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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1888, p. 8

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- L«ftOB at four Ball. A .loo U «XMHid«d to th« Vllltga tad vleloUj to H great t»j«l«lng JntheHquw liifc Ilttla town in Illinois, pe- by the name of Jesra ha* .0 them. That Is nothing, in preparing to give them rfottoae time. jtne Court has settled two j« point*: (1) That a State has ^ to prohibit the sale and the (•fetor* for sale of intoxicating j! to her own border*. (2) That a I cannot prohibit the lmportatlen joor from another State, and it* la nobroken package*. One it point skill remain* to be d*« allied, and that is whether a Stat* i the right to prohibit the manufao- teteef liquor for exportation to other %e* fhi* point lVnow before the Sttpreae Court, In the case of kldd. pfoprletor of the Kldd distillery in Dm Moines. Ia . vs. Pearson sad Lough- ran. !W»0 brlefli In the case were filed btfor* MM court last week, and an early ~le. The highest IaUnd have decision )s probable, courts la Iowa and dedd«d Id favor of the State's right to prohibit the manufacture for exporta­ tion. It Is not probable, in the light of the recent decisions from the L. S, Supreme Court, that It will decide dif- farently. I Howe's Block, MoHENKY. ILLINOIS, MAS. A. We take pleasure of MeHenry ' that we keep on band jM* Fall kinds of Have just received a new lot of goods including lace flouncing, inches w fine line sr . 5-S? 1H r* £"• iS^ei§cSSs. s c «> £ 5: £ § £ - fsl jglIf tr V ' - 1 Si' . - . . . V •' J 2.3 - g f t In annoaneliig to the citi- and surrounding country ad at all times a full slock BAKER'S SUPPLIES, * And bope toy a close attention to I gheril the patronage of the Publiu long experience In the business *e are conn- dent that we can please ail, WAS, PBS, And in short everything In the Bakeju; Une Will be kept on hand ;5* ? Confectionery and Fresh Every Da# • FULL STOCK OF *.?v- Rv Canned Gootls, Etc. All of the best qnalttr and** the lowest | Gall and bee as. CHAS. A. BARBEE. It-' • MeHomry. March 27th, 1888. iiUHm -P i s - l l i f : V i = If Ss^pfiiS 'S m - ?? s: f <e-«»c 5c& ,®»® a D 0 2.p g 2.3 o • i .58V-g a ® » • g - ~ ^ g ' G e g ^ g S Hl3i^ 3 ** rc2 o £f s 1 r ; f-of s^s s g S.S l £ 3 W5- | -S.S$F|b S'p^ o ® S °l U § § g=i ?!• f&ITSf ~ ? s* French Batiste, Lawn Tennis and embroidered Swiss oods. Also Satcc.js, lace stripes and checks, Ginghams, etc. Japanee, gauze and feather Fanfc, ladies' ribbed Jorscy Vests, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Lace Mitts, etc. All these goods havfng been bought at a great reduction we will sell at the Lowest " -S--'-- :C., r-'.' _ {; *• , 1 ^ ' •' gures. ; ; , ;<v <\H «fld e*amine our Vfoek atid Wm convince vc have :ih hne a as can bo found in the country. We are selling fans from 5 cts. up; handkerchiefs from lct.uri.. Al^o a i;.m nf . ' J 1 ! : ; r r ^ 5 CKtR Decorated tea sets for $3.98. Our stock of DRY GOODS, mt 3 I - «• ® | s . s ; 6- s •GROCERIES.- a:S • 2.3.2 as Jftl *-t' co O O O K?® ® p P*P p1 ' • > : 'v o t* „ 3 ® O 'SrS ?8 g "ti# THE CHICAGO*"0 MORTH- n WESTERN WW RAILWAY. UNuurtrates thelOenter* of ; #«pulatlon)1ii ns, love, JULIA A. STOUT, (One Door West of Riverside House») -DEALER DRUGS 5 Kcluin, liiasuta, -A TOLL Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important I C I N E £ - '̂w§ i, Matt, Oils and Colon. Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Trade iti »ed s Centres. | STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES? Physicians Prescriptions Its eunipment of day and parlor cars, din- igan(f place sleeping ears is without rival. , its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast. steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for seekers after new homes In the golden I Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharmft- NiJetaued'information oheerfuiiy funuabed I cist« Your patronage is respectfully solicited. / BCRKARD BUSS. Agent, ' JULIA A. 8TORY. MeHenry, III * WHITMAN. Uea. Manager. H. a WIC KB, Traffic Manager. & P. WILSON, Qmteral Pauenger AgenL fe® mf v. i mm, ;Ar, ..$*--Bi&in m Gbrn, Oats, Eye and llill Feed. II L0¥ AS THE 1IOWEST ? Call f nd get figures beiore buy­ ing elsewhere. Will guarantee jou satituition in every particu-1 Oon*t Pay Anyone It Sajr TouTNd Tot Yon. ; I^rge new Warehouse at the I Pickle Factory in West MeHenry, Iliaois. W. A, CRISTY. STOFFEL & BLAKE. Have now afull stock ot all the latest novelties in Dress Goods of every description from 15 cento per yard up. In For Ladies wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster. For Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo, In Boots, the Buffa o and Jiedpath Bros. For house cleaning time we have laid in a fine assortment of West MeHenry, 111. I® complete in every respect and we will guarantee to give you satisfaction in quality and price. ^ C FITZSIMMONS & H Opposite Post Office, West MeHenry, June 26thf 1886. PERR We have a large stock of ! W A L L P A P E R Wall Paper, • Clothing BOOTS AHS SHOES, SATS AHD CAPS, We buy all our goods in large quantities, for Cash, and guaraiv tee to sell as low and many times lower than any CASII STORE WEN, ; Hats! Hats! The Finest Line of CLOTHING In the county; in all sizes and the latest styles and best fits. HJB" Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes, Curtain Poles and Wipdow Shades. In A. M. CHURCH, cer and Jeweler m SOUTH CLARK R^UKKT, Chi- *11. HpMial attention ?civen to re- > Watches and Ohronnme te rs. r A Full 4M0rtm>l Of Oood* la las lta« T1Y\J ̂ Î IV 1 Ej O, § | We have all clean, fresh, first diss goods, and we shall S AB THE BIABKBT DOWN ^ the Lb west Living Pric«if> In CLOTHING, OLOTHUTG, f" Come and get the dandiest fit and the finest goods for. the least [money to be had in the town. - STOFFEL & BLAKE. 5 •••i- ° j li In the county. We have now i^^lejgantluMiAt STTW SAUBM, - fiogliaiaa, AMD WHITK COODS. Pine OreM - Goods, In Black and Conors, and trim­ mings to match. New Spring styles in Is larger than ever before and we keep finer goods in Men's Ladies' and Children's wear, and Prices Lower. Our Stock of CARPETS, »er AND CURTAIN9, Cannot be excelled. Wo carry tfco largest stock and guarantee prices the lowest. Apt hecan Wlif M'lllllf. ^-DEALER IN Drugs and lledicines, PAINT8, OILS. ,et Articles, --PURE WINES AID LIQUORS, ViiH, MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars jy^;|^Smofting and Chewing Tobacco alwayson hand. " [t PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. MeHenry, December 28th, 1887. G. W. Are You Going to Build |f so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from ^ I] Near the I>epot. WeSl MeHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public \ iV The Bast Quality --AT THE-- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- I - i . h f y a, . : J VUV1HI > Casioni, Boor and Window Frames-Ready Mafle-aliays on Hail , Also the Best Brand® of BarbWirea We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare I to accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER €, H. GRANGER, Manager

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