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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1889, p. 1

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M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 188fc> $££je. *t - f,s > PUBMTHKD ITWT WEDWKSOAT ,VAN SLYKB,- I , iSH""' Office lai Bishop's Block,1 --OPJW18ITM PRRBY ft OWS*'» JG» .****% OF STTBKWPTIO*., R )S«*tea»fto«mhm) .....................fti® .. 2.00 if three or tlx littiiti tli* same proportion. _ lia Three Months. WoeiWl to* BUSINESS 'CARDS. PAUL BROWN, , TTOfcWST AT L \W. XT. 8. Express Co.'S L Building, 87 an-t 93 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, A TTOKNKY at Law, and Solicitor mChAni eery, Honda, 111. JOtOS STOffIL, Phoenix of Brooklyn, Agent is»r •{ Continental of N. Y. National of Hartford ASA w SMITH; / _A TTOEKBT AT I,AW. and Bo!*elte*Hin A Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. J09LYN ft CASEY.l ATTORNEYS AT UW, f Wood stock "m, AU bulnw will nuive prompt kttw> HOB. Kates ef Advertising. e liberal rates for advertising _ BALER, and endeavor to state ly that they will ba readiiy an They are *• follows: 5 00 10 00 iM«fWr 1 me year toneyear - IB ©eeyeai- inene year- ilttUMiejrmr ^ i >• i4* ^ 4V 15 00 *0 00 FOOO Mo oo One inch means the measurement of one »eli down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege ef changing as often ab they Ihlwi, without extra charge. Bfgnlar advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion W weal netlces at the rate ef 5 cents per line •Mil week. All ethers will be charged 10 •eats per 3lne the first week, and 5 cents per line for oaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged It tin Mite mt 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil in Inch i . week, |UQ for two weeks, $2.00 for three we»ke,aad se on. The PtAnrDRALBK will be liberal in giving Mhltotal notices, but, as a business rule, it Wuliroqulre a aaitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for peouniary Jtaln. BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. FEGER3, M. D- o IHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Ills. Oflno at RftflUionca. 'i O. J. HOWARD, M. D. tMTMOIAN AND SURGEON, Me Henry, I 111. Office at Resilience, one door weft Of Chorch. •; r- Wg.*,O3B0RSB,tiM. D. OSYtilOlAN AND 9UIIGKO.M. Office at J7 the Parker House. West McHenry. Calls promptly attended to day and night. BARBIAN BROS. [ IIQAB Manufacturers. McHenry, 111. Or- ^ dere solicited. 9h#, In Old McHenry, Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside sue. elr --ameSsaiy B. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor, first • - a 1 A. L. __ dalVAM ..rigs, with or wit bout drivers . at reasonable dene en short notice. C, P. Barnes. ^ D. T.SMifff. BARNES & SMILEY, ATTORNEYS, Solicitors and Counselors, Collections a specialty,, 'WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. flba T. D. Murphy. F. a Lumlejf MURPHY ft LUMLEY. * ATTORNEYS AT LAW, and solicitors;in , Chancers, * WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in'the rear ef Park House, ilrst floor. A, M. CHURCH, Watohnmker and .Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Fuir Assortment of Goods in his line United States_ffar_C3aisi Apncj wk hTCOWLIN, Woodstock, Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance placed safolv and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies corrected, changes and transfers made. CaU on or address Simon StoffeL West McHenry,(Illinois. oV , : .rrAfftnt for- V LIGHTNING," And Awdlental Unsnrsnee. Also Bfttfa. Mint and California La§ WM. »ta, Nebraska, A' Call oh or address >FFEL, McHenry, ill: M. CILULAND. , --Dealer injatt Khui* of-- HA80 WOOD L7UBXB, EITHER BY CAR LOAD OB RBTAtJL. NO m SOUTH fyATER ST., CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. S SQUARE TIMBER A SPECIALTY. J£> WESTERN LANDS. J. G. McGregor ft Co., ef^Elgin.'.tlltlneia. have fer sale in the Groat; Pipastoito Qo.f Minn, 50.000 Aore«t^f LuriU Which they offer »t*LOW pricen land iRaay Terms. See bills giving date of our next ifixcursion, and for full particulars apply to > ^ . v J. VAN SLYKE. MjHenry.^Ill. •J- lllltiols. Prosecutes all class»S and kind# of claimB against the Unltod States tor ex-Solditirs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heir*. A specialty is made in prosocuuag old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered i# Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWUM Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodsvocc, Illinois. Attention Horfemen! MOHBNIIT.̂ ILL , April 1st, 1898, I would respectfully invite the Public tb c«t!l and examine m j stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No busi. nees dene on Sunday. V" K. 8. COLBY . M'HITMKT ILL E* R» AUSTIN, Livery, Boarlfiti ai Sale Stable. .At Parker House Earn. GLASS BIGS, with or witttont vera, Furnished at Reasonable Rates, t and Hacks run U< and fr in all Trains.-- Orders for Basgage Promptly Attended to. West McHenry, 111. «»•» • nte<r?T i:~ t y NMAR THE DEPOT, : WSSERR MOHENBY, Xtag* ' ITeetie open for the aoooinjnodatlon of the* rnbUca Ilrat^lasa Saloon and Esstaurant, m*f he will at all UMI MB ttKi'I hf AB'lT'Tf Wines, Liquor* and Q||U|, foond in ihe markofci^ m the bekt riaSi^-a Alse Agent For FBANZ FALK'S BILWAMSE LAGER BEES. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. way* en hand, cheaper than any otbei, (iuall. ty oensldered. Orders by maillpromptly Attended to. mOOD OTASLimt FOR HOR8R& MPCall and see <as. Robert Sohlesele. Lweet MoHanry, III. » n I. Scnglexi'a ION AID RESTAUR AHT. MeHBNRY, ILLINOIS. / SMITH'S Quintette Orchestra, 1 McHENRY, ILL. Lre toHhe preparedito furnish First Class Mnsie Dancing Public at Reasonable Bates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. ItoUt. Madden. Clarionet, O. Curtis, Comet. L, Owen, Trombone, K, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry SmUii* McHenry. % SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the Halted Stales for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poet masters agents and clubs. Sample coplee mailed free Address all orders to BICHA&D Z. VOX, •V'IK.' ; JTKAHKLIK SQCARK, New York ATTENTION I ?|f fiarmers and Dairyra». "It will pay those looklng|for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call At BT premises before purchasing. I can furnish ao^fa t^y the <Mr io»d of siugt« cow. i PORTER H. WOLFRUM, , CHBM17K9. Farm about.four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, , Watohinakei' & Jeweler, MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watehss. Give me acalL _ JOBS P. 8MTTH. & G- ANDREWS. GENERAL: Fins Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, -A?ID- J. Is|5#y quantity from a Snitz 01*» to &C0 barrels. AT VTHOELSALE oe RETAIL Be®r in bottles, kegs or <*49 as ckea Vlr« buy none but the best and " at B^asouAble Prices. (Ml and 4oe mt aa4 I will aw ImjralL ANTONY ENGELN in SPB1NO GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming' Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most < mSOIABU TSBliS. "c. G. Andrews, Spring Crove, 111 ii<rlng jkoT«,8«vt 8th, l^S5> ll-ll-Saa FISH) Ptfaotloi Painter AHD DEOOBATEB. C HEBRQA, ILL, S Decorating, Paper-Hanghm, CAJL CTMININQ, GRAINING, Done on short notice and aatisOustkm guaran­ teed. QKUWWT address, K. FI8H. . _ _ „ 'iuU wflf Pumpe, Cementing Wells, "iln ) fmf Rop&lilag, CEMEN ^G, The undersigned is prepare*! to do all jobs in the jine of Digging Wellsr Oementin vill put IfTeisr On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ii' Short will do all work in this line. Can . furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as :W any other man. Good references furnished if desired. It yon want a Well Dug, a Pomp Repaired or a new Pump, give me a calL •VOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post office, Jonnsburgh, ill. L. BANTES. Johnsoargb, 111,, May 35th, 18W, ! MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn, '^3 led Polled And Jersey Cattle. Hillaido Fanaa, West McHenry* III. Our Morgan Stock it all -T>ure lured, and originated from the best Morgan stosk in the Onlted States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head tf our Stock* is one of the best bred Morgan tiorses in the country, and can show more and letter all purpose eoits than any other horse in the West. • We invite the Inspection of oar stock hr hirsemen and all lovers of fine animals. *; ••. *, - tmc C WCAG0 AM|» "Astern RAILWAY. * I P#rt»trato» tho Centers a4C '.Population In] *;»> ft--®?#! , 331 ^ < 4 !> ijs -ti » 1 • • y - Tts train) service meetlrequiremonts • to furnish the mo through travel betwi i* carefully arranged to lo«*;n travel, ait well las ; attractive routes for n important! Trade Ceatrea. ?."• j dSy and parlor cars, djn- ittg enrs is without rival rftction. of stone ballast- Its equipment of d£y and parlor cars, ingan«f |ttace sleeping cars Is without rivai Its i-oad bed is p«i ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route jPor the commercial tiavaler, the tourist and the seekers after newjlhoutee In the golden Northwest. i* „ Detailed information cheerfully fnrnlsJ b? BERKAWO BU3S, Agent, 4 McHenry, III. f. M.\ WHITMAN% m c. WICKER, -yf\' t.jg Truffle Meaicl0r,. x*r; &*P. WIHOX, . T A A XT Q MADF^N pa mi LAND ANX iSSSSnit borrowers „ J. W. RANBTEAD, Borden Blk, Elgin, 111. E. LAWLU3. --MERCHANT TAILOR-- toorfferjfor - ^ C. I\ TOBNOW, --THE MERCHANT TAILOR, Of Nunda, Is now with E. LaWlusand thev are now readv to do anything in the Tailoriug line at very low prices. C r. Tornow Invitet. his friends from Crystal Luke an.I vicinity, and also the people of McHenry and vicinity, to call and inspect ttie goods and get prices. Prices are as loiyjjere as anywhere according to thegoodii" " ,-:;ti!K. I.AWl.U8,' , Opposite Riverside House, McHenry, III. SOLSaBS' Edited by WM. H« OOWUi, --WOODSTOCK, nx, , "Tbeiwvfor him wfia ha* borne thtbaOU, and for AM widot; and orphan*."--LiHCOLN. "JBHendahip, Charily. Loyalty-- Warihy\toiu of,Patriot muhm." C- A, R, Directory. K'HEKBT JPORT KO. S4S.J . . e?«i^ mo^1^rt*^TWrslS*la,r6*' vreAiaf* L, B. BKNNBTT, One. WOODSTOCK TO*T. MO KNL Meots first and third Monday evenings of each month. s* < W. H, MOHIOS, Oon. WPKDA POST, WO TR. Meets the second and fourth tTMSday evenings of each month. M- F. KlMVOItB, OHk. •ASTAKD FO8T. W0 9BB, »etsths second and rourt n Monday *STSn ings ot each month. " O. W. OXTHAWK, Oaou KAIUNO POST, XO. H», Meets every Second evenings* ^ Friday of each month. E. R. MOBKIS, Com. WAUOOMDA rOST, NO. im. Post meets every second and fourth MtW> 4ay evening In G. A. 8. Hall, Main SL ABTBUK OOOKB, Oem. L W. NICHOLS, JR., in W/̂ cqtS. A few full blood Morgan Colts and young torses for sale. Also one matched team, fail •looUa. 4 In Oittle we have the full tftood Short Horn viurh we are crossing with the Bed Polled tngus and therefore Instead of sawing off <the torus we are breeding them off and with Vsod success. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred 4hort Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. • _ J. If. Saylor A Sons, w«tt McHenry. III.. Feb, 27th. 18f>& n ; sgui j- ^pst intheWorft?. s WAITED I To canvass for the'sale of Nursery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once stating age. Refer to this paper. 8KELL A HOWL AND, _ Bochester. N. T. 841k Haodkerable!« SO oeott, JEWELER AND EfiGRA?ER, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. All work in my line neatly &ndupromptly •tone. Fine watch repairing a specialty. ̂ p0̂ CONSUMpf Jt has permanently cared THOUSANDS of eases pronounced by doctors hope- less. If you hav^premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cotigh, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION Immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. ̂Parker's \ SPAVIN CURE XS mtEQUAUED as an application to hanmtm the eure of Bpnvln, Bin. •sntism, Splint, HaviMlu Joints, end all sevsse ferns ness, also for tnek ase wksa rednoed. " * ^ PTice MMNMtoZV SSOm's'p 35 IfpHintlOBi Be w. baAbiR^ W«Propristoe, Am R, «T 1tadesnn>UedlvJAAB.O* *Ool, Detroit, ntb i \ Bohsaok esoas, CUssm t Go to Alt boil Bros, for Fise Sboe», The Burnt °>/>nl' *•* IsnL Along Qis iBkirmish Lias. Ths sew ritual of the G. •. B. It oow used by Its offioert. The Augusta Chronicle ealU Uslon veterans, 'oaule.1^ The W. R. C. of Ohio wen |irln| red white and blue suppers. Boston (Jorbett, the'factious slayer ei John Wilkes Booth, Is now la old Mex­ ico. The Sons ot Veterans will, en f eb. 13th, 1889. celebrate the fclrtli'dey ef Abraham Lincoln. Colonel A. I, llcReynold, ef Grand llapld#, Mich., celebrated his 80th birth­ day CnristmM. He served with dis­ tinction In three wars. The women of Ohio are ie famish a library for use"of disabled |reterans at tbe Ohio Soldiers and Sailors' Heme at Sandusky , Ohio. The committee ot arrangements for the twenty-third National Encamp­ ment, to be held at Milwaukee,> lias 21 «ub-committees. One huudred and thirty thousand dollars has been subscribed to the Grant monuaaeot fund to be erected Itt New York. The First wgtaeiit to die Stele of New Tork to oiler Its servioet t* the govern meat In 1881 was the 67 th. The seventieth Indiana Veteran Yol unteera will go to Washington, to take part in the Inauguration, as president, of its old eeoaaender, Oesarade. Ben Harrison. Comrade R, A. Alger, ef Detroit, gave several hundred setts of clothes to newsboys ef thai etty as Ohrhitmas gifts. The cerps In Janeaa Co., fftsoooeln, bave already raised |iS0 toward build­ ing a cottage at the Soldiers' Heme, Wanpaca. Recruiting fer .the Greed^Araty does not devolve entirely upon the blffh privates in tbe order. Department Commander James Sexton and bis^pop alar assistant Adjutant General A. D. Keade, assisted by their good wives «re reported as having quite^ recently added a recruit each--and both are girls. The comrades bid theos wel­ come In fraternity, charily end ley- alty. Widows of soldiers who contracted disability In the service and line ei duty are entitled to pension if the dis­ ease or disability which caused the soldiers' death can be traced to hU mil itary service whether the soldier drew a pension er not. Commissioner John C. Black has been sued for 9100,000 damages by Captain Oscar Dunlap. Captain Dan- lap claims that tbe commissioner ma­ liciously withholds a pension of #72 a month to which he Is entitled under the act of 1880, bis injuries being the loss ef a hand and foot and * fcaotare of the skull. <» Tbe Ohio Department, Grand A1rmy of tbe Republic, lu reports for tbe quarter ending September 30th, 1888, shows the following Interesting facte: number in good atandiog last report, 41.384; gain by muster-in 2.796; gain by transfer 230; gain by reinstate ment 680, total galu 3.708; aggregate 43,092. Loss by honorabe discharge 16; Loss by death 127; loss by transfer 204 ; loss by suspension 1,101; total loss 1,449 remaining in geod standing 43,643. Widows ot soldlersjn the lat? war who have remaiued single alnoe the soldiers' death can apply for and ob­ tain a pension of eight dollars per month from tbe date of said death up to March 1886; after which time they can get twelve dollars per month until such time as they remarry; provided aiwajs that the disease of which the soldier died was contracted during his military service and Jseld petastoo has not.already been paid. A verdict awarding #15,0W dollars damaees for the lesa of a leg has been handed down in tbe supreme court to Sidney Marion, aged 14, by guardian, against the Brooklyn elevated-Railroad Company on June 11th. He was try­ ing to board the $rala and fell between fhecan aad Va fcf wta that It bad to be amputated. The suit was fer $50,000; recovered 815,000, Now aaetdter who had his leg shot off in defence of his country, it entitled to thirty dollars a month or three hun­ dred end sixty dollan&a year. That pension dribbled|)at tp the soldier at that rate per yiar ,would take about ferty-twe years to receive the nam ef fifteen thoarand dollars. The interest at six per cent on fifteen* thousand dollars would be nine hundred dollars a year er seventy-five dollars per month, vWi the peer soldier who tost his leg in the line of duty doing all la his pewer to save his country, lis getting bnt thirty dollars per month. And yet there are some who think the soldier gets too nsuoh. We some­ times think It a greet pity that the hoys of *61 were patriotic enough te go and fight for tbe salvation of the coun­ try. But they went and tone people would be greatly rejoloed if they would all hurry up and die. Such soul- less Individuals ought no# te have a oountry. r • Wluktt " What will the inooming administra­ tion de fer the soldiers Mi a question that thousands of Indigent and decrepit veterans are asking themselves and eaeh other. And what is the eutlook? Certainly better than heretofore. The new administra­ tion will oome into pewer backed by a majority in beth houses of Congress, and it Is likely that any just and equi­ table pension bill will not fall of pas­ sage in Congress, and if passed there is little fear that Harrison, who was elected by tbe soldier vote, will veto any good measure. We do net mean, te be understood to Insinuate that Pesident-eleot Harrison would sign any measure as a reward for party fealty, tyut on the contrary we believe that he would be guided by hit sense of the justice and right of any bill of- ferred him by Congress fer signature. But justice and right are on tbe side of tbe soldier and only those blinded by partisan bias can not see it. A large class of veterans have for twenty-five years been denied the pay ment of the just debt the government o«res them, It it time the wrong was righted, and every man who bore arms in tbe great struggle for the preserver tion of the Unloo will watch with an: lous eyes the doings of our National^ lawmakers during the oomlng four years--Cbmrade S. F. Bmneit tin Rich maud GcuatU, out before It was dot moment, when ft weemed it ne loader, ftstreeefr j of tbe signal ne imt his «Mis i my arms, took hold of and, standing behind wave the asswer MM de not think 1 cocld wholemeesage wltboefe) A fighting Sick: Itf'#*dlng uver yeor. I often come aeiess a ril minds me ef a similar one entitled ,Th* Doctor < he Was Sick" recalled to one ef my eld comradee * dews very stek esheit i got tote active servtoe. fast fer a long time, and fit lesoed. While he did not stoat he looked quitei answer to the sldt Finally the doctor teoeftrtn net much ailing him and captain te pat hint on datyj tain ordered oie te issue and aeoon«i*!f*at* Who to him he pleaded like a his inability te do duty. that It was so ordered by and that he would be obey. "Well, I'll try," he i All west well with hie were on the march te Wt Va. He cams to me and deliver up his gun and pleading that he was so could net carry them, I toll I had erdeis not to take t| would intercede with the him. Idldso, but the the order from the doctor tive, and he oouhi not dU explained It to him and t he might possibly get on of some ef tbe teamsters wd gsi to ride which he did. We went iaft# the ' fight at Fredericksburg, on fiimrday atternooD and advanced al brew of a hlii or plain, who**! flat, tbe enemy oeuld not hit ibeir shot, but ft We raised knees, wo were sate te-. nwdttBii pi I me at from the eoeftf*/ ;lffcf position all day 8aa4ayt with MM mg except desnltoi^^ the sick man rofM a^sl and started to the rear _ blankets fros|iNi.dW«^ Jidnoti - -Hold the Fertl^ 1 TheStory of thai famom Stwiiagi Ws Told by the Hero Hirmt(f% I notice a number of newspapers giving, or attempting te give, a cor­ rect statement of the ctrcumstat^oe^ under which our lamented friend and brother, Judge J, W. McKenzle, per­ formed the signal act of heroism at Altoena, none ef which exactly coin* oldes with a detailed statement of the a ase as given te me by tbe hero him­ self. I had been especially intimate with him for many years. Net one word had ever fallen from his lips rel­ ative te this matter to my knowledge. One day, learning Incidentally from another of his connection with "Hold the Fort, for I am coming," I took oc­ casion to ask him abbot It. He seemed al first reluctant to tell me, but I pressed him, and this is substantially his own account of it. After describing the situation of the armies at Altoena and Kenesaw, he said: « "General Sherman's signal corps had been trying to send dlspatobes from Kenesaw to General Corse. We could read the dispatches with oar tele­ scopes, but could not receive or an­ swer them back, because the rebel shot were so thick. The rebels had also a lot ef sharp-shooters posted watching our squad, and every time a man would show himself ttey would pick him off. At this time General Corse came up and said, 'who is in command here?' Our captain was absent and I was In charge ef tbe squad, and I replied, am sir.' The geaeral then asked If a message oould be sent to General Sher­ man in answer to his, 'to hold the fort for he was coming* just read. I re­ plied tbat It could be If absolutely necessary. Gen Corse then wrote out the message and hiuided It to} me. it read as follows: To GENSEAL SHBRMAN --I am short a cheek-booe and one ear, bnt can whip bell out of them yet. GBRBHAL COR8K. "I took It end the signal flag and called for a volunteer from my little squad. No man responded. I then of­ fered the flag-staff to oaoh man and asked him If he would volunteer and each declined. I then thought 1 would detail odb, but my brother Tom was In the squad, and the thought struck me tbat If I detailed another bat him they would at once say * partiality.' If I detailed him and he was shot 1 could never forgive myself, and It seemed like certain death for any one to undertake it. At this moment of hesitation the General, seeing no man going forward said te me firmly. Lieu­ tenant, I thought you said this mes­ sage OMld be seat P I replied, 'it can* aod without farther delay I meuated the signal station and comaeneed sending the message, expecting to be shot, Th® flag was about eighteen feet lOlg, mud tuv wSau wiw blOtilg ^0!Me and I. foaatl It to be v*ry hard enemy began to fines htife He ts and fronted them tqaartly and out as load as he confd: ' Fire away boys; I've etgy one die, and might as well die now as time.' By the time he said this ceased firing at him; he a looklne at tnem. He watch! abort time, then turnidendl lot of blankets; also Some tracts that bad been dropped and when he came back he distributed them alog the line saying: "Beys, she blankets will do you a great deal mere good than Hejr wltt dead men. You can read thMsi treetti't perhaps they may do yea tome geed also." Then be lay dOwn In his plane. * He served out the remainder ef ?|i| time, and I believe was in all the en­ gagements the regiment was lo nfter that, never receiving a scratch. - He was discharged wnen his time ex­ pired, and arrived at his heme, where he died a tew days afterward. 8.S. MCVAZAfP^ LateSergesatCo. H,«2nd P. V. , , ; Be Beard Webster. • > i la 1660 Geaeral Sherman, then Lien- ,§r tenant Sherman, was in Washington for a short time, and learning tfcet; Webster waa to make e speech In the Senate waa extremely anxloas to heir him. On hastening to the Capitol, hoi found tbe galleries crowded and " seemed likely he weald lose the eil| opportunity he weald ever have of Hat-J toning to the famous orator. Fimu' he sent In hts card to Senator Const whom ho bad met ou several occask and said to him when be apqeared: "Mr. Corwlu, I am very aexteos hoar Mr, Webster speak." "Well, why don't you go Into thi gallery." I told him tbe galleries wop ready full .and everf piaiBed tbat 1 wanted hli on the floor of the Senate; tbet _ often been people there who- weijSl^w-. better entitled to the privilege '"Are yon a foreign Smbi«*jdetF'* he lNl&! asked. "No." "Are you governor of a state ¥* "No." "Are you a member of tbe other* b o u s e . " : - > r "Certainly not.^ "Have you ever had a rote of by name?'* 4 a -No." "Well, these are the only ^privileged persons." I then told him be knew well enough wbo I was and that If he chose he could take me In. •' IIave you any Impudence?" be de­ manded. "Do ybo think yoa could he* come so Inteteated in my cenversAtlos as not to notice tbe doorkeeper?" I told htm there wasn't the least doubt of it. If he would tell ss eae ef his funny stories. Upon tbat be 4ook aay arm, and led me a turn is the ves­ tibule talking about some IwUtarent matter, bnt ul the time directing my looks to hts righ\ hand toward which be gesticulated with bis ri^UL lu thla manner we approached the doorkeeper, who began- asitag me: "Foreign Xmbaasadorf Governor of St ate> Member et Cengreee?" Bat ( eaught Corwin*s eye, whjMi said plainly, "don't mind htm; pay ei* tention te me," and In this way we entered the Senate ehambcr by a side la, Owrwin said: H can «ako care of^jroumif," E hlod Mr. Wobater and lost G#s ' - 'JlrJ.. J. i. J.&

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