OCT. 3. 1888. WEDNESDAY. S P A P E R K ^ " T FT NEW YORK. Republican Natinal Tick ot. FOB PRESIDENT, ! V GENERAL BEN HARRISON* OF INDIANA. * FOB VICE-PRESIDENT. HON. LEVI P. MORTON* Of NEW YORK. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. pfc>1 . Fbr Governor, H *; JOSEPH W. F1FER, of McLean CHW«r. , Rrr UeiUenant Governor, M.TMAW B. RAY, of Grundy County, &S>, For Secretary of State, £ ' JUAAC N. PEARSON, of MeDontmgk County. *E" For Auditor, VHA8L W. PA VEY, of Jeffeermm County. For Treasurer, CHARLES BECKER, of StOatr County. For Attorney General, GEORGE HUNT, Of Edgar County. MTA question that frequently puz~ itee a great many people Is the num- WJ- of years a foreigner must reside Id tfcls couotry before tie can vote. The fallowing tells plainly who- are qualif ied to become naturalized: 1. A person of foreign birth may at toy time go before the clerk of aoy court of record and make oatli to his Intention to oecome a citizen of the United States. The clerk's certificate of this Is called '*the first paper." 2. Two years alter the issue of this 'first paper," the applicant. If lie has resided in the country five years, may go before any court of record and re ceive his second or final naturalization papers. The first paper must be duced at thi6 application, and two wit nesses must s vear to the fact of the residence. 3. If a young man comes TO this country before he Is eighteen years old be is uot required to take out the "first paper" but when he is tweiity-one years old, and has been in the country five years, he may go before the court with two witnesses as to the facts, and receive his voting paper at once. 4. If a foreign born person be comes a naturalized citizen during the minority of his sons, they become le- gal voters on arriving at the age of twenty-one, the same as if born in this country. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. For Member of Congress--5th District, ALBERT J. HOPKINS, of Aurora. Member of the Stale Boaid of Equalization, 5th District, H. & WILLIAMS, of Harvard. SENATORIAL. Far Stale Senator--8th District, CHARLES E FULLER, Of Boone. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Circuit Clerk W. P. MORSE, of Nunda. For BUttef Attorney, ADELEER1 B. COON, • JR., of Marengo. * Far County Surveyor, OBARLES H. TRYOS, of Hebron. "*/. •' " For Coroner, CHARLES E. COOK, of Huntley. The Legislative Question- As enforced absence from home has compelled us to omit some editorial femarks which we had intended to make this week en the above question, but we can assure our readers that the "leaven is working and before another Week they may expect to bear some thing drop. The PLAINDEALEB has four more issues before the election and proposes to give this matter Its Undivided attention. !&»A Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune who would like to know why Allen t\ Thurman is called the "Old Roman," asks if it is on account of the following resolution, reported to the Democratic State Convention of Ohio on the 22d of February, 1861, by a committee of w Jlch Thurmau was the chairman, anJ adoptee! with a hurrah, after several states bad seceded: Resolved, that the 200,000 Demo* crate of Ohio send to the people of the United States, both North and South, greeting, and when the people of the North shall have fulfilled their duties to the Constitution and the South then, acd not till then, will it be proper for them to take into consid eration the question of the right of coercion. Or was it on account of the fact that in the National Democratic Conven> tion of 1S64, held at Chicago, In which Thurman was the leadiDg spirit and champion of Vallandigham, a resolu tion was adopted declaring the (*war for the suppression cf the Rebellion a failure," and favoring the treating with the Rebels on any t< rms. Which was It? J9*Senator Plumb made a care fully prepared speech iu the Senate In which he showed the falsity of the claims ef the Democratic party in re lation to the public lands. Mr. Plumb Showed from the records that almost Uvery law ever enacted in favor of ad ditional privilege* for homesteaders bad originated with the Republicans. MTThe Democratic cry of "free whisky*1 is shown to be particularly fioitow by the following section, (No. 40) of the Mill's bill: •• That all Clauses of section 3244 ef the Revised (Statutes, and all laws amendatory thereof, and all other laws which im pose any special taxes upon manu facturers of stills, retail dealers in liquors and retail dealers in malt liquors, are hereby repeated 'Look out for a deluge of Demo cratic falsehoods about the Republi- ean candidates, from now until the olose of the campaign. Gen. Harrison and Mr. Morton are gentlemen of un- blemlBbed reputation In public and private life; but that does not exempt them from the vile attack of the cam paign liar. Just now the old filse- hoods that Oen. Harrison said "One dollar a day is enough for any work- Ingman," and that strikers "should be forced to work at the point of the bayonet" have started afresh. The Indianapolis Sentinel, the Democratic paper which originated the lies, was forced to retract'them, yet here they are doing duty again. But they will prove boomerangs to those who use them. Tbe people are not to be de luded by any such stale and exploded falsehoods, and will re mke tbe falsi fiers by supporting the Republican ticket.--ZVoy Times, MFBuftalo Express (Rep.): The fact Is that the whole Democratic party is the slave of Grover Cleveland. Never In the history of the country did such a man subject a great party to such pitiful degradation. His own partisans hate him, but political neces sity renders them helpless. They would leject him, and tbe treaty, too, If they dared. But the Senate has at< tended to the treaty, and the people will retire Cleveland. JQFSenator Stewart has Introduced a bill for the exclusion of Chinese laborers. It embraces many provt slons Id former bills, and proposes to abrogate all treaty stipulations relat ing to tbe entry of Chinese laborers into this country, and declares that hereafter the coming of such laborers and their right to reside in tbe United States will be regarded and deter mined by tbe laws of the United States. It also requires every China man now in this country except mem bers of tbe legation, to be registered and to take out a certificate of regis tration within six months, the certifi cate to be surrendered to the customs officers tf the bolder shall leave tbe country. ITU has been thought singular that Mr. Cleveland did not, in his lengthy letter of acoeptanoe, refer to the ease of Dakota. Nasby once said the trouble with President was that he bellved this nation consisted of the Southern States and New York City. His concern for his oountry being lim ited to those regions to which he looks for his majorities, he has no in terest in Dakota which doss not sup< port *(he political party to which 1 belong? MP1 Esteemed Democratic and mug wamp contemporaries, your attention Is respectfully invited to the fact that the Republican plurality in Maine by Congressional districts, where- the tariff was more of an issue than any where else, was 19,253, or only 807 less than Mr. Blaine's personal, plural tty of November, 1884, If the direct making of the tarlfi issue can make that good a showing in tbe home of tbe last Republican candidate for the Presidency, what will it do elsewhere? Read the answer in the stars you will fMOBtlie evening of November 6th. g^One of General Harrison's ances tors was one of tbe immortal Fifty- six who signed tbe Declaration of Amrlean Independence of England; ••ether of bis ancestors. In the Second War with Great Britain, fought to preserve our Independence of England; Willie he htuself, having bravely served la tbe Held to save the Ameri can Uoion. wbose Integrity England joined with domestic treason to des troy, Is to-day tbe chosen Leader of tiM) American policy of National In- dbMBtrtal Independence, which policy is a--antlsl tn round off «nd substantiate 4«r Pelttleal Indepeadeoee. Tbe Republican substitute for tbe Mills bill has been laid before tbe foil finance Committee of the Senate and would have been reported to tbe SeBate this week only for tho delay caused by the Democratic members of tbe committee, who have not yet pre pared their report, so certain were they that tbe Republicans would not report a bill. Tbe bill will not be make public until it is reported to the Senate next week, but it is generally understood that it makes a reduction ef about 065.000,000. Sugar is reduced 60 per cent, tbe entire tobacco tax Is repealed, also the tax on alcohol used in the arts. The bill i,s a very long one, ao It revises the whole tariff schedule. Common Senae. In hts speech delivered at Little Val ley, N. Y., Warner Miller clearly de fined the Republican position as re gards prohibition. "The Republican party does net believe it possible." he said, *• to get a majority of the people to vote for prohibition, or that such a law could be enforced with any cer tainty of Its having full effect. But Its does not believe that because ot this, there should be no restriction of the i liquor trafflo. It proposes laws that shall be more restrictive and that shnll reduce the evils that have grown up under that system. It does say that when In any district a large proportion of the people believe in prohibition it will give them a chance to vote for It.V That is good Etopubllcan doctrine, with the true ring of common sense and honesty about It Tbe pronl bitlonlet who falls to see that the Republican party has the Interest of temperance at heart is blind indeed If the people." exclaimefl the elo quent Republican champion, "want a Governor suitable to the liquor interest they can have It by electing some one el»e.w REMEMBER. Alloodt'a are the only genulne Por- ous Plasters. They act quickly and with certainty, and can be worn for weeks without causing pain or incon venience. They are invaluable, in cases of Spinal Weakness. Kidney and Pulmonary Difficulties, Malaria, Ague Cake, Liver Conplaint, Dyspepsia, Strains, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sci atica. Heart, Spleen and Stomach Troubles, and all local pains. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's and let no explanation or solicitation Induce you to accept a substitute. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin Is rough and course. When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker Is warranted as a positive cure tor all of the above, so you can not possibly run any risk when you get a "bottle of this wonderful medicine. For Sale by J. A. Story. McHenrv, and John Humphrey. Wau- conda. Druggists. LOANS MADE ON FARM LAND AND on time ana in amounts to" J. W. RANSTEAD, Borden Blk. Elgin, 111. Executor's Notice* i\ BARNES. ATTORNEY. ESTATE of Wealthy Sherman, deceased The undersigned having been appointed xecutor of the last will and testament of Wealthy Sherman, deceased, late of the county of McIIenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that lie will appear be fore the County Oourt of McHenry county.at the Court House in Woodstock, "at the De cember term, on 'be first Mondav in Decern-' ber next, at which time ill persons having clajms again; t said estate ire notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested o make immediate pavment to the under igned. Dated this 2lst day of September, A. D. 1888. SAMUEL. S. SHERMAN. Executor. TO OUR PATRONS. We beg leave to ask your careful attention and kind co operation to the following: We design on the first of October next, to change eur present system of doing business FBOX A CREDIT TO A STRICTLY CASH ' > --OB A-- READY PAY SYSTEM. We thereby do away entirely with book accounts and all the atteading ovi's, laltor and perplexity connected therewith. Not at tempting here to enumerate all the disadvan tages to all parties resulting from the much a bused credit system, as we know full well that all intelligent, candid thinking men and women every where are alieady familiar with very many of the most serious objections to it ' The additional capital necessarv to do busi ness, which is measured only by the amount ot credit given and the interest thereon. The expense of books and the services of a book-keeper, to say nothing of the disagree able task ot making collections, bills and re ceipts and settlement of accounts. The losses occasioned by dishonest credi- tors, had debts, forgetfulness, etc, all com bine to enhance the price of a credit mer chant's stock so that they seem excessive to tbe purchaser. --•SPECIALLY-- Wlatn Once more read our truthful trade assertions lor the last two weeks in the PLAIJIDEALEB; carefully study and depend on otir say- so this week, then keep your eyes, ears and purse open tor lis next week. Watch us I Jicmember us! JSfow i« the appointed time. to buy from a large stock at knock knee prices* Dr. Gale on Diseases of The Kidneys. Dr. Gale observes In bis treatise on disease that the great use of wine in France Is supposed to have abated tbe prevalence of the gravel. In some parts of this couotry where Speer's Port Grape Wine is principally used, not only the gout, but tbe gravel is scarcely known, Dr. La Pota re lates as an extraordinary instance of tbe effects of Speers Port Wine on gout the cure of Dr. Deveran, who was attacked with it at the age of twenty- five, aud had it severely till be was upwards ol fifty, with chalk stones lo the joints of his hands and feet, but for four years proceeding the time when his case had been given to Dr. La Pota to lay before the public had by advice used Speer's Port Grape Wine, and had no return of tbe gout afterwards.--London Post. Don't talk before going through our line of good, honest, fuUy warranted, custom made footwear, from C. H. Fargo & Co,, Phelan & Yorkey, and last but not least Crofoot & Libbey. . CANDEE RUBBERS Stand as Nd. 1 before all buyers. 5-A HORSE BLANKETS. Can always be found in good va riety at our shanty Do not miss us on any fall and winter goods. always new and No. 1. Good fast Gingham, 5 Shirting. 7 1-2 cents; six fancy border Handkerchiefs, 5 cents; over 300 Cloaks to choose from. Call on us, learn our prices, then if we cannot sell you we at least help you to buy cheaper of others. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. NEW DEPARTURE. ®V McHBimY, ITiLINOIS. JACOB BONSLETT, Having purchased the Hardware Business of H, V. Shepard, "would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a full new stock of - Whom all candid persons will admit are treated unfairly when required to'pay the same price they are sold to other parties on time tor, and to still others who never pay. Among other compensating advantages which we are willing to pledge to our custo mers as positively <Jurore*uHb of abolishing the credit system --WE CAM-- THEAT ALL ALIKE. We can and we will sell goods as low as the same quality ot goodb can be bought at retail intheCountj, No customer shall ever feel thatiiis or her account is too large and that there must be grave mistakes in it. or that ho did not receive credit for all his payments; or that «re are too cranky or exacting when we ask for money on their accounts, which possibly may have run a year or more, with which to pay our own indebtedness or buy more goods. We shall have no slow, doubtful or worth less accounts to add to losses to enhance the price of our goods. Indeed all our busir. telations with our patrons must necessarily be more pleasant ami profitable to all. There, tore wo mast cordially invite you to co-oper- ate with us.and share the benefits of our new euterprlse, t he argument sometimes used that we do not always have the ready money to pay for our necessities, is alwavs met by the an- aver that any person worthy of credit can al. ways hire money at a less rate of interest than to pay the enhanced price of goods bought where tbey are sold to be p;v id for at the convenience of the purchaser which to often n»»ver comes. No good financier will pay 20 per cent tor money when he can just as "readily obtain it for eight per cent. Is not this worthy of your serious considera tion? We bare rcdueed the prices on our stock WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- H'nry. B. WHOP. Strictly Cuh Basis, Ail who may be pleased to examine them will readllr see its immediate beneAcial re. suit to the purchaser, and we again Invite our friends to avail themselves of these terss and prices, assuring them tuat our stock shall be selected with the utmost care from the best goods to be found. We would aiso ask those knowing them •elves indebted to us to attend te tbe settle ment of tbe same at once TOURS RESPECTFULLY, i, w. CR1STY t SON. CLOAKS, WRAPS, All sizes, all desirabte shades. Camel Hair, Bearar and Wosl Shawb. Our Shawls are all new, otir patterns are different as »hey come Irom a new; house* p. ; % ound WEM SERVES PAm:'a Ctucr.y CoMrouKD instKemlMrig whir 'i iieTcr fiulii. Ccntainini" Oelery (Ml C cii, those wouoeriul uervc yun.ul«nt«»a rpuecUly cures all aenroua disorder*. RHEUMATISM I'AINF/.S OEIXBT Coifporro rmrifica ft* blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which cautvf* Rheumatism, and restores the blood- inakinK organs to a healthy condition. It is the true remedy lor HliffliimHem. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS PAIGE'S CIXEST COMPOUND quickly ratacee the liver and kian< ys to perfect health. Tnis curative Tiower, combined with its Dent tonics, nicker it the beat remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA PAINF.'S CMEUT COHMUW strengthens tt» stomach, and quiets the nerves of tbe dim. tiv<! orvaiis. This is why it cures even toe worse casus of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION PAHTE'S CIXEIIY COUPOCYD Is not a Bather, tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and aatwal action to the bowels, lietpilarlty surely t01> lows its use. Recommended by professional and business Bend for book. ' URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakaess, Stomach men. and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dye- Price $1.00. Sold by Druggists, 'pepaia, and all affections of the Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prfl«fe BURLOTOTOH. VT. ilttr stock is large, outf profits moderate. Dress 'jDrfmmiiig-s, We cannot croak too much on above goods; we invite all comers to convict lis ot advertiaing1 lies or of enlarging on t he truth, either lor stock or prices- UNDER WE AB! Look over our assortment, learn our terms, compare with others, We warrant our goods and pf ices against all comers. This Is the Best Shoe made for boys or girls. Warranted no Shoddy and sold as follows: SIZES 8 to IO^ " 11 to 13>4 X to 2 SI. IBS l.SO 1.TS Our name Is on the bot tom of every shoe. C.H.FARGO&CO. CHICAGO. • •• Our Groceries are cents; good heavy purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods, f-9> l£l ar* GARLAND AND OTIIEB KINDS. For both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always* on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. I have also secured the services of E. M. HO WE, one of the best Tinners in McHenry County, and all « JOBBING AND Will be done Jon short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. McHenry, III., October 1st, 1888. JACOB BONSLETT. JULIA A. STORY, (One Door West of Riverside House,) REMARKABLE rV. Good Prints, 4 and 5 cents, beautiful pattern for Comfortable* Unbleached Sheeting, 5 cents. Good Cotton Flannnels, 6 cents. Heavy Twill Red Flannel, 20 cents, all wool. Large Bed Blanket a $1, great value. Ginghams, 5 cents. Remnants Dress Goods* For almost nothing and tbrer d thrown in. in fine all wool. Ttte leading shades Thirty-six inches wide, at 35 cents per yard/the in the world. Largest stock of In town. Men's heavy Underwear at 29 cents; a big bargain. Swits Conde's famous S. U. 1 Underwear at $1.20. Others are selling for more. Considered cheap at 11,50. Wo Have an Elegant Line 00 AID Just received. Men's heavy Boots at $1.75 and $2.75 are big drives. Our Ladie's $2.C0 fine Goat and Kid Shoes cannot be matched. | CLOTHING. We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4.50, worth $6.00. We have a fine line ol Clothing and selling it very cheap. Try us once. We have a large line of Ladies and Bfiisses Cloaks, And more coming in every week; we can beat them all in price* this year. Look at above bargains and 3alI on us before buying, as wo will save you lots of money. -DEALER IN- DRUGS. MED I C I NES -A FULL LINE OF- Srugs, Chemictls, Dye Stufis, Paints, Oils and Colon. Constantly on hand* Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Atttelffi> ----AND COMPLETE STOCK OF -- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Physicians JPresci°iptioiis Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JUU& A. 8TORY. 'CLARKE'S Wonder Floor Bio. Patented'June 16th, 1839* An Article Beqalrsd in Every Ffttttly Useful and Economical* Self Cleaning, Labor Saving* Durable, Expeditious, Cheap. Praol affaiawl Mine, BoachoM, Ant**, Wot*ma," BUSS, DMMIIMHWM, l i i r t I I IH I o l l r ihr NULWAIKFEILR Town Mid County UiKlits for *nle bf ^ ^ w. H. FORD, Woodstock, III, SODA Best iDthe^orll m APIITCk rloHl.Wi thrtr money HEFLECTDIG SiFETT LAMP. Can be Bold in every family. OITM more light than three ordinary lamp*. Mend Ihlrtj'tTe eeau (tor ro«- plcle Imp and «Mvlneed. We manufacture a large line of houcehold articles. Bend for free Illustrated Circulars to _ riifHfl > MiillflMM.OInti--tiyt KKDUCING THE SURPLUS, The dlspositiou of the surplus la the U. S. Treasury engages tbe tion of our Statesmoo, but t mora vital question has our attention, and that ia the reduction of the Surplus Consumptives. Since the discovery nnd introduction of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, there bu been a marked decrease In the mortal* ity froio this dreaded disease, and It ll possible to still further reduoe the number of Consumptives. How? By keeping constantly at band a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according to directions, upon tbe ap pearance of the first symptoms, suck M a Cmigh. a Cold, a Sure Throat a Cheat, or Side Pain. Taken thus early a oare is guaranteed. Trial bottles free al a. W, Besley's Drug Store. Farmers Attention. 80 to 82 cents per bushel will be paid /or good Milling Wheat at the Wauconda MI 11. J. SPKNCKB. New styles of Rug Pat**r*os, Bag MachUwe. Fei sale by Mn. * li> . .!