^ ' mmd •NT. . ' f< fflWTV T»ftlW/&5 oalfliA Smwlamfim, wt* of ttakW.O. T. U. iter «lftlm* no p*rt or ucdit for * <; ^ f it1- > *'*. >*,, . «' ' < * . , V" r « „'• "' ' BRKEDKBS OF * .V, . / vw -v' Roadsters, Draft f f ' <&5 > 5; «N % 11 ', M every moment <n mnstnnc-e n is a victory,--Frederick AND GRADE HORSES. WW JIooiPD! ^mmwioaanoj^ jo^tj^fi'v^^saes »3ju«*> jo ua»muoee« n"J « w* ««*o P»»$ HVKKT WIAV l'"« uciJtJUHX |»H8 f»|«i>«a|>X|0 ®1'1M *88«Jf> dtt[ff •»««.! f) UM.V'1 •dox }>»H 'nj 0 9»*li«nw *<u« isamg 'PIWJI •joaoio 'Xwiomtj, :«ia 'aiduva )«ajg u| pavq no inuBisuoo saaMaiS; 0|c|«t(oj jgoai »qj jo We have the following Btalllon? m jfarvlco for the season of 1889, am** VON LEER. '80338 013IJ V N3Q1IVO noiimwo ob Avon atiovivjaipipc piq 0Hjjo ouoa turn panutA |x>qJJ »q? ||«safviuoa b£ua\1H rjoois a no •">! qea.ij |iu«: u««|0 ojud oiii a'|uo saqu;>soji(l i|!|vui| jno pay V ' : pfd • 092} pam T -i i A. gentleman once went to Sir Eardley Wilmot in great anger at a real injury he liml m-eived from a person high in the political world, which he was considering Low to resent. After relating the par ticulars to Sir Eardly, ho asked him whether it would not be manly to resent it. said Sir Eardly, "it would doubtless be manly to resent it; but it Would be godlike to forgive it." Some years ago we had in our erriploy «t man who several times a day ran out of the office to buy a drink of whisky. Every time he went out the cashier was Instructed to drop ten cents in the drawer to our credit. At the end of seventeen months, the man who had gone out so often he drank himself out of a good situation, and the drawer when opened was found to contain four hundred and nine dollars, which we loaned to a young mechanic at seven per cent interest. He used it to purchase a set of tinner's tools. On the fifteenth of February, 1876, he returned it to us without interest, sayiilg in his letter that he ha<! a wife and two children, and property worth five hun dred dollars. The other fellow is a bum mer, hunting for food/'--Ponieroy's Democrat. ; F. K. CHANCER, * General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at tention, Addrt^a, w _ _ • *. K. GRANGKR. • West McHenry D. NEKDHAM'8 80N8 116-1 If Dearborn Street, OH1CAOO Qmr tans. EjHIlCiC? Bbennatlun. Droepala,Slok Heutuhe, ConstipaUon43i)M. Com earn, JERRY SMITH. •v Boot and Shoe*Maker, One door floath; ofJth®3JFar»tt«re tStors* Bewe'e Block, --McHENRY ILLINOIS-- Boots and Shoes manufactured of 'thejbest /Ifltfrffl1 Ti"'1 a fit Guaranteed. , REPAIRIN tl*rbinptTy attended to. Invibible^Patchbb irFine Shoes and Boote a specialty. Oall Jerry Smith- and see me. - KcHenry, Deo. 4th, O. J.BRILL, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS, 1 fnli line of Cloths, of the-|latest|stylea tad patterns always on band. SINGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL 8UITS, Made on ehort notice and a fit guaranteed* From our experience and practical knowl edge of the bnsiness we are confident v, o can please the most fastidious, and respectfully nvlte ali in waat «£ doUuag ot amy kuuX to gve ose a call. • Prices as low as the same quality of goods 4||| be purchased anywhere. C. J. BRILL. Btchmond, October 15tk» 1S88. YoungHantibletonlan Stallion. Foaled Juno St, 18KS. 8tan<ls 15^ haiuts hijTh, weight )100 pounds. Is bright bay. black points, Has fine style and good action. .As a representa tive for getting good roadsters is hard to best. "Von Leer" was sired by George O. (97C1), by Lakeland Ahdallah, 351. First dam by i'atchen, by Autocrat. Second dam Dolly, by Gi fiord Morgan. CHANCELLOR, JR. - Having recentlyrf^urchaseil a very fine impor ed ClvdesdHle siallion, Chancellor, .lr . for onrown use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 8 years old this spring; is a Cherry 1?ay with black, points; 16\ hands high and weighs about 1,700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, line action, wild disposition. He was sired bv Chancellor, (Vii'd), he by Drew Prince of Wales, (673), Dnin by 1-ofty, (460); grand dam by Duke of Well- injrton, (1513); greatgrand dam by sir Williatn Wallace, He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strong and rugged. CHAMPION/ JR. The I'ercheon Morgan Horse. no has proven himself a fine stock getter for general purpu8«g, and cannot lie boa leu in the North west. Parties who intend breeding the com. ing season, will find it to their advantage to call and tee our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. ' - Mares from a distance will be well carecf f0ri; at owner's risk, at moderate rates. « k : Call and see us. •UUJJ unjajwo i9d*d nv *stThd pa« Htoj'ntxu np«q« 'SUIBJ.IUO opn'f 'eajo,} uiirjino teapvqg AiopuiAV 'IK'-1 -'"d 05g oi ofifg uioa,} 'itloailJOSBll oeujuuut ut unuj 'b.i0jmoji poqo^vjf miM «ll mANXSir BROS. ! Xnq OJ own pojnjodd* oqi s| aow uino jo MqqhH whd go 'opvai WAwfefoq joqto Xu* JWSM1UO O) p9]avjj«.n ei qoniM 'aaqtiu?! joSu)i«oo miJi 'jooq jpna JOOJJ SdU S av9U J no oas 0} 1M40J )auop pav 'sjeqqti'g eapnvq oqi inq 9Ava\(V "00"5# oj 09s^ nioaj 'sis«t pav e»s;« mzu euojJCA at 8»oqg opvm pu«q jeteeqooH ^onioi 9 »|W» tof d®»* »M -"h a>; Young Trotting Stallion 'OAK WOOD" in color is a dark Chestnut with black spot on left hip. Stands 15}$ hands high, weighs 1060 pounds. Foaled September 2d, 18S5. lie is i.ice styled, eood solid smooth limbs, good feet, well formed body, and promises to be fast. Shows great action for the handlingihe has had. "Oakwood" was sired bv George O. No 9701), he by Lakeland Abdullah (351; own brother to Harold the sire of Maud S. (Queen of the turf) Noontide, '2:20>£; Mattle Graham, 2:21?*'; McCurdy'S' Hambletonian, 2.26>s ; Deciana, ; Hermes, 2:273s;i Good Morning, 2:2S5s'; Temple, 2:30, and others. Alto sire of 19 in 30 list. Lakeland Abdallah by Rysdykes Hamble tonian Sire of forty 2:30 performers. Also sire of fifty-one daughters with 2;20 perform ers. One hundred and two sons that have sired 2;30 horses, be by Abdallah, by Mam- brino, by Imp Messenger; Dam, the Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, etc. Lakeland Abdailah's Dam was Enchantress by Abdallah, by Mambrino,jetc.t as above. George O.'a Dam. Fannv B„ pacer, 2.27, by Autocrat, by Geo M, Patchen, (record 2:23J4) by Cassius il. Clay, by Henry Clay, by An drew Jackson, by itashaw. etc. Dam of Fanny B. by the Rowland Horse, by the Balev Horse and he by Justin Morgan. , "Oakwoods's" dam Kittie Curtis, by Pat Searles, by Autocrat, by (leo. M. Patchen. Kittie Curtis'Dam was the Lee Mare, she (S. T. B.) by Old Creeper, 16M. by Peck Horse. Dam by loung Bullrush. TEUMS, *15 CASH. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk. Mares not proving in foal will get a* return season free. All mares left in mv charge will be well cared tor at (1,00 per week, to pasture for litis season of 1»88. For farther particu lars eall at Turner's Stables. MeBenry, 111. EEMEMBER THE ;; * •>.<!?*> n' mi mm »i «"O0G 'JVOS ao P15J IJB '9»011S 9eW0jIp|mo| t'OO Si oi ffT'14 hiojj 'sazje u« 'ggotig uo^jnq *00 9# oj ofiTf 'S</Si *09"It 'saons eap F.«••>!? *oau9uod\8 Ajoiotysnws A'-IOA JO «.IV»A 9Atj aojjt? 'eno.i3«d jCuto jdo jo ao|U(do oqt u( q^iq puujs ooqs ab«m inojeno "OQ 9 o8i«J *H "O aiix "oflA-tas Xjo)o«jsii«8 pav 89»|ja ^ugujjjosew UT pj«pa«}8 am aAoqB u|agM BJ eoqg ptre i 400s V.i 1 \ xiio- paqajTJin put? smoDiOAQ Saud(? »A^|t?ioads « sjuts uoraiaoD paw ^aipp9AV JOJ q^iOAv 's^nB^ paziui sjiig -sezjs ne '00*^1$ 06*11 raaif gg'9 'OO'S s(a9j^ •saoud pn* eraia^ enivn erai^ Quiws eqi pav 'spooS Akoqs jC^iun^joddo OB SI OM [|y "MO| SOOI.ld JllO ^DOJJOO 0JB S9|^8 ano *Suiq^o[Q ao pd^od put? padsut ^nq A"nq O'j ^oa eiq^ ©moo noiC ^sb ^ipy -q;na^ ^nq /"psopotn OM pay 'S3H1010 jo ims eiqBooiiLias 'epBm IJ9M 'qsij^s *44.911 B JOJ paBOl •ap niB^aao oq;j tji qiiM. pay \ 'SNIKOD SI 331173 mHBA Stand -AT THK- AGENTS WANTED! To canvas for one of the largevt. oldest estaUislxed, BE8T KH0WH OTJBSEBXEg m the country. Most liberal terms. Un- equaled tocilities. GENEVA HUBSEBY, EaWalished 1846. W. &T. StflTH, Geneva* N. Y. RIVERSIDE, Where genuine Bargains are in utore for you, 20 lb pail Jelly $ ,70 4 gallons best Svrup, 1.30 25 bars Golden Crown Soap, 1.00 May Flower Tea, per ft. .40 " in. PTw Case Lace, per yd. .05 " Oriental Lace. .05 12in. " «« .25 Latest styles Buttons, metal, cents up. Ia te * 4S3!XSER0a "893JBtn piBpqB^s poAoaddB ^soq eq^ [O PUB 'pout!A pa® ote[ vCjOA 81 Z~l 2 uiojj 's^uud ;o ^oo)s jnQ *^ejll8 Tll9q; 99g «0gg !JB B9dij^& pue spiB[d at '(spa^sjoii) spoor) ssajQ u^ oq^ os^y puB 09J o^ oxx 'eSmimg iiBq "°W •ujaj'jBd jad xi$ JOJ jjas puB ^nnmn,B9tl <Jn 95JBUI 'podu^e j[«q puB uittjdjiBq *epjBiC jx 'sSaipBqe lup^aja }som ©Aoqy 'Mt* 1ABXL1SS SPUS wm IS THE COMING FENCE '•SttLf r TT ill i*- . It is mach more eatUr seen by stock than Ordinary barb wire, there being more than twice the visible surface presented to the eyes of stock by this wire than by the twisted Bjrb wire, thereby obviating much of the a»nger of stock running against this fence. BBOum such a thing by any means occur the eontact would be harmless. Ilare been using It the past year and am satisfied that it will t?«ni8i u .8 wel1 as any barb wire, and I »», » to Bel' every ponnd of barb { »£L t Jmve K°t on my place at one-half *'„e „ in fact judging from the damage that I'ad, done to stock In the last three 7 ear a,. I think I would be the gainer if 1 Wire. 1 away an<l replace It with 8par ^a.n' a fence that is stronger than X-on^hh"^?16* rt> wire, giving the full SiTflfrlJl, ^ 0,wires and yet will go ten farther for same number *f^onnde than any of the four point barb Jou wftnt a fence that yon and your , K',u" tJmlnr ISitoiSI"58 has been proven wited? have all the merits we have If «o yon will find it for sale atB. Gilberts. Mchenry, or at my farm. iw miles West |p McHenry, on Woodstock roZ&' 8AMUEL 8HERMAN. i & : A l e e a g e n t for Big Giant Peed - Corn, cob and all. *- Mill which WAITED We have a full line of John Foster's, always warranted. Also pome special lines Men's Shoes, All solid, $1.60, Calf, warrant ed, $1.90., Ladies', from $1.50 to 4 .50. We carry a full line of Beloit OVEBALLS. And the be8t $3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 * We want every Man and Boy to see our Fine Spring Clothing. It will cost you nothing to call and look it over. We have some very attrac tive styles, and our low and medium price goods, as well as our best, are perfect fitting and of the best makes. We guarantee Prices the Lowest. Friends, Washerwomen, keepers, Lend me your eais, and hear mi ^ for my cause. The Soap 1 come to speak about is the Great Santa ClaUS. 'Tis good for every purpose, For which a soap is needed, And joy will bring- to everyone Who ha5 wise counsel heeded spent a nickel, {not to prove . What wonders it will do, ̂ Hi To lighten labor, save expense And make things bright and new. Extract from Prtf. Sooftwt* Uttmrik* V *Tke Merml h&mtmct efSMf.' SANTA CLAUS SOAP is the best in tbe market Cor mAiog, *' ^ \ scrubbing, &c. For sale by all grocers at 5c. a cake. ...**• ^^€bks«E«it IU. ^ We invite the Ladies to call and see our new Carpets. We can sell you 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than those who sell by sample. You can see just what you are buying and don't have to wait two or three weeks for it. PI1B¥. P E R R Y & O W E N . B A N K E R S . \ W Before placing any Insurance call on us. we have the best companies in the worl<|» G0LDINQ BROTHERS, In the county. To look at our stock means to buy. Call and see for yourself. •piBl jad !>« *X|uo sopvqs ^eoMeu aq; ui TJOUI 9t ^siup ^iig • pii?iC jad ogg 'sjopi AL9U 8 ui •gJoui^mg ^au "n aH f~<f 0^ jCU « U ] op O) siaq^o mo[[« pny 'sSujiuntJi pw|3iHi tray Sp°0£) SS8JQ QOJC9 ^qSiaij t? ui opj 1 ^ou op om •Qoud pu« ^i^nsnb '^xi«nb °l as uoi;idssb ino jo 9ll^ J° u* n0^ 93UIAU00 ||IM *nOiC ^<1 pepa'bu epoo# jo uoi^t?nira,BX9 ^gSjt^p oi{; puB '^oo^'e ano pa« sn ^iria ^[ojins uag-j him. no^ STB 'eaoud Aioijoq MO[ )b 'asipn^qo Saudc? opuS qSiq jo qol«98 n{ wb oqM. eeoq^ q^iM. oni^ v •'4 m m iivj '̂ TiiTî ioddo 9i|l #oejquia . . ... ^ ri4 oqi JOj ot[qnd Snijfnq eq; jo iCoaaui oqi qv )»^jbui' ain uo 89 its a jno Avoaq^ urn 9M. asdBjioo XUB PIOAB o^ puB asiputfqoiaj^ Snudp i&on q^tM. papiioid am saAieqs ino To canrass for tbe sale of Nursery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and axnensea mid. Apply at once staling age. * BOWL AND, f - aooheaier.lLT. WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are now better than ever prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS In all kinds of Goods.^ Weuienn business and will give yon Low er Prices than ever before offered in Lake County. •OUJEt STOCK OF- General Merchandise Was never more complete than'now. v Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. , Special iaducemerits for Cash Buy ers in sums from $5 up COLDINC BROTHERS. S" ' ,;n' (THlglMwtMarket Px*ioe paid fox* Farm Produce. JUI1I4. A. COfie Door West of Riverside House*) i r - -DEALER IN- M E D I C I N E S , -A FULL LINE Off-***- Snip, Quaieals, D71 Staii, Paints, Oik and Colon. Constantly on han4 Also a large line of ^Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, W. F, 8T»Va»ff6v . ' ' • . . 'tftr-ii >19 West McHenry; ! Dealer IN-~. HEAVY • HARDWARE, ; •• f- - vr* StoveSf Tin, Copper artd Sheet-lron 4-nd in ttddit on has putin a full stock ot ^ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Moline Plows, Gesloj* Sulky Plows, Orris Plows, Stoddard Seeders, Disk Harrows, Drags, and in short everything In th#* 3B arming Tool line, which will be sold at Bottom Figures. r. Haish.'s Barb Wire ;> W" AT BOTTOM: PRICE8, •£ 'r*1 ; ft ̂ Z} '̂. "•.'S3itSSS£" JOilB K® AND HlFAIBINCi Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty ol .Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage resp^ttwUiyso/ioited, • r ® " • V • ' ; 1 w . * 4 S T E V E N S , • WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH •k ALTHWF BROTHERS Ol They're All Eightl And havejust received a l^rge stoofc si|| 3iW viij •> M •:4 Spring fGoods^ To which they invite your especial attention, They have com menced this year with increasing tr&de. They haj9; ^jrl^ci. Jto Business on fiusiness Principles and have succeeded., "• •RF ̂ ' H Oni Pries to All. Thi Bnt of iTtrjthing, '•A clean and attractive store and everybody weleomet*'--ui oaf motto. ' • " Give us your trade and we will try and merit it. ^ftll tod set our new Itock of Dress Goods. ; ; i " McBeury, March 12th, 1889 XN ' '4: WW BK H1KBT* . • -. ---^EALEB IB-- - 1 /Drugs and Mediines,; .*•'• PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, ««r-AND COMPLETE STOCK OlC ^.k'J b't; A't 14/: I ^ ( rft ! * >» • I a t - NATIONABY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. physicians ' JPi-escriptioiini Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. VS ̂V;.-' JUUA A. STORY. ;r . , S , » • • ' J Y P I N , I J . - > • . '. -is v<«f. TTINES" ANB l^IQl oieSf FOB MEDICAL USE* Also Bottfed Ale and Porter for Medical use. • - >:.f » &-U% The best brands ot Oigara and Smoking and Clue wing Tebacod always on hand. " PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, ,§»# Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. • * +* ^ ' / j C . W » B E f t L K Y * McHenry^ December 28thf 1897 r ' V. *