ESDAY, MARCH 20, 1880. J. VJklX 8LTKK, Editor. PAPERfit k OaV NmrtMiMti y be found on at GKO. P. Advertising ttwMMi MIpraM 8toM(LjvStre advertising •*^•*8 NEW YORK iWTbe Ropulicans have re-nominated John A. Roche for Mayor of Chicago, and tbe Democrats DeWitt C. Creiger for the «aote office. 51 HB" On the Elgin Board of Tratfe *HJ Monday, Six thousand three hundred and sixty pounds of butter were sold at 25 cents, and 6.900 pounds at 26 cento. The total sales amounted to $3,384. IfiT The report comes from Montreal that the "boodlers" and defaulters in that land of refuge have clubbed to- gather and raised the neat little sum of $100,000, defeat the bill providing for their extradition to the United States. And their morality will not interfere with their using it to the best advantage, either. Will the members of the Domin ion Parliament allow themselves to be tempered with, and will they consent this blot shall remain upon Canada? if®". The Louisville Courier-Journal, good Democratic authority, has the following: "The new Secretary of Agri culture, the Hon. Jere Rusk, though less noted than Mr. Blaine and Mr. Windom, is still an old hand at the bellows. He is a perfectly honest and capable man for the place. In Congress/he won the res pect and regard of all who knew him. As Governor of Wisconsin' he had some rough places to get over, and he got over them like a man. He will never say a foolish thing or do an unworthy thing." ' Newspaper men are to receive •Otne recognition from the present ad ministration. Heretofore they have not usually aspired to more than the cross roads postoffice. They have boosted the other fellows into the feast while they remained to pick such bones as might be thrown to them. It is not impossible that Whitelaw Reid may go as minister to England, and Andrew Shuman consul to one of the Swiss cities. These men are tried, familiar with public life, political usages, and would undoubtedly do the . country good service abroad. I®" Cuba is the home of pestilential Diseases. The inhabitants have no "idea ol sanitary measures. Yellow fever flour ishes there, and it is brought over to Florida, where it works ruin. From FSuriiiii it spreads to many other states. Uncle Sam has money enough to buy Alaska, he caste a longing eye after Can ada, and now there is talk of holding out a well-filled money bag to Spain in exchange for Cuba. Should the purchase e, he proposes to work a reforma- > the way of surprising the natives lportation of Awerjc%a money \urora Beacon has the in# to say of our Congressman: "Every •visitor to Washington from Illinois looks to A. J. llopkiiw with a great deal of pride. He is regarded as one of the com- ifig men of the country. Every visitor from the Fifth district will agree that he is the right man in the right place. His career reflects honor on this district and no man in Washington enjoys a larger measure of the public esteem and confi dence then A/J. Hopkins. Gifted with much talent and learned in the law and a [ diligent student of all the public ques tions of the day, he is looked upon by both Senate and House as one of the most promising men in public life. Every body listens when Hopkins has the floor, for he never speaks on a public measure until he has studied it carefully, and then he speaks with that force and directness that comes from conviction and a thor- ough knowledge of the subject. His man ner of delivery is that of the polished law yer, and his arguments are constructed after the principles of correct logic. He has come to be considered an authority on copyright law, having made a thor ough study of the international copyright bill now before Congress, being opposed to the bill, as he is in favor of cheap books and cheap literature for the mass es. He will be heard on this subject in the next Congress. Although a young man,'Hopkins, of Illinois,'is a name as well known as most of the old veterans in Congress, yisitors during the Inaugu ration found him untiring in his efforts to make their stay in the city pleasurea- ble. shelved are {-rowclecl with new dpring Merchandise and to avoid any collapse wo will throw our waies on the market a' the mercy ot the buying public for the o*xt sixty daye;- ~ % Embrace the lr- Opportunity, ' There is a wholesale outbreai-Tof hydrophobia in White River Township, Johnson County,Ind., and dogs are being slaughtered by the score. About two weeks ago a rabid dog passed through that country, biting many cattle and others animals. Several head of fine cattle, owned by a man named Sutton, became affected with the disease and were killed. Their carcasses were placed in a pile and set on fire, but before they had been consumed nearly all the dogB in the township had feasted off the dis eased flesh. The result is that the can ines are all showing unmistakable signs ol hydrophodia, and are biting much of the live stock of the township, causing a ftiavy loss to farmers. IOTA' 'culchad" Boston correspondent •t Washington, who probably never saw a western prairie, writes to the Boston Transcript that "the impression pro duced by the President so far is altogeth er pleasant. It has always been known * tfcat he is more like an Eastern man than Western man, and he is more like the typical cold, grave, polished Eastern lawyer than the Jloosier politician." The West for a long time has been sending to Washinton its Clays, Chases, Harrisons, Xincolns, Grants, Douglasses, Shermans, Sheridans, Logans, Chandlers, Corwins, Hayeses and Garfields and it is barely possible that the literary Boston upstart who corresponds with the Transcript Might have heard of them. Gen. Harri son will scarcely feel complimented by. finch toadyism. • V Senator Farwell is in fa*or of re form, and his first step would be to abol ish the civil service part of it. Here is his proposed method for selecting men to fill the public offices: Instead of senators and representa tives going to the president and the cabinet officers and fighting for what is properly due their states and districts, 1 would have those officials make out a list of what place are due the republi can states and the republican congress ional districts. Then we would make the recommendations for men to fill those places and would be responsible for getting the right kind of men. As it is now we don't know, what we are going to have. We have to go to the President and to the departments- and importune for this position and that position, and we never know whether we are going to get it or not. When they asked me at the White House to make out a list of what I thought Illi nois entitled to I told them it was their business to make out the list and give it to me. Then I would know just how many persons to recommend and for what places,1 I wouldn't have to take up my own time or the president's or the cabinet officers. The qudta of Illi nois could be fixed within a fortnight and the senator and representatives could attend to the public business. So could the cabinet officers. Bnt under the present arrangement all of us will have out hands full for months to come answering the demands of office- seekers. To carry out my plan it would be necessary to dismiss those school masters at the civil-sevice Commission, but that would be no loss. People can talk as they please, but the only way to end this ceasless importunity for offiee is for the senators and member at the be- gining of an administration to know just what place they are entitled to fill and to know also that their recommendations will be followed. Then instead of four years of office-seeking there would not be more than four weeks of it." fjine with those who are ffe search of high grade Spring Mer chandise, at low hollow prices as jou will then surely visit us and our stock, and the daylignt examination of goods needed by you. Will convince you all of the truth of our assertion as *,to quality, quantity and price. We dg apt fide* a fright caron Dress Goods And Matched Trimmings* And allow others to do better in any way. We have 4-4 Hen rietta Suitings, in 8 new colors, at 25c per yard. Silk finish 46 inch Henrietta, in the newest shades only, at 95c per yard. MOMtE Fancy M' ** I®" The deliberation of the President's ffcbinet are conducted as follows: The Resident presides, seated at the head the long table, facing north; on his right are seated the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War and Postmaster Genera]; on his left are the Secretary the Treasury, the Secretary of the 3Ravy and the Attorney-General, and opposite to him, at the foot of the table, Is the chair of the Secretary of the Interior. The private secretary occupies H; * sea,t at a small desk facing the south |i'-' window and near the President. The arrangement is not in accordance % °1<^er precedence observed ^ toy Congress in establishing the Presiden succession. If the Attorney-General &nd Secretary of the Navy should change <?' '•> •eats, bringing the former four and the \ latter sixth--"the rank alternating across* * £ r the table-- tine order would be strictly l~f , correct. {&"• < The sessions of the Cabinet are in jyformal affairs. No persons except those teamed are permitted to enter the room during councils, and no official record of the proceeding is kept. The business - i done or discussed covers all leading sub- l/ | Jects belonging to the various branches V of administration on which the President ^;ttiay desire information or advice--de^ §>artment reports concerning special t» of importance, appointments to and questions of general adminis- Above are of the most elegant shadings, 11 yards, half plain and half striped, make up beautifully and sell for $11 per pattern. Mo hair Suiting^ 11c to 16c and 25c. Also the Western Dress Goods, (worsteds), in plaids and «tripes. at 25c, See them surely. Our stock ot prints, from 3 1-2 to 14c is very large and varied, and of the best approved standard makes, DOMESTICS, - WEAPS, Trenks, Valise* > ; EASTER IS COMING, THE torturing painful disease, neural gia is instantly relieved and rapidly cured by Salvation Oil. At all druggists. Price twenty five cents. THE Time honored Notre Dame, Balti more, Md. We have had ample opportun ity to convince ourselves of the efficacy of Salvation Oil. We cheerfully submit our names to the public as reference. Res- ]>ectfully, Sisters of Notre Dame. Ajg- quith & Eager Sts., Baltimore, Md. Annual Town Meeting, Notice is hereby given to the citizens, legal voters of the town of McHnnry, in the coun ty of McHenry, and State of Illinois, that the Annual Town Meeting tor said Town, will be held at City Hall, Mciienry village in said town, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of April next, being the first Tuesday in said Month, for the purposes following, via: First--To choose a Moderator to preside at said mectintt. Second--To elect one supervisor, who si be Ex-Officio Overseer of the poor, one Town Clerk, one Assessor, one Collector, one Com missioner of the Highways, two Cosntabies, two Justices ot tho Pe&ae and as many Pound Masters as the Electors mav determine. And to act upon any additional subjects, which may, in puruance of law, come before said meeting, when conyened. Which meeting will be called to order be tween the hours of eight and nine o'clock in the forenoon, and kept open until seven o'clock in the afternoon. , Given under my hand, at McHenry, this 18th day of 51arch, AD., 1888. F, G. MATES, Town Cleric. Corporation Election. The Annual Village Election for the village of McHenry, will be held at tbe Oitr Ha'1, in said village, on Tuesday, the 16th day of April, 1889. At which time the following officers will be elected: ONE PRESIDENT, who shall hold bis office for the term of one year. _ THREE TRUSTEES, who shall bold 0»ce for the term of two years. ONE VILLAGE 0LEBK. Tbe polls of said election will be mm li tween Sand 9o'clock in the morning and re- main open until 7 o'clock In the evening of that day. J. VAN 8LYKE. Village Clerk* McBenry, I1L, March 20th, 1888. RAFFLE POSTPONED certain de- Iff®'! And With it the mand for a new, made, seryiceable SUIT OF CLOTHES, And we modestly but truth fully ask you to come this way, not to buy but to inspfect and get pobted on Clothing. Our styles are correct, our prices low. All we ask is an opportunity to show goods, and at the same time name terms and prices. Men's heavy Suits, $4.40, 5,00, 6 25 to 25. Boy's Suits, lrora $1.90 to $12,00, all sizes. Silk mized Pants, worth J$S for $5.75. Wedding and common suits a specialty. Spring Overcoats and matched Pants and Vests* Our Boot and |3ho& «TOC^ Is again aboye the standard in assortment, pr ices and sat i s fac tory serv ice . The O. H. Fargo A Co. custom maqe Shoe stand high in the opinion of our many patrons, after live years of very satisfactory experience. Men's fine Shoes, $1.60, $2.'25, $2.50 to (6 00. Ladies' butten Shoes, all sizes, from $1.25 to (5 00. Children's Shoes, all sizes, kid or goat, 50c. Ltdiw' Ilni Wtu We keep for sale the Phelan & Yorker Rochester hand made shoes in the various new styles, aizes and lasts, from 1380 to $5.00. Always buy the Candee Rubbers, t.Ab^ don't forget to see our new 8n«c Preof Duck Boot, with coating of Rubber, which is warranted to outwear any ether boot ever made, of pure Rubber or Gum Rubber.: V Now is tbe appointed time to buy v.. V wi * it" Ai <-jr * V-' tki mmm It want every Man see our Fine Spring Clothing. It will cost you nothing to call and look it over. We have some very attrac tive styles, and our low and medium price goods, as well as our best, arc perfect fitting and of the best makes. We guarantee Prices the Lowest ̂: r % •"'VVt* THE SPRING MEDICINE YW WANT 9 " s Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerve^?*-^"<rf* Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every orga :*J'V ^There's nothing like it . spring, being very much run down and debilit ated, I procured some of Palne's Celery Compound. The use of two bottles made me feel ake a new man. As a general tonic and •WING medicine, I do not know its equaL" W» L, GREENIVEAF Brigadier General V. N. O., Burlington, Vt. $i.oo. Six for $6.00. At Druggists. Use it Now! "Having used your Palne's Celery Compound- this spring, I can safely recommend it as the most powerful and at the same time most; gentle regulator. It is a splendid nerve tonic,' and since taking it I have felt like a new man."? K. E. KNOKR, Watertown, Dakota, t WKLIJJ, EICHABDSON & Co. Props. Burlington, vt. DIAMOND DYFS Cnlor *•««<»«•« AN<* JKUM, ummunu urea EotH Elegant! Zconomieall LACTATED F000 Mi I UMTS IN We invite the Ladies to call and see our new Carpets. We can sell you 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than those who sell by sample. You can see just what you are buying and don't have, to wait two or titiree weeks for it. PERRY & OWEN. BANKERS. Before placing any Insurance Call on us. We have the toest coms * m the world. " , Foixy (St Owen. W. P, w West McHenry, t: 4 '• "-^dealer Vfl* HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves* Tinf Coppcfr and 8heet-lron Ware* And in addition has putip a full stock ot ^ AGRICULTURAL mPIJEMElJTS, Including the Moline Plows, Geslojr Sulfey Plows, Orvis Plows, Stoddard Seeders, Disk Harrows, Drags, and in short everything in the Farming Tool line, which will be sold at Bottom Figures. Haish'a Barb Wire, • AT BOTTOM PRICED IOBBXN6 AND HBPAXHINQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Rutter Factory work, A share of pubiic pannage respectfully solicited. • W. P. STEVENS, G0LDING BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. now better than ever prepared to offer you The full number of tickets not being sold the Raffle for the Bay Gelding, ELI M has been postponed until Tuesday, April 2d. when it will positively take place. Take due notice fand gorerti yourselves accordingly. For further particulars see February issues Address ELI E, MANOR With Matched Borders, from an immense assortment, from 5to 25c per roll. Window '5,'.la,ies, Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains, Shade I1 ixtures, and pulls. All paper carefull trim med free. We ali eat £EBO€IIBES ̂ And our health prescribes only the pure, clean Jand fresh for us. Our stock always contains all the good virtues and none of the bad adulterations now so common. GARDEN & FIELD 8EED8. Of the most reliable'growers constantly on hand in great variety, viz: Timothy, Clorer, Field, Sweet and Ensilage O <rn. Bed Top, Lawn Grass. Blue Grass, Wide Awako. Clydesdale. Black Ta-tarian and White Japan Seed Oatg, with a full assortment of Garden Seeds. Ali kinds of Flour constantly la stock and delivered free. Call on J^noa Junction, Wl«, Refer by permission te Wafers Stock Farm and PoHvmaster, Genoa Junction, Wis., or Patterson Bros. & Co., Union Stock Tarda, Chicago, III , 11, ,'.v f,? In all kinds of Wemenn bnsinem and yo# |#ow- er Prices than ever before offered in Lake Couuty* OUR STOCK General Merchandise more Complete than now, "before purchasing elsewhere. Special ers in sums from $5 up ? COLDINC Call and get. our Pric#s iaduccments tor Cash Buy- BROTHERS. .1, ri* A J? 3^5? fc. /flits . r \ \l% 'i' i fKA* 't1 J, 6^} it!#? * '. ' "k" 1W?: ' M - - < /' '• :• 1 * f'f V | P 1' r,j. '^C\s tmmnrn. ' * ' V1'"' * \ ••Wn. ; , »,• £;;'-'S .V rS j k " *( *"•'** % I :v t ^ J a ( ' K} i .. ^*> " r " • ( t • "V«J " ̂ **' *;• K, - < * 1 ' ""'K-i ' .J-'-'tr ' trcmely J. wi cristy & Sofi. V,t£* >'*4'" •- v 4 -'1 ' Opposite bishop's mill# ft 3® McHEJ^Ry, JNOISk •i $• *•' 1 V"- DEALER • ; Furchasecf For Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods v fflili MHI OF STATES • GARLAND AND OTHER KINPS. 1 - For both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always on band. Ia ' short I will keep everything in. the Hardware line, to be found in * McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done > /: GLASS OF AIL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HA NIX Prices. Jjai the Market, at Hot JOBBIHG MD B.EFAIRXJAQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteedi A share ot public patronage respectfully solicited. ( . JACOB BONSLEff* 3WcHenry, HI.,' Oetober 1st J1888. x . JUX1A (One Door West of Riverside Housef) • & M E D I C I N E S , FULL LINE OF. ; •' '1# DragSjCkeiaicals, I^e Stuf9, Paints, Oils &sd Colon. ,.;:vv-% Constantly on hand o Also a large Medicines, Toilet^ ---t-AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES.; Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist, lie i ted, ( WLIA A. STORY, f - <e* •: % 4 " J t