* ™ r*Ni if • + * - - Pledged but to Ttuth, to if Wo Favors Win us ||||io Fear Shall Awe." ^-ijifaTNro"" -i"""'--"" 1 »•" i ut'.S' ""'• VOL. 14; M'HENRY, ILLIN1 1DNESDAY, MAttGH 20, 1889. OP 8ffBloft"t^*iaw.:r """v" Cv ^OH.'fW'Qi A'tvaae«s • - If Set PaWwithio Three Months.. Su4>»or!|rtiwks received for thro# or f» tut* EVERY WKDHESDATBY ^AJpIiYUTi:, KDIT.IJt AHt>' • • # ; 111 X»B*»T -if i .j . months 1b tUe same proportion. 'ltates of Advertising. •r 1 Iafcfcene year t Inches one year 9 Inches on# jrenr . H Wn«#M» year, #* Oeiumtt OA# year- jral rates for adverUcing , and endeavor to state ther wilt b« readily tin f>8 follows; - 5 00 * 30 00 I . • ' IS 00 A; "f »« f* . ,*.#S0 00 ; . . . 60 oo 9U8IXBS8 CARDS, -- -- PATJL BROWN. , A TfcORSTKY AT T,\W. IT. 8. Express OX'S nL Building, «7 an i m Washington St. CHICAGO, I IJL. M. F. BI.LSWOUTH, • TTORNKY at Law, and Soli-sitor ia Chan- L eery, Nunda, 111. % ASA W SMITH, A TTQRNEY AT LAW and Solicitor XX OhAnocry,--Woodstock, in. - s a tion, ? JOSLTN ft O.VSRY, TfORNICrs AT LAW, Woodstock III. All business will reoeivo prompt at ten >. Barnes ; *V Ut T.SmUtp. % • BAttNE* * 8MH.EY, " TTORSfKYS, Solicitors anil Connislttri, Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, lI.HWOt8. ,-M/i dotaaia4tmy«*r . t-v - - - loooo - •••' Mi'laina the nlinrtawt of one #.W~ d»w»«h« column, single column width. •>'"» ,r • Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have jfcivilege of changing as oftea as (hoy vrith®ttt extra charge. those having .. entitled to insertion . „ . r*te of B cents per line All others Will toe charged 10 ae the first week, and 5 cents per subsequent week. Ifranslent advertisements will be charged ...At the rate ef 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil % ype, same as this Is set Irf) the first Issue, and >£ ©eats Mr llne for subsequent issues. Thus, '•.an laob advertisement will cost #1.00 for one 4 wsek, tl.60 for two weeks, 18.00 for three - ^s,fcn<» - - editorial notices, but, as a business rule w.V- wnl require a suitable fee from everybody •i.~ • • seeklag the use of its columns for pecuniary weuks, and seen. The Plti:nrDRAT,Ba will be liberal ingl^lnf alo, it •m BUSINESS CARDS. A FI. FKGEBS, M. D- v-.nHtBIOLAK AND AAAABON. HoHenry, f.il. Ills. Offlce at Be side nee. " O. J. HOWARD, M. D. IIGIAH AND StraeEOK, 5ff6SsnTjrt 'IlC offlce lit Uesldence, one door West »f a. IS. Church. .Sf{: WM. OSBORNE, M. 1». -V,"Y*. TlHYilCIAISr AND 8UUaEO,<. Office at f ' .. f the Parker House. West McHonry. Calls mromp.ly attended to day and night. • J";. r --u----.---- BARB IAN BROS. •^-s^tiaABManufacturers, McHenry, 111. •.•'i?laKelter •J.2. Hease. iAH Manufacturers, McHenry^lll. Or- ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenrv, siter Block, third door west of Riverside 3 Livery Stable. •> WiaflTMAX, Proprietor, first is felS&j wlth or without drivers at reasonable rates. Tiamlug of ileae ea short notice. •; i HJSAR THE DEPOT, fTESX MoHBNRY, ILL Keep* •<m «»r the aaooawaodatton of the* irnblto a ITirst-Class ? ' "V v '• ' • J* *" " and lUstaxirant, Where he wilt at all times keep the beet &a?V toaads ef Wines, Liquors and OigArs '«ii to be found in the market. w: Also Agent Vac Z JPAIL.Kl'fil •Mm IILWAOKEE LASER BEER. Beer In Large er Small K«gror Bottles ^al- sways en hand, oheaper thsia aay other, quail. Vjly ceartderecU. •* ptly a«|Mded to. Orders Robert SoUkMsktt in* ILLINOIS IHoHBHRT * &Pia6 Kentucky Liquors, French Bitter^ < ? * Mi: •m ••7% -r AND - % ' J. a Saitz U/ In »ay quantity from * Q-lass to 5C0 barrels. rj y AT WHOLESALE Oft RETAIL t # 15e«rin bettles, kegs m aa *• th§ cheapest. OP*. none but the best aad OQitble Prices. see m© and I will use sella ANTONr ENQ r|3nr)C.tlUA Son T. D. Murphy. V. 8. Lwnley MURPHY * LUMLEY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, and solicitors la Chancerv, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in the rear ef Park House, first floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watebmaker and Jeweler T^TO. One HundredTwenty.Fivc State St (5hi- iN oago. 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Full Assortment of Goods in his line United States far Claii Apcj -OF- WM- H- GOWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all claBS3»and kinds of claims M&inat the United states tor ex-Soldiere, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, EL COWLlA Office at Residence, Madison St., Woods toe c, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MOHENRT, III., April 1st, 18S8,~ f would rosoectfully invite the Public to Mil and examine m 7 stock of llorses before maklnir arrangoiaeuts sissitUcrs, Ko, buoi- ne«s 4*««oa Sunday. • A OOLBY . K»HBH*r tu, • SIH0» STOITECi, 1 Phowiix of Broo A««nt fdr ^ Continental of H.'Y. (National of Hartford and T trr»al<> Insurance ptacM ^akfelv and with despatch in either ef above couipnnies. Policiett corrected, rhangei' and transfers made. Call on or address {Simon Stofiel. West Mdleary, IlUaots. •fa NEW YORK HOUSE. 239 tc £43 E.. Mandofch St. Between Frankliu and Market , CHICAGO* JS^^ieedmmodation to 'Itavetfrt Md Boarders„ E. 6. K0EPPE, Prop. 11.60 PER DAY, GOOD SAMP LE ROOM. W1 1L. m Aad Also lawa. Mini and Oaiiforula L«" , 'i t v , . WMJ ska, Alabama, t ea or address IcHenry, ill. Tî ?£J] m J. M. CILLILAND, - • --Dealer in aiUKuuis of-- HABO WOOD LUVBKB, XITBBR BY CAR LOAD OB RETAIL. ^ m SOUTH WATER $Tm ' * "S^ OHIOAOOi, ILLINOISi . '3 TIMBER A 8PBCIAr/rY. WESTERN LANDS. J. G. McGregor 1 have for sale In the Oo., ef; Elgin,'.'linnets, 6reat Pipastono C^t Minn. 50.000 Aores sf Land. Which they offer at Low Prices and Easy Terras. Roe bills giving date of our next ttsatwraloa, aatf fcigjEaMjta r ttou I a r 8 apply to " " •. *. " ,, J. VAN SLYKE. 1 -W; - MsHeary, III. E. R- AUSTIN, Livery, Boartoj aM Sale Stable. At Parker House Barn* rtlRST CLASS RIGS, with or without . Drivers, Furnished at lieasonable Rates, us and Hacks run to and frira all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Promptly Attended to. West McHenry, Jfll. QuiniBtte Orchestra, . McHENRY, ILL. 41re pfftpni-edi to forttl^h" #lrst'Clft«S! Sh?>|e to the Dancing Public at Reasonable'Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C, CuViis, Cornel. L, Oreu, Trombone, E, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, McHenry. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States lor three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postnaetert agents and ciubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to BICHABD K. VOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, New York li'iw -- i•' i ATTENTION I Farmers and DairymsD. t It wlll'pay those too&ingjfor '-.'J-TSvi;"' CHOICE COWS ^ Fresh milkers or springers, to catl ai 'i»F premises before purchasing. I can furalsn such by the oar load or single cow. PORTJfift IL WOLFRUM, CHBHUNO. Farm abeat four Alles aorthwest of Harvard, ILlHnois. . 11 ii • 1 • . i JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmakei* Jtc .Jeweler, McHENRY, ILLINOIS* A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry al wave on hand. Special attentioa watohes. Give me given to repairing fine ac&lL JOHN P. SMITH. 0. G. A^IXREWS. G E N E R A L , SPRING GROVE Sales ot Stock, Farming .Tools and Goods 5f all' kinds attended to on the most *, ESAS05ABL3 TSB23. C. G. Andrews, ? ^Spring Crove, 111 !, *9%k '•%L' tyi'lag 3rove 3th, 1S85, 11-llJ v» II. .FISH#' ^pactifial Paintefe AND DEjCOBATEB, cm •X-K • w- HEBRIWi, ILL. j V Decoratiag, Paper-Hangina, GALCIMININ0, ̂ 0&AlNXlfeh f* Doae oa short notice and satisfcetion guaraa- Ml Call ea or address, * : m UMiw isf nmr T WM loop' Repaiiiog,: CEMENTINO, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all Jobs In - -" the line of Digging Wells, Bepalnag "• Pumps, Cementing Wells, or i J23CJSR will pat la New Pumps Oa short notice and vavrant satisfaction, la *• ihort Will do all work in this line. Oa furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you waat a Well Dug, a Putup Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly Post yfflce, Johnsburgn, 111.' L. BANTE8. Johaebttrgh, 111., May 2Sth, »». BRKEDEKS MORGAN HORSES. S^prt Horn,*: us; 1 * *Vr Hillside Farm, West McHenry, Hi. Our Morgan stocx ts an pare Drea. ana irlginated from the best Morgan stoik la tho Ualted States. Old GiflTord Morgan, who staads at the head »Cour Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan 1 torses in the country, and eaa show more aad '«etter all purpose cwU tban aay other horse la the West. We invite the inspection of our stock by hirsemen and all lovers of fine animals.' A few full blood Morgan Oolts and yonna aprses for sate. Also oae matched team, fall ••roods. In (Httle we have the full blood Short Hdm jvlar hwoare crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawmif off the •torns ^0 are breeding them off aad with food success, A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred ihort Horns and the cross above mentioned r>rsale. J. 9. ftayior A Sons. «Mt MeHearv. III.. Feb, 27th. im. railway. pilii^tratos Cont«ra P9pu!«t Illinois Minnesstaf * Mm. Melirasta aM fyosiiiii. Its tmta service U,c*r«fiilly arraai^d to meet requirements of ldctit travel, as well ae to furnish the mo«t attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of rtfy and parlor cars, din ing and place sleeping oars is without rival. Its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast ed steel. The Northwestern & the favorite route for the commercial tiavelcr, the tourist aad the seekers after new homes In the.%oiden Northwest. %*• Uctaii<ui. infomatlwt cheerfully furalshed by MERKARB BUSS. Agent, McHenry, lit WHITMAN, ; &en. Manager. M C. TraS^e Maiqjfl*. , P. WIIAOX, ' ,#•" Ptmenoer Afftmfc ' , ; f m Edited by WM. H. COWtlM* I WD*»i8*6CK, 'ILL.---- "7b core for him who has borne the battle, and for hi* ui/low anti orphans."--LINCOLN. "JVtendship, Charity. Loyalty-- Worthy sow of Patriot maUhura" C A. It, Directory. % K'HEIOIY POST NO. «4SI Meets the First and Third Saturday evenings of each month, '* L. ft, BEHKBTT, Com. •WOODSTOCK FOST, NO W8. Meets first and third Mtonday evonl'jgs of each month. W. H, McNsoa. Oom. OTWPA FOBT, RO 226, Meets the seeond and 'fourth ^Tuesday «veniaga or each mouth. M. F. EtLSWORTH, Com. HARVARD POST, NO 855. Meets the seconn and tourta Monday even iajts of each month. a W. ONTftANK. Com. MAKBNOO POST, NO. 169, Meets every Second /and Fourth liiday avenlagaof ekeb month. E. R MoatUS, Ooin. % WAUCONDA.rOST, NA 8«S. Pbst meets every second and fourth iSatur- day eveutng la Q. A. «. Hall, Main St. ARTHUR Oooica, Com, ^GEORGE O.' M NO. I. I«e»rd,v2:2< Will be limited to Twenty, Mares for the •pnng season. He has left the best Colts aver raised ia this county^ OWSMi P.|-op. MCllenry Along the Skirmish LinaS Colorado will found a soldier's home and build it in the San Louis Valley this year, 1889. The tenth annual encampment of the Department of Indiana, was feeld at Indi anapolis, Ma roh 18th. The twenty-second antiual eaeamj>- mentofthe Depayftment of New Hamp shire, of the Grand Army, was heeld at Concord, Feb. 11th. ' (Jen. Charles E. BroWtt, of Ohio, is ni(M!t ioned as a possible Commissioner o! Pensions, to succeed Geueral John C. Black. t \ It is expected that Comrade J. A. Wat- -UUS, US 1118 iVIIiWilu5(Aj Muuuajr xcr*r- graph, will be made Collector of Customs at Milwaukee under the new adrainistra- (piiros about thirty each year, and m CS® from eighty to ei _ yesir for the wffi be neen that about iot^y orjtoy-tsro go to pay the eas«? alkwad mm filed mno$ 1880. Ca^eS^nh^d since 1SB0 draw fixm date of filing only, and the aUowaniJBp are made very smftll, xome tm low as one dollar per. month. Pew get, over eight ^dollars. So yoli gee it would not take a very great *tun to place all pmsions on an equal footing. Every reader should work for this mfeMure. Let it be wiped from the statutes. Let thegovem .meat treat^osa soldier the rngpsinm anotlher.---Ajmericm Trilnmv. <• • V. the IlliHoie OrAwr. Headquarters, Department of HUnois. Grand Army of the Kepublic. U. S. Ex- pirns Building, No«. 87-89 Washiugtoa Ht., Chicago, Illinois, March 4th, 188®.-- CSeneraJ Ordera No. 1. - 1. Having been elected €omm»ad«p of the Department of Qliaois, I hei^y .to- sinne command. I th«.nlr the for the high honor QonfeortHl. Fa^mil- %ing the responKbflj^eef th# foi^on, and appimatMg' W- dteties im{ri»asdL' 1 assure the eomradfii that 1 shall aim to advance the interests of the department ami of the <!raa« Arsny of the ttapofifir. And 1 hereby call iipon tha poet-offleen fend comi^w to give mo their heui-tj fo-oporatioB in making this, year oas '<t>f the most prosperous in thehistory ef this department. 2. The following staff appoinments ai» hereby aainoiHM»d; th«y will be obeyed "and rt'specljed aecordingly; AHHistant Adjutant (Iwwal, C. A. Par- tridge^ PojsrtrST^ Wanfcegan. Assistant Quarttermastw GeneraL Thomas W. Scott, Bojtfe 314, Fairfield. Judge Advocate, #*mes A. Connolly, Post HO, Springfield. Aide-diM?»mp and ©lief of Staff; Isaac Clements, Post 2H7, Carbondaftfe: Other staff appointments wi# be an. nounced in future orders. ii. Headqnarters aaid afflw of the As- Bisfatot Adjutant Genered, will be United Stidfes Express Bulld^tg, Nos. 8T-89 Washington Street, Address all commun ications to C. A. Partridge, Assistant Adjutant General Noa. 87-89 Washing- toftSWJJhit^go. • ' ; ^ : 'i#'1'"" ' ' ;f>' ' £ *4$ T A A MQLWWCOK FABM LAND AND ,„°"5Ssiiit borrowers. • J. W. BAN8TEAD, Bordsn Blk, Elgin, IU. B. LAWLUS. --MERCHANT TAILOR Now is the Mate to gat yonr Clothes made to order, for •» v TORIVOW,# , TQK . .3\,;• ' ] . % MEUCHAXT TAlIidB, Of Nunda, is now with X. Lawlusand they are now read v to do anything m the Tailoring line at very low prices C t\ Tornow invites his friends from Crystal Lake and vicinity, and also the people of McHenrv and vicinity, to eali and tho goods aud gut prices. Prices are as low here as anywhere according tethegoods. ^ E. LAWLUS, Opposlte Rlverslde House, McHenry, IIL . I.-jr. fekoi^ JR., JEWELER iND MBAVER, BICHMONM ILLINOIS. All work laaiy Uuo jieatly and promptly lone, fine watch repspMng % specialty m iMd F01 CONSUMPf' it has permanently cured THOUSANDS Of cases pronounced by doctors hope less. toms, Breathing, m:.f aon-v ueiay, uu» uw PISO'S CUBE FOB CONSUMPTION immediately. By druggists. 2$«snt% QALESMEN WAHTET) lition, he lost sooceea w»n oar specialties, noo " " 0%(e7tebluae ,moou %wt* *L\> Qast vnthsk tion. Ohio leads Pennsylvania 1,522 in Grand Army membership. Ohio also holds high est place in membership in the Woman's Relief Corps and Sons of Veterans. The Second Michigan Volunteer Cav alry, "Phil Sherihon's old command, held its annual minion at Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 22nd. The Twelfth Michigan Infantry, held their reunion at Lansing on Feb. 22nd. The Major Robert Anderson Relief Caim of Indianapolis, lw« mad« (ft uew iSipfc-titm iji the form at a mont^y camp fire. The wives and daughters of the comrades relate war reminiscences, while the old vets listen and enjoy the fun, The Seventh Michigan Battery will eat beans together at Rawson, Michigan, August 4th. Forty members of the Pennsylvania Legislature are members of tee Grand Army. Massachusetts comrades want the G. A. ii. Enc&mpmentJield ia lioston in 1890, ** ^ I'ost No. 847, Blue Mound, has working membership of fifty, and holds meetings on the second and foruth Tues days of each mouth. Kelly Post, at Prospect Park proposes to change its location to Wheaton. By so doing the membership would ^ bet ter accommodated. Graham Relief Corps, No. 28, Moline, has a membership of seventh-five. This corjis works in harmony with Graham post. January 2<ith the corps gave an entertainment, adding $00 to the relief The twenty-third annual encampment of the S|ate of of Wisconsin adopted a uniform consisting of a black, soft hat, with a gold cord, a blue fatigue coat, sin gle breasted, with four brass buttons and two on each sleeve, vest same, with dark pantaloons. WhihPtWo companies of Veterans were escortiong General Harriscm to the rail way station the other day, President Cleveland was vetoing six private pension bills. What a fine contrastiietween these two pictures 1 "Ring out the old, ring in the new. - General Order No. 5, promulgated by Commander-in-chief William' Warner, an nounces the appointment of a small army of aides-de-camp.- Illinois gets her quota as follows: > V C. E. Vaughan, Chicago; James M. Blythe, I^seattiri, "*;* V>v • Henry O. Wakeford, Omaha. William A. Lorrimer, Ai^Q. * «'? *» O. J. Nelson, Morris. . ,' *•, , . E. T. Lee, Uliopolis. > *<•"- '1' J. J. Carmichatf, ('hicago.4' Moses Dillon, Sterling. John H. Sensiman, Chicago. J '• J. P. Crooker, Mount VOTUOHJ - E. H. Osborne, Quincy. ^ 5^*1 W. S. Kaufman, Chicago. June 30th,1888, the e<>mratesibfW«r of pensions gave the number of pensioners in the United States 0,8 452,557, and the amount of money expended on pensions in the fiscal year then ending as $78.- 785,861.92. n Arrfearsof Pension. " "The injustice of the limitation act has often' been spoken of through the col umns of the fyilnwe, and we shall con tinue to advocate such actions in Congress as will remove it. It lias worked great hardships and distress on many poor pensioners. Every person interested in this measure should study it and ba able to present it clearly to his Congressman. By so doing you will assist in the work we are trying to accomplish. fhe amount required to pay this bill would not be large Congress foolishly, votes away mbney b every session, and one-half of the amount that is paid for filling some hole in the-Mississippi River, or for improving 1 some useless port if applied t<S this just cause would \yipt- it out* and thereby bring joy and happiness toJBiousands of disabled soldiers. Those claims filed on or before July 1st, 1880, have, if allowed, all received the arrears. Those filed since said date, are the ones- Jfeat would rettfpe the benefit of this is gme toPay that at leaKt fouf-fifffito of mm j claims on file wej» wesented prior to SPteli 1880, so the of such am Act would not injuqi t|p spovei'nntent, • 4 Fortb#payme»kdF tb» r^ula» pm- mmuowm Mm ixawom rolia H it "Phs «l^ofthe body has with the quwstion of bravely. That is an intelkv.tual--a soulful matt»r*-a matter of brain and not of stature. Brave me*; in battle come from every grade in lif||? One incident stands out in striking relict amid a.thousand brave and iisroic things that I have seen find khowi). wherein men lay along the battery aideiu front of smoking cannon, passed through singing shot, and in front of charging columns, and less conspicuously braved the perils of trench and hospital. It occurred in 1802. A young Federal Captain commanding the left company of one of our best raiments was, wiUi 'Ms coTt1te«n^"'force(f^wlWB^ by la^RtthiW and si4ttadid charge of McCulloi^fh'i (iivi.sion rt!^ au open field, a distance . twenty yards from the thick ^ J That lined the field. The charj umu was composed of four th men, and the hurrahs of victory exultation filled the air. The fegii of the otttcer I refer to at a cri moment received the fire of the front of this column. A number of his men were shot and fell about him; the remainder, utterly overwhelmed by the strength of the advance, broke and sought cover upon the farther side of the angle of the dpen field, where they reformed. The oliicer seeing the advance, aad seeing a friend near entangled by his horse--which had been shot and had lalien upon him--stopped, alone, picked up a revolving riiie which had fallen from the hands of one of his men, and alone among the dead, wounded and disabled oi his line, and at twenty paces distant, emptied the gun into the mass of the charging column. In this mo ment of diversion, his comrade had de- tatched himself from his horse, and ris ing, together they passed from the field amid a shower of bullets, oae of which inflicted a slight wound upon this hero. I have never seen any thing more chival- ric or brave, or more successful, even in a war that bristled every hour with the best deeds of millions of brave foemen. John C. Black, Pension Commissioner, in Pkikufalphia Jt'rvss. i "$ :-;V: • . 11a In the early days of the war, when Col. William B, McCreery, of Fint, was a company commander in the Second Michigan Infantry, one of hiamen was a wild young fellow named Coas. M, Mor ton. He had the notable distinction of being the wickedest man in the regiment, and, although he was a brave soldier in battle, the depth of his wickedness in the eftinp tried all the patience McCreery had. No check could be put on Morton, either by liis comrades or his officers. At the battle of Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5th, 1862, McCreery received three of the terrible wounds he still bears to show for his army experience, being on that day shot thepugh both his legs and one hand. As he lay helpless on the ground Morton came along, with one of his arms hang ing only by the flesh and skin, and despite his own agony, insisted on helping his gallant commander off the field. They kept together until necessity compelled one to be sent to one hospital and one to another, and McCreery lost sight of the gallant sinner who so loyally aided his helpless commander. Yearsafterward McCreery learned that Morton had drifted around the world eventually turning up in south western Michigan town, where he eked out a miserable existence by gambling and kindred pursuit*?, ried by an attempt to study law in the of fice of of one of the finest old attorneys that ever pleaded a case in Michigan-- the late Judge Riley. During the fat stock show in iChicago, Gen.,McCreery and Hop. Franklin Wells, were in attendance. One Evening Wells asked his companion to go to a religions meeting, where a stirring evangelist was making a deep impression among rail road men and others, having a deep and f ide Influence for good among that class. McCreery consented. When they arrived, the services were in progress. The preacher was a one-armed man of fiery eloquence and earnest piety, q|td Gen. Creery was astounded to see in hito none ' other than his former wicked Soldnr lad, Morton. The little minioja thee took* place after the meeting found ttvo stal wart men in tears, re-cetueyted ft fripnd- ihip that only death will affect. Morton's story, as told that evening, reads like a rnmance. Wandering to Chi le some years a^on a <|umbhu^ andtrofflH faHhfuIi •ia«sywrti- -iiiiTiiiicwt.prniiWiir<r tsi the laborers feii^B|iSfche crop adc one. For some effort as 4 began work ami hisgoeoetiB was s raaittiefL wan, and&uch jJiC* Marshall Field^ VOLUNTEW^DJ and as oiiWiw his work that ha4 , intist keep on right ii too. , • ' . • 4 Gen. McCreery saya that' th® Wells up tha 18 evw had; and 1101 that the wjys of; pe has, peea. ofte.-cles are {met. Journal.,-: :• quMtgam, wePK^proi ifhich th© following it •taken: The permanent or irtment " of nounced. Cox Ittta, haa been 1 mander, and hiM Brown, Aasfatapt A<! Jamf»s T.Fttrtie,' terOetwral. Additional appointGaente of th^ Commander-in-Chief af hovtomSi to be aldlHf^b-camp. Dakota--E. £7^* Ind ^.T. Ward, Albion; Wayne. ®* Iowa--A, R. Ladd, Clarion^ Kiwaaaa-E, F. Ware, B. McKmaey, Chicago; Heipry Chicago. r • . President H itb, amid the day *11 WSniiin^w faces' of m^ay officers and :<3kK and p«rt£a«it keynote wab Ad vot&Ui f"rr it iii ¥n^:.jror«MrTn«ar^,. thestoplns he said: "W1^4r|gi great?w(t fvil, it is a seriou% 1 * Tli ere is nothmg in our count that anyt public ««ea| should reeoi . . . . Idlers and lows and orphans. . aa this should remind us thf|i$i everything to their vaJoiy&nd tt||| Ice."--'Advocate. •» > ' IfiT.Admiral Porter is an Americait of v the real loyal kind, Wi else is ticking big aboiit do with Germany in ca«M ing iKgeaeraiitiea of tiltfit Admiral Porter fcas beiin. out a plan whereby w«coiti4. stand off t>he sauerkraut had eqnipi«4:oiniRl^ai of her stockings. His; idea *£: «|iafev declaration ofhostilitiei. to orohiiKt eutry ( . .... United States. This woold | blow to Germany, an^alM i probability, try to l ing our ports. .1 come to the froa^.^ ships to protect and secure safe pim^loril from American uprte, and policy of blockatUng' light would be Germany. All this fim# States would ba'^tfeg^sforaii; island at Philadelphia into a |_ yard and in due season we wotj fleet ready that could go fc with the foreign craft. Adt evidently knows his line^u is waiting for his cue. If sunk by a German gunboat woft't feeiong ih gettingifc. Aen Waiting tor mm. "llr. President," said the Wliite Ho official, President. 1 re^eotfully f'th«#e is a man side who has .been hanging aropad thi-ee days and insists on seeing He says he has come aU the way Arizona for that purpose, and he take no for an answer." ' ? "What does he want?" - 1 "He says he has read iabout a lot of animals that •were you at Indianapolis, £A<1 if yon brought them to Win the position of keeper. to have trttvelea ten years witfc a erie. He's a crank, of-course, "What kind of a looking. "About seven feet muscular, with a fist" nails, and a foot like a "He if the man I hay?£ for,'* said the President,15 up with joy. "He shall tion. The menageries Elijah," Iw contina«it , 'that man from Arboa* hereafter of the ottieeseele&rs fro anal > -EFF Eminent a that the hi, life are rat, nervous invalii o| neCvtoila teria,n«nroaa ache, kidne; gentlemen are compel muc' a^lbtit f'V^i mm >nS »N'ew \ork |jj^ ̂ «h- LIFE. will iove wory o* «eei>. relieve bmi& and mnrom 'freat^seoveryt% Ttaoatainn uo Trial bottles irm Store. MLVflr tfirtt 1Q iMsg