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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1888, p. 8

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*tv. Mmumnirr. i&". • ' : «$, V • : ' IMMMMd Xo^M under* the above h«yd MBfe t f t t o f e M I b y t t o & M U m o f t h e W . 0 . T . V . «M IM Mint oUlmt no part or credit for tiM Mun«.) The Loyal Temperanoe Legion will BMIM UM new City Hall on Friday at foor o'clock P. x, 1 he ladles of the W. C. T, tJ. will meet with Mrs, J. P. Smith on Thuie- day at half-past two o'clock p, x. Hs8. J* B. P*KBT, President. MBS, T.J, WALSH, Secretary. I wish to ssy a few werds to the la­ dles in and about McHenry who have never attended the meetings of the W. C. T. U. They are really very In­ teresting and instead of decreasing they are steadily increasing both In interest and membership. At the last meeting the report of our honored delegates from the convention at El- gin, Mrs, Julia Bishop and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, was rendered in such a pleasant and ageeable manner, that it made us all wish we could have been there, and feel almost as though we bad been. Mrs. W. A. Crlsty also added a few remarks, for which she will please ac­ cept a share in the thanks, we, as a "Union" extend to our delegates for the faithful performance of the dotlea assigned them. Remember ladles, you have a stand- ' lng and cordial luvitation to attend our meetings. The following is an extract from a report of the Iowa state Convention of the W. C. T. U. The Women's Christian Temperance Union has come and gone. It was a large and Intel!- ' gent body of women. The chief point of interest was its action on the third party movement. Strenuous effort was made to commit the Union, but it failed. Mrs. J, Ellen Foster evidenoed her strength In her re-election as president by a voie of 252 to 21, it being considered a test vote on that question. It was farther shown when the delegates to the National Union " were chosen. In some of the dis­ tricts third-party women had been se­ lected by the committee, but they were rejected by a large majority and non-partisan delegates elected. The delegates were then instructed to vote against all partisan movements in the National Union, and Becure if possible, the recession of the National Union from its partisan position. Mrs. Fos­ ter claims that the Union is, and should be, strictly non-partisan, and that the partisan position of the Na­ tional Union Is a prostitution of its original purpose. The moral influence of women is the political power she * wields Instead of the ballot. To pledge it to a political party is politi­ cal robbery, and strikes at the founda­ tion and principles of political liberty. gi^HSWccyo Journal. *"* ' .V •••wm CROP How to Beat the flrslW The American automatic scales that were pat in the hotels several months ago got out of order frequently, says the Savannah News, and a good many who are attracted by the pretty sign "Drop a nickel in the slot and ascer­ tain your correct weight," drop the nickel, but without finding how much they weigh. As soon as the fact was made known to Messrs. George & Be- vill, at the Screven, a notice that the scales were broken was posted on the face of the scale and warned the fat man that he could not weigh there. When the agent went around yester­ day collecting from the boxes in the scales the nickels, it was found that a large piece of tin foil, the size of a nickel, had been dropped in the slot of .Screven House scale and had lodged there. When the foil was removed the scales worked all right. An ex-porter who stood outside on the street looking through the window at what was going on, remarked with a chuckle, "that the 'nigger1 that did that job was a fool." When asked why, he said: "Why, dis is de thing wut gets erway wid de artermashuns," and he drew from his pocket a nickel with a hole in it and several feet of silk thread. "Dis is de kine er thing I weigh my friends wid. Lemme sno' yo\ and going inside after the crowd had dis­ persed he stepped up on the scales and dropped the nickel in the slot, holding on to the string. Instantly the hand flew around to the 140-pound mark, and looking up the porter said: "Wut I tell you? Ain't it so?" Then he pulled the thread and out came the nickel. Winding it up, he replaced it in a box in his pantaloons pocket and walked off, chuckling to nigger wuz bo'a great" mgger Camping in Alaska. " • ' J F C ' I F R J K * • I F R I I ' N G I I A I I R F C * H » " < 1 ! • . nas muut) mo ®TITTOUUUTIIJF conitiry Government has made our city happy. -V*. .".A Two new Fire 'Engines, a new Street Sprinkler, a new fttrk House, a new City Hull and a Cooler. Who says wo are not rapid­ ly going to And we ask you to remember that we are putting in one of the largest new stocks of all kinds of Goods this Fall that has ever been brought to McHenry, We have to close out a large lineiof Robes and ets, And c.m sell them to you at W holesale Prices. You cannot afford to buy until you have looked ours over. You know we keep NEWS DEPARTURE. MoHEiVRY, ILLINOIS. «t#i JACOB BONSLETT. Having purchased the Hardware Business of H. V. Shepard, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a full new Stock of purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low the market yrill admit and furnish First Class Goods. A F'UILIIA MlfB Of STOTEi, | . GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. iToFbotli Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when iii want of anything in my line and see what can be done. * I>have also >ecured the services of E . M. HO WE, ono of the best Tinners in McHenry County, and all JOBBING AND REFAIRIH G Will be done ["on short notice and Satisfaction' Guaranteed'. CJL share of public patronage respectfully solicited. [ JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, 111*, October 1st, 1888. And we wish to say our new stock Is the very finest we ever have opened and cheaper than you have ever bought before. Always on hand. The best we can possibly buy. Bats and Caps, BIOYH aad littsns. ••(II*!-- ^BOOTS AND SHOESM We are leaders for good goods and low prices. We hope to see you, sell you, and give you the worth of every cent you leave with us. Our place is the home of the celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, And their output this Fall is larger thin eyer. Yours as Ever, STEVENS & MILLER. Itt establishing a night camp when in a wooded country the most shelter­ ed spot is selected, and a pit is due in the snow about fifteen feet in diameter and a foot deep. The bottom is then stamped down to make a hard floor. Around this pit is built a wall about four feet high, by laying young spruce trees on the top of one another and cutting off their inside branches. This wall has two openings or breaks dia­ metrically opposite,dividing the pit in­ to halves, with a through passageway separating them. Along this way, which must always face the wind,dried wood is piled and fired. On either side pine boughs are laid on the snow, and on top of them the sleeping bags. Such night camps are easily made, and the coldest nights can be comfortably E&ssed in them. The only drawback rthe difficulty in getting wood.--Pop­ ular Science Monthly. A Race of Murderers. -These mountains have always, until the past year or two, been the range of a band of Indians in the Territory Here it was that old Nana used to feave his yearly trail of desolation and death. When he finally got his in­ fernal old throat cut Geronimo took »P the tomahawk and knife and kept the trail bloody. With an armed party of ten I rode through this country to the Black range in 1882. We picked up thirty-five bodies that had been murdered. We rode at night and kept the rocks and brush in the daytime. When I was a good many years young­ er I used to hear a whole lot of bosh about the bravery of the Indians. They are a cowardly lot of murderers and nothing less. Jjobody ever heard of a gang of cutthroats attacking a party where the odds, numbers or chances were even. They won't tight at night unless you surprise them in their camp.--New Mexico Correi KirI'"'HKtf 1 J)[>IIIIMt STOFFEL & BLAKE. Now have a full and complete line of Such as Men's Shoes, Ladies' SJioes, Children's Shoes, - Bab' Shoes, Slippers, FAT BABY'S SHOES, And in fact the finest, newest and most complete line of foot- " that money can buy. In ^ We carry a large line Of Jamestown Cashmere, Worsteds, Sateen, Ginghams, Prints, and everything pertaining to Dress Goods de­ partment. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, We seU by sample. Thus we are enabled to sell from a wholesale stock and ne can show a larger line and sell cheaper, for we have no mony invested and yet a much larger stock to sell from than all the houses in town combined. Our stock of GROCERIES, Always complete and prices the lowest. Give ns a calL STOFFEL & BLAKE. tar er* SfeHfe AfeKfe Efe! _^1 There's Our on it! >FULS OP MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY BUYING OF OUB SALESMEN THE (&*SOME GOODS WE tOTDLE. DY A BIG DRIVE IN LADIES9 ^"KERCHIEFS. NOTE If P0WR, 'SOME IS WHO SOME DOES.*' M8EEING "is BELIE VINO. YOU WILL FIND ALTHQFF BROTHERS ON ae» AT THEIR STORE READY TO TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION, McHwiy, 1,1883. •TUIilA STORY. HIS & J**. ^ v- »> "> " •* 'V Fr»;M <f" , "* * * r V- ** - ** •' MU open this wed* their new lime of - and Winter Goods. Mi .' V X , °,a S¥T Soods* lef over from last year to show jou. but goods perfectly new ami the latest styles. We have H Henrietta andAimow Cloths, fetal &0d Dress fkaieK* In »ll shades, with trimmings to match. Haids areanin to the we Imvo a tm« asqocfamat than, als* . . (One Door West of Riverside Housef) IS'HENRY, ZX.LXNOKS, -DEALER IN- DRUGS, ME D I C I N E S , -A FULL LINE OF- Drags, Ctaatas, Sys Stofti, Palate, Us aad Colon. Constantly on hand. . Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF---r---• STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. H'hyisicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey-compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. THE WORLD VI CTOR. The McCormick Light Steel HARVESTER & BINDER -NOTE CAREFULLY, Stronger than&he strongest, light |aa the lightest, durability the greatest, light draft, good work and capacity, never equaled. mmmii We have the Red White anc Blue, Crown, changable speed and McCormics Steel. RAKES I . HAKES ! > All kinds and at prices that are lower than the lowest. In fact everything in the Implement line can be found at my warehouse. V^rjr Truly Yours, RICHARD BISHOP. *w. P. West McHenry, DKALEK IN SHELF AND Stoves, Tin, Coppsr And Sheet-Iron Ware ' ' - 3 t&J. A. L..M,'&-M ^1V. 4,^.1 GASOLENE STOVES, The Peninsular and Reliable» The best Stove on the Market and cl\cap. t pom® and Me our Galvaniied Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselvei. that will Mid a barrel, w The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Iloeks and Pulleys, tie best in the market. Oall and see it. Screen Doors, The celebrated floatilg Alinoow Pail, a new thing. Haish's Barb Wira, . --A.T BOTTOM PRICES. JOBBING AND 1EPAIEIK© •nt.-p. TflP Drnnm .p. Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage " respectfully solicited. ^ W. 3P* BTBVBITS, Children's • "0° of Ladies' Faaoy Goods, 'Jollara and Cliffs. Rnch- mgs, Vchngs, eta New Ribbons in all the late shades, mahogiDj, gobelin and ahontho, and the Glacia Marie Ribbons ® have a fufl Btock of ladies', Cent's and Children's WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, BOOTS ANl) SHOES, We,;;lsonhnve Remnants, odd and ends of Summer Goods which we will sell you at cost in order to close them out. Our stock of - -GROCERIES.-- afford^ ^°ff0G' SPic09 and Canned Goods is the finest, the market. CROCKERF, - GLASSWARE, r" 86,1 * doeomtoJ Tea Set, 5G p'eces. ioj $3.88. (Jire US ft CFTLI« FITZSIMMON8 & HENDERSON. Opposite Post Office, Wc^t McHenry, June 26th, 18S8. GEO. W. ist and WISf r DEALER Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, PURE--- W I N E S A N D ' FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest brands of Oigira aai Surging and Cho>viti» Tabiooo alwayson hand. ' PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, (.Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. G. W» BESLEY. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. / Are You Going to Build If so do not fail^to get an estimate on your Lumber from THB HB COM!, ear the Depot, West McHenry Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, ©f kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public Tho Btsl Quality of Lunto, --AT THE- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- ills, Monldi Casiop, Door aMIMoi Framas-Eeady Mafle-always on Als t he Best Brands of Barb Wire. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare na paina to accommodate all wl),* may favor us with their patronage. WILBUK LUMBER COMPANY* O, H. GRANGER, Manager . .'i' .li * 'v ..t tin- . . .*> til.

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