1880. WEDNESDAY, |J*. VXH6LYKE, M Editor. &•' [S PAPER MeyaT GBOd f. LL Ik CKVS Newspaper Advertising (» Sprue* Street), wh iere Advertising •CTtNEW YORK. On the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday, Butter was steady at 25^ cents, pat which price 29,000 pounds were sold. .Bayers were inclined to hold bsw*k. (STThe National Association of Wool Manufacturers, at its session in Boston, declared the other day by resolution that "the manufacturers do not ask lower duties on wool than" at present, and the grower is •entitled to protection as well as the manufacturer." This resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote. Free trade papers have recently been depicting the wool manufacturers ot the country as in a state of revolution against the tariff. They were evidently mistaken. New, Stylish, •tut tints & HI sins as lull ' Ladiesf, Misses', Just received" and on »a Ranging in price fro- $45,:." r>0 In to o, ' IflPSeveral weeks ago Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, was,nearly de- §1 stroyed by fire, and forthwith charity all over the country went to its assistance, sending it supplies of articles as well as money. It now transpires that a con spiracy was formed, with a common councilman and a policeman of theplaee, for the principals to appropriate the funds and supplies for private advantage. Several arrests have been made. The sooundrelism in this instance is peculiarly nefarious, the nature of the case consid ered. Ill In Our immense stock of fashion able (QTln his address at Rockford, General , Fairehild made the statement, that there was no other country where such an au- & dience was possible, no such homes any- where else, no such people. There were '•? more yards of carpet on the floors of the \ homes of working men in Rockford than ̂ - in all the homes of working men in Eng- land; more pianos in the fann houses of R;"Winnebago county than in all the houses j of the civilized world outside of America; in we pleasure carriages owned by work- lug fanners in one township here in f) Northern Illinois titan owned by all the £' working farmers in the world outside of il the United States. l&The American Horse Show, of Chi cago, which has been held for the past three years under the patronage of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture, will is year be conducted by a new organi- formed for that special purpose, •rs of the new association are: C. R. Cummings; Vice Presi- Potter Palmer, Chas. Schwarz; GoSMi. Dunlap; Treasurer, Edward L. Brewster; Secretary and General Man ager, Edward C. Lewis. The Board of Directors include the above named gen tlemen and Messrs. F. S.Gorton, John T. Lester, Samuel H. Sweet, J. Harley Bradley, John Dupee, Jr., Paul Morton, R. Hall McCormack, and N. B. Ream, all men of high standing. The object of the association in giving these* annual exhi bitions is the encouragement of the ing and development of horses and ». To this end prizes aggregating f18,000 are offered, covering every of display that could be made avail able. The coming exhibition will be held October 30 to November 9, inclusive, and promises to be a very successful affair. "A Grand Triple Circus given by three distinct companies of autocratic champions *-i. A complete and comprehensive Double Men agerie o| Wild Beasts. COLOSSAL CARAVAN Mammoth Moral Museum of Living Wonders. Now ready for inspection and comparison. Prices from $1.60 in Child's to $30 in Men's. STANDARD Tax only circus coming to McHeary this year, the Ringling Bros. & Van Am burgh's united circus, museum and menagerie will exhibit at McHenry, Mon day, October 7th. Owing to arrange ments made by the Showman's Pooled League of America this will be the only large show that will visit this country this year. Among their features are complete troupe of Royal Japanese per formers, and the Van Amburgh and Ringling Bros', herd of performing ele phants, including Babylon, the largest it in the world. ' ~ Roman Hippodrome and Uuiversal Worlds Exposition, WILL iixniBii . ' Until you stock of Fall and Winter Goods. 4 1 i SlNGWQDIli -ILL. itJO MM* A ! IS If TP i No Jobg, 250 Imposing Assemblage of Royal Japanese Performers. * A ponderous herd ot performing pie- Underwear|Pkants> including Babalon; the largest Elephant in the world, Fanny, the only American born elephant, Jewel, the won derful umbrella-eared elephant, the only one of this remarkable species in cap tivity. Spot, Lilliputian Olown Ele pliant. Double and triple somersault and high and long distance leapitg tournament. In endless variety of qualities and sizes, in prices from 9c for children's good merino, to ladies' and gent's, worth $2 each. Ladies' fine, heavy Merino Vests, at 29c, 38c and 47c, all special bargains. ELL," said Uncle Hiram, who used Jxtlong to a singing club in his early days, "I never heard a woman play like that one we heard in Boston that night. It was just awful. My ears ache even now." "Yes," replied his nephew, "she was rather loud, that's a fact. But then her execution--." "George, exclaimed Hie old gentleman, as be seized his nephew by the arm, "You don't mean to say they went so far as to execute her Well, 'tisn't for me to judge them. I onljgpheard her once; It seems terrible--a woman, too; but then, they had to listen to her every night. And they won't have to hear her again. Perhaps it's all for the best, George." • Xoral Institution. f; The Ringling Bros, and Van Amburgh's United Monster Circus, Museum and Menagerie is supported and sanctioned by the leading clergy and religious jour nals as a moral and honest show, pure in purpose and honorable in effort, the / management pledges itself to prohibit gamblers, fakirs and dishonest camp followers on exhibition days. It guaran .» tees absolute immunity to its patrons prom this despicable class of men, and . when this big combined show exhibits in tWs village,, all can join together in a day *bf amusement with perfect assurance that Spledges will be strictly carried out, ey exhibit at McHenry, Monday, Oct. 7 Blankets, Mat. McCabe, of New Brunswick, 111 offers to pay five dollars to any person troubled with bloody flux, who will take Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar- rbbea Remedy according to directions atod does not get well in the shortest Kssible time. One half o a 25 cent ttie of this remedy cured him of bloody , flux, after he had tried other medicines and the prescriptions of physicians with 'out benefit. Mr. McCabe is perfectly safe in making his offer, as more than a thousand bottles pf this remedy are sold each day and it has never been known to fail in any case of colic, cholera morbus, dysentery, diarrhoea or bloody flux, when the plain printed directions were W,: CHOICE u GROCERIES., 1JfiATH B1FYIMG AERIALIST .Gisooette Flour I Ch&sxipio&i Ridorsy Matchless school of educated and performing Elephant-?, Stallions, SheLhmd, Mules, Dogs, louts Monkeys and Savage Beasts. w s I To give our visitors p'enty of time to inspect our great double menageiie, this d^partnient will ONLY SI. 10. I always >10 open fully one hour before the circus performances commence. The afternoon.and even ing performances will invaribly be equal anc complete, and under no circumstance will tho evening perfotmances^be abbreviated, cut or neglected . See our advertisement locals next week. EVER YOURS, and sum -DEALER IN- Drugs and Medicinal/ PAINT8, OILS. Toilet Articles, -PURE- FOR MEDICAL Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. , t The best brands ot Cigars ant Smoking and Chewing TobadCtt alwaysOn hand. ^ PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, .Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. 28th. 1887 G. W. BESLEY. P E R R Y & O W E N , McHenry, Illinois. We are receiving daily our new fresh stock of Fall and Winter Goods, including 0 • New Dress Goods. TUX Which takes place every morn ng at 10 o'clock, is the largest, lonfff&t, richest and rao;t generous ly resplendent gratuitous display ever seen, representing with the most splendid effect and impressive truthfulness, a grand triumphant march of nations./ Never before 'n the history of American amusement has any show or combination of bhows had the wealth, enterprise or pluck to attempt any thing approaching in magnitude or magnificence this grand climax of free street demonstrations. One 50 cent ticket admits to all the combined shows 1 grand and complete performances daily, afternoon and evening. I King performances commence one fiotir later. Will exhibit at Children under 12 years 25 cents. Doors open at 1 and 7 Two p. M. McHenry, jMsSeiWy* New Winter Shawls, If CMs, - New Underwear. New Eats, Hew Boots and Shoes, Hew QtatMsg. New Gloves and Mitts, new Flan nels. etc. We shall endeavor to have the lar gest stock of above goods in this section and as we buy all our goods for Cash, we will sell you at* Bottom Prices. Please give us a call and get our prices before buying. PERRY <fc OWEN.. o;,