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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1889, p. 8

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W >' 'VI* •• r /< ••.^-.m ,S>>. *?.•,» '-ft Rs&vSw! 5 •• ?"£.? j ^ , ^ ^ttjil̂ ^'I*"' r^ r -- ,"-rp,r- rr *ti'i7| 1 Tfj'tr 11. •!.{ b> 'V. •j>>,»*f~ ,* BiMtllfcilMss finder the H»T* read «4 by the Ladies of theW.f . . 0, itor claims no part or cr« for I J •»• T i V ^ V#X;w „*' ^ <*M",*<. ^ f!&^0v:,.-\\ ? •4. x ",!»•'; The Loyal Temperance Legion will meet eveiy Friday afternoon at toar o'clock. _ y ** „ % ** J* * c ]T s ^ t i s *** }l t 1 *j • A / ? - n s C-^, v ' ; - \ ? ; . , * , \ J , > <-M v This wpek announce r Aunual Mid-Summer V'jJK *J,"'t'- > V . and that we in use The Ladies of the W. C. T. tr. will meet pith Mm. T. J. Walsh, Thursday af- teruooii, at 2:30 o'clock. v:\ Mm. L. B. R -|L««. T, J. Walsh, Secretary. * ; " There i s sa id to be a soc ie ty in Sweden |»trormed, by the queen, whose object is !&'• *. ' to collect all the cigar stubs in the king- pS " ' dom. Cigarettes are made from these \ •> ' stubs, and sent to the United States to poisen the youth of the land. The j*";, money made dy this nefarious business is /;• impropriated to educating poor ehildren Sweden. . &%* . Alcohol is the natural foe of eivilka- i i '* tion. It attacks and distroys the soul ^ first and the body afterwards. V?" ' ^ v Victory over the foe is indeed indispen- »tble. Nothing impede the upward pro- gress of the race to any such extent as I ' \ the power of rum. There is no force irhich can adequately resist and distroy % but that of the nation at larger, and the great national warefare upon alcohol is both indiepensible and un­ avoidable. But the nation move only as there is a home sentiment in the States which eets the gigantic forces of the whole in motion, and move when North and South Dakota have come clad in the white robes of Constitutional Temper- Mice, a sworn enemy to the great demon from the first breath of their glorious State life, it indeed seems like the victor­ ious plume of Navarre. Every great and good cause pending in tie country will receive a new impulse. I have a feeling that the stars and stripes will feel a special pride in their owe wide waving folds as they float over the mighty do* mains and in the higher heavens of the great Northwest. vtmrntummmttmoc i iMwl *s g Jas-S-Kirk I ^rfHITE*# S CLOUD! •Floating - Soar* WRAPPERS (UX6E5IZE) > and. receive a S ^HAKDSOHEi *•- Cfr,: 11 i? ' • 3K :' St * *}•' ' ?>•"* ;v * J r t ' U'tA Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is preferable to any other for the cure of Blood Diseases. Because no poisonous or deleter!on* Ingredients enter into the composition of Ayer's Saraaparilla. --Ayer's Saraaparilla contains only the purest and most effective remedial properties. -- Ayer's Saraaparilla is prepared with extreme care, skill, and cleanliness. --Ayer's Saraaparilla is prescribed by leading physicians. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is (or sale everywhere, and recommended by all first-class druggists. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, and not a beverage in disguise. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla never tails to effect a cure, when persistently used, according to directions. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a highly con­ centrated extract, and therefore the most economical Blood Medicine in the market. --Ayer's Saraaparilla has had a suc­ cessful career of nearly half a century, and was never so popular as at present. -- Thousands of testimonials are on file from those benefited by the use of * Ayer's Sarsaparilla. MUCPAKEiT BY Dr. J. O. Ayer ft Co« Lowell, Mass. Mm §t; atx bottles, |9, Worth fC a bottle. >*., Our riim U n«t to carry over anj piccomplitih. # We do not expect to realize anywhere near the worth of the t^roou8« but we utu not a/ter making inonoy. Our object to sell ij ofi' our sunmier »took to make room tor l irge fall purchases. 1 s «; I ? I. : *-'« -*a . DOlV*T Tf* V k '.r, l-, . . --<|^ihew^|(iir':^ai,^ains as rare as this do not occur oitori» andVi4 is gto your intortst to cali ^t oor store ajad ittepeot goodu uod 'lepra ^prices. v (This is Your Golden Opportunity, ::"f' DO NOT MISS ~! J. Itrbaa *, J. Barbam* BARBIAN BROS. XJ1 Conbinidf PMOIDl 'I* •Webraty. lm&8Ak3ssm Wholesale and Retail DEALKBS TLF FINB CIGARS, McHENRY MsLINOIS. Baving leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all timee can be found line cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the beet brands. , Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment sad very handsome patterue. CALL AND SEE US. BARBLUr BBOfk McHenry, Xovemher 18th, 1888. , /fyt, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL|| •rwroHEi^it.Y, . % . --DEALER IN~_ INOIS. M CO Purchased for Cash, all o( which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnis ti st class goods. iA"ViJXiI« Ulfl OF BTOT3E3S. k . « , V v . ? s*rv*y ; 5 Until you have examined '-.-j • ! .> . / « ^53-Wfi-K m V ' . > v ; f ' V ' ; S R I N G W O O D , WIS!?. I HlNEIi V IN- and Medicines, • • • • • • * • » * • » # * * IirlAterittt * •» ; ter ̂ * Descriptlveef * Ike #-*•« * Bbtuhweitem lowa, ̂ - §» Send to •'*•••• . J. B, Harsh, Preat »; Blue Grass *, . League, Orestes, V # Iowa. ^«. *;«s G-1SW DR. B. MINCER, -TH*- EMINENT OPTICIAN, OF DCTROITy Claims that Instruments for treating the Byeu fttewever good in the hanas of one expert In their use, in the hands of the ignorant w» worse than useless a maa must beskille* ta the treatment ef the Bye and the ppliea- tion of instruments in order to receive aiijr benefit, If be is properly skilled he can fle the most difficult eye without instruments,. (Masses fitted with accuracy a* as te preserve the eyesight--the delicate construction of the •ye makes It necessary to use great care m. •electing epeetacles. B. Mincer h&e made the eve his special «tndy, and in his later years has paid his en­ tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles to- the same. Having a thorough experience in MARK 6AHLANO AND OTHER KINDS, and see our Gasolene Stoves. ILASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PAINTS* OILS,. PURE U- y . - In the Market, at Bottom Prices, i, JOBBING! AKS BSFAIRXHQ F or sale by Ceo. W. Besloy. We have just received . ' ' r,; Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guatante<|« share of public,patr^nag.e respectfulty solicited. 1 5 JERRY SMITH. Bootand Shoe Hak< Dress Goods, Itae door Booth of the FnrnlturellStore Howe's Block, ̂ --McHENRY ILLINOIS-*- • , Boots and Shoeslmanufactured :.of th«|h«t Material and a fit Guaranteed, REPAIRING Promptly attended to."Isvi8iBLE Fatobks for Fine Shoes and Boots a specialty* Call and see me. Jerry Smiths XeHenryJDee. 4th, 1888. * To canvaes for the sale of Nursery Sto<*k. SALARY isaking and adapting Spectacles to the eyes, he is enabled to lit accurately in every case of abnormal vision known as PREIAYOPIA. HYPERWATROP1A MYOPIA, As well as weak sight, requiring various tinted glass. His improved spectacles are of Ik perfect construction, which assist and pre- fsrve the sight, rendering frequent changes uite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant•• ess and distinctness ol ease and comfort not feaeiaily enjoyed by persons using b pec ta­les. Bis lenses are ground on the most p , :. 'j Scientific principles, rendering the eye as . Si. .-4iwrM when in the full strength of youth,. VI. Mincer has some highly flattering testi. " " " leadin - B - -•V'fcJ jnonials of some of the leading oculists of the State aa te his ability in fitting Spectacles. REMEMBER: He uses no instruments; He fits the eye the first time: - He made the eye a study fer ever twenty years; He uses pure crvetal lenses. He guarantees saiiHfaction; He treats weak eyes successfully; He saves eyes injured by using Inferior glasses. " Be fits all kinds of glasses required by de< fective glasses > He nakes every variety of glasses. " • MTOrders can be left at postefflce and will . h receive prompt attention. No charges for ft rami nation! or Vlaitiag BStlfitttS at< their V r ^ 2r* r ft#. §*; ' • • " A" v W -, 'V ; BLANKETS " t ARE THE STRONGEST. ' EEHEEHi ^ . J^8toOTi^K532£S^^Wi"?®edurut C^apMe . , History sf tie Jektm M Steady employ men t guarantee!. SA and EXPENSES paid to successful Apply at once stating age. Mention this papeir. ~ OHA8F «»>«« 2m* Agents Wanted! will be given to introduc In Henrietta, Cashmere and! French uitings. Latest shades in Green. Blue, Grey audi Old] Rose. ft A full line of Canoy r • Hafrplns, Buckles, etc. A new lot S 1 WAUCQNDA, ILLINOIS. Are now better than evor prepared to offer yegft * . ^ « 'IT- . _ . • - t r v 4 '-y • • GREAT , BARGAINS '•'i ic» In all kinds of Goods. We mean business arid t^U afire you Low­ er Prices thau ever before offered in Lake County. . -OUR STOCK OHASJS BBOS. GO , _ RoeheMer, M, T. Towhom unuSiially LinsBAL. Thumb l be given to introduce our new book, General Merchandise Bible Brilliants: "°HroHMER'S BIBLE STORIES, The greatest success of the year, and some­ thing entirely new In the book line. Boyal Quarto; size, 9%xll%; finest of paper; large tvpe; 320 illustrations. 68 full Tiape, two of them printed in nine colors; retail price only £2.50 Thousands will be sold for Holiday Presents. Those first in the field will reap a harvest. Act quick or you will miss it. FORSHEE & MACMAKIN, Cincinnati, O. * as never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices , „ , . . . . before purchasing elsewhere Special iaducements for Cash Buv- At one dollar and ninety cents, I er8 sums f|om $1 up. ^ worth double the mone^. New! " u " COLDINC BROTHERS. O. J. BRZLZn t RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. * K full line of Cloths, of the latest styles And patterns always on band. SINGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, Made on short notice and a fit guaranteed. From our experience and practical knowl­ edge of '.he business we are confident we can please the most fastidious, and respectfully invite all in want of Clothing of any kind to give me a calL Prices as low as the same quality of goods can be purchased anywhere. C. J. BRILL. Biehmond, October Ifith, 1888. ll^HiKhest Market Price paid fo** Farm Produce* JULIA A. STORY (On© Door West of Riverside House,) jfeS**iaeR^ £ PioAuely Illustrated r * - ) S k' With views of all sort# connected with the terrible s en«» of that mighty inundation. u,- , . , - i«k Feeders, Graduated Medicine ji g. ; • lamo. 40U pagea Price Si.60. Liberal tenms. | GliUtfiMt and nil thp ronniaitM nf a. aiob-WSet'?&'-W$' Thou«*u>u want tt. JUeman» is iuunh. I uiah8es' a,u® "• tn® requisites Ol a sick Ma" Rt o<i quickly as cents for outfit to Hnbhw<t I room, oau be foiuia constaatly in stock |f; ̂ kt^thers. Lakeside SsiiMls ̂Ohica,., iuT" A. Story's. r~* ' &• * • -- • •*- Prints, Ginghams, hirtings, etc All of these we will seU to »ou at a reasonably small profit and ] at a closer margin than other dealers who sell shoddy goods at lower prices and greater profits. We have a full line of BO OTS AND SBOli Ladies' fine kid, patent tip J one dollar and ninety cents. The celebrated TOE THE MABK, childs] school shoe, silk sewed, war- ranted. Oxford one dollar. J « i OUR GTCOCERIEF?, Are alvyuyif ,he best, aud the3 best is the cheapest in the end. Elgin Con. Milk /"-sfn 15c 3 £ Can Peaches, " _ ;i 10cj 3 •' Tomatoes, JOcj 2 " Apples, , 8ci 2 " < orn, 10c, 3 cans for 25c| 2 Blueb's lOc, «• ;*? 25 3 *" • 15 lack berries ?jSD^P£S£. ; ^rdsTATlbilAftY & DRUGGISTS 'SUNI)RIES JW^n5r«», *£$ i -3 ri^edciana X^resoi-lptioius ' 'fit » #uiwiiy an<| accuratey com|>6unded by a Registered Drugs DEALER i n k s -A FULL LINE VJF ;f'". f ^ Stags, Chemictls,.S7« StaSs, Pai&ts, Oils a&d Coloxa, Constantly on hand Also a large line of ", Patent Medicines, Toilet Art ices, , ' " M Vw-AHD COWPLBTE STOCK *0*-- • Fit îmmoas & Henderson cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. West IcHenry.JH. A ff .; 4UUIA A. 8TORV, prilf W- AID v FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled xYle and Porter for Medical use, , The best brands of Cigars an.l Smoking and Chewing tobacoo Always on hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, ' C^tefullj Compounded, Give me a call. 1 ^ C - W - B E S E Y . McHenrv* December 28th, 1387. ' >,•. v..:, mv. DEAL Eft IN' n J . HEAVY HAKDWAEE, Stoves Tin Copper ard Sheet-Iron '•/ ' A-ttd in add it on has put in a full stock ot • AGRICULTURAL IMPLMENTS, Including the Molitie Plows, Gesloj* Sultty Plows, Orvis Plows, Stoddard Seeders, Disfc Harrows, Drigs, ana in short everything in t h e F a r m i n g T o o l l i n e , -- ™ - : n Barb AT BOTTOM PRICES. mf ftlBSllfCJ AN © B1SPAIBINCI" ; Will bo done on short Notice and ..J^tisfactiop Guaranteed. A pecialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. W. P. STEVENS, .yi ;;s s NEAR THE DEPOTV $ West McHenry, Illinois : J Reliable Lumber of all kinds, always on hand, and for sale at prices as low or lower than good Lumber can be bought any where See us before buying tfs we are sure we can save you money. \ •Mi Caaiis, Boor ancl WiniloiF/affis-Readj IMe-Aliajs eiHaid. Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. ( We shall keep our stock complete at all tirne^ and spare no pain0 i .i.- •> --i 4* or us with their patronage. ^ 'WILBUR LUMBER COMPAHX, Ot-H^ QRANGISII, Manager r^Tsr.

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