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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1889, p. 5

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imrtmrat. Railroad Time Table. ' • • V S' «. 'A • sKrVi "leaking eC»«t Jane 1Mb, trains will pass McHenry 8tailon daily, M follow*: ^ ' FOOUT* SOOTB. . ••:• . tttaev* Passenger ..--7:28 A. * SSSS&BS:::: :::::::~1;S,.. Ukt GenewPaSMnrsr. - g®ii» ironTB.^/* : Ui*« Genev* JPraUcht .. 'i1!.*:.* : Lak«8mev» ftwiwur »•» '* : US» ImnXx^mu i4;?p»* : tatedMWrwMMnr ,...«:6I * D»llr •MwptSanflRy • . B> BUSS, AG#NT. McHenry, 111 1= MASONIC. ,M0«mm* bene* Nft MS A. f, an«i A.M.- wr OMMaanleations the second and i Mondays In each month. BKKRT OOLBT, W, M. • OUR Pnbllc Sohool opened on Mon­ day, after atwo weeks vacation BxafSMBVR the lecture at New City ^ to-night. Subject, "Mary, Qneeo \Ta. HKHDIRSQ*, of the firm of Fit*- GBO. W. ELDREDGE, of BJebmondi was oo oar streets Monday. OKO, W. BKSLKT *FJ<J family spent Hew Year's with friends at Waakegan Mas. O. W. GPLBY *OD two daugh­ ters are visiting at Belvldere this week. PAGE COLBY has beea quite alek the past week, bat 1$ now reported n better. S. 8. SHEPABD. and wife, of B*rr*~ •tile, spent Sunday with their eon, H. V. Sbepard, ID this village. • J, K. MILMB and ramlly, of Fox Lake, are boarding at the Riverside Bouse, in this village, this winter. BEN BUSS, JR., rejoices at the ar Ival of a young lady boarder, at bis aidence. Weight, Ave pounds. JULIUS MUNSON and wire are visit­ ing with friends at Austin, 111. They expect to be gone three or four weeks. MRS. HENRT WILLIS and Mrs. Jss. Murray, of Elgin, were the guests of B, A. Howard and family, ia this vil» lage, on Tuesday. Mrs. C. A. WALSH and daughter, Beulah. are visiting with friends at Cllnto® Junction, • Wisconsin, this .week, ^ B< $ OfScotts." •slmmon® A Henderson, reports an THE January Term of theChcnlt LEL^HFC pound girlat bis residence. Who / Court opens at Woodstook on Monday ; MZI, the 14th, • REMBMBBR the New England Bnp- - per, at the City Hall, on Tu«tday evening next. 1^^,' HI I I I OOLOIMO BROS., Wauooada, kin • new advertisement In this paper to* J." lay. Bead It. . THE Be ve rend Mr. Coofclla, of <Jhl- .'•T-'.j 4cago, will praaob la the Universalis : . pulpit next Sunday, m** «laf aad eve-« Til Good Templars htvt Just t purchased one of the oelebrated Bstey " >. Off ana. of O. W. Owen, the Agent in ' tbis village ~ AM adjourned BOOTING of Valley f_": Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, •: the now City Hall on Friday even- , . |ag of this week, Jan, lltb. Let all < Intend. " PROBASLT one of thp strongest rea- ' foes for a belief in a sbeol is that some person® are so infernally mean that retributive justice could not be given g^*|J»em without such a place existed. IF you wish to listen to a fine Liter ^#7 programme and afterwavds set iown to a first class New England Supper, attend the entertainment at the City Hall on Tuesday evening y... next. B, ,-Wew England Supper, le l^^he good Templars of this village WM, HUTSOH. another old resident, fdled at his home, west of this village, on Saturday last, aged 86 years. Hie d - funeral was held on Monday from tb^ are to have a New England Supper at City Hail QD the. 15th Inst. Will dress in costume and all are invited to do so who wish. An excellent musioal programme will be rendered and will promise you a grand treat. The la­ dies of the W. C. T. U. have kindly consented to assist in making this the event of the season.v Admittance free. Supper twenty-flve centsj All are oorJi&liy mviWd. PER ORDER. THE Kichmond Gazette of last week Ifesfeodlst ohoasto, And his remains de posited In Weodland Cemetery. NEW goods, this week, in Embreid arte*, Bibbons, Velvets, Calicoes. Olpi P hams, Towels, Bedspreads and Whlt< " goods. All-wool dress goods, Bnstlei |od Handkerchiefs at the Ladles Sales rooms. WE have reoelved a new advertise- ' aeal' for the firm of Fitzsimmons & ' Henderson, which will appear next Week. In the mean time call at their •tore, on the West Side, add examine their immense sleek of seasonable Goods. THE Harvard Independent says: professor Will J. Cutterldge, solo \ lute, of Lake Geneva. Wisconsin, as- listed gloeum's Orchestra at the Are- nan*! ball, Wednesday evening. Our people consider him one ot the Apest flute soloists in the land.* A BROTHER editor who has bad ex­ perience says: "An item has been go­ ing the rounds credits d to this paper alleging that the bustle iu liable to ex> . ptoda and shonld be labeled 'hazardous* We never said It; Bustles are as safe as goal-scuttles. We've held many of litem in our lap without risk," AK exoeilent liniment lor neuralgia til made of sassafras, oil of organnm aad a half-ounoe of the tincture T of; eapsloum, with a half pint of alco- Soak nine yards of flannel In this mixture, wrap It around the head, and / v then insert the head in a hay etaok till - death comes to your relief, •' THE one who handles the local de . ^artment of a newspaper learns not to b expect,any thanks for a whole column ^ of pieasaat things, but just as soon as ferites one line Sn which there is a , viiisrepreaentatlon some one will be : ' beard from tooquiek. How queer it t Is but nevertheless it is quite true. t LOOK out tor a one armed soldier Who Is going about the country solicit* lac aid from members of the O. A. R. , « Bs was in Amboy, 111., one day last ijit./y'WOelE" Where it was discovered that his c . *"good right arm" iustead ot mouider- ' ing on a Southern battlefield as he as- aerted was snugly buttoned Inside his > 'irost. _ . ^ ' Ms, S.'B, BIRD, of Woodstock, re­ oelved a present by mall a short time ai0O that did old Santa Claus credit its overy way. It was oo more nor less than a draft on Chicago for a cool One thousand dollars, the gift of his uaele, S. B. Cobb, of Chicago, who re* membered each ooe of his twenty-five neloes and nephews with an equal amount;---Democrat. " • |x is said that Mr. Bussell Sage once entered a young man the following ad- vloe for secnring business socoesss: First gat a position; seoond, keep your mouth shut; third, he observing; fonrth, he faithful; fifth, let your con- duot he audi as to make your employer tWiilE be would be lost In a fog with OMyou}Sixth; be polite. This will 4a to' paato In your hat to begin the Wfrjwr wl*. . - ^ hays our population Is not increasing MRS. J. WAITE, and daughter, Cora, of Elgin, are visiting with the famiiee of B. A, Howard and Lewis Watte, la this village. Miss BESSIE GOING, who has been visiting her grandparents, in this vil­ lage, and at the same time having a wrestle with the measles, returned to bar honit In Chicago, on Saturday last. f WE learn that the wife of Mosely Buckland died at Lake Geneva, Wis^r Monday morning. They formerly re­ sided in this village, where Mrs. Buokland had many warm friends, who deeply sympathize with the bereaved usband in his great loss. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Unlversallst Churoh, will meet with Mrs. 1& M. Owen, on Thursday afternoon, of this week, January 10th. MRS. W. A. CRISTT, President, MRS. O. N. OWEK, Secretary. Dikd*--At lier home in Wanbegan, tlL, Dec. |23rd 1883, Bertha, wife of John A, Sutherland, land daughter of Mrs. Frank Kinea, of Fox | Lake, aged W yeara and 8 month*. Dece uaS d had uwen married but a few days over a year, and her death thus, in early womanhood, was very sad, and a severe blow to her hnsband, nd relatives and friends at Fox Lake. TIAREAT Bertha thou hast left us, And thv loss we deeply t«el; But '(is Qod tbat bath bereft n*, He Will all our sorrows heal. OO*. pays the Smith Quintette Orchestra the following compliment: < "The Christmas Party at Burton's Opera House on Deo. 24th, was attended by a large number ot pleasure-loving ladies and gentlemen, who bad oeme to quaff from the cup of social merri­ ment to their hearts' content. The music was of the very best, and the gentlemen from Rlngwood who con­ stitute the orchestra, went home fol­ lowed by the compliments of those whom they had delighted--with sueh excellent performances." ONE of the best huotlng stories we have heard this season was told ue 00 a drug clerk who was out with ethers on Sunday morning on a shoot­ ing tour, They surrounded a ferocious rabbit, which held them at bay until a number of shots were discharged In the air, and the vicinity of the rabbit, when the excited animal actually pur> sued and attacked the said dispenser of medicines, who In the exoltement and terror oft^e moment discharged both barrels of his gun, and, using; the stock aa a club slaughtered the rabbit, to the great relief of the endangered party. These hunters should always have Some experienced guide along wben venturiug into ths jangles In pursuit of d&agerous game. 1 DIED -- At ^HIA home, in McHenry, Iltl. foots, December 29th, i&£, AKDsaw THOMAS, tiyed eighty-two years. 1 Ttius passes away another old land- mat k that marked the civilazation of McHenry couuty. . The deceased was born at W ludsor, Massachuietts, Oct. 14th, 1806, whe^i be contloued to live until he was ld%ears of age, at which time be moved to Oswego Co., N. Y. He lived there until 1340. when he came to liliuois and located on the (arm which has been bis home until the time of bis death. He leaves a mourning family, consisting of his wife to whom he was married fifty- five years ago, and five sons and three daughters. Mr. Thomas bad a well es­ tablished reputation as a just and up­ right man; as a good neighbor aBd as a true citizen following hit own judge­ ment and Intelligence in all be did. ; The Best Books. - Aflfee drag store of Miss J. A. can be found a stock of the best nov* els in the language. The latest aad best works of Robert Lou is Stevenson, "Oulda," "The Duchess," Pinkerton's Detective Stories and a great many others. Tou may read any of these for five cents, keeping the book for two weeks. The list will receive oaustant addltioan and the library is a permanent institution. You should (hem. _ \ I- ' 0ur village L<M&-<hp contains at this wcitiog, Wednesday morning, a qufeer specimen and whether a lunatio or a rascal it is hard to tell. He was arrested Monday iight in the unoccupied houm of Mr*. E. H. Walker, at Rlngwood, into which be bad forced-an entrance and evi­ dently was preparing to take perma­ nent possession. The house was partly furnished and It is proved that after he gained an t tji -< ap­ propriated an oil-can and walled to McHenry, where he bought a gallon of kerosene oil and a box of matches. This was between five and six o'clock Monday afternoon. He was then lost sight of ttntll he again made bis ap­ pearance at the Walker House, In Rlngwood. about 13 o'clock at night when be was captured by those lying in wait for him. It was aftewards as* certained that between the time he bought the oil here and bis return to Bl Pit wood, he had been to a- farmer's bouse four miles south of this village where after making threats ho bad b^en driven away. A State Warrant was sworn oof against him and be bad an examina­ tion before Esquire Perry, ^ Tues­ day morning, which being so Gnsatls- factory. it was adjourned until to*day It was impossible to ft&d out his name, as he gave three or four differ­ ent ones, and no one in Ibis lection seems to know blm, although he ap- pers to know the names of many here and in Rlngwood. He Is a man of small stature, 30 or 36 yeara of age, sandy complexion, and a foreigner, ev­ idently a German, although be Claims to be a Polander. * His examination will be concluded to-day when be will probably be sent to Woodstock Jail. As wa said before be is either a lunatic or a rascal, and It Is hard to say wbtch. At all events be is not a safe man to be at large, and should be taken oare of In some way. WZ K I K V , , busy repairing old wells and digging Who he is or where be eamo twmis in t£la TiclDUy. ** mystery. Hebron Department LODGEIDIREOTORR. MASOKKJ.--A. r. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even* j(js of each month. MODERN WOODMBHOF AMEPTOA.--Meet at Masonic ilall every 2d and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each mouth. Neighbors cordially In. Tiled. Miss Nettle Ehle is borne from Elgin. G, B. Stone offers bis farm for sale. Harvey Walling reached home Thursday ftom Minnesota. Miss Delia Crewe viewed tba eights of Chicago last week. . C. A. Stone made a business trip to St Louts recently. D, L. Bowe returned from Iowa Wednesday night. H C. Faber was a welcome caller In town on Saturday and Sunday. Frank Bewe will attend to business in Cbioago this week. H. W. Mead has a new sidewalk In front of his residence. George Marks, after a short vacation, Is again at his post, driving natls. Mrs. W, B. Kane, who has spent several months In the east, returned heme last week. Some of our young people attended the Fire mans danoe at Harvard, Wednisday night, Bills are posted announcing F. C. Sumner's auotlon sale of personal property, Mrs. Aaron Bowe has been quite sick the past week with neuralgia. Mr, Cbet Bargett and Miss Luella Tryon wore married at Geneva Lake on New Year's day. Elbert Phillip*, from Council Bluffs, is spending a short time at home and greeting old acquaintances* There will be services at tboMu XL Churoh every evening ot this week. Be member the meeting of tho Ladias Foreign Missionary Society, at the home ot Mrs. John Brennaa, on Tues­ day afternoon. Those Interested from tbis plana at* tended the mooting of the Alden Mutual Fire Insurance OoH held at that place on Tuesday. There will he a danoe at Bowe'a Hall on Friday evening of this woek* Music by the Northwestern band. Tickets fifty cents. We were glad to learn of tba safe arrival of Allle Hyds, at the hosas of his parents in California, after being but hve days and nights on the road, A musical and literary entertain­ ment will be given at the Presbyte­ rian church, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 15th. Admission twenty-flve aad fifteen cents. Pin this in your hat. Mrs. Martha B>we, after many months of sufierlng, passed quietly away on Friday morning. The funeral services were held on Sun lay after­ noon at the residence of C. L. Mead. Thus for the third time has the family circle been broken in less than one year. •• On Tuesday January 1st, 1889, at tfao home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tottng, occurred the marriage of their only daughter. Miss Dean, to Willie Gid- dingt. Both of these yoong people are well and favorably known in this vicinity, having passed the intervening yearB from childhood in our midst. Their friends are many and all unite in wishing them a prosperous and happy life together. The happy couple left on the eveuiug train Tuesday, In company with Mr«. Gid- dlngs, for Fergus Falls, Minnesota, where they will remain for a few weeks before returning to Hebron. THE sweetest tbiug tbst ever grew, beside a human door was little May-- until she took to having headaches, for a time she lost her beauty, but one bright day her papa bought a bottle of Salvation Oil, and lo! she is as sweet and pretty a# ever. Only twen­ ty-five oents a bottle.) Go to Althoff Bros, for Floe SbO«. Tba fijteet stock in tow* . <5 ITEMS GATRBRHO Br "JAY DEE. "O, I am the chief of the signal division, Ofjlitorature I'm a lijrht. The newspapers make me aimtt for dertsfon. But the? print every lino that X write." "The people alt yearn for my last lucubration They rash for the paper each day; And before they liaye looked at the news of theoatloA. Tsey must see just what I have to say." "Some ignorant dare to laugh at my guesset, " At what the day's weather will he; But when a man onee knows the kef» he con­ fesses My prediction is true to a T." •'My secret? Oh, Well, I had just .ai)^ tell you; Whenever I cay 'twill be warm Jnst get oat yoar aUter, the cold will compel yoa, For we're in for a howling cold storm." *"lf I say 'twill be oqW, yon may keow its a Action; Your light iineu duster will do, V t In short, e^ery fine I make a prediction, ' > Just the opposites snre to come true." •- | to* Write It». Taxes will snon 'be dae. The Illinois legislature meets day. Mrs. Seymour WMston ta oa the 8lck llSt. , • •>' . Ed. Boblnson spent the itolldays at home. John Miller, of.Genoa, is bank from Texas. Henry Johonnott is clerking for H. E.Boutelle. _ ^ Many wells and cisterns ars dry; es­ pecially the former. . , . Mr. Tweed, the Spring Grovo. mar* chant, sold out to Bobert Esh. Mr. Hanchett is turning out some fine work from bis photograph gallery. William and Bobert Hesselgrave have bought the stock of Wm. Wire, of Solon. Tsylor Bros., of Hebron, am kept Sam Earing was quite badly hurl last week in stopping tho runaway team of Mr. Stevens, of Sptlng Grove. November butter netted the patrons of Oatman Bros,' Washington Creamr ery $1.40 per hundred pounds of milk. E. Buchannon, proprietor of the Key* stone Cheese Factory, paid #1.50 per hundred pounds for November milk. Wm. Walker has rented the farm st Norlhrup's Mills aad will Ukeiposseas- ion March 1st, W. E. Prlckett, well known to many in our city, is now engaged! jn the tonsorlal business at Nundn. Mrs. H. E. Shlbley, and daughter, Miss Mary, of Chicago, and Joseph' Osburne and wife were visiting here lately. A couple o( agents for Harper Bros, of Chicago, sold a car-load of grooeries in this vicinity lately. Chase Cole will work his father's farm oo English Prairie. Mr. i'homp- son, the present tenant, goss to Spring Grove. The McHenry County Teacher's As­ sociation will hold a meeting in Blob* mond the last Saturday of this month. In Mr. C. J. Brill, we have one of the be*t merchant tailors ia Moilenry Co. Bead his advertismement and give him a call* Mr. and Mrs. Clark White, who have been spending the put month with their folks, returned to their home at Vail, Iowa, the first of the week. Large numbers of bogs are being shipped from this station as usual. There are three bayers In the field; (I. W, Eldredge, Homer Hastings snd Jas. Waugh. Bichmond has had bard luck with her jewelers in the past, but Mr. Nich­ ols is giving exeilent satisfaction, and is working up a large trade. Effle, the nine year old dangther of Assessor Wm L. Turner, died last Thurday, The funeral was held Satur. day afternoon and was oooduoted by Beyerend Wm, Nlckle, of Bingwood. The singing was by a quartette; Miss Bertha Sklnkle and Alice Motley and Messrs. H. C. Faber and Wm. Sherman. Maoy are the words of praise we hear of the "Soldier's Department" in the PLAINDEALEB. Mr. Cowlin de* serves and reoeives tbe thanks of the old soldiers and all their friends for tbe care and ability he devotes to his department, which iy conceded to be tbe best In tbowoounty. Messrs. G. W. Eldredge and Wm. McGaw, two of our local horsemen, are to manage a series of three stake races at tbe track during July and August. The races will be for two, three and fdur year olds, respectively. Entrance fee to each race 936, to be paid In four Installments. More par- ticulars will be givap next week; lack of time and space precludes more extended notice at present. EDITOR PLAINDEAL**:--I read an article in your last week's Issne called,"Dees tbis Mean Too?" It spoke of only women gos«lpers. Now I know a man gossiper and a bigger sneak never existed* Hole attending to other people's business more than his own. He is not only a gossip and sneak but a low specimen of mankind. By sneaking into otlper!s affairs and businesb he has but llltle left of bis own. This said sneak don't wear bon­ net strings, butjhe Is seen just tbe same and known by his light fantastic step and the clothes he wears, Wben he throws stones at other people's doors, he had better pitch them away from his own, also the snares he Is laying to entrap others he will undoubtedly fall into himself. It may become necessary to give you bis name in the near fa* ture. Beware, friend and neighbor. You may tread on other's ground once too often and get what yon greatly deserve. - a. w. HATS you read tba new advertise­ ment of Bonslett ft 3toffel, to be found in annother place in this paper? If you have not, do so at once laiataometbinf that will' ALO^MOUIN. rNoTicK. -Per«oo»ia Algoaqnla and Ticin. Ity, knowing UMHRMivej tndebtod for the PLAIHWEALEK aurlearn of the amount by calling on John ftriBt Wtto is authorised to receive money UK| veeetM for the same, la oar name. Those wishing to auoscribe ean leave their natnesetfet* store. Call oa hira and get a sample c«py.> . si*-'3U EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--KT re. James Hubbard, of Chicago, is visiting here, the guest of her parents Mr. aid Mrs. 8«eber. -'V1 Lew Jaynss, who; Was elected; Col- lector of the town of Algonquin, threw up the office and the Town Committee appointed in his place Henrv Keyes who is now busy making out bis re­ ceipts and will soon call on tbe public for their loose change. Whorl-all Bros, are ready to do all kinds of work in their photograph line in good shape and on reasonable terms. Gallery at the residence of Ed VVhorrali.on tho east side of the river, We have just learned of the death of Mrs, James Stewart. We will givo more particulars next week. Miss Annie Toralskl, of Cary, was the guest of relatives here a part of lastftWeek. There will be a 8oc!al Party given by the Algonquin Enterprise Club, at Pingrey's Hail, on Friday evening, January 11th. 1889, Music, by Sears' Orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. W. H. Jencks shipped a car load of stock to Uhlcagp on Monday of tbis week. x Neighbors D. W. Thomas, H. B Tbroop and John Peter visited Camp of Modern Woodmen on Frl'^ evening last. D. W, Thomas shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Tuesday of last week. Miss Amelia Goodsov, of Elgin, was a caller in town on Thursday of IsBt week. George Donavan Is sick with genuine typhoid fever. His prospects for ro covery are good at this time. At the meeting of Algonquin Camp, M. W. A, on Thursday evening, Deo. 27th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Heury Keys,V.C,; W.P.Thompson, W.A.; John Johnston, Clerk; John Peter, Backer; Dr. Nason, Physician; Fred Bartelis, Sentry; Delegate, H. B, Tbroop; Alternate, D. W. Thomas; Manager, V. N. Ford, Mrs, Babert Kee died on Sunday, ifter a year of Invalidism. Tbe imme­ diate cause of her death was congestion of the brain and partial paralysis. She was buried on Monday a« Dundee Cem* etery, after services by Rev. Lea, of Woodstock, at the Congregational Cburch, Mrs. Anna Jane Kee was born May 13th, 1823. She died January 6th, 1889, Was married to Bobert Kee April 25th, 1844 and was the mother of eight children, four of whom are now living; J. W. Kee, of Cbioago, Thomas Kee, Barrlngton Center, Bobert and daughter Annie, of Algonquin. She was uorn at Kspoe. Ireland, and moved to Canada in 1816 £and tbenoe ,to New Tork In 1848. They came to Illinois In i851fiand lived on a farm here until within the past few years wben they moved to the village of Algonquin Mrs. Kee joined tbe church at the age of ten years and has remained a mem­ ber ever since. The striken family have the sympathy of their nsany friends In tbis their hour of trial. Bor $aie, ; A farm of 246 acres, situated 3} miles south-west of McHenry, Is es­ pecially adapted for stock and will carry 7o head of cows. Good spring water runs right to the barn. Price 130.00 per acre. 'Terms one-third cash, balance on time to suit pur obaser, Apply to, W. A. CRIST Y, West Moilenry, 111. PABT1CULAK NOTICE. • All persons knowing tbemielves In­ debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without further delay, as my books must be closed. Remem­ ber this is she last call and if yon wish to save trouble, attend to this at onoe. Delays are dangerous. H, V.SHCPAAD Jfcettsnry, Dec. 10th, 1888. r^.r Taxes! Taxest! , 1 The undersigned, Collector 6f the Town of McHenry, Will commence re* oelving taxes January 10th,. 1889. and can be found at tba following "plaoes on the day named: Mondays, at the store of Lay A Adams, Johnsburgb. Wednesdays at tho store of J. W, Crlsty & Son, Bingwood. Thursdays, at tbe store of Perry A Owen, iu tbe village ot MeHenry. Saturdays at the store of SteVens & Miller in West McHenry. Will be at the above places from 9 a, M. to 4 F. M. each day. Call and pay your taxos at as early a day as possible, MATT HEIXBB, Collector, MONUMENTAL WORK Thirty per cent discount for 60 days. 1 have a large stock oi finished monu­ ments and head stones, which must be turned into cash, and 1 will give the above discount on ail the finished work*\ve have In stock. Ton can se­ lect your work now and have I' set np iu the opring. , , , HSHBY M ILLER, Johnsb org, I1L Silk Handkerchiefs 20 cents, Fitzsimmons A Henderson's. at Don't 1889 Very choice Japan Bloe only 7c. Good clean Tea Dust lOo--10 pounds 90 centSk Heavy red fulled Mittens 25o, Extra Honey Table Syrup only 86c per gallon. Dake's Chicago Butter Crackers 8c per pound, « Quality ar.d Quantity Big 8. plug 30c per pound. Good Fine out 36c; good Smoking tobacco 20c per pound. Ten bushels good Onions only 00c per bushel. Heavy brown Cotton Flannel 6c. Good seamless Scotch Caps only 40c. Plush Caps 60o to #3.00, Tours as Ever, BohslsVX ft ImtKi FOK SALE House and lot la village of McHenry, Apply to W. •. Octet*, W e n t M o S e a r f . i U * _ i ( : . 23m InEtfAy T p USE ^(JUS^/IR /II yoct HE C.MOKO. mm Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Jfcw Coughs and Colds Take Story's Tar and W lid Cherry.w Ladles and Misses Cloaks at Perry A Owen's. Prioes lower than anybodys. Golden Maohine Oil at J. A. Story's Drug Store. ^ When you desire a pleasant physio try St. Patrick's Pills. Cheviots--the most stylish dress- goods out, 49 eeats at Fitzsimmons A Henderson's. _______ cough, have the not thrive, feed If your hogs MThn>nps or do Thorley Food. If your chickens are troubled with cholera or roup use Thorley Food. r.nk Besley's Ale and .be healthy and bappy WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox Blver Valley Mills, Mc- HCsnry. _B,BIHOP. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant and last Ing at Storys. _____ Heavy winter wraps only #1.60 at Fitzsimmons A Heuderson's. All wool Tricots 20 oenitti at Fits- slmmons A Henderson's. Bibbons In all shades very cheap, at Fitzsimmons A Henderson's. if in want of anything In tbe line of foot-wear, do not fall to examine the immense stock at the old reliable Boot and Shoe House, corner Main Street and the Public Square, Wood* stock. Stone A Hart, proprietors. Their stock is complete In every par­ ticular, and their prices the lowest. Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at #7. Don't pay #9 and 810. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have yoar clothes altered, fitted and oleened. as he can not be beat in doing a nice job. E.LAWLUS, Tailor. . B«ng»3! Ladies, use the Biesell's Frizzing Iron to curl your bangs; they save time and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug store. Stone A Hart, corner Main Street and the Public Square, Woodstock, have the largest stock of Beots, Shoes and Rubber Goods to be found in the county. De not fail to call on them wheqjn vfant of anything In their line. To Bent. A large dairy or stock farm consist­ ing of 100 aores situated one and one- buff miles west of Biogwood belong­ ing to'the estat of the late B H. Carr. This farm has been completely fitted and worked as two farms--having a complete set of convenient dwellings, barns, stables, silo, hog house, wind­ mill. etc., for each farm. Also an ice­ house In good repair. Is well adapted for one large dairy or stock farm or two smaller ones, and will be let for a term of years together or separate lor a cash rent. For terms apply to Mrs. R. H. Carr on the premises. ^ For Sale at a Great Bargain The Riverside Hotel in this village. This well known house Is now offered for sale on such terms as will net the purobaser at present rate of rental over 10 per cent on the Investment. For further particulars call on or ad­ dress, JAMBS B. PBRRY, MoHeary. IU. House and Lot for Sales The undersigned offers for sale hi* house and lot on Main street. West McHenry. The lot is 50 feet front by eight rods deep. The bouse Is two- story, 26x32, with addition 16x18 one story. Is in a good location for either business or dwelling. Terms reasona­ ble. For further particulars Inquire at this office, or on the praittises or,\ HEXRY BRYKK. For the fioest line of Christmas and New Year's Slippers, go to Stene & Hart's, corner Main Street and Public square, Woodstock. Call and see th®m* • Persons troubled with chronic di­ arrhoea or subject to buwel complaint in any form, should try Cbambetlaln'f Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Many chronic cases that had resisted all other treatment h*ve been cumdJa: it. For sale by G, W. Besley. : HOW CAN PABENTS , C Allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmy say: **Oh! It Is only a little cold," and keep giv­ ing them cheap and dangerous medi­ cines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Beggs' Cherry Congh Syrup? It has no superior, and few equals. For sate by J. A. Story and John Humphrey. Druggist's. Several years ago Chamberlain A Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, commenced the manufacture of a cough remedy, believing It to be the most reliable preparation yet produced for coughs, coids and croup, that the public appre­ ciate true merits and in time it was certain to become popular. Their most sangnintf hopes have been more than realised. Over three hundred thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy are now sold each year andlt Is reoognlaed as the best made, wherever ft Is known. It will cure e severe cold tn !•«« time than any otber tseatmeut. For sale by 6. W. Bealey. Business Hotieesi A choice line of Boxi^aper. at Besley's, West Side. SMOKU the "Empire Cuban," best Five Cent Cigar in the marke City residences for sale, Asa w. Smith, Woodstock,: Besley's Worm Syrup for has no equal. - All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Po$ket books and bags at Besley's Drug store wast side, _______ Ir you want a first claas&Pbotograpb* call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's stores ________ Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Mlllitt~/» ery and Dress Making. 'v' "Carry tbe new® to Hannah," thsit -m the best place to buy Ladies Fine Shoes Is at Altbofi Bros. Besley's Death to Bats Is sure aa# oertaln. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. - . Plum-ba-go-Ine, tbe finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, ' * Candies, a fine assortment jas|.® celved at Story's Drug Store. Cigars and Tobacco, all the ponnU? brands are found in our stock. «». A, Story's. , The choicest orands of Cigars lb town, at Besley's Drag Store. West Side. Call In and see the best sewing ma­ chine iu tbe U. S, of America for tba least money. ______ K' Lavt&OS. Maohine OH, best quality, 50 cents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store. West Side. Cut-steel ornaments for dress-mak­ ing only 15c. at FitESimmons & Hen­ derson's. If yoa i«(W»t.tojet.tb« *ttestL of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prioes] at Altbofi Bros, THE Peerless Dyes, the best arl oo tbe market and warranted*' Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colon, in un­ limited quantities. Mixed pal it by the pall or gallon at Story's Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at tbe West Side Drug Store. ^ NEVER fail to read tba advertiser ment and looals of Bonslett A Stofiel as they are changed from week to week. _______ Toilet articles, such as are.- usually,*, found in a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be bad at Story's Drag Store. _____ < Boy's knee pants at 25a BoyVgood suits, #2.00. Wool, double knit cap*, 35c. Scotch, knit fancy glovea' 32e, Overalls45c. Socks, from Sonata to 40c. Men's fine shoos, #1.85, Plow shoes. #1.00, Boy's double tapped boots, #2.25. .'i.-SM:. •: E.ft*wurs, Dead. Physiologists estimate that the heart does 5,000,000 pounds of work each day. No wonder people drop dead with worn out hearts. Tbis could be prevented by Dr, Miles' new and great discovery, the New Cure. Always cammenues wben you first begljtft short of breath, have weak, fail smothering spells, pain or tend* In side. eto. Sold at. Geo. W. N~ Drug Store. COUGH! and COUGH! and COUGHHF What in tbe world is tbe reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medkiines when Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup will positively relieve your cough at onoe? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. For ealoby J. A. Story, McHenry, and J.^Humphrey, Wauconda, Drnggiat'a. Tbe immense sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy baa been produced to •i great extent, by people, who, have been cured by it telling their Mends and neighbors of its good qualities aad urgiug them to try it. Tue meet se­ vere cold will soon yield to Its sooth­ ing eiieew, For sale by G. W. Besley WHAT ON EABTH Is the reason people will not, out not, or do not see auy diilarence In ebeap nostrums put up by Cheap Jobu bouses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide refutation and one that Is giving ualveml satis­ faction at equal price? No medicine iu the world Is giving such unpar­ alleled satisfaction for purifying tho blood as Boggs' Blood Purifier A Blood Maker, and every battle that does not do its work will coat you nothing. For sale by J. A. Story* McHenry and John Humphrey, Wan* conda, Druggist's. WHEAT WANTED. . The highest market prion la cash will be paid for good Milling Wbeat, at the Fox Blver Valley Mills, Mo­ Heary. B.BlBOr, . FOB SALE OB BINT. Fourteen acres of good las ated wltbia a mile of the MeBetiry. There is a good h and otber outbuildings. AlMi;a| well of water. Terma ^ Apply at tbia office, or ot 41 fttjTtmTrir yHlr^MlSS. $ V-'-1

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