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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1888, p. 4

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Wg&mlaDAY. NOV. 14. 1888. Editor. May be found on PAPER file" at GBO. P. A OO-'S Kewipuper Advertising r«itl wh ere advertising YORK SpruM Street u; be it la *rx. , a V" m The Legislative Question Again. The PU*INDEAX.ER early In the cam­ paign, took the position that the Re- publlaans of this district could eleot three members of the Legislature, owlog to dlvlsiou In the Democratic Tanks, which resulted In the candidacy of Hon. E. M. Haines and Dan Flavin. We proved by the vote cast In 1882, <•4 and "86 that it was Impossible lor the opposition to elect either of their candidates w&ea they divided their vote. We now propose to analyze the vote just cast and see how it stands, In order to show to our readers that are were correct, and had our advioe been followed this district would now ' * occupy the proud position of being the banner Legislative district of the State of Illinois. Hon. CharUs B. Fuller, as candidate lor senator, received 8,272 votes. Southworth and Partridge have a total of 23,195; showing that they ran behind their ticket 1,621 votes. Flavin bad 6,968 votes and Haines 1$ 7.168. Now no sane man will claim for a moment that any Republican votes went to Flavin, but all know that the 1,621 which Southworth and Partridge lacked went to Haines. Let us take the Flavin vote of 6^968 and add it to tin Haines vote of 7,152, less the 1,621 Republican votes, and di­ vide the result by three, a?d we have 4,188 as the Democratic vote of the district. (Compare this with the of­ ficial vote and eee how near we are.) Add to the Southworth--Partridge vote these 1,621 and yon have 24,816 as the Republican vote of the district. This would give three candidates 8,272 votes each, or 1.304 votes more than Flavin, and Haines would have had but 5,531, or 2,741 votes less than the Republican candidates would have each received. But some will say that Mr. Haines would have got a large Republican vote in any case. Well, what of it ? Take the Bouthworth and Partridge vote of the 6th Inst, and di­ vide it among three candidates, it would give them 7,731 each, or 579 ypftee more than Haines had, even with his 1,621 Republican votes. These are facts and figures, and any man can satisfy himself as to their accuracy by comparing then with the official vote. All this goes te show that South- worth and Partridge are entitled to the Blue Ribbon as the biggest politi­ cal hogs in this district, Sinoe writing the above we have re­ ceived the official vote, and the figures above given only vary 27 votes from the actual count. A" W' 19* We hear some of our Demo­ cratic friends say, "Tammany Hall did it." Well, all we have to say is, .that If Tammany Hall did it, it is about the flr»t real good thing that they ever did do. Mfr" The sum of $100 was deposited In a Hartford, (Conn.) bank in 1824, and never drawn out, while the per­ son who placed It there has been dead for several years, The heirs to the money, who recently learnd of Its ex­ istence, will receive, besides the prin­ ciple ever 92,500, representing the ac­ crued interest. WSf The signs of the timet read thusly: Red bandannas te be used only fer blowing purposes. Mugwumps to the rear; the stars and stripes to the masthead. Loyalty at a premium. The British Lion will take a back seat, and General Ben. Harrison will take charge of the White House in March. Dakota will be permitted to come In among her sisters and not be kept out in the cold any longer. So "what's the matter with Harrison.' 19* The Harvard Independent says Hon. H. S. Williams informs us that the rat^ofxtaxatlon in Illinois this year, as adjusted by the board of equal!^atien, is only 44 cents on the hundr&cfdoll&r^. IK IS nine cents less on the hundred dollars than the rate of last year. This knocks the prop out of John M. Palmer's buncombe about reducing the 53 cent rate of tax* atlon. The Republican party has al­ ready adjusted that matter to the sat­ isfaction of reasonable men. After the SMtte. The political battle ls over. The victory is for the Republicans. Har­ rison and Morton are elected and the American Idea of protection Is vindi­ cated. The result Is one that every Intelligent citizen, who has the good of his country at heart, should rejoice. It indicates that, the nation will be given a safe and aggressive, though cautious administration after the 4tb of next March, and is a chilling re­ buke to the ponderous conceit of Pres­ ident Cleveland and his party. It 1s a great triumph of the people over dem­ agogue statesmanship and boodle politicians, and proves beyond a doubt that free trade is not wanted in the United States. It has been a Waterloo for the Dem­ ocrats--a defeat from which they can­ not expect to railv. The next Congress will be Republican in both branches, which will mean the admission of Dakota and other new states, and an' Increased vote and strength for the Re* publican party. It'toeaoa the dissolu­ tion of the Solid £outh as a political factor, and, as a consequence, the weakening and disintegration of the Democracy. But let Damocracy go; it will not be missed; and the country will still live, prosperous and free. Wv,'• . ; The Eighth District Tfc^followlng is the vote In the ith Senatorial District on the 6th, Inst., forSeoator and' Representatives, by counties: BOONS. SENATOR. aX* FftUor •***. it7 . REPRESENTATIVES* O. A. Partridge 3084 G. S South worth 3036 D. H. Flavin ... ... MS E. M. Haines.... ........... ••••v.*. ...a ... $12 S. S. wells*... ... LAKE. f , SENATOR. O.B. l-mier...*. REPRESENTATIVES. A. Partridge (*. 8. Southworth M .... D. U. Flavin... ..... ..... K, M. Haines B* S. Weila... - McHENRY. SENATOR. O, K. Fuller ......... REPRESENTATIVES. C. A. Partridge G. S. Southworth.... ... ....... ... E. M. liaines , D. H. Flavin E.8..Well s ....... Partridge, Haines and Southworth are elected as the three representa­ tives. WSG 8*43 2895 8051 849 4448 5037 3489 3430 1079 19* The failure of the Hqn. Chas. E. Fuller to speak to trfe Republicans at their last grand Rally In this village on Monday evening, Nov. 5th, as ad­ vertised, wss a disappointment to his many friends here, but a previous en­ gagement to speak at Marengo, was the rause. A few unprincipled and lying sneaks undertook to make a little capital eut of it on election day, but like a boomerang, it reacted upon its authors. The following from the Marengo Republican of Saturday last proves where Mr Fuller was on the evening stated, and that what we laid at the slme was true: The Republican Rally on Monday evening, despite the darkness and rain was a complete success. Hon. Chas. E. Fuller addressed an audience that filled the Opera Heuse from rostrum to gallery. His address occupied an hour and a half, and was one of the clearest, most forcible speeches made here during the campaign. He held the undivided attention of his audi­ ence throughout and was frequently and rapturously applauded. WAs we briefly noticed laat week, the dirty sneaks who control the columns of the Cleveland and Flavin organ, at Woodstock, undertook to make capital for their gasping candi­ date lor the Legislature at our ex­ pense. As we said last week their charges were cowardly lies, made out of whole cloth, but thought then, as we do now, that any denial of charges made by these mud slingers was un­ called for as they would not be believed under oath, even by mem­ bers of their own party. But as this lie was so bare-faced we had a mind to show them up In their true light, but remembering our rule not to strike a cripple, a fool, or an enemy when down, we refrain for tbe present. But we may in the near future give them a bit of history that will not set well on their stomachs. Stand from under. tBP Butter was active en the Elgin, 111. Board of Trade, Monday, selling rapidly at 29} cents, an advance of twe cents. The sales were 14,760 pounds for |4,354. The Lake Geneva Herald says "One of the pleasant features of election day wai the procession of the i llfft Vote Club to the polls. The !l»y*.«ome 26 In number formed In line near the Herald office (which furbished four first voters) and with feMiMBS marched to all the psBing places in the cl ty. All of the m voted for Harrison and protection. At the first ward they came up just as Mr. James Taylor and Mr. A. C Wheeler bad cast their ballot for the i ticket, both of whom had then d seventeen times for president, sir first vote for James Monroe in They were 01 and 90 years re- Ively end are-hale and hearty and votes show that they possess a > of sense. The meeting of so »w v<9ters and two so old was a LoplnoMtoMi** EX-SPEAKER OF THE ASSEM­ BLY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. STATE OF NEW YORK, ALBANY, APRIL 16, 1886. My family for the past twelve years have been using Allcock's Porous Plas­ ters, and have found them wonderfully efficacious <n coughs, colds, and pains In the side and back. About ten years ago I was thrown from a wagon and badly bruised. In three days these plasters entirely re­ moved the palu and soreness. Twice they have cured me of colds which have threatened pulmonary trouble. They also cured my son of rheumatism in the shoulder, from which he suflered two years. JAMKS W. HOSTED. Renews Her Youth. Mrs Phuibe Chesley, of Peterson, Clay Co., iowa, tells the following re markable story, the truth of which is vouched for by tbe residents of the town: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness and am able to do my own housework, owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and re moved completly all disease and Pain.,1 Try a bottle, 50 cents and 81.00. at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Go to Althoff Bros, for Floe Shoef. Thfi flneit stuck In iflgn Jmuranl. Ttot Western Hural and American Slockman, of Chicago, makes Its weekly v|sita.{o nur sauctum, and we are afiordte) much pleasure and prof* fit in Its pertMal. It Is uot only onS of the largest and best journals of it| class, bnt tbe handsomest In Its dress from new type. We commend the Hural and Stockman to our readers for the reason that it technically rep­ resents, In an able manner, the leading Industry in our country, and for the further reason that it is au advocate of the people's rights, and is a reform paper In the highest sense of tbe yea™" ^u")8cr'Pt'on price #150 per For particulars, address, • MILTOK GIORQK, Proprietor, Chicago, III, V* J. Barbian. BAR8IAN X J. Barbian. BROS. Wholesale and DEALERS I1C FINE CIGARS, ILLINOIS, * Having leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a' retail store, where, at till times can be found flno cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the beat brands. FIP1S A SPECIALTY, S We hare a very large assortment and some very handsome patterne. . CALL AND SEE US. BARB1AW BKOS. Mcflenry, November 13th, 1888. Small .'IF D«i JSfc' WHY OUR SALES Every article of Merchandise a primary consideration with us We treat all wjth the same de­ gree of fairness. Nothing slight­ ed. AU goods selected in that careful painstaking manner so conspicuous with a merchant whose tirst t'hought is his pat­ rons. The consumer •J ROCKFORD FLANNELS, H0SE AND YASHS, • BJL.AJVKETSIa m/wi . 'J • y fiti^ scanet * - ; UNDERWEAR, AT '81.00, , IS A BUSTER. MIIS T BE HAVE NO BAITS! But a careful examination of oar prices and quality of goods throughout our entire stock will bear us out in all the assertions we make, and will convince all who will take the pains to compare that WE ABE NOT IIBEBSQU By any dealer In the oonnty, but that we can and do undersell credit stores. We, as well as tail who have given the matter any thought, know that we can undersell any credit merchant and yet get as much for our trouble, and this we arc bound to do to en­ courage all to pay cash far whatever they may need in our line. We shall always Work for the Interest 07 OUE OJSTOM^RS, Aud for this reason we endeavor to keep a class of goods that, will give the consumer perfect satisfaction, ratner than a class of goods . - ; " CHEAP litMCE, -BUT- DEAR AT m PRICE. We shall be pleased to have all who are In­ terested in making and saving money to give us a call, for our'Stock is complete and Boob Arriving Ce&stuitly. We are also prepared to offer MIL LSTUFFS by the ton or carat uniformly No trouble te show Goods, and prioes gtec'< ly quoted whether goods are wanted or BOX YOURS RESPECTFULLT, J.W. CRISTY& SON. mm F°1 CONSUMPfl' It has permanently cured THOUSAND* of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, &c., don't delay, but use- PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION Immediately. Bjr Druggigta. Sficeata^ Pleased. tVe know that its our purpose to please him and we were never in so good a shape to do it as now. Counters and shelves absolutely crowded with the best and sales grefwing larger every day. AT BARGAINS. ETNEa SHOES. *7'l School Sbtii§i pf the best in the land. Ladies' Fine Shoes in abundance. Dress Goods in wool, from 12 1-2 cents to $1.25 per yard. Toboggans, new and stylish, and every article marked on a basis ot Cash Profits, Come! • It will pay you. A. MURPHY Goods House OF M'HENRY BOUNTY. We have now in at goods than any flvo storSs In Mctlenry Count5 k a complete line of Fall and Winter Goods. We buy and sell more is In Mctlenry County, and In buying lu such largo quantities It en­ ables us to buy some goods lower th»n those buying jn a small way, which gives the people a better opportunity to select Irom our stock of New and Seasonable Goods what thev want than buying from small concerns which carry a line of old and cheap goods. We have this tall bought a larger stock than ever, and will sell them at prices that will defy any compe­ tition. We are pleased to see the rich and poor, and will sell to them for money or without money. We are the only house in the city which carries a complete line of Colored or Black Silk Velvets and Flushes, Serges OTTOMANS, DRAP D' ALMAS, CA8HMEREK, Henrietta Cloth, Ladies' Broadcloths, Tricots, and all other kinds of Dress Goods at astonishingly low prices. White, Red and Gray Wool Blankets, Woolen Yarns. Table Linens, Gloves. Hosiers, and a beautiful line of Notions of all kinds. Our etock of Ladies' and Gents', Boy's and Man's UNDERWEAH. in white and all colors, is the nost complete assortment in the city. We offer Children's Combination Suits reduced to 26 and 60 cents former prices 50 cents and *1.00. • • CLOAKS I CLOAKS! The largest stock of tftese goods in the etty at oar store.--in Ladles' Seat Plnsh New. markets, Seal Plush Sacques, seal Plush Jackets, Oloth Newmarkete* Cloth Jackets, Cloth llodjeskas, and Misses' and Children's Cloaks. Also, we inako to (onjer any style of <;loak wanted, at prices lower than any bouse in the city. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING I we have the largest stock In the County in Men,s and Boy's SUIT3 and OVERCOATS, In all sizes and grades. About one hundred Coats for Men, worth flO, which we will sell for #2 and $3 each. Call eaily and make your choice before they are all gone. TRUNKS* OIL CLOTHS. CARPETINGS, - I WINDOW FIXTURES, LACE CURTAINS #iALL PAPER, ETC,, ETC. soon and buy what you want. NEW GROCERIES, And Lowest Prices in the City. 14 pounds A Sugar for $1.00 M pounds extra white C Sngar for .... ...1.00 I3K pounds Granulated Sugar for ...1,00 35 cent Tea for .. jiii*.. <26 cents 7 pounds Rio Coffee for... ... ......... >1.00 Rest roasted Kio for......* .4..........'20ccnts Best Prunes for *... .3 cents Yeant Cakee.. ... ...........4 cents Candles cents Smoking Tobacco 20 cents Plug Tobacco ......ft) cents Pine Cut Tobacco...............JJi cents Best Snow vVhite Kerosene 12>f cents Choice Tea 20 cents Medium Quality Tea 15 cents Calicoes : 3 cents and 6 cents Bine Calico Best Gingham..., Bedquilts ... Table Linen . Herj;e Dross Goods Men's Black Hats., Men's Gray Hats Boy's Stilts Boy's Hats Roy's Pants Men's suits Boy's.Shoos Men's Boots A f.5.oo l adies Fine Ladies (ioat *hoes. Ladies Kid 4hoes.. ....... ...... 6K cents ..4 ............7 cents " ° .....63 cents ,85 cen .14^4 cen ...80 cen .. iiG cen $1 •30^ Shoe 10 ce 30 cen W OO, $8.00 op to $1U ...60 cen «1.60 tu *:i tor #i, ......»ioo, ti.r>o, *•> ...f 1.26,01.60, *1 We also have a first-class Tailor, and before placing your order call and see us and we will .ioods of any kind will And them in our Mllll- i county. WlMn yoa visit our eity B. A. MURPHY A CO;, Woodstook. mmj devoiit bfcetheren* rejoicing Republicans, mourning D«tnocrato, wd the tturegencrutetl uu goaoriil prin­ ciple i. I am fomn^ the te- liet on m>selt vhat jou ail did your duty at the polls intQlli- gen tly. Some of you owe bete and all bets are illegal* but I bay to you pay them fairly and squarely, and sin no more Is my advice. Then skirmish around lor your winter supply lor yourself and family, buy only good merchandise, and buy that on smwll profits to the seller. This can uot bo accom­ plished everywhere, but there is a place on the WEST SIDE, where the people, even after Election, are CANDIDATES _for youf PATRONAGE and grg-ood will; still pulling all the. wires possible and making ex­ traordinary efforts to convince you that they are doing all th<\? promise, and will not ; '• . abuse vour conli lence, but warrant their wares and prices I5 .allcomem."- • 1 ' * " ^ ' f ^ If Your Wife or Daughters Need CLOAKS, Dress Goods, Underwear, 1 *, & , > i A Or any Winter Goods. then don't fall to tro' ta nur regntar *«»«% f&r trade tWrtrstitt-"5* a * A'AI V^.. tliarn will NN.< a full u^/.lr ft*1 TY!?!. IWII BlClii ® --t '"i v Gray | mixed, 25c, 4Bc, 80c to #1.90, all bargains. Rrd mixed or striped only 76c, worth90c. Ladies real Camel's Hair Vests, 90c; fine natural wool. 10c to $1.95; Children's scarlet all wool 25c to 80c, Call in and get posted on our j£00<ls* € .i. ®,ae,|"1T 'afg® ftsMftment of OvereottB, light, medium or heavv, Ulsters or Dress Coats, elegantly made, most stylishlcleths, to lit all from a three year old boy te mam'size. 46. Boys w'6'Y°uthS'Young Men's fancy, to |t2; Men's heavy, double breasteu, i; QLOVES, MITTENS, ROBES OR CAPS, : And don't forget they have the goods and make appreciative prices too^ ' Tricots, Oresa Flannels, Blankets. 1 pair scarlet all wool 10-4 Be«f Blankets, for $2.75; 1 pair 10-4 whitoall wool, |3.00; 1 pair white Blankets. fl5 cents, Try our •4- ^ fiid Jacket, Eskimo a&d Btpablic Tilt Esott. * -And Cover them with- CANDEB RUBBERS* , > M • *< '« Buy the 0. H. Fargo custom made Boots and Shoes, a ad don't [forget oitr 10 cent Tea Dast sells too fast. Our 25lcent whole leaf Japan has no equal. To eall on us once moans eali agaii*. , hI TOUES RESPECTFULLY* ^ * v -jt .* L*/-»>•" *• ' 'T? BON SLETT & STOFFEL; % More Special Bargains. To close out gome lines of Ladies fine Shoes and make room lor our extra large iall stock, wo have marked down prices as follow#: Ladies' $4.25 Fine Kid Shoe, marked down to $3.50. " 4.00 Fine mat. Kid •' #r;' 3.50, «•' 3.50 Fine Kid " r'i x 3.00. «« 3.00 « » " 2,50. " 3.25 straight grain Kid " % ^ 2.75. Misses ^.00 Fine Goat " '* -1.50. . , ? AboAe goods are all warranted and me special bargain^ Call and secure a fit. ' * . nt Four cents, beautiful patterns for comfortables, unbleached Sheer­ ing, 5 cents, good Cotton Flannel, 6 cents Iwry Twlliid B«d flanul ^ Crnts, all Wool. Large white IJed Blaukets $1.00, great value shades in fine, all wool * - * f-,: Thirty-six inches wide, at 35 cents per yard, the greatest bargain in the world Largest stock of . In town. Men's heavy Underwear at 99 cents; a big bargain. le's famous . U. 1 Underwear at Others ) Swits Conde selling for more. Considered cheap at $1,50 I CLOTHING. | We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4 50, worth $600* We fiave a fine line ot Clothing Try as once We have a large line ot ' t , , . . . Ladies liud Misses Cloaks, v /"• ' : And more coming in every week; we can beat them all in prioeft this year. Look at above bargaius and 3d! I on Us before buying^ as we will save you lots of money. "M ".'M •/'iS 4 -*•" •ttJ'- * - ' r. j.vj .* - k̂ .K.2. ... . ̂ .. *•&. .> i/ls... .xtud>.ŝ . J? . ,r. ^ J. xA. W . . .. ...PS. i,«... S ....

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