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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1889, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY MAY 1, . - >?r' V vi^cr Railroad Time Table. K • ry- i Taking effeet Jane mk, traina ill pass McHenry gtulm <U{lf, as fellows: jOOLM SOUTH. Lake UeneyaPaaaenger 7:*>i.* UktQown Kxfmi.... *^..8:0 Lake GeneTtrraiCht.............. .* Lake Gonera Paaaoncer............ »:» ** , OOIKO ITOTLHI, I VLA,»* | Ukrajiim PuMbger ...» 9:» " I LAKE JeTteraKxprea* .4:«P.M I Lftk* Oowra Ptumra. 6:51 $ Dalljr except 8und»y. • . I MASONIC. I MoHsmtr LODOB, KOL 168 A. r, and A. M.- Aagnlar Oommanioationa the aecond and 'fourth Mondays In ea&h month. I HBHBTOO&BT, W. M. If* MODBRN WOODMEN OK AMBBIOA. Meet at the new Gity Hall, every Seeond id Laat Tuesday evening oft eaeh month, elfhliors COT llally lavited- • READ the* new another column. advertisements in VI' ' E. GBISWOI,D will accept oar tbanjes for % ' tle8 of Jackson, Tenn., papers. • J READ the card of the McHenry House, «,•?' fo be'found in another column. • SEE the notice of Old Settlers another place in this papers. «,?A ^ANTKD} at onee a good hired girl, at i|S. M. Owen's. > GOOD work Horse "lit this office. for Sale* Inquire C. Y. STEVENS has bee& appointed er at West McHenry. in place 1 A. Walsh, resigned.. THE old Razor Grinder and his trained dogs arrived in town on Monday, much to the delight of the small boys. J L'HE Steamers have begun making! f regular trips on Fot Lake, aud Lake! ^illa Hotel has opened for business. PHE Board of School Directors, of this District, organized qn Monday by elect­ ing Isaac Wentworth, President, and ^J. Van Slyke, Clerk. "C. A. WALSH, who was elected -Village Clerk, refusing to qualify, the President appointed and Board confirmed W. A. Cristy as Clerk for the ensuing year. HOUSE cleaning is now the order of the / ^#ay, and the male part of the household may be seem on the'street corners dis- * euHsiug the subject. THE Comrades of the McHenry Post, G. 'k' R-> are requested to be present in full force at the next meeting, May 4th, as IberewiU be business of much importance % 'k& transact. v ' v B. ROBINSON, at his rooms over the * ' " %ost Office, is prepared to file sawfi on Vy t short notice and guarantee satisfaction " Bring your saws along and have them LOST, in this village or immediate ^. vicinity, a Pocket Book, containing $25 ' iii money, a Note for $30, and other amall papers. The finder .will receive a liberal Reward by leaving the same at ' this office. ~ V ', '• MB. SHADE'S subject next Sunday morn- . log will be to'notice some of the papers . and discussion^ of the Universalist ~ Pastors' Institute, recently held in Elgin, and in the evening, "Growing Up Into. "... Him who is Our Head." A PHILADELPHIA merchant advertises FiitttoitAih CHAS. S. OWEN Was oat frrim Chicago last week. FRANK MCOMBEB and w|fe returned from Hartley, Iowa, last week. JOHN KELTER, of Chicago-, waft «YFLWG On friends here on Saturday last. JAMES GARRISON, of Elgin, was on our streets on Monday. BARUIAX BROS, have put tip a hand­ some awning in front of their store. MRS. C. A. KNIGHT, of Chicago, has been calling on friends here the past week. H. C. MEAD returned from a trip to Vinton and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ' on Thursday evening*last. • ;. DR. H. T. BROWN, who has been spend­ ing the winter in Chicago, was on our streets on Thursday last. ( C. A. KKIGHT, Assistant City Attorney, Chicago, attended the wedding at O. W. .Owen's «n Thursday last. * fe A. S. WRIGHT and wife, of Woodstock, attended the Brown--Owen wpdding, In this village, on Thursday last. JOHN I. STORY and family moved back from Iowa last week. They "will occupy their residence here, THE many friends of Mrs. C. A. Walsh will be glad to learn that she is rapidly recovering from her late severe illness. AL HILL, of Aurora, and Mrs. Kate Hill, of Fox Lake, are visiting wltih friends here this week'. " . '4 R ADAM LEIGHTNER moved his family" here from the Lakes on Monday. They occupy a part of John Kleifgen' shouse. j AS. B. PERRY, C. V. Stevens, Geo. VT Besley and J. Van Slyke, 'of this village, attended the funeral of Hon. .JR. M. Haines, at Waukegan, on Sunday last. MRS. ELLA SPAULDING, who has been sicfe the past two weeks, has so far re­ covered as to be able' to attend to her Millinery business, and can be found in ON Sunday next, May an engag* ment will be commenced at the Chicago Opera House by Dockstader's Minstrels. Mr. Dockstader will bring his entire New York company. In New York this min­ strel band has succeeded, by reason of their legitimate performances, to the place formerly held by the San Francisco Min­ strels. Mr. Dockstader has done this through his close adherence to what was originally intended by negro perform­ ances--that is, discarded all the extranous stuff which other minstrel managers have put into their entertainments. Mr. Dock­ stader played a year ago at the Chicago Opera House and Crowded the theater at every performance. IF you want to see McHenry grow and be a successful town, talk about it, write -about ft, help to improve it, beautify its streets, patronize its merchants, adver­ tise in its newspaper, speak well of its public spirited and enterprising citizens- If you are rich, invest some thing, employ somebody, be a " hustlerif you don't think of any good word don't say any­ thing bad about the«town; be courteous to strangers that come among you so that they may go^itvay with good im­ pressions; always cheer on the men who go for improvements ; encourage outside oapital whenever it seeks investment in our midst; don't oppose it simply be­ cause you do not see wherein it is to do you any special or particular good. > Fd AN exchange tells lots of truth in the ollowing paragraph: "Some people don't seem to consider a newspaper in the light, of a business concern at all, but Simply a vehicle for the distribution of news and information for their special benefit and information--without pay They expect free notices, and if they offer to pay, want a ten dollar "ad" for half price with fifteen dollars worth of "locals free. We cannot understand why some people expect this any more than they her store ready to wait upon customers^ wol,id expect a ten cent premium pme R BENNIE BONSLETT, youngest son of V>n the purchase of a five cent street car Leonard Bonslett, who has been attend- ticket. Newspapers cost a great deal of ing the school of Pharmacy in Chicago, Inoney to run and there is little fun in has accepted a position in B^feley's Drug running them, and less glory. So while THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society, connect^ with the Universalist "Church, will meet with Mrs. Bert Howe, Thurs­ day afternoon of this week. MRS. FF. A. CRISTY, President, MRS.O. N. OWEK, Secretary. READ the new advertisements of Bon­ slett & Stoffel, John Evanson & Co., R. Bishop, E. M. Owen & Son, Fred Hatch, the McHenry House, WT. & T. Smith and J. H. Boothby, to be found in other parts of this paper to-day. \ F ARRANGEMENTS are being made for a Trotting Meeting at the McHenry Driv­ ing Park at an early day. There will be a Purse exclusively for "George O. Colts, and a free for all. The exact date will be-annOtfneed iBOttiir* ^ftook" outrfOr a day of real sport. THE ^striped women's stockings." We should think "striped women" would be fit'sub- Jecte for dime museum " freaks;" but it is not clear why they should wear stockings 'different from those worn by othei/fc Ml8e Gmce A; 0weiJi ot Mctienry_ ftromen. ft ?Z WE invite your inspection of our new domestic goods, such as Sheetings, Pillow : €ase Cloth, Shirtings, Gents' Fine Shirts, jllarsailes Spreads, etc.; Black Spanish &ace Skirtings, Embroidery, Warp Silks, *» colors ; Ladies' Hosiery and new style > Goods, at Ladies' Salesrooms. ocnimeBeeH i Store, in this village, and work to-day, Wednesday. ^•AFTERNOON Service will be held St Mary's Episcopal Church, at Spring Grove, on Sunday, May 5th, at 3^0 p. M. Rev. Dr. Cleveland, of Dundee, will officiate. world renowned Hermann, the greatest living prestidigitateur, will begin a brief series of performances at the Chicago Opera House on Sunday, May 12th. Hermann has been electrifying the East this season with a sensation which he calls "Cremation." It has aroused a great deal of discussion everywhere; and, while Mr. Hermann says it is accom­ plished by purely natural means, there are many who believe it is caused by supernatural agencies. In addition to the programme by Hermann and Mme. Hermann, the entertainment comprises a u we will lay ourselves out to please adver­ tisers in the ihatter> of .space and rates, yet the line must be drawn somewhere, and we draw it^l the bread and butter limit." MARY had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow; it ran away one summer day wh'ere lambs should never go. Then Mary sat her down and tears streamed from her eyes; she never found that little lamb--she did not advertise. Now Mary had a brother Jim, who kept a country ptore; he sat him down and smdftpd his pipe and watched the open dOor. And as the people passed along but did not stop to buy, Jim still sat down and blinked his sleepy, sleepy eyes. Atod so the sheriff^ closed him out, but still he lingered near, and Mary came to jlrpp with him a sympathizing tear. Hotrfts it, sister, that the other mer- iai>ts here sell all their goods apd 'ay their bills and thrive from year to ear?" • K emeiftlSStdg" *tll -her own bad hnifef the little maid irepliep: "The other mer­ chants get there, Jim, because they ad­ vertise. To the Dancing Pubiio. The undersigned wishes to apologise to the dancing public, and especially those who attended his Easter party, for the disgraceful performances which occurred on that evening, and to assure them that hereafter no roughs or rowdies will be al­ lowed iat his parties, or even inside the hotel, and therefore those who attend will be sure of a quiet, enjoyable time. Any one who cannot deport himself in a gentlemanly manner is requested to stay number of features by well-known peopley away. We aim to give quiet and orderly /^MARRIED--At the home of the bride, in the^ jparties,, and shall take measures in the '/niageot McHenry, April 25-h, UM9, by the Vuture to protect the rights of all who at-»««- 11. Slailc, Mr. Paul Brown, ot Chicago* DONELLY & GIRARD, it is said, have. se- Oured a success even greater than that of Natural Gas" in their new piece, "The , „ „ JW TV I. „ , ... . a large circle of friends is sure to follow City Directory," which will receive itsfirstL The wedding was a very quiet affair, only a few of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom being present. Tito groom is the only son of Dr. H. T. Brown, of this village, is a rising young lawyer of Chicago, and has gained a position in his profession attained by few of his age. The bride is the youngest daughter of O. W. Owen, of this village, and is a lady who will grace any position which she may be called to fill. The best wishes of • production on the 27th ot May at tJi<\the "«PP.v wuplo through !ife : r Chicago Opera House. Elaborate scenery old gettier'8 Meeting Is being made for it by the artists of that theater. " FOR the past few days some parts of / >*ur village has been thronged with cows !S' 'that have been unlawfully allowed to roam our streets, wandering into yards », and breaking the sidewalks. Owners of F v animals should bear this one fact in mind, * 4nd that is that there is an"ordinance , - "|iroh|biting this, and it surely will been- torced. Those who are now violating the ^ law will do well to take due notice and save themselves trouble. E W. C.T.U. and tiheGojjlFTfemplars !; ,A Have made arrangements topold temper- ~ Itoce lectures in the City Hall, in this vil­ lage, on the first Sunday evening of each ? |nonth during the summer. The first lec­ ture will bedelivered by the Rev. Mr. ^ Brill, of the M. E. church, on Sunday K tvening next, May 5th. A general in vita­ s'* *' - tion is extended to all. Remember these lt lectures will be on the first Sunday even- i w tug of each month, 'i' X • * , i THE late Rev. Sidney Smith, in apeak- ing of the art of kissing, said: "We are ;|n favor of a certain amount erf shyness^ When a kiss is proposed, but it should ; ^ot be too long, and when the fair one fcives it let it be administered with I -ĵ armth and energy; let there be soul in It. If she close her eyes and nigh im­ mediately after, the effect is greater. Be . '(jtareful not to slobber a kiss, but give, it,, : n"fcs a humming-bird runs his bill into a honeysuckle--deep but delicate. We have memory <rf one we received in our youth, which lasted us forty years, and We^elieve it will be one of the last things *iagihnfl *£iiiku£ aliiia we dieJ' The Annual Meeting of the 01(lSettiers Association, of McHenry and Lake bounties, will be held at the Riverside House, in the village of McHenry, on Thursday, May loth, 1889, for the pur­ pose of electing officers for the ensuing year, fixing the time and for hold­ ing the next Re-Union, and the transac­ tion ofjiijcb other business as may pro perly come before the meeting. ASA W. SMITH, PrasUenL SLTKB, Secretary. - $ A LITERARY and musical entertainment, under the auspices of the Good Templars, will be given on Friday evening of this week at the City Hall. Proceeds to be applied on payment of organ. The fol­ lowing programme has been prepared: Mnsic !'• V Nickle Esaay Good Templar *lflea Alice Bennett Duett MiBBes Mntth and Owen Reading The Wife's New Story Bev. Mr. Slade. gol* Miss Lizzie Osliurn Reading.... Miss Luoy McLean Duett Mr. and Mrs. T. J Walsh goto ,....Mrs. H. V. Shepard Racitation Mr. H. F. Hanley Recitation Miss Mabel Granger Duett...Mra. H. Nichols and Miss Wentworth Pact* and Fanciea of Army Life ....f...Uap- L. E. Bennett Reading . Mr. W. A. Oristy Recitation........... Mrs F. K. Granger Male Quartette Under the Flowers Messrs. T. B. Turner, T. J Walsh, W. A. Cristy, W. D. Wentworth. A cordial invitation is extended,to all. Entertaihment Doors open at 7 o'clock, commences promptly at 8. WINES FOR DEBILITATED FEMALES. Physicians have used Speer's wine, and having applied to it the strictest test known to chemistry, they do not hesi­ tate to pronounce it a pure wine of medium strength, and recommend it to be of great advantage to the aged and infirm; also in low and typhoid fevers ten(^. We trust the dancing public will see it was no fault of ours, but let the blame rest wljtw? it belongs. ttespectfulty, ^ ' JOHW Tg»L»W. Evaoson's Special Hat Sale, Saturday, May 4th. M • SHERIFF GEORGE ECKERT has been com­ manded to summon the following named gentlemen to serve as petit jurors at the ixt term of McHenry county circuit court which' conveues Monday, May 27th, 1889: • . 4 0 0 Miliar ........... ... ..........Riley AH Sears Riley Charles P Teepte F*ewwdioge o& the Boar* of Trustees. . McHSKRY, IJl., April 21. 1889. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, "President J. Van Slyke and Trustees Walsh, Bishop, Hauperisch, Smith, Miller and Granprer. C. A. Walsh, the Clerk-elect, refusing to qualify, the President appointed W. A. Cristy as Clerk for the ensuing year, which was approved by the Council. Moved by Trustee Hauperisch that the dram shop license for the ensuing year be f500, payable as follows, $230 May 1st and f250 six months frofo May 1st, on approved notes. Carried. The President appointed the following committees for the ensuing year: On Finance--Tru«teet> Smith, Walsh and Miller. On Streets and Alleys--Trustees Gran­ ger, Bishop and Smith. On Miscellaneous Business--Trustees Walsh, Hauperisch and Granger. Moved by Trustee Bishop that the Street Committee be instructed tomake needed repairs On sidewalks at iince., Carried. ^ \loved to adjourn till Monday evening, April 29th, at 8 o-'clock. Can-ied. J. VAH SLiKJL President. W A. C^BMTT, Clerk. " , MCHNHRY, DL. April *9,18«. Board met pursuant to adjournment . ient, President Van Slyke, Trustees blsh, Bishop, Hauperisch, Smith, Miller and Granger. Minutes of meetings of April 30tii and Aprjl 24th read and approved. e following bills were presented, audited and the <3erk ordered to draw orders on the Treaqprer for the same: • Perry A Owen, oil HSR Stevens ft Miller, oil 150 B. Gilbert, oil 240 stoffel & Bijtke,oil .......... ISO AAlthoU" Bros., oil. . ... ..... w i'60 Jualen iiro«.. glaaa. ... .v.V.--. 48 Moved by Trustee Granger that the Clerk be instructed to ^accept bonds for dram shop licenses, subject to the ap­ proval of the Board of Trustees *at their next regular meeting. Carried. Bond of W. A. Cristy as Villagp Olerk accepted and approved. On motion adjdurned. .. . J. VAKSl.ykc, Praaident. W. A. CBMTT, Clerk. > ; - *1 OBITUABY. ^ DiEfi.--At ItfcHenry, April 18,188§^i,iTRlCK PHALKH, in the 77 th year of his-ago. . The subject of this notice was born kr Dunmore, County Waterford, Ireland, in the year 1812. He was one among the sturdy pioneers who sought a home in the West nearly forty years ago. Since that time he lias lived at McHenry, where he was well and favorably known. Hon­ est and upright in all his dealings with his fellow-men, strictly temperate in his habits, in his home the most devoted of husbands and indulgent of fathers, he commanded the respect of all who knew him. But he is gone, and all that is left is the good example which should serve as a guiding star to those who are left to mourn him for a few short yea®. Respect for his memory was shown by the large attendance at his funeral (so character­ istic of the Irish people), which was held at the Catholic clmrch on the 20th. Another husband la laid rest, . ^Another father gone, % weeping- wife - ' A'6 left on earth to inoura. Another form Is hid from view, *' '* ^Anether roloe is still; though bard It Is to part from thev *#ia but onr Maker's wlii. •' They bid ns cease ooraoriew As they speak a last adieu, For we'll ineet in hetven to.manWir agaiu to renew. A FSIBHD. Hebron Department LODGE DNUSOTOB¥. MASOWTC.--AL. F. and A, M. meet at Maaoaic Ball on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- Jbga of each month. MODERN WOODMKH OF AMKFTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even- tags of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. Mabel Wood worth is on the sick list. The foundationis laid for Hiram Rowe's new cottage. Saturday was a perfect April day, Showers and sunshine. George Conn, Jr., is home from Chicago for a few days. Frank Rowe made a bjusiness trip to Geneva Lake on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Torrence fipent the Sabbath at G. W. Conn's. Mrs. Avery Nutt is very sick and" under the care of l)r. Herrick. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark, from Chica­ go, are visiting at Hamlin Fenner's. Mr. and Mrs. George Boughton will, in the near future, occupy the house vacated by Fred Morgan. Arnew and attractive postoffice sign greets the eye on Main street now. The first and only one Hebron eVer pos­ sessed. , The Modern Woodmen's reunion will be held at Rowe's hall oh Tuesday evening, May 7th. ^ The interior of the "People's Cash Store" is undergoing a change, the back partition being moved, making the store more roomy and convenient. Ira Ellis had a 3-year-old colt badly cut with barb wire on Saturday, an artery in the front leg being completely severed. Dr. E. 0. Gratton wtus called«i» attend it and the colt is doing well. The Commissioners are spending the surplus money in the treasury in grading the roads where it is most needed. A wise plan, for good roads are not only a bene­ fit to the public but denote a jwosperous community with plenty of intelligence and refinement. "O- L. Phillips has lost track of his Cae- sady breaker. The parties who borrowed it a year ago or more will confer a great, favor by returning it, or any information regarding it will be thankfully received. On Wednesday et»niug, April 24, 1889, at the home, of the. bride's parents, Mr. George Boughton and Miss Belle Fenner were united in marrijige, Rev. Harbaugh Officiating. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom composed the merry party that had gathered to witness the ceremony: and, although the storm raged without, all was bright and pleas­ ant within. These young people who have embarked upon the matrimonial sea, with the prospect of a bright future before them, are too well Known to need any comments, and we have only to add an eafrnest wish that Mr. and Mrs. Boughton may realize a life of happi­ ness. A«Sf v" .a. ..Marengo ..Marengo ...... Dntihnm Don haul •U. ...Ohemung ........Chemung Alden Alden Hsrtland Hartlaud .. 9*. •...». Seneca Seneca ,.... Coral Coral ..... ....Ofafton ..........Omfton Dorr Oorr ....Dorr ..... Green wood Oreenwood .. .. ... Hebron Hebron Richmond ...Richmond Burton McHenry- .McHesry .Kunda Vutida K unda Algonquin Algonquin ... ....Marengo Evanson's Special Hat Sale, Saturday, May 4tk. , Blclutrd Ghiordolar'a Suoow. As an author of piano music is placing him in the front rank; of popular Ameri­ can composers. We have just received two of his latest and best efforts. Each one is a gem and is r suitable for players of average ability. They sustain Mr. Goed&er's high reputation as acomposer of brilliant and fascinating music that catches and hold the popular taste. Moonlight Rhapsody, price 50 cents, and Love's Confession, price 50 eents. For the purpose of introduction the pub­ lishers will send both compositions and a copy of the Philadelphia Musical Jour­ nal to any address for 50 cents. Address F. A. North & Co., 1308 Chestnut Street, H W Sears..., Ed Burke M F Sweeney Put llogers J L Lewis Wesley Latter Charles Bordwell... .. Henry Sullivan... ..... William Alooney John Nih^n .... O B Flanders Thomas Shrill . Frank Stevena ... Charles Hooker........ Charles Iladloy . Alv'n Door Atmer A Martin Oscar F Dufleld M Dassow Orlando Garrism ... . £ B StrjUtton Steven Holme* John Conjmao... ..... Edwarfljfnrner ...... Benjamin Geratone.... John Rolston Edward Sutton Clark dMcaba Joe Draper William Keller ..... Charles Wandrack.... Isaac Smith William O Sullivan.... i-ii. > It 1ft » Mistake To la!>or when you a?e not in a fit con­ dition. To sleep exposed to A direct draft in any season. To take off proper clothing out of sea­ son because you become heated. To think the more a person eats the healthier and stronger he will become. To conclude that the smallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in. ' To think any nostrum or patent medi­ cine i$ a specific for all .the diseases the flesh is heir to. To imagine that if some work or exer­ cise is good, violent o* prolonged exercise is better. To go to bed late at night and rise at daybreak, and imagine that every hour taken from sleep is ay hour gained. To believe that children can do as much as grown people, and that the more hours they study the more they learn. To eat as if you had only a minute to finish the meal in, or to eat without an appetite, or continue after it has been satisfied, merely to satisfy the taste. THE country always swarms with ped­ dlers and swindlers at this season of the year and the unsuspecting must be very Wary if they are not taken in. At pres­ ent a little swindle is being worked through suburban towns and it behooves people to "look a little out." A man goes arountV to each house with'* a bottle of medicine,fa box of salve aud a vial of perfumed disinfectant, the whole lot for f 1. fhe latter alleges, when the cork is out to diffuse a pleasant odor through a room, and will at the same time be a safe-guard against contagion. He insists upon leaving a bottle and asks that it be tried. He will call again in a' few days, and if it has npt been found satisfactory he will not charge any thing fbr it. He slips the cork in his pocket and leaves the open bottle to perfume and disinfect the room. The liquid is volatile, and when he gets back in a day or two it has nearly all- evaporated, wheire upon he demands SO-cents for what has been used. SOUTH HEBRON. EJFLTOR PL.VIM>KAI.ER :--School eom- menced April 22d, with Miss Olive Swan as teacher. « Mrs. Ransom, of Richmond, has been visiting with Mrs. Hendrickson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tryon went to Cher­ ry Valley 011 Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt, of Harvard, and L. H. S. Barrows, of Woodstock, visited relatives here the first of the week. Mr. Henry Vogel, who seems to be the right man inthe right place, was re-elected school director at the last meeting, this being his third term. The present mem bers of the Board of Directors are Henry Vogel, C. F. Tryon and George Trow. .. Ileury Burger, of Crystal Lake, spent ^Saturday and Siinday wh;h his parents. Brad Marble was kicked quite badly by a colt last Thursday. . Miss Lillian Reed, of Genoa, visited with her cousin, Mrs. Chet Valentine. Mr. Henry Marsh is just completing a large barn on his premises in IYPT«tone. He has also lately built an addition to his house, which greatly improves his cozy little place. ; A Sunday school has been organized at Tryon's Corners School house with the following officers: George Lumley, Suj>er- intendent; Jennie Burger, Assistant Suj>erintendent; Edith Trow, Secretary, and E. C. Burger, Treasurer. The Sun­ day school is called to order at 2:15 P.M. FOR SALE. Seven Hundred Bushels of Corn in the ear. Also one span of veiy fine Colts, 4 and 5 years old, well broke. Inquire of PAL'UCK FLUSKTi We have 500 bushels fine Early Rose and Burbank, Wisconsin, Potatoes at 35c per bushel. Good Onions at same price. Red Cable Ensilage Seed Corn, $1 per bushel, at John Evanson & Co's. See the Oil Shades, at II per pair, at Evanson's. They are fine and worth more. Evanson's Special Hat Sale, Saturday, ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDKALEH:--D. W. Thomas shipfted a carload of, stock to Chicago on Friday of last week. Miss Annie Kee has been having the measles the past week. Mrs. G. E. Dodd has been on the sick list the past week. » Comrades Peter, Keyes, Ford and Helm attended the Post at Nuuda on Tuesday evening of last week, and report having a very pleasant time. Easter services were held at St. John's Episcopal church here on Sunday last. Fred Phillips returned home from Salt Lake City on Monday of last week and departed for Chicago on the following^ Wednesday morning, to peddle milk for William Chapman. JJr. S. M. Thomas and daughters, of Nunda, spent Sunday last with D. W. Thomas, of this place. The Ladies' Sewing Society, of the Con­ gregational church, will meet at Mrs. J. Helm's 011 Wednesday of next week. Mix. Lynn, of Chicago, is the puest of Mrs. Aldrich, of this village. Charlie Balch, of Elgiu, Spent Sunday here, the guest of William Morton. William Pooley and bride of Aurora, with Miss Allie Pooley, were the guests of James Philp, Esq., last week. One B 18 Stops. FOR SALE. Shoninger Cymbella Organ, Inquire at THE BAKEBY, McHenry, HI. LAST CALL. All persons indebted to E. Carpenter for Blacksmithing are hereby notified that their accounts have been left with Dr. O. J. Howard, in this village, where you are requested to call and settle the same without further delay, and save costs. John Varcoe, book-keeper for the San Jose; Cala., Times, was troubled with a severe cold, and especially at night had bad coughing spells. A few doses Of jChamberlain's Cough Remedy completely cured him. Sold by G. W. Besley. PASTURING FOR YOUNG STOCK. The undersigned can accommodate a limited number of young cattle with first class pasturing. Good living water running through the pasture. Apply to P. H. C6NWAY. On the Thos. Lumley farm. West of Ringwood. The value of a remedy should "be esti­ mated by its curative properties. Accord­ ing to this standard, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best „and most economical blood medicine in the market, because the most pure and cencentrated. Price $1. Worth 95 a bottle. Evanson's genuine Oil Paintings and deep Ornamental Gilt Frames, and how < 4 5 • ; ' . Business Notices. •MMMNMMk f.-'" Layer figs, 10 eents per pound ai A3- thoff Bros. Beslqy* s liverwort Kidney CttP9. Tiry it. 1 i ,t .• i Seeders, Seeders, at *E. X. Owe* & Son's. , , - .Buy your Dress Goods and Ginghams, now of Perry & Owen. . New Carpets, at bottom price* at Perry & Owen's. t. Confirmation Suits, chedb at Parry & Owen's. All the best and handiest plows from *12, up to $17 at E. M. Owen & Son's. Try Besley's Horse and Cattle Food. There is nothing like it. Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cans, at J. A. Story's. CLOTHING This week at Perry & Owen's. ' s" j Wall Paper and Borders, sew stifle, cheapest at Perry & Owen's, and trim­ med free of charge. The celebrated Gorham, Buckeye, Mon­ itor. Van Brunt, Eureka and others at E. M. Owen & Son's. Go $0 W. P. Stevens, on the West Side, and get his prices on the Gesley two anq[ three wheeled Sulky Plow. EASTER DYEsJ| Go to J. A. Story's for a toe assort­ ment of Easter Dyes- ' You cannot fail to find what you want in the line of Crockery at J. W. Cristy & Son's, Ringwood, and their prices cannot be beaten. ' " Curtain Netting at 18 cents per yard. Something good and substantial in win­ dow Shades. Wall Paper now ready and prices correct at John Evanson & Co's. THE Flying Dutchman is one of the best plows on the nuixket. Call at W. P. Stevens', on the West Side, examine and learn the psice. Sick Feeders, Graduated Medicine Glasses, and all the requisites of a sick room, can be found ooustantly yi stock at J. A. Story's. Remember €hat ' George O.," the best Stock getter in Illinois, will serve 20 of our best mares at $50. Mares not get- iug in foal will have anothe season free of; charge, His colts are not beaten. SHELLED CORN. For sale at the lowest market rates. Also ground feed at $16.00 por ton. At the Fox River Valley Mills. ' B. BISHOP. PIANO TUNING. Mr. Osear J. Wigell will make regular tjjjps W*'McHenry every three months viz; January, April, July, October. Leave orders at 0. W. Owen's store. It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To try is to prove the above. Our Spring styles of Hats for Men and Boys are ready for your inspection. We have the best one dollar Shirt you ever saw in this town. John Evanson & Co. ' MARBLES, GAMES AND TOYS. • A full line of Marbles just opened, Bowlers, Falsies, painted and polished, China, Agates, and fancy Glass Marbles of all sizes. Also, Dominoes, Checkers, Authors, etc., at astonishingly low prices at J. A. Story's Drug Store. BARGAINS IN PIPES. .We keep the finest assortment of Pipes to be found in McHenry County, and are offering them at greUt bargains. Call and see them, they are neat, nobby and cheap. «, ^ _ BABBIAW BSOS. Next door to the Poat Offioe, McHenry. 48 STAND LAMPS GIVEN AWAY i Extra superior all Wool Carpets 72 cents per yard. Fancy check, extra heavy hemp 95 cents per yard. „ Ciscoette, Hanleys, and Honest Abe flour only $1.30. Curtain Poles, 3 styles of wood, only 25 cents each. New Scrim Cloth, late design from 7c to 20 cents. Bowkers Plant Food will suprise you 86 inch one half wool Henrietta, all shades only 25 cents. Great Drives #in Ladies' and Misses Jackets. • Boys serviceable Knee Pants from 65c to $1.30. Inspect our elegant Lace Curtains. BOWSLKTX * STOFVLT, FOR S.yj3. Two Span Pony's good drivers and good kind disposition. One Hors6 Colt •I years Old strong and Bay Color. Bull Calves, 1 full blood Short Horn and 3 gradeB will be one year old in fall and are vigorous and thirty. One Nickel trimmed hand made light Harness with Collars New. GEO, H. HARRISON, Ringwood. When Baby was sick, we (are tier CMtorls, When she wan a Child, ahe eried for Castorte, When she became Hiss, die slung to Castoria, Wbm ate lHMiaiaann,«M cava than (Mori* MRS. C. A. HUTSON. t Has just received another new lot of Hats and Bonnets for ladies' and child­ ren, in all the latest styles. Now is the time to select a nice one for Easter. We are prepared to sell Millinery Goods Cheaper than any other place in the county. Call and examine our stock and we will guarantee to satisfy you in both style and price. Yours Very Truly. _ MR-*. 0. A. HUTSON. West Side, near the Depot. H. H. NICHOLS can be found at the old stand, ready to do Dress making, Cutting and Fitting, on short notice.-- The Ladies are respectfully invited to call. Twenty-five Bars Golden Crown Soap, $1.00. Four pounds Elegant Tea, $1.00. Fourteen Cans good Corn, $1.00.' Three pounds good Fine Cut Tobacco, $1.00. Five pounds Good Smoking Tobacco, $1.00. . Splendid Congress Shoe, $1.60. -German Kangaroo shoe, $4.00. Calf Shoe "warranted," $2.00. Elegant dado Shade with fixtures, 40c Five pounds Coffee, $1.00. Mayflower Tea per pound, 40 cants. ^ BnsineiPfotleeBf May Baskets at Evanson's. When you desire a pleasant phyrieJ St. Patrick's Fills. r ^ If your hogs cough, havethe "thumps'* or do not thrive, feed Thorley Food. If your chickens are troubled with chol­ era or roup use Thorley Food. "• Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's foe and Dress Making. . Come to the Hosiery Sale at Evanson's on Sautrday. Seeders and Drills at E. M. Owen ft Son's. • Try Besley's Trochee, for Coughs tuad COldS. • „ If yoir want to see the finest stock o( v Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call A# Althoff Bros. ______ The Peerless Dyes, the best artide o» the market and warranted. At Geonm W. Besley's, West Side. v Call and examine the new fine oM3pring ' Dress Goods, Ginghams, etc., at Althon Bros. Don't fail to read what John Evanson & Co. tell you through the mediam of this parer from week to week. xney present facts. The finest line of Boots and Shoes Itfefr Gent's wear to be found in. town. AMo, in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. T. W. Burr, merchant, Delma, Tex., has used, sold and heard what people have said of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "It cannot be equaled," It cures sprains, soreness of the muscles, aches and pains. Sold by G. W. Itesley. Mr. A. T. Fields, one of the tending merchants of Colfax, Iowa,_sars that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best * cough preparation he ever used and rec­ ommends it to all without hesitation. Sold by G. W. Besley. .•%. A person is seldom sick when theirbow ̂ els are regular and never well when they are irregular. Bear this in mind and r keep your bowels regular by an occasion^ al dose 01 St. Patrick's Pills. Sold by . W. Besley. r :̂" When a person tells you they never had such a cold in their life take their word for it and advise them to take Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy and cure it. For coughs, colds and hoarseness it has wa, equal. Sold by G. W. Besley. CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS. To the liver and bowels, but give no strength. The more you take, the more you need. Miles' Pills, (M. P.) positively strenghthen. The longer taken the less required. Samples free at Besley's Drug Store. Mr.JE. B. Etheridge, merchant Hal- ville, Texas, says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a most excellent preparation. It is just what should be given to chil­ dren when they take cold. Pleasant to take and not expensive." Sold by G. W, ; Besley. . • > Rich food, and lack of exercise, dur­ ing the winter months, causes the sys­ tem to become torpid and the blood im­ pure. A dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills will cleanse and invigorate the system, purify the blood and do more good than a dollar bottle of btood pw* ifier. Sold by G. W. Besley. . %• ̂ LOOK TO YOUR HEART. Mrs. Charles Greenwood, of Indianapo­ lis, had what the doctors called asthma, but she got little relief until she took Dr. Miles' New Cure, which soon made her long winded, stopped the pain in chest, • swelling of ankles, cough, palpitation# r etc. Sold at Besley's. -- a FOR SALE ATA GREAT BARGAIN. The Riverside Hotel in this villlage. This well known honse is now offered^>r sale on such terms as will net the pur- • chaser at present rate of rental over 10 per cent on the investment. For further ^iii'tK.ulep call on, or address, jtAMM B. PBEBT, McHoaiT, iu. FOR SALE. - I offer for sale my house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. It is pleasantly located, is in good repair, with good well and cistern. Also gooa barn and other out houses. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on premises to, ' Jam tMiwiMt MoHenrf, Fob tot, IM& FOR SALE. A farm of eighty acres of land, with good house, good * out-buildings, and. good well of watfr. The above premises ure situated in the town of Antioch, Lake County, 111., three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information inquire of D. F. Smiley, Woodstock, or John Hendricks, Surirot Grove, 111. . 17u A GOOD REASON WHT ' - Washington claim agents prate in every circular or letter sent to the unsus­ pecting that they charge "no fee unless successful." Of course they don't, be­ cause they dare not--the law does not allow it. How magnanimous they are, to be sure. ̂ WM. n, oowuaL CARPETS! CARPETS 11 'J Justen Bros, will receive, April 1st, a fine line of samples of the latest styles a*d * patterns of Carpets, from the cheapest ' * Hemp to the finest Brussels, to which they invite the attention of the buying public. We are satisfied we can sell you a good , y, carpet cheaper than you caif buy it else­ where. , We also have a large stock of Furni­ ture, all kinds, from a Kitchen Chair to - the finest Parlor Sets, which will bt^soldae low as the lowest. „ ni jtwKwamjik-'.i# Weat KoHenry, Ifarch aotb, 1880, ^ Parasols, Newest Styles just arrived ; Evaqson's A WORD TO THE WISE. - | Spring has come with its sudden and extreme changes of temperature and now |§> is the time that all should be prompt in •$; Heeuring some good touic to strengthen the blood and stimulate the system. To t; be found at J. A. Story's. WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC. J. P. Smith has now on hand one the finest stock of Watches. Clocks, ». Jewelry, etc., ever brought to this town, to which he invites the attention of the public. If you want a good watch, Gold or Silver, a Chain, Ring, Pin, or in fact any * thing in the Jewelry line you can tind it at his store, of the best quality and at the lowest living price. Call and example ||jj||p|0ds before you buy. s ' y,Y p. 8MIT1. *- f } W--t of Rireraide Honao, MoB«m|>r YOU CANNOT AFFORD. At this season of the year to be with" ? oat a good reliable diarrhoea balsam la the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dangerous if uo& attended to at once. One bottle of Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam will da «M|ff good in a case of this kind tftvqh. other medicine on earth. We ^ it. For Sate by J. A. Story, and John Humphry, Waacoad% * % v . . .. ; i4:.f * .'K •* '• 1 *s-i f.i.I.J ..>*£, \ . . 'J*-*' « .a - /f! , AH,...*'*.. 1.^,1.. » < 5 r , i, X , , » * % f ^ W ,.,.X ^ '* J.m J " /•; '•? i.' , a jSA. .- *h.t-. P.' mSM

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