i Mm*.] M a* purl or ve heai . 0 T H. oreitit for 1%; m. H : Judicial Dicta on Drink. •\ 4,Almo«t every crimfc hae its origin mow Mif less in drinking."--Judge Gurney. '^inety-oiue cases out of every hundred *l*e caused by drink.',---Judge Erskine. . "If it were not for drink, you (jury) and tf would have nothing to do."--Judg* Pikttison. "If all men could be persuaded fmm the use of intoxicating drinks, tb« office of judge would be a sinecure."-- J^dge Alderson. "Three-fourths of the oases of crime have their origin in public- lip and beer-shops."--Judge Wight* MUDI. "Intemperance has destroyed large numbers of people, and will, at its present ifcte of inerease, in time destroy the coun try itself.'"--Juatice Grove. "I can keep BO terms with a vice that fills our gaols •nd destroys the comfort of homes and the peace of families, and debases 'and brutalizes the people of these islands " Chief Justice Coleridge. The Cleveland, Ohio. Catholic Universe writes the following vivid paragraph: 4<We see no \Tayior a well-formed Catholic ; conscience to keep a saloon. We wish to God that every Catholic would quit the business. Look around. Take a genera tion or two. Where does the money made li» liquor go? It is better to leave your children without a cent. For there « blocx! on that saloon money--the heart's Hood of insulted, undeservedly despised, Beglected and heart-broken fathers, moth ers, wives and sisters. The guardian, juigefc of the poor dejected orphans have. «ersed that money, and the broken-down drunkard has breathed upon it the hell- fee of his own despair." Educate the girl^, and the boys will soon . to there. So long as the girls are willing to associate with tobacco and whiskey, tilth low aspirations and evil practices, ; Jfcet so long will the boys gravitate to fhat level. But when the girls demand fewer cigarettes and more brains, when ;5 they ask honor for honor, purity for i: parity, when they will have the steady r l*rv« and strong muscle of total absti nence, the boys will soon see things as J : Ifcey are and begin to climb to a higher *;V:'ijjlaiie.--Racine Agriculturist. w -- For BhewraWm, Staralgfa, and Gout. Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, N. Y., wys: "Recommended as a cure for chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Pills have relieved me from that trouble and also from Gout. If every victim of this dis ease would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land. These words would be--' Try Ayer's Pills.'" " By the use of Ayer's Pflls alone, I cored myself permanently of rheuma tism which liad troubled me several months. These Pills are at once harmless and effectual, and, I believe, would prove a specific in all cases of incipient Rheumatism. No medicine could have served me In better stead." -- C. C. Rock, Corner, Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes: 'I have niftd Ayer's Pills for sialeen iOPFOHrtfE Kt8HOP»S Mltiff rvioi LINOI». IN ».»•» / UL years, and I think they are the best Pills In the world. We keep a box of them in the house all the time. They have cured me of sick hetiAache and neuralgia. 8frice taking Ayer's Pills, I have been free from these complaints." . 411 have derived great benefit from Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was anabio to do I took three WANTED. .Me* to Ute orders for Nnraery Stock, on Aal- tty erOommismon. I can make a succeanful BMiKSMAF y om w&o will work an<1 follow my In. Uom Will furnish handsome oatflt , and j>ay your salary or commission every t Write for terms at once. E. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Rochester, N, T. any work. boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cared. Since that time I am never without a box of these pills."--Peter Ctmstensen, Sherwood, Wis. * Ayer's Cathartic Pills, nmrAMMD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Man. Sold by all DmIks la ItdidM. "fW* r. 1- B«rtaa>- f J Barbae BARSIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IH FINE McBENRY ILLINOIS Raving leased the hrtak building one door Sonthofthe post office, we hive opened a retail store, where, at nil tiniee etui l»e, found fine c.ijmr« <»f our own manufacture, logethnr with smoking anU chewing tolvtccb of the beat branua. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment and very handsome patterns. CALL AND SEE UH. „ „ . BAKRTAX McHeary, November 13th, 1883 sane Hii'li Friers hit the above patty early this Fall. Fiom the effects of the backstop his imme diate rcfeovory is doubtful L<»w profiti* come quick. wlme big profits are teriibly baefcward in corning forward The und<'i- sijfned arc again in the held with both feet and a ttenisndous stock of teasonable, stylish and reliable cd Jl FORT ABLE Secured for Clash from t ha best competition markets ot the coun try coupled with years of entire ly successful bu*iiies$'expcrieiu,e. Our goods are honorable* oar expenses tmall. Ladies', Misses' And Children's \ ••PIMSH 3NS ̂ r*' WANTED $«eanva»s for the sale of Nnraery Stock. Steadv employment guarantee.!. SALARY and EXJ'ICNsES paid to ancceaafnl men. Apply atatlng age. Mention this paper. OHAS£ BROS. CO, BocheMer, Jf- Y. 8 Wanted! Liberal ""tkxms given to introdaee our new book, BIBLE STORIES, I Bible Brilliants: MO CHER'S HOSE #be greatest success of the year, and some Ibing entirely new !• the book line. Boyal Aaarto; aiae.SXxllX; finest of paper; large .Wp*; 99S iltuMtiont. 68 full page, two of ik« printed in nine eol>rs; retail price only •L80 Thonaanrta will be sold for Holiday present*. Those first in the field will nap a lurveot, Act quick or you will mtas it. 1WRSHEE & MACMA k'JK -v" <, * Cincinnati, 0. MARK For sale by Ceo. W. Besley. WRAPS ASO JACKETS Just received from the lar^e factory direct, in all siz^s, all the very liosfc styles, and at prices to uit all the reasonable aud some of the unreasonable. Elegant silk plush Newmarkets JSacques, Half Cloaks or Paletots. Wraps and Jackets, all sizes 32 44, in price trom $12 50 to ! >46. Seal loops, hooks or bars. th garments iu satinets, twills wo s ^dfi, tteavers. places, etc,, eleguutiy trimmed, all sizes and in pr:ce from $1.60 to $35. Call on us for a choice and large se lection, Aio blow but more thau claimed. Children's, Boys', Youths*' and VJens' stilish, new. well wearing and cheap . IA.3NIJ j-r ^ OVERCOATS, We are also agents for the fa mous Happy Horn#* ; ; 1! ^ , solicit for our well-known Nursery; wages paid weekly, steady employment. AH stock guaranteed true.to name. Our StiecMlty is bardy stock for the North and portbweat. Write tor terms before territory taken, stating ag«. CHASS Bbothbbs' OoarAST, Obicago, III. • l|lis• • ••* * US- See for yourself how S/k Blan- cets 'wear and other makes tear# fRI£~~Get from jour dselwr free, the ^4 Book, It has handsome pictures and valuable information about hones. Two or three dollars for a S/m. Horse Blaaket will make your horse voitfej&ere •ad set less to keep warm. t 5/A Five Kile ... .5/A Boss 5/A Electric 5A Extra Test m<OT)»ER styles at PRIC^ to MA WMJI body- If yoa can't get than fiton yon dealer, write us. 1 ® THIS ADVERTISEMENT Soyt that anything in the Une of COAL Ac FEED Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASK w. . A. J&RISTY'S, _ Than any other place in town. Cat Lots a tpecialfy. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West McHenry. REMEMBER THE PLAGE. HARMLESS SPUR WIRE! i3Eii BLANKETS AMI THE STROHBEST feE«K3S' CHERIlY COUGH SYRUP. 1b giving sjplsiiditd satirfaction to the aad the sales are positively mar- *at<niN which eaat be accounted for in no mtm way except that it is without .AiXftbt tiie best on the market. Ask tor Wa e you get the genets* Hf P^.1-- Druiarisfc, tks' people will li»snr» tnerr TJnnainjrti nfrainst ilre, ifieir Htock aK<iD«i Being Killed by lightning, and stiil pt rmst in Being wicfceil barb wire to turn their slock When it Iihs already damaged their Block an<i themselves more than tire and liifhininit com We now offer fur sale for ihe next three months in order to get it introduced, the Uarutiesa Spur Wire, 4M*U» eatrene low price of 3 Cents per Pound It will turn stock a« well as any hard twisted wicked barb wire, and will reacti •even nxis farther per hundred poun<i£. Batmfaction guaranteed or money refnnd ed For sale at B. Gilbert's, West MeHsnry Illinois. SAMUEL 8HERMAN. iictiiy i p 14, i$Rt, l( pi u Satinet, Ravi tan, Worsted, Beaver, Chinchilla Melton and Kersey Overcoats, from $1.60 to $30, sizes from age 4 to f it mtos size, 46 to 48 Fur and fur trim med Overcoats a specialty. Our Underwear Again stands At the front not only for class margins but. for immense Assortment and finest srood^ in the county. Positively all sizes. >*uifhHsH f r <W . nil of wjjirh will toel «o!<i a^low m the nuiret will udinit mid furnish licst jjoimIm ^ # * % . ' A FU&Xt/ OF SfOTES, ^AULANp AND OTHER: KlNDi and see our 'Grasolene .CLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HANl( A -t - the Mnrket, o.t Bottom |*riocifc JOB3IHG AXTZ) ; HEPAIRIlSra Will on >liort notice and iSutistkction Guaranteed A ! JACOB BONSLETT. -- WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. l :Aretiovv K^tter tbaa ev^r prepared to offer yoji G R E A T B A R G A I N S In all in<ls of Goods, e nionn 1>»i8iness and will*afire you er Fric-ea than ever before offered iu Lao ' *-» f- OUR . STOCK < OP#» ^ c *• , t A. jy 5 *as never more complete than Aowi «tid jjet our Prices before pimhjwingr elsewhere. Hpecial i.xJut-emeutd foe ttash Buy ers in sums from $1 up. . * , f1- ** " f H i COLDINO BROTHERS. mtr Hi^e»t Market Prioe pai)l for Farm Produce. , ^ '•j « V/.V •i . w bar^atuii it offer iui • «•# ':~v > -1 Goods % v" That we have ever offeret »i nee we uoiumenced tfade here A i early call will pay you while the assortment id complete. . v\ e have just opened one of the best »nd Urgest stock of i->V hrflnwfrt to thfs ebtlirt New styles and fine goods. Choice y loo 1 >A '4 ' OVERCOATS ? f We have received a large in voice of Fat I Go«da and are pre pared- to glww at prices lower than ever, * "¥?m • (J FLANNELS, Jamestovitt. - Aud jn &ct everything per taining to a complete i>ry Goods Department STRAW COOD8, At a sacrifi and finest line largest m ©iir shelves within i o ast wee and we* knew we have got. to sell you right or be Cosera ourselves. Come in land loo us over. We have studied the wants x>f this public and <jan truthfully say to you -that we can give you the worth o'f y« ur money in the articles enumerated below: an • -&J.\ STOEY, #ne Door Wort of Riverside House.) 'Mi 0: -A.--DEALER - ILLIAOIS. ' 15f • >*"'* • "• < .. E D I C I X l i S , Blanket^, Good reversiMfl beaver shawls i3 to $16 50. Good g >at roben $3 70 to 112. Bargains in Examine our driven in the fit mous 5 A Horse Blanket** from 80c to $5 each. Cloth, lur and plush Caps, of the latest styles just received. We are headquar- teasforthe celebrated 1 Jock ford Gloves & Mittenn low figures. C. li. Fargo A Co.V custom made Boots and Shoes L. ( andee and C^'ldches- ter r«!>V»r-i foot weat ot sU ktiids. Venasha Hamiels and Yarn* al ways cariied in large assortment it lowest living pri-es tonidder' ing quality. EVER YOU118, ' ----A FULL LINK OF Irugs, CtMffifc&ls, S79 StnSb, TakU, Oils and Colon. s': c . : ' / ? ^ J Constantly on hand S^Also a large line *y IWedicine^, Toilet ^ices, . -4--AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-->' STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians Fresoriptions Carefully and a^curatey compounded by a Regi^terwl Pharma- cist. Y«Hi.r t^tronage iw ^I itbd ; JULIA A. 8TCRY. SOLVES Afis minus, THE P^Fea| JffcHenryi Illinois. I Reliable Lumber of all itlnds, always on Land, and for sale at prices ag low or lower than good Lumber can be liought anywhere Hee us before buying as we are aure we can twve you mo^py. PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Always on hand. Look at our one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Vtilton shirt will defy Ken- • tucky lightiiing. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. 6RO€EB XMS» The be<t that money can po si- bly buy. Yours for trade, SaUiad Tablo linin. UNDERWEAR, owels, Hoot Oil Chtbs & Fatttru, ' v" • v- f'femMS CHOIOJB2 •M ttt \i't A.'-M dttSip, Door an§ Window Framas-Reafly Mafie-Alw ajs OD Hani. Aleo the Beat Brands of Barb Wire* We rtioil keep our stock complete at all time and spare no pains to accommodate all who miy favor us with their patroLage. WILBUR U* 51 .*• V' r .» -\A». 1 i •- V' G R O C E R I E S . a ^tft&'toT'Gn li?. He hnve filled our 8loi*e full of new goods and you m^ty «e« something that will just please yon in st>fe and m , unmet hing different from what you have soen elsewhere. Youb« »« EVEljU, - ST32 ATE 1ST S Fn this town,^Baeh as John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Red-, path Brothers Goods without an equal. An al! solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1 a better one at $1.25; size 11 to 2, $1 25, 1.50, 1,76. Ladies* satin oil or grain, *2, goat or kid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 5.00, (but no 3.50 shoe for 2.50, that is some thing we are unable to find.) Also a full line ot Badger state ts, Overalls, O. J. BRILL, it Mr, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS* . A fall Hue of Cloth*, of the IMMt t(yl«l tad p»tlerns alwav* on band. IfllNGLK GARMENTS, ' OR FULL 8UITS, Made on abort notice and a fit fruarantec<!. From o«r experience and practical knowl- eflgo of .be bnsiness wo are confluent we can pleaae the most taatidious, and reapecttnlly invite all in want of Glutiling of any kind to give UJO a calt Price* as low a* the mine quality ot good* ean lie |iuroba«ed aa> where. C. J. BRILL. •' Rlehmond, October 18tb, ww. •' ii. _ SIMESj" Qisital Bkcksnitli ud WA60N-MAKER. •HOP, K1AR TIME DC POT. v,*.- West RfcHefiry. IlitlnK bnltt a new ahop, I am now prepared with iirat cla*a workmen.and good material, iotio all kinds of $LACKSM1THIH(I, * • '• AND "Wagon- On *hort notice and at teiponable prtr««. f will do your w ork in the of ma&Ber and with the ica&t possible dclay. Horse Shoeing HENBT SIMES.J* WutMoHfary, 111., Nov. Ub, I8c«. A0I5TS WiBTZS. JLOOAL OR TRtTKLlm LIBERAL PA*. Permanent work. ^ Qiitl SEliinj Sgeculdn. STOCK WARRANTED. Elegant Outfit freb. Experience not n. Complete instractiona to tu«|« ±,i "1 mmm* Jniraa. JA&K