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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1888, p. 8

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*< «• • <- ;; <•• * ••-* • -»•• V W. «.T. U. OKMRTMMftT. --^--_ .meter* the jfcoje he*<i Dp tt»2*4tea of the W. C. T. U. el* lms no part or credit for STOFFEL A. BLAKE •fr. A TflmpvniDoe Legion will _te Public ctio ol Bulldlrur, afternoon, »t 4 o'clock. A . tovitttlen ft exleode d to the ofthUrllUge and vicinity to Ladies of ttra W. C. T. U. will meet With Mrs. E. Lftwlut. on Thursday, Bept, 20th, at 2:30 p. m. A cordial Invitation t» extended to all ladles to meet with as. MM. J. B. PKRBT^Presidrat. Mas. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. John B. Gtough, requested that on his Monument the following sentiment should be cut, as part of the inscrip- %ioi, "I oan desire nothing better for thts great country, than, that a barrier high as Heaven should be raised be­ tween the unpolluted lips of the ohildren and the Intoxioatlng cup; that everywhere men and women should raise strong and determined hands against whatever will defile the body, polute the mind, harden the heart against God and his truth." This sentence has been duly added to the •tone.--Golden Censor. A BUMSELLER'S EXPERIENCE. A man named Stacy, the owner of a splendid drinking saloon In New York, | signed the pledge, and closed his house Hearing that a party of lads had formed themselves la to a temperance •oolety. be gave them his experience as a ram-seller, "I have sold liquor," ( said Mr. Stacy, "for eleven years, J long enough for me to see the be­ ginning and the end of its eflests. I have seen a man take his first glass of j liquor In my place, and afterwards] IB11 the grave of a suicide. I have seen man after man, wealthy and educated, come Into my saloon,*who cannot now boy their dinner. I can recall twenty customers, worth from 0110,000. to 9600,009, who are now without money. ] place; or friends." He warned boys) •gainst entering saloons on any pre-j text. He stated that he bad seen] many a yoang fellow, a member of i some temperance society, come in with a friend, and wait while he drank MNo, no, be would" say, I never touco it. Thanks all the same" Presently rather than to seem churlish, be would take a glass of cider, or harmless lem­ onade, "The lemonade was nothing" said the rumseller." bat I knew how It] would end. The only safety, boys, for] any man, no matter how strong his resolution Is outside the door ot a| m Sflooa."--Golden Censor. Now have ft full and complete line of ~ /'I',? * Such as Men's Shoes, Shoes, Slippers, f Shoes, Children'* Shoes, Bab ' BABY'S 8HOES, And in fact the finest» newest and most complete line of foot* wear that money can buy. In / ' .-ir: • v4". >f *• IgpE' W%«s§ry a large line of Jamestown Cashmere, Worated*, Sateen, Ginghams, Prints, and every thing pertaining to Dress Goods de­ partment. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, We seU by sample. Thus we aro enabled to sell from a wholesale stock and we can show a larger lice and. sell cheaper, for we have no mony invested and yet a much laiger stock to sell from than all the houses in town combined. Our stock of G R O C E R I E S . - Always complete and prices the lowest. Give ns a call. STOFFEL A BLAKE. ShHhAhKhEh! Therms on 'PULS OP MONEY CAN BE SAVED BYj^||UYING OP OUft ggrDY SALESMEN THE fSTSOME GOODS WE f&*DLE. A BIG DRIVE IN LADIES' KERCHIEFS. ZfOTEI rflDOWIf. The Indian of the Isthmne. SOME IS WHO 'SOME DOES." "SEEING YOU WILL FIND IS BELIEVING.' r» £ Wf.'z An Indian on the coast can dress tmself decently and his entire costume' ill cost him but 3 "reals," or 86 cents. This suit would be a swell one in his own circle. Many wear simply a hat and a breech-cloth fastened around the waist with a twig from some tough, irrlike plant» so that the necessity of v™ leather strap is avoided. It must be remembered, in speaking of the Cen­ tral American Indians, that they have Bo blood-thirsty Apaches, but as quiet members of society as the negro slaves before the war. They all have their small patches of vegetables to fall back upon, and many never put their hand to any work except when they wish money to buy whisky and to­ bacco. Now, we have an Indian who is able to idle away his time; he walks along the road with a blanket slung •cross his back, he comes to a field off corn, and no one refuses a hungry: Indian a meal, which practically costs nothing; that is his breakfast; he goea farther along, plucks plantains in some grove, and continues along munching them. He feels no hunger; he is con­ tent; he has fed for a day and has not worked. If night overtakes him he makes a bed of dry grass or leaves and wraps himself up in his blanket.. This life is much preferable to monotony of steady employment. Clothed so lightly, the dampness and rains of the climate soon undermine lus constitution; he calls in the •oediciue woman, and dies under her : - '••are.' , They are natural drinkers and they do not know what moderation is; they drink until they can hold no more. The whisky of the country is alwaya Bew; it is never allowed to age, the de- jnand is so great. They drink this , taw spirit, nearly all alcohol, in such ' vast quantities that it soon kills them. Sftuch of the revenue of the govern- Itient is derived from the tax on this liquor, but it is the death of the people. jDown along the western coast if an - Indian finds himself short of money •e goes to some store-keeper and •ays; "Master, I am going to get out jpome rubber, how much will you pay r for twenty-five pounds?" The answer fe anywhere from $4 to $8. The Indian : returns in a week, receives the money, ,.s' and is able to drink and idle away his lame for a month. Or, if he regards jrubber working too hard, he has only |£> look around for the zapote tree. This has a gum or resin, resembling folasses candy, which is known in ew York and other large cities as 5 *'chicle gum," and is used by con- •••• fectioners to give that peculiar and fleasant flavor to "tutti-frutti" ice-ream. It is a very light-weight gum, T-, maJr gather so many pounu^ of ft in a day that in eight hours he has ®?oney enough to live on for two weeks, v j e 8^eeP8 UQder an open straw shelter, (,'• in heavy fogs and miasmas, breathinj P' in death vapors from the swamps, am soon passes away. Whisky is his cursfe, and, though the race is dying 11 out, it will be a blessing to the country. And no surer or happier method could have been chosen for these people than the one which they have adopted of "improving" themselves off the sur- face of the earth with whisky.-- New - York Times. I D°]by came home at midnight, went Stolidly up the lront steps, unlocked ' f"e door without a quaver, hung his Aat in its regular place, a grave land pompous way, descended the base- ment steps to the furnace-room. He took the shovel from its nail, loaded it with coal from the bin, and threw the coal into the furnace with a gay, chee­ ky thuddle-duddle. Just as he was ar­ ranging the draughts, Doggus, the Blemish spaniel, crawled out from his lair under the ice-box, sat down on his haunches, and gazed reproachfully at his master; ana as great rosaries of perspiration came surging to Dolby's head, the unfortunate man murmured: "I r'membered everything on thish ace Yeptin' that it'sh shimmer time a.t ot winter!"--Sfitwei ALT0O3PF' fitROXHERS ON wm- AT THElfc STORE BEADY TO Tb YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION, McHenry, HI., Aug. 1, 1888. •DLE YOR PUROBA EE iMiifiiiii JULIA STOBY, (One Door West of Riverside '•* $ ' \ '•} * -4i "(l* 'v ». 4§ % 5 ? *-*?•» j* V, ' - - \ .f !hie succeseijil merchant looks after the interests of hi* custom­ ers always, giving the best foi the least money. ; $4000 WORTS f 4 " * \ A hi It makes a difference to }ou in the course of 365 days in dealing with a firm you have confidence in and to know that you are do­ ing the best that can be done in buying the necessaries of life. • f Qualities and prices fluctuate constantly. An article may cheap and vet very poor and ceptive be de- tfonsequently the prices quot- ect are a mere bagatelle to you it qualities are objectionable. 'v. «,v - ,* s > o a o #6 want vour confidenfte. We want your trade, W ill take care of the rest, Look ud over. It will pay you. ,v John Evansoh St. Co., The IMfcCormick Light Steel VESTER &) BIN. "In- Drugs, MedTciN'fs, ------A "FULL LINE OF Drugs, Chemlcftla, D71 StaSs, Faints, Oils and Colon. Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicine*, Toilet ArtiGlUSi AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Physicians Preaeriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. H . V . S H E P A R D , OPPOSITE McHENRY, IISHOP'8 MILL, ILLINOIS -DEALER IN- m. ui A full line of Stoves now on hand, at Bottom Price99 warranted to give satisfaction. ;#--NOTE CAREFULLY, Stronger than the strongest, light [as the lightest, durability the greatest, light draft, good work and capacity, never equaled. We have the Red White ani Blue, Crown', changable speed |and McCormicK Steel. . . I All kinds and at prices that are lower than the lowest. In fad everything in the Implement line can be found at my warehouse. Very Truly Yours, RICHARD BISHOP. W. West McHenry, DEALER IN SHELF AND rior Barb THE BEST IN THE MARKET. m Agent for the celebrated Nickle Barn Door Holier, new made of steel. Fish Poles, Tackle, Boat'Oars, Powder. Shot, ete;,, always on hand, . ' •<* -1 , ^ We guarantee to give satisfaction in shop work or no pay. Cog­ nizant as we are of the scarcity of money, we will accommodate those who accommodate us. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn PricM. Itoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware GASOLENE STOVES, Peninsular and Reliabli^ The best Stove on the Market and cheap. holdabarreid ®®e °nr °alvanlzed Iron Kero»ene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that will Scroen Doors* Tbo celebrated flo&tilff Minnow Pail, ft now thing. ^ « AMD Promptly Attended to; McUenry, III,, August 1st, 1688. V" SMIFAI^ *--I--A.T BOTTOM PRICES. • X ** <1 JOBBINf} AND BEPAIBIM Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited* IT. F. STEVENS, |nd Winter Goods Arrived this week, all of highest grade and bought for cash at the lowest possible fijrures. y/: r "> **<>» ~ .r; ; ;̂ | ... Hi • '^3 enri®"a®f Broadcloths, Eleclorals, Of best quality, prevailing color*, seasonable casts, in black, hogany brown, gobelin blue, taw, and SageJ^reen. Do not fail to examine °«r 36 '^h.» »" wool, Ladies' Dress Flannels, all colore, only 36 cents This is a bargain, do not miss it. Our Tricots, ; ̂ebastopols, Mohair, Jamest >wns, and Scotch Suitings are all ot Mest widths and qualities, and most elegant colors Caro fully examine our 10-4 J r .?r ^ v Whit*, m BluJntg, All new, clean, pure wool, top grade# og small marring. M/, are always headquarters for first chass 5 - Our 40, 50 and 75 cent underwear has no superiors. Swits Con- de s b. C. 1 mixed Underwear, only $1.25. You cannot buy above goods of any other house in the country at our prices. Others will show you a second or a poor substitute for the original. "Jeain we carry a full stock Of 6 * MENASHA FLANNELS, TRICOTS AND SKHLTINOS. W,f fu!,y warrant all wool, to wear well, to be feat colors, and decidedly cheap at 38 cents. W© are glorionslr full oft1 n ™St;dnd Phe,an & Y°rkey C09t°™ ^e%en'fitted-and =BOOTS AND BHOES.1 C^ntoKTbbe™'! "44,4 W# 8lW8yS Bati3fie" aUour t»tronaoB Cloaks, Wrapl, Mod] eskas, V U unheard of prices will arrive this week. We offer an immense only $3 5C 1 s,ze8',atest and colors, worth $6 for It , ®0e °"F double breasted new (lverroats for $5 00. Last chance to buy Ciscoette I Jour for $1.00 per sack. We advertise only tacts. chang^g advertisements and Imr^aiu toalsi wnen m need of bargains cull on - vr* BONSLETT & STOFFEL. i s t ' a n d A p o t h e c a r y , dbalkb m- and Medicines, PAINTS, OIL% ToUot --PURE 'WIIfES- ' :ANBk-< LIQUOB8) FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest brands of Cigars anl Smmin* and Choivlnw T.ibi-jco alwaysonhand. " * PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, •Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. W.̂ BESIJEY. Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on yoar Lumber front tl HI LIB COMPANY, the Depot.? West" McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public • Tta Best Quality of Limbtr, •--AT the-- LOWEST LIVING? #R£CES. ) "UU1H" = CasiDp, Boor aoiWMow FMrnes-Beady Maie-alwaynjiJatl Ala t he Best Brands of Barb Wlra. ' kee;) our stock complete at all times and spate #o«aiiM to accommodate all wh i may favor us with their patronage. WILB1JB LUMBER COMPANY* €, H. GHANGEB, Manager

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