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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1889, p. 1

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« r\ * : V;-V tY^L 4 >• J " ^ :U> ' cary^-v*- Pledged but to Truth, to |tilrty and Law; He Favors win us and no Pear "" - ,, "' • •»! l<.M«H"!r') •' "'» %">)' i 'i i •' ' • ' . • . M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1889. gag" • *Sst- * PnuwiD Krt WBUfRsoiri bt •-JT. V APT BL YKE,- ;4-n>; #£r, spwos ***> IPB©PSIS«J*.' " OfficeinBiahop'BBlock,! owoti*® P*KKT Owen's Isppst* or spBiOMPtiow. . ....*1.80 HPnniHi WII^B Three Months.... ISO v > . ,<fa^>eirteW«H>« wsclved for three er nix taduiltt 1m the same proportion. lift Bates of Advertising. • jr»'<B»»ll»c» in»ml rfttMter*«T«rtMof -=rr~ tit, and to state ; ther will be readily an. *8 follows: - . 5 00 « '" » 1000 fear * Si'V fif.l ,*j IS00 NW r • • .% -4 "* ' 1800 Mifmr. » > *• WOO #My«ur --• - ; > . .10000 , ««Mi the measurement of one tt»oolamn, single column width. Advertisers, at the above rates, have vUega «f changing as often as they without sttmcharge. advertisers (meaning those having Wilt be entitled to insertion |*£sef5 cents per llne ?" ill be charged 10 ' ̂ and 5 seats per „ will be charged *MsroftJ%.ssr&! ISWf SohseqHent issues. Thv.s, Hal 11 t will cost $1.00 for one two weeks, IS.00 for three „tlMiUR will be Hbernl in giving _jl netlees, but, hp a business rnto, it require a satiable (et'ftwa everybody ' ~ the ase of Its columns for pecuniary dVjSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. D. .AH AND 9TTRGR< snce, MoHenry, III. psrsnoiAK and surgeon. oaoe at O. H. FBGERS, M, D. I'. .« r»HfSIOtAH AND summon, McHenry, Ills. Office St Residence. -•"I".'*i; If 0, J. HOWARD, M. D. OHTHOIAN AND StTRGEON, Kftfteary. >:V-k,1 III. OSes at RosMenoe, one floor West s;-r;% ' sf M. *. Church. ̂ n ... V V ; ; v B A B B X A N B E O S . _ . * door west of Biverside titer Block,1 L*^vL*|tL.4i M. thout drivers aftrfesoaablc raters. Teaming of itanssn short notloe. AW, Proprietor, first With or withOB HJKAR THE DEPOT. WE*T McKEJMKY, 1XJL ;' S»lMn and fiestatmnt, to be found In the market. < , Alse Agent for &?U^/wmAxm FAMS» > * • :" m.':i ft* HfiOKIl L4G1R BESS- s er ®mall Kegs or Bottles al- tlmper than any other, 40*11. Beerta by «sii:pmnptiy attended to. mOOD STABilJfO FO&BQpa*& W^ill and see as. Robert OohloMlo. r, HL Sugion's AND BMADR4NT W> imv9 ILUWMk |toe Ktttncky Liquors, French Bitten, * i,iifc&nry Lager Beer, ifr" * - ' 1 •>**• » ¥• I - x< ^ -AND- J. Sdliti lilf ate Bottle Beer, quantity from a Suit* to SCO barrels, AT YV HO ELS ALE os RETAIL Beer in b«ttle8» k«gs or rare as •tiMtp •* th* ckeapast. •• WVbuy none Hut l&e bast aad |^l«l Bsoaoailbl® Prices. aai and •«« m® and I will aid ,8<l w*'ANTONT ENQBLN. BC8IXESS ;CABDS. . Wlf." OSRORHR,1M.1 T». pHr«oiAir and sttrgron. Ottee at r theJParker Houra. West MeHenry. OalSs promp Jy attendert to day and sight. PAUL' {BROWN, Attorn by at law. u. a. Bxpreas Oo.»s Building, 87 and 83 Washington ft. OHICAGQ, ILL. . M. F. BLL8WORTH, 4 TTORNEY at Law, and 8olloltor l» Chang XV eery, Nanda, III. i,,;n, . ASA W' SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW sad1 Sousitevilin Ohaneery.--Woodstoeh, I1L JOSLYN * OlSKT. ATTORNBTS AT LAW, Woo<l«toekrni. All business will receive prompt attSn- tton. . .. MART G. BABBXAN. Hair workbr. au km«s # *sir Work done in first class style Mud st reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north­ east corners' of Public Square, McHenry, IlL DBS. a K. WILLIAMS A D AH LIN. TXBimSTS Residence Dundee. Will be at LP Parker House, the Mtk 11th «th and 98th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs oa Frbtar, I will stay but one day. • OiM States far Claim IpKT OF WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock, - Illinois. Prosecutes all class ss and kinds of claims against the United States tor Ox-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old aad. Rejected claims. All eommunfeationa promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for re ply. WM, JET. COWLiM Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoec. Illinois. . Attention Horsemen! MoHbnrt. Ill., April 1st, 1888, I weald respectfully Invite the Public te ultaud examine ns j stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No busi. nees dene on Sumlav. N. 8. COLBY •" '• : H'Humr IM. •mm- E. R. AUSTIN, Lirerj, Boariit and Sale Stalk. At Parker House Barn. TOAST CLASS BIGS, with or without J? Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rstes. us and Hacks run t» and fr >m all Trains.-- " Promptly Attenjieji^^ C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL C, P. Same*. A T. Smiley. BARNB3 & SMILEY, ATTOJINEtS. Solicitors sad Oonnselors. Oellections a specialty. WOODBTOCK, lunon. fiba T. D. Murphy, V. 8, hmifay MUBPHY & LUMLEY. A TTORNBY9 AT ft LAW, and.iSolicltors ?n 0h,Mloewb0 _ D8TOOK, ILL. Office intthe rear of P&rk House, first floor, A. M. CHURCH, Wato hmaker and Jeweler XTO. 112 SOUTH CLARK KTBBBT, Ohi- 11 oago, ill. Spcclal attention givea to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Dfi Fell Assortment of Goods la his llae WESTERN LANDS. J. G. McGregor & Oe., «.*, Blgin, IlitnwiS, have for sale in the Great Pipastont Ct., Minn. 50.000 Aeies'ef Land. Whteh they o«sr ht Lowl Prices land 'Basy Terms. See bills giving date of oar neat IfMtllNi Utftr Alll particulars apply to J. IVAN SLYKK. MiHenry,; III. CEMENTING, ETC. lite undersigned is prepared to do all lobs la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or . vlll put ta 2Tqw Pumps Oa short notice and warrant satisfaction. Us short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or Iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you wants Well Dug. a Pump Uepaired era aew Pump, give me a call. JOrOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post oflee, Joh»sbii, -h, ill. L. BANTE8. Johnsburgh, lit, MayHth, Mb8. ii:ift.rwii SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mSOIABLl TXBXS. C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove* 111 dprVngjlrove, Sept. Sth, 1885. 1M1.I Quintette Orchestra, MeHENBY, ILL. Are prepared to furalsh f irst Class Mail<> tolhe Dancing Public at Reasonable Bates, j Smith, 1st Vlolih. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, 0, Curtis, Comet. L, Owen, Trombone, B» Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Addross all communications to Jerry Smith, McHenry. 81 for 13 Weeks.. The POL ICS GAZBTTB will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address to the United Stages for three months on receiptor ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poctmasteia agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree A4d*«ss all orders to w BICEAB2) X. VOX, Fkajtklin SQUARE, New York set- t- ' ATTENTI0N1 vlrswrs xid Dairy It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS fresh milkers or springers, to call ait »jr aremlses before purchasing. I can furnish •aeh by the car load or single cow. PORTE^ H. WOLFRUM. CBttfcttM. Farm about/our mils* northwest of Harvard, Illinois. , t* :el#S JOHM F.iSWHTVIr /.hm ri.faey A MOHCNRYi ILLINOIS* ̂ A - f 'f^R stock of Olocks, Watches aad Jew- Jy. elry always on hand. Special attentton jgiven te reiiairtng One watehes. Give me ^ JOHN P- SMITH. : m4 wmm$ a c t i o * P a i n t e r BBCOKATER* *BHW, ILL. Oecsraiiiig, Paper-Nangini CALCIMININQ* Q&AWINQ* ** H. flSH, short notice and _ teed. Oallea< ---BBKBDBB5j.OF -- MORGAN HORSES, Shdrt :,|U NM i ' i ' And Jersey Cattle. Billaida Farm, West McHenryv 111*. Our Morgan Stock ia all pare bred, and originated from the best Morgan stosk In the United States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head sf our Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan horses la the country, and can show more and better all purpose colts than any other horse la the West, We Invite the inspection ef oar stock bv aad all lovers et fine animals. a few fall blood Morgan Colts and yonaa asrses for sale, Alse one matched team, fan moods. In Cattle we have the foil blood Short Horn which we are crossing with the Bed Polled &ngus and therefore instead of sawing off>the mrns we are breeding them off and with <eod success. A few Heifers .and Bolls, both pare bred Jhort Horns ana the cross above meationed tor sale. _ ̂ J. K. Saylor 4k Sana. West MeHearv. III.. Feb, 37th. WM F° ̂ CONSUMpf It bas permanently eared thousands of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, bat use PISO'S TORE for CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. s SME1U WARTBD II To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once stating age. ' ** PagNBLL B HOWL AND. _ KpoD6mr» 21* «e Parker's n SPAVIN RAILWAY. #anatrata*ath«fiC«ntara afSC .PapulatlaiOl^; ii IM. Ip . S> w. BABLBI UaafeMI h; >0&\ m 'j-." : vir Mmiexita, Dakota, Heirash ait Tfus ̂ ; wteO*"1* V > Its traini servloe is? carefully arranget to mee^reqairemewotlosal travel, as well as to famish the «Nst attractive routes for through travel between Important! Ifrads: Oantros. , Its eunipment et day and parlor cars, din. log ana place sleeping cars is without rival. Its road-bed Is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite ruute for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after aew homes In the golden Northwest, Detailed information oheerfully furnished bT SEMtARD BUSS. Agent, ' • -i. - WloHaarii^itt^^ X JT, wvmtiw. m . • Urn. Manager. H. a WICKMB, ^ Tragic Manifsr. W1LAON, »«f?»ffer AfftnA " ON FARM LAND AND L0AN^^Hsiitli«iT8m JT. W. BAN^KSTBofden Blfc Elgin, 11L E. LAWLUS. -MERCHANT TAILOR- Now is the time to get your Clothes made to order, for ..i" :.;:i ' /-i. _ C f TORNOW,^ MEKCHANT TAIliOB, Of Nundo, IsiMMr with B. Lawlus and they 'CS his friends from Crystal Lake and vicinity, and also the people of McHenry and vicinity, to call and inspect the goods and get prices. Prices are as low hero as anywhere according to the goods. C. LAWLUS, Merchant Taller, Opposite Riverside House, MoHenry, 111. # M. CILLILAND, --EtoaUr in all JOndt of-- BABO WOOD OTHBIB, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Sctuara Timber a Specialty. O, J. BHXXiXi, Merctiait mOBMOm. ILLINOIS. A full line of Cloths, of the latest styles aad patterns always on hand. SINGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, Madeeashert nottoe aidi a iat ̂ aaraateed. From our experience and practical know!- edge of the bnniness we are confident we can please the most fastidious, and respectfully Invite all In want of Clothing of any bind to give me a COIL Prices as low as thew»t»e quality of goods eon he parohseed aay where. c. J. BBILL, Richmond, October Utti, L. W. NICHOLS, JR., in Wjvt«1b>- sskm Edited by Wlf. H. COWLIN, --wooueveox, mu-- n|b care for him u*eftat teni» tk$ -- for hi* widow and orptow."--LCTOOUT, -JWmdDHia l0#tUv™ Iforth* turn «f jliU'IM HgBtera." a A. R.DIieotry. H'HBNBT *OST WO. ML - rMeeta ths First sad ThUrd SatjMfl«3r evenlng« ef each month. L. B. SWMBTT, Oeae. Meets each moi the ith. second Mi) evening at W*. Pbaoook, Com. Woodstock mi, xe ML Meets first aad third Monday evenings of teh month. W. XL Moaaoa. Cmn. KUMOA KMT. MB ML Heeta the second and foartk iTueeday evealaga of each month. '% M- F. EIXSWOATH, OS*. BABVAXD TOST, HO 358. Meets the aeooou aaa|(e«rtn Monday *ev«t tags ot each mouth. O.W.O*THA*K,0aa. MAanreo Post, Na 1M ̂ Meets every Second and FoavtB May evenings of each month. £. B. Moaan, Qoa. WAUOOITDA rOST.IfO. HB. Post meets every second aad fourth Satur­ day eveoiagmo. a, r.Hall, Mainst. WAaaaw B, Powaas, Com, m mmm, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. - ; A - All work In i Alsacths BkimUA Uas. Tba •oldler'fl mooamsnt ftf Collet U to cost 110,000. Post No. 68, Dorchester, XaM„ ba line* the date of Its organization ex­ pended |7k327.68 In charity. Feb. 7th. 1889, the annual eacamp- meat of the department of Maine, will be held at Lewlston. The Soldier's Home at ManhaU> iowo, Iowa, baa 300 iomatga. The post at Wobwsrn, raallxed •850 at Its winter carnival. The National encampment wUi be held the last week In August, '89. Then are 874 children In the Illinois Soldiers Orphan's Home fat Norma). The ages range from one to fourteen fears. Hartei Wayne Corp*, W. R. C, Ma­ rengo, has a membership of twenty eight. The post at Neosho. Kansas, re­ cently mastered 1b s recruit, William Plnmmer, aged 84. The next department eeeaapment ef MassschosetM will he held on Feb. 12-13,'89. The little village of Gettysburg has a population of 800. The leading so­ ciety of the Tillage Is a Grand Army post with a membership of 43. Nerio's post No. 1, of Rokford and the W. R.C. held a joint fair from November S to 10. netting the neat sumoftSOL Comrade William L. Dlnston, Qoincy is mentioned as a possible successor to the present popular department com­ mander, Comrade J. A. Sexton. Leo Mayers post, No, 182, Lincoln, in aoiroular recently published pre­ sents the name of Comrade A. O. Gad* awalder for the position of department commander. In November. 1867, thirteen veterans of the late war were residing at Chel­ sea, Massachusetts, met and organised Theodore Wlathrop post, No. 35. Eleven of the oharter members are still living. The post has seventeen past post commanders. tiod reigns, and the Grand Army yet lives. * The cabinet makers are still ham­ mering away with their little hetch- ets* The Grand Army of the Bepubl ic Is toe big* for any one man to "bust" up at will, Pembroke, Mgssaohnsetts, Is to bate a «oldIer'a monument. Post No, 111 Is taking the lead lo this very worthy project. Mrs. Hoard, wife of the governor- elect of the state of Wisconsin, la a member of the W, B. O., of •'Fert At­ kinson. ^ ^ . The posts had their election during the month of December and ms far as beard from, have made excellent se­ lections whioh indicates a prosperous year for the 3rand Army. Thurman lays the soldiers did IL We are happy to say that there are a great many politicians in all parties who have now come to the conclusion that it Is not Bale to monkey wSib. the buzz-saw. ik.cA*. -iLkiLriil'.i: There are thousands yet Hviag who are old and poor, who in their younger days, risked ail tbey bad, even life lt- seir for the preservation of this country, and now lu their enfeeble J condition, the government cannot af­ ford to see the ai sutler for the common comforts of life. Gen Sherman having arrived In New York, Dec. 6th, after burying his wife givea the following for publication: ' I and my family sure now returned from St. Louis, having deposited the coffined body of Mrs. Sherman sear *Oor WlMle,' at the very spot chosen by ourselves In 1866, aad often spoken of as a matter of course between na. We have followed in tfee mioetest ffr* ttulars her every wish,, AH _ef ij$r e*ata»flT«*adof *asa, tko frST" ^ are ooetaa.t,. f<?$ the older and Mil^eiftailf to the harder strains I ^xpeMad to Recede Jher. but 'fl'ts ordaieedptlMrwfcis. In dne time I will asMme my ffriee by kor side, and 1 want my fHenda. especially my old soldier friends, to know that they shall not be taxed one cent, fori have made or will pake fvecy provision. I havs feoalvadl^ telegraph, m<aiand ovary possible way, haadreds of kinfl and sympa$ketlc messsges, all ef which have been read by aiylelf and 'fiiake ^nltehle coplies^o •Ulsslm^ fcapesaiWe, and I oflar •aswar* •oon. The VatlonTs heser has suffered grevtomty fcy the IMIttea la pass it looy^Va. There mv®r wasany exctae: lor defrauding the most daNVTittfot; the Nation's creditors of their just does end every day that payment hi delayed er defered has lotenslfled the wrong, Snppcaing the oontractors, the mole sellers, the shoddy mannfactu&rs and tte taoney lenders, had bean kept oat of fhetrmoaejrasleaget the soldiers |**e what a howl would hive gone up about public dishonesty and sullied public honor, • Congress by passing the Mill at once, wtU net only do en net ef simple hoa» eaty aed jnstloe, bat will do the most that ts possible te do for the commercial and industrial sood of the oeae try. The money paid will be nat- orally and rapidly distributed among the entire people. It will go directly to the places wlmre It will havf the best effect, and every vein and nftsry of business, will pulse more healthfully nnder Its lnfiueaee,--Tribune, Senator Sherman has Introduced a bill In the senate, granting pay to en* listed men during the late war, who were promoted durlng aotlve service, the bounty they wetild have been en* titled to had tbey not been promoted, the same provision holdsgood ss re­ gards soldiers who were ffisdMMtged oa account of disease contracted ta the army. There were many brave mea who were overtaken by disease Is tba early days of UMlr «aperlenoe> who ha* came dlsablid ror fdrtber dhttr as sol- dlc'rs, and many ol them became per­ manently disabled from performing physical labor. Tbey did what they oould They showed e loyal and will- log disposition to do whet tbey could to save the country. Disease overtook them and their soldier life was necess­ arily abandoned, end they mast re- main Invalids all their days; beeausf disease overtook them before tbey ball been In the service the legal length Of time they have been np to now de- prised of the bounty they would have, received had they not beoome disa­ bled so soon. This measure Intro* duosd by Mr Sherman Is right and should have received the attention of oongresa long ago. We hope the bill will pass and that justice may be dfene to those who are yet alive. "Better late than aever" Is the old adage, aad although this act of justice to the old veterans has been tardy, end many of those who contracted disease early ia their soldier life have gone dowa to their gravee without recognition, still there are hundreds yet living who Can be made to rejoice If this tardy act of justice Is speedily made effect­ ive. We know of our, ewn personal knowledge of scores of soldiers, who were taken dowa with the meaelea shortly after they got to the field, and with the scant facilities with which we were provided for taking care of the sick, many of these poor fellows died and many others became perma nently disabled, who might have lived aod who might to day be sound and well, oould # they but havej had the proper treatment la good comfortable quarters. Therefore we say to Sena­ tor Sherman to hurry up the passage of the bill aad help some old joldler while he yet It ves. 1 x V, - '• --- ,• . <sr>.iv OMSoidisrsJHlifMod. Indianapolis. Jan. 1st, 1889.--Geo. H.Thomas Post, No. 17, the oldest post in the city, held its regular annual installation meeting to-night for the purpose of installing the newly elected officers. Between two aiu} three hun­ dred veteraus were peasant. General Harrison Is a member of this post, snd Comrades Bobbins and Sbarr were ap­ pointed a committee to visit General Barr|son*s residence and esuort him to the hall. Only members of the post were presenL The following ofloers were iasialled for the ensuing year: H, C. Allen, Com., J. S. Cravens, S. V. Com., J. A. Baker, J. Y. Com. About 9 o'clock General Harrlsoo arrived at the ball. He made a brief address at the hall, explaining that be could not stay and participate In the Installation ceremo­ nies as he would like to do, but be­ fore leaving be wanted to say a few words to them. He then referred to the fart that many men had gene Into tbe enaar end mil of the army and that he was about to be mustered iaageln. This reference to hie approaching at- the high office ef the f ef m entf demonstration Cram was; was that the prli of hoeortbaSi other hoBors.-a fended the 111 end baptised bat dewmtosas :He then «pekf4 of e tree battofe ea# « aKsk/^-^*> ' ^ v eatioas$#i swea^i world. Tsnmrni .bend 'BIB to-^tayt0aiiii"l peroatat«r«tiM»l suppreeslow ofml He would like to t the pore Ms comrades tf H partisan fBOl Mrnese. He dMCd hi tooling tribute in Ilea,.. awl'. united and marshalled Army above.*1 As the general words dowly aad of the veiersas were dlence reigned In the several seeopda alter hff then bis eopradee Hod | each man sheek Butfewef themi speak as they passed by bis hand, and the general afeoted by the solemnity i He returned hot A fish dealer mjs it is -.easf"' puitaeid heis frcshagf but if dark, cloudy he is at; antiquity bedewed. '• A BtoovidemivJL gaged in ca *-*-- •"- pump in the Hecla. of "" of it has twenty fa „ „ „ mine will bo done sooner than • pected. A;|i'ew Yorkvw., #iat In hia #tat mo^l jiffoor o§j|lL_, ttl© ofchera deaths h* " wMchtftkd mate year in «ewl parts of the " Mrs. . W. C. Str Neb., has painted Jolitt A LogMJj a pk :en in still UvedHEsa IL iX 4i jnov^ inurnment other day at con to ! vilegeaover b«r < father agvefilOprolHrly mmntain li^io treat Iieiv and propea-fyioed, clothe. educate her. A correspondent of Olobc-Ihtmcrat says " try of tholttfure is..-L cause of lite richness but because <rf the chespjf""' them out. An |8 ore ea|| in that country. the " the most expert miners in and they live cheap and1 responding!j low tie confidence ia old i Mexicans would sot them except for good) The British Consul Peru, reeentiv reported • ment that a limited list has been formed theSC ̂ of about £8,000, called; Anonima Kxplor |nca, with the antiquities and velual InfeXTmrial groilBds iB Cuzeo, a eoaoeasfon ed to the company for* the purpose. II there is nod<mbt tkat: curiositios, and gold and s£hrer, exM*| tombs. A Bel&st, Me., a way punched la it* i one to a merchant 1 shaaao4»ced or wluoh eech eoinsam.i relttrtantly. asse|fMl? keepsake, and ahe ., it for any aioeey, bti^^ provided tirt nierchr to sake," buck the i thojieestoweH se^jiaee. Tbal ty

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