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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1888, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 84, 1888, I- Railroad Time Table. Taking effect June loth, (niu wilt pin 'McHenry itiiion daily, as blloirt: OOllfO SOUTH. ILake Genera Passenger ......7:28 A. Late Geneva Bxpress --8:22 Lake Geneva Freight 2:00 r. Lake Genera PaiMnger............ 3:96 ' OOCKO XOKTB. f Lake Geneva Freight ...,....••11 A. * Lake Geneva Passenger .8:86 Lake afeneraExpress .4:55*.* Lake Geneva P»ssen«er 6:51 i J D.U,«e.»t8..Wr. RB , MeBenrr. 1 ni I# MASONIC. , XOHBVRT LODOB, NO, 156 A. V, and A. M.-- Secular Communications the second and . fSortb Menctays in each month. J. VAN SLTEB, W. M. # MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors eorltally Invited. REPUBLICAN RALLY! Hon. A. J- Hopkins, Of Aurora, Illinois, Republican can­ didate for Congress from tblt District, will address the vpters of McHeory and vlcloity on the political lnu«s of the day, at Parker House Hall, McHenry, Jilt not a, THUBSDAT EVENING, OCT. 25,1888, Let every Titer turn out and hear what eur present and next Member ot Congress has to say on the Important questions now before the people. Ladles are cordially Invited. *The McHenry Military Band will Iflirntsh music for the occasion. PBR OBDBB OO*. Grand Bally at Woodstock. There will be a grand rally at Woo1- stock, on Tuesday evening, October 30tb, under the auspices of the Repub­ lican league club. HONS. JOHN W. GREBM, . JAMBS. P. BOOT, fcsth of Chicago, will address the as­ semblage, Grand stieet parade at 7:30 P.M. All Republican clubs in this and adjoining counties are sprci" ally invited to be present and take part in the parade. Attention Democrsita. All members of the Clevelai^aiMi Thurman Campaign Club are requested to attend the special meeting at Helmer's Hall, on Thursday evening. October 26th. Business of great im­ portance. Don. t fail. ARTHUB JACOBZ, President Vh. 8TOFFBL, Secretary. 1:" OUE Hebron and Richmond corres­ ponded have failed to reach oa this week. HON. A. J. HOPKINS at Parker House Hall, to-morrow, Thursday evening. Don't fall to hear him. la ezpeoted there will be three I hundred torches in line to-morrow \eyenlng. Come out and aee them. THE new floor In the Jewelry Store of O. W. Owen, which waa laid last week, was a muoh needed improvement. WANTED, to trade a very choioe five-eighths Jersey Cow for a good dftvlng horse. Inquire at this office, ITBANK CALKINS had tire misfortune to lose bis driving borse last week. We did not learn the causa of Its death. PCBMNISI. R. N. MASOK, of Bluffton, Indian waa a caller on Friday last. Ed. CARPENTEK spent Sunday with friends In Chicago. WM. YAGER and wife, of Waukegan, were calling on friends here last week. CHAS. REVOIR, of Chicago, was shak­ ing bands with friends here on Satur­ day, GEO. YAGER and wife, of Evanston, spent Sunday with friends In thla vil­ lage. Miss BOSS LIVELY, of Chicago, was the guest of H. flhepard and fam­ ily last week. JOHN WKNTWQRTH and wife, of Chicago, visited with friends in this village, this week. HENRY COLBY returned last week from bis trip to Salt Lake City. He reports a very pleasant time. Miss VAN VELZER, of Delevan, Wis­ consin, was the guest of C.^A, Walsh acd irlfe last week. MISSES ANNA and Maud Magnus, of Elgin, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Hetty Wentwortb, GEO. W, BESLEY and family spent laat week visiting friends In Wauke­ gan. JACOB WBNTWOBTH, who is with the Elgin Brick Company, at McQueen, was on our streets on Monday evening. MRS. M. A.HOWELL, who has been visiting with her parents at Chenoa, 111., the past two weeks, returned to her home In this village, on Monday. Miss MINNIE MCLEAN, of Champaign, 111., eldest daughter of H. W. McLean, visited with her parents here a few days last week. GEO. 8. CDRTIS will move Into the house vacated by C, H. Morey, and H* N. Holmes will occupy the house vacated by Curtis. QUITE a numbe* of our citlzsna went to Chicago oa Saturday to aee the grand parade and hear the Hon. James O. Blaine, on the polltioai Issues of the day. ARRIED, Oct. 18th, 1888, at Wood­ stock, Illinois, by Asa W. Smith, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Mr. Alford Hjertstede and Miss, Augusta Johnaon, •11 of Marengo, Illinois. THE membera of the marching club are requested to be at the new City | Hall at 6:30 o'oldck to-morrow, Thurs­ day evening, "armed and equipped as the law directs." torch, cap and cape. TOURISTS to the Yellowstone Park aext season might encounter a North­ western blizzard. If they are wise men tbey will take a supply of the fa- j. aous Dr. Bulls Congh Syrup. f THERE will be a special meeting of ^ McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. Masons' on Friday evening ot this .r . week, Oct 26th. A general attendance p ta earnestly requesters* there la busi­ ness of tm portanoe. &s" •' Miss ELLA SPAULDING is In Chicago ^ te-day buying a new stock of Winter r' Millinery, which will be here and ready for Inspection the last ^ this week. The ladles are invited, to call and examine the new styles. J WE have before us a letter from M. v4- Howell, who la now In London, written to hie son here, which we ., Would like to publish, but its leugtb - and crowd of other matter at this time prevents. The letter is an Interesting one and would be .Interesting reading lor old or young. f Beautiful shades of silk warp Henri- f§ stta, at 91.00 worth SI .25: a large va­ riety of silks, velvet and wool dress goods. Cloak trimmings In fur and Astrachan. New line of toboggans and barge veilings; corset covers 25c. , Elder down flannel 75c per yard,at tbe if; Ladles1 Sales-Room. |F ̂ " Miss KATE CASTLSTOM will appear at the Chleage Opera House, Sunday, tbe 28th of October, In her great suo- eess "A Paper Doll." Miss Castleton la now recognized as the leading sou- brette, with possibly tbe exoeption of Lotta,upon the stage; ahe has won thla place for herself by reason of her \ Individuality and originality. THE wife of Sheriff George Eckert, of Woodstock, died suddenly of heart disease, on Monday evening of last week. The many friends of Mr. Eck- irt in this part of tbe county extend to him their besrt-fels sympathy. THE Ladles' Willing Workers Society connected with the Unlversallst Church, will meet with Mrs. Henry Nordquett, Friday afternoon, October 26th. < MRS W. A. CRISTT, President, MRS.O. N. OWBJT, Secretary. THERE will be a grand Republican rally, at Woodstock, on Tuesday, Oct. 30th. Hon. John W. Green andJas. P. Root, of Chicago, will address the meeting. There will be a grand street parade, In which Republican marching clubs from all parts of tbe county are expected to participate. have before us a card which reads, "Robert R. Howard, with A. A P Tea Company. 923 Main Street, Kansas City. Mo." The above named Is tbe son of R. A. Howard, of this village, aud we learn tbat be has a good posi­ tion and is doing well in bis new heme, which will be good news to his many frlendfl la his old home here. OUR community were shocked and grieved this Wednesday morning to learn of tbe sudden death of Mrs. A, C. Granger, nee Mamie Lampbere, who died at 10 o'clock last nlgbt. She leaves a baby about ten days old. A host of friends in this and Lake coun­ ties will sympathize with her young husband in his great loss. THE Republican Rally, at Riverside Hail, on Friday evening laat, was well attended and a very interesting meet­ ing. The speakers present were Capt. Domlny, of Chicago, J. F. Case?. Esq., of Woodstock and A. W. Young. Esq., of Harvard, each of whom delivered dear and forcible speeches, showing up the Inconsistencies and falacies of democratic acts and pretences in so plain a manner that "he who runs may read." The speeches were listened to attentively throughout by the large crowd present. W. H. DWIOHT, of Woodstock, started on Tuesday with his family for Pasadena, California.where be pro­ poses to make it his future home. Mr. Dwight for many years has beea one of Woodstock's most enterprising busi­ ness men. Honest and upright in all bis dealings, be waa honored and re­ spected wherever known. We can assure the business men of Pasadena, tbat they have a valuable accession to their ranks in the peraon of Mr. Dwight. His friends all over McHenry county wish bim the best of luck in bis new home. THE following from the Legal Ad­ visor will be of Interest to many of our readera: An interesting motion was argued before Judge Sheppard yesterday in the case of Clark R&ffen A Co. v. ./Etna Iron Works. Clark Raflen A Co.. a large architectural iron firm claim to bave used the name iEina Iron works to designate their business for many years. In 1886 parties who bad been carrying on tbe iron business under Che firm name of ^Btna Iren works, at Quincy, IK., came to Chicago and formed a .corporation known as the yEtna Iron works. Since tbat time there has been more or less trouble be­ tween tbe two concerns, until finally Clark Raflen & Co. ceminenced suit to enjoin the ./Etna Iron works from using that name. The question came up on motion for Injunction. Defen­ dant's counsel argued that in tbe ab­ sence of deception, and where tbe con­ fusion resulted only from the similar­ ity of tLe names, an injunction could not be ^rauied, and tbat. in any case, the complainants bad showed no right of trade mark or trade name to the words ./Etna Iron Works, In them* •elves. After argument the court de­ nied the application for Injunction. The ^Etna iron W^rks then filed a cross-bill and will seek to restrain Clark, Raflen & Co. from using its cor­ porate name. Messrs. Snowbook John­ son & Gray, Messrs. Banning & Ban­ ning and Mr. Geo. Payson represented Clark, Raflen A Co., and Mr. Paul Brown represented the ./Etna Iron Worka. . She Oeald Walk as Well ss Ever. I have used Salvation Oil for rheu­ matism in tbe feet and after several applications waa entirely relieved of pain and could walk as well as ever. ^ MRS. AXW R„ WATKDIS, tSOwBbegleMt St., Millinwi, JMfat- DIBB.--At her home south of McHenry, Sunday morning, October lltb, 18S<*, Anna Walsh, wife of Karin Walsh, and eldest daughter of the late Patrick Murray. The funeral services took place on Tuesday at the Catholic Church, and were conducted by Rev. Father O'Nel) whose kind and beautiful words were a balm to the wounded hearts of the mourning relativea and frlenda. For four loug and dreary weeka Mrs. Walab hovered between life and death, bear­ ing her sufferings bravely and pa tlently, hoping all the time tbat her lite might be spared for tbe sake of her husband and little child; bnl still ever ready to submit cheerfully to the will of God. And so, once more, the aqgel of death has entered tbe circle of young hearts belonging to our con gregatlon, and snatched therefrom one of the gayest and the beat of its membera. She leavea a young hus­ band, and an infant aon, a loving mother and many other relatives and friends, who loved her In life* for her bright and Joyous disposition and her pure and loving heart, but, who now mourn sincerely ber untimely death. Yes, it is true that when we look down upon her pjor mortal re­ mains sleeping the unbroken, dream­ less deep of death, we are grieved and sad a* heart. But, Ob, with what unspeakable consolation are we not filled, when, with the eye of faith, we look beyond the tomb, to our Father's home, and there behold ber immortal soul awake to all the joys of heaven, and exulting triumphantly In tbe grand, never ending jubilee of the elect, A SIBCBBB FRtBBD. THE successful play of Partners," which Is tbe current attraction at tbe Chicago Opera House, must be with­ drawn at the end of the present week, as Manager Henderson's contract with Mr. Palmer calls for the presentation of "Our Society," and 'Heart of Hearts." It will be remem­ bered that tbe tormer charming com­ edy was the most popular play of Mr. Palmer's repetolre during his last sea­ son here. It'tias never been presented in Chicago during the regular season, and the coming week will therefore afford regular theatre-goers tbe first opportunity to witness It. It ran six months In New York, which waa about the length of time It was seen when originally produoed In Paris. It will engage the services of nearly all the prominent membera of Mr. Palmer's company, including Annie Russel, Maud Harrison, Mrs. Phillips, May Brookyn, Mr. Masser, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Handysides %nd others. Ths play will be seen on Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday and at the Wednesday matinee, when it will give place to "Heart of Hearta," wbloh has not been presented here yet. This play Is from the pen of Henry Arthur Jones, the author ef "Silver King," and "Saints and Sin­ ners." It was originally produced at the Vaudlvllle theatre, London, and ran the seasoa out. It was presented three months in New York, and was only withdrawn to admit of tbe ap pearance of Mr. Palmer'a company In Boston to fill a contract previously made with the mauagement of the Park Theatre there. The features of the play are Mr. Stoddart'a Imper­ sonation of a beligerent English but­ ler, and Miss Burrough's performance of a typical English girl. Their efforts are ably supplemented by tbe work of Frederick Robinson, Mr, Flookton. Mrs. Phillips, Miss Bseokyh, and other4. These two plays will bring Mr. Palmer's tour to a successful close, after which his entire oompany will go to New York to open bis regular sea­ son at the Madlaon Square Theatre. ••Who's Afraid?*1*' A CELEBRATED photographer while making pictures along the rough coast of New England, set his camera to take a view of a double row of rocks off York Beach, Maine, with the waves dashing over them, when three sunny faced children appeared on tbe acene from bebind tbe rocka where tbey bad been hidden from view, running towards the water aa if to pluuge into the surf and by aoeident baited di­ rectly Inr front of tbe caaaera already set. when a clear manly voice, from a distance, rang out tbe warning to tbe younger child, "my darling don't go near the water!" They turned, each In characteristic pose, and the reply came from the little one, "who,s afraid?' Snap went the rubber on tbe camera, and tbe sunbeams had fixed forever a picture, piquant, rogolab and withal Such a touch of nature as no artists fancy could ever body forth, By special consent of the parents who are prominent in New England society, the Chicago and North Wes­ tern Railway Company bave In­ voked tbe „art preservative," and the picture duly engraved upon steel by the celebrated engravers, John m. Lowell A Co., Boston, and copyrighted forms one of the moat beautiful aouve- nira ever oflered by a railway oempaay to its patrons. Many copies have been diatrlbuted free but .so great la tbe desire to pos­ sess one ef these beautiful worka of art. that even the generoua North Western calla a halt. Copies of this picture In connection with a chaste and ornate calendar for 1889, will be sent postage paid, to any address in return for 25 eents in atampa or poatal note, or for two dollars, nine copies will be sent expresa free, to any point in the United Statea by E. P. W ll6on. Gen, Pass. Agt., C. & N. W. Railway, Chicago, III Fof Hale. One heating stove, 1 cook stove, 1 cutter, 2 pool tables. 2 show cases and 1 oil-stove. All the above are nearly as good as new and will be sold CHEAP If applied for at once. J, PKKOVSKT. Good Coffee only 15 cent*, at Hall's N unda. Try a pound of thai V oent Tea, at HaiVfci Hwrikh* * [NOTICB.--Persons in Algonqnln and rutin- ity, knowing themetvea indebted for the PLAWDBALBR can .learn of the amonat by calling on John Beta, who Is luthorfied to receive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call on him and get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDEALER There were 43 tickets sold here on Monday of last week for tbe Woodstock excursion to Dundee, and all report having a very pleasant time. Judge Gilmore gave one or his masterly tarifl speeches, and by all appearances it was well re­ c e i v e d . . 0 Dr. Mason spent a few days to Chi­ cago last week. D. W. Thomas has been paying strlot attention to a very large car­ buncle on bis band for the past week. Wo wish to aoorrect an Item in last week's liiiue in regard to the class in book kMping wbe took the flr»t prize, at tbe State fair. There were five in the class instead of three, as stated. Pbey were the Misses Ida Morton, Grade Peters and Bertna Dodd Messrs. Artie Obapell and Georgle Morton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Helm visited with Mrs. Helm's parents, at Belslt, Wis., last week. Mrs. W. P. Benson visited ber son. Ernest, at Belolt, Wisconsin, oo Wed­ nesday of last week, returning home on Thursday evening. MrB. Wm. Morton bad one of ber bad spells on Friday of last weelt. Dr. Ray, of Huntly, attended her. C. E. Chapell started North on Fri­ day ef last week to buy milch oows. H. B. Throop has only two open dates from now until election day. and b» yo»ld have taken a third more sales It »« could bave Attended them. Ue Is wishing every day that Throop Jr. would get out and take some of the burden ofl dad's shoulders. We bad a mucb needed rain on Fri­ day of l<ttt;j!Wk. We also had quite a hail storm In the evening, but there was net muoh wind, so no harm was done, Some of the hall stones were nearly as large as ben's eggs. Mrs. C. E. Chapeli aocompanled Mr. Chapell to Lodi, Wis,, on Friday oi last week. ^ Several of our town folk* took ad­ vantage of the cheap rates and spent Sunday in Chicago. Have you registered? Tuesday, the 30tb, Is your last chance. John Janoak and his twins are .com­ fortably located in their new bome. The A. Y. P. C. E. A. will hold their first annual re-union in the Congra- tlonal church, Friday evening, the 26tb Everybody Invited. J, Yan Slyke, of the PLAINDEALER, was a caller Monday last. Tha Croat Show. Twenty-six National Live Stock Associations will hold their annual meeting In Chicago during the con­ tinuance of tbe American Fat Stock ^bo|v, whtcb will be held in Chicago November 13th At Intervals during tbe Fat Stock Show the Chi­ cago & North-Western Railway will sell tickets to Chicago and return at largely ieduCed rates. For full Inform matiorf and tickets apply to agents C, & N. W. ITy Co. 1 4-W, * , 'ni i.'n 'ni iM DONT BE BACKWARD In Coming Forward for your Sharo of Bargains. Five dozen ladies fine Merino under­ wear 37c to 753. Six dozen men's good gray mixed underwear 25c to 91.90. Six hundred pounds of good Japan tea dust for only 10c per lb. One pound good starch, or DeLand's soda or saleratus 5c. Heavy bed oomforters 70c to 91.60. One pr.good bed blankets.91.25; one pr. 10 4 heavy, all wool, white blank­ ets, only 93.00, One pr. ladles' button shoes only #1.25. Good, well lined goat robes, otly #3.7 5, Six fancy border handkerchiefs, only 5c. lot. Good roasted coffee, 17--20, to 28c. Flour Is up; our prices are as far dewn as we can afford. Look over our large stock of clotkf, shawls, dress goods, underwear, etc. yours Truly, BoNSLBtT ASTOrrBL. EST KAY. Cime into the enclosure of the sub« scriber on or about July 1st, a white yearling Heifer. Tbe owner Is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. WILWATTi. Burton, Oct, 15th, lSSB. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE, | always give you tbe best price for wood, for my lowest priced goods. E. LAWI.CS. COUGH! and COUGH! and COUGH!!! Wbat in the world is the reason you wili cough and keep coughing aud stiil keep* trying inferior medicines when Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup will positively relieve your cough at oaceti? This is IIO advertising scheme, but ao actual fact, and we guarantee It. For eale by J. A. Story, McHeiury, and J. Humphrey, Wauconda, Drngg let's. Boy's knee pants at 25o. Boy's good suits, 92 00. Wool, double knit caps, 35c. Scotch, knit fancy gloves 32c. Overalls 45c. Socks, from 3 cents to 40c. Men's fine shoes, 91.85. Plow shoes, $2.00. Boy's double tapped boots. $2.25. 4 E. LAWLUS, Why not have a new Overcoat when you can get oAe for 94 48, at Hall's, Nuuda. DAUGHTERS. WIVErt AND MOTHERS. ana heartily endorse the use of Spear s celebrated Port Grape Wine for tbe use of debilitated females. It Is not an intoxicant, and is absolutely pure, being made from grapes grown at Mr. 8peer's Mount Prospect Vine­ yards, Passaic, N. J- from vines 1m- Krted from the port wine districts of •rtugai. Druggists sell it. Call in and see tbe best sewing ma­ chine in tbo U. S, of America for the least money. DOCTORS REVELLING IN VINE GRAPES. TIME WELL SPENT IN INSPECTING ALFRED SPEER'S VINEYARD AND WINE CELLARS Forty-eight acres of vines, bung thick with clusters of luscious purple grapes, was the feasr. to which a partv of physicians from New York and its vicinity were Invited on Saturday afternoon. The Invitation was ex­ pended by Alfred Speer, proprietor of the Mount Prospect vineyards and wine cellars at Passaic, N. J., to about a hundred prominent physicians of the New York hospitals, members of the Boards of health of New York and Brooklyn, and others. About fifty non-medical ' guests were present. I'hev were met at the station at Passaic, on the arrival of the noon trains from New York, by Mr. Speer and taken in open carriages to the vineyard, wnieh lies about a mile south of the city. Here an hour or -more was spent by the party in feast­ ing upon the grapes. • The vines In this vineyard are of two varieties, the Concord and tbe Oporto. Tbe latter, from which Pert win* la made, were originally im- ported from Portugal by Mr. Speer. Tbo f>arty then returned to theii carriages aud were taken to the wine faotory and cellars, In the city of Passaic. Here they inspected the processes ef pressing the grapes and making the w ine, and were conducted througti the cellars where the wine Is stored until ready for bottling. They were next taken to Mr. Speei's pri­ vate park, where a luncheon was served and several speeches were made by those present. Mr. Speer's vineyards and cellars have been established for about thirty years, and his wines have attained an enviable reputation among physicians for their purity and excellence tor medicinal purposes. It has always been Mr. Speer's ambition to make a wine which shall be recog­ nized as an absolutely pure article,and it is bis boast that the brand "Speer's Wine" Is a guarantee that it is what It is ulaimed to be, simply the pure juice of the grape. His press rooms and cellars are always qpen tor Inspection of the pub­ lic, aud there are no searets In his business. The wines Ite makes are chiefly Port. Claret, Burgundy, wines from several berries, and unfermented port wiue for the use of the commun­ ion table aud for physicians. The latter wine is pressed from the grapes and then subjected to electric and sulphuric processes which check fer mentation and preserve the wine as tbe pure unfermented juice of the grape. His wines are not bottled un­ til tour years after they are pressed from the grape. The capacity of the vlnejard is froui 000 to SlO barrels per year: The physicians who we^e present on Saturday spoke In the highest terms of the wines, and strongly recommended their use for mediciual or table purpose? Among those present were Mayor Haynes, ot Newark; Drs. Cyrus Edson. E. H. Janes and M. Moiris, of the New Board of Health; McDouough of the Brooklyn Board of Health; Hepburn, of the Randall's Island Hospital; Parks, superintendent of the Chambers Street Hospital; Tlernan, former house surgeoti of the Chambers Street Hospital; Straus, of the German Hos­ pital ; A. M. Jacobus, Charles S. Wood. A D. Rockwell, I. Nekton Krowl, of the New York VeterUary College; Harvvood, Campbel and Parsons, el Kingsbridge--N, Y. Tribune Oct. lsi. The Verdict Unanimous, W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippua, Ind., •'1 pan recommend Electric Bitters ss the\very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief In every case. Oue man took six bottles and was cured of rheumatism of 10 years stand­ ing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Belle­ ville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years experience as a druggist. Is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their experience, so that the verdict Is unanimous tbat Electric Bitters do cure all diseases ol the liver, kidneys or bloed. Only a half a dollar a bottle at G, W. Besley'a drug atore. PROOF BETTER THAN ASSER* TION. With such proof as the following letter from W. H. Dean, of No. 278 Seventh street, New York, It la not necessary to make tbe bare assertion tbat Allcook'a Porour Plasters cure lumbago. Mr. Dean says: Some ten days ago 1 was taken with s very violent pain in tbe small ot my back. It was ao aevere that I could hardly breathe; every movement caused great agony, I finally found out it was lumbago. Being entirely helpless, a friend sent to a druggist and got two AHcock'a Poreus Plasters, these were well warmfjj and applied to my back, one above the| other. In half an hour, to my great delight and surprise, I found the pain began to abate, In two hours I was able to walk out and attend to my business, the pain being almoBt gone. Next day I was all right but continued wearing tbe plasters for a week. HOW CAN PARENTS Allow their children to cough and strain and cough and caltny say: "Ob! It Is only a little cold," aud keep giv­ ing them cheap and dangerous medi­ cines, until they are down with lung fever er consumption, when they can be ao easily relieved by Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup? It has no superior, aud few equals. For sale by J. A. Story, and John Humphrey, Druggist's. A Woman's Discovery, Another wonderful discovery has be*n made and that too by a lady of this county. Disease fastened Its clutchas upoo ber and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but ner vital organs were undermined and death seemed iminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much re­ lieved on taking first dose that she slept all night aud with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name la Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Hamrick & Co.. of Shelby, N. C.--Get a free trial bottle at G. W, Besley's drug store. Cboloe Prunes, 4 oenta, at Hall's, Nunda. Good Rice, 6 cents, at Hall's, Nunda, Baking (Powder, 11 cents, at Hall's Nunda. g Get a Stiff fiat for 9100. at Hall's Nunda. « vVhen you want a good suit of Clothes cheap, go to Hall s, Nunda. Men's Fine Shoes 91,60, at Hall's, Nunda. * ; t Ladies get i pair of thole 91.00 Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Go to Perry & Owen's for Overcoats and Clothing Fodder Corn Binders at E, M. Owen A Son's, For Coughs and Colds Take Story's "Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles and Misses Cloaks at Perry ft Owen's. Prioes lower than anybodys. Bottom prices on Plows* at X. M. Owen & Son's. Golden Machine OH at J. A. Story's Drug Store. Cheviots--tbe most stylish dress- goods out, 49 coats at Fitzslmmons & Henderson's. Perry A Owen bave In a large stock for fall trade and are selling very cheap. Look at their Ad. THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on tbe market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors. In un­ limited quantities. Mixed pal<lt by the pall or gallon at Story's Dont forget to see tueJTbeasher and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen A Son's. Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Heavy, all wool. Twilled Red Flannel at 21 oents, at Perry A Owen's, A rare bargain. Star, Belle City, Smally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutters^at E. M. Owen A Son's. Fine all wool Dress Flannels, 36 inch wide, at 35 cents. Greatest bar­ gain In the world at Perry A Owen's NEVER fall to read the advertise­ ment and looals of Bonslett A Stoflel as they are changed from week to week. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- *«ary. R.BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First A Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen A Sen's, You never will have to husk an ear of orn If you get one of the corn Thresher and Seperators, at E. M. Owen A Son's. Perfumery, all the latest popular lors, always fresh, fragrant and last Ing at Storys. See our large Stock of Ladies and Misses fiue Shoes, Prices the loweat at Perry A Owen's Swlta conde'a Flannels S. C. 1 Under­ wear 91<20. Others aee selling for more money. At Perry A Owenl, / FOR SALE, House and Lot In this village, in good repair. Good outbuildings and first class water supply. For further particulars apply at this office. Heavy winter wraps only 91.50 at Fitzslmmons A Henderson's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale bts House and Lot, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbuildings, and la wltbal a desirable property. Will be aold reasonable If applied for soon. „ „ E. OARPKWTBR. McHenry, Aug. 14, 1888. All wool Tricots 20 oents at Fits- slmmons A Henderaonl. When Baby was sfck, we gave ber Castorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorta, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorta, When she bad Children, she gave them Caetori* M. P.--A New Discovery. Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowela should never be acted on by irritants like common pills, bran, etc., by a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. SEE HERE! The oldest, the largest, tbe best wholesale clothing house in Chicago, E. Lawlus is agent for. We bad or- dors for Ave floe suits and overcoats last week at bslf of local prices. E. LAWLCS, CIDER! CIDER! I am now ready to make your ap­ ples into Cider on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples, , THOS KNOX. MCHENRY. SEPT. 11th. 1888, Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found in our stock. J. A. Story's. Call on Mrs. E. Lawlus for choice Confectioneries. Blood vs. Nerves. Great mistakes have been made In the world, by supposing many nervous troubles were due to bad blood. This headache, tits, dizziness, sleeplessness, etc. are always due to weakness or irri­ tation of the nerves of the brain: dys­ pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of tbe nerves of the stomach: weak lungs Is caused by weakness of tbe parts: billloDsness, constipation, etc. to weak­ ness of tbe nerves of the liver or bowels: pains. Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nerves. For all weakness, Dr. Miles' great nerve and brain food surpasses all other remdies. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. Best cheek Ginghams, 7 cents, at HalPa, Nunda, All wool, western msde, Shirting Flannels only 32 cents. Don't fall to see them at Hall's, Nunda. Best unbleached Sheeting, 7 cents, at Hall's Nunda, Settlement Notice. All persons knowing themselves In­ debted by note or beok account, are requested to call and settle tbe same without delay, as having gone out of business it is desirable that I close my accounts as early as possible. My book?* can be found for the present In ths store of Jacob Bonslett. H. v. BaanuHPi McHenry, October 10th, 1888, ; Buoklon's Arnica Salvo. The best Salve in the wotld for outs orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required. it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 96 certs per box. For sale by G. W. Bmtnegg.yatiwg, * A choioe lino of Box Paper, at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," tho best Five Cent Cigar in the market, ; City residences for sale. Apply ts Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IU. Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal, Largest stock of underwear la town at Perry A Owen's. All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Bosloy's Drug store west side, IF you want a first class _ call on L. E. Bennett, over ! Owen's store. ________ FOK SALS. A large quantity of Shelled Ooftk tot sale at Bishop's Mill. * Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millin­ ery and Dress Making. "Carrv the news to Hannah,nthat the best , place to buy Ladiea Shoes is at Altboff Bros. Besley's Death to Bats Is sura and oertaln. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. • -! Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's,^ Candle's, a fine aisortment just Id­ ee i ye d at Story's Drag StOf»* Drink Besley's Ale and be heattiiy and happy • New styles of Rug Patterans, Bag Machines. For sale by Mrs. E. Lawlus. MIDDLINGS,* Corn Meal and Ground Feed at* rea­ sonable prices. Call and learn prlM at Bishop's Mill. Go to Althoff Bros, for Fine Shoos. The finest stock in town. ' The choicest brands of Clgan> to town, at Besley's Drug Store, Wtt* Side. . Try our teas; tbey are flue for v. small prloe. y JOHN EVAN SON A CDW W Machine Oil, best quality, 50 oents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side, _____ Cut-steel ornaments ror dress-mak ing only 15o. at Fitsslm nons A Hen derson's. If you. want to see tbe finest stoek : of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prices, call at Althoff Bros. Toilet articles, suon as are usually found In a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be had at Story's Drag Store. Bangs ! Ladies, use the Bissell's Fritting Iron to carl your bangs; they|save USM and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug store. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prloe in ,cash will be psid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox Blver Valley Mills, Mo- Henry, R. BIHOP, P. K. GRANGER, General Auction Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Tools, Household Furniture, of all kinds attended to oo th reasonable terms. Orders by mall will reoelve prompt attention. Address F. K. GRANOEB, West McHenry, 1% CliOOlg. TABLETS, TABLETS, : - Large and Small, For Pencil and Ibr Ink. 1 cent Tablets! 3 oent Tablets! 5 cent Tablets! 10 cent Tablets!. All to be found at J, A, Story's Drug Store. Also a full llue ef Pens, Penclla, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, scholars Companions, Penoll Sharpeners, Pen Wipers, etc., etc.. Everything that Scholars need to be found at the Scholars Headquarters J. A. Story's Drug Store. Our Campaign Bets, . That eur Ladles 91.50 button step* Is a winner _ r Tbat our Ladles 91.75 buflslo Ml grain shoe will carry tbe town. That our 92.00 line goat, Eld Don- fola and Glased Dongola make Me oss ticket. Our line of John Foster shoes takes tbe lead. Our red line nnderwear at' 75 cent* draws many votes. Our gray line underwear at 91.15 all wool will run ahead of anything In the county. Our Comforters at SOc 91.00 91JS 91.75 will make it warm for a good many. Our blankets at 90 cents are eorkera. Our line of diagonal Dress Goods af^ 12 cents are a bargain." Our 5 cant Ginghams are a safe investment. STQFFKL ft BLAKC. Tissue Paper, It is astonishing how much can 'W,: done in decorating a bome by this simple means. Complete out-fits for all kinds of paper flowers kept con­ stantly in stock at Julia A. Story's drug store. WE bave good underwear at 35 oents each. Extra good, heavy Beaver shawls 93.50. Good corsets 25 .cents, better at higher prices. We show yoa tbe finest line gents neckwear to tfe found west of Chicago. Men's over* shirts from 50 cents to 92.75. Rock- ford hosiery. JOHN KVANSON A Co, J Horse Blankets, Bed Blanketa at • • *VAHS<W'»r Dropped Physiologists estimate tbat the heart does 5.000,000 pounds of work each day. No wonder people drop dead with worn out hearts. Tbls eould be preventsd by Dr, Miles' new and great discovery, the New Cure. Always cam me aces when you first begin to get short of breath, have Weak, faint* or smothering Bpelis, pain or tenderness in side. etc.Bold at. Geo. W. Besley^ Drugstore. Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for Palf and Winter Millinery Good. ' ^ FRUIT and Vegetables of all klsds ak Altboff Bros. Marke t .* Look at Perry A Owen's big Ad. this week, • Call In and get measured for a ssbtar ?mts at 97, Don't pay 99 aadlH onr choice out of 200 samples* AM* have your clothes altered, fitted nod oleaoed. as he cae not be beat In doing a nice job* "A *?-• A A : ' A S'L.xZJLL ..-A2H

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