<,^7" :: * * 4 - WEDNESDAY, AUG. IB, 1888, ^ Railroad Time Table. Ihktic Affect Jane loth, train* will paw Melicnry otwion daily, as follows: ooiiro SOOTH. I Lake UeneTkP«u*ag«r ...7:38 A. a Lake Geneva Express _.S:22 " Lake Geneva Freight 2:00 p. « Ukt Genera Passenger S-2<> " Lake Geneva Passenger ..... „..6:3fl " LakeGeneva»un<lay Passenger...-7:36 •• OOIXU NOKIO. t Lake Geneva Freight .......S'U a. * ; Lake Geneva Passenger 9:X - x Lake Geneva Passenger '• t Lake Genera Kxpress .4:S6r. n i Lake Genava Pauenaer 6:51 " $ D illy except Sunday. t Sundays only. |x,3iopi only to Leave Passengers. B. Bust. Agent. Mc Henry, 111 1% Church Directory. MBTHODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Preaching every Sabbath, morning and even *5i Binowood at t:30 p. M. Crowd In and worship with us. "Butinet* 4m* for Eternity. MABDT B. WTOKOPV, A. ft., Pastor. UNIVERSAL 1ST CHURCH. Bervices every Sunday morninsr, and evei flrst and third Sunday evenings in month. A eoratal welcome is extended to every one to join us in our worship. Our Matte--Study to knew Me truth, ex amine--Reflect--"Preve all things; hold fast that whlchjts good." REV. H.-SLAJDE, Pastor. *22 8KB Deland's advertisement. •• SUMMER Closing Sale, commencing Ibis week at John Branson & Co's. MR. SLADB will preacb at Rlngwood next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Subject, "What Is Truth." QUIT* a orowd from this town at tended the Races at Richmond on Saturday last. THB Woodstock Ball Club came ove^ |^on Tuesday add warmed the McHenry Nine to the tune of 7 to 3. ^ *A FINK new flag adorns the Harriso^ and Morten Liberty Pole, raised by Christy and Wentworth. j RKMEUHKR the Ice Cream Festival In the Park, on Friday evening next, by the ladies of the Willing Workers Society. THERE was quite a number from this village and vioinity, who went on the Excursion to DOT! Is Lake on Sunday last v NEVER fall to read the advertise ment and looals of Bonslett & Stoffel as they are changod from week to PB8SOM %I»- O. C. COLBY, of Nunda, wae em onr streets one day last week. 8. 8. SHRPAED. of Nunda, was oalling on friends her* on Sunday. REV. S. C, IIAT. of Woodstock, made our Sanctum a pleasant call on Thurs day last. MRS. DR, ANOKRSOH. of Woodstock, was visiting with Mrs. G. W. Besley, in thla village last week. HARRY BLACKUAN, of Chicago, spent Sunday with bis mother. in this village. Miss ELSIE GAGE visited last week *lth friend? in Walworth and Darlen, Wis. HARRY HOLMES, Deputy Sherlfl and Jailer, was over from Woodstoek on day. ED W. OWEN starts to-day to take a position with the Belle <31 ty Manu facturing Co., of Racine, #1*. iss MABEL THAYER, of Norwood, 111,, is visiting with Miss May Wight- man. In this village. Miss BLANCHE WARNER, of Antloch, has been visiting friends In this village, the past week. Miss EMMA GREGORY, of Chicago, Is spending a sl^rt vacation with her parents, In this village, JAMES MCQOVERN. Assistant City Sealer, of Chicago, was on our streets on Sunday. C. A. WIGHTMAN, of EvanstOB, le Visiting with the family of H. E. Wightman, in this village. MISS CLARA BROWN, of Chicago, is visiting with F. A, He bard and family. In this village. MRS, A. KENNEDY, of Harvard, Neb.1 Is vlsltlag with friends in this village and vioinity. A. MOGER and wife, of Harvard, Nebraska, Is visiting with fiiends here. MRS. A. HICKEY, of Chicago, and Mlse Nona Ouerin, of Chelsea, Michi gan, are visiting at A. O. Whiting's near this village. THE small boys ere happy. There a Circus in town to-day. And some of the old fellows will have to go to look after the children, you knew* REMEMBER two weeks from to morrow Is Old Settlers Meeting at Wauconda. You are going, of coarse, Everybody will be there. I WE leant that Barbian Brothers] I have rented Pekovsky's building, to / which they will move their Cigar Fac- J f tory at an early day. Mr. Pekovskyj I Intends moving to Chicago soon. THE Willing Workers Society will *t*meet with Mrs. W. A. Crlaty at 2 o'clock this (Wednesday) afternoon to ? complete arrangements for the lawn festival to be given iu the Park on Friday evening of this week. F OWIGHT KENNEDY has moved his I Barber Shop to the rooms In Pekovs- I ky's Block, two doors south of the I Post Office. He now has one of the neatest and finest arranged Barber Shops In the county. ADIES Calico Wrappers. White aprons 25c. Double width sheeting 18c. Cbildrens white sklrtlnc very cheap. Fine Tidy towels, Embrold- DURING the Soldiers and Sailors Encampment at Crystal Lake, next week, the Nunda Woman's Relief Corps will furnish a Dinning Hall, where good substantial meale can be had for 25 cents. We take pleasure in recommending all who attend the Encampment to call at the Ladies Dining Hall, assuring them that they will receive the beet'of attention and good^quare, wholesome meal." As will be seen by the proceedings n another column, the Village Board ave purchased the Cheese Factory ulldlng, In the oentre of the town, nd will fix the upper part over into a Town Hall, and the basement into a alaboose and a place to store village roperty. The price paid was 81200. his is a wise move, and one of the best expenditures the Board have ' • ered bibs. Underwear, eta, at Ladles Salesrooms, Nichols Block. TICKETS have been issued for the Harvest Party, at the Rlversl Je House, on the evening of August 24th, Slocum's Orchestra will furnish the ^ music, and no one can fall of having a good social time. Tickets, including Supper, only 81.50, Let all who ever jfonee turn out, JACK HALPIN had the misfortune, while returning from Fox Lake with a team, one night last week, to tip over, and the result was a badly brok en shoulder. He is under the care of Dr. Heward. and ts getting along a? well as cajild be expected under the 1 i^yum8t>DCe8 • THE question now Is If a oatand a half gets a head and a half in a can and a half and can't get It out, what can a man and a half, with ouly a hand and a half do when she proves conclu sively that she has a full claw and a half? MMIne goodness gracious, how dot cat did claw. Don't it." | JOHN P. SMITH, the Jeweler, has a I new Sail Boat, and one of the fioeston f the river. It has the euphonious name ' of 'Rats,' and thereby hangs a tale. But time and space will no$^ permit us to tell it this time. The boat (not the tale) ts sixteen feet long with four foot beam. Is fast and a model upon the water. IF any of our old baehelor or wld- dower friends want a wife here Is a ehanoe: Samuel Wheelock, of Lake Providence, La., advertises that he "wants to sell his wife for cash or ex* change her for a good work horse," and further warrants her »to be 41 years old, and "good as the majority of church going people.** THE postoffioe department Is soon to have a new stylo of postal cards. It is very much like a double card of the present, pattern. The back folds is split diagonally andjopens out like a four pointed star. The four corners are folded, and joined in the center, when the oard Is ready for mailing. With a pieee of gummed paper. The oard weighs less than half an ounce, and will contain no more writing than the present card, the only advantage btlng greater privacy. ROP. LINN H. YOUNG has been en- aged as Principal of our Public fSebool for the coming year. Mr. Young Is « teacher of exparlense and Is well and favorably known In (this county. ;snd we predict the Directors have made no mistake in securing his services. School will open for the Fall Term the first Monday In Septem ber, with the following oorps of Teachers: Linn H. Young Principal. Miss Mary Wentworth, Intermediate Department. Miss Elsie Gage, Pri mary Department. Howard Perry, West Side Division. "DAVID R. WILLIAMS died April 23d 1888 In his 80th year, at a relatives In Schoharie t2ounty, N. Y. The cause of death was Dropsy. He ate breaklast at the table, and expired the same afternoon. He was born in the state of New York, came west to Lake countyi 111., in 1843, and very soon was every- persons Uncle David. He assisted financially the worthy needy and was a firm believer in Jesus, the Savior of men. and he was a flue old style baohe- lor gentleman. Peace to his ashes." So writes a correspondent from Volo. Lake county. CIKCL'*, Belmont's Elite Circus showt In Mc Henry this afternoon and to-night, near the depot.. Although it comes here with very little advertiement it is quite a lar^e one and we hear it is flrst class In every particular. Its main tent is 125 by 175 ft. Besides seven bareback riding acts, led by the champion bareback lady rider of the World, Miss Daisy Belmont, it has first class gymnastic and arlel per formances, The dog show, in connec tion with it, might be mentioned as a special feature, led by Flash, the only dog that turns a complete and legiti mate backward somersault. The prioe is 25 cents, children 15 cents. McHenry County Soldiers and Sailors Re~Union. The next meeting of this Associa tion is to be held at Crystal Lake, 111., August 21st, 22d, and 23d, 1888, in Crow's Grove. All should bear In mind that this is next week. Every ex-Boldier and sailor, and In fast everybody is earnestly Invited and urged to attend. This will be one of the most interesting re-unions of the year. Good speakers will be present and nothing left undone by the citi zens of Nunda and Crystal Lake to make this meeting a big sucoess. All who attended last year were well pleased with the arrangements, and those haviog the matter iu charge ex pect to improve, if possible on last year. Let every soldier and sailor In the county, who Is not already a mem ber join this year and help the Associ ation in every way possible. Remem ber the date, August 21st, 22d, and 23d, and do not fail to attend. SUMMER Clearing Sale, commenolng this week at Jonh Urimoo ft Co*e» ON Saturday evening last the School : Botrd received a letter making the *" sad announcement that Prof. Lewis rt Dyslnger, who'bad been engaged aa Jjjj Principal of our Public School, for the jg coming year, had suddenly died at hla « home at Tlskllwa. Bureau county. Het, had made all preparations to move® here this week, but the grim messen- *4 ger death stepped In. and with scarce-je ly a moments warning he *w«s taken « hence. Mr. Dyslnger was, of course, s, an entire stranger here, but during a * short visit a few weeks ago be made many friends by his straight^ forward, gentlemanly bearing. HlsQ. afflicted family have the heartfelt of sympathy of all. CURIOUS. FACTS. Hebron Department ^ THE average Mexican laborer snpportA id familv Ofl Aohis VIA* JIM •• ^A.. JK For the Working Glfli. t We understand there is a Society in|| Chicago called the Working Girls As sociation, whose object is to amello-^ rate the condition of the poor working^ girls of that city, and to aid them in taking a few days of rest and fresh alr,*|- by a trip Into the country. Several off' the towns outside of Chicago havefF materially aided this society tfy cach 1 family taking one, two. three or more if of such girla and boarding tbem for a tl { needles into week, free of charge and thus giving ft them the chance for rest and recrea- N tion that they could get In no other way. This applies to girls who are not able to pay their own expenses, the society paying their fare out and back b and the citizens boarding them free. I1 This is a noble and worthy enter- ' prise and now the question arises bow ^ many of our ^citizens will take nnd a board one or more of these girls for a n week. There Is one lady in town who^ has signified her „ willingness to take P six. Now let others of our citizens^' who are able and willing be hearJ ? from. It Is certainly a worthy cause,; and we do not believe McMenry will | be behind her siBter towns in the good | work, THE * Crystal Slipper; or Prince Prettlwitz and Little Cinderella," is uow iu th6 third last week of one of the most successful runs enjoyed by a I play at a Chicago Theatre. Indeed, the^ Chicago Opera House has been crowd-§ ed to the doors at every one of the 801 performances already given up to last i Saturday night. All the new features ? which constitute the "third edition" j of the great spectacular extravaganza have been received with the wildest enthusiasm, and the new arrangement of "the march of the supper service" In which nearly 100 armor clad Ama zons participate, is pronounced by the press of Chicago the most uaique, ar tistic and gorgeous march ever yet seen In that city. The beautiful bal lets have already been described In these columns. The "Massanlello" ballet has proved a great success. The children In the olown and pantaloon dance are nightly encored, and the work of the principal oomedians In the cast, has been strengthend by ad ditional opportunities afforded in the situations. Next week the "DoU's Quadrille" wtll be revived. The sale of seate for the last performance Is large. THE following is the namea of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn to attend the September Term of the Circuit Court, to be held at Woodstock, commencing ; September 24th, 1888. ! OBAM> JCROR8. • Alex WilUanu ....... ......*.. Riley Et A chapman.. Marengo KM Patrick. •« Thos Wood ....Dunham • John W Dean " i Olms 1'eavy ..Chemung, O D Me I'tiorson.. " J is Shield... Aid en O It Quinlun ....HariUnd E K;Orandali.... Seneca 3am'I Ulark Graf lot Meiytil turn ham Coral W il Gregory Doir A R McCounell.. " W T Pulmcr .. ....Greenwood E»bon Vandekan Heoron Kliaa llawuk " ; OhasS Halderman ........ Richmond ; AO Granger MoHenry : Sim Covill .... " } VVm Halght Nunda t Mat Kitzsiiniaona......^..............,... " 11II Ford-- .......... .Algonquin l' O. McKay .. PETIT JUBOBS. Chaa Krause .<^.,...iUley Frank Pierce " Root Driver.#,..... ..*^..,.. .^1 •• Joel .stull........ ...Mareugo JS liogers ..|,x..... .......... his family on 10 cents per diem, hoDGK SECTOR V. in corn and beans. MVSOVTO.--A- t A. M. ment at Masobie „ Hill on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- JAPANESE engineers propose to adopt N.'s of cach month,. a system of earthwork defences pro- MOBKRK WOODWSS OF AMKP'CA.--Meat at tested Iry an iron shield nn. :„Masonio Hall every and 4thThursday even- feet on each side of the gun. sows or TKVFERAWOR --Moot at Union Hail AMERICAN authors are more read than0® Tu®sd*' ev6,ur,« < e*ot' week- the English in Japan. Last year 86,000 --- ° ' • 11 English and 119,000 American books KOITOK PT-AIKDE<LRR --fleorge Manor is were imported into that country, so thatworkII,fr for ^!or Bros* the old question. "Who reads an Ammt.Mo'!,!rn Wowimen's rieric at Woo-istock cm can book?" was fairlv answered i , - I Two woi1itin|r« reported for next montn. Douglas County, Kansas,! Mr, Wi U Rowe reoently !»i>ent a few day* In has hit upon a new way of destroving|Chica?0- wolves. He puts a chunk of beef wlipra Miss Nettle Khle U (sotne from Elgin for a the wolves will find it, and in the tight1 *acat]°u-I . Mr. Hamilton^ from northern Wisconsin, is reftiiltiUK I<MP its possession one or mortkhe gues% OF Mr* an«l Mr^, s. itotnouf. are sure to be left dead on the field. Dr. Koiiu street, from Albert Lee, Iowa* l» M. PAUL LEROV-BEAULIEU rives fic-hor" tn s0° his F«tuor, who is quite siek. nres showing the quantity of tobac^ f^.l oh"cago.S,tWO* ^ entertalnlnK hor '^OU8i,, consumed ui the different countries o Mant of the farmers In this section .arc turope. The rate per 100 iuhalntftnt throahing thoir grain in the field, is, according to him, as follows: Spain Mr9- Martin itowe will go this week to Jell 110 pounds; Italy, 128 pounds-Grea iet to vUit rol8tiv68 n0Ar n,nt p,ace" Rrifain l«nni,n',lc ica _ * t A little fourteen )>ound Fish has made its JSntam, loo pounds, Kllssia, 182poundq appearance at the uoine ol our painter and Denmark, 224 pounds; Norway, 21$ paper-hanger, pounds; Austria, 273 pounds. i W. J. Fountain spent a part of last week at rfIX,rLt^ ̂ °m Detroit that a lat pmnk W. Smith,, having ilnished his*labors named r rank Bailey, 16 years Old, ha at this place has returned to his home in such a mania for thrusting pins ant M!lrens°- - -- t h e r i t r h t s i d e o f l i i s f * A M r > w n i S l a t e r , w h o h a s b e e n s p e n d i n g • BUie OI ms lft<l several days with his sinter, Mrs. White, has . . • V ;?!V^TiME15 ~ mam 'SJH f- j ' • ,v S,' FAIR, Wintertime " KEANOFML A-REififbMQ. VoVtfjtoV fiAVE ITJAI; ALVfoyj iW/oiwpE^RHe^ fWD WilfiOUrAPOVBT PA*5y TiM ANDRoattHC VbTHiN tf Har WiTrt°vr. IbRAU. $eAJW{S (^*5 ̂ AP Made by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO , CKICAQO, ILL. vH.3 • ill Fair Local*. As the Executive Committee will and neck that it has become necessai been very ^busy tuning pianos and organs in to send him to a lunatic asylum. A thl8 vicinity. the time of lxis departure lie had froi Attend the Harvest Party at R-iwe's Hall, thirty to forty Pi„8 buried to the he. 5I'.U'S&TmullS; SSjyWS.'TMS I «•», »'» »" Ita «k» in bis cheek, besides an unknown nun vine Orchestra. ber of needles that were out of sight ' After many months of iatftnae safTarinir, rp„„ . . .. v "J Mrs, John SMckehs died on Tuesday, Ju!v ;Ji . - \ i.., n • . A, -• • 1HE average watch us composed of 1? The remains were taken te Harvard for inter. | Stalls, pens, eta needed. ThO ' V S C e n t , i a t h® na*rket. it* Ti,0, J ̂ Y - »r® visitins Old friends in tthis local- to meet the demand. i Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Intend to exhibit stock pleaee notify the Secratary aa soon as possible how Business Notices A "choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's, West Side, SMOKR the "EIUPIRE its manufacture. The balance lias 18 000 beats or vibrations per hour, 12 960,080 in thirty days, 157,680,000 one year; it travels 143,100 inches wit Let every farmer exhibit something this year. The society is Anxious to eclipse its record. Miss Bessie B jyne, who has been the gnest ? of Mrs. Btodgctt. returned to her home in * Chicago, the last of (he weok. Ao/tVT vifirntum wt>i«K ie . f lIP ftrinu!v' Msssnohusettr! picnic Will be! r-" L ad les' and Gent's Pock6t eacli vibration, wmcfc is equal to J held at Kaye's Park on sannxiay nex-i, Not: Let every woman and child do her books and hairs at llaalev'a Druo- atora nules m twenty-four hours, 292* mik the 0!,! 8etuer, but evervoMy mvited. j part ln fin,nty , UO "" J we8t 8M , g * g * Rov. Andrews and ttmilv rotwrnod from • ? ? r,0r« «*»• The ? we" their visit to California last week and were premium* ara liberal. welcomed home l»y their many friuads. 1 if Tn„ ^ .. .. Addison riiillips hts reoentiv-purchased a \ _ " li*"0 a Stand dOn t now engine au<] thresher ifo has now one , wait unSll the best are taken of the iiaost threshing outiits l-i tUe bounty . - * AU ui Houseii >lder's ^ai«s took a lively in thirty days, or 3,558* miles in on year. IT has been legally settled in Texi that the moon has an Immense influen< in enlarging the brand on cattle. lawsuit was pending relative to tl ownership of a herd of cattle, and tl: solution depended upon the proof of tl, brand, which was found on comparisc be three times as large as the brnm ing iron which the claimant used. Tlii teen witnesses were introduced, all < them experts in branding and cattl herding. They all swore that whe cattle were branded in the dark of th moon the brand will never, no matte how large the animal may grow, g< larger than the dimensions of the ira used. On the other hand, when eith< grown cattle or calves are branded i the light of the moon the scar wi spread, and the lighter the mixta tli larger will be the spread. And the suit involving several thousand dollars wort of cattle, was settled on this testimony So the question is legally settled that is the moon that does it. * .IDFE, m No Use for Conquerors. After all there are greater possibility awaiting the boys of to-day than eve awaited the yottng son * of Phili Macedon. Every American boy ha run without a driver, fhe whole length o"f Maple Avenue, on Saturday, bringing up in front of Mason Thmnts residence -without damage to themselves or the vuhicle. "Wide Awake Ounn," Geneva I,alee, was represented last week by Or. llurri^k and \ 0. A' Stone and family, Sewel! Mason and wltt, M s Goo Isell, 1,. I), feme, Kavi Taylor Misses Auuie Goedsoli, Bessie Stone and £ 11a Manley. Thanks to the I'LAtNDBAXER, the fishing rod mentioned in our last article was deliv ered io its gr.itoful owner on Saturday. It. was lost by parties frem Rockford wnileon their way l» Channel Lake, for a few weeks recreation. A f.irntoc for hosting purpose.« has b - en puronased, to put in the basemont of the s -hi>o! building. Also one tor It. W. Mead's resideuce. Also frank Uowe is preparing to liavo his store heated uy the same process. Mrs, Norton, from Chicago, accompanied by her three children. Misses Trestle and ITlora and master George, Jiave been visiting her sister Mrs Blodgett for some time. They were pleasant Addition to "Wide Awake" camp for several days. Taylor Bros, are dains a thriving business and working hard for thei Interest of the eoiuo&uy which they represent, and sell two windmills to m:uiy <ttbura rents sne. Po sivs Mr. Osborne, General Ageut for the Baker r,m ig CornpliiT. A eoaipliment, well deserved and earned. On Friday last they sold to Al. J . (j.)ie erect on his fajm, to replace the Bright A Teeple Mill that burned wncn Ins bam was struck bv lightning, a 1* foot. Power M il, Grin ier ari't Tank, a com possiltilities that iWder never RX' SfZXSS liifferent mills, which oompleted, a carjlead, which was ordered, all to be put up lu He bron and surroundings. There is a chance for him (and Ale> ander only had a chance) to become th founder of new states, the developer new regions, the leader of new move mentst the preacher of Rv creeds. When Cyrus Fields laid the first At , lantic cable he did a bigger work for th^ pj ALGONQUIN. •Persons in Algonf|ntn a«#^#tt?hi. . _ knowing theinsolvoi lndebte<l for the ,I ... , , ] PI.AINOE.VLRK e:IU le'KRN of th> amount by world than tud Alexander when lie con-oaliingon John Helm, who Is authorized to quered Darius. When Morse inventedrttCtm o mouoy mui receipt for the same, in the telegraph he UdI the foundation foiErSr SZ, tremendous and nnheard of progress] »nd get a sample ojpy.j When Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, he laid the foundation for warJ EDUOR PLAINDBALKRI-MM. J. A and bloody rapine for countless genera] Sherwood started on Tuesday of last tions. Napoleon was the last of th modernB who attempted to gain an; great extent of empire by oonquest. When Thomas Jefferson boughj Louisiana of Napoleon, he showed th great Corsican a better way of conquest that his genius had ever suggested] jn Chicago and May wood last week. Where is Napoleon s empire now ? Bui the Louisiana of Jefferson, embracing ^r' Mrs. G, S. Chapell, of Chl- week for Grand Rapids, Mlohlgan whera she Intends making her sister a months visit. Mrs. S. A. French, of Chicago, went with her. Ernest Benson visited with friends J S Ivogi F W Wells Elisha Alexander.... Milo Munger Frank Plorco Helms Heritage.... . Fred Peters . Moses llombitrd H N Austin . ... Jotin Carroll i Mike MeAullfl ... ... Aiimzo Auderaon.... Silas Oickerson > J Al Fuzzy -- ... O F Butler-- .... . . . . F K Ferris Louis Kapplar ....... J H Irish O K Jones li J. Dygert . H K Benedict Homer Hastings John Moore... Wal.Monier........... C V .Stevens Seli:n l'ierce Jake Rothernael Ma Unas Adams Martin Welsh Peter Kothermel--.. iioo Thompson Anson Thompson >%»»• Dunham .Ohemung ...Alden ...Harttand Seneca Coral ..Grafton . . . . . . Dorr - .^Greenwood nearly all our territoiy between thl Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains and beyond--is already one of the great' est empires on earth and destined foi untold strides of progress. So the occupation of conqueror gone, and the modern boy who read: the life of Alexander the Great nee< not envy that reckless and dissipatec young king. He was a great king in hi day, but there is a possibility for th* modern American boy to do more gotx in the world than he did.--Yankei Blade. The Indians of Ecuador. 'While the Indians are under the rule of the priests, and have accepted the Catholic religion, three hundred and fifty years of submission has not entirely divorced them from the ancient rites .fa. ....Hebron Richmond .....Burton . McHenry II H Algonquin r... :?»* * f V.s». i:..v ..f-c- LAWN FESTIVAL. ICE CREAM AND LEMONADE. The Willing Workers will hold a Lawn Festival la the Park, on Friday evening. August 17. ln caae of storm the Ice Cream, Cakes and Lemonade wtll be served in the Universallst church. Let everybody come. Money to £joaoi^ Money to loan in sums from fliO to 01,500, on good security. Inquire at this office. SUMMER Clearing Sale, commencing thla week at John Eranson A Co's. Music For The Campaign. We have just received from the pub lishers, S. Bralnard's Sons, 146 Wabash Ave., Chicago, a copy of the wTrne Blue Re publican1' Canpalgn Song Book, containing sixteen pieces of music, arranged for male quartette, with words and music complete. The music was arranged by a quartette of Campaign Singers especially for the coming Campaign. Tne price of the book Is but 15 cents. Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found in our stoak. J. A. cag>, spent Friday night here with C, E. Chapelfs family, returning home on Saturday morning. Grandpa Chapell ifeturned home with them, where he Intends making his home for a time, C, E. Chapell returned home with a car load of milch cows on Saturday last and he Is billed for aa Auction Sale for Wednesday of$hls weelt^&ug. 15th. Mies Mary McQuaker, of Chicago, Is spondiog a couple of weeks wi th the family ot T. C. McKay. ' Th<jre was quite a number from here went on the Devils Lake excursion, on Sunday la^t. Thoy report having very pleasant tim^, Algonquin and vicinity was well ^ey practiced under the pre-historicjrepresented at^ the German Picnic, at civilization. Several times a year thev p.^ui t ,1,. , , . have feasts or celebrations to Immeml L,ake' fU SuoJay rate some event in the Inca history.] •'Oltii J inook started up bis Steam They never laugh, ond seldom wmilog Tnresher on Saturday last. He they have no songs and few amuse- threshed throe l^ads of oats for D. W. ments; their only semblance to music is Thomas that yielded 118 bushels, a mournful chat which they give in uni- pretty good son at the feasts which are intended to VT , .' .... < keep alive the memories of the Incas. ' ' asOD rusticating In Chicago, They cling*to the traditions and the Mrs. Voytech Is quite sick, Dr. Ray, customs of their ancestors. They re- of Huntley, was called to attend her member the ancient glory of their race, on Monday mornlug of this week, and iook to its restoration as the Aztecs! Mrs. Julian and little Mamie, of of Mexico look for the coming of Monte- I„ #. , , zrnna. They have religion, relie, wluek, "jf" ̂ " T"»",l0« ,r,e'"J' 'j"c- they guard with the most sacred care, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Benson, of May- and there are two great secrets which' wo°d, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. no tortures at the hands of the Span-j W. P. Benson on Sunday last. iards have been able to wring from them. These are the art of tempering copper so as to give it as keen and en during an edge as steel, and the burial place of the Incarial treasures.-- Will iam Eleroy Curtis, in the Atijwican Magazine. ̂y Ah Unsatisfied Longing*. How impossible it is to please some people. Railway train in Pennsylvania, spinning along ah"*1* ,TJJh*^wLi ™ Wheo Baby VM rick, we gave her Caetoria, \ When Bhe waa a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria, When she Lad Children, she gave them Castorta, ":ii. "A Something New for Farmers- short Stiff, Straw, long heads,im ported from Prussia. White Winter Bye. Big yield, from 25 to 30 buBhels per acre. The seed can be got of Peter Blake, one mile North of MoHenry. on the Richmond Road, for one dollar per bushejfc PETJEB B Dr. and Mrs, WmtMorton tried their hand at farming a part of last week, while Mr. and Mrs. Yerke3 visited with relatives at Solon. BEST NOURISHMENT FOR CON SUMPTIVES. Consumptive persons are said Jo be greatly benefited by the use of Speer's Port Grape Wine, both Fermented and Unfermented. It seems to give nour ishment when everything elso fails. The rich properties of the wine deriv ed from the Iron in the soil on which the grapes grow makes new blood and If It does not cure, we believe It pro longs life ln many cases of consump tion. In fact, cases have been reported of perfect cures being ejected by the use^peer's Part Wine. Harvest Party. Yditfijlf and Lady are cordially invited to attend a Iiaryest Pary. At Ben. Stilling'* Platform, Plstaque Bay, Thursday Byeolng, Ang. 16,1888. Music Rlngwood Band. Tickets 50 cents. ' We flourt fully warrant our Clscoette Only #1.00 per ^saok at Bonslett Let ail cowioenco uow and boom the Fair--ihseuss it with your, neighbors. A man who owns four farms in this Cjuuty admitted the other day that the record of the MoHanry County Fair had increased their 'value 20 per cent. Who denies it, Jane*villa, K>ekford. DeK.ilb, and other Fairs daljy program are devoted to the several political parties. Let the Mcllsnry ui ike here foremost. Aug. 13 the McHenry County Fair bill poster will open up the campaign. Treat hi ui well, A. S. WRI(3HT, Secretary, OtIRE FOR RHEUMATISM. G. G. Tr<»at, of West Granville, Mass., writes of Allcock's Porous Plat ters: ' For rheum Hi5m#.netaralgla, palo iii the side or back, coughs, colds, bruises, and any locil waakaess, they truly possess wond^r'ul curative qualities. I have recommended them to my uelghboro with the happiest results, many of whom but for Allcoek'o Plas ters would be in a crippled condition at home. In every lustanee where they have been faithfully and properly applied the result has been wonder fully satlsfactor y. PICNIC! There will be a Picnic, for the bene fit of Peter Miller, who was so severely injured while helping to raise a barn over a year ago, in Miller's Grove near the Claremont Ilouse, Sunday Aug. 19,18S8, Pienty of Refreshments will be served aud a general good time may be expected. Mu«lc, Ring wood Band. Let everybody turn oat and help ID a good cause. PER ORDBR. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE? The undersigned offers for sale his House and Lot, In the village of Mc Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbulldiogs, and Is withal a desirable property. Will be sold reasonable If applied for eoon. E. CABl'BMTBB. McHenry, Aug. II, 1838. Call on Mrs. E, Coafecttonarles. Caban," Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Bogey's Worm Syrup for ohildrea has no equal, IF you want a tl.-st class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry & Owen'ni etera. FOR SALE. A Urge quautity of Shelled Cera fer sale at Blstiop'a Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W, llowe'a for Millin ery aod Dress Making. "Carrv the news to Hannah," that the best place to buy Ladies Flue Shoes Is at Althoff Bros. Besley'J Death to Rate Is sure aud certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, it new thing, at Besley's, Chemesette Colars Evanson & Co's. only 16e atJohu Candles, a fine assortment jult oeived at Story's Drug Store. ; *" Every*thlug in the Implement ilne^ can be found at Bishop's Warehouse. Call and examine, Pricoa iow. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy an d happy MIDJJLIN'GS. Corn Meal and Ground Feed at re a* sonable prices.' Call and learn prioef at Bisnop's Mill. v:;,.v, J/ Lawlus for Choice For Sale Or Exchaug^ef My Farm la Hancock Co., Iowa of <>40 Acres Improved, for good Business or Faroi Property in Lake or McHen ry Co., Ill orwilirotit for cash for a term of years, to a man that will raise Stock, If taken soon. VV. II. FORD, Woods took IU, 4 Five Years in Jollet tor Heading These Locals. New Jspio Toa worth 45s only 23o. Warraoted Clscoette Flour $1. New car tiaq salt; per barrel #1.35. Seven 12 oz. bars goad soap 25o. Try our Leader Smoking Tobacco 20c 3 cakos fancy toilet soap 12c. 350 good new grain bajs 15 and 17c; Campaign Plu£ Hats fl.50. Good ginghams 5c, Reliable Shirting 8} to Ho. Chew Plank Road Plug, Wear Helolt Overalls. Phelaa & Jockey, a fine shoe. L. Canilee's rubbers are reliable. Hanly's dour 91.05, Honest Abe 91,10. Try on our 9G.30 wool suits 34 to 42. Ton will And campaign goods at Bonslett & Stoffei's. Jersey Bulls For 8ale< The undersigned ofler,for «ile three tine full blood Jersey Bulls. One is The Champion of liing«vood," No. 18103,coming tiiree years old, and a very fine animal. One is a year did, and will be ready for use this Fall. And one Ho© Jersey Bull Calf. For full particulars and Pedigrees call on or address HARRISON BROS. 2^4w. Rlngwood 111. NOTICE. The MoHeary Brick Manufacturing Company having sold out their busi ness to the Elgin Brick and Tile Com pany, hereby request all persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm to call at the otfioe at the Yard and pay the same without delay. All pereous having any claim* against the McHenry Brl^k Compaoy are re quested to call at the Yard, where the book-keeper, W. D. Wentworth, will settle the same. WHITING 4K WKJCTWORTII, Go to Althoff Bros, tor Flue Shoes* The finest stock In town. The choicest brands of Clgare la town, at Bealey'ti Drug Store, We*f Side. 4: Machine Oil, best quality, 50 oents per gaiion, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If you want to see the finest eteek of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, oeil I at Althoff Bros. Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. V Toilet articles, suoh as are usually found ln a tirst class, well regulated pharmacy can be had at rttory's Drug S tore. Screen doors at Shepard'S hardware lowest prices. Brushes of every description, and for all purposes. All kinds, and sices, and prices are the lowest at J. A. Story. Stationery, all kinds to be found at Story's. Be sure and buy a pair of Evanaaa't #2.50 Ladiee flue Kid Shoes. w - Fancy Fans at modest prices, JOHN EVAXSOM & CO* i Soaps. Toilet and Laundry,|ao end less variety. Cigars at J. A» Story't., , ^ ' ShoHhaud. Enclose stamps and write to Mra. F, F. Judd, 7l> Madisou St. Chicago , for Important particulars of a practical couree by mall. Besley's Famous Waokegan Ale and Porter Ou draught at J. Bonslett'4 glen's and John He idler's. " " ? Believing That a good ue*v stock of clothing la needed in this place we have put lull complete line. Call and look it otevv Yours truly, «TEVKN8 & MILLER, Besley's Extract ot Jamaica Ginger, the fiaest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. WHEAT WANTED.* ,1 The highest market price tn" cash ^ will bs paid for good Miillug Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry, R. BlaHQi?, ,7 C. F. TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Nunda. wishes inform the citizons of McHenry and vicinity that he will visit MoHeary on the 25th of each month, with a full line of samples, and will take orders for single garments or full auHs aud guarantee satisfaction In quality goods, good fits aud low prices. Haadqiiarters an the Parker House* Should the 25th tali ou Sunday, Will be here the following Monday. C. F. TORSOW. Dated. April 25,18S8. 43-tf The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Me> Henry, has been recently fitted up ia first class shape, and Is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats ef all kinds, ot the beet quality, and at Bed-Rj<ck Prices When we say Low Prices we mean just what we say, and we invite yen to oall aud see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid fet . Calves, Hydes and Tallow. GIVE ME A CALL. , v . r THOS. BURKE. Proprietor. Artists materia), a complete «tMfc eiw*y* oa hand at Story's iirag Smk** to """IS :A j 11 £vjfep§ ' ' *5 i ,i. 1 -*•. . V .V.W... J 1: J ; Id LL l>4' &4i'