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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1889, p. 1

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"fVf, Vol. 15. K ĵnry piiiaiealep. Pubcishbd |rnr|Vn»B8Dir bt -J. VAN SLTK 132g-- EDITOR A.NO PROPRIETOR. Uffloe In Bishop's Bloek»i ' -4mnra Pmr A Ow***» Teasn or saajoaiPTioif. s.ifntai?e) .ftJO If Not Paid within Three Months .. i.00 ^lUisnTsption^ received for thrM «*r tlx BSon the in the same proportion. * .•'] , -"jSrJft • Kates of Advertising. annannr.® liberal rates fdr advertising ttha Plaihdbat-kb, and endeavor to state m so plain! r that their wiUb»t«4idily an- 4t stood. They are *• follows; I Inch one year •' 10# 9Tnchea one vear « • '•.»/• • ; • HW •; sjf Inches one yea* - » J, " . *. • * MM Iff Column one year. - 1 Sfl oo y Column one year- • • '•• i» WOO : Column one year - f -* , - HWOO f>ne Inch means thfc measurement of one t*r.h down the column, single column width. Sb^earlv advertisers, at the above rates, have tile privilege of ehrtnarinsr ns often as they «fcosse, without extra charKe. Resrnlar advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of S cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 aents per '.in© the flrst week, and 5 cants per I tire for oaoh subsequent week. • Transient advortjsements will be charged IU the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is sot in) the first issue, and ft cent,* per line for subsequent issues. Tlris, •n inch advertisement • will oost. #1.00 for one week, tl.50 for two weeks, 92.00 for three weeks, and so oq. The PlaiwdkacWb will he liberal in givinsr •d'.torial notices, lint, as a business, rule, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for peounlary ®»in. BUSINESS CARDS. O J. HOWARD. M. D. fflY'IOHN AND 8URGKOW. McHenrv, III. Office at residence, one block east of Fnblie School Building , O. 11. FEGEIW, M. D- RyslOtAN AND SlTRGEdSr. MeHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. W!tf. OSBORWR, M. D. fHTsilOlAN AND 8URGKOJT. Office at Residence, West McHenrv, III. Galls* attended to day anil night. BARBIAN BROS. C Or-IGAR Manufacturers, MeHenry, 111. ders solicited. Shop, la Old MeHenry, . . . . - -- In Keiter Block, third door west of Rivers Souse. Livery Stables a. WIG IITM AN, a., class ri«s. with or rnished at reaStm»i>i«' "^rrrl all kinds done on short notice proprietor, ith FIrit on* drivers NEAR THE DEPOT, \W EST MoHBNBY, ILL iCaeps open for the accommodation of the' jPtablle a First-Olass Salosa and Restaurant, V,Where he will at all times • brands of Wines, I.t^ortMrtOiBW» to be found in tne market. v the best to be found 1 Also Agent Tor FALK'S KILf ADK8I U&SR W §y considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. | HOOD 8TABLlffif **>* HOKtUOS. f asrOaii and eee as. Robert Sohfewle. BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, A TTORNRr AT hAW. IT. S. ExpressOo.'s **. Batldlng, 87 and 83 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. M. r. ELLSWORTH, A TTORNRT at Law, and Solioltor m Ohan- A eery, Nnnda, III. ASA W SMITH, ATTORNKT LAW and toUoitor to Obanoery.--Woodstock, I1U J03LTN * OASEt, ATTORNKTS at LAW, Woodstock UL All business will reoelve prompt atten­ tion. Q P. Borne* D. T BmtU* BARN1N * SMILET, A TTORNKYS, Solicitorsand Oonaselors. il Collections a specialty. J WOODSTOCK, 1LLTNOTS. V. * LUMLEY. A TTORNKY at law, and Solicitor la A Ohanoerv, . WOODSTOCK, ILL. * ' Office In Park Uonse. first floor. W1 • CHUBfOHj Watchmaker and JeweTer NO. One HundredTwenty-Kive State St Oht* «ago, III. Special attention given to ret pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Full Assortment of Goods in his line M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEpNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1889.. SIMOH StOIISL, «,ri Phonix nfBrooktyn, A**nt "1 National of Hartford! Fire, L'^Ht'ting and Ttrnado Insurance placed safetv and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies coriected, changes anditnuisfers wade. Call on or address 8imon j West MeHenry, Illinois. Waverly House, VH. H. KOTXOUK, Prop., WOODSTOCK, • - - ILL. ; WM. 8TOFFEIV « -Ae™' f°r- , " v,' FIRE, • LIGHTNING, And Aeeffantal Innranee. L Also Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabtma, and California Lat>ds. OH on or address WM. STOFFEL, MeHenry, tl!. - 4: Sample Room on First Floor. NEW YORK HOUSE. 339 tc 243" E.[ Randolph St. BUweea Franklin and Market Streetn, • CHICAGO. Best Accommodation to I'raveler* and V--v • • Hoarders O. K0EPPE, Pnp. •1.84 PER P&r, GOOD SAMPLR KOOM. United States far Claii Apcy --OF-- WM- II. COWLIN, Woodstock * - Illinois. ProsecutesaH crasissan'fl ^nds of claims against the United -States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed forreplv. W31 OO WlsAlt Offlce at Residence, Madison'St., Woodstocc, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! McHknrt, Irx., April 1st, 18«I8, T would respectfully invite the Pnblic to call and examine m 7 stock of Horses before elsev ness di makioitarrangeineius eh#ra.9nn4»iK"-^ [where. No2JayMs> K. a. OOLBt M'HKKRT 11 E. R- AUSTIN, Livery, Boarlini aid Sale Staltlt At Parker House Barn. First glass rtgs, with or without Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rates. Bos and Hacks run to and fnta all Trains.-- OrdeM for BugftSjca Promptly Attend^jl Ml, A Urst-class Home. Iht Boy* AU Stop There. the Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. 0ood Livery, Good Sample Boom. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS FOR PA TRON& OF THE HOUSE. I run a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from • ichmond, three-fourths of a mile nearer than any other road, and more level and pleasant"bv far. If von intend Kolng to Twin Lakes, stop at Richmond and inquire for CTTLVER'S BIM Iti»aiwavs there, rain or shine, nound trip prices as u sua*. C. N. CULVER, Flrop. NTED!; SaLKSMEM to sell Nursery Stork. Ml Goods Warranted FIRSTULASS, Permanent pleasant, profitable positions lor tne right men. Good salaries and expense* paid week ly Liberal inducements to beginners. No previous exoprience necessary. Outfit free. Write for terms, givingnge. CHARLES II. CHASE. Nurseryman, Rochester, N T. Mention this paper. 11-Sm* k-. Quintette Orchestra, Mc HENRY, ILL. Are prepared) to fnralsh First Class MnMe to the Dancing I'ublic at Reasonable Rates. J. SmUh, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, O. Curlls, Cornet. L, Onren, Trombone, E, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, , Ul Address all communications to Jerry smitn, MeHenry. - 81 for 13 Weeks. The POT.TC® GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters •Mats and clubs. Sample copies mailed troe Address all orders to RICHARD X- P0Z, FRAKKLtM 9QCARK, New York ' jij -4J " ' CEMENTING, The midersigned is prepared to do all Jobs in «he line of Digging Wells, licidkiria* t Paittpit Oeznenting Welift rill put ui A. S&glen's m RESTAUR iKT. MeHENRY, lUIM(p •i" ' a call. 3® in On short notioe and warrant satisfaction. In •short will do all work m this line, can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Qood references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a j new Pump, give sas - sail- aVOrders by mail promptly attended t®. Post offlce, Jonnsburgn, III. L. BANTES. Jefenstmrgh, 111., May 25th, 1 ATTENTION 1 Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at mv premises before purchasing. I can (urnltt sneh by the oar load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, Chsmuko. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard* Illinois. Fins Kertucky Frenih Bitters, UcHenmaager Beer r-:^-V*; ID -- ft ' qaintitvyrom * Soitz aiiMS to 100 b:trrov Ar a.lAo» retail Beer in bottles, or cute as £gpap M th« cheaj y'*' . buy uoae bat i^e bost and tell at Reasonable Pric Call and see me and yen well* will u« •BBBEDERS OF MORGAN Short Horn, |B»d Polled Aagu; And Jersey Cattle Hillside Farxx West Mo Henry, Our Morgan Stock is all pure bredf jriginated from the best Morgan stoik Onited States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the jf our Stock, is one ot the best bred M' uorses in the oountry. and can show mw. •tetter all purpose colts than any other !• in the West. We invite the inspection ef our h trsemen and all lovers ot line animals A few full blood Morgan Colts and Jag lonet for Mia, Also one matched t*"u In Cattle we have the full blood Sht_.. vbii h we are cros,Bing*with the Hea* vngaa and therefore instead of sawinsf... torns -ve are bree<ling them off food suceess. A few Heifers and Bulls, both . . m I Short Horns and the cross above Sales ot Stock, l! arming' lools.j for sale. and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most MeHENRY HOUSE, MoHeorji Illinois. JOHN TfiELEN, ;#5!" 'U\j This House is sltnated n«ar the Iron Br dge and opiiosite the Steamboat LanJlng, has been newly renovated and painted, t iMide and ont, and 1# now prepared to accommodate the traveling public, or • boarders, by dav or week, on the most reasonable terms, attd guarantee to give satisfaction. Shiljpubllo It lit. vlted to give me a^cali. GOOD S! ABLINS FOR HORSES MADE ON TIME and terms to suit borrowers; no com­ mission or charges for examination of abattjets. Money furnished at oaoe. without red tape or delay. J. W KAN8TEAD. .Rooms 1 and 3 Borden Block, Elgin, IIL ™B CHICAGO**0 RAILWAY. #«n«tfates th« !0«ntert ofC Popuiailotvin rlm ,i Wisconsin, ? ' m, iones Dakota, Its train service te jcaretally a aeat requirements <g Jbn*i travel, to farnlsh the roastg^jraettve through traves r arranged to I, as well as fttve routes for rtaot 80L0HBS' CXPABTMXIT. Edited by WM. H. COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, IT.Lt. "7b ears for him who ha* borne the battle, and for am widow and orpfum*."--Likcout, "Friendthip, CJiarily, Loyalty- Worthy *on* of Patriot Fathert." & A. Ra Directory, mmmjf K>BT BO. ««. Moets the First Saturday evening ff tirh month, L, X. BKKN^Tt, Ooai. WOODSTOOX FOST, SO W8. Hoots first and third Monday evenings ef Musk month. W. H, Monbob, Oon. mnu post, no 206, ' Meets the . second and fourth iTussdov evenings of each month. 7 M- F. Ellswosts, CM, rakvaxd roar, iroan. Meets the second ana ronrtn Monday «Ton fngaof each month. 0. W. Onthahk, Com. Maxbhqo post. Ma ia», Meets eveey Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. B. R MOBBIB, Oom. WAITOOWDA.rOST, NO. 388. Post meets every second and fourth Katar- day evening in G. A. R. Hail, Main St. AITBDlOoou, Oom, Aieng the Skirmish Una. At this writing, the Tanner vacancy has not been filled. The post at Nnnda will celebrate 011 Thanksgiving Day. The cemetery at Alton contains the re­ mains of 200 Union soldiers. The comrades at Belvidere are prepar­ ing for a gathering of Hurlbnrt Post, No. 164, to be held on the evening of Nov. 17. Some say Tanner made a mistake. Woll suppose he did. Is ho the first msa that ever made a mistake ? The commander:in-chief, R. A. Alger, is a native of Ohio, S. V. C.-in-chief. That accounts for gettinig there, for it is said that an Ohio man never gets left. The amount expended for charity by the Q. A. R. as reported at National headquarters*from June 30, 1871, to June 30,1889, is f1,935,935,54; of this sum 1237,486.69 was expended this ,year. Where would this country be to-day had not there been patriotism enough in the hearts of the American citizen, from '61 to *65, to save it? Echo answers, Where? Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din. ingand place sleepin? cars is without rival, its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast. ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Norihwiat, k Detailed information cheerfully furnished 7 B E R N A R D B U S S . A g e n t , MeHenry* III. HITMAN, Gen. Manager. j « ; A G WICKER, ^ .. Traffic Manager. . -, wrrmy, ftoirti'ii/ Prf.x$en&&r JLpmnL TA9ITUL. The Democrat herewith publishes a few ppimoTip from Republican newspaj>er8 re- gardtng Corj>oral Tanner, before and af ter his decapitation, to show the*'soldier' editors of the county and the public in general that our opinion of Tanner as pension commissioner, wasn't far out of the way after all: Tanner's fate should be a wanting to persons who are inclined to talk too much.--Elftin Advocate. Corporal Tanner perished as a public officer in a desperate effort to run a hair- trigger mouth in conjunction with a flint­ lock brain.--St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The good soldier, the cripple, and thr pension commissioner, Corporal Tanner, is now down and out. This shows strength m President Harrison in removing him at once. Mr. Tanner was a good friend of the soldier, but he was a very injudicious subordinate. He deter­ mined to have a "policy" of his own, no matter whether it harmonized with that of his superior or even with that of the administration. * * Had Mr. Tanner started out in his good work of pension granting and re-rating in a little more conservative manner, and kept his mouth shut as to what he intended to do, and considered himself a subordinate and not a superior, the President would have had no occasion to look for a new {tension comn ussioner.--Sterling Standard. When Corporal Tanner spoke in Chica­ go in July last he was reported as saying, among other things: "As soon as I had taken my office they brought me a stack of two-dollar a month pensions to sign. What I said was this: 'Take 'em away; I am too val­ uable a man to the government to put in my time signing pensions of 50 cents a week,' and I am. I will not sign those pensions, but I will not cross the letter of the law. I am having those pensioners re-examined, and every two-dollar man will either go off the role altogether or he will get a four-dollar pension." This is all very liberal talk, but Tanner had no right to use the tax-payers' mon­ ey in this way without authority of law or directions from his superior officers. He had no more authority to do it than he had when he ordered his clerks to re- rate their own pensions, or when he re- rated a senator's pension without the senator's knowledge, and sent him a check for f2,800 of back pay re-ratage unasked. It was doing business in this reckless and illegal way which made the Secretary so tired that he notified the President that if Tanner was not stopped his resignation must be accepted.--Chi­ cago Tribune. The Plaindeausr'b soldier-editor will, of course, copy these clippings and call us soldier-haters, and he may be sure the Harvard Pumpkin-Head will copy his article and say "amen" iu his usual" silly and boyish manner.--MeHenry County Democrat. JOHN P. SMITH Watohmaker & M l S l i r . I L L I N O I S . A 'FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. JV elry always on hand. Special "given to renalring fine watches. Give ma JOHN P. SMITH. XL G. ANDREWS^ GENERAL JEWELER AND ENGRAVER, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. All work in my line neatly and promptly done. Fine watch repairing a specialty. SPK1NG GE0VE ILL. j. R. Wm| MnHenrv. 111. Saylor &j . Fel>. 27th. ' try, was held at Centerville, Iowa, Tues­ day and Wedensday, Sep. 10 and ll. The veterans present numbered over 300. The National officers of the order of Sons of Veterans for the ensuing year are as follows: Commander-in-Chief, Charles F. Griffin, Indiana; Lieutenant General H. B. Bogaley, West Virginia; Major General, George W. Pollitt, New Jersey. The spot where General Albert Sidney Johnson, fell at the battle of Shiloh is now marked only by a small cedar bush, the tree by which he died having been carried away, root and branch, by relic seekers. Lincoln Relief Corps, W. R.C.San Fran cisco, Cal., in a recent report makes the I Young Bayonet Points, are bitterly oiv following creditable showing for the I posed to an old soldier's being allowed (piarter ending Sept. 30.1889: Cash ex- what was promised him and was a part , rehe! duriuff th® garter, ofthecontract under which he was en- 1338.30; value of clothing donated, *71; listed. They are/generally speaking, the provisions donated, f 6.50 ; number of re- J rich concerns, and imagine that they are hef calls or visits made, 424. I taxed to pay pensions. Again, all the Thursday, Oct. 10 a rnonumentcosting j clippings published by MeHenry county's 110,000 was unveiled and dedicated at I young soldier hater were not taken from Joliet, Will County, in honor of the j Republican papers, and he knows it. At Union soldiers and sailors who partici- J any rate we desire our readers to see for pated in the late war. Governor J. W. I themselves the difference between what Fifer, General James S. Martin, Colonel I his Republican clippings say in regard to James A. Sexton, and other distinguish-1 Corporal Tanner, and what he has said «d .veterans were present. A grand camp- j and reprinted during a few weeks past, fire and banquet was tendered the visit-1 but what they have read the same in ing veterans by Bartleson Post, of Joliet. I these columns, but we want the utter- Gen. Russell A. Alger, the recently-elected I ances, &c.> Ac., of Young Bayonet Points Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army, I in proximity to those he .has seen fit to can afford and proposes to give a large I publish, to help let "his nibs" down amount of his time during the coming I lit%. The following are from the Demo- year to matters pertaining to the Order. crat: He will endeavor to visit each Depart-1 Fools with a hobby, like Commissioner ment Encampment, and as commander-1 Ta°' should be pulled down from their iD-Chirf win b. something mom than J P°f,T a°d Kivm " bfk «'"• t flmirehead It i« halirowl th.* n i I ." tekefi more money to pay the pen d -.1 u believed that the G. A. 1810ns of the soldiers of the late war than n. will be greatly increased under his ad-1 Germany pays to keep her armies on a ministration. * I war footing. If Tanner keeps well it will 1 soon take more than we can raise, Yes, Young Bayonet Points, "the Plaindkalek's soldier-editor will of »U»*>t>aau " .•mfc~a. .ljuKE& portion of them. We think we know a good thing when we see it, and are willing and more than anxious to help get it before the public. Does the verdant youth who Imagi™*. he edits a newspaper think for a moment that there are no Republican papers in this great country who are, not unlike himself, soldier-haters ? The politics of a paper or an individual need rot nor should not interfere with their senpe of what is right and just toward those who fought for the preservation of the stars and stripes. We are sorry to (itay that there are a few papers in thecountry who claim to be Republican, and who, like from his cradle to the present time we can assure him he has been aiding nature in making a scape-grace of "Ms nibs" and in various ways of late years it baa become known that he has sonned tin all that is good and true and beeGBi« so stupid that he fails to discern wftcn h© has been knocked into Asmithereena/* And because Corporal Tanner, in tits , goodness of his great big, kindly heart, saw fit to re-rate a few pensions, and correct some unjust rulings in pwrtjee in the Bureau oi Pensions, he is MKded, designated a fool and a knave ao#|Kt@ry- thing that is vile. We believe ^hat tf*t know as much about the workifigs of the pension office as does Young Bayonet Points, and would much like to know why he never talked out in masting about the hundredaof pension claims re- ratari hr Ron nianV «TOl,„t r rated by Gen. Black. "What is sauce fop the goose is sauce for the gander," youngster, but you have thus farfa&edto possess the manhood to mention any of the mistakes madeby Gen. Black, especial­ ly during the last few months of his admin­ istration, and while we knew of many, we challenge Young Bayonet Points to find a single .instance where we have ever written a line or copied a sentence as against Gen. Black's management of the pension office. When it was charged by great many papers that Gen. Black was drawing an unlawfully procured pen­ sion ; the largest pension drawn for disa- bility by any pensioner in the Gaifced States, the Democrat Was glad enough to publish an article written by us ex­ plaining the situation apd showing that the pension drawn by Gen. Black waa properly and legally procured, and if we mistake not, this same Young Bayonet Points commented favorably upon said article and gave us credit for being fair and just in our reply to an unfriendly press. But now it is a bird of another color, is it not, Y. B. Pts.? We believe there is no one foolish enough to say that Corporal Tanner was perfectly well suited for the position he held. The principal fault found with him, and which there was reason for, was that he talked too much and was indiscreet in being too liberal in his rulings, etc., etc. That is all that the most unfriendly, with the • ception of the ex-rebels and their sympa­ thizers the ancient and latter-day cop­ perheads, charge against him. We are told in that Book of books that "the truth must not be spoken at all tames," etc., etc. Corporal Tanner has the facul­ ty of being blunt and outspoken, oft-timea jjult; yefe he tells the truth. Yt» ay oneFTPomir WWG66 too mifcl makes a too free use of the shears, by so doing prints that which is false unjust. He writes in the same vein, ear­ ing not how big and unreasonable the falsehood he tells. Corporal Tenner was a brave and gallant soldier, and is aa brave and gallant still; Young Bayoart I oints is a cowardly young ex-rebel sym­ pathizer. His writings and dippings prove him to be such, and have doae so for several years past, no matter by what course he now attempts to crawl out of the bed that he has been making lor him­ self of late years. Comrades, what think yon of the two pictures? po^ c0NSUMPTl' Pension Commissioner Tanner is called the Jonah Of the Republican administra­ tion. He should be heaved overboard from the ship of Btate as soon as the whale gets back from Deer Park. The notorious pension commissioner, "Corporal" Tanner, was requested by the President to resign, which he did on B1AS0KABLS TSSXS. C* C. Andrews, Spring Grove, IM ^h»g ̂ Vhve. ""tent 8th, 1885. il-il-Sm JPpactioal Fainter AND D.EOOKA.TEB, HEBR0S, ILL. / Osesratisg, Paper-Hanging, oaloiminiho, O&AINWQ. *c ®--- •w.-sasjasar H. FISH. GERMAN Pain-Killer and Erapirpe, Is the very best medicine evJ^Uthe Into the country. The follow j,-- names of a few of the many wlr cured hy this jrreat me-it-ine: i Mtbma M. P. Ma«1er, Genw, Wis., enf if ten years' standing L-* 0r m U. O. Deigan, of the same plar ehronic sore 11 ».!>. fenred of Mrs. J. J. Huff, Riohmon<1icurea VI lung trouble of six mouths' stfl ««thma • Mrs. ^ulburt, Njimia III., cf in<i cat'lrrli of long stan«lin&.if internal "Mrs. Wcttstein, Harvard. < t«*>uule of ten years' 8tan<lirter{M| rll. Mr, Handestiali. of Hav\ ot flve uirrb, scrofula, and variccf years' standing. | oured 0f Theodore Borrholu, of IF paralysis of two yeais' star bronchitis, This new medicine ha^atarrj,( et, _ serofuia. abscesses, boils, |))tIon for au iO't relieved asthma and Jd mfe who have used it. It in & to une for all troubles and ,m w:irrante« jatisiaction. Try i t undft o«j ceri t9; Price of Empire^aive hn|rQ6 Boxes for two ounce box, 75 centgttle. 25 cents: 1150. Painkiller, one ofcall on sour two-ounce bottle, 50 a truggiet Ikh 'West Moiluurfi It haa permanent! v cured THOtrsAHsa ef cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. C W A N T E D I OA L E S M~ETN to canvasa tor the s < io ot Nursery stock. A fu l l l i n e o f l e . ' n i i u i j r s i H M - m l i i e s , SAi AAV AND EXPENSES paid to suceesn'u I men No experience necessary. Write for terms stating (Mentimi this paper ) C. L.Boothby,B®H|fei^». General orders No. 3 .National, head quarters Grand Army of the Republic, Oct. 2,1889, anounces the following com­ mittees: Executive Committee National Council of Administration--A. D. Reade, Evanston, 111.; Benjamin Starr, Richmond, Ind.;. O. H. Coulter, Toneka Kan • Nelson I :\!ltt!e Tannerism goes a n i t • « m , K°°d ways hi this countrv, and we won-C°le, St. Louis, Mo.; T. S. Clarkson, I der now if the truth-despising editors of Omaha, Neb.; William S. Pillsbury,Deny I the soldiers' departments in the county Depot, N. H.; William McClelland, Pitts-1 |,,'lPere wil1 ^ve Democrat credit for burir Pa I i?eiuK P^tty near right with regard to r . . Jv I Tanner? Or didn't the President know Committee (reappointed)-- I any better? Tanner is the fellow who, at George S. Merrill, Lawrenoe, Mass.; John I the Milwaukee encampment, accused the war widows erf making lamb-skins of WAJSTED I To ennrass for the sale of Nursery stock. Salar Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once statin* aka. Keter to this paper. OKltL ft F^WT.aNI S, KountZj Toledo, G.; Lucius Fairchild, Madison, Wis.; Johrf W. Burst, Syca- more# liL; Richard W. Bine, Pleasanton, Kan. Money is lavishly spent to beautify cemeteries where lie the the nations dead. Costly monuments are erected. Which is all proper and right{ let the government keep green those sacred spots. But while the government is doing all this, there are poor and disabled living soldiers who need assistance. There are poor living widows and children, who need tha liber­ al hand. Don't pile it ail i^pon the dead. their virtue in order to hold their pen­ sions. Comrades, observe the sneers and taunts from a reckless latter-day yoQng copperhead directed toward one who stood on the bloody battle-field of Bull Run, who went out with the first at his country's call, and on that battle-field left both of his legs, and compare with what the papers he copied from has to say as to tha mistakes made by Corporal Tatwer. We said a few weeks ago that Corporal Tanner may have made mis­ takes, and we would like to know who had not. Does Young Bayonet Points But let the government in its liberal giv­ ing to the dead, also remember the needy | imagine he is infallible and that there has A Camp of Sous of-'Veterans waa or­ ganized here last Saturday evening with the following officers: A. K. Palmar captain; P. E. Whittleton, first lien- tenant; Geo. E. Dnnham, second lieuten- ant; B. E. Patterson, first rnigiml t C- L. Munger quarter-master-sergeaat * E. M. Austin, chaplain; B. J. Whitttetoa, color sergeant; A. W. Hill coporal of guard; Mark Goodnongh; picket guard. Fifteen young men were present who have applied lor a charter.--Harnul? ReiaML . . m * jm Af.;- ft voted betii vap» , "One of the funniest incidents happened under my observation dorinj* the late war," said Col. Mosby, "oo4 curred in a cavalry fight in the Shenaa- doah Valley along in 1864. Inthemids* of a sharp cavalry engagement wit!* Sheridau's men, in a charge near Btrry* ville, there came rushing like a whirtwimlK into our lines a Yankee soldier on a big black horse. A score of men tried t<* stop horse and rider but the old black1*!? blood was up, and he went on clear through our lines before he was under control. The rider was sent to MMyE: Prison, and we mustered the blackcha*gw ^3 er into the Confederate service. A few days later we charged some of Custer's men, and I'll be if that old horse dida'%1 return the compliment by carrying a '** reb' into the Federal lines^ ftftd, came back," v p. •>) ^oraala^,ti«uW. Every year the list of gWM^als and cof* onels is becoming smaller and they wiui«l all be gone long before the privates and; . n' orporals are. The reason for this is th» : older and more experience men wen* made officers and th» younger ones wew the privates. So far the general and col- onels have had the advantage every- where by reason of their former rank; J mostly and not by reason of any other qualifications. The privates will soon bo-' the only soldiers remaining, aud what- , ' r ever position is tilled by h soMier must * C* i) be tilled as a rule by a private. And <r» sincerely* expect the work will be just aa- & wall done m the era ol the private as In, j the era of the eolouel and brigadier. " , „ ', I', ggg! - * | 'v BEGGS* CHERRY COI CH SYR0VI * Is giving splendid satisfaction to thf trade and the sales are positively mar> velous, which can l»e accounted for in n» other way except that it is wHhoofr doubt the best on the market. Ask for and b* sure you g^t the geiimiie*. Wat

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