i#BC. 13. 1888. [K. Editor. uwn May be found on at GEO. P. YORK- 3= the Elflo (m.) Board of XMdlf, 41,8*) pounds of butter oftertd ud 18,620 were sold, as BjOOO peands at 32 cents, 9.420 i omits, and 1.J00 at 33J oente. 1 The Democrats profess to be afraid that the Harrison lalstratlon will disregard the I Senrloe law; but what Itaer actu- f fear Is that said law will be vio lated by the removal of tbe men sp ited by the Cleveland administra tion la violation of Its provisions. Flour and Feed Mill, In by David Oliver, was tS o'clock on Tuesday workmen being killed sly and probably fatally Mill, as well as several talag frtitldlngs were totally de- The cause of the explosion >H yet known. ***** attempt wax maflirtiS® MOTJ- jQgtf moraine to destroy the Shufeldt ^ at Chicago, by dynamite It was a partial failure, itftteot remains the same, and goes that another hanging bee on scale la badly needed in Had thex attempt proved fol the loss of life and propertj bare been horrible tocontem- ' Those Democratic officials who that they cannot be removed 111 the expiration of a four years' terta of service are consoling them aelvaa with an illusion. The tenare-or- Oflbei act was repealed some time ago President Cleveland's official Pp||iwnil, and President-elect Harrl- therefore make removals as as he pleases. It ianot likely Iter teat he will act hastily in the matter. wa up Ing, thr one seri !««•* mm sa*all'eO*MM Oeafeesle*._ Reverend Sam Smalt has been Study ing the election returns, and he lately gave his prohibition friends, in Chick* ering Hall, New York, the results of his meditation In a talk on the "Quick and the Dead of Prohibition." He told his hearers that people did not take much interest in Prohibitionists, because they did'nt accomplish any thing. The people care tor tljpee wbov do something, said Mr. SmajH But we have, beenindiriglng simply In prophetic wind." Those who do it hereafter might as well go whistle In a graverard. When Sam Small goes Into a tight hereafter he is going to do something. Someone is going to get htt and someone is going to get hurt I don't believe in National Prohibi tion In politics. Hereafter I am goln* to have something practical about my principles, about my vote and about what I do. Principle is worth more to me than all the parties that ever tramped tbe globe. The liquor deal ers care nothing for party, Thev elect tbe men who will favor their cause, of whatever party they may be. I don't believe in letting the devil s crowd get ahead of me on a proposition of common sense. He went on to call attention to the fact that in fifty-two Congressional districts they had held the balance of power, and even in several states; and yet with all these advantages they had lost their opportunity because they had played party above princi ple. The prohibition party went Into this oampaign proposing as Its high est aim "to smash tbe Re publican party," In the hope to gather some thing for themselves out of tbe wrock. The Republican party declined to go to oiecee at their kind invitation, and they can find all the wreck they want nearer home. They have done some- thlng^o injure the cause of temper ance In New York, much to aid liquor in New Jersey, and nothing to injure it anywhere. The results of tbe campaign are such that some of the Eastern papers are predicting that they will never again be an 1 rnpor- tant factor in politics. And this is not unlikely, if they continue tbe policy they have thus far pursued. The worst of it Is, that the whole work of their party is in the' direction of crip pling and retarding the temperance movement. Their dogmatic and in tolerant bearing toward those wbo agree with them In their general aims, but differ with them as to methods bas Injured tbe cause they have at beart. The bitterness and virulence of their speakers and organs have, in some ca«es, driven out of the Prohibi tion pary those wbo had already joined It. Mr. Small is evidently capable of giving them valuable points. Whether they are capable of learning f^NMliog remains to be seen. it"Cleveland's Message Inside of this paper so far as length _ '.JW ordinary other 'repeats much that WAS con- In his message of a year ago i the tariff, and we think It irvrtb while for him to spend tiflMOn this question which lUtely heen settled at the polls, tng as be does, a doctrine, the which Is now bleaching in tbe »r wind. Tbe message will ibered as containing score > any other on record. roledo Bladei Tbe Blade i to oiler a word of kindly advice Ml lumber of Republicans who were ' fa official life, but were re- by. Democrats when Cleveland rU|to power, and It is this: Don't expoot to be reinstated. You have no mortgage on an appointment, and you > flad that the vast majority of ap- i under Harrison's adminlstra- wUI not be of men who were iders previously. New blood • sought for. Tbe thing has got id. Those wbq take tbls Ivioewill And that It to More Water for Fox River. We understand that a project is un der consideration and will probablv be carried out, for the draining into Fox river of tbe Muskego lakes, up in Waukeska county. Wisconsin. One of these lakes is four miles in length, the '4 other being but one, and that volume of water diverted In thif£direction would indeed be a valuable addition to Fox river. It would greatly im prove power all along the stream, and aside from sanitary considerations is a consumation devoutly to be wlfched for.--Aurora Post. A. J. Hopkins, member of 'Congress, again elected for another tetaa, came out of the contest with fiytagoolors. Hi| 10,000 majority In tboFlfth district amounts to more than a vindication and an approval of his totone as tbe representative of his in telligent and progressive constituency; It la the just reward o! great merit heartily bestowed. The people of this dtotrlot expected, wheu they sent him to Congress tbe first time, that be would certainly reflect honor upooe t*»eir cboloe,but they hardly looked to aqo jhlai ellmb so easily into place as a leader. Tbe people of DeKalb county > prtwder than ever to claim him as aaatlve of her free soil .--DeKalb Re A farmer living near Eagle lake, nty. was visited by a man ael- ftorn stalk binders, consisting of a about a foot long, with a string at. The farmer paid him which he received an order en more that would be dellv- i him at Beecber. He was re- also to sign a paper, stating Hijr bad made the purchase, the |iiiarklng that be wanted it as ooo lo oanvaasing. Thinking tbo farmer signed tbe paper, ago be received notice binders were await- ;aad about the same time agent oame along and pre a note for #200, signed by the filtlV and demanded settlement, farmer kicked, hut finally settled Consumption Cure#* An old physician, retired from prac tice, having placed in his hands by an East India missionary tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy and permanent cure of con sumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints; after having tested its wonderful cur ative powers in thousands of cases, baa felt it bis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in English, French or German, with full directions for using. Sect by mail by addressing with stamp, nam ing this paper. W. A. Noyes. 149 Pow er's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 14-20-eow-ly New Rag Carpet* The Ladies of the Willing Workers Society have placed on Hale at Perry & Owen's 25 yards new Rag Carpet at 80 cent* per yard. 1-:. you If so, btr A: pl>Tob'eo QefcQ2iicib vou should iie Afful Are « & bead Is for Felt Have, a fine stock of Ladies* and Gent's Un derwear at rock bottom prices. Just, step in our store *nd gaze on our Jx*r- gsiius jn Shoes. Cnn selT yon as robe for as little oney as tbejbesj^ o£ Ml. Have no accounts to '©lose into Profit and Can sell you Over coats at a baigain. * - > , * ' «H t"' •; * * AND KICKING TOO. • '^jr 'Vyr^ ^ against fie© vrcither, or dur nd£hboi*, we are simply ing down Just look over our line and compare prices. , - Extra heavy alt wool Weil Underwear...# 8rt i Men's ArUlna. first quality Kxtra heavy all wool Ur*y Underwear... 1 is Men's Alaskas, first vitality.... Ladle#' red woolen ex, line (Taderwaar.. J.00 Ladies' Arcttas/frst quality.. Children's red woolen Uuderwear ..tteupl m Mufflers, Shopping Bags, Wallets^ In Vush, riety. Leitther, Morocco and Combination^ in endless va- SHAWLS, BLANKETS, GUILTS, &L0VES. MITTENS, HATS, CAPS, FELT BOOTS. And s complete line of Footwear. Prices always tbe low YOUBS FOL TRAbEs 8T0FFEL & BLAKE. s the so^ts oft'credit stores on C ar pets, We still hive a few 1|ars of ^ioap that we 43&11 sell 35 bars tor $1, «nd you should try it. First come first served. Come and rig > our selves for Winter wh le the assortment is most complete. Thans you for past patronage and earnestly solicit a continuance ot ^lamo. BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Will Have i Larger Stock HOLIDAY GOODS. Theu over in|g ot Toys, Toilet Sets, Albums, Books, etc. w- , --Oia "which, they vrlll make- Infill UU(||H| ','ftjfil! HABULSSS 8FVB WIBB IS THE COMING FENCE General Merchandise Was Uf ver more complete than now. Call and get our prices beiore purchasing elsewhere. Special iaducements lor Cash Buy ers in sums from $5 up. MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Ground Feed at re a* aoDable prlcea. Call and learn prices at BUhop's Mill. Blood vs. Nerves. Great mintakes have been made in (he world, by sapponlrig many nervous Iroublee were due to bad blood. This headache, tlta. dfzzineas, aleepleuneaa, etc, are always due to weakness or IrrU tation of the nerves of the brain : dys pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of the nerves of the stomach: weak lungs IH caused by weakness of the part*; billiojasness, constipation, etc. to weak ness of the nerves of tbe liver or bowels: pains, Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nerves. For all weakness, Dr. Miles' great nerve and brain food surpnsses all other remdies. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley's Drue Htore. It Is much more easily seen by Stock than ordinary barb wire, there being more than twice tlie visible enrlace vre8ente,l to eyes of stock by this wire than by the twisted barb wire, thereby obviatin.c much of the danger of stock runDiog' against this fcnce. Sboula sue.h a thing by any means occur the contact would be harmless. Have been using it the past year and am satietia<! that it will turn stock as well as any barb wire, and 1 would be glad to sell every pound of barb wire that I have got on my place at one-half price In fact judging from the damage that I have had done to stock in the last three years, I think I would be tbe gainer It 1 should give it air ay and replaee It with Spar Wire. Do you want a fence that is stronger than any hard twisted bart- wire, giving the full strength of two wires and yet wlH go ten to fifteen per cent, farther for same number of pounds than any of tbe lonr pemt barb wires? Do you want a fence that .yon aad your neighbor can agree upon tor line fencing and thus save litigation? Do you want a fenee that baa been proven br many users to have alt tbe merits we have stated? If so you will find It for sale at B Gilberts, West McHenry, or at my farm, IX miles West of McHenry, on Woodstock road. SAMUEL SHERMAN. Also agent for Big Giant Feed Mill which grinds Corn, cob and all. flMwfaptr. to actoOlchlBf bow much can be ' /•!» flOooratlog a jboato by this •aw. Coapleta out-fits for of paper flowers kept oon- B stock at Jolia A. Story's CATARRH, Mantel Dtafniss and Hay Fmr. A HEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagions, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever, has proved this to be a fact and the result is that a simple remedy has been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.--For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DIXON & SON, 304 West King St., Toronto, Canada.--Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should lead the above carefully. K LAWLUS. -MERCHANT TAILOR-- Vow la the time to get your Clothes nude to order, for C. F. TORNOW, THE MERCHANT TAILOR, Of Nunda, is now with E. I>awlus and they are now ready to do anything in the Tailoring line at very low prices O K. Tornow Invites hlM friends from Crystal f.akeand vicinity amlalmthe people of McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect the goods and get prices, Priccb are aa low here as anywhere according to tbe goods. E. LAWLUS, . Merchant Tailor. Opposite Riverside House, McHenry, III. J. M. CILLILAND, -W i , -Deal* (n all XbuU of- SABO wood luubes Cither by Carload or Retail* NO, 270 SOUTH WAT$& $Tn CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Square Timber a Specialty. 7\' AGENTS WANTED ! To canvas for one of the largest, oldest established. BEST XHOWH KUBSEBIE8 'in the country. Most liberal terms. Un- KitibStwr 0E>EVi »»•»*»*. W. ft X- SMUTS, 0«M«a«S. %. : i/fsmm the common exclamation of those suffering with rheumatism or kidney trout Y either disease Paine's Celery Compound will surely effect a cure, and there will no longer b# S i; any cause to complain of "poor backs." " , i* ̂confirm our claims for that grand old 1 Two weeks ago I could not sleep was constipated and kidneys did not act, beck. Since I took Paine's Celery end I can sleep like a child." Zen as " Having been troubled with rheumatism to get around, and was very often con have used nearly all medicines imaginable, tage. Having seen Paine's Celery Com used only one bottle and am perfectly as a boy." Frank Caroli, Eureka, Nevada. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SEND FOR 8-PAGE TESTIMONIAL PAPER. (rWELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Proprietor* Hundreds of testimonials like the follow* remedy, Paines's Celery Compound: ' . more than an hour at a time any and had a good deal of pain in thf;.v<* . • • Compound the pain has left my back* > ~ ? v ' Sanders, West Windsor, Vermont." -» for five years, I was almost unabla* ' Y. * fined to my bed for weeks at a time. $ . ' 1,1 ' besides outside advices, but to no ad van- pound advertised, I gave it a trial. I hav« , cured. I can now jump around and fed Price, $i.oo. Six for $J.OO. m BURLINGTON, VERMONT. • a •If •*A»Algo their stock COLDINC Highest Mdrket Price paid for Farm Prodluee* STORE T^LK! Some splendid things here tor yon* No lack From Homely to Pretty, Cheap to Expensive. -- T O And lots of them to suit every taste and pocket book. All makes of Muslins and Ginghams, and we sell them close , flow foolish for us to upll you any but GOOD SHOES, We know what a good Shoe is as your experience with us will wliow. All widths, all sizes. Hundreds ot other articles in use daily though space will not allow enumerating. Everything in the Qftlabl# line, CANNED AND Dried and green sweet and sour as you prefer better and better by yoti UNCANNEDi We aim to do SEASON. Is soon upon us our store room with its present amount of goodf on hand is too small an d in order to make room toi the finest display OF HOLIDAY GOODS 1 Ever -»hown in this section, we inaugurate --COMMENCING December CONTINUE 1 NO AND €HIIiT'MAS Christmas anil New Tears will soon l>e here, and to properly observe these two f olldaltt everyone, matter ©J «uatem. courte«yT *eap#et«r (jrLan4sh>R aeMehlEg^«ee4 HOLIDAY PBESENI .1 That will possess lasting merit, as well as present an appearance pleasing to the eye, AMI worthy a place in memory. We will receive ithis week the largest, most varied, inexpen sive nssortmant of aliove goods ever shown in this conntjr, at prices that are a present on their faces, vix: Elegant Hanging Lamps for only f 175. f2 50 to 9&.09. Hall Lamps, Library Lamps, Faitoy l>ecorate<t Chamber Sets from $1.75 to $6.00, in new colors. Vaaes, ihipn. Mugs, uuspidores. Plates, Toilet and Phavlng Sets. Fancy Kruit Dishes, Water Seta, Castors, I ustre and G«1U Band Wave. Fancy GlasxSets, Trays, Comb Cases. Slipper HoMerSb /Tol(*-he»(1e<l Umbrellas, Albums, Collar and Oiiff Boxes, Silk Handkerchiefs and llnillef£ Fancy stationery, Gold Pens anu Penknives. A full stock of. Duriug which time we offer our entire stock Dress Flannels Tri cots, Henrietta Cloths in black and colors. Shirting Flannels, Cot ton Fknnels, Waterproof, Felt Boots and Uuderwear. Executor's Notice. RSTATE of Winslow Parker deceased i The undersigned having i»een apiMHnted Executor ot the last Will an.i Testament of Winslow Parker deceased, late ot the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give's Dotice that he will appear before tbe county Jourt of McHenry county, at the Court House iu Woodstock, at the Jan.-term on the first Monday in Jan. next, at wnicta time all per sons having claims against 8aii estate are no. tided and requested to attend for tbe purpose ot having the same adjusted. All psrsoasin lebted to said estate are requested to Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, SOtta day of Nov., A D. lfffa j Please Note a Few Lft iSNfP a" Wool Tricots, former price 50«Jto80e. have been reduced to 86. C ni'-'foH; double widths, former price to 25c, have I'cen cnt Worsted Drcng Goods, worth 15c to 20c, all goon in nt 1 c. Oo^lored Henriat .a tra high grade, and newest shades, worth from 55c to 75e, " ^"ol an" Hpttl H>apk Our BK.ckof Black (iowls ik deserving ot your inspection at c t «' oilk and wool, worth fi 25, reduced to$l 00. B*t»(h««T k riobe.i. tori ri>iinrpii tn ft* <*#nla KinAHiik lintHli Ronrietta cloth, 4(5 inch©® wine, only 67 cotits Kxtrri heavy'ali wo >l black Oielimere. former price 90 cents. f°duced to B5 ceniis 44_inclh black Cashmere, all wool, former price :" scarlet TwiHed Flanne^ 1»V mere former urlce 40 opnt*. re«1ucfWl to I27 centB. ^'1 wcn)I Siancs iwiiiea r IAHII^-i j&si cents. Ill It our Hockford Flannels re. luce a to agents, lowcstjPrteeserer Iknown Ai«> odds and ends in Shoes at half price. Children s Knee Pants, extra #»od, 00' eenis per^air. Stacks of Cori-ete fro n 25 cents up. Oome to this sale. It will pay you. One week Always the most for fcha least money •PT-A.TMIE: WAY DOWN PRICE! On our lis yet qulie complete stock of Cloaks, Jackets. Plushes, Rhawli. kets, Robes, et,«., and in fact on any warm goods, as we will not carrv over any goods if lo|r~ prices will sell them on easy terms; 10-4 all wool red Bert Rlanketa^lS 7ft, t3. IS. (4SO to |S.t8 per pair; heavy white all wool Bed Blankets. 93 CO, $3,75 to $6.00 per pair; good healthy Tea Out osly it sesli psr poasS, l» poinds l«r N MRU Aa usual we carry the world renowned : Xc-CANDEE RUBBER GOODS most desirable shapes aajt mo«t ressonable prices mads, quality oousiderei* Poatiac, Republic, Bed Jacket, ltd Eskimo Enit Wool Boot|| -HKOR MM AND BOYS,-- . luelt slzesand plenty oftbess. Kad 1WI by (mytag (ee4s right, by looklag our emg OverCaruiuily, uy aauiikung tuai tbe' iieal vauiivC be ivMi.ruw |inut wt tbe puuititk; mm||| uuuu<»kuut, oui wrutuur> n^rse seu»e whiou urn ibuerUeu but iwuuU vut by wtu«i pit**-" cuao«SHua luoir wont. uouioUIOUH. T ] \YOUR& RESPECTFULLT^ < % QCNSLETT & 6TOFFEL. -Ms •W\ .li "••j THE NEW HOTEL. John -iyt' z-Jkv; . iM?- •m-A it J: L % 'm 'Si ;rl M m •• ̂ s..i - ."r ; 7 ,</ '•i ':-:W First Class Hotel. Bates $1.00 per cUy or 25 cents per meal* Special Kates to traveling troupes. Good Sample Boom. Ni charges for sample trunks to and from depot. Free Bus to trains, Hood Stabling apd Livery at low rates, Proprietor ,£!•*. ICA.aJfc. -i . JSSfc, JS.4uSL.4A:.