S, 3, 4,5. The promotion of Phil Sheridan to the full rank of General was fully merited by the gallant soldier. The Ooys who served in his various com maads during the war appreciate the compliment paid their old commander. The woman's Relief CorpB , Home Association, of San Francisco, Oal. hold their annual meeting May 11, The report of the Treasurer showed a balance In the bank of $6.000. The erection of the home building will be commenced at au early date, the esti mated oost being #15,000, On June 3, 1864, twenty-four years ago, at the battle of Cold Harbor, Corporal Orlando P. Bass, of Company F, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Volun teers, went to the rescue of two wounded soldiers who were beyond the first line of rebel works and undef heavy fire, and got them safely of! the battle-field. He has just received a medal of honor from the War Depart ment for the brave deed. The Department of Illinois G. A. R. sent a large floral tribute to be placed on the grave of General John A. Logan on Memorial Day, The following letter has been re- ceired by Colonel Sexton, department eommander, from Mrs. Logaa : Calumet Place, Washington,*June 3.- Coloncl James A. Sex ton: Dear Colo nel--The magnificent tribute to Gen- •'•1 Logan sent by the Department of Illinois of the Grand Army of the Re public arrived in good condition the morning of May 30, and was placed at oace in the vault where the sacred essket rssts. Please tender my thanks to the department for their remem brance of him who was over their truest and best friend. I am very grateful to you and to them for their kindly expressions of regard for my self and for the Interest ever mani fested In my welfare. Respectfully and gratefully yours, 1 .*"/-• Pensions For WidOKpi ! A NEW IJkWNOW IN Fokd«r * Washington, June 9.--The President has approved the act of congress pro viding that pensions heretofore or hereafter granted to widows of sol- lders of the war of the rebellion shall oommence at the date of the death of their husbands. This legislation favorably affects all claims of widows ol the late war which have been filed in the pension ofloe on or after July 1, 1880, and which have boon allowed to commenoe from the date of the filing of thejclalme, but will not favorably afioot esses of such widows as were filed before Jnly 1. 1880. The com missioner of pensions gives notice ** lMr * • ' "N. * • m claims already allowed no formal ap plications will be required, and that the servloe of attorneys Will not bo necessary. Widows entitled, under said law, need only write a letter giving the name, postoffice address and certificate number, and the claims will be allowed with as little daisy as practicable.,; •. . I*o itMim [ ! General Painter was a soldier In war times. Joe Fifer has been a great soldier in peace. There is a great deal of difference between a soldier in war and a soldier In peace. The soldier In war fills a long felt want. The peace warrior Is noisy and useless. * When fighting was to bo done the name of Palmer was a household word la the West. He was In the fight and his deeds of valor were reoltod by every tongue. Fifer's deeds of valor have all been heard of since 1884, when bo moved on the pension office. These two soldiers are fairly repre sentative. The people of Illinois will have an opportunity this year to dem onstrate which type they like best.-- McHenry County Democrat, God pity the thing who oeaoocted or Wd printed the above base and despicable falsehood as far as concerns one of the parties referred The swell head who does to.-- the old veteran business for the Democrat and designates some pension shrieking or misstatement of facts, article which he prints about once or twice a moat a, soldiers department, although yet quite young in year*, seems too old to learn anything. It ia gonerally con sidered and allowed that any person should not be blasted for what they do not know, but in a oase like the oao In question it is a hard matter to de> termlne between the fool and the knave, and in our private opinion publicly expressed ire tblnk It Is a combination of the two. Comrade J. W, Flfer enlisted in the U. S. service August 15th, 1861 in Company C. 33rd Illinois Infantry Volunteers, He was only 15 years of age and was present with his regiment on all its marches. In all its engagements till when at Jaoksoo, Miss, after the memorable obarges on, and the siege of Vlcks- burg, together with the battles of Grand Guif, Fort Gibson, and Cham pion Hill, while oharglng the rebel entrenchments, he fell pieroed by a mlnnie ball which went through one lung, and at the time and for weeks | thereafter was supposed to be mortally wounded by his oomrades who had learned to love him as a brother. His strong and robust constitution carried him through however, and the moment he was able he returned to hisregl imentand served nearly to the close of the war or for some months after his term of enlistment bad expired The records show that comrade Flfer did good servioe, was ever faithful, and ready to perform all duties assigned him and he never "sulked in his tentN nor left his post of doty In the face of tbe enemy, and In the midst of one of the greatest campaigus of the war as did General Palmer. This latter we should never have mentioned bad not this young Bayo net Points been so anxious to draw the comparison he either wrote|or copied. From tbe size of it we believe auch emanated from his classic brain, for it sounds and reads similar to his foolish and unpatrlotio utterances. Comrades read what Capt. John E. Beekley thinks of an individual who would write or print such as article as tbe one we quote. A Base Slander. Editor Soldier» Department McHenry PlaindecUer. DEAR SIR AWD COMRADK.--Being a reader of several McHenry County papers I recently noticed a short par- graph In the McHenry County Demo crat under the caption of "Two Soldiers" which for pure undulterated, contemptible baseness, must win for Its author an enviable reputation among tbe Copperhead element of tbe Democratic party, by comparing the Military service of General J. M. Palmer and private J. W. Fifer. The insinuations are so oowardly and contemptible, when referring to tbe noble and Patriotic record of private Fifer, that tbe English language is entirely deficient in expletives that will properly define the verdant im becile that penned them. No, we are proud to recognize in the military servioe of both of these Patriots, the genuine elements of uThe Volunteer Soldier. The one in manhood's early years responded to his country's call and .was furnished a horse to ride, with liberal pay for his servioes, while h& led bis men where leaden ball and bursting shell were much too numerous for enjoyment, while the other, in his youthful dsys, likewise heard bis country's call for help, for men to carry and use the engines of war. for men to stand upon tbe lonely picket post, and tbe dangers iaoldent to armed treason, for men ti breast the murderous fire of fortified Rebels, for men possessed of pairtetlssi enough to defend ,4Our Country's Flag," for the small pittanee of thirteen dollars per month, of money worth fifty cents en the dollar, for men (possessed of saffieteal respect and love tor tbo Free 'Iastftatilns of our country,) willing le maifth through summer's dust and winter's and, heat and cold, through •bine and storas. fell* all tbe parapheraalies eif war. Such was tfe; that joined that that composed tbe raafc old 33d Illinois Vetastoif and all the lnnnendos, I and eontepptable lies, that dose CharUan thai the MoHenry Coonty cast the slightest slur «ps* tfcf record made during tbe war by J. W, Flfer. * * Nunda, Jane nth. MM. •sHeniy Co. SoMism aaA SaUstc It was decided reoently at ai held at Woodstock, that lit union ef tbe bold at Crystal Lake, Aqgast Ml 2Sad. A oenamlttee ef were appelated as ftDsî ii Butler,F.I.Cox,M. F. E. BeckMy, Be*. B. H. Wrtti* V.: Ford aai I. M. Mallery. PiesMsttt P. Berry was requested te write to Gen. Boa aai Cel. Sexton to be present. What Xhe Craai Amy While the Grand Amy sense a political or partjr < and while Its portals are opened to every honorably union soldier, with tie qoestiefta as to his political, ooavieMi er church creed, still we have asM ef coming nearer together--ef prmMag what we preach. There is ae denying tbe fad that too many of us keep all ear sympa thies and kindly greetings for eaaipfire occasions aad soldier's tensions, Boys" are getttag tired of this, «•§'> will hall with delight the era shall be tbe harbinger ef better ! We want all that Is so feeDotftf open the forum to beaa aeinsl In the every day walks ef ttf»# . feeling so eleqaeatly aad cally expressed on pabtie should be mere praotieally out, In our every day^Intercourse with the comrades. These that "touched elbews" ta weary march ef a quarter * ago, should--tf peselbls staa< together now, Thoee of us whs beea prospered shonld never those who have beea Those who are strong Shoo!* member the weak. gifts or prefermtttti i should seek out aad eoefer tlNjat the worthy yet needy eeouade. same feeling that pervades tbe room should go eat with as, -latfjj buy whirl of every day Hf*, man who carried a musket Hdll hoaored as tbe man whe woa a*sl Distinctions and titles sheeld t sight of, aad the only qoeetloa Is our oomrade a manly mea t If he should be so honored, greeted and respected. Whea these thiega Shall be manifest, the Grand Army trill be all powerful in aeeariag feroa«î tl||̂ we may rightfully deatead 'a* bands ef a csaereas aad people who to-day enjoy tbe of a Nation saved,--Qrtmd Arum Ad vocate* Iff^When we eo|ti«ariK4 patiw age of this great < the'allurements of power, MM tstf pta- tlen to retain pnblle plaees oaes gain ed, aad, more thaa alii tbe avaQabillty a party finds In an iacombeet wheat a horde of officeholders, with a seal born of benefits received and fcolored by the hope of favors yet te come, stand ready te aid with moaey and polltloal servioe," said George William Curtis aad his fellow civil servioe re formers in New Tork the etkpr -dey, "we recognize In the eligibility of the President for reflection a meet •Ml- ous danger to that calm, deUbWî ||; ̂ aad intelligent action which a0t|lj characterize a government of MM pie." Now, If It le dangerocs that a President should be eligible for re election it Is dangerous else tai him. It sets a bad example that < te be discouraged by siaeeia aai we look to see Mr. Curtis aad hie fal low-reformers come out sgainsttho re-election ef three years of whoee Adsslaistiatlen have been an Intrlgae far eilpk.-- Tribune. ̂ MTThe returns frees thft lllaHoa In Oregon came upon Ma 8t» Ltiifuaa vention like a odd wave. Ka free trade for Oregon. While the crats had oonfidoatly senate! that State for a UtUe bm Republicans regarded It both parties vote sarprissd by ̂ largest RepnbUeaa *a}o*tty stase war, eleotlof Henaea far Congress and giving large Bepeblteesi au$»ri* ties in both bonnes of jtba LegWatore. ftotat sf gatisea Tbe next aaaual speetiag at tbe Ka - tional Ednoatloaal Assoelatiea the United Statee will ho held In . CaU, frqsa Jalylsth to iaelusive aad tbe Chiesgo aad Ki Westera Railway OaTeisia a iadnoosaoat of a rate ef tbe reaad trip to eU « of vUltkng (Alifeenla Ttoketewill boeeldlre J^y Wtnloetasl vs, aad s for retnra pans alaty days from ceataiaiag fell aMalaadbf a»1tbi#