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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1888, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 1888, Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Jane loth, Me Henry Station daily, a ooitro BOUTB. f Lake Ueneya Pauengcr.... Lake Oeneva Express.... train* wilt paaa follows: 7:38 JUl ,.„.8:22 M .... 2:00p. M .... 8:26 •• Lake Geneva fniiht.., : Lake Geneva PaHamer. aotir« KOBIS. Lake OeneT* Freight ,. •'* 11 * Lake 3eaeva Passenger...... »:» •• Lake GenevaExpress .4:86p.* Lake GenaTa P*eeenrer 6:W " $ Daily except Sunday. B. BUM. Agent. MoHenry, 111 HMrrlwn and Morton Marching Club, Attention! The Harrison and llforton Marching Club, accompanied by the McHenry Military Band, will attsnd the Rally at Nunda on Thursday, to morrow, evening. Ample teama will be fur nlshed and no charge will be made to those who go. Let every good Re publican tarn oat and carry a Torch on this occasion. Will meet at the new City Hall promptly at 5 o'clock p. k. Will also meet for drill this Wednes day evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Attention Democrat*. will be a meeting of the Cleveland and Thurman Campaign Club at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening, Oct. 15,1888. John H. Higgins of Woodstock, and ether able speakers, will address the meeting on the issues of the Day. Every body invited, Bring the ladles with you. Music by MoHenry Military Band. r • *«• SEE Deland's advertisement. O. L C. Kennedy, the agent for laundry work. Irfcr, Is Oo to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for Fall and Winter Millinery Good. t FRUIT and Vegetable* of all kinds at Althoff Bros. Market. Look at Perry ft Owen's big Ad. this week, ' , WANTED, to trade a very choice Ave-eighths Jersey Cow for a good driving horse. Inquire at this office, OF course you are going to the Pa- pe^Carnlval and Oyster supper at the new City Hall on Friday evening. REMEMBER the Paper Carnival and Ojster a upper at the new City Hall, on Friday evening of this week. A pleasant time may be expected. NEVER fall to read the advertise* f meat and locals of Bonslett ft Stoflel a3 they are changed from week to week. THE more you Cellar and Cuff a laundryman the'better he like; It Try the Harvard Laundry. 11. * H. Kennedy, agent. THERE will be a regular meeting of McHenry Post, 643 G. A, R. at the new City Hall, on, Saturday, October 30th 1888. L. H. Bwrtiir. Commander. READ notice of an oyster supper for the benefit of the M. W. A. at Ring* wood, on Friday evening of nest week, the 19th. All who attend are sure ef a good time. THE marriage ceremony of Mr. Rob­ ert P. Andrews, ef Nunda, 111., and Miss Ermina Newman, of Woodstock, III,, was performed by the Rev. H, Lea, at the bride's home near Wood* stock. September 26th. •T READ the new advertisements of f§J. W. Cristy ft Son, Riogwood. Bonslett & Stoffel, and John Evanson ft Co., West MoHenry. and Perry ft Owen, McHenry, all to be found in another column. „ MRS. E, W. HOWE la in the City to- , day purchasing a full stock of new Winter Millinery, and assures the ladles that she will sho v them the ^ best selected atook to be found In the county. Call early and see her latest 'iy. styles. ALL persona are Invited to «end t>;V local news te this journal. All com- •' • mmlcations should be accompanied . by the name of the writer, not for publication, but as a guarantee of authenticity. Anonymous articles .will receive no attention. Miss, ELLA SPAULDINO has just Re­ turned from the city with a fine stock of new and stylisn Millinery Goods, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Call and examine her new. stock. Roouis in Nichols* Block. PERSONAL. CBAS. GOING spent Snndajr with friends in Chicago. Mas. MART WENT WORTH visited with friends In Chicago on Saturday. Miss BELLE WHITING visited with friends In Chicago on Sunday. CHAS. RUNUELL, of Rock ford, Was a caller on Saturday. D. H. KENNEDY spent a part of la«t week in Chicago. MISS LULU COLBT, of Nunda. was calling on frienls here on Monday. MISS ELSIE GAGE was visiting in Chicago on Saturday. , C. C. COLBY spent a part of last week with bis sen at Englewood, 111. PROF. LINN H. YOUNG took In the sights in the ctty on Saturday last. W. E. COLBT. wife and son, spent Sunday with friend* In Chicago and ^l^luity. H. V. SIIEPARD and wife rejoice at the arrival of a nine pound girl at their residence on Friday last. CHAS. JONES, of Greenwood, was a caller at our sanctum one day last week. MRS. JO#. FITZSIMMONS returned fro da her visit to Dakota on Saturday lS*t. Miss BESSIE GOING, of Chicago, is visiting with her grand-parents In thifi village, ' A BABY girl arrived at the home of Adam Leightner en Friday. Mother and child are both doing well. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE and Miss Maude visited the Exposition at Chicago, on Saturday last. GU8SY CDWUN and Frank Sterba. of Woodstock, were on our streets oa Sunday. ED W.OWEN, who has been on the road for the Belle City Manufacturing Company, returned home last week, A ENGLKN reports the arrival of a daughter at his residence one day last week. Who says our population le ^iot Increasing? MAT MOORE of Johnstown, N. Y., who formerly worked at the Parker House In this village, ari^ved here on Monday. MARRIED:--In Woodstock, Sabbath evening, September 30th, 1888, by the the Rev. L. Parmly, Mr. William H. Cowlin to Mies Eliza Boutelle.. THE Ladles1 Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalis Church, will meet with Miss Jas^ B. Perry, Friday afternoon, October 11th. MRS, W. A. CRISTY, President MRS. O. N. OWEN, Secretary. "Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth in strange eruptions,1' and the result of it all Is pain. Now Salvation Oil will send this very pain to the right about at tbe trifling cost of only 26 cents. THE Ladies'of the M. W. A. oampir at Ringwood will gtve--an Oyatere? Supper, at the Cheese Factory, Friday"" fie American Corn*€ob Pipe. Smokers who are partial to the corn oob pipe will be interested to lepra that there was until recently only one corn­ cob pipe factory in the world. It is lo­ cated at Washington, Mo. The his­ tory of the corn-cob pipe is interesting. In the year 1878 Mr. H. Tibbe secured the patent for filling the interstices of a cob with what is described in the appli­ cation for the patent as "a oement- like substance." That substance is simply plaster of Paris. The manufacture of pipes was then begun in a small way. In 1882 Upton L. Weirich, of Kansas City, had some thought of going into the sanw business, but with several others he took an interest in the Washington fac tory and organized a stock company The operations then became more act ive and have so increased that Mi Tibbe now receives $200 a month roy­ alty on his patent. Beyond this he hold one-third of the stock, the remaininj two-thirds being divided between Mi Weirich aud three others. The exac amount of the annual profits is no known to the public, but the best post© claim that each one of the five stock holders pulls out about $10,000 a veai By the arrangement under whicli th pipes are made the company is relieve* of the responsibility of selling th product or of investing any large sun in stock or machinery. The sole care o tlio members is to buy the cobs as the; are offered by farmers. They are thei turned over to an outside party wh< cjntracts to make the pipes at so mud a gross. The finished pipes are taken by one St. Louis wholesale house,whicl agree to take all the company can pro duce. Tbe only annoyance experi­ enced by the company is now and ther a scarcity of cobs. Neighboring farm ers don't seem to "catch on" to the fac that they can make more from the colv raised than from the corn itself. Th< kind known as the Collier cob is pre ferred, as it is larger and the corn not set in so deep as in other varieties For good cobs one cent apiece is paid, and many a load is known to have real' ized $30. Richmond Department. OOKTftlBUTBD BT MTHK PROWLER." k- on evening Oct, 19th There will be a short programme and some fine music. All are cordially invited to com) and help In this, our first attempt. PBB OBDBB con. r A HARRISON AND MORTON Marching Club has been organized in this village and new baa about fifty members, all uniformed. At their first meeting they elected the following officers: Captain--J. Van Slyke, First Lieu- tenaut -- W. A, Cristy. Second Lieutenant--A. C. Qr&nger. It le hoped to double the number before the week ia out. t . . I, " John B. Gough, tbe far-famed1 lec­ turer, excused himself to an audience because of a bad cold, then started for pt in the hope of getting rid of it. pt contains no remedy more cer- in its results than Dr. Bull's igb Syrup. George O." trotted twenty three 'heats In races In sixteen days, making a record of 3:26 and averaging close to ^2:30. How is that, and only being in fit about a month. He is sure to beat 2:20 next season. Parties having "George O" colts are holding them a notch higher just now. He Is ex­ ited home this week. BUY what you need of bone mer­ chant!. Do not go or send out of town If you can get It or them. The pros­ perity of a town depends in. a large measure upon the prosperity of it's i business men, and henc^, patronizing them Is promoting tbe Interests of all 'citizens. There Is no excute for taking trade away from local mer­ chants and benefiting a lot of Indi­ viduate who care sought for tbe ;buyers of their wares. Competition is so lively now that prioes are always down to bed rode. Try oar teat; they are ins for a •mill TtrlAA -- ftp Wm** ****** * Coy Att0TttteoJ»irjameri!te ^There will be a meeting at Ute new City Hall on Saturday next October 15, at one o'clock p. M. for tbe purpose of organizing two fire departments In tbe village. At same time those Interested jfc will receive instructions in the method of etigines. Let all turn oujtw \ Rally at Nunda. Thursday, to-morrow, evening there will be a Grand Republi- lican Rally at Nunda. Illinois, the people of all classes and po­ litical belief are cordially Invited to come out and hear politics discussed by able speakers In both tbe German and English language. The Hon. O. H. Glltnore will address you on fie tariff question, and Colonel Theodore. Stimmings, a prominent German speaker of Chicago, will deliver an address in German. Tbe Harrison and Morton marching clubs are especially invited. Doors open at 6:30 P.M. Speaking to commence at 7:30. Paper Carnival and Oysters. A Paper Carnival and Oyster Supper will be given in the City Hall, by tbe Good Templars of this village, Friday evening, Oct. 12, Fine music will be given during tbe evening. All are cordially invited to come out and h»ve a good time. Ho admittance will be charged. " PER ORDER. NEW and seasonable dress goods re­ ceived this week. Century cloth, winter styles, 8c. worth 10c; German blue 12£c sold elsewhere for 14c; chintz and fancy surlmms for com­ fortables; queen's own batting; also cheaper grades. In remnants ef all kinds for children's wesr and to make over dresses we take the lead in priqft and quality. All wool dress goods 64 Inches* wide 85c, worth ;|1,25; dress flannels same width 35c. Ask to see our black goods. Special sale of kid gloves this week; 4 button, 5 and 7 hook, embroidered backs, 85o, worth 9135 and ftl .50. Buying all goods strictly for cash in a different manner frem any other firm in ear line, enables us to offer bargains below all competition. Mrs. S. P. Colby will remain daring this mentii to assist in dress making and draping. Orders filled promptly at tha Lttfai ttalaa p---- We seed rain. Election notices are posted, Have you bought your coal? t tr Albert Wright has bee a en the sick list. All aboard for Coital Lake Thursday night. A. R. Alexander his some campaign literature for YOU! Hon. E. M. Haines, of Waukegan, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cole returned from their wedding trip October 2ud. Are we going to have any more races at the Driving Park this fall? Ole Christensen.shipped a car load of barley to Burliogton, Wisconsin last week. George W. Eldrelge's house shines resplendent in a bran new coat of paint. Husking is the order of the day. The corn is reported as baing the best for some time. But little fall plowing Is being done aa on account of she drouth the ground is hard and dry. Richmond band and the Marching Club went to Genoa Junction Saturday night and painted that town red. Sumner Sayles, over in *15" is now ready to convert yonr sugar cane into a number one article of sorghum molasses. "Billy" Sherman "blew his horn" last week at the Milwaukee Exposition as a member of tbe Lake Geneva Mili­ tary band, The Legislative question Is attract­ ing considerable attention in this vi­ cinity. Both sides of the matter have their champions. The Harrison and Morton Club will bold a grand rally soon; good music and good speaking. Only four more weeks remain for the politicians to abuse each other and . , .. , . then the campaign of 188S *ill be over The accessories are of the simplest 4n<j people can enjoy a rest for kind. They are so simple that there is four years. only wonJer that so good a thing could The younJE peopie of 8prlng Orove have been kept in one company s hands &n(1 Eagl|sh Prairie are making prepa- so long. The cobs are delivered at the rations for a grand concert, which Will factory and are dumped under cover be held at the English Prairie school They are then sorted, the good onei counted and then paid for. The desir able size are If inches in diameter farmers being supplied with iron ring of that size through which to try coba Those rejected are iuvariably left by th farmer, not being worth carrying away and are used in the factory furnaces fo fuel. The good oobs are sawed b small circular saws to the right lengt for turning, one big cob making tw pipes. The boring follows. of cob is placed in a cup that holds i tightly, and an inch auger connects with a rapidly revolving shaft is brough down through the cob's center for _ specified distance. This is done won Bret-class, there being a very derfully fast by bovs, who have becom oroP ensilage corn of which it h proficient fro,5, jjr^tice. With o„ hand they jam the cob in the cu] bring down the auger with a movemen of the lever by the other hand, and in twinkling it is over. Almost as fast » they can be counted the sawed pieces c cobs are bored. The turners next tab the pieces. There are two shapes the pipes, the "pear" and "straight. The first swell in the center and. ar rounded at the bottom; the others ar house at an early date, A well known Republican, who has ittended meetings all over the county, cold your correspondent last week, chac for enthusiasm the Republicans of Kichmoud are way ahead of any­ body in this vicinity. The Solon lodge of Good Tempi ire gave an enter atnment consisting of uuMc, recitations, and a supper last Friday evening at H. J. Christians". The"pieel A. large company were present and " thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The crops may be summed up about as follows: Hav, fair; small grain, extra-goo 1, especially barley; corn heavy as acres planted in this vicinity; potatoes, rather slim; apples, good crop, but of tn inferior quality, Tho Republicans of Genoa Junction held a rousing rally at the Congrega­ tional church tn that village last Sat­ urday evening. The Richmond band and marching club indulged in a pa­ rade previous to the meeting which was presided over by Mr. E. O. Hall. The speakers were Mr, Frank Fish, a unchanged. Th the cob being left turners are experts. tern, but are guided by the eye and t! condition of the cob. The piece alread; bored is placed on a spindle, the oth end having a spring bearing that givi the pressure to hold it steady. Wii a turning-tool the cob is cut down to ti firm body and the shape given, exac as in wood-turning. The fastest turn] in the factory can do 3,000 pieces day of ten hours, but the average fl the six men engaged in this part the work is 2,500. They are paid per 1,000. There was never any accumulation stock, as the cobs usually came in the single load and were worked very fast. For filling the interstices the cob the company looks upon plas' of-paris as the best thing possi" Many cobs do not have to be ' all, being large enough to turn d< smooth. One early preparation tri was of corn-starch and gamboge, b this was not satisfactory. Nothin iaonejbo IN the Race at tbe Woodstock Fair between Spragus Pilot and George O., in which the Judges caused a change of drivers for tbe latter borse, it is but justice to say that Geo. 'W. Eldredge tbe driver of George O.. was in no wise to blame in the matter as be was simply carrying out an agreement made by others. We maks this state­ ment ia justice to Mr. Eldredge. as some have misconstrued what we said in tbe PLAINDEALER at tbe time to relation to the matter, WHKtf.with the scythe of medita­ tion we mow in-th«°broad meadows of the past, and the present too, for that matter, it gives a lemon colored hue to the surroundings of the office of a country paper, and brings a tear to the eye of tbe devil, to thiok so many of its subscribers are delinquent witb their church dues, and still more so with amounts varying from 91.60 to #6.00 or 97.00 owing their home paper for subscriptions long past due. Why is this thusiyP Tbe cold blaits of winter are approaching witb a 2.06 gait, and tbe sbeolic zephyrs will soon overtake such as do uot accelerate their speed, enter the PLAINDEALBR office with a smiling countenance and pay up. so we can give them our auto­ graphic receipt, pay the devil hfs dues and purchise a load or two ef cobs to keep tbe old thlog warm dur­ ing tbe winter hour*. **»ay mo not nay," bat spiel. only smoothed, the natural contour d young orator of Racine, an<\ Hon. D. ft, Barnes, a Delavan attorney and They have no pal member of the Wisconsin legislature -- teth these gentlemen were enthusi- ttotliy received and delivered able ddresses. A large crowd went from his place by train and private convey­ ance. REPUBLICAN RALLY--If there are any Democrats that think the Repub­ licans are disheartened or that there is any lack of enthusiasm for the can­ didates or principles of tbe party they should have been present at the sec­ ond grand rally of tbe campaign which was held last Wednesday eve­ ning at the Opera House under the auspices of the Harrison and Morton club, and we think they would have been convinced that the party in Richmoud is united, aud confident ol victory. At 7:30 tbe ai^rcbing club, under the command of Captain G, W. Eldredge, formed in front of tbe Cul ver House aud preceeded by the Ricb- ond Cornet- Band, marched to the pera House. After the band had rendered a selection, and a quartette consisting of Mrs. J. W. Hay thorn. Miss Nellie Wright, and Messrs. H. C Faber and George Alf«, with Mis& Bertha Skinkle as organist, bad sung a couple of rousing campaign songs, J. W. Haythorn Esq , tbe president of the club, introduced Mr. Charles P. Barnes, of Woodstock, as the first speaker. Mr. Barnes dwelt briefly upon ail tbe leading questions involved in the campaign; paid a glowing trib- uae to James U. Blaine ; gave a brief resume of the causes that led to the defeat in New York state four years ago and closed by predict­ ing a glorious victory the sixth day of aext November. Alter another selec­ tion by tbe quartette, Mr. Frank Spit- 2er, of Woodstock, was presented, and it Is the nnanimous verdict af all pres­ ent, that he delivered one of the most eloquent and patriotic speeches ever heard in Richmond, He d«veU especi­ ally upon the disfranchisement ol the Negro vote in the South; said he had oeen accused of waving the "bloody shirt" and would plead guilty to tbe charge, and would oontiuue to wave It, until a '"fair ballot and a fair count" could he had in every state in our country. Evidently the audience was iu entire sympathy with the speaker oo this point as his statement elicited vociferous applause. Both the gentlemen were at their best and will be sure of a rousing welcome if at any future time the? should speak in Rich­ mond. The meeting closed with more singing, and music by the band, after which the line was re-formed and proceeded to the squ ire, broke ranks with three cheers for "Harrison Morton and victory." The meeting was one of the most successful ever held in this village and shows that Richmond will give no uncertain sound on election day. Building at Auotion. Tbe Building heretofore ased M t Council Room and Calaboose, in the village of McHenry, will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, to tbe highest and best bidder, on 3ATUBDAY, Oct. 20th. 1838, at one o'clock p. M., at said Council Room. Terms made knows oA tbe day of Sale. By order of tbe Board. J. VA» SLYKE, Village Clerk. F. K. GBAHOER, Auctioneer. Bangs I Ladles, use the Blssell's Frizzing Iron te carl yoar bangs; they save time and trouble. To b« foaud at &Vr ill s • # ' • Call at Mrs. (J. A Hutsons and exam­ ine ber bew stock of Fall Millinery Goods. Can give you tbe best bar­ gains In Hats and Bonnets, Fanoy Goods, Ladles* Furnishing Goods, Lsce? Embroideries, Insertlngs, Trim­ ming^ Braids, etc.. of any place in the county* We also continue Dressmak­ ing on short notice and guarantee sat­ isfaction. MRS. C. A. HUTSOK, West Side, near the Depot. FOR SALS, House and Lot In this villaiE*. fn good repair. Good outbuildings and first class water supply. For further particular^ apply at this office. See our Ladies black kid glows; embroidered back of latest style, at Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOWTO.--A. V. anl A, M. meet at Masonic Halloo every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- ui rs of each month. UODSEH Woooitaw OF AMKP'CA.--Meet at Maeonlc Hall every 2<1 and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbor* cordially tn vlted. SONS OF T MP HAKCB.--Meet at Union Hail on Tuesday evenlngt of each week. occupy EDITOR PLAIMDKALER:--D. A. clary was in the city last week. Mrs. Leva Carney has gone to Kan sas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rowe now Harvey Waiting's cottage. Mis* Cora Taylor ha« soent the past week with friends in McHenry. E. X). Rowe and Dr. E, L Herrlck visited Woodstock ou Sa urday. Mr George Alps, from Rockford. called on friends here tbe first day of the week. F. E. Gratton is building an addi tlon t«> his house In South Hebron. Linn H. Young, from McHenry, was a pleasant caller iu town on Saturday and Sunday. Melvin J. Cole has rented his farm, on which he resides, to Albert Hchwartz, who will take possession March lit. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe and Master Hugh have been visiting witb rela­ tives in Elgin' for a few days past, J. F. Brown received from the thresher on Saturday a yield of 212 bushels of line wheat from six acres of ground. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton and daughter, Miss Bertha, from Greenwood, made a pleasant visit to friends in this place the first of last week. H rvey Stewart, who has been at home for some time, went to Bristol Monday morning, where he has work in telegraph office for a short time. On Wednesday, October 3d, Miss Laura Mason of this place was united In marriage to Mr. Davidson, of Harvard. We offer heartiest congrat­ ulations. Henry Street took the three o'clock train from Richmond on Saturday afternoon for a journey to the east. He will return about the 19th, witb a bird for the new cage which has re­ cently been under construction, David Young, from Sturges, is calling on old friends and reviewing old'scenes in and about Hebron. Dave l i a s h e l d a r e s p o n s i b l e p o s i t i o n i n s store a greater part of tbe time since he left here, over a year ago. H. J. Vlnclette Is constantly making some noted Improvements to his place of residence, in which he takes much pride. Some fancy and Inviting hitching post8 are the latest addition. The many frienda of Mrs. George Young, of Michigan, who has suffered severely for many months with a broken limb, will be glad to learn that with the aid of cooler weather she It at last able to get around comfortably. Fred Barigan is learning the art of butter making, and will take the p'ace in the factory soon to be vacated by Chris Brill, who will cross the ocean to visit his old home In Denmark. The patrons of the factory will be sorry to part with Mr, Brill, as be la a first class butter maker, neatness being one of his best qualifications, yet no doubt hie pupil uader his skillful instructions will give as good satisfaction, Frank Spltzer, ,of Woodstock, ad­ dressed the Republican club *t this place oil Saturday evening. Howe's Hall was crowded with a refined and tttentlve audience, who greeted his decided assertions as to the result next month with prolonged applause. Mr. Spitzar is a fine speaker and has many warm friends and ardent ad- oairers In this part of the county. Wm Woman, Old Womaa wtthtf ao high? TO sweep the cobwebs from tte'fltp. > On audi mission of cleanliness luiitMS sad stars ^ -f % " *• I. V; MTM SQj\P is the best on Farth for N (ENTS A cam, jood housel(«y.its usti. tylgood.grocers stl! it,and. /iK.FAIRBHNK.$Ca, CHICAGO, make it Settlement Notice. All persons knowing themselves In* debted by note or book acconnt. are requested to call aud settle the same without delay, as having gone out ol business it Is desirable tbat I close my accounts as early as possible. My book* can be found for the present in the store of Jacob Bonslett. • . H. V. SHEPABD, MeHenry, October 10th, 1838. Oar Campaign Bets, Tbat our Ladies 91,60 button shoes is a winner That our Ladies 91.75 buffalo oil grain aboe will carry tbe town. That our #2.00 line goat, Kid Don- gola and Glazed Dongola make tbe boss ticket. Our line of John Foster eboea takes tbe lead. Our red line underwear at 75 cants draws many votes. Our gray line underwear at 91.15 all wool will run ahead of anything In the county. Our Comforters at 80c 91.00 11 25 91.75 will make it warm for a good many. Our blankets at 9) cents are corkers. - Our line of diagonal Dress Goods at 12 cents are a bargain." Oar 5 cent Ginghtms are a safe Investment STOVVEL & BLAKK. Still tn the Ring! Men's heavy gray underwear 25c, 45c. Red mixed, 75o. Australian wool 91.75 to 92 00. Fohr dozen ladles snd misses new toboggans, 25c. One pair white blankets 90c; 10-4 and all wool 93 15. Good Scotch caps 40c. Good goat gloves 50o, 70c to 91.50. Good heavy bed comforters 75c, 85c 91.00 to 91.60. We sell, warrant and reccommend the 5-a horse blankets, All oolors braided sets for dresses 70c worth 91.25. 8eventy-two pairs children's all wool ribbed hose 10c worth 25c. You can save a dollar bill by buyin* good underwear. All new shawls 9.25 to 915.00. Ask to sae them. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. GRAND SOCIAL DANCE. Yourself and lady are invited to at> tend a social dance, for the benefit of the German School of McHenry, at the McHenry House Hall, McHenry, Illi­ nois, on Wednesday evening October 17th, 1833. Music by Mudgett's baud. FLOOR MANAGERS:--George Resing, Henry Althoff, J. H. Miller, John Barblan. Tickets 50 cents. PBB OBDER COMSIITTBB Men's besvy Grey Underwear 29 cents, worth 50 oents, at Perry & Owen's. , _____ We with to Inform the community of the fact that we have accepted the agency for John Foster's Beloit Shoes, and have new in stock a d ie assort­ ment of these shoes ranging In price frem 92.50 to 9400. We would be ptaM9$ them to you. *MWEY4SaQM«fcQ<k Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Go to Perry ft Owen's for Overcoats and Clothing Fodder1 & Son's, For Cougha and Colds Take Story's "Tar and W" " ' ' »rn Binders at E. M. Owen serr Ladies and Misses Cloaks at Perry & Owen's. Prices lower than anybodys. Bottom prices on Plows, at E. M. Owen & Sou's. Golden Machine OH at J. A. Story's Drug Store. Perry & Owen have in a large stock for fall trade snd are selling very cheap. Look at their Ad. THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on the market and warranted. > At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors, In un­ limited quantities. Mixed pal^it by the pail or gallon at Story's Dont forget to see the Thrasher and Operator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen A Son's. Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. neavy, all wool. Twilled Red Flannel at 21 eents, at Perry & Owen's, A rare bargain. Star. Belle City, Smally, and otber Ensilage fodder Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son's. Fine all wool Dress Flannels, 36 nch wide, at 35 cents. Greatest bar* gain In the world at Perry & Owen's WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- lAiiry. , R, BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First & Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, tt E. M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to bask sn ear of orn if you get one of the corn Thresher and Seperitors, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant andla6t Ing at Storys. See our large Stock of Ladies and Misses fine Shoes. Prioes the lowest at Perry & Owen's Swlts conde's Flannels S. C. 1 Under­ wear 91-20. Others are selling for more money. At Perry ft Owena. Tissue Paper. It Is astonishing bow much can be done in decor at lug a home by this ilmple means. Complete outfits for til kinds of paper flowers kept con­ stantly in stock at Julia A. Story's drug store. WE have good underwear at 35 cents aach. Extra good, heavy Beaver thawls 83 50. Good corsets 25 cents, better at higher prices. We show you the finest line gents neckwear to be found west of Chicago. Men's over* shirts from 50 cents to 92,75. Rock* ford hosiery. JOHN EVANSON ft Co, Horse B ankets, Bed Blankets at EVANSON'S. Mc P.--A New Discovery • Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowels should never be acted on by irritants like common pills, bran, etc., by a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's and Julia A, Story's Drug Store's. CIDER! CIDER! I am now rsady to make yoar Ap­ ples into Cider on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples, THOS KNOX. MCHENRY. SEPT. lltb. 1888, Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found in our stock. J. A. Story's. __________ The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near tbe Iron Bridge, Mc- Henry, baa been recently fitted up In first class shape, aud is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, of tbe best quality, and at Bed'Rock Prices When we say Low Prices we mean just what we say, and we invite you to call and see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for Calves, Hydes and Tallow. GIVE ME A CALL. THOS. BURKE. Proprietor. THK VERDLCTI D«AN1«00& W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind, testifiesr 4'I can recommend Electri Bitters as the very best remedyc Every bottle sold his given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Beliville. Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands or others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at G. W. Besley's Drug tore. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Tbe best Salve in the world for oats oralses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfeot satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price IB S * * * m Business Notices. A choice line of Box Paper, cheep at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar in the market, ^ I ' City residences for sale. Apply to IU Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Besley's Worm Syrup for ehlldren J has no equal, Largest stock of aaderwear I# iomt' -M at Perry ft Owen's. All kinds Ladles'aud Gent's Pocket >§j books and bags at Besley's Drug store ; west side, ; IF you want a first class Photograph. i call on L. E.Bennett, over Perry A ^ Owen's store. *: FOK SALE. . J A large quantity of Shelled Corn for .T sale at Bishop's Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for MiUln- I ery and Dress Making. 'r1 f i "Carry the news to Hannab," that tbe best place to bay Ladles Fine Shoes Is at Althoff Bros. , M Besley's Death to Rats la sure ind oertaln. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon? Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, Candies, a fine assortment just re­ ceived at Story's Drug Store. LOOK HERE. Harvard Steam Laun­ dry, D. H. Kennedy, agent. * Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy MIDDLINGS,* Corn Meal and Ground Feed St ree» sonable prices. Call and learn prices at Bishop's Mill. * Go to Althoff Bros, for Fine Shoes. The finest stock In town. The Choicest brands of Cigars In town, at.Bealey'8 Drug Store, West Side. • Machine Oil, best quality, 50 oents per gallon, at Besley's Drag Store, West Side. . If you want to see the finest stoek of Fine Shoes at the lowest prioes, eall at Altboff Bros, Toilet articles, suca as are Tttlll' found in a first class, well regottfml^ ^ pharmacy can be had at Stor^Itanff Store. _______ V1 J F. K. GRANGER, | General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods? of all kinds attended to on tho most reasonable terms. Orders by mall will receive prompt V attention. Address F. K. GRANGER, * West McHenry. Ill, : ; S • > Call on Mrs. E. Lawlas for cholao > ; Confectioneries. 1 ^ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALS. , ^ The undersigned offers for sale hla* House and Lot, in the village of Mo» Henry. Is pleasantly looated, barn and outbuildings, and Is withal a desirable property. Will be sold reasonable If applied for soon. ,, „ . E. CABFENTBB. M4 McHenry, Aug. 14, 133& Something New for Farmers. Short Stiff, Straw, long heads, In> ^ ported from Prussia. White Winter Rye. Big yield, from 25 to 30 bushels per sere. Tbe seed can be got of Peter Blake, one mile North of McHenry, 091 tbe Richmond Road, for one dollar per bushel, PETER BLAKE, 11-3-2lu ^ Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer COSB- plaints are dangerous at this season of * «| the year and the only way to gtuued against these diseases is to have ee»» i t ] stantly on band a bottle of some relts** i ble remedy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Baliaia^^ ^ Is a POSITIVE RELIEF la all th»«#.V ^ disagreeable cases and is pleasant tO> >| take. It will cost you only 35 oetfts.^ ^ For Sal« by J, A. Story, McHenry, and!,1- ' \ i John Humphrey, Wauconda, Dragg|iti»L ' ̂ C. F. TORNOW Custom Tailor, of Nunda, wishes $1 inform tbe citizons of MoHenry taw ii vicinity that be will visit MeBisaflF. 'V'*-' on the 25th of each month, with aw VL line of samples, and will ntfltfs - • for single garments or fall salts andl y- guarantee satisfaction In quality of goods, good fits and low prioes. T12 Headquarters at the Parker Should tbe 25th tall on Sunday, wll be here the following Monday. C. F. TORKOW. Dated. April 25.1888. 43. tt , * lor Schools. * e.^HjABLBTS, TABLETS, Large and Small, For Pencil and for Ink. 1 1 cent Tablets! 3 eent Tablstst ^ 5 cent Tablets! 10 cent TabletsL AHi- to be found at J, A. Story's Orua Store, Also a full Hue of Peas, Peodk, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, sefcoiat* Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Psar Wipers, etc., eto.. Everything thai' Scholars need to be found as the Scholars Headquarters JT. A. AtoryV Drug Store. Call In and get measured for a pants at f7. Don't pay #9 at Tour choloe out of 300 samplss, have yonr oiothe-s altered, flttr cleaned, as he cao not he hnat ta #>alsaj^-..,^ _ . .. _ „ . . . . *>• ' -V.' k)

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