WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 96, 1888, ^saafa I Railroad Time Table. Taking eflfeet Jane Vtth, Mala* will paea ' Hear/ Station tfaily, as tollowa: ooure SOUTH. Lake Uenev*Passenger ....7:28 A. a Lake Geneva Express -.8:28 " Lake Oeaeva Freliht f :9" '•« Lake GenevaPaaaanter............ 8:26 OOIKO *o«rn(. Lake Geneva freight t-llA.ll Lake Seneva Paeeenger....* ...... »:» * Lake Geneva Kxprees .4:65r.ii Lake OeaeTa Paeeeneer 6:61 McHenrv, II) Church Directory. MBTHODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 'c2fnoOUng every Sabbath, morning and even- |['< Rbunoood at t :90 P. K. <fOMn and worship wittl Mt "lhtiitKM tmt/or BtemUy. IUWY E. WTCKOFP, A.B., Pastor. • ; UNIVERSAL 1ST CHURCH. ftervloea every Sunday momintr, and everv Irst and third Sunday evenings In eaeb Jkonth. ' A eordtal welcome in extended to every one |eJoin ns in oar worship. Our Motto--St arty to know the truth. Kx- linlae--Reflect--"Preve all things; hold fast that which is good." REV. II.4UDI, Pastor. 3 MASONIC. liMoflBimr LODOB, NO. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- flegnlar OommuntcatioDS the second and fljbnrtb Mondays in each month. J. VAK SLYKE, W. M. MODERN." WOODMEN OF AMERICA. ' Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second Ctad Last Tuesday evening of each month, neighbors cor daily invited- tlarrlaon and Morton Marching Glub. An adjourned meeting of the Bart lion find Morton Marching Club will be teld at the New City Hall, tbls Wed nesday evening, Sept. 26th, for the purpose of completing Ibe organize- lion, electing officers, deciding on a anlform, etc. Let everybody who leilrn to on band. We muBt .#et ready to attend the big County Bally. PER ORDER. \ Attention Democrats! 'ffiliniursday evening, Septf lf; at Helmer's Hall, there will be a meeting the Cleveland and Tburman Cam gjalgn Club. We earnestly request the presence of all wbo have the welfare «Kf the party at heart. Come every one •nd bring your names with you. Music bf l^^McSenry Military Band. COMMITTEE. SEE Deland*s advertisement. THESE will be no preaching At the ; Ifnlversallst Churoh next Sunday. O. L C. Kennedy, the barber, Is |gent for laundry work. > CIRCUIT COURT IS In aessKia at f Woodstock this week. FRUIT and Vegetables of all kinds at 'Althofl Bros. Market. ^ LOOK HERE. Harvard Steam Laun dry, D. H. Kennedy, agent. "GEORGE OW IS entered for tbs Free for All and Stallion Race, st Elkhorn, Wis., this week. PERRY & OWEN have just reoelveda gar load of Winter Good#. Read their fUlvertisement. WE are requested to give notice .'fhst the Loyal Temperance Legion #111 not meet until further notloe. OUR Richmond Correspondence fail ed to reach us on time last week, We fublish this week what did not spoil J***- ELISEA HUBBARD la treating bis lesldenos to a coat of paint on the .. outside, whloh much improves. It ap- pearanoe. THE Board ot Supervisors will meet St Woodstock this* week. They ad journed from tbs lltb on account ol tbe Fair. • NEVER fall to read the advertise ment and locals of Bonslett & Stoflel si they MS changedj from week to Week. THE more you Cellar and Cuff a laundry man the better be likes It- ' Try tbe Harvard Laundry. D. H. Kennedy, sgent. J. W. Bias lead, of Elgin has a notice Ibis week, of Money to Loan on farm land and city property, In amounts to iult borrowers. Bead It In another solumn. FOUND on the road betweeo Solon and Ladd's Corners, a Coat. The owner Can have the same by calling at tbe Waterman farm, proving property and paying for tbls notloe. HEROINE is tbe most peculiar word In our language. The first two letters are male; the first three female; tbe first four, a bravo mas, and the whole word a brave woman. / THE new music and speakers stand •o tbs Public Square has been com- flpleted and Is now receiving a coat of •paint. It la a neat and tastf piece of workmanship, H. V. SHKPARD baa sold his "Hard ware business, la tbls village, to Jacob Bonslett, and an Inventory of stook is now being taken. As soon as com pleted Mr. Bonslett. will take pos- sesslon. . - FOLLOWING Booth and Barret comes the Madison Square Theatre Company to the Chicago Opera House, "Part- aers," the great New York success, at that bouse last season, will be played With tbe original Company, HOGS are dying by the hundred in Maoen county. Nearly eight hundred died In that county within a week A man from Arkansas went amon { tbe frightened farmerswlth a liquid care, and offered to pay for e very bog that took tbe modiolus and was not cured. This proposition was aoewpted by a Mr. Thornblll and others. \and their hoga are getting well. and\ eating ..... PKBSOXaL. W. A. CRISTT spent Sunday with friends In Elgin. MR. AND MRS. WM. WALSH spent Sunday with friends la Elgin. Mrs. M. A. HOWELL, and Mrs. Henry Nordquest, returned -from their visit to Minnesota on Monday. Mits. E. LATTA and child, of Wauke- gan, were visitors at E, Carpenter's last week. P. D. SMITH, of Leonardsvllle, Kansas, spent Sunday with friends In this village. DANIEL KINSLET, of Missouri, a brother-in-law of Lewis Waite, wae visiting here last week. / ADOLPH FISHER rejoioea at tbe arrival of a tine boy at his reoidence pn Wednesday night last. Weight wine pounds. We smoked. /OUR City Marshal now says he has "double authority." A twelve pound boy arrived at his home Oil Sunday night. 1 Mrs. E. T>. WHEELER, who hap been spending the summer In Wiscon sin, returned to her home on the Wheeler farm, last week. /'ANTON ENGLEN says "by chlmmlny /gracious, *dete Is aneder one at our houie." It is a girl and lips the beam at nine and one-half pound6. HENRY W. MCLEAN, of McHenry, an old settler of that county, and for many years prominent In politics, was in Belvidere a day or two this week.--Northwestern. *MR. AND MRS, C. C. PAINE, of Three Oaks, Michigan, and Mrs. A. ff. Brad ley, of Berryville, Wisconsin, were visiting with their sister. Mrs. L, E. Bennettthe past week. MRS. JOS. FITZSIMMONS, of this vil lage, and Mrs. D. S. Huffman, of Nunda started for a visit to Dakota on Tuei- day. They expect to be gont^bont two weeks.' PETER LEICKEM is confined Mm his bed with rheumatism, and is under the care of Dr, S. F. Bennett, of Rich mond! The disease was contracted in tbe army and has been growing worse from year to year. His wife Is also an invalid from cancer. Dr C. E. WILLIAMS,-dentin, will make bis last visit, professionally, to this village, on Wednesday of next week. READ the new advertisement ot Stevens & Miller, West McHenry, III., to be found in another place in this paper. This firm keeps none but tbe best of goods and sell at a small ad vance above cost, it will pay to call and see them. THE arrangements for tbe Paper Festival and Oyster Supper, by the Good Templars, are progressing favorably, and a pleasant entertain ment may be expected. We will pro bably be able to announce tbe date next week. ZIG ZAG the latest farcical success IO tbe E&st, has bees booked at the Chi cago Opera House. It Is under W. W. Plllot Son's management. Tbe piece has just played at the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, and packed the theatre to the doors. LADIES, take advantage ^ of Cltyj Sales In our Camels Hair, Scarlet wooij and Jersey fitting undeiwear, for Ladies and Children. Sells at sight. Different styles morles and velvets for all uses. Hand run Spanish Scarfs and Counterpanes all at Ladles Salesrooms. OUR readers should note tbe change in the time table1 of the North Wes tern road. It is to be found at the bead of our local page. The 10:10 A, M. going north, 5:36 p. M. going south, and the' Sunday Passenger have been discontinued for the season. The balance of the trains ran about the same as before. Miss ELLA SPAULDING would Inform tbe Ladles of McHenry and vicinity that she has just received a new stock of Millinery Goods, for the Fall and winter trade, of the latest styles to which she invites their attention. Is also prepared to do Dress Making of all kinds and guarAotee satisfaction. Call and see our new styles in Millin ery. Nichols Block, up stairs. THE Harvard Independent says: Tuesday evening as the 7.30 train going north stopped at this station, a considerably "boozed" Individual clambered off, and staggering up to a citizen standing on tbe depot plat form, inquired where be could find a Democratic saloon. One was pointed out to him up street, and as be under took to steer In that direction he un burdened his muddled mind by ejacu lating---It (hie) beats Maine (hie) how heirs gone. THE engagement at the Chicago Opera House will con tinue for three weeks, beginning Sept. 24tb. This is tbe most Importar.t en gagement played In Chicago during the entire season, There will be tbree productions given, comprising Julius Caesar," Tbe Merchant of Venice," and Othello. This engagement in all probability pill be the last that Booth and Barrett will ever play to gether in the West. All orders for seats should be sent In early. Seats can be secured for any ulgbt daring the entire tbree waeks. IF you Intend to have an Auction 8ale. remember that tbe PLAIN DEALER office can get you up any size bill de sired, from a small dodger to a* full sheet poster. At this office you can get any Auctioneer your desire and have your bill pot In shape,for you and a free notice In tlte paper. Call and see us when la want of anything In this line. AN exchange says: To keep eggs, take those perfectly fresh and bold in boiliog water while counting six. A wire basket can be used for this pur pose. Let them dry and oool and tnen pack in oats. Put a layer of oats on the bottom of the keg or barrel suffi dent to support tbe eggs; .pack them olosely, small end down, oovsr with layer of Oats and prooeed till the bar rel Is full. Shake it gently to settle eggs and oats firmly. This method has given eggs a year after paoklng In as good a state of preservation as when %st plsoed In the o«fl«% WE spent one day at tbe Marengo Fair last week, and although it was the last day of the exhibition, when there was a general tearing op pre paratory to closing, there was still evidence of a very successful exhibi tion. Marengo has tbe reputation ot getting up one of the best town Fairs in the State, and ffo n what we saw on this, our first visit, we do BOS bo* lieve she is overestimated. J. W. • CKISTY A, SON, RIngwood. have taken possession of a half column In tbe PLAINDEALER this week, and we want oar readers to peruse H carefully. They have adopted the cash system (which we believe to the true basis on which to do business) and are prepared to offer to the buying public bargains In their line. Read their "ad" carefully and call and see them. ^ OIKD--At Emporia, Kansas, September 31st, 1888, George Waite, oldest son of Lewis Watte, of this village, aged 56years, four mouths and thirteen days. ; The subject of the above notice was formerly a resident of this town, and well and favorably known In this vil lage andjoountj^J He was a carpenter Vy trade, and there are residences now standing here that were built by his band J His aged father and mother, iiTrSfsters and brothers, who survive him. have the heart- felt sympathy of all, io their hour of sorrow. THE Democratic Aid Society, which met at Parker House Hall on Friday evening last, drew out a very small crowd. They were addressed by J. W. Nichols, of Bloomlngton, who, we are Informed, Indulged In the usual harangue of speakers of his Ilk, mis statements and abuse of the Republi can party. A straight Democrat we can respect, but lying fanatics who travel the country aud take up c intrl- buttons from woman and children are entitled to no respect. DON.T forget the poor editor when you have a news item. If your wife licks yon let us know of It, and we will set it right before the public. If you have company, tell us If you are not ashamed of visitors. If a youngster arrives at your home, begging tor raiment, buy a quarter's worth of ci gars and come around, and If you are a cash subscriber we will furnish a suita ble name for him or her. as the circum stances will permit, and If you have a social gathering of your friends, bring around a big cake, seven or eight pies and a ham, not necessary to eat, bur as a guarantee ot good faith. You need not bother about Inviting us, for It Is a little too warm .for our wardrobe. We mention these little things, for we want the news, and will have it If there is a "oted in Israel." ' Sudden Death^ Our citizens were shooked on day m lrning to learn t jat Mrs. Blade, wife of Rev.^Slade. Pastor of tbe Universalist Chfrsqb, In this village, was found dead In Ni^st her rooms in the Riverside HouseTv^here Mr. and Mrs. Slade boarded?--Mr. otade was away attendiu£a religousX/oniventlon. She bad been feeling bad! the early part of tbe night and Mrs. Qalklns bad ministered to her wants, but saying she would be better in the morning retired? Not coming down to break fast at tbe usual time some uneasiness was felt.when Mrs, Calkins rapped at her door and getting no response the door was burst In and she was found to be deai. She evidently passed away without a struggle, as she lay wltb her head upon her hand, with a calm peaceful expression upon her counte nance, Heart disease Is supposed to to have been the cause of ber death. Mrs, Slade was 60 years of age, and a lady whoin to know was to love and respect. ̂ Herre mains were taken to Elgin on the 3:26 P.M. train on Tuesday S. Patriek O'rojle, Dead. On Tuesday morning, Sept. 18th Patrick O' ioole, succumbed to the Grim Messenger, and passed away. For ten years, this good, honest, faithful, warmhearted Irishman made his home with Capt. Chas. H. Try on. Here be was treated with the utmost courtesy and consideration, and became as one of the family. "Pat" had some native peculiarities, but they were such as to command respect rather than to pro voke ridicule. He was quiet, unobtru sive. intelligent and well read. In politics he was a Democrat, and proudly wore the badge that gave out* ward expression of the faith that was within him. He took great pride in Capt. Tryon's family and manifested an extraordinary Interest In all their affairs. Tbe funeral services ~were held at Capt Ttyon's home, Wednesday and the body taken to Racine, Wis., Thursday, to be burled beside that of bis wife. Good-bye "Pat," everybody knew you and liked yonRichmond Gazette, Cheap Rales To Chicago* The Chicago A North-Western Railway Company will sell cheap Ex cursion Tickets to Chicago and return at frequent intervals during Septem ber and October on account of the Chicago Exposition, which opens Sep tember 5ths and closes Ootober 20th. For Information regarding rates, dates on whteii tickets will be sold etc.. apply to agents of the Chicago 4b Nortb-Weyern Railway Company. 9-5 w. ___________ v FOR SALS. House snd Lot in this village, la good repair. Good outbuildings snd first class water supply. For further particulars apply at this oflfe»4 44 George 0." at Marangs. IN SPITE OF TUB JUDGES' BE DOES HIMSELF HONOR. V REC3RD 2:28. It# *t%ktl«g stallion, "Ge^fiiri 0: done himself and his owner credit., at Marengo, on Friday J*at, the 21st. He was entered for the free for all, having for hi* competitors. "Pat Qnlnn," "Lady Marcoti" and "Excep tion." About half past otie the horses were brought upon tlia track and after scoring a few times, tlte word **go' was given, but hifore the horses had i;ot around the first ;uru the bell was rung for the come-back, a strict viola tion of all the rules of the National Protting Association. On* horse. Exception, cam* bick. the other three trotted the heat, George O. winning by a good half length in 2:27}. The blackboard In the jud^e* stand was Immediately prepared, apparently without any dispute, and for a minute was hung over the side of the judges that all in tbe grand stand could «ee it as follows: George O. 1st., Pat Qulrin 2nd., Lady Mnott 3rd and Exception 4th. Tiuie, 2;27J But all at onoe the honor of the judges seemed to ooze out of their finger ends, and haullog back the blackboard, they changed and called It a dead heat ! Had they said the judges were dead heads, they would have come nearer tbe truth. A starter who will give the word "go" and then ring the bell to call them back, and a set of judges who will c^untenauca so fla grant a* steal, as thit perpetrated at Marengo, are- not fit to occupy a judge's stand. But If the objeot was to bsat George O., they ignomlfflously failed, and although they did not give him the money, he honestly won the race in three straight heats, and such was the almost unanimous verdict of the large cfowd present, even the owners and drivers of the opposing horses ad mitting such to be the fast. In the third heat he cut his quarters badly, and consequently trotted the next tbree beats at a great disadvantage, but notwithstanding this, in the eixth heat, which Lady Mascott took in 2:25£,he lapped her In, trotting in 2:25f. The following Is the summary: Lad&y Mascott 0--4--4--1---I 1 George O 0--1--1--4--i 2 PatQulnn 0--2--2--2--3--3 Exception » 0--3--3--3--dls- -- Time 2:27X,I:**. 2-94X. 2:27, 2:29, 2-25X- When it is remembered that George O. hid been under training less than thirty days, and that he trotted six heats all under 2:30, his friends have reason to feel proud of his achieve ment. He Is Indeed a coming horse. He Is at the Elkhorn Fair this week and barring acoldent, will asks a good showing. Hebron Department EDITOR PLAINDEALIUH.1--Munger paid 55 cents for July milk. Miss Belle Feoner viewed the sights of Chicago last week. ' Henry Skinner is 9otertsintng two of his sisters, Mrs. Merrick has goae to Arena, Wisconsin, for a two weeks visit. The boys are making arrangements for a social dance to be gtven next month- Mr. and Mrs, P. Rowe visited with frleuds,st Greenwood tbs first of tbe week. A few from here attended tbe Re publican Rally at Richmond on Wed nesday evening* Mrs. Avers, who has spent tbe sum mer at Bennington, Vermont, return ed home the first ef last week. Soon the woods will resound with merry voices, and there will be two eager searchers to every hickory nut. The Hebron Literary Soolety reor ganized on Wednesday eveQlng. Men- zo Stone ̂ was elected president, Earl Taylor vice president, Miss Mable Householder secretary.. The sxslety will meet at tbe school house Jon Wed nesday evening of each week. The exuberant growth of corn this season has m&de the demand for hired help greater than usual, and with prospects of an early frost in view and inability to procure help at home some of our farmers have sent to Chi- oago for men to assist In corn cutting, wltb geod results. Ensilage corn withoat s silo Is like pudding without salt, N. G. What has become of the enthusiasm which characterized tbe organization of the Republican club? Is tt sleeping to awaken with a loud hurrah on No vember 6th? Miss Ophelia Wells will go Jo her home at LodI, Wisconsin, on Thurs day. She expect; to spend the winter In Arkansas. Many regrets will be ex pressed at ber decision to leave He bron. Our little* village will miss her both in society and as a dressmaker. Hebron was alive with teams on the streets tbe Inst of the week. On Wed nesday Chandler weighed 73 loads of Birley and Rye to be shipped to Chi cago snd Milwaukee. On Saturday there was shipped 10 carloads of grain. It looks some like old times when Mead & Goodsell were buying wheat and other grain. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course. When your skin is intlamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. Wtien your skin is futl of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs1 Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure tor all of the above, so you can not possibly run any risk when you get a bottle of tbls wonderful medicine. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenrv, "(id John Humphrey, Wau- conda, Druggiets. Horse Blankets, Bed Blankets, Qdllts, Cloaks, Shawls, Underwear, Yarns, and everything needed for Winter use at Cash Prices. Btaesaa's. No oredit chtncas at mehmond Department. OOHTBIBOTBD BT "THE PROWLER." The potato crop Is poor. Elkhorn Fair this yreek. Thomas Andrews and J. L. Winn are each building new barns. Dr. E. R. Bennett, of Chictgo, has been out from the city visiting his folks. John Reynolds was at the Janer- vilie fair with his trotter "Daisy R." July batter dividends--Oat man Bro's, 66 cents, Ed, Bnchannon, Key stone. 57 cents. Those farmers wbo are fortunate enough to have silos are' now engaged in filling them. Mr. Frank Mason, agent for the Thorley food company, spent several days In town recently. '•Would that we could only see our 'faults aMother? see them." Applicable to all. Richmond sent lasge delegations to' the Woodstock Fair last week, All are are loud in praise. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Corell arrived home from their wedding trip on Fri day of last week. Uniforms and torches for the Harrl- sou and Morton marching club can be bought of A. R. Alexander. G. W. Eldredge, H. Heck, B. S. Ben son and others will take their trotting hones to the Elkhorn Fair this week. Will Burger had a sale of stook and farming tools Saturday the 15th, Mr. Burger has accepted the position ef superintendent of the farm connected with the Insane asylum at Elgin. The Rag Carpet Social given by the young ladies society of King's Daughters, at their rooms oyer J, W. Haythorn'8 drug store, was well at tended and much enjeyed. The directors of the Washington District have engaged Miss Lizzie A. Heck, of this village, as teacher ef the winter term of school which began Monday, September the 24th, and will continue five months. All that attended the fair are loud In their praise of the arrangements In the dining ball on tbe grounds. * In years past considerable fault has been found, but this year everything was In "apple pie" order, L. .W, Howe,our leading dealer In agricultural Implements, spent three days at the Janesville Fair In the In terest ot the Appletoa Manufacturing Company, of Appleton, Wlsconslu, of which ne U general agent for Rich mond. As usual Richmond and vicinity sent a large number of trotting horsea to the Woodstock Fair, ar.d as usual they took their share of the honors. Among others we may mention as being there, G, W. Eldredge, "Flora L,1, and 'George O." H. Heck, with "Modesty" and "Prince S.;"George Caskey, with "Pllet Clay E. S, Jobonnott, wltb "GarnisheeE. E. Manor, with*'Ell M." and "Prairie Eagle;" Water's Stock Farm, "Pilot Sprague," 'Tacks" and "Lady Mascott;'1 and E. L, Benson with "King Meuelaus." Mrs. Ed. Greely Is becoming noted for the fi ie pictures she Is finishing, enlarged from photographs. It was the privilege of your correspondent of seeing ber latest picture last week. It Is a two-thirds life size ef the late Mrs. Jennie Motley Bacon, painted for Mrs. Robert Motley, ber mother. For accuracy of expression and fineness ol finish the picture cannot be excelled. It was copied from a tin-type, and It seems almost Impossible that so fine a likeness could be obtained. All who have seen It unite In pronouncing It perfection. ALCONOUm. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin ity, knowing tbeinselree indebted for tbe PLAINDBALBB can learn of the amount by calling on John Holm, wbo la authorized to receive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave tueir names at his store. Call on' him and get a sample co py.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--At C. E. Chapeirs auction sale of a car of milch cows, on Tuesday oP last week, cows sold at an average of 911.73 per head. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cbapell, Mr. and Mrs. Wllltam Morton and Mr. and Mrs. James Phllp Jr. were sight seeing in Chicago last week, Mike Donnelly visited bore with friends last week, James Phllp and daughter, Annie, are visiting with friends in Chicago, Willie Lang was quite sick on Satur day and Sunday last, with inflamma tion of tbe bowels. Mrs. E. Slnnett and children re turned hoqie from their visit to Rock- ford on Saturday last. Miss Annie Mahaffy, of Egglewood, has been visltiDg with ber sister, Mrs. E. Wharral. ' Rev. P. C. Burhans, our Free Metho dist minister, goes to St. Charles for the next year, and Rev. J. M. Spencer taken bis place here. We are sorry to have Mr. Burhans family leave us they are well likod here. John Janoak is getting , the lumber' cn the ground preparatory to building a warehouse on the lots lately pur chased of August Wolff. He intends fixing up their building so that he can live in It this winter. Word was reoelved hers on Monday of this week, announcing the death of uncle Jesse Miller of Maywood. Tbo remains were brought here OJ Tues day of this week and will be Interred In tbe cemetery on tbe bill. The death of Mrs. Levi Seeber.t. of Gary Station, was announced here on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Peacock of Osage City Kansas are the guests of tbe family of Howard Phillips. Go to J. A. Story's for the Peerless Dyes. The most convenient form of dye stuff. 40 shades and colors. * Also full line of Bronze Paints all colors Silver, Gold, Copper, Red, Blue, etc, 10 cents alpadtage. To be found at 5 tfitll dainty i and Their uihfoness surely s\imes tijesao ^W t̂W p̂thtmaJetl[ein All Grocers sell SANTA7 CLAUS SdAP. Made by N. K. FAIR BANK St CO., Chica<k| Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Fodder Corn Binders at E. M. Owen & Son's, Elegant white aprons only at Evanson's. For Coughs and Colds Take Story's 'Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles white muslin underwear cost to close out at Evanson's, Bottom prices Owen & Sou's. at on Plows, at B. M. Golden Machine Oil at Jv A, Story's Drugstore. THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on the market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors, to un limited quantities. Mixed palit by the pail or gallon at Story's Dont forget, to see the Thrasher and Seperator, that attaches to i feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Son's. .Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Bargains in Ladies Hose ' from 5 oents to 91.25 per pair at John Evan son & Co's. Star, Belle City, Stnally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutters st E. M. Owen & Son's. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Vallev Mills, Mc- Hinry. _it, BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First & Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to busk an ear of corn if you get one of the corn Thresher and Seperators, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresti, fragrant and last Ingatfttorys. Barley Wanted. , 10,000 BUSHELS OF BAftfcUr Wanted at the Warehouse of Smith Son & Co., West McHenry. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Grain. SMITH, SON A Co. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reasouablc terms. Orders by mall *111 receive prompt attention. Address F. K. GRAKOER, West McHenry, 111, OfDER! CID£R! I am now ready to make your ap ples into Cider on short notice snd guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples, « THOS KNOX. MCHENRY. SEPT . lltb. 1888, Campaign Yarns, Our 17 cent Roasted Coffee Is s corker. Last week on earth; Clscoette Flonr for $1. Come to us tor 29. bars 12 ounce good reliable soap forfL All the latest colors 36 inch sll wool Dress flannnl 36 eents. Elegantlv colored and made fall Overcoats $$.75 to $16,50. Our Leader smoking tobseco 20 cents good fine Cut 35 cents. 55. $6. and |7. fancy serviceable ladies Jackets; choice #3.50. Timothy and Clever seed of best quality for fall sowing. Plank Road and Big B. are onr leading plugs, 300 new Cloaks, Sacquee, Waraps, snd Jackets. A good heavy all wool Shawl 93.90 tiosd beaver $5.25. We offer common whits blankets $1.25 pair. Good, large heavy bed comforters 90cents $1,30 and $1.60. All style mens and boys plush caps now in stock. 45 new, all different grades snd shades of Yarns. Our 92.50 high cut solid KIP boot 1s winner. • Se* our dandy mens congress snd button shoos for 1.90. ^BONSLETT & STOFFEL. Tarred Fodder Owen Si Son's. Twine at £. M. Cigars and Tobaeoo. all this popnlar brands are found In our stock. J. A. Story's. BAD BLOOD. There Is not one thing tfyat puts a manor woman at such disadvantage before tbe world as avltiated state of tbe blood. Your ambition Is gone. Your courage has failed. Your yitality has left you. Your languid step and listless actions show that you need a powerful invigorator. One bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life In a worn out sysiem, and it It does not It will cost you nothing. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey. Wauconda, Druggists Buoklon's Arnica Salva. The best Salve In the world for outs orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptiaus, and poe- tively cures piles, or no pay required. it is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded'. Price 25 certs per box. For sale by G.1 BusinessNoticef. A choice Hoe of Box Paper, cheap, ^ at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," tha best Five Cent Cigar In the market. City residences for sale, ApplftO Ass W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L v Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal. All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drag store west side. IF you want a first class Photogrsph. call on L. E.Bennett, over Perry A - Owen's store. FOK SALE. *ge quantity sale at Bishop's Mill. A large quantity or Shelled Corn ier it Bll Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Xlllla- ery and Dress Making. "Carrv the news to Hiannab,M thst the best place to buy Ladies Fine Shoes Is at Althoff Bros. Besley's Death to Rats is sore afti! certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Plum-ba-go-iue, the Grease ever used, s Besley's, finest Wagon new thing, at / V<':; • •j * ! Chemesette Colars Evanson & Co's. only 10c at' John Candles, a fine assortment just celved at Story'B Drug Store. « Every thing In the Implement lino > can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Call and examine. Prices low. Drink Besley's Ale snd be hsalthy snd happy ^,, MIDDLINGS/ ' ^ Corn Meal and Ground Feed at rea» Sonable prices. Call and learn prlees at Bishop's Mill. Go to Altboff Bros, for Fins Shoes. The finest stock In town. -- 6 V?ji The choicest brands of Cigars la * town, at Besley's Drug Store. West * 1 Side. * w Machine Oil, best quality, 50 oents v* per gallon, at Besley's Drag Store. West Side. ______ ^ If you want to see the finest stoek . >• of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prioes, eall at Althofi Broe. Toilet articles, suci as are usually found In a first class, well regulated ^ pharmacy can be had at Story's Drag Store. • "s -*>. Screen doors st Shspsrd*s bsrdwsro f lowest prices. Call on Mrs. E. Confectioneries. Lawlus for eholoe •v m HOUSE ANI> LOT FOR SALE. . The undersigned offers for ssle Ms House and Lot, in the village of Mo- Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbuildings, and is wlthAl a desirable property. Will be said reasonable tf applied for soon. „ „ E. Ciirum McHenry, Ang. 14, 1389. Something New for Farmers. Short Stiff, Straw, long heads* ported from Prussia. % T; White Winter Bye. - J Big yield, from 25 to 30 bushels per : 1 acre. Tbe seed can be got of Peter > ^ Blake, one mile North of McHenry. on - tbe Richmond Road, for one dollar r 1 per bushel, , PETER BLAKE. ^ 14.3.2m , We are pleased to announce to the , HI Ladles in search of tine Dress goods tf both in black and colored that we have % just received aud are showing a much liner line and quality of higher stand- ard th tn have heretofore been offered for sale in this section. We Invito your inspection. JOHN EVANSON A Co. Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer Coot- plaints are dangerous at tbls season of the year and the onlv way to guard against these diseases is to have con stantly on hand a bottle of some relia ble remedy. Begifs' Diarrhoea Balaam Is a POSITIVE RELIEF In all these disagreeable cases aud is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. We are very anxious to have tbo people come in and look over our fine stock, sQitable for Fall and Winter wear. No such varied assortment ever offered in this county bofora. Neither have prlees been nearer oor- rect. Don't fall to look >is over. , JOHN EVANSON & Co. We have tbe best Blue Flannel Shirt In McHenry, and theprice is moderate. JOHN EVANSON lor Schools. ' TABLETS, TABLETS, Large snd Small, For Pencil snd foe Ink. 1 cent Tablets! 3 cent Tablets! 5 cent Tableta! 10 cent Tablets!. All to be found at J, A. Story's Drug Store. Also a full line of Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, scholars Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pen Wipers, etc., etc.. Everything that i Scholars need to be found at the Scholars Headquarters J. A. Drug Store. Call In and get measured for s lehto pants at 97. Don't pay #9 and #14). Your choice out of 200 samples. have your clothes altered, fitted and oleaned. as he can aot be beat in I a nice Job.