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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1889, p. 8

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i.IJIJIV'.'T'IHII i^RRBWEPI T« i tiaiter the »bot •*»« ties of theW. f . . O. •o part or cr< for Temperance Legioft will ©v<*y Friday afternooa lit- tour **. ... KOTHEK* BOY. as impossible to ran a saloon withoutjyriuding up boys, as it would be I to run a saw mill with out log*, or a Hour-mill with out wheat. iThe question, is whose boys? My OOys, our boys, or our neighbors' boys ( will beeome the first victims, and since all iw in danger of gliding into the man­ traps. an enlightened statesmanship will snggett the closing up of the dead-falls forever. How cruel to grind op mother's boy in­ nocent and confiding! I hate the saloon, because its hands are red with the blood of mother's darling boy. His footsteps ai« dogged night and day. He is plied with lemonade, theu a few drops of dam­ nation are added! Gilded saloons, charming pictures, enchanting music, and the "scarlet woman" finish the al- . Ittrenaenta into this hole of death. How tench is mother's boy worth? What's the price? To bring him into life she want down into the very jaws of death. Through weary years, in sickness and in fccalth, her earthly hopes culminated in mother's boy. At mother's knees he was early dedicated to God, but the strain of temptation was too great. In an nn- gnarded-hour he fell into the meshes of tl»e saloon infamy, and hope giving way to despair, the doating mother wishes he In the treatment of slight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and misery. On© of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion; taken at night, will relieve Constipation; taken at any time, will correct irregu­ larities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pills, as all know1 who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. *• I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all others, having long proved theu value as a *^0 "•••' Catha r t i cW for myself and family."--J. T. Hess, Iieithsville, Pa. x**, *.«• " Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years, ana have completely verified all that is claimed for them."--Thomas F. Adams, 6an Diego, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pills in my fami­ ly for seven or eight years. Whenever lhave an attack of headache, to which I am very subject, I take a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly relieved. I find them equally beneficial in colds ; and, in my family, they are used for bilious complaints and other disturb­ ances with, such good effect that we rare­ ly, if ever, have to call a physician." -- H. Voulliemg, Hotel VoulliemS, Sara­ toga Springs, N. Y. Ayer's Pills, PKIPiSED BT Or. 4. C. Ayar A Co., Lowell, Mats, gotd by all Dealers in Medicine, r.J.Barbst* & J- Barban BARSIAN BROS. I . Wholesale and Betail DRALKBS IN had never been born. from cottage and from mansion is FINE GJIGABS, waited on the breeze, the bitter cry : "Where is my boy to night?" The answer: "In dens of infamy licensed by the votes of Christian fathers!" . 0, fatal delusion! that for tha sake of mere party expediency, will make lawful the way that leads "Mother's boy" to living death and eternal ruin! rV '* wm-. sst» TRE WSFWHTIESOAPMADf. iNAMEBCfc JAS-5-KIRKS HrTE_ „ Cl-OUDS riowim • SOA». Wrappers (UK«E SIZE) > ami Teceivr ». § HANDSOME i Cont&ininf ,|A PHBIOWAPMig *Uc*Q|aMJ. kmwkkmts JERRY SMITH. Boot and Shoe Maker, One door ftoatb of the Fanutnr*:t8tore •owe** Block, --McHENBY ILLINOIS- ^^i&ootsand shoe# mannffcoturedSlof Mteritl and & fit Guaranteed. REPAIRING Promptly attended to.'_I*ViSiBLE PATCH KB fcryine Shoes and Boots a specialty* Call McHENBY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building one door- South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all iirnee can be found flne cignrs of onr own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very larpe assortment aad some very handsome patterne. . CALL AND SEE U8< BABBU.K BROS. McHeary, November 13th, I880. --•PILES, MARK - " 1 VXv CD GO c+ J week aniidttnce their Antiual Mid-Stimm|r DO' K | Our Hint is not to carry over my stock, and thit we must Uccomplifiln We do not expect to realize 'anywhere near, the woi'th of the froous, hut wo are not after iti ikiuir ai »uey. Our object let to s« II vil' ou* tifeiiUituti' stock to make room tor ltrgo fall pureiuMMNhi. lor Bargains iw r>u-o a"* thisdo not occur otttfif, rtttd rt i* •|o your interest to call at ©tttr storo atid inspect ^oods and Itsafu pricts. -V"~ ' # • 'i is Your Golden Opportunity, DO NOT NfiSS IT ̂ l 1 o CD P JACOB BONSLETT, • ; : v:- . " 1 A-"i McHENRY, OPPOSITE BISHOP^B .MILL, II^iNOIS. ts a CO DRALSR I Purchased for Cas'.. all ol which will marke'l Iwill admit and furnish tirst class gt»odfl. WUJUI4 EiINM OF STOTES. - • v.--",-: For sale by Ceo. W. Besiey. • _ • tv McHenrrJDee. Atk, ̂ Jerry Smithii r. WANTED. . to take order* for Xarsery Stock, on flal- or OIHIIIIIHIW f caa make A saeeeMful BATJKlfAW ©j^ftrf eae w»o will work and follow my la- Btractioaa Will famish handsome ontflt , aadpay your salary or commiasion every tc. write tor terms at once. £. O. QBAUAM, KuiSfecynian, Boehester, N, T. m •7c " LESMEW WANTED 11 %ooanva>8 for the sale of Nursery Stock. Biteadv employment guarantee!. SAL ART *nd EXPENSES paid to suco^esful men. Apply jtSSf Agents Wanted! Will be given to latrodae UDIV at once stating age. Mention this --- BEOS. CO , KooheMer, X. Y. Towhom nnusnally LTBKRAL TSBMS / Wifl be given to introduce our new book Bible Brilliants: »®™TBIBLI STORIES, §U'. * toV . • fi m • Vf • I" tfc I tvnA- 820 illustrations. 68 full two * * > them ^nted in nine coUrs; ,95*^ i ^"-u m»ra Thousands will be soi<1 for Holiday t - • -k ^".enFa Those first in the field will reap a f-iV • tiarvest, Aet *ulck or you will miee it. jVRSHEE & MACMAKIN, CiackmAti, O. m jf; • % K , ft.'!'.,. 1 r . HRE THE STRONGEST.!,a?,,^W,TH?yTTHB «« LA»It XMURTL BY Wit ATKM & BOMS. Phllada., WHO IHONESMIDBALCERBLAUDKMK BLANKETS Gall and see our Gasolene Stoves. #LA.SS OF AM. SIZES CONSTANTLY ON - In the Market, at Bottom Prices. iJOBBIXTd": AHD1:: HEPAIFlISra THIS ADVERTISEMENT Say* thai anything in the line of COAL Sc F13ED Com i, boufffu CHEAPER FOR |CASH --AT W, A, CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car Lot* a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West Mc Henry. ME MEMBER THE PLACE. HARMLESS SPUR WIRE! liaaaMM We have just received !* Com­ plete l i ne ©!' ^U ̂ ood¥ , ^ v Dress Goods In Henrietta, Cashmere and French Suitings. Latest shades in Green, Blue* Grey and Old Rose. . . A Jiue of fenff i ^ Dress Hairpins, BucktfiS, 6tC. A new lot of JACKETS At one dollar and ninety cents, worth double the mone^. New Prints, Ginghams, hirting«, etc. All of these we will seU to vou at a reasonably small profit and at a closer margin than other dealers who sell shoddy goods at lower prices and greater profits. We have a full line ©I BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' fine kid, patent tip, one dollar and ninety cents. The celebrated TOE TIIL MARK, childs school shoe, silk sewed, war­ ranted. Oxford Ties ^ i ' ' ' • OUR V ' GROCERIES Will be done on >bort notice and Bilis»facti<m Guarantt'd. A shareo/ptfblicpatroiiagereepectfullyfepliciteH. * JACOB BONSLETT. WAUCONDA, ILLINOI8. GREAT BAB,GAINS «• In all kinds of Goods. We mean business and will give you Low­ er Prices than ever before offered in Lake County. ' '• jv . -OUR STOCK '0VV4*f * General Merchandise s.xy-g" i*-: A wewbtift rf invte lit work? for. We <xef^ | ting our*.. Whether ir t:\k«^ one year or five; whether it be .'^5 twue a. niiieh u* or twenty times, We work to get it as ; quickly as }><>*>iWit. V\ e hav<i not 'hn unreliable goods of any- ' 'i body »t any |>iire(^ . want a-1 the trade that can be drawn by. ^ reliable gocwlw h.t «tti* pricfs. That will l>e ^enough for us and we ean serve you well, and hotter than stores that "want to make money 4 uiuw liwu ^ . * X? - Undeir and Over > ^ For Ladies' and GeuW, cot loo or^wool as you preier. A Henriettas in Black or Colored. Velvets, Silltt; to Buttons and trimmings to match, ftinn ia'tn»UA,l *A-«* . . ' ; l<~ v'B ..VT ticuiar sttention is invited to out tfor Lndtcs and Gents, from a common every day goat glove toil; kid glove' or silk mitt. Depend upon it we can save? you money. Mens Flannel^Overshirts, Cardigan Jackets, new stylish* r' r MeW if l#>ys, also at ,eoM, prieeft.«, special low prices on all kinds at s , *x>' 'SimM 3FW *«i m BOOTS AND SHOES, Every day this week. Odds and euds ior less than we paid for therfi. Ladies'Jackets next. ; inAt:^ 8ilK Neck Scarls at 30 cents each. & RESPBCTFTU. onn Evanson m lk •. ')& • - ' *:Js^tiisl'i)'!KALER; IN" *»ri •A-,i'/ * ^ as never more complete than u$#. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere, {Special inducements for Cash Buy­ ers in sums from $ I up. COLDINC BROTHER3. (VHiffhest Market Price paid for Farm Produce* IftSpO , AgantS Wanted at once t® MUtbe ZtUJteniic^ Compete and Graphic IMuj of the Johnstown Hood, Profusely Illustrated, With »ll»i of all sorts connected with the Mmlrtft • J®»«» «f that mighty inuudaikoa MWuim. Price H.SO. Libera! terms. VlNMNMUtfM want it. Demsat is immenM. **•4 HMIT «tt CMti for ««tli to linbtau« m. Is it not n * on J or that people will Insure tbelr buildings against fire, their stock against being killed by lightning, and still persist in using wicked barb wive to turn tlieir stock when it has already damaged their stock and themselves more tban fire and lightning com­ bined. We now offer for sale for the nest three months in order to get it introduced, the Harmless Spur Wire, double painted, at the extreuie lewjWiSS gi,. t . .. • .:7vV, 3' Cehtd It will turn stock as well as any hard twisted wicked barb wire, and will reach •even rods farther per hundred pounds. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refnnd- trt. For sale at B. Gilbert's, Westttclienry Illinois. SAMUEL 8HERMAN. W f ' e p t . » , t m . f Are alway? ,he best, and the best is the cheapest in the end. Elgin Con. Milk ' 15c 3 fe can Peaches, 10c. 3 •« Tomatoes, 10c 2 4f Apples, 8c 2 * ^ < 'Orn, 10c, 3 cans for 25c 2 iiiit Blueb's 10c, ** . '• 25s 3 " Llackl>eiriea 8c DeLand's Salaratus,. 6c 20 lbs Dried Peaclp|# V $1,00 Fine Prunes, 5<j Good Japan Tea, v S0e Fitzsimmoas & Henderson y t<u Weft McHenry, |i|. JUIilA A.: STORY, (One Door West of Riverside House,) AfcHENItY, - ^ IIJ,I>Oia DEALER - \<tfy Drugs , Me d i c i n e s , ;FUtL LINB ?!J Drags, Citftmicds, Dp Stafis, Faints, Oila aad Colors. Constantly on hand Alscta line of - Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, i^ANET COMPLETE STOCK Of--w* ^ ? ; ' } STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS FhysiiciaiDai JPreicriptiona ;,r Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered i^iarraa- cist. Your patronage Is respectfully solicited, r JUUA A. STORY. HEAVY HARDWARE, Btoves Tlti Copper ard Sheet-Iron Wan* » , And in a(ddit on hat put in a full stock ol AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT , Including the Moliue Plows, Oesloy Sulay Plows, Orvis Plows# Stoddard Seeders, Disfc Harrowa, Dr igs. and in short everything in the Farming Tool line, -which will be sold at Bottom Figures. Barb Wire, i '* • . AT; BOTTOM PRICES. jrOBBIW ̂AHD RIF4IBING ? Will be done on short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A pecialty of Butter Factory work. A. share of pubuc patronage rewpcrtfiilly -olicit^. w. P. STEVENS. ^ ••:«7!?'- if NEAR THE West McHenry, Illinois. Reliable Lumber of all kindS| always on hand, and for sale at prices as low or lower than good Lumber can be.bought anywhere See'us before buying as we $re sure we can save you money. Also the Best Brands of Barb Wlre« We sbajl kee() our st^k complete at ajl tiipe? and spare no pill all ^rbp may favor us with their patronage. t WILBUR LUMBER CQ51PAS*, " *v » 'J'r k m- - IX, GRANGER, Manager, •: - '• - - • 'j '• U «T t « 1 i.&J-I. .i. Am .M

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