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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jun 1888, p. 5

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*Y, JCXE», 1888. Railroad Time Table. e«Bct J**« mh, tratna will IMMM tttailo* astir, at follows: WoioUTH. . _ _ .7MA.n .8:99 " 9:00 r. m I S " .7:88 " «HW iuuta «eam Paaaaager... Urn fnm Sxpresa Un Oaaera Traicht WM Qmm Pasaaacer | Lake Genera Paasanger Lake Getm ttanday Pmsenger.. ooiiro woara. t LakeQ«aevaPTeifcht ........9;ll a. K t Lake aenara PuMBjpr »:« * LakeOeneTaPaaeaager at&mtzimu I L*ka Gnm PasAeaaor I Daily except 8aa*ay. i SuRflaya only MeHenry, Ill 4:Mf. U ##' MASONIC. HoiCnmr LBDOI, NO. ISS A. r, and A. M.-- ttcilK Oemmnnieatloni the second and Cawrlk Maadays in each month. J. VAN SLTKE, W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMEHICA. Maat at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening Neighbors corlially invited. of each month. Church Directory. M1CTHODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Preaching every Sabbath, morning and even­ ing. At Ringwood at 9:30 p. w. Orowd ID and warship with as. "BurtneM time for JUemity. HARDY E. WTCKOFF, A. B., Pastor. UNIVKHSALI8T CHURCH. Services »T«y Sunday morning, and ever; .aonth. Crst and third Sunday evenings in A cardial welcome is extended to every one w lain us in our worship. Our Motta--Study to know the truth. Ex- amiae--Reflect--"Prove all thmira: hold fast Chat which is good.' REV. II. SLADE, Pastor. MR. BLADE'S subject next' Sunday morning will be -'Life what we make It." B. LAWLUS baa hired a good Tailoi who will out, fit and make up suits li the latest styles at lowest prices. OUR Soldier's Department Is una­ voidably crowded ent this week, but will appear In Its usual place la our next. DIRD, In Elgin, June 20th, John Walt, aged 81 yean. The deceased was a brother of Lewis Wait, of this village. He leaves a wife and three grown up children tn mourn his loss. RRAD the new advertisements et R. Blshep, Fitzslmmons & Henderson, H. Y. Bhepard, John Evanson & Co., aud John Thalen, to be found else- where In this paper. JOHIT SUTTON, ef Solon. claims the championship in large Strawberries, He has them that measures five, five and a half and tlx inches la circum­ ference. Who can beat them? R MCOFMRY has a Base Ball Club. They played their first game with the Grlswold Lake Club one day this week £n4 won by a soon of 23 to 11. They an now waiting for other ^worlds to reonqiier. : ALGONQUIN will oelebrate the own­ ing Fourth of July la an appropriate manner. Capt. C. H. Donnelly, of Woodstock, is the Orator of the Day. At Algonquin never does anything by halve*, a genuine good time may be expected. TH« long cherished hope of the far- aer that the potato bug would eventually die out as suddenly as they came, will barely be realized, for they promise this Mason to be as numerous and destructive a* at any time in the past. . FRANK SPITZES. one ef Woodstock's rising young Attorneys, having taken unto himself a "better ha\f," is now away on his wedding trip, and conse­ quently his office, at Woodstock, will be closed until August 28th. His many ' friends In this vielnity wish the bappy couple a long, prosperous and happy life. . DR. OSBORNE wishes us to Inform his patrons and the public generally that his office tn this village, will be closed for the next three or four weeks, busi­ ness having oailed. him away, and that any Indebted to him oan settle the same by oalliag at Besley's Drug Store When he returns due notice will DO given in these columns. AN exchange says: A few days ago while one of our business men was working In the garden, he lost his pocket book, o wtaining about 91,600 tn money, notes, and checks. Fortu­ nately he found it the next day, but It was a warning la him and to all other business men, never to work in the garden. GREATEST bargains ever ottered in Check and atrlped white goods, at 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also colored dress goods, ticking for Mattress covers, 10 cents per yard. Cadet Blue •OH veilings 88 ;ents per yard. Wraps for Thursday and Friday on approval. Silk laoo veils 10 oents. At Ladies salesroom. file r aris aM tfie'Dftk ae UESrtreB, who, as captains of volunteers, served without pay on the staff of Gen. McClellan in 1861-2, and were good friends to the stars and stripes. There was Prince Napoleon, son of that Jerome Bonaparte who married Minn Patterson, grand­ daughter of "Old Mortality," and al- f d her to be taken from him -when went to Europe. There was the cess Clotildo of Italy, daughter of or Emanuel, and wife of the above- tioned "Plon-Plon," a nice little Woman, not handsome, nor richly '*"«swd, hut nftftt in THERE Is a story that a certain married lady sat up until 3 o'clock the •U»er night waiting for her husband to oome heme from toe lodge. At last, weary and worn out with her loag waiting, she went to her sleeping room to retire and there found the missing husband fast asleep. Instead «f *elng to the lodge he bad gone to his room and never left the house. Such are tbo troubles some poor mar- ; riod women have to contend with In this Ufo. Obei tette Colors only ito u John rmsoNit. Miss ETTA ROSENBI ROKR Is visiting friends In Mockford this week. «. WM. OSBORNE started ior Penn- vanla this week, after his family. RS. L. LAW and daughter, of Logan, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs, B. Gilbert, in this village. * W ILL H. MEAD and wife, of Dundee, are visiting with friendsin ihli Aillage and vicinity, O. 8. MA CUT, a corn pes! tor on the Chicago Times, was a caiier on Satur­ day last. FRED SLATER !Sv spending a few days with his mother and aistfr, In this village. FRANK PARKIR, IIM Rolyes Honse, Vinton Iowa, spent a few days In thin village last week. R. WAIT, wife and son, of Elgin, spent Sunday with friends In this village. MRS. M. H. COLTER, of Elgin, was visiting with friends In this village, last week. Miss CMISHOLM, of Chicago, sister of Mr*. F. C. Going, attended the funeral here on Wednesday, MRS. DOI>OE. of Chicago, was visit­ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius MUnfon, in this village, last week. BAY OWEN, with Estey & Camp, Chicago, spent Sunday with his pa­ rents, is this village. JOHN BISHOP and ^|i|^i;:W'.1ifai*ko-. gan, were the,guests of Hon. R. Bishop and family, in this village, last week. REV. J. ZIMMERMAN and wife, of Rome, N. Y. who have been visiting in this vicinity the past few WjMUct,. returned to their home on Monday. I>IKI>, in Chicago, June 19th, 1833, James ft., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Going, aged 1 year. The remains were brought to this village on Wednesday last aud burled ]n Woodland Cemetery] The bereay- ed parents havo thiTiympathy of all in their sad affliction. They wish us to return their heartfelt thanks to all who aided and assisted them in the burial of their little pet. with the hope that all may bo spared the affile* tion of losing their cheris'ied ones. AMeHenry girl warbles thus: "How loose round my waist wtre the clothes of my childhood, as my doubled up corset reminds me with pain, the blips that I wore when I used to chop stove- wood, had more enjoyment than bustle or train. The bustle 1 know, is a thing highly treasured by ladles built on the mocking bird style, but give me that garment with looseness unmeasured, the old mother hubbard which weak men revile; the* dear mother hubbard, the loose mother hubbard. the honored olc£bubbard that beats any style. ONS of the great struggles of Lhts age la to get something for nothing. To buy a pound of baking powder for twenty*flve cents and receive a glass water pitcher worth a quarter; to buy a package of coffee for thirty cents and get a gold watoh thrown In; to buy a bill of goods for fifteen dollars and reoeive a hundred dollar oil paint* ing, to sit around on boxes and want the money some other man earns at his labor. Please remember that you pay for both the pitoher and the baking powder--all they aro worth.-- Ex. • THE later Ocean was also deceiv­ ed by the lying report of the corres­ pondent from Fox Lake, in relation to the Mary Grlswold, and made the following correction on Thursday last: "Captain Walter Hill, of th9 steamer Mary Griswold, ef Fox Lake, 111., call­ ed at the office of the Inter Ocean last evening and said the statement made in the Sunday Inter Ocean that his steamer sank immediately upon being launched was a mistake; on the con­ trary she is still afloat, regularly in commission, and will stay there till the ice closes navigation. He also days the-members of the Fox Lake Club ran her to their club house Friday last, and expressed themselves as well pleased with-the boat and her appoint- ments." * 4tli July Excursions. On July 3d and 4th the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company will sell excursion tickets between all stations, at very low rates tor the round trip. For tickets and full Infor­ mation apply to Ticket Agents C. & N; W. Ry. The Fourth At I'Ubkqua Lake. Yourself and Lady are cordially In­ vited to attend a Grand Fourth of July Party atPistaqua Lake, Wednes­ day July 4sh Day And Night. Music, Antiocb Brass and String Bands. Tickets, Including Supper, • 91,25. Fireworks in the eveuing. B. STILLING, Propriety PICNIC AND DANCE. C Yourself and Lady are cordial!^ Ivited to attend a Grand Fourth of July Party on the large Platform on the east side of Lilly Lake, oh Wodnes day, July 4th. all day. Dancing to commence at 3 o'clock. Good music in attendance. Foot race at li o'clock. WlRTZ & COLKM^. Fourth of July Party* - AT THE PARKER HOUSED 1 There will be a Fourth of July Party at the Parker House, on Wednesday evening, July 4th. Mu«io, Smith & Rogers' Full Orctiestra, six pieces. Tickets f*2. All are invited. JUNE AND JULY BILL OF FAKE. 93.50 fine shoes down to $2.50, 93.00 fiuc shoes down to 92.00. 91-60 hue shirts, with culls down to 91.10. $2.50 stylish white stiff bata down tu 9190. 91.25 wool turbans, stylish bat* down to 90 cents. Gents socks 4,10 and 15 coats, best. Boys black knee pants 60 cents. E. LAWLUS. AL [Norma.- y, kaowii., PLAtMMjUUSR IN. Peraoaain Algonqnlo and vtola (feeatMlvei • - - calliOf OB John Hebe, Wl and recoli igonqninax it?, Itaowtag tfcMeaelve* iiMM learn of the amona* br receive money our name. Those Wlthiaf to subscribe WHO la aatboriaed ta for the same, la leave their names at hia store. OaU on hiat and get a sample copy.] EDITOR P LAIN DEALER:--Mrs. Howard Philips started on Tuesday of last week for Osage City, Kansas, to make hei mother aud slstor a visit. At C. E. Chapeirs Auction Sale of a car load of milch cows, on Wodoosday of last week, cow? sold on an average of 933,08 per head. Joseph Kee, of McPhorson, Kansas, is visiting here with relatives atd friends. Dr. Nason and daughter, Mary, spent last week in Chicago. Wo suppose the Doctor took la tbo convention In good shape. Borr Thomas, of Carthago, Missouri, visited here with relatives and friends a part of last week. Mrs. 8. A. French? of Chicago, visited with friends here a part of last week. J. Yan Siyke, of. tbo PLAINDEALER, was a caller In town Saturday last. BORN. June 23rd, 188S ,to the wife of Joseph Johneon, a daughter. The Chicago Telephone Company havegflxed up the station here In fine shape. We new have connections di­ rect on all three lines. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chcpeil are visits Ing with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jencks, of Dundee, called on their son Will on Saturday last. Chas. Berkl iy has moved into the rooms over W. H. Ogbin's Warehouse. There was a game of base ball here on Saturday last, between the Nunda nine and our nine. The score stood IS to 14 in favor of Nunda. Miss Grace Peter and Willis are visiting at Mr. Julian's, at Maple Park. Miss Ida Morton spent last week at Huntley, with her sister, Mrs. Riy, Algonquin Is going to Celebrate the Fourth of July by having a Celebra­ tion, Basket Plcnio and a fine display of Fire works in the evening. Miss Amelia Gpodson went to Elgin, on Tuesday of this woek, to commence work in Cooks Publishing house. Wm. Jenks started on Tuesday of this week for a trip to Minnesota. John Peter has commenced the re­ modeling of his resldenoe. Frank Todd, ef Chicago, was a caller here on Sunday last. There are a large camp of Eiglnites In Shufeldt's grove, above town. They seem to beei;joying life hugely. Will Burke, ot Chicago, made Al­ gonquin a call on Sunday last. Old Settlers Association. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of tbo Old Settlers' Association of MeHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at the Riverside House, la tbo village of MeHenry, on Saturday June 30th, at 1 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and taking into consideration the ad­ visability of holding a Re*Union this year. A general attendance Is earnest­ ly requested. ASA «V. SMITH, Preaident. J. Van SLTKB, Secret try. JULY FOURTH, At the Riverside House. Arrangements have been completed for the annual party at tbo Riverside House in this village, on the evening of July 4th. 8L0CUWTS ORCHSTRA, Of six Pieces, Including Slocui% Wiggins aud Welsh, has been engaged and will be in attendance. Put down the Riverside on your progamme for the Fourtti, A. CALKINS, Proprietor. No more round shoaldered ladies and gentlemen. Call and get a aew style brace and save doctors b!Us, at E. Lawlus'. the Blander Faototy, The manufacture of blunders pro­ ceeds apace. An Auckland college announces: "Swimming instruction given by a teacher of both sexes." An Australian paper says: "Mrs. Cald­ well was the recipient on Saturday of a beautiful floral offering, in commem­ oration of the advent of her firstborn son, which caaao to her by parcels post from Ballarat." "The sum now being raised," says a contemporary, "will take the form of a mariners' relief fuud, primarily for the support of the men who lost^thelr lives at the wreck." An Ohio farmer has posted up the following: NOTIS. If any man's or womans cows or oxens gits tn these hero oats, his or her tali will bo cut off as the case m*y be. A reporter, describing a OJllectidh of bric-a-brac, says: "The visitor's eye will be struck on entering the room wltb a procelain umbrella," And the follow­ ing advertisement appears in a con­ temporary: "A widow wants a posi­ tion as general la a small household.'1 Not an unusual position lor a servant to occupy, but seldom pat so plainly. An Australian piper lately aade merry over a contemporary which beaded an article, ' Sir H--P--'a Em­ bezzlements," lustead of embarrass­ ments, aud in the next Item described Mr. Gladstone as "a leading pollu­ tion." Oils, we have on hand a large quan­ tity of the different kinds for paintings lubricating, &c. We sell only the pure, unadulterated artioles. and warrant them as such. J. A. Story's. Gents call and get tiie new coat col­ lar aud lappell spring and have your coat in shape. E. LAWLUS, Agent. Soaps.VTollet and Launiry.Jaa end­ less variety. Toilet articles, sdob as are usually found in a first olass, well regulated LODGE PIRKOTORT. MJtsowra--A. F. and A, M. meet at Msiwnlc Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even. itt*a of eaoh month. Moosnur WOOD*air OF AMBPTCA.--Meet at Maaoaie Hall every &l and 4tb Thursday oven- inca of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. Sows or TaMPBaaMOB.--Meet at Union Ball on Tuesday evening of eaoh week. EDIIOR PLAINDEALER:--George Conn Is breaking on the K. D. Mrs. W. R. Kane's daughter is making her a visit. M. S. Goodsell finished taking the assessment of the town on Saturday. Munger's dividend for April milk brought tlio patrons 87 oents per one hundred pounds. Tberon A. Ro «re. Mrs. Dora Glass and Master Robert, were in Chloago the greater part of last week. Avery Nutt moved last week Into a part of Mr. Yincelette's house. He was recently married. Mrs. Dr. Herrick's mother and broth­ er, from Richmond, accompanied by other friends, made her: a pleasant visit Thursday evening. Steel rails are being laid on the Kenesha Division on this section. With good luck this week will com­ plete the work to Alexander's crossing Mr. and Mrs. Holden, who moved from Alden to Kansas several years ago, are visiting their son Steve, and other friends in this locality . Another barn was struck by llght- uing north of Alden on Monday of la6t week, aud burned to the ground. One horse and several calves perished in the flames. On Wednesday ovonlng, June 20th, 1888, at eight o'clock, at the residence of Mr. aud Mr. G. W. Conn, eccured the marriage of their daughter, Delia, to L. Z. Pierce, Rev. W. A. Cross offici­ ating. The young couple have our heartiest congratulations. HFor various reasons it has been de­ cided to dispense with the colebratlon at this place and give our citizens an opportunity to join hands with Rich­ mond on the Fourth of July. "The Turn of tho Tide" will be presented by the H. D. A. at a later date. Clarence Wardlow died ot typhoid fever on Friday morning last. He was about tweuty years of age, quiet and unassuming, and had the promise of a bright future before htm. The funeral services were held at bis home on Mon lay ^nd the remalas were taken to Dundee for interment. During the storm on Monday of last week the large barn belonging to Jacob Mason was struok by lightning and with all Its contents consumed by fire. Although Insured for $»00, the loss was considerable. On Wednesday Mr. Mason w ts missing and searcn being made he was found in a pasture shot through tbo boart by his own hand. He bad threatened many times to take his life since the Jeath of his little boy, a few months ago, and at lastsuoceedod ia carrying out his de­ termination. Tbo friends of the un- J fortunate man have tbo sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. There is aftotber •'puzzler" which may be composed of known quantities and therefore loss difficult of solution to the Kid. In last week's Gazette, she announces a large attendance at the lectures which were to be deliv­ ered oa Thursday and Friday evenings but which for good reasons were in­ definitely postponed. Now did the Kid attend lectures (*) on Saturday and Sunday e/onlngs respectively. With mixed caodles for dessert, and imaginary rivets of every conceivable size portrayed In a vision la their con* nection, with ponderous wheels, head­ lights etc., with the handsome fireman tor the central atttraction, .as her fancy sea--reverts to all this does there arise iu her miud a ooafusion of ideas, which causes her to become a monomaniac, and Imagine that she did iu reality bear those two subjects discussed, publicly, at Rowe's Hall, oe Thursday and Friday evenings? Doesn't this prove to be a tranfertna- tion act on the part of the Kid ? Aud she positively admits tuat the lectures were good. On, put on the breaks, the Kid is off the track. A WIUII UUiiLlsClVft. OMT DOB M, DteMhmon Come to Time. •for GRAPE CULTURE. It Is fast beo^mlng a leading busi­ ness of this country, and that together with wine; making requiras years of pfaetloe. Mr, A. Speer, of New Jersey, one of the largest producers In the East,commenced years ago in a small way to make wine from currants, blackberries and other fruits. He soon turned bis attention to grape raising and planted large vineyards ef the Portugal vines from which his famous Port Grape Wine and Jnfermented Grape Juice is made, which chemists Physicians say rivals the world for its beneficial effects oa weakly asd aged persons. Call on Mrs. E. Confectioneries. Lawlus fit choice New stylos of Rug Patter ana, Rug Machines. For sale by Mrs. E. Lawlus. GRAND 4TH OF JULY PARTY. Yourself and Lady sre cordially In­ vited to attend a Grand Fourth of July Party at theMcQeary House Hall, MeHenry, III., "^Wednesday evening. July 4th. Music, Mudgett's full| Band. Tickets, including supper and care of horaes 91.00. JOHN THBLEN, Proprietor. IMPORTANT. Tbo School Directors of tho various Districts in MeHenry Township are urgently requested to hand In their Annual Reports promptly* Should be io by July 1st. J. B. PCBBY. Treasurer. Screen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prloea. Brushes of every description, and ror ell purposes. All kinds, and slates, A western congressman tells the Missouri Republican the following about Mr. Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan, the new postmaster gen­ eral: "Yes, I know Dickinson of Michigan, very well. I have been in some rail- Toad cases with him. He is chain lightnipg. Dickinson has made the bulk of his fortune in the practice of one leg'al specialty. He is the best collector of bad debts on the face of the earth. O no; I don't mean small debts. This is the way of it. In the first place, there used to be a good many people with a bad habit of failing every few years. They al­ ways owed large sums of money to eastern merchants, and did not mean to pay a cent if they could help it. To this class Dickinson was and is a mortal terror. There is no device that the swindling debtor can adopt that Dickinson can not see through, and he is as sharp on the trail as the best Parisian detective. The man who can pay and won't is the fellow Dick­ inson likes to get hold of. About ten years ago--to illustrate what 1 mean --there were three big failures in Detroit. . One firm had the sympathy of everybody, but the others were un­ certain customers. The two doubtful concerns each owed over $250,000 to New York and Boston people. Among other creditors was a New England shoe manufacturer for a large sum. This firm quietly retained Dickinson as their counsel, and the largest other creditor did the same thing, 'Don't let them know I am in the case,* said he as he left his clients. He went home. The agent of the New England lirm came out to see the broken merchant I am talking about. He was a German Jew--generally good re­ sponsible people, but when they are tricky, look out! The usual tales were told of customers who could not come to time, and ail that. It really looked like a bad case, and the Boston shoe concern was about to accept a settle­ ment at 20 cents on the dollar. 'Don't do it for a dav or two,' said Dickinson. "Just how lie was going to get the money out of the Israclitish customer he did not know, but he was sure there had been some swindling. It happened that in his household there had been an extremely pretty Irish girl living as a domestic for many years. She was faithful, neat and un­ usually intelligent, and the household was very much attached to her. About a year before this she had married a very industrious young countryman of her own, who was a thrifty young boss drayman. That evening after dinner Dickinson learned that Maggie's hus­ band had broken his leg a week or two before. He went around to see the man. 'How did it happen, Pete' he asked. 'Well, ye see. sir, I was on a bit of a job that--but, sir, the man told me, sir, that I must not tell.' " 'Nonsense; you can tell mo, can't you?' said Dickinson, and 'Why not tell Mr. Dickinson, PeterP' said the Irishman's pretty wife. So it camo aoout that two weeks before, late at night, Peter had been draying goods from the rear end of a store. A heavy box had slipped and broke his leg. •But why did you say you must not tell?' said the lawver. Tm sure 1 don't know, sir; that's what Mr. Katzenyammer told, sir,' answered the man. " 'Katzenyammer; so you were work­ ing for him, eh?' asked Dickinson. He soon got of the Irishman all he knew. •I see it now,' said he to himself as he went home. The next morning Mr. K. was rather surprised to receive a call from the great lawyer. He had not sent for him, and was somewhat a little uneasy. 'I am the attorney foi Messrs. Blank of Boston,' he began, very politely. 'They have a claim against you of $47,977.80. What do you intend doing about it, Mr. Katzen- yammerP' •• 'Vy, I haf failt, you know, Mr. Dickinson; I don't know bow much I can pay on de dollar.' " 'You must pay this iu full or I will send you to the penitentiory in less than a month,'said Dickinson, sternly. 'You have been running your goods out of your store at nights and. send­ ing them to Chicago auction houses to be sold for whatever they would bring in cash, and you have hllcd up your books with false entries,' " 'Fader Abraham!' screamed the other,Wi white as he could become; 'how tit you vou tint all dis oud?' " 'It doesn't matter how, I know it all, and if you don't settle now. to-day, I will have you arrested before to­ morrow night. You are watched, you can't get away, so don't try it,' and with that Dickinson left. It happened that he had dropped on to what the man had been doing. How he guessed it he does not know himself. About 2 o'clock the man came around to seo what terms he could make. 'None, sir, except one hundred cents on the dollar,' was the only reply In three days the claim was "paid in full." Candles, a fine assortment just re­ ceived at Story's Drug Store, Stationery, all kinds to be found at Story's. Artists material, a complete stock always en band at Story's Drug Store. ALDEN, III. February i, 1886. O. DICKINSON & SON, Harrington* III, Dear &ir,--Please send me by ex­ press two dizen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It on a jow that was almost dead with milk fever, aud it cured her. It Is a good thing. E. S. SMITH. Cigars and Tobaoco, all the p brands are found In our stock. 8tory's. Perfumery, ali the latest popular odors, always fresh, frsgrant and las t- ng at Storys.' Paints, all kinds and colors, In un­ limited quantities. Mixed palit by the pail or gallon at Story's. T A. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.--A purer medicine does not exist and It la guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will core all diseases ot the Liver and Kid­ neys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood.--Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well ae cure all Malarial fevers.--For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigest­ ion try Electric Bitters--Entire satis­ faction guaranteed, or money refund ed,--Price 60 ets. and 91.00 per bottle at G, W. Besley's Drug Store. Turkish Towels and bordered llneB Handkerchiefs on our 5 cent counter. SXOFFEL ds BLAKE. „ PoraMlUaoof Wail Paper go la Steflel * Blafctfa, ̂ • BOARD OF HEALTH Notice to the Public. Notice Iftoereby given to all persons within the corporate "limits, to at once examine their out-buildlngs, Bog Pens, Stables, Water Closet, eta, and to remove all Offal, Manure Plies and generally renovate their premises, and by the use of disinfectants, which can be obtained at either of the Drug Stores, eflectually guard the health of our cltizeos. This Board has received notice from the State Board of Health notifying us that they shall Insist that the law be complied with in every particular, and therefore it is Imperative that each and every one of our citizens at­ tend to this Important matter st once Delays are dangerous. The Board will, in a^few days, make a tour of the village and they hope to find that these suggestions have been complied with, th*t they may be sayed the disagreeable duty of en­ forcing the law. The Board will consider it a favor If persons knowlug of any nuisance with­ in the Corporation limits will |rep irt the same to any member ef the Board when It will be attended to Qat once. The Board will meet on Weduesday evening of next week, at the PLAIN- DEALER office, to take further action and hear and set on any complaints that may be made. DR. O, J. HOWARD UKO. W, BESLKT, UBO, W. OWBN, .. .. . Hoard of Health* . McHBMRT, 111,, June lith, 1888, THE KESCI.T OP MKR1T. When anything stands a test of fifty years among a discriminating people, it is pretty good evidence that there is merit somewhere, Few, if any, medicines have met with such con­ tinued success and popularity as has marked the progress of Brandreth's Pills, which, after a trial of over fifty years, are conceded to be the safest and most effectual blood purifier, tonic and alterative ever introduced to the public. That this ts the result of merit, and that Brandreth's Pills perform all that is claimed for them, is conclusive­ ly proved by the fact that those who regard them with the greatest favor are those who have used them the longest. Brandreth's Pills are sold In every drug and medloine store, elther pl|la or sugar coated; 1 •'mi in Farmers Attention. 80 to 82 cents per bushel will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Wauconda Mill. J.SPENCER. Try Besley's Iron Tonlo Bitters. For a nice Walking Shoe come and see us. Our 20 oent Coffee will beat Kelly ss a catcher., Our 20 oeut Tobaoo will furnish smoke for the campaign, They cas beat us on fish stories but they can't beat us on prices. We don't rush the osn but we rash Canned Goods. Uncolored Japan, Young Hyson and Oolong Teas always In stook. For Dress Goods of every description go to Stoilel & Blakes. As a good Shoe for the Fourth you will dud John Foster's the best . At dtofiel & Blake's. Largest line of Flannel Shirtl, in latest atylie* STOFFEL A BLAKB. We have just received a very com­ plete line Ladies Muslin Underwear, whicli we offer at a bargain, Please iovosiigstp, / ^ - JOHN EVANSOM A OO. NOTICE. All persons having Canada Thistles on their premises, in the Town of Mcllenry, are here by notified to cut the sauie before the 1st of July, ff found uacut after tne 1st of July they will be taken care of by the Thistle Commissioner aud the owners thereof will be iuylted to the County Justice's ofllos to settle the bill, H. C. MBAQi Com. of Canada Thistles. Be sure and buy a pair of Etftnson's 92.50 Ladies fine Kid Shois. Fancy Fans at modest prices, JOHN EVANSON POTATOES FOR SALE. For Sale, at the Pickle Factory of W. A. Cristy. a lot of fine Potatoes for table use. Will be sold by the single bushel or la large lots. 49-2w. Tho Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Me­ Henry, has been recently fitted up in first class shape, and is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, ot the best quality, and at Bed-Rock Prices When we sasy Low Prices we mean just what we say, and we invite you to call and see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for Calves, Mydes and Tallow. GIVE MB A CALL. THOS. BUKKE. Proprietor 1 New Meat Market. V In the Brick Building opposite til#' Parker Heuse, West Side, is now open and ready for business witn a full stock 6f Fresh and Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, Sausage, etc. Also a full line of Canned Goods and all kinds of Veg­ etables in their season. A share of gubllo patronage respectfully solicited all and see us. SIMES & BECKEL. West MoHenry, May 23d, 18<?8. Pluin-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, Xeetin? of National Educational Association, San Franoisco. The next annual meeting of thoNftv tional Educational Association of the Uuited States will be hold in San Francisco, Cal., from July 17th to 20th Inclusive and the Chicago and North­ western Railway Co. offers a special inducement of a rite of one fare for the round trip to all persons desirous of visiting California at that time. Tickets will be sold from June 14th to July 13tn inclusive, and will be good for return passage any time within ninty days irooi date of sale. Circular containing full information can be obtained by applying to or addressing any ticket agent of the Chieago and Business Notice#, A choice line of Box Paper, at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the HEmpire Caban." tbo best Five Cent Cigar in the market, City residences for sale, Aonty |g Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal. All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drag store west side, IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry ft Owen's store. FOR SALE. A large quantitv of Shelled Corn t&t. sale at Bishop's Mill. * ^ Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millin­ ery and Drees Making. "Carry the news to Hannah," thai the best place to buy Ladles Fine, Shoes is at Althoff Bros, Besley's Death to Rats is gqrt and HOUSE TO RENT. ' - Good garden and outbuildings. Terms reasonable. Inquire at this oillce. ______ Every thing in the Implement line can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Call and examine. Prices low. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy , ,J MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Gronnd Feed *1 sonable prices. Call and learn prlote at Bishop's Mill. ̂ * «! Go to Althoff Bros, for Fine Shoes* The finest stock in town. The choicest brands of Cigars la town, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side, Machine Oil, best quality, 50 cents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If you want to see the finest steek of Fine Shoes at the lowest prioes, oall at Althoff Bros. Cigars at J. A. story's. ShortliEtttd. Euclose stamps and write to lira. F. F. Judd, 79 Madison St. Chicago, for important particulais of a practical course by mall. Besley's Famous Waukegao Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonaiott's, A, En- glen's and John lleimer's. We have a few dozen Misses black silk GloveB at 10 cents por patr if- John Evanson & Co's. v *- Bargains In Ladies Hose from 5 cents to 81.26 per pair at John Evan* son & Co's. Believing That a good new stock of clothlc needed In this place we have put complete line. Call and look it < Yours truly, STEVENS A : WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In eatfe ' will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River YaUey Mult, No* Henry. R, BISHOP. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay #9 and 110. Your choice out of 206 samples. Also have your ciothos altered, fitted,and cleaned, as he oau not be beat In detng a alee job. - t-QM E. LAWLUS, Tailor* =• WHEAT WANTED. Tho highest market price tn cash will be paid for good Milling Wbeat, at tho Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry, R. BISHOP, No use going to she city for a like­ ness ot yourself or friends when you oan get a far better one by calling at , the Gallery of L. E. Bennett, over Perry & Owen's store, In this village, He will guarantee you satisfaction Call and see his specimens, CARPET WEAVING. v , The undersigned is prepared .til; • weave Rag Carpets on short aetloe i «nd at Reasonable rates. Residence » one Block West of the residence of 4 Wm. Walsh. Orders respectfully : liclted, and satisfaction guaranteed. Mas. WM. FOLTX. Call on us for dress goods, notione, domestics, wall paper, borders^celliag decorations, window shadtaJTout trunks, vallsesjv crockery/ giasswa? pure groceries, bj^ajs ana shoos, bats' and caps,'lap--fobes,^da4ter3, g*rdeu and Held seeds, fans, laces, lawns, gloves and mitts, handkerchiefs, white goods and embrolifories. Cloth­ ing, always new, best q\ality, latest styles and elegaut fits, iirfo^ud and square sacks; 4 button cutaways, one button walking suit; light colored scotch suits, fancy pants; dandy seer­ sucker coats and vests, duster% 3ee our goods before you buy. - BOKSLBTT a stoini, }.j.t C. F. TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Nunda, wishes to inform the citizens of MeHenry and vicinity that he will visit MeHenry on the 25th of each month, with a full line of samples, and will take orders for single garments or full suits and guarantee satisfaction in quality of goods, good fits and low prioes. Headquarters at the Parker House. Should the 25th tall on Sunday, will be here the following Monday. U. F. TOBNOW. =-,y ^ Dated. April 26,1888. 43-tt | Furniture! Furniture! 31 JUSTEN BROS, wish to Inform £ the public that their store on tho East side, formerly occupied bv John B» • Blake, which has been closed OS ae- : count of sickness, is now open will remain open every day, where eaa he j fouud a full line of Furniture ef all kinds, from a single chair to a fall par- ^ lor set, and at as low figurea IS ae* other store In the county. Aay kind . of furniture for less money than assail- er dealers oan sell lb You can %ave ' money by buying yeur house-keep! outfits of us. Call and see ua, goods and learn prices before Inlying elsewhere. ' ̂ JCSTSN Baotr ;\ MeHenry, May 15,1888. Clover Blossoms! We want all the Blossoms yen ee* furnish os this season. Save your fields and we will make It pay you, S. S. SHEPAB» & SON. Buoklen'a .Arnica Salve. The beet Salve in the world for ante orulses, eoros, ulcers, salt rheum, fiver sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilb!*las, corns, and all Bkin eruptions, andjpos- tlvely cures piles, or no pay tefamdU it is guaranteed to givu pe faction, or money refunded. oerta Boaloy,

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