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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1888, p. 5

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wmm m WEMTESDAY, " v K M X ' . „v : •>,-*£ st* '•te&toeiiiB NOV. Railroad Tittle Table. Taking effect Jane 10th, trftina Will pftM lltltuif Btatfon daily, as follows: OOIWRO SOUTH. | Lake GENET*Passenger ....7:28 A. x I Cake Geneva Ispnu 8:22 " I Lake Geneva Freight 2-.oo P. m t Lake Geneva Passenger............ 8:26 •« ogiiro iroBTitv * t Lake Geneva Freight ...»*U A. * X Lake 3eneTa Paaaenger 9:56 » t Lake SenevaTtxproas 4:86r. M t Lake Geneva PaeMnrer 6 :ftl " t Daily except Sunday. B. BUM. Agent. MeHenrr, 111 MASONIC. MoHENBr LODGE, Na 158 A. F, and A. M.-- alar Communication* the Seoond am th Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKE, W. BB "Crystal Slipper" is underlined for to early production it the Chicago Opera Hoos4 MB. SLADB'S subject next Sunday Uiornlng will be "The Prodigal Son.'V l*V;%nd In the evening, "The Sin against the Holy Ghost." AN exchange assures as that the iprlce of nails remains the same, not­ withstanding the large number used ^ln nailing Ilea. WB are Informed that there will be »Thanksgiving Party at the Parker ; House, on the 99th. Particulars next week. READ Ibe new advertisements^*/ John Evanson & Co., Bonslett & Stbf- fel and Barbian Bros., to be found In another place In this paper. ^ RBMEMBER the Thanksgiving Pirty, %t the Riverside House, on Thursday •fining, November 29th. The best of 1c will be in attendance. Look for the tickets soon. THE ladles of the Willing Worker's Society will give a Harvest Home Sup­ per, on Friday evening, November 13rd, at the City Hall. Particulars next week. WE protest against the outrage Started by some of our tonsorlal ar­ tists of charglqg Democrat*) an extra pickle for a shave because their faces appear a little longer., since election. It ain't fair. boys. "JAMBS LADD will have an Auction 8ale of a car of new Milch Cows, at the Stock Tarda, In this village, on Tuesday next, November 20th, at 9 o'clock A. M. F. K. Granger will be the Auctioneer. THBBB will be a special Communi­ cation of MeHenry Lodge No*. 158, A. F and A. M., on Monday evening next. Nov. 19th. Work on the Entered Apprentice Degree. Every member Is earnestly requested to be present. IN A-few weeks Bolossy Kirally Will present a new spectacle at the Chi* cago Opera House to be given for the holidays. It Is called "Nald; the Water Queen" and will be full of nov­ elties, which he has reoently brought from Europe. THE best 6C calico in town for com­ fortables. New jackets, all sizes, less than halt price. Black dress goods, fancy trimmings and linings a spec­ ialty. Ask to see oar bed spreads, lace curtains and pillow shams* j|| the Ladles* Salesroom. Miss ELLA SPAULDINQ, tn the JNJckol's Block, is now prepared to |o all kinds of dressmaking, at short tiotice, and guarantee satisfaction. All work left with her will receive prompt attention. Give her a call if iron want any thing in this line, ATTBBTIOM IS called to the card ol Dr. Osborne, to be found on the first "page of this paper. The Doctor has decided to settle permanently in this place and will remove his family here at once. He lomes highly recom­ mended as a Physician' and we believe |s fully entitled to the confidence of pur people. E are requested to give notice on Friday afternoon next there ' will be rhetorical and other excercise? atjhe public school, In this village. It will also be Longfellow day and the biographies etc., will be selected from jongfello -v's worta. Citizens and pttreaa if the sutflwl are respectfully Invited to be present on this occasion, BY the Richmond Gazette ef last week we learn of the marriage of Mr. John A. Connel and Miss Cora Dennl son, both of Richmond. Mr. Oonnel Is one of Uncle Sam's most faithful mali agents, and his many friends In MeHenry oounty will join with us in wishing the happy pair ban voyopn on the sea matrimonial. THE election Is past and GONE and ^ . now comes the time when tbo6e who • declared that after the election they < would de so and so" are given an op­ portunity to put their resolutions into \ effect. The candidates arm will be^ • allowed to resame Its normal conditio once more, a«d the persons Who bet «n the wrong man must settle u& and take precautions not to let his efithusl< asmruaaway with him again. # THB following exoellent adtice Is given by an exchange, and we hope 'our readers will profit by It: "When the fruit Is gathered in and the farmer geta his "tinwhen the fodder's in the shock and the corn Is in the bin; when the frost is on the pompkins and the cellar's full of somethlo'; when the «tock la in the market, and the fruit to town Is carted;* When the biting winds foretell the swift approaching winter, don't forget to call and see the trustful, lonesome printer tt' A- •* J* > i £ p . r e t l- W % I w f x rcmoirai. - E. E. THOMAS, of Woodstock, was Calling on friends here on Sunday. DR. W. W. COOK, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Monday. FKED COLBY and wife,of Englewood spent Sunday with friends In this vilage. E. M. OWEN, who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, is slowly Improving. , HENRT MCOMBER has been on the sick list the past week but is now reported better. W. P. STEVENS went to Des Moines. Iowa, on Monday, as delegate to the Head Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America.. THE Ladles' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universal 1st Church, will meet with Mis.. H. McOmber, Friday afternoon, No vis sa­ ber J8tb. MRS. W. A. CRTSTT, President, B8.0. N. OWEX, Secretary. THE body of Norman Hendrlckson, who was drowned in Pistaqua Bay on the 4th Inst., wag found on Monday afternoon last, after being in the water nine days. His parents, who have been almost erased by the sad affliction, have the heartfelt sympathy of all. IN another column can be found a ntfw advertisement of Barbian Bros., wholesale and retail dealers in Cigars and Tobacco, who have just taken posession of the brick building vacated by J. Pekovsky, one door south of the Post Office, and fitted It up In superb style as a wholesale and retail Cigar and Tobacco Store. They have also a full line of Pipes, to which they invite the especial attention of the smoking public. Read their advertisement. THERE are some things that a level headed human being should never do. Among these is to kindle a fire with kerosene oil, to walk on a railroad track, to attempt to get on a moving train, to point a gun or pistol at an­ other, to put his tlame on another man's note, to keep his savings in an old stocking under the bed, to play a game of chance with a prepossessing stranger, to run for offl?e when he hns a paying position In private life, or to call a bigger man than yourself a liar. THE following apology by the edi­ tor of the Rosatto, W. T. Bustler will be accepted by all who read It: "While engaged in our sanctum the other day preparing an editorial upon a favor­ ite subject, of ours one of Dave Anderson's razorback hogs came to the rear of our office and. began rub­ bing hia back against the corner of the building. We were obliged to lay down the pen, crawl on our hands and knees to the offending porker and welt him on the side with a column rule. This Interrupted our train of thought, and our editorial was not what we would wish It.11 PATENTS granted to citizens of the state of Illinois during the past week. Reported for this paper by C. A. Snow and Co., patent lawyers, opposite U. S, Pat. Offioe, Washington, D. C. J. W. Bartlett Moline, Riveting machine. J, G. Davy, Dekalb, sewing machine nemmer. Matthew W. Ennes, Carlln- vllle, soil pulverising machine, P. Enzauler, Red Bud, straw carrier for threshing machines. Richard W. Illlf, Hlnsdales, bridle for paint brushes, d. A. Kerns, Rock Island, wheel plow. C. Kistler,.Sterling. watch. J.T.Lee, Mattoon, balanced valve. D. O.Loy, Montlcello, Interlocking tile. J. Skin­ ner, Newman, water tank. W. Snow. Waverly. shaft tug. L. Sweet, Leaml, vehicle shaft support, W. R. White, Neoga, gate securing device, H. Wei- gaud, Banville, manufacture of starch. Chicago Opera Hou so. THE McCaul Opera Company is now playing their annual engagement at the Chicago Opera House to the usual enormous business. McCaul's Company is, and has been for years recognized as the strongest comic organization in this country, not ouly on the score of comedians but vocally, the quality of the company has alwas been tar In ad­ vance ot any other in this country. The present opera is the "Lady or the Tiger?" a piece built by Sydney Res enieldt out of the slender stetch by Frank Stockton. In the bands of Mr. Rosenfeldt a great deal of humor is extracted irom the plot, and the music is of the liveliest and most catching character. The chorus is one of the great features of this company. It numbers over fifty voices and is pow­ erful and well trained, and comprises the following people; De Wolf Hop­ per, Laura Joyce-Bell, Digby Bell, Josephine Knapp, Herbert Crlpps, An­ gel Barbara, Eugene Ondln, Annie Myers. Jefferson De Angells, John W. Rafluel, Ltndley Morrison, Louis Shr'a- der, Herr Adolph Nowak, musical di­ rector, Madame Mathilda Cottrelly. Supetvlsor. Attention Democrats. Meeting Saturday evening Novem­ ber 17th at Helmer's Hall. Every member requested to attend The person who took a lantern from He liner's saloon on the night of parade ,7" please return it at once. BT ORDES PKBSIOINT. Look Here. Parties who can use the 150 deg. test SNOW WHITE kerosene oil by the barrel can save money by getting prices of the undersigned at his store In West MeHenry. ^ B. GILBEHT. November 12th 1883. Evanson's Order Department. We desire to anounce to our pa­ trons that we receive orders for any artlole not kept in stock and furnish them at a small advance above whole­ sale prices. We take your measure for a fine suit or overcoat, seal skin, plush er beaver cloaks, men's shirts etc* It will pay you to investigate this. We can save you money. Proceed fnats of the Trustees. ' MCHEPKY, November 9th, 1988, The Board met pursuant to adjourn­ ment. Present full board Minutes of last meeting rOad and approved. The following bills were presented, andlted and the elert ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the same: R Bishop, planing 9 M Englen, hardware .. Julia A Story, paint, etc... ..J Smith, Son A Co., lime.... ....... ...... W p Stevens, hardware... Wili»ur Lnmber Co., lumber ...... ..... Stoffei & Blake, otl Stevens A Miller,. *• 3 Gilbert " Perry A Owen •• Attboff liros •• ... Chr i s Hutson, work on GitrHall ..... Clarence Myers " " ...... E W Howe * . •» ...... Wm Davis ** ...... S McDonald • .. « Larry Welsh *£> ** ...... Nick Bishop "'•* •" " " ...... AC Granger " " Geo Curtis, service aa marihall F K Granger, expenses to Chicago. R A Howard " ...... P Hauperlsch " David Parker, street work P Uanperisch, repairaon engine.. ... Tbos. Murphv. care lamps, Nordquist & Weber, black smithing.... H V Stteppard, hardware Jacob Bonslett " ...: Geo Hothermel, labor oi:y HaU^....... Elgin Brick A Tile Co., brick J Van Slyke, pub. proceedings, etc... ISO ISO 473 48 73 13 UC 380 52 243 S 40 360 8 «0 330 SO 00 33d 42 SO 10 SO BSR 585 450 16 OS 25 00 750 750 7 SO 450 75 90 40 690 38 33 2060 200 saae 14 50 Trustee Granger made a verbal re peft In^jhp advertised sale of the old Counci^ppan Building, and sal 1 that a proper bid not being re* ceived, the sale was adjourned subject to the action of the Board. Bill of Neihs & Kielfgen, for paint­ ing new City Hall, was referred to the President and Trustees Crlsty and Walsh, and when the work was ac­ cepted by them an order would be drawn for the amount. On motion of Trustee Granger the members of the Board and clerk were allowed their aaiaries to date. A communication was received from Bonslett & Stoffei, Insurance agents, in relation to insuring the new City Hall building, and on motion"of Trus­ tee Granger, the President of the Board was instructed to insure the building for the sum of 91,800, at as low a rate as possible. Moved by Trustee Granger that the lamplighter, Tbos. Murphy, be em­ ployed to take care of tbe City Hall, build fires, sweep, titc., and that he be allowed 75 cents a meeting for the same; carried. The village constable having moved from tbe corporation, thereby making tbe office vacant, the matter of ap­ pointing a new one discussed, and on motion tbe consideration of the same was postponed until the next regular meeting. On motion tbe street com­ missioner was Instructed to procure a place to house the street sprinkler for the winter. Jos. Buck made statement that he wished to discontinue the saloon busi­ ness and desired to pay up to date and withdraw his note. Trustee -Granger moved that Mr. Buck be requested to pay his note of 9250 new due, and that tbe treasurer be Instructed to colleot the sum at once. After this, Mr. Buck could close hla saleon If he saw fit. The motion was carried unanimously. Moved that a committee of two be appointed by the president to procure three lamps for tbe large hall, in City Building, of the Rochester pattern, or better if they can And them. The president appointed as such commit­ tee. Trustees Parker and Walsh, > . On motion, adjourned, . R. A HOWAUD, President J. VAH SLYKB. Clerk. THS MeHenry Lecture Association propose to give a course of four lectures and one Musical Entertain­ ment. The following will be the pro­ gramme. J. S. Cartwell D. D. Lecture, Mary Queen of Scotts. Walter Scott Ralph, Lecture, Robert Burns, R. N. Alcott, Constantinople and vicinity. Conklin, Lecture, Subject to be announced hereafter. Concert by Home Talent. Tickets lor tbe course 00 cents. Those under 15 half price. Single ad­ mission 15 and 10 cents. In order to make this lecture course a success It is necessary that at least 100 season tickets be sold In advance. All tbe lectures will be held In the new City Hall. Tickets will be on sale at tbe usual places. Notices of tbe same hereafter. By Order of Committee of Arrangement*. THE Scientific American has pub­ lished a snake story that beats any­ thing we ever saw in print: *'lt tells bow a number or water snakes under­ took to draw the water from one pond to another which had gone dry. They all went to tbe scene of action and stretchod themselves out in a row, one ahead of another, then tbe secood snake took the tall of the first one In its mouth, the third snake taking tbe tall of tbe second in Its mouth, and so on down to the last snake which was in tbe dry pond while tbe other snake was in the water of the other pond. Then it Is related, they all crawled out of their skins, which tbrmed a si­ phon which transferred the water from one pond to tbe other. Will our readers please figure on this a little and see bow tbe bind snakes worked." New Rag Carpet. The Ladies of the Willing Workers Society have placed on sale at Perry & Owen's 25 yards new Rig Carpet at 60 centf per yard. < . : - B a n g s ; I . Ladies, use tbe Bisseli's Frizzing Iron to curl your bangs; they|eave time and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug s tore. Bucklen's Amies Ss The best Salve In tbe world for cuts, orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and poe- tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 35 oerts pec box. For sals bf G. W. Bealey, nuit cam learm of the amount by on John Helm, wfto is authorised to money and reMlftfor the same, in m. Those wishing to suoscribe can leave their names at hia store. Call on' him and get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDEALER At the oys­ ter supper on election night, there was apt much more tbsn the expenses re­ alized, as the excitement was running too htgb about that time to enjoy oys­ ters or anything elqg, but good news from..Harrison. Morton and Private Joe. DUD-November 7th, 1888, the wife of Frank Macheler. The deceased leave a husband and four small chli- dreu to mourn her loss. H. B. Throop arrived home Thurs­ day, of last week, from Michigan, with his new paoer, but the weather has been so bad since he arrived home that be has net been able to try It on tbe track yet. John Peter left for Des Moines, Io., on Monday of this week, where he goes as a delegate to the Head Camp of Modern Woodmen of America, which convenes on Tuesday, Novem­ ber 13th. John Helm has secured the agency for the Lightning Base Burning Feed Cooker and Tank Heater, manufac­ tured by Sbroudy & Miller, Rockford, III,, and any one In want of anything in that line would do well to examine this heater before purchasing else­ where. Cnole Fred Perry, of Dundee, wa« a caller in town on Monday of this week. The boys Intend to burn some pow­ der on Monday night ef this week In honor of the election of Harrison and Morion and also Private-Joe Fifer. Tbe cards are out for "the second social party, given by the Enterprise Club, at Pingry's Hall, oil Friday eve­ ning, November 16th. Music by Sear's orchestjra, of Cary. Tickets 50 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Panba moved from their farm into their residence on Main St. on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Kerns com­ menced housekeeping on Monday of this week. They occupy one of the Robert Shufeldt houses on tbe East side. Miss Lottie Kee Is quite sick. The Ladles' Sewing Society of tbe Congregational Church will meet" on Wednesday, Nov. Slst, at Mrs. E. A. Ford's. There are several of our citizens who are puttin on a good deal of style with new hats for the past few days, at Qrover's expense. RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDBALKR--Election passsd very quietly and the best of feeling prevailed among the opposing lines of ticket vendors. Elder Van Home held quarterly meeting on last Sabbath. A goodly number of the faithful partook of the holy sacrament. The new« A*J^BrilL Is well liked by tlue community. Father Simmoni voted ou Tuesday, the 6ih,^or Harrison and Morton. Tbe Democrats are very quiet and take^their medicine like little men. J. W. Smith has returned from Da­ kota, Jerry Smith is going to MoH >nry to live. Harrison, who haa been on the sick lisvis .batter,--" Mr. Wesley Ladd hai been making some improvements arouod his home in the village, which adds to the beauty of the place. The new sidewalk in front of the M. E. Church Is something that was needed. It greatly Improves ths cburob grounds. Mr. M. V. B. Spaulding la working up a fair trade in bis new store. Tbe cheese factory is taking In 7,000 pounds of milk per day. Mr. E. Hopper is golog to work In the cheese factory this winter. The post office is receiving more mall than ever before; the postmis­ tress is well liked by the community. The best husking time the farmers have had for years. •' . 1 "igg Buy ss You Votod-lntelllgsntly Buy tbe Red Jacket wool boot. Boy the L. Candee warranted rub­ bers. Buy Republlo and Eskimo wool boots, Buy C. H. Fargo's warranted boots and shoes. Buy the Rockford lined duck cloth­ ing. Bay Menasha flannels and tricots. Bny the plush cloak you promised her. v Buy your overcoat from oar large stock. Buy yonr gloves and mittens of us cheap. Buy your underwear from 25c to $1.90. Buy your mother In-law a fine plush cloak for 918.00, Buy a pair of all-wool blankets for 92 75: Buy a pair of 5-a horse blankets ef us. Investigate, c tmpare; take home some of our bargain cloaks,' saques, wraps, jackets, overcoats, clothing, underwear- blankets, flannels. • YonT» Truly, ^ BQirgLBTT A BTOfin. I SRFFLTRKD wlth rheumatlsm in tbe shoulder for months and the only thing that did me any good was Sal vatfdta OU. It cured me and I recom­ mend it to all sufferers of said disease. N. UfcXAV, 1 Pearl st., Baltimore, Md The Wine for Rhematlem and Dropsy. Dropsical and. rheumatic person's find tbe use of Speer'e Port Grape Wine of New Jersey, of incalculable benefit. Its purity and valuable prop­ erties have given it a wide reputation among physicians throughout tbe coun try, and also In Europe, it Is excel­ lent for debilitated females, and is used In the best families In New Tork and Washington -as an evening family wine. For salt by druggists Ivvenrwhoret m, » • t - mil-1 . . . i m m Department LODGE DIRECTORY. M&SOS1&--A. F. and A. M, meet at Kasonle Hall oa evevy Wt and 3d Wednesday even- a«;s ot eaehniMith. Moorauf WOooitew OF AMEPKU.--Meet at ill every 2d and 4th Thursday even-Maaonio Hall ings of each month, vlted. Neighbor! cordially in- Mr. Hodge, of Nebraska, Is here for a visit. About thirty-five boxes of cigars satisfied the crowd Thursday night. Chris Brill reached his home tn Denmark on Saturday, In time to cele­ brate his father's' birthday. Frank Rowe started on Monday for Des Moines, Iowa, to attend the Head Camp of Modern Woodmen. Mrs. E. Walker, from Elgin, Is staying at her brother's, Wm. Hend­ rlckson. Kerosene and dry goods boxes must have been scarce articles In town Fri­ day morning. Two more weeks before Thanks­ giving, which la appointed for Nov. 29th. Fred Seaman went from Sprlrgfield on Wednesday to Minnesota, where bis sister resides. «' A first class tenor dram, wltb bell, and complete outfit, will be sold cheap Call on or address D. L. Rowe. Hebron, Illinois. Bulletins were received and read to a large crowd at Rowe's Hall every half hour on election night. It Is state i that a special train will carry a large number of Hebronites to Harvard to attend the ratification meeting held at that place to-night, (Monday.) Two hundred and twenty six Re­ publican, twenty Democratic and thlrteeu Prohibition votes were polled in this town on election day. Alva Housholder's ponies took another lively run on Thnlrsday. They started from the factory with the creatn wagon and ran to Alden, where they were stopped, the only damage being a badly demoralized wagon. The body of Norman Hendrickson, haa not yet been recovered, although persistent has been the search in every way and manner that could be thought of. Friends and neighbors have worked diligently but their efforts th is far have been unsuccessful. The bereaved family have the sympathy ot all. Tbe drowning of Norman Hendrlckson, with tbe results attend­ ing, is the saddest case that ever oc- cured In the history of ttls section of the oountry. Everyone who knew him was a friend to Norman. He was the main help and support at home, and a great favorite among his associates, aad bis sad death has cast, a gloom over the whole oommunlty. Patriotic little Hebron 1 Great was the Jubilee on Thursday evening when the election returns verified the report of a grand Republican vlotory. The school bell pealed forth the joy­ ful news, pro-tec-tion, for one whole hour. Hebron's cannon filed a 6alute every few minutes, and at Intervals the sky was Illuminated with roman candles, while on Main Street, a niaenifielent bonfire ;rolled many feet high isnd was kept bright and burning for three hours or more. Although the night* was dark and stormy the dem­ onstration called out a large crowd from all the surrounding oountry, many supposing for a time that tbe whole block on the east side was in flames. Men arrived breathless and mud-bespattered, dinner bells rung, whistles sounded, and the crowd cheered and sang until utterance was almost impossible. It was not a pre meditated Jollfioatlon but a generous outpouring of enthusiasm, at a moments notice. Boxes, barrels, witlt kerosene, tinder fuety and gasoline, •11 furnished by our business men, To create a brilliant light, a grand lllumlna. tion bright, In honor of President "Ben," They sang as they marched to and fre, They had to free their grateful hearts you know, For the votes they had east oa election day last, All had counted for Governor "Joe." Miss Cora Taylor commenced her first term of school at Greenwood on Monday gaornlng, We wish her suc­ cess. Mis May Lutz has resigned tbe position as teacher In the Primary Department of our school and we un­ derstand has gone to California. Miss Minnie Stone, as her successor, com- mer.ced her duties on Monday morn* log. ,, AUCTION SALE. , The heirs of tbe estate of Herman Benalkin. deceased, will sell at publio auction, on tbe premises,.In tbe village of Johnsburgh. on SATURDAY, NOV, 17, 1888, Commencing at 1 o'clock, P. M., a dwelling house, and one acre of land, wltb barn and out-buildings. TERMS OF SALE:--One-half ca9h. Balance on terms to suit purchaser. Two per cent, off for cash. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. WHAT is it makes George Edmonds so oool and placid, and how is it he does so much deep thinking? It is be­ cause he never allows himself to be harrassed with colds. He takes Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, he does. Call Irf and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay 99 and 910. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, aa he oaa not be beat ir- doing a nice Job. m „ E. LAWLUS, Tailor. The dry cold weather of the early winter months Is productive of a 8reat deal of croup among children. Moth­ ers should be on tbe lookout for It, and be prepared to arrest It as soon as the first symptoms appear. True croup never comes without a warning; a day or two before the attack the child will appear hoarse, and that symptom is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy is glveu as doon as this cough or* hoarseness appears, all danger and anxiety may be avoided; it has never failed, even in the most severe cases. There Is no danger In giving the rem­ edy for it oontains no injurious sub- Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. - f Go to Perry A Owen's for Overcoats and Clothing. Fodder Corn Binders at E. M. Owen A Son's, _________ For Coughs and Colds Take Story's "Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladies and Misses Cloaks at Perry & Owen's, Prices lower than anybodys. Bottom prices on Plows, at E. M. Owen & Sou's. Golden Machine OU at J. A. Story's Drugstore. Chevlots--the most stylish dresa- goods out, 49 oe^ts at Fltzsimmons & Henderson's. Perry & Owen have In a large stook for fall trade and are selling very cheap. Look at their Ad. 6THK Peerless Dyes, the best article on the market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and Colors, In un­ limited quantities. Mixed pal it by the pail or gallon at Story's Dont forsjet to see tba Thrashsr and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Son's. Besley's Extraot of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Heavy, all wool. Twilled Red Flannel at 21 cents, at Perry & Owen's, A rare bargain. Star. Belle City, Smally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son's. Fine all wool Dress Flannels, 36 lnqh wide, at 35 centa. Greatest bar­ gain In the world at Perry ft Owen's NBVBR fall to read ths advertise­ ment and looals of Bonslett & Stoffei as they are changed from week to WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash wlirbe paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- Henry. R.BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First & Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E, M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to husk an ear of corn if you get one of the corn Thresher and Separators, at E, M. Owen & Son's. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant ana last log at Storys. See our large Stook of Ladies and Misses fine Shoes. Prices the lowest at Perry & Owen's Swits conde's Flannels S. C. 1 Under­ wear 91*20. Others are selling for more money. At Perry & Owen's. FOR SALE, House' and Lot In this village, in good repair. Good outbuildings and first class water supply. For further particulars apply at this office. Heavy winter wraps only #1,60 at Fltzsimmons & Henderson's. All wool Tricots 20 centa at Fltz- almmons&Henderson's. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castofta, When she became Miaa, die dung to Castoria, > had Children, she gave them Castoria. M« P.--A Newrtoisoovery Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowels should never be acted on by Irritants like common pills, bran, eto., by a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. Toboggans from 15o to 91.50 at EvansonB', All new and stylish. Why not have a new Overcoat when you can get one for 94.48, at Hall's, Nunda. SEE HERB! The oldest, tbe largest, tbe best wholesale clothing house in Chicago, E. Lawlus Is ageut for. We bad or­ ders for five fine suits and overcoats last week at half of local prices. E. LAWLUS. Cigars and Tobacco, all tbe popular brands are found in our stock. J, A. Story's, . Call on Mrs. Confectionarlei E. Lawlus for chotoe StanOG. by G."W, •y1 -jC ' , w ' • • • • jr&t. J* * f" • • " * * ^ ' to ^ Coti4*x S ' . a A m . . » A : Geo. W. Besley, the druggists desires to inform his patrons that he Is agent for Chamberlain's Uough Remedy, the best and most reliable medicine for coughs, colds and croup. No one suf­ fering from a throat or lung trouble can use it without benefit. It will cure a severe cold io less time than any other medicine or treatment; it is the only known remedy that will pre­ vent croup. When yon desire a pleasant physic try Bt. Patrick's Pills. FOR SALE. A farm of 80 acres of land, with good bouse, 6°°d out-buildings, and good well of water. The above premises are situated in the town of Antloch. Lake County, 111,, three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information Inquire of D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or John Hen­ dricks, Spring Grove, ill. 17tf Blood vs. Nerves. Great mistakes have been made In tbe world, by supposing many nervous troubles were due to bad blood. This headache, tits, dizziness, sleeplessness, etc. are always due to weakness or Irri­ tation of the nervee of the brain: dys­ pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of tbe nerves of the stomach: weak lungs Is caused by weakness of tbe parts: billlousness, constipation, etc. to weak­ ness of the nerves of the liver or bowels: pains, Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nerves. For all weakness, Dr. Miles' great nerve and brain food surpasses all other remdies. Trial bottles free at Qjo. Besley's Drug Store. * FARM FOR SALE. ---- . Ttie tmderstgned offers for sate uis farm,consisting of 135 acres, situated 2} miles from Greenwood and 3 miles from Ringwood. Good House and Barn and plentv of water on the premises. Is a No 1 Dairy farm. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars Inquire of the undersigned, on the premises. J. E. 1IOPPBB. Dated Oct. 38th, 1888 19-iin. Tricots, Dress Flannels aad Under­ wear for the next ten days. Don't fail to supply yourself from thin sale. Joys - * % v - - A choice line of Box Paper, cheat at Besley's, West Side. 8XOKK the "Empire Cuban," best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale. Apply Lia W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal. Largest stock of underwear In town at Perry & Owen's. All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drag store west side, ^ IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry A / Owen's store. . FOR SALE. 2; A large quantity of Shelled Cdrh• ft**§ sale at Bishops Mill. ' ' 51 Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for ery and Dress Making. **Carrv the news to Hannah," that the beat place to buy Ladies Fine . Shoes is at Althoff Bros. Besley's Death to Rata Is sore and oertain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Plum-bsr-go-lne, tbe finest Wagon .^1 Grease ever used, a new thing, at 3 Besley's, ______ ^ Candles, a fine assortment joat re- ceived at Story's Drug Store. Drink Bealey'a Ale and he healthy and happy New styles of Rug Patterans, Rag - Machines. Fer sale by Mrs. E. Lawlus. V j MIDDLINGS,* Corn Meal and Ground Feed at rea>i| sonable prices. Call and learn prices at Bishop's Mill. M The choicest brands of Cigars In town, at Besley's Drug Store* Wqpt Side. Call in and see the best sewing Baa- obi ne lu the U.S.of America for the least money. E- LAWLUS. ; Machine Oil, best quality, 50 centa ' per gallon, at Besley's Drug 8tore« West Side, ______ Cut-steel ornaments for dress-mak ing only 15c. at Fitaslm noos & Hen derson's. If you want to see the finest stoek of Fine Shoes at the lowest prioea, call at Altbofl Bros, Cotton Batts of high grade only cents at Evansons'. SPECIAL BARGAINSALES. > - Toilet articles, sucu aa are usnil^f found in a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be bad at Story's Drag Store. The immense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been produoed to a great extent, by people, who hate, been cured by It telling their frleodt and neighbors of its good quslitlea ainl urging theiu to try it. Tue most ae* vere cold will soon yield to its sootti*1 ing ellects, For sale by G. W. Besley. .. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price la audi will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Me­ Henry, . R. BIHOP, F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. v Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming?' Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to oo the moat reasonable terms, Orders by mail will receive prompt attendee* Address > F. K. GRANGER, •» West MeHenry, HI, tfilt Por Schools. » ̂ • tABLETS, TABLETS, A Large and Small, For Pencil aad for Ink. 1 cent Tablets! 3 cent Tablets! 5 cant Tablets! 10 cent Tablets!. All to be found at J, A, Story's Qrug Store. Also a full line of Pens, Pencils,. Erasers, Slates, Sponges, Scholars Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pen- Wipers, etc., etc.. Everything that Scholars need to be found as tbe Scholars Headquarters J. A. iStory'a Drug Store. Tissue Paper. It ta astonishing bow machcaa be done in decorating a home by this > /-si; simple means. Complete out-fits for ki'V all kinds of paper flowers kept con-; stantly in stock at Julia A« Story1*',* drugstore. Dropped Dead. . Physiologists estimate that the : heart does 5,000,000 pounds of work ' ' \ | each day. No wonder people drop dead with worn out hearts. This could .. be prevented by Dr, Miles' new aud $11 great discovery, the New Cure. Always , cammeuces when you first begin to -.?V. short of breath, have weak, fait smothering spells, pain or tenderness * In side. etc. Sold at. Geo. W. Besley's Drug Store. Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for Fal| and Winter Millinery Good. FRUIT and Vegetables of all kinds at Althoff Bros.Market. Look at Perry & Owen's big Ad. this week, Good Coffee only 15 oent*. at HalPl 5 Nunda. <, J Try a pound of that 25 oentTea, at Hall's, Nunda. * , Boy's knee pants at 85o. Boy's good 4^ suits, 92.00. Wool, double knit caj>?, tf 3oc. Scotch, knit fancy giovea 32c. si Overalls 45o. Socks, from 3j»ate to --"**"~ 40c. Men's fiae^shoes, 91.85. Plow ~ J shoes, il.OO.^ - Bjy'e double tapped boots. 92.25/ m. Lawum, FARMERS TAKE NOTICE* ; I always give you the best prtoe for ^ wood, for my lowest priced " 4 " goods. >. XiAWM COUGH! and COUGH! and COUGH!?! What In the world is the reason you ill cough^and keep coughing and still keep trying interior medicines when Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup will positively relieve your cough at o iee ?. This is no advertising scheme, but aa actual fact, and we guarantee it. For sale by J. A. Story, MeHenry, and J. Humphrey, Waueouda, Druggist^.' HOW CAN PARENTS 4 Allow their children to cough "fipfy*5' * strain and cough aud esluiy says 4*0lir; it is only a little col J," and keep f irtg them cheap and rittngerous tae #ines, until they are down with ? fever or consumption, when they . be so easily relieved by Beggs.* Choi Cough Syrup? It has no superior, ~ few equals. For sale by J. A. B and John Humphrey. nr'f|W|i

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