- . a'f-grawitfw *&!Q?9 Jjejwy Jl«i*i«ilw. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1888, Railroad Time'Table. Taking effect June 10th, train* wtll JAM MeHenrjr Station daily, as follows: OOIKQ BODTH. ELake Ganeva Passenger ........7:28 A. if Lake Geneva Express ....»».8:22 t Lake Geneva Freight..... 8:00 p. K t Lake Geneva Passenger 8:36 ' OOIWO 1TORTH. ILake Geneva Freight Lake Geneva Passenger Lake Geneva Kxprew * LakeOenova I'aaiennr 6:51 t Diiiy except Sunday. B. BUM, Agent. , McHenry, 111 REPUBLICAN RALL¥i CAPT. o. DOMirrr, Or OHIGAGO. C A . 8 E Y , E a q „ Of WOODSTOCK, And other Speakers will address the voters of McHenry and vicinity, on the Political Issues of the Day, at River- side Hall, McHenry, 111., on FRIDAY EVENING, October 219th. 1888. Let every voter, ro matterwhat politi cal belief, turn out and hear the ques lions of the day honestly and fairly discussed. The Ladles are cordially Invited. • 19*The McSenry Military Band will furnish music for the occasion. PER ORDER C Bally, Democrats 1 There will be a Grand Rally of Democrats at the M egg rove School] House, on Saturday evening, October 27th, 1888. This meeting will be ad dressed by Col. C. C. Morse, G. F. Hatten and other good speakers. Let those who feel an Interest In Tariff Re form, Republicans or Democrats, come out and here the truth spoken on the g$|pat Political Issues of the day, The Ladles are respectfully Invited. BY ORDER COMMITTEE, Attention Democrats. There will be a Special meeting ofj the Cleveland and Thurman Campaign; Club, at New City Hall, on Saturday evening, October 20th. Every member Is requested to be present, as business of importance will be transacted.-- Meetl'ig called at 8:30. BY ORDER OF PRESIDENT. PERSONAL. ..v E.,M. OWEN and wife are visiting. With friends In Chicago this week. R. D. PARKER, of Gray's Lake, was caller In town on Sunday. CHAS H. MojiKY and family moved to Rockferd this week. Miss MAT WIGHTMAN bu been visiting friends in Chicago last week. Miss CLARA WIGQTKAN spent a few days with friends in Chicago last week. A. M. CHURCH, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. E. Carpen ter, in this village. HON, CHAS. H. TRTON and Peter Burger, Esq., of Hebron* word callers on Saturday last. JOHN OEKFLING and daughter Mary, and Mrs. John Oeffling Jr. are spend ing a few days In Chicago this week. WM. WHITING, son of Amos Whit ing, started on Tuesday last for a trip through Dakota. PROF. LESTER BARBER, county su perintendent of schools, visited our school si as t Wednesday. Miss EVA WIGHTMAN IS visiting with the family of H. E. Wightman In this village, this week. MRS. ELLA LORD, of Utlca, N. Y., and Mrs. C. A. Talbot, of Chicago, were the guests of C. C, Colby and family a few days last week. MISSES FLORENCE CHASE and Mary Templeton. of Chicago, were the guests of H. E. Wightman and family last week. A. C. GRANGER came down town smiling the other moaning. Cause--its a girl. He Is a8 well as could be ex pected under the circumstances. TSAAC WENTWORTH, superintendent of the Elgin Brick and Tile Company, has been at McQueen the past week, arranging matters there for the winter. , . R*WILLIE SCHREINKR. son of Mrs Geo. Schrelner, had the misfortune to fail from a tree while gathering hickory nuts, a week or so ago, and ihjured himself quite severely, although for* tunately no bones were broj^ii. JE& if able to be around again nil#,".-' j| '* SEE Deland's advertisement. READ the Notices of Auction Sales to be found in our columns to-day. SEE the new advertisement of J. W. Crlsty & Son, Rlngwosd, to be found ,1a another column. MR. SLADE will preach an "Autumn Sermon" next Sunday morning and in the evening his subject will be "Man the brother." WE advise every reader of the P|<ALNDEALER In Wauconda and vicin ity* of whatever political faltb, to turu out and hear Hon. Chas. E. Fuller, at that place, on Friday evening. A REGULAR meeting of McHenry Lodge No 168. A. F. and A. Masons, will be held on Monday evening next. Oct. 22d. Every member is earnestly requested to attend. Per Order W, M. HON. CHAS. E. FULLER, Republican candidate for State Senator from this District. Is speaking in Lake County thl9 week, finishing at Wauoonda on Friday night. Mr. Fuller is one of the ablest speakers In the State. THE Paper* Carnival and Oyster Supper, under the auspices of the good Templars, on Friday evening last, was well attended and a highly enjoyable affair. We have not learned the amount of the receipts. WE see by the proceedings of the Democratic Congressional Coavention. that William Stollel. of this village reoelved the nomination for member of the State Board of Equalization, from this District. DIED, at Gratiot, Wis., Oct. 7, IS88, MTB. M&rilla Church Perkins, wife of CvM. Perkins, Mrs. Ptrklns was an aunt of Mrs. E. Carpenter and for* merly a resident of this place. Mr. Perkins is a brother of Edwin Perii&ns, and was formerly a hardwase mer chant here. THE Ladles of the M. W. A. camp at Ringwood will give an Oyster Supper, at Congregational Church, Fri day evening Oct. 19th There will be a short programme and some fine music All are cordially iuvited to come and help in this, our first attempt. * 1 - PEB ORDER MISS, ELLA SPAULDING has just re turned from the city with a fine stock of new and stylish Millinery Goods, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Call and examine her new stock. Booms in Nichols1 Block. LADIES medicated flaouel under wear, regular $1.25 quality for 9100. 40 Inch camelette dress goods this week only 40 cents a yard. More kid gloves all colors and sizes. Plush caps and new lot of remnants for children, laces of all kinds, jackets, cloakiogs. etc at the Ladies' Sales Room. L. W. NICHOLS, Jr., Jeweler and Engraver, Richmond, 111., occupies a . space In the PLAINDEALER this week Mr. Nichols is well and favorably known here, and work entrusted to him Is sure to receive prompt at ten tton, and satisfaction is guaranteed. Bead his advertisement. C. J. BRILL, Merchant Tailor, Rich mond, 111., has a new advertisement In our paper this week' to which we would call the especial attention of the readers of the PLAINDEALER- He makes custom work a specialty, is a first class cutter, and keeps a full line of goods to select from. Read his ad vertisement in another column. Two men are working a new swindle among the farmers in this state. They daim to represent a reliable light nlng rod company, and, further, that they have been sent out by Insurance oompanies to inspect lightning rods They apply an apparatus to the rods en barns to test their worth, when they announce them In a condition not acceptable to the Insurance companies They agree to furnish new rods and take the old ones at a fa'r price, and contract Is presented for signature to the farmer. It Is the old story after that--the farmer who signs obligates himself by a sleight of hand trick of the agents, to pay two or three times |h«WW«(ttito4b MRS. KARIN WELSH died at her home. South of this village., on Sundaj morning last. Mrs. Welsh was a daughter of the late Patrick Murray, and wa9 highly respected by all who kuew her. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn her early demise, who have the heartfelt sympathy ef< All. _ THE HYATT HOUSE, at Nunda, has changed hands, the same having been leased for a term of years by P. C. Harlow, an old Hotel man, who will hereafter be found ready to wait on all who may give him a call. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Harlow while at Nunda recently, and If we are any judge of human nature the Hyatt Hbuse will lose none of Its for mer popularity while under his con trol. r "LAKESIDE," the Pacing stallion, owned by Geo. G. Smith, of this village, died at the Stables of his owner one day last week. He was a son of "George O." and a very promts* ing young horse. Inflammation of the stomach we learn was the cause of his leath. He was valued at *1000. A. J, HOPKINS, Member of Congress from this District, will ad dress meetings at Woodstock on Wed nesday evening, Oct. 17th, Huntley Thursday evening, Oct, 18th, Marengo Friday, Oct. 19th, Rlohmond, Monday, Oct. 221 and Algonquin Tuesday Oc tober 23d. Let every voter turn out and hear him. Richmond Department. OOKTBIBCTBD BY "THE PROWLER.' the THE whangdoodie mourneth In the streets ef Heipsadam and the fiddle hangs pendant on the wall and not a smirch of rosin on the bow. Nero or some other old conqueror fiddled when he saw Rome burning. Ouly two of our behindhand subscribers took warn ing and paid up last week. "Sinners turn, why will yon burn," and you will, sure, if you don't pay the printer. There'll be some tall fiddlin' done if we can get rosin to grease up with, The query "What makes the baby cry so?" Which is discussed by Dr» Patton in the September number of Baby-hood, recalls the question once asked by the late John G. Holland, '•What does baby think]*" to which some one made reply that the baby thought what the Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina: It's a long time be twee D drinks."--American. You'are 'way off The baby cried because In bis astro nomical researches he could not find the milky way. ^ THE following are the appointments of the Rock River Conference for Rockford district. G* R. Van Horne presiding elder, residence. Rockford, 111. Alden and Big Foot, T. R Satteifield; Antioch, J. A. Willey; Harrington, William Clark; Belvldere O. H. Cessna; Blaine, W. C. Howard; Capron, N. A. Sunderlin; Cherry Valley and Flora, C. W. Jsycox; Dundee, F. R. McNamer; Elgin, First church, J. M. Clendenning; Elgin Gr. ce church, William Craven; Field ing and Monroe, J. M. Cormack; Gage's Lake, A. N. Griffith; Garden Prairie, to be supplied, Greenwood, William Nlckle; Hai vard, J. C. Clark; Klrkland Circuit, J. Wardle; Lake Villa, J. P. Davis; Libertyville, F. Pomeroy; Marengo, G, H. Wells; McHenry and Ringwood, J. Hart man; New Milford, John Ad «ms; Nunda, W. H. Pierce; Palatine, M. H. Plumb; Popular Grove, J. H. Soule; Richmond and Hebron, W. A. Cross; Rockford, Centennial, M. E. Cady; Court street, P. H. Swift; Ninth street and Harlem, E. J. Rose; Winuebago street, W. H. Height; Rockton, W. A. Adron; Resooe, A. S» Maxham; Wauoonda, and Volo, E. 8. Lytic; Woodstock and Frankllnvllle, . >- :Y*3&4-~vsi Now, Who Will Bat OrovT A novel bet has be*n mad a af Rock ford, between Conductor Wm. Mo- Dougal and Charles Rundell. MoDou- gal has agreed if Harrison is elected president that he will eat baked crow on the stage In the Rockford Opera House as Boon after the result of the election Is determined and arrange ments can be made for the black ban quet. In case that Cleveland is elected Mr. Rundell shall eat a crow. An ad mission will be charged to witness this novel feast, the proceeds to be given to the city hospital. We are well aqualnted with Rundell, and he will take his medlctne like a man if be has to. but we will bet our old hat that Charlie don't have to eat trow this time. THE Republican Rally, at Nunda, on Thursday evening last was a success in every particular. The Nunda March ing Club, the MeHanry Marching Club, the Woodstock Harrison and Morton Club, the Seneca CIUD, and the Barre- ville Horse Company, accompanied by a Log Cabin on wheels, were all in line and made a splendid appeafanoe. The Log Cabin, with a live Coon on top attracted attention all alon$ the line. After marching through the principal streets, accompanied by the McHenry and Nunda Brass Bands^ttiey Marched to the Rink, which was soon, packed to to Its utmost capacity with those who had come out to hear the questions of the day honestly aud fairly discussed, rh9 speakers for the occasion were Hon. O. H. Gilmore, of Woodstock, and a Mr. Stimmlng. of Chicago, the latter speaking In German, and although his talk was not very interesting to us those who could thoroughly under stand bim pronounced his speech a clear, forcible and convincing argu ment, and one that could not fail to do great good. He was followed by Hon. O. H. Gl.more, of Woodstock, in one of his most able a id argumentative speeches, who held his audience as if by magic for over an hour. Nothing we can say would half do him justice. He is one of the ablest speakers in the State and is doing yeoman's ser vice in the campaign. Taken ail In all* as we said before, the meeting was a grand success, and proves that the Re publicans Nunda and vlcinity-eie • alive to the issues Involved In the campaign, and will give a good ac count of themselves in November. Ringwood, October ltth, MBS. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Tbe 8unday School conected with the M. E. Church at Ringwood, will give a concert on Sunday Evening, Ootober Slat, 1888; An interesting programme will be given aad all are cordially invited to be present. Br OBDBB SCPT The Great Show. Twenty six National Live Stock Associations will hold their annual meeting in Chicago during the con tinuance of the American Fat Stock Show, which will be held in Chicago November 13th to 24th. At intervals during the Fat Stock Show the Chi cago & North-Western Railway will sell tickets to Chicago and return at largely reduced rates. For full Infor mation and tickets apply to agents C. & N.-W. R*y Ctt. 1 4-4*, For Hale. One heating stove, 1 cook stove, I cutter, 2 pool tables. 2 show cases and 1 oil-stove. All the above are nearly as good as new and will be sold CHEAP If applied for at once. J. PlKOYSKY. ESTRAY. Ctme Into the enclosure of the sub scriber on or about July 1st, a white yearling Heifer. Tbe owner Is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. WM. WATTi. Burton, Oct, 15th. 1833. > • "* A RELIABLE PORT WINE. Mr. A. 8peer, of New Jersey, whose Port Grape wine has such a wide reputation, and whl»h physicians pre scribe so generally, was the first in this country to import Port Wine J rape vines from the ,banks of the River Loura, in Portugal, where the finest old time ports* were made, and to plant vineyards of them In New Jersey. His Port. Burgundy and Claret which are now tbe best wine to he bad have become a great favorite among the fashionable New York. Philadel phia and Washington society. Drug g i s t s s e l l i t . WANTED, to trade a very choice five-eighths Jersey Cow for a good driviug horse. Inqnire at this office, Cut-Heel ornaments for dress-mak ing only 15c. at Fittslm nous & Hen derson's. Building at Auction. The Building heretofore used as a Council Room and Calaboose, In the village of McHenry, will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, on SATURDAY, Oct. 20tb, 1888, at one o'clock p. M., at said Council Room. Terms made known eo the day of Sale. > By order of tbe Board. J. YAM SLTKE, Village Clefk. 7.K. GRANGER. Aaotioaftip Only three weeks more. Rally next Monday night. See to It that your name Is voting list. We hear rumor*'of another grocery store in towrf. Attornev Wright, of Chicago, was out home last week. Mr. Elijah Bf>wer spent several days in Chicago last week. Quite a number of Democrats at tended the Gtenoa Rally. Oatman Brothers and J. M. West- lake each paid 68 cents for August butter. Congressman Hopkins, of Aurora, will speak at the opera house, Monday Monday night. "Billy" Foley, who has been spend ing the Summer in. Dakota, arrived home last week. Mr. Ole Christensen has been very sick with inflammation cf the lungs, but is now reported better. November 13--24 are the dates the Fat Stock show will be held In the Exposition building. Chicago. Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Wright visited in the. Garden City a couple of days lastj week. • L, W. Howe has sold several car loads of feed cutters and powers al ready this Fall "and atlU there's more to come." The Richmond Cornet Band gave a skate at the rink last Saturday even ing which was well attended. Wa need rain to fill the wells and cisterns; reyive the pastures and grass land; and to moisten plow land befdrfe plowing, The executive committee of the Harrison and Morton marching club held a meeting at A. R. Alexander's drug store last Saturday afternoon. Editor Faber, of tbe Gazette, went to Indianapolis last week to see the next president and to hear the "Plumed Knight." He reports big crowds and grfeat enthusiasm. David Smiley, late of Spring Grove, but more recently a law student in the office of C. P. Barnes, of Woodstock, passed a successful examination re cently and was admitted co the bar. The Democrats of Genoa Junction held a rally last Saturday night at which Hon. Andrew Kull, the party candidate for Lieut, Governor, wa9 the speaker. There was a' large attend ance including a large number from Richmond. The executive committee ef the Harrison and Morton marching club are endeavoring to secure the Hon. Chas, E. Fuller, of Belvidere, to speak here next week. Mr. Fuller is one of tbe ablest speakers In northern Illinois and we hope he will be at)le to come to Richmond. Last week's Gazette suggests that Richmond hold an annual town fair. A good idea, and If adopted it would undoubtedly prove a grand success. Let our leading business men and far iners get together and ralk this matter over. We believe all would favor the project. Next Monday evening, Ootober 22d, the Harrison and Morton Club will hold its third rally at Burton's Opera (louse; the club has been fortunate In securing timberv|cee of Hon. Albert J. Hopkins, of ^vrora., member of Con gress frOna tbtt^lWtTlct, a? tWtrepeaker. It will be remembered that Mr. Hop kins spoke here three years ago this Fall, and all that heard him then will be sure to be present again. He has lately been speaking in Virginia--at Lexington--being engaged In a joint discussion on the tariff with Speaker Carlisle, and from all reports, he sus tained the excellent reputation he has made, both as a statesman and an orator. The Richmond band and a glee club will furnish the music, and the marching club will be on hand as usual. Let everybody. Republican. Democrat and Prohibitionist, attend this meeting and listen to one of the ablest speakers in the House of Repre sentatives. Remember--next Monday October 22d, \ ' I -- ALCONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin ami vicin ity, knowing ihemacive* indebted for the PLAINDBALKK can learn of the amount by calling on John llelra, wtio is authorized to receive money and receipt for the same, la our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their IIHIUOH at his store. Call on him ami get a sample cu py ] EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--At C* E. Cbapell's auction sale of milch sows, on I uesday of last week, cows sold at an average of $43 50 per head. H. B Tbroop did the talking. The rices on Tuesday of last week at Shufeldt's driving park, was well attended. There were horses from Woodstock, Barrington and Dundee but Throop's pacer took three straight heats and so remains boss of the fluid. We are organizing a Harrison and Morton marching club. They will wear white hats and carry red white and blue lanterns. The Misses Ida Morton, Bertha Dodd and Grade Peters recleved the prize at the State Fair as tbe best class in book-keeping for McHenry County. It is cot necessary to say we. are proud of our girls. Mr. and Mrs. "Fet • Thomas, of Cary, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas on Sunday last/ Mr. and Mrs. A. Cochran have re turned from their Iowa trip--the? are stopping with C. C. Chunn. John Janoak is moving Into his new building where he intends to live until he can build a residenoe in the Spring. j Mrs. Throop and Mrs. Palmer, of Nuuda, visited here with Mr. and Mis. H. B. Throop one day last week. E, A. Ford spent Sunday in Chicago -with friends. Ed Morton has put up a pool table in his restaurant. Mrs Wakefield, of Rldgofield, vUited here on Saturday last, with" her daughter, Mrs. W. tl. Jeucks. There will be a number from here |o n the Woodstock excursion to Dundee, on Monday evening of this week, when Judge O. H. Gilmore will speak. Wm Morton came In with a car load of milch cows which he placed on his farm to replenish his dairy, Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Morton spent Sunday at Huntly, with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Kay. A number froS here attended the Kirmlss at Elgin last week. Squire Philp took a trip to Nebraska last wtek, returning home on Saturday last. He reports a good hay and corn crop, 'Gene Andrews lias his mother visit ing here with him. Larry Jones, of Woodstock, Wis caller in town last Saturday, c Ron. A. J. Hopkins will address the Republican voters of Algonquin and vicinity, on Tuesday. Oct. 23rd. All ace cordially inylted to attend and hear bim, as he Is considered one of most eloquant orators in the State. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Congregational Church will meet at Mrs. C. E. Cbapell's on Wednesday of next week. All are cordially invited to attend. The A. Y. P. C. E. A. will give their annual entertainment at the Congre gational church October 26th. Rev. Mr. Ferris, of Dundee, and Rev. Mr. Wright, of Crystal Lake, are expected to be present on the occasion. ^ Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC.--A. F. anil A, M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even, uitrs of each month. MODERN WOOD*BIT OP AXEPTOA.--Meet at MaSonic Hall every M and 4th Thursday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in vited. Sons op T RAWCB.--'Sleet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. Mrs Josle Manley 6pent the last of the week at her father's, returning to Harvard Saturday nlgblt« Harvey Burgett move# to Sharon last week. S* G. Andrews has rented the^Charlle Smith farm for a term of years. Beal Finch has the finest wteat raised ia this section this season. Mrs. Earle has been in Chicago tbe past two weeks. John Cairnea will work l£rs,< JV. J[a- 6on's farm next season. • . Mies Graoc Prouty will go to Har vard soon to learn the dressmaking trade. Mrs. Van Hoozsn and daughter, Rett and Nellie, from Greenwood, were the guests of Mrs O. H. Clary on Sunday. Lyman Pleroa returned on Friday from a visit to his brother and other relatives in Steuben County N. Y. Sandford Ritnour has gone north to see his claim, located last Spring In the pine forests of Northern Michi gan. Mr. Ralph Mason and family, from Ohio, are malting a pleasant visit lu this vicinity, G. B. Stone has a telephone, in fine working order extended from his resi dence to C. A. Stone's. Mr. and Mrs. E. O Leech and master Harry, in company with George Gil berts >>nd family, are making a visit to friends ia Southern Minnesota. John A. Rotnour will start In less than two weeks for Ciliforuia. to take charge of a fruit orchard belonging to Rev. Andrews. Mrs. Delos Blodgett Is visiting her sister in Chicago. Mr. Bledgett spent a few days with her, returning home Wednesday night. Tickets are for sale at fifteen cents each, at M. W. Merry s drug store, for the mirror with hand painted frame, the work and property of Miss Delia Crewe. Remooaber the dance at Rowe's Hall on Friday evening of this week. A goed time is expacted; music by Johnny Sm'th's Janesville Orchestra. Tickets fl.OO; supper at Eirle's Ho tel. In one sense we are not surprised to learn that the new partner in the firm of Company "Kid," is a Democrat, for judging from a shadowy something In his last two letters to the Gazette, the promises made in his first few intro ductory remarks, savor of a Cleveland prefmtte. FOR SALB, House and Lot in this village. In good repair. Good outbuildings and first class water supply. For further particulars apply at this office. Heavy winter wraps only #1.60 Fiizslmmons& Heuderson's. at HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his House aud Lot, in the village of Mc Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn aud outbuildings, and is withal a desirable property. Will be sold reasonable If applied for soon. E. GARPBHTBB. McHenry, Aug. 14, 1S3S All wool Tricots 20 cents at Fitz- simmons & Henderson's. Our Campaign Bets* Tbst our Ladies 91.50 button shoes is a winner That our Ladies $1.75 buffalo oil grain shoe will carry the town. That our 92.00 line goat, Kid Don- Sola and Glazed Dongola make tbe oss ticket. Our line of Joba Foster eboes takes tbe lead. Our red Hue underwear at 75 cents draws many votes. Our gray line underwear at 91.15 all w;ool will run ahead of anything In the county. Our Comforters at 80c 91.00 91 25 91.75 will make it warm for a good many. Our blaGkets at 9J cents are corkers Our line of diagonal Dress Goods at 12 cents are a bargain" Our 5 cent Glnghims are a safe investment. STOFFEL& BLAKFI. Still in the Ring! M>n's heavv gray underwear 23c, 45c. Red mixed, 75c. Australian w6ol 91.75 to 92 00. Four dozen ladles and misses new toboggans, 25c. One pair white blankets 90c; 10-4 and all wool t3.I5. Good Scotch caps 40c. Good goat gloves 50o, 70c to 91 >50. Good heavy bed comferters 75c, 85c 91.00 to 91.60. We sell, warrant and reccommend the 5-a horse blankets. All colors braided sets for dresses 70c worth 91 25. Seventy-two pairs children's all wool ribbed hose l*s w<Kth 25c. You can save a dollar bill by buying good underwear. All new shawls 9.25 to 915.00. Ask to see them. 700 pounds new, bright, wholesome, Japan Tea Dust, only 10 cents per pound. Call early, drinks equal to 35 cent tea. 10 pairs red wool 10-4 Bed Blankets, 92.85. 10 dozen men's gray Underwear, 25c. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. GRAND SOCIAL DANCE. Yourself and lady are invited to at tend a social dance, for the benefit of the German School of McHenry, at the McHenry House Hall, McHenry, Illi nois, on Wednesday evening October 17th, 1888. Music by Mudgett's band. FLOOR MANAGERS:--George Resing, Henry Althoft, J. H. Miller, John Barbian. Tickers 50 cents PBH ORDER COMMITTER Men's heavy Grey Underwear 29 centa, worth 60 cents, at Perrj & ; Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Go to Perry & Owen's for Overcoats aud Clothing. Fodder Corn Binders at E. M. Owen dbSoa's, For Coughs and Colds Take Story's "Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles and Misses Cloaks at Perry Si Owen's. Prices lower than.anybodys. Bottom prices on Plowt, ftt E. M. Owen & Son's. Golden Machine Oil at J.JL Story's Drugstore. Cheviots--the most stylish dress- goods out, 49 cejta at Fltzslmmons & Henderson's. Perry & Owen have in a large stock for fall trade and are selling very cheap. Look at their Ad. THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on th« market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors, In un limited quantities. Mixed paht by the pall or gallon at Story's Dont forget, to we (tie Thrasher and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Sou's. Besley's Extract of Jamai'ca Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Heavy, all wool. Twilled Red Flannel at 21 oents, at Perry & Owen's, A rare bargain. Star. Belle City, Smally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son's. Fine all wool Dress Flannels, 36 inc^vlde, at 35 beats. Greatest bar* gain In the world at Perry & Owen's NEVER fall to read the advertise ment and locals of Bonslett & Stofiel as they are changed from week to week. • _________ WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox Hlver Valley Mills, Mc- *Jnry. R,BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rack Island, First A Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to husk an ear ofcirnifyou get one of tbe corn Thresher and Seperitors, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Perfumery, all the latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant and last Ing at Storys. See our large Stock of Ladies and Misses fine Shoes. Prices the lowest at Perry & Owen's Swlts condo's Flannels S. C. 1 Under wear 91.20. Others are selling for more money. At Perry & Owen's. Tlesuo Paper. It is astonishing how much can be done in decorating a home by this simple means. Complete out fits for ill kinds of paper flowers kept con stantly in stock at Julia A. Story's drug store. WE have good underwear at 35 cents each. Extra good, heavy Beaver shawls $3 50. Good corsets 25 cents, better at higher prices. We show you the finest line gents neckwear to be found west of Chicago. Men's over- shirts from 50 cents to 92,75. Rock ford hosiery. JOHN EVANBON & Co, Horse Blankets, Bed Blankets at EVANSON'S. M. P.--A New Discovery • Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowels should never be acted on by irritants like common pills, bran, etc., bv a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. CIDEK! CIDER! I tin pow riady to make your *§i* pies Into Cider on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples, THOS XNOX. MCHENRY, SEPT, 11th. 1888, Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found In our stock. J. A. Story's. _______ Call on Mrs. E. Lawlua for choice Confectioneries. A Safe Inestment* Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satistactory results, er in case of failure a return of purchase money On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption- It Is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any afiection of throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption, Intlauiation of the lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough croup, etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's drug store. Colic, Diarrhoet and Summer Com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have con stantly on hand a bottle of some relia ble remedy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam Is a POSITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. F o r S a l e b y J . A . S t o r v , M c H e n r y , a n d John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggisis Blood vs. Nerves. Great mistakes have been made In tbe world, by supposing many nervoue troubles were due te bad blood. This headache, tits, dizziness, sleeplessness, etc are always due to weakness or Irri tation of the nerves of the brain: dys pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of tbe nerves of the stomach: weak lungs Is caused by weakness of the parts: bllliousness, constipation, etc. to weak ness of the nerves of the liver or bowels: pains. Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nerves. For all weakness, Dr. Miles' great nerve and brain food surpasses all other remdies. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. Settlement Notice. All persons knowing themselves 16> debted by note or book account, are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as having gone out of business it is desirable that I close my accounts as early as possible. My book* cau be found for the present In the store of Jacob Bonslett. IF v. BHBPABP, McHenry, Ootober 10th, 1888. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for outs oruiaes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruotiaus, and pos- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfeot satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 certs per box. For sale by G. W Business Notices. A choice line of Box Paper, rhmy at Besley's, West Side, " SMOKE the MEmpire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. i„. J Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal, Largest stock of underwear la town at Perry & Owen's. 'All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side, IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L, E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store. v ] FOR SALE. A large quantity of Shelled sale at Bishop's Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for HUUa*- ery and Dress Making. "Carry the newB to Hannah," that tbe best place to buy Ladies Fine Shoes Is at Altboff Bros. Besley's Death to Rats is sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, • Candles, a fine assortment just re ceived at Story's Drug Store. Drink Besley's Ale and be h*althy and happy New styles of Rug Patterans, Rug Machines. For sale by Mrs. E. Lawlus. MIDDLINGS,* Corn Meal and Ground Feed at roe* sonable prices. Call and learn prices at Bishop's Mill. ? Go to Altboff Bros, for Floe ShoM. The finest stock in town. The choicest brands of Cigarv fit town, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. •* Try our teat; they are fine for a small price. » JOHN EVAKSON & OO. Machine Oil, best quality, 60 cents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. * If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, call at Altboff Bros. - Toilet articles, suoi as are usually found in a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be had at Story's Drug Store. Bangs ! Ladies, use the Bissell's Frizzing Iron to curl your bangs; thej|saye tl«na ikttrl (rAnKlo 'H/\ fraA fOUOCj if'1 and trouble. To be Story's drug store. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R. BIHOP. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer|I Sales of Real Estate, Stock. Farming ^ Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reasonable terms. Orders by mail will receive attention. Address F. K. GRANGER* West McHenry, IU, * Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and E'ectrio Bitters, and have never handled rem edies that sell as well, or that have given such uuiversal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee tbem every time, and we staud ready to re fund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popu larity purely on their merits. G, Besley Druggist. For Schools. TABLETS, TABLETS, Largb and Small, For Pencil and for. Ink. 1 cent Tablets! 3 cent Tablets I 5cent Tablets! 10cent Tablets!. Ail to be found at J, A, Story's Drug Store. Also a full line ef Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, Scholars Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pen Wipers, etc, etc.. Everything that Scholars need to be found at tbe Scholars Headquarters J. A Drug Store. BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before tbe world as avltiated state of tbe blood. Your ambition is gone^ v Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listlelB actions show that you need a powerful invigorator. Oae bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not It will coat you nothlug. For Sale by J. A. Story, UcUenry, and John Humphrey. Wauconda, Druggists Dropped Dead. I Physiologists estimate tbst the heart does 5,000,000 pounds of work each day. No wonder people drop dead with worn out hearts This could be prevented by Dr, Miles' new aud great discovery, the New Cure. Always cammeuces when you first begin to get j h o r t o f b r e a t h , h a v e w e a k , f a i n t o r smothering spells, pain or tenderness in side. etc. Sold at. Geo. W. Besley's Drug Store. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy* ' ' When your skin is rough and course* > When your skin is]ntlam«d and red. When your skin is full of blotches. Wnen your skin is fuil of pimples yea reed a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure tor all of the above, eo you can not possibly run any risk when you get a bottle of this wonderful medicine. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, 9ud John Humphrey, Wau conda, Druggists. Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson*s for Fait and Winter Millinery Good. FRUIT and Vegetables of all kinds al Altboff Bros.Market. Look at Perry ft Owen's big Ai this week, , Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Dou't pay 90 and 910. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted and | oleaned. as he oao not be beat la doing l a nice job. -V| < - .S? 'Ski >v ' V . ' i