V « •V m- £F. % STRBT WBD*E»I>A* J BY . VAN 8LYKB,- FEBITOB AJWD PBOPaiBTOa. ; » • * 'M&: r;,my ' M * , \ *Vf\ F»K^ OF SUB*0RIP*l01f. Office ill Bishop's --ONKMFTK PSKBT * OWBH'I 'I3W« Tear (is Advance) v. ;WSE If Not Paid within Three MOUTHS .. *00 siuosorfptions received for tkn« or six months ip the same proportion. W*. OSBOJIVE/ M.L T». PHYSICIAN AND 8WRGEOX. 0«ee at the Parker ROAM. West MoHenry. Galls promp.ly attended to day and night. PAUL BROWN, - * ATTORN AR AT R,\w. U. S. EXPRESS OO.*A . Building, 87 and 89 Washington 8FC CHICAGO. ILL. M. P. ELLSWORTH, 4 TTORNKT at UW, and Solicitor IB Ohas| JFLL eery, Nuada, 111. ;-1FE V; ! *!%• - k f Bates of Advertising. k' • announce liberal rates for advertising lb the PL,Aii?i>EA.t.EB, and endeavor to state them M plainly that they wilt be J«*4ily an. MntMd. They are «s follows: llnohon* year • • ' 80® t laches one rear - • • looD S Inches one year . . • • v» y 15.88 if Column one year . WOO if Column one year- . i * fr 60 00 Column one year .' •. # * > 10000 •tie inch means the measurement of one noh dawn the column,single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have tin privilege of changing as often as they IkMM, wit Mat extra charge. Smltt Advertisers (meaning thorn having (tanning cards) will be entitled to insertion ef local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 •enftS per Mne the first week, and Scents per tine for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged tt the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and Ioeats per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement willoost $1.00 for one week, $LB0 for two weeks, 18.00 for three teefcs, and so on. The PT.ATNDRALBH will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rulo, it will require a suitable fee from everybody ••eking the uae of its columns for pecuniary NIC, R D' BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. D. » ITSIOIAN AKU SU TTUEOK. 4HIM : W aesidence, McHenry, 111. PS® O. H. FEGER9, M, D- •> TSIOIAN AND SURGEOK, McHenry, Office at Residence. O. J- HOWARD, ML O. rMnrmoiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I III, OFFICE at Residence, one door West if It. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. dors solicited. Shop, i n Old McHenry, M letter Block, third door west of Riverside Sense. Or- McHenr; WmM IJJ^. • FT- ; C'. V . t - 'y . i'j : VY - RM-' }k** *- if N»<, £V-!&>'*•. - Livery Stable. proprietor. JIOTTFCFETE tates ILLBSFCDENVON short notice. . SC0IESSLE NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHBNRY, ITL Keeps open for the accommodation of the' Fsblic a First-Claae . Saloon and Restaurant, t.'-1 to bo found in the marfcet. Also Agent For [ ' FKANZ FALK'S 1LWA0KKK LOR BEER. Beer in Large er Small Kegs or Bottles al- FIRS ON hand, cheaper than any other, TUSW* TJF considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. wood #TAMjmf m* ,4R-OAU and eee as. Robert Schlessl#* ' "Weet McHenry. 11L :V ILL-" Jb. S&gls&'s riLOOH AND .RESTAUR iKT. MoHBNRY, ILLINOIS. J^e'. Jgaa Kentucky French Bitters, ^MnHfinry Lager J|g, --AKD- DRS. C. E. WN^LIAMS A D AH LIN. EN TISTS Residence Dundee. Will be *t McHenry, at Parker Houae, the 10th 11th 25th and '26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I ,wiH stay but one day. ASA W SMITH, 1W and Ohanoery.--Woodstock, 11L ^TTORNBY AT LAW and Bolioii JOSLTN * OISER/N":'-5.,:% ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WOODSTOCK ;M AH business will receive prompt atten tion. MARY G. BARBIAN. ^ WORKER. All kit.de of H*ir Work done in Bret class styte and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north east corner of Pu blic Square, MeHenry, 111. TTAIR 11 Wo ScMitz Miliaita M any quantity from * Snite QltUs to 5C0 barrels, t ̂ , 4 AT WHOBLSALE OR BErAIL Beer In bettles, kega^jfnr tm* «« tfeeap »a tt» cheapest, . " We buy none but the best and loll at ReassriaibLe Pncoa. Call and tee me and I will vm JFUWEJL. _ •/>, "* -'AMTONT ••wsaxm* ||oa«ry.lu« 1W8., United States War OF WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiors, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuung old and rejected olaima. All communications promptly answered IT Postage Stamps are enelosed for re my. WM, H. COWLl* Office at Resldenoe, Madison 8t., Weodatocc, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MCKEKRT, III.. April i«t. 1S8S. I would respectfully Invite the Publio to call and examine m 7 stock of Horses before meklcff arrangement* elsewhere. Ho busi. nets dene on Sunday. ' N. a OOLBY M'HBNBr IU> E. R. AUSTIN, Livery, BoariiiDC aofl Sale Stable. At Parker House Barn. FIRST CLASS RIGS, with Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rates. Bus and Hacks run to and fr>m all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Promptly Attended to. West MoHenry, 111. r"'|swr " c. a ANDREWS. GENERAL AllCTIONEEE. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all* kinds attended to on the most • ilASOIABU THQIS. C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111 Spring jlrove, Sept. 3th, 18S5. ll-LL-3m ATTORNEYS, Solicitors and Counselors, Collections a specialty. wooosTOOK, U.UHOM. Hon. T, I). Murphy, F» & Lvemley MUliPlir * LUMLET. ATTORNEYS ATI!LAW, and.iSoltcitors;tn Chancer**, > WOOTOOK, IILL. Office in the rear of Park Honse. flret floor. MBITH jk" SOLDUBS' MPASIMIST, Edlt«d by WM. H. COWL!*, WOODSTOCK, ILL.---- A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler ITRO, 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Ohl- 1" CAGO, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine WATEHTFE and Ohrcr.ometers. 4®"A fall Assortment off Goods la hii HUE RAILWAY. ften»tr|tos: th« Oentera WESTERN LANDS. J. G. McGregor A|Co„ o^Rlgin. 'IlltnetS, have for sale in the Great; Pipestone Co., Mim. SO.000 AontTef Land. Which they offer TAT Lows Prices land KAEY Terms, See bills giving dste of onr next ISzcursion, and for fuUgnrticulars apply to V ; - * VAN 8LYKC. , / . UsHflnry,* III. , . , ...it. • "lb ears for Mm who ha* borne the battle, and for hit wUtow and orphans."--LISTCOLH, " fr iendship, Charity. LoyaUy-- Worthy *WM of Ptt(riol]f\ithers.n •jt Tmp Rtpaiiiog, CEMENTING, ETC. The nnderelgned IS prepared to do all lobe la •IFTH Hne of Digging WeUs, RETIRING : Pumps. Cementing wella, or •*Ulputin • Batfila, [a aid fpiiot. WR^TEE is* carefully arranged to ne<Creq«lram#t8 of local travel, as well as to ftfmish ihemoat attractive roetes for THROAT travel |etween important Trm&0 Ceo.tr«s. . Iteeuni Ingand f day and parlor oars, dis cing cars is without rival. ' perfection, of stone ballast. Itaroed fd steel. The No the oonune eeeken af Northwest DetaHed '^BSKtARD BUSS. Agent, j. * lie Henry, III. rn Is the favorite route fer aveler, the tourist and the r homes In the golden tlon'cheerfully furnished New Pumps Quintette Orchestra, McHENRY, ILL. Are prepared tofaralsh First Class ICUSLE TO the Dancing Public as Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C. Cmiis, Comet. L, Owen, Trombone, E, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, MoHenry. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurely wrapped, to any address in the United STALES for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal/discount allowed to postmasters agents and clubs, dample copies mailed tree Address all orders to RICHABD K. FOX, >. „ FUIUIH SQDABB, New York Attention ! r ' %Yi' -' Farmers and Oairyip. . Itfwlll pay those looking for ^ ^ CHOICE COW» Fresh milkers or upringers, to call at ®J premises before purchasing. I can furnish 4lieh THENAR load or single cow. ; PORTER H. WOLFRUM, 7 CHKMHWO. Farm abodCfour mllea northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, i ^Tatoltmaker Jk. Jeweler, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elry always 011 hand. Special attention given te F»pairing Ann watches. Give me a CAFL. V ... JOHN P. SMITH. •if Ha PfJietini i Painter i AND DJSCOKATEB. ^ ILL. ? Decorating, Paiker-Hanging, CALCIMININQ, GRAINING, *c Deatf «B abort notice and aatiaawtka r., JpMM., OftUMa or •ddreae^ H. FISH. On ehort notice and warrant satisfaction. is! ehort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If yea w&aia well Dn*. a Ps&ip tie paired or a ssw Fump, give me a call. WOrdera by mail promptly atteiKlod to. Post Office, Johnsburgh, 111. ..v flLe BANT̂ S , Johneburgh, 111., May SSth, IMS. .Kf'bfy .t1' A • ' • FL C. WTOK R, Traffic Mijjtagj?), P. WILSON, Patmmoir Ao**t. C A. R. Directory. M!BBVBT POST KO. 6I3L 4 SLFTSET* the First and Third Saturday evening* ofeaehmontho ' : ' X. B. Bs«*«TT,'OP|, xanosDroniiom Meets the aeeond FRIDAY EVENING of ettD month. WM. PBA,oooK,;Com. WOODEIOCK JTEAT. KO K*. - Meets first and thiint Monday evenings of each month. ™ WH. ATIIT, Com. WTTKDA KMT, MO 2M, Meets the second and tburth TTuesday evenings of each month. M- R. KLLSWOBTH, OOAB HAKVABD rO*T, BO S66. Meets the secona ana tourtn Monday-even TNPIETF EAFH month. ; ^ a. J. WHITTLITO*. F*BW*V;5; ""-itARnMO PoeT.Ka. US, Meete every Second and Vewrtk frMty evenings of eaoh month. JOHV w. G*BBIR,',poa. WAUCONDA POST, NO. 368. Post meets every second and fourth iflatnr 4ay evening In G. A. R. Hall, Main St. WASUX E. POWBBS, Com, 1 . . . . . * - llhtatglM LOAN! f. W. BANl : ON FARM LAND AMD '̂ HsDlthorroiers. , Borden Blk, Elgin, 1U. --f WLUS. TAriOB- t«t fMif t'loiiMM amde --MEM Saw it the to order, far I4HWBBDBB8 or *mnm without MORGAN. HORSES, Of Nitti ts ri»# M M*4 Jeney Cattle. Hillaide Farm, West McHenry, III. Onr Morgan Stock Is a l l pure tyred, and arlglnated from the best Morgan stojk in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head >fourStook. is one of the beat bred Morgan horses In the country, and can show more and •tetter all purpose oolts then any other horse In the West. WE invite the inspection of'onr stock br fa freemen and all lovers ot line animals. A few full blood Morgan Colts and youna Alee one matched teem, full StNOWfi Ml* SM'I Ute* Hit* B '1 VfiflVVf 1* • Ml net ii'it'e*. »m H#eWdi»( a lawluo, Marehant Tillar, O^psetMMftrstill llnus., MrllKary, III, aorses for iloods. tie. tn Cattle we have the full blood Short Born .VIIII.'H we are crossing with the Red Polled \r>gtt8 and therefore Instead of sawing off the •iorns WE are breeding them off end with food auceess, A few Heifers end Bulls, both pure bred thort Horns end the cross above mentioned for sale. J- R- F aylor A 80N«, »n« MnHrarv. UL. Foil. fl7MU Mm J. MW MS QltaLILANDf SABO WOOD t71BEB, A «lth«r by Carload or Retail. IP *70 SOUTM WATER a SZ. • CHICAGO, ILLIKOIS, * Square Tlmfeer a Specialty. fr- ' CONSUMPT'0 ftlu permanently cured THOUSAND* of raises pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symp toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. s WAIVTEII I To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary-and expenses paid. Apply at once stating age. Refer to this paper. W^Y DNSLL * HOW LAND, Rochester. N. T. ̂Parker's \ SPAVIN CURE xa mnatiLED ee ea application to bosses for the ear* of SPAVIN, Rhea* matlsas, Splint, mrlcslsr Joints, and all seven lens- ass, also for track nse whss ledsoed. ^ Pries ai.ee per bottIe\ BoldbyOnggiata. ateoegttsa wmlabonandleatlon. a. W. BA loiearavrietor, Asm, a, •> MSNNMTRIAFTMI •COS, Detroit, AOOTBT MS NN Seheaok * flona, CUatto, BLt KNWAMIFTOAAIMAAK Kerosene, the best qoviity, al Story'« O. J. BRILL, it Tailor, urn ĉusiom * £?IL"ne °,f of the latest styles sad patterns always on hand. ^WGM2 QAR^IENTS, «* FULL 8UITS, Made oa short notice asdl a lit gaitnHitced, From onr experience IN# ""prSctichl'"tn.owl . e<lge of _ he business we are CONFIDENT we can please the most las^idtons, and respectfully invite all In want of Clothing of any kind to gtvemaamU. • ^ • : ' o . j . BRTLL, Richmond, October Wth, lS?9t V" Ws L. W- NICH0.1S, JR. EVoin Watch®1* ^ . - • « if •./%.! JIWSLEB m IKGMTIR, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. All work in my line neat! tMA. ZVr fk u ' - •-> "l . - J. Along the Skirmish Uae. John M. Palmer did not join the Grsod Army of the Bepublio until 1880. Oeoersl Joho.0. Fremont will soon go to California. There are 406 veteran in the 8el* dler'g BLome at Grand Bapid^ Miohl- |jaa. \\ sol die re' monnmeas fund donoert a; Muskegon, Miohlgan, realized •222 2i. ' The <XraBmiMieaenel tha..^atno^ ot Columbia have decided to honor the memory oi General Phil H. Sherl. dau by naming the eirele at the inter- Motion of Massachusetts avenue j and rwenty-Third street, Sheridan circle. The Woman s Relief Corps ol Juneau county, Wieooutin, are raising faadi to erect A Juneau Counts Cot- tage on the Soldiers' tteme (round* at Waupaca, Wisconsin. MM.UK. JSeii, department 4'! illi»iimn wmmrnmmmt " " ^ isoouein, desires the nauie§ of ili army nurses who served in hospitals or on the field now living iu the state named. • grand fair will be held in the bail oi the Harlem Club, NIM. 13 and 16 East Oue tiuudred and Twenty- tilth steet, New York City, December 17 to 22. by the ladies fair' association of 11. B, Claliiu Post, No 678, lor the .woeit of the post luud. The Society of the Army of the Cumherlaud erected statues in the City of Washington, in honor of Gen erals Thomas and Garileld, ousting thirty thousand dollars eaoh. They propose to erect a similar one to the memory of the late General Phil 11. dlieridan, The government will be asked to donate the site and the pe destal. The Milwaukee committee te oom- plete arrangements for the National iSncampmeat consists of the following gentlemen: A. 3, Welsuer, C, K. An drews, J. R, Goodrich, Mayor Thomas Brown, John Black, E. P. Bacon. C. M Cottrell, J. E. Pansen, John C, Spen cer. C. K. Pier, John Johnson. The drst named is the department com mander of the O. A. K., Wlsoonsln, and will serve as the chairman of the committee. The inmates of the Illinois Soldiers* and Sailors'Home are classed politi cally as follows: Harrison, 551: Gleve» land, 90; Fisk, C Thanksgiving day ait the National Home. Dayton, Ohio, was a pleasant one so far as the dinner was concerned. The following bill of fare received ample justice at tbe bands of the old veterans: * Boast turkey, 3,200 pouatft* • Cranberry sauce, 7 barrel!; * , ;« G i b l e t s a u c e , 7 0 g a l l o n s . , i . • > ' Oyster dressing, 8J galloni. » Mashed potatoes, 50 busbela, Celery, 200 dozen bunches. "I • represent this government, who had once borne arms against It, you would make up yopr mind that the oause he battled for could not be a bad one. I want to keep the people over there eduoated up to the fact that we crushed out the rebellion. I am not opposed to ex-rebels holding office among their own people. Indeed I have recommended the appointment of ex-rebels to local offices. But I am opposed to sending then as represent* atives to foreign governments.*1 ' "Do • you knew " well?' "Know him? l*ve known him ever since he were pants. I knew his grandfather and his father. He was one of my soldier boyt, and we can all go to sleep for four years folly assured that we will have a strong Union Gov ernment. i V Nonda post, Ne SB, recently elected tbe^ollowing officers lor the ensuing 'i; c. J. aom Rev,B,R Gee. J. H, Collen, 0. O. A. Johnson, O. G. C,F. Dike, Delegate. / & 8. Shepard, Alternate. ^ \ After Xmj Tears. ^ It A strange story Is told of a Union veteran whe fought at Gettysburg. Just before entering the action he took his canteen from hit shoulder and hid it in a crevice In the rock. Then came that fiery rain _ of shot and shell that swept down jljiirn^nts like fields of Wheat before the reaper. Ai. iriiw dose of tiMbattie the# soldier forgot all about the canteen, until he again visited there at the reunion last July. .Then it flashed through his mind ami sfwr a lluls ewaiuu nr fouad it where he had left It oa that ttumentoip day." The G. A. B. Boys were all loyal during the period from 1861 to 1869, aud tbey «bc<t.ioyai now, though they aifier ou a greavjQaany question. They diiler socially, poUtlo»Uy aud religi ously, but they are all together on the oroad principles of loyalty to flag AND country* There is no diiierence with G. A, B, Comrades when tbe country U Si must be obeyed^and that tbe flag must oe protected. They may diiler iu a thousand things but they do not differ when it comes to true allegiance to their oouatry and flag. 0 Appropriations for the Soldiers, Home at Quincy and the Orpbau Home have been requested by the Commlsslonners of Public Charities. SOLDISBS' HOME. * For repairs and improvements, $3,000 per annum #10,900 For four auutuonal oot«ages, complete and furuuueu to aocuiuuioaai« SW men 48,000 For I>arns, stables, shops and out-build. ings 31,000 For roads, walks and unprovemaetfe of grouuUs 5,000 For ASSEMBLY hail. '.4. B,U>u FOR ail<lium»*l lanil.;J;' It, Ss|ilT^ Tne.090 subordinate pests Btate, From a familiar with the thai the meet has oal changes. Heads orlg!na|Ji§»a wag to Indi cratlc IPJPBETS of the of the".* Se public to found another beneveto^Q the same J>lan. This PRE' has been eompietiy in it» place a moYeaienfc J# I to simply form a &emc Political Club, the ml which will in ae wise cat G. A. B., membership, are to be purely and iltieal. . -as- oantiLrs nsa, iTree-plantmg. In planting, the greatest ca ercised; when the soil is not J good, holes are dug two feel 4 nine feet in diameter, and: good rich loam. The treei ^ from the nursery with care, to preserve as far roots, and in transit to *irom drying or freezing. the soil is packed closely* roots, and one copious srt" ,;©h. A tree protect«|| Ground them, fori "Tenting them Ahe winds or gnawed by hors#^ .perhaps what; is most important ( ito shade the stems of the tree® their own foliage is sufficient t^i For this last reason, the best anip est tree protector yet used] of wooden strips pis * apart, and bound wit gives the necessary f and at the same time lation of air. The f tree bos is six feet.:' fsrrcd to is are growing in for^ sery, th«?y snade oa|fe must be evidfijSt, " " protection fro «^-CEI3 Of - a Many thousands of dec both fruit and ornamental, nually the first vear of plutttai this cause. When, take closely planted nursery posed to the full sun <n change is too great, an^j season is especially f:u ever carefully the piaat been done, large loeiai^j less the stems are orchards and \ed' h elsewhere, e ted box is thi The grand suoe^»1.:; $a.. avenues in Washington Is no ,fHe largely to the persistent use., precaution, for it is never onmad,'^ ftie e results attest its value, lor two years after plants vated, just as if they were, corn or potatoes, by red by a pronged hoe feet from the stem ' Peter Henderson, in For repairs and improvement 5,000 For library.. M0 For erection of new dining hall and chapel AUD reconstruction of boiler- room, laundry aud kiiehsa»«....... 80,000 Total, (85,000 Pickles, 30 gallons Bread, 1.000 pounds- Butter. 100 pounds. Mince pie. 4,000 qu Apples, 22 barrels. C'ollee, 500 gallons. Cheese. 300 pounds. >•** -5 * • ^ »"S. Mrs. John A. Legan, accompanied by the two daughters of George M. Pull man, of Chicago, left for Europe re> cently. One of Mrs. Logan's Objects In going abroad is said to be to con sult with Larkin G. Mead, the sculp tor, about the design for a monument to General Logan. Gsn. Sherman's View- NEW YORK, NOV. 22.--General W. T. Sherman was interviewed last even' log in regard to bis speeob of the night before at the chamber of Com merce banquet, In which he said be was gUd of the eleotlon of General Harrison because it meant that the American people would be represented in-tbe cabinet and io for eign countries by those wbo fought for the oeuntry aud not against it. He said. "I meant every word of it, If you were a young man In Vienna aaaa should oome oy»r tbete to 3k'-.. «- jJiL Atlanta Oarlag the War. The dudes had ne end of trouble la those days. A young man put on his blue coat but forgot his pass in the pocket of the other oue. He earried bis sweetheart to a reception; and after a pleasant evening was return ing with her. when a soldier brought the but end of his musket down on the pavement with an omnious thud and •aid: • "Halt and show your paper«,N An explanation wsa made but it was useless. "1 must arrest yon," said the soldier firmly. ,, "But, my dear sir--I- must see this young lady borne." "All right; J will watik behind you," was the reply. And the stern soldter in gray fol lowed tbe couple home, and then ac companied the wrathful citizen *4to hi* boarding bouse where tbe required pass was produced. And this, was the experience of thousands.--ConstUtuion Democratic Veterans, The movement started by Adjutant General Koontz and a.few associate Democratic veterans, looking to a withdrawal oi the Democrats from the Grand Army, and tbe information of a new benevolent soldiers' organization or order, is given an entirely different ooloring now by statements direct from General Koontz, who seems to be ths fountain head of the order, He stated tbis eventug In an Interview that tbe new organization was not an tagonistic to the Grand Atmy. He claims that all newspaper statements to the contrary are in error upon this point. Nevertheless the point is a new one here. The constitution and the by-laws of the new organisation are1 not yet forthcoming to the puolic. A meeting of some fltty Democratic veterans was held lately, presided ovir by Adjutant General Koontz, at which an executive committee was ap pointed by tbe chair with instructions to press the organisation of the Monkeys Throw Btoaesf A scientific traveler in Indl cautioned n<?t to go near a landslip on the shore of a lake, > mouke vs>w<^uId throw stones This aaviWi naturally enough. hi 111 the more desirous to visit "As I approached the landslip, !^ a number of brown monkeys the sides and across the top of tha i and presently pieces of !ooeeatoi|r and shale came tumbling dove I stood. I fully satisfied mywl this was not merely accidental, „ distinctly saw one monkey rn&ti ously, with both forepaws, and obvious malice pj-epense, pushing t loose shingle off the rock. - "I then tried the effect of thro\ stones at them, and this mode, quite angry, and the number of , ments which they set rolling WH speedily doubled. This, though it does not amount the actuaf throwing of objects byj keys as a means of offense, comes - near to the same thing, and matp think that there may be truth wF 8t«»ries of their throwing fruit atpeopl#^ from trees. "At all events, the general 1 that the act of throwing tlung$ j performed by any animal except is certainly not correct, as I bafi|| self seen recently captured ele( project branches of trees with sign of hitting persons out of reach."--Youth*$ fbmpa*t*onK, WIT MD HUMOR, i . The reigning belle at the seashore particular about her suu umhareila^fi New Orleans Picayune. It isn't so much a man's constitution ' as his bile laws that are infringed by rum guzzling.--Dulutk Pamgiipftter. ! ,W|f "Silence is goldep," which may * ac count for the belief of many that si* lence at times indicates guilt.--B&r* pCr S JjiiZdt'• ^ ' If the greatest pleasure in life Is tho t pleasure of anticipalion, the TOUD® man's tailor ought to be the happiest of men.--Lincoln JournaL There are some Americans who, If they went to Rome, would ask the bar ber to arrange their hair with a catar- comb.--Lincoln Journal. ^ Old lady (to convict)--^Do they allow you to read the Bible, my poor man? Convict (bitterly)--Madam, they maket^ me read it.--New York Sun. Gus (on the avenue)--"What's hurry, Jack?" Jack (lmath "For Gawd's sake, Gus. don't Hie. It's 4 o'clock, and I've o'clock suit on."--Epoek* She (at Monmouth Park)--T1*at is beautiful' animal, George. he is a son of Longfellow. deed, I can easily believe it, St try of motiou?--Nate Yitrk There 9,000,000 farmers in tSfg ed States today, saying hired mou .vbo^snoose rows and wake up M ^ell. at fee o&eu»~-itaiHil!