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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1889, p. 8

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, < of r < ' "•'*"• ' ,, '»* , y _'.' r ^ f« » * *4 * \Sf> 4 a .'•5^ Bf* 1 u •' .*?, •* W.gfc T. H. UHRTMINT. 'twd Mottoes uadtor! the above head " it by theLaities of the W.C. T. U. irieteiau no part or credit for ®r Tb* Loyal Temp® ratio* Ltglon will •l*t II the ntw City Hall on Krt~ 0mf afternoon at fe«r o'clock, YIm latftw of the W. C. T U. will .t*v»t with Mr*, fl. Nordqul*t oo Thu«4»f «t bklf-pMt two o'eloek r, k. , . * Mm. J. B. Pckrt, President. mm. t. J. Walsh, Secretary, Qo»d Templary it not permitted la ISmfo Tber« it ft Bind or Hope connected wlik the Erring Wofli*aVRefug«, on Iodlaoa avenue. J v, The ladles of tfce W. <3. T* II. at Sotixiter, N. T. art engaged In opts* tag a night mission In that eity. la tbi jfiaat North So* the llqaor trtSc Is prohibit*d undar the •auction of tii* British Goveramaet. . • • «. ' Brtndj as* Medlet"»A .... •*>} ' ^ ! Briedy killa multitudes every year who enjoyed perfect bv&lth before they beg»a to me it: thee it teems fair to Infer that It will ki S the sick toore ipe»(illv. Dr. Lee said that he was livlag near Buokicgbam Palace. 1b Londoo, when Prince Albert was taken flick. Bis ease was delag well for a few daya, when they began to give hi as brandy tostregthen him to enable hlffl te re­ cover mort rapidly; the more he was attnolaud the worse he grow aatil be died. Soiu® years ago when It was the ;;0f «ttSt»m to attempt curelng delirium ij'*1 tremeas by giving brandy, one out of •very four died at Kdiaburg hospital Since then the professor of the medi­ cal college has treate 1 over MO oases «f delirium tremens without losing a •ingle patient. Prof. Gardner, «f the Giwgow Uni­ versity, gave 100 men 80 ounces of ateshel. Seventeen died out of the 100, Of 508 cases of young persons who were not allowed wine or whisky •na died. In a teetotal hospital, at Leeds, England, of 300 patients who took not a drop, ttU recovered. Let facts decide, i V\«J. & 4*. *' " v. ^'4 nr f , v te* • jfi yz??' -i: s '4'M* •W\ ./A'.'-K i > T , • f 'fsin '"£%»"5 •*- i •$?., »f e - J '"•r ^ ' r-', «• W . .. ^ ^ Vvi ^ ^ f * J ^ * * i T g X I " stV 1 • * { v ^ t<#*. SHAWLS, Iffe At prices tliat will sell thera* Sixteen and New Orleans Sugar for $1.00. % - - |! f »i K , * ' r ' V ' : v : V ' m ' % • • , r ,4" £,•? t, •>. ; r. 5- FUtecn pounds Extra C. Siigar for $100. Bed Blanket •without regmrd to their cosa. Fourteen pounds standard & s«gar, $1*00. Horse Blankets and Eobei " • r'W^'2 .*v v; ^T' • ' f '* . * • < Ewiiii IKve commenced the new^y«r wfjffi' a^iau tine of s usually kept in a General Store, Comprising a fine assortment of - DRY <to FANCY GOODS, .-'"v AND ? -**fr • ) x JERRY SMITH. • Soot and Shoe Maker, Ofte door ffonth of the rmrnitare Store* Itowe'a Block, -McBENET ILLINOIS- Hoots anil Shoes manufactured of the best SB»terial and a fit Guaranteed. REPAIRING ^ifOtnirtty attended to. iNvisistff 1»ATCHK8 fw fine Shoes and Boots a specialty. Gall and tee me. Jerry Smith KcHenrf, Dee. 4th, 1KB. - "v. c »;if$i "-iX" Thirteen and one-half pounds standard Granulated Sugar, $1.00, Always remember we Wt have a Felt poots, Hats sad G Rubber Overs, >i SiovM s&d juiirai. MUf FLGRS, ETC. And we shall slaughter prices on them from the above date. We want to see yon one and all, at all times, and will make it our *iody to treat you well. . Yours aa Ever, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. A foil Itae of Cloths, of the latest style* :«»tf patterns always on hand. llNGLE GASMEN I OR FULL SUITS, §1' ^ Ipate on short notice and a fit guaranteed. S*3'v from our experience and practical knowl- syrt • edge of '.be bnsiness we are confident we can ^ please the most fastidious, and respectfully ffe " . nrtteall in want of Clothing ot any kind to ^ (ve ae a calL C '• Prices as k>v as tfte same qaatUy of goods p" | 'Oaai he yavehaaed an/where. GO! GO! GO! >• • That is just what the enterprising business man always aays to the goods on his shelves, and that is just what <n *v.- MoHENRY, IIXlNOUk Are saying to theirs so loud that the surrounding country is going to have it humming in their ears all the time. They want to tell you that they mean C. J. BRILL. Btchmond, October 15th, 1898. am-: jkP ~ I GENTS WANTED! D To eanvag for one of the largest^ sides! flestafeiitiiied, 1S8T KNOWS NUBSEEllg ™»:o the wuniry. Most liberal terms. Un- OEHEVA KUR8EEY, Xsl^ alished 1846> W. AT* SMITH, Geneva* N. T. 8ASKUSS IS THE COMING FENCE. ^Jt is much more easily seen by than Otfainsry barb wire, there being more than twice the visible eurtace presented to the eyes of stock by this wire than by the twisted oarb wire, thereby obviating much of the danger <>t stock running ag&inst this fence. Bbouia Buch a thing by any means occur the •ontact would be harmleatt. Have been usintf ft the past yeardtnd am eatiafie i that it will taro stock as well as any barb wire, and T ^veuld be glad to sell every pound of barb Wire that I have not on my place at one-half mice In fact judging from the damage that I have had done to etock in the last three jeari, I tfclnk I would be gbe gainer it 1 Wlwi aW*T "Place It with Spur Oo you want a fence that is •tronger than ••jr hard-twisted barh wire, giving the full •treagth of two wire* and yet wll' go ten %ofifteen per cent, farther for same number 9t ponads than any of the four point barb •Ires? Do you wast a fence that you and your Mlghbor can &*ree upon tor line fenclnir and Stuis save litigation? Do you want a fence that has been proven 1»r many users to have alt the meriu we hate •tated? if so yo« will find it for sale at B. Gilberts, , West SIcHenry, or at my farm, IX miles West ; •( HeHenryj on Woodstock road. SAMUEL SHERMAN. Also agent for Big Giant Feed Mill which ;: |pi t Ooro, cob ane all. Dress Goods, Shawls, Underwear, Groceries, Must be Sold to make room for new goods. Examine, hold up to the light, taste, sample, satisfy yourself that the goods are all the finest and then ask the price. YOU WILL BE Says so, and they mean business. WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. The weather hbs been remarkably fine thus far. but the COLD will surely come and it stands every one in hand t« be prepared for it, and how be^er prepared than to secure the GREAT BARGAINS / _ • ̂ • '• ̂ Now being offered at our store in all kinds of Heavy Goods. We mean business and will give you Lower Prices on this class of goods than ever before offered in Lake County, General OUB 8TOC vkuiLM Was never more complete than now. Gall and get onr Prices before purchasing elsewhere < Special iaducements for Cash Buy­ ers in sums from $5 up GOLDINC BROTHERS. . Z ly* - mm*. or Huts Gaps, Gloves and Mittena -MUFFLERS, ETC., BTC.-^ a . . . . . . . ~ • •' " *•-. «fKii "Jv Pricps ground to a razor edge. It will pay vou to invest a few ftV> * r •; *- + - . i.'ff-f * *> - ̂ - • • i --'ft -S i.4 * a* V-' ^>V - % **"/**"*££ '"P i* J'l - 1 \ f.- - I f"you vri*»ifc« "Suoh aar C$m 4' m®®*: J 'i j ,*k *' _ . s • • =" X. • . Constantly on hand. a full stock of the best tftndi dl, Canned Goods and Wooden Ware Price paid for Butter and Eggs. 'stock, highest Market riTZSIMMONS Ik HENDERSON. Opposite Post Office* West McHenry, Dec 18th, 1889 • JULIA {One Door West of Riverside House,) .DEALER 1N- ATso a lew extra good, heavy, gray, ail wool suits, cheap enough „ r-' at $15, price noyr has been cut to 8.50. A tew overcoats at $1.75, 3 50, 4.50, 5.00, worth double, Ladies extra high button Over- hoes, a lew pair left at $1,25., former price 1.75 Ladies finest \ quality selt acting Overshoes, worth $l.i5, this week* price, 80c. /\ Extra good quality Felt Boots and Overs, ground down to $2 15, " 3 1-2 yards best Rocktdrd Flannels, (shrunk), $1. Fur Caps for -| men, a few left at most any reasonable offer. Ladie« and Misses ' Toboggan Caps from l0o to 25c each, -old hundreds for four timea ^ that figure. A few Waterloo and Rockford Shawls left when price ^ is no object. Ladies warm lined Shoes $1 per pair, which we thought cheap enough at 150 before^ .hat We have a complete line of Ladieil. - . • - f Angola Button For $2.50 per pair and we warrant the shoe to be the best m the 1 world tor the money. We want you to try a pair. New spring styles Embroidery, pure linen Laces, Towels, Napkins, Table Linen , P5,^£SL8a•,«, »t barsajyas, Our styrkg stv^s'ot O CKFO RD SHOE S. Are also in, will you piease 1 k»k them over? *Pric« from $2.25 up. The Kocklord $3 5hoe is a corker. As good a thing as we can say for. <j ioceries is this. They are here, plenty of them and jou needn't waste a thought on pricesor qualit^|:\^fVill tell you more about them next week perhaps. •* , ^ ? s ^ ? T* 4 ^-I* r%- ^^7% i'W •' -H? " . & G-e V ft- ^ - DRUGS, ME.DI CINES, 'A FULL LIME Oft yii?-*-.: " I mjv »«i>V| Constantly on hand Alao a large line*0f • - patent. Medicines, Toilet Articles, -WfSsiMD COMPLETE STOCK OT--^00* STATIONARY & DRUGGIStS SUNDRIES. Fhy®iciang( Prescrlplioiis Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. OET-ROi DEALER IIM SHELF AND JULIA A. STORY. NEW| DEPARTURE. TIV McHEiXRY, ILLINOIS. JACOB BONSLETT. I Having purchased the Hardware Business of H V. Shepard, would inform the Buying Public that lie has just pat in a full new Stock of Purchased for Cash, all of which will be Bold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods • finiiL LIll Of gTWIS, . GARLAND AND OTHEtt KINDS. For both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, tt> be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see wh at can be done OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JOBBING Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed^ share of public patronage respectfully solicited. ? • . I ' ^ 4ACQB BON8LKTT* McHenry, IU„ Ootpb^ 1st, 1888. # A Stovss, Tin, Copper * • • And Sheet-Iron Ware > ;The Peninsular and Reliables * The b<ist Stove on the Market and cheap. Oome and see oar Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we tnftfce our« elves, that |wll hold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, tie best in the market. Gall and see it. •Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail, a new thing, Haish.'s Barb Wire, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory A rfiare of public patronage respectfully solicited. W. P. STEVBXS, '?-v^ rfWlTprri^ m n OEALEd Brttgs and Hedicifies, PAINTS, OILS. - PUBg ' X\k FOB MEDICAL Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. , , „ , , , , * The best brands ot Cigars ant Smofcing and always on hand. " . r ; PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, (^tirefully Jompounded, Give me a call. Mc Hepr y, December 28th, 188?. C. w. BESLEY. ;>t <<• -Ifm is '>?Vi ^ T " ' »_ 0 ' \ tr ^ \ »_ __ '

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