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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1889, p. 4

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; j V^-V; i 1 ̂ i ' <• , ' * ; * fP»7Wvr ...... . -* . - i. .-*£ «-•. tV x. v. A>y.. ". >• fciS&Si^s •y*yus$8gf ww; 7*» JMKW'g wy»»«:»' »<y<r.*yy> 'jww^ni'u' '^'yf^'^" ywpww' nnjp'iy "j".'.!"* •v»-»-T.T.- 'n^i 'ww i.,'^ :mm "Ig'j1 SHALL-.»t f ~ »*t * '-' i, rUl T v-4 - 'W' WEDNESDAY, Bdttor. VAN 8LYKE, fHIS PAPER *;y« .OWMI.lT A GO.*8 Newspaper Ai itwMM <10 Spruae StmtV «b«rt mtvertlsing to NEW YORK. be ftninrt on G K O . V . Advert is ing Mitntcts out) »*«l» for it ,, I@T Butter oo the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was active and sold readily ^t28@285K cents. , yl®* The Cronin trial is dragging its •teftr.v length along, and still the interest Is unabated, every detail being eagerly IRatehed by the pnblie. The arguments by the attorneys are now in progress and it seems hardly possible for the end to be f*|fcached before the last of next week. . J@°"The first Message of President Har­ rison to Congress was delivered on Tues­ day. and is pronounced by all as one of tfce most able and comprehe|Ksare docu­ ments that has emanated from the White House for many years. It will ap­ pear in foil in these columns next week aod should be carefully read by all. SPi'i fe,: *. JflT" By a vofc? of 22 to 18 the Preeby- •^T of Cincinnati concluded that "all in fantg dying in infancy are saved."' Bless tteir dear littk? hearts, how they must Mgoice at this declaration! But let them pause a moment and reflect on the solemn fact that a change of only three votes would have damned them forever.--Cia- etnnati Enquirer. m • I8F"A special from Hiawatha, Kas. -••y*- tb&t the farmers of that vicinity are Iwrning corn for fuel, finding it cheaper than coaL Corn is sold on the farm at 30 cents per bushel, while the average price of coal delivered at tie farm ranges from 21 to 23 cents per bushel. The Farmers' Alliance brought the attention Of the farmers to the relative prices of the two commodities and advised that half the corn crop be used as fuel, thus ad­ vancing the price of the other half and •aving money in their fuel bill. The |$brmera have begun to act on tlusad- *k*. Banded In By Blu* Nine. When I think of the towel, the old fash*- ioned towel, that used to hang up by the printers house door, I think that nobody in these days of shoddy can hammer out iron to wear as it wore. The tramp, who abused it, the devil, who "Used it, the comp, who got at it when these two were gone, the make up and foreman, the editor, poor man, each rubbed some grime off, while they put a heap on. In, over and under, 'was blacker than thunder, , 'twas harder than poverty, rougher than sin; from the roller suspend­ ed, it never was bended, and it flapped on the wall like a banner of tin. It grew thicker and tougher, and daily put on a more inkier hue, until one windy morn­ ing, without warning, it fell to the floor and was broken in two<--Burdett* in Brooklyn Eagle. Cifle&ro, Union Pacific and Worth-West­ ern Line. OVERLAND FLYERS. . The joint arrangement between th© Chicago & North-Western and the Union Pacific Railways provides improved pafr senger service. The Limited Fast Mail leaves Chicago daily at 10:30 p. m., carrying sleeping care only from Chicago to Portland in eighty-two hours; to San Francisco in eighty-five hours. ^ The Overland Express leaves Chicago daily at 10:30 p. m.; carries Coaches and Colonist Sleeper through from Chicago to Portland in four days. , The Denver Limited leaves Chicago daily 2:30 p. m., a Solid Vestibuled train with Wagner or Pullman sleepers, free chair cars, first class coaches, from Chi­ cago to Denver in thirty-eight hours. Chicago & Northwestern and Union Pacific Dining Cars on Limited Fast Mail and Denver Limited. For information apply to Ticket Agents Chicago & Northwestern Railway. I ISf* A decision rendered by a PennSj-1- tv* vania Judge the other day is of general W.}'.•."-/Interest. It has been the practice for many years on numerous railroads, es- *1 pecially those in the West, to charge an additional ten cent fare to persons who f neglect to buy tickets before taking se$its •>* in the car, as a penalty. Although the a. right to make this extra charge has fre- * • fluently been questioned, the amount is *• " ^ • eo small that no one took the trouble to # test its legality by bringing it before the fpy-' Inter-State Commerce Commission. It , ly.' has finally reached a Pennsylvania court, vlthe decision is that the roads have too right to charge more than their pub- Wii' Jiabed tare. rates, and cannot collect extra «r The Chicago D&0 News, of Nov. _ iJ-ith says: "Hurley is in the midst of v great excitement to-night over the work < of Pinkerton detectives. Several months * ' 6go the Iron Exchange bank of Hurley %as robbed of f 40,000, put in its vault l>y the American Express Co. To-day /Assistant Cashier Perrin and a man - - named Baker from Ironwood, together V . <%ith a woman, were arrested in connec­ tion with the robbery. The robbery was & mysterious affair, there not being a clew obtainable at the time of its occur­ rence. The door of the vault had been 4>perted by some one who knew the com­ bination, and only two men were sup­ posed to be in possession of it--the cash­ ier and his assistant. Perrin denjfifl Jiav- ing been concerned in the robbery*1®" A Printer's Dream. ' ; A printer sat in his office chaflf, his boots were patched, and his coat tread- bare, and his face looke "weary and worn trith care. While thus sadly thinking of liueineHS debt, old Morpheus slowly ground him crept, and before he knew It fce soundly slept; and sleeping he dream- Bd that he was dead, and from trouble find toil his spirit had fled, and, not even * cow bell tolled, and the peaceable rest of the cowhide aerie. And as he wandered among the shades, that smoke and scorch ^ in lower hades, he shortly observed an ' - -Iron door, thatcreakingly hung on hinge ^fijar, but the entrance was closed with a fed-hot bar, and Satan himself stood 7 peeping out, waiting for travelers there- - t About, and thus to the passing printer i||iipoke: ' ; "Comein, my dear; it shall cost you . nothing and never fear; this is the place ; ' where I cook the ones who never pay j lheir subscription sums, for though in life they may escape, they will find when - !> they're dead it is not too late. I will ^jfshow you the place where l melt them Ihin, with red hot-iron and scraps of tin, ' ii nd also where l comb their heads with %-j; liroken glass and melted lead; and if for *| efreshment they only think there's boil- *f. 4 lugoil for them to drink; the red-hot frrindstone to grind their nose and red- ^. Iiot rings to wear on their toes, and if tj£., ihey mention they don't like fire, I'll sew tip their mouths with red-hot wire; and p , then, dear sir, you'll see them squirm. . v hile I roll them over and cool to tu rn . " f With these last words the printi < ; woke, and thought it all a practical joke, but still at times so real did it seem, <?iat he cannot beleive it was all a dream, nnd often he thinks with a chuckle and frrin, of the fate of those who save their & lis, sad never pay the printer-. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Evan's Patent Anti.Rusting Tinware, manufactured only by the ( litton Springs ManufacturingCompanv, Clifton Springs, X.Y. Tin is the only material that meets the requirments for Water Pails, Toilet Ware, or articles for similar uses. This ware is made of the best Melyn Tin, hav­ ing a strong rim to stand upon and a patent galvanized bottom which protects the ware from rusting. (See Am. Ency clopedia, Vol. 4. page 365. article, iron. The circulation of electricity through the water tends to purify it, to destroy microscopical, animal and vegetable life and keep the water sweet and wholesome. Forsalein McHenry by Jacob Bonslett. Look over Evanson's Bargain Table. DR. B. MINCER, The old reliable Dr. B. Mincer, .the Eye Specialist will visit this place occasion ally, the time of which will be duly, noticed. Defective visiou from congen­ ial og acquired cause, successfully reme­ died, when in the skill of the optician to» remedy. Dr. M. has devoted his life to his work and invites those who may have had trouble in having the eyes fitted, or all in need of glasses, to investigate his method of adapting glasses to the human eye. Call on him. Consultation and ex animation free. Orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. EATABLES. Lemon Extra fine 17c; Orange Extra fine 25c; Mixed nuts 18c; 3 lbs Figs new 25c; 3 lb Dates new 25c; Honey, Maple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, and all of life'a necessities at John Evanson & Go's. LOOK over-Evanson's Bargain Table HAPPY HOOSIERS. Win. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bittere has done more for.ine than all other medicnes com bined, for that bad feeling arising from kidney trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware mer chant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good apRe tite, and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottlo at Q. W. Bee* ley's drug store. SANTA GLAUS I -HEADQUABTER* AT-- J. P. Smith'i Jtwtlrj Eton. IF YOU A HE LOOKING FOK Of any kind, you cannot foil to find it by ea!ling on us. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sliver and Plated Ware, Toys of all kinds. Music Boxes, Whips! Halters, in fact there is nothing either useful or ornamental but what can l>e found nt my "to™, anil at prices that DEFV COM.FKTI- TION» CALk AND SEE „-„lhave V*1* 8tock ofSMMUand I want to exchange them tor cash, between now and!. f.e"[ Years, and I will >rir« you tUe big end ol the bargain. C*U early. • John P« Smith* McHenry, Der. 4, 1889. A ftPIITft doubt* %fcair mm; JanllM I ̂ onr BBASS •**••••• • W FlnisSed Corrugated 1EFLECIBS SiFETT LAMP. Can 1>« gold in every family. Give* more light than three ordinary lamps. Bit't by Express for 1 vLik jve also have the best filing Cut in tile D. 8. . !send for illustrated circulars to F0RSHEE& McMAKIN-ClacfaaiaflJl £he Western. Kural, Chicago. Wie call the attention of our readers to *he Western Rural find American Stock­ man, one of the oldest and best known of «uir agricultural and family newspapers. 'i|Tpon questions of political economy and jNtform, the Rural is one of the ablest ex- |»>ijiniu5 vjl agriculture »iiu a, faithful worker in behalf of the farmer and his Itest interests. Site our clubbing rate, mit.h this valued exchange, in another The single subscription price of Bora/ and Stockman is $1.50 per »*IVttf fifty -two issues. For free sample """"" "Iress ICn/fOK Gsoboe Oiica^o, 111. AGENTS World for m * 10H, Embossed padded sldea, gold edges extan. slon clasp, holding 82 pa^es of Cabinet (T'" * : plctares, sent for fl.oo, retails tor ® 3 FBEE of the above and VINE It rcraliee A HeBIftWa" Ctnclnwtt, Oialo, © © S8- 0.CB ClS O fa fi d g 31 ski Slid f;tir methods f*t doin^ busiuo^, and vnu •trie! to Jdu it •; W© shall <ro ahead advertising otif^ *iioth(nls till we Bvt.ryl>wlr iM'qii:iirited with us and tied to <.u? -«fc »ie 1»il iti i>-»i t. l»iff enough to hnid our <*nstom«r8 and show ojtf? h1i«ck . M <! hi> not put out, or vexed at heinir crowded with pur« W m like it and will pack our jyoodf* in the f:i8t*ir, and howevei t.wt y<>H et»ine \vo il lake t'me to serve you. ^ivu you hon* CO c+- CD CD op Ih Hi .... es ?-••? :v&': Po • ft B* P P P ct* P- g(W $ O » &S0 ?§» Ch_iP- P CD CD 77} CT- H« g-g p a oo ct- O M CD 3 02 o CD w 'OPQ p " C W 2° 2 s® $ © OB © BON*f A GRUMBLER! L JHave their store filled with new und seasonable goodd and in vlt« the buying public to caJl and see them. Winter Dress Goods, In great variety that cannot tail to to match, of the latest style. • \ se. A lso In this stock we defy competition, ( We carry all grades for ladies, gents and children, and can suit you -in quality and price Boots, "Shoes, Kub'^rs, etc., in great variety^ it tact our stock cf winter goods is comp'ete throughout. We have no high price? and big pfofits, and will guj'i fait tee to' yoa the best sat is taction. , ALTHDFF BUOS. No timelike the^ present to acquaint ynnrgelf with i . . wilt not heed an tlec ©pe life • j r' " 'V» 0, you, H'bere we pl ice some lines on which We are over. Htock^f, nnd nrontion Miuong ihem brocaded CottoA Dress Uoods # 4oper\nrd 54 inch V\ aterpioof at 35c per .jard, ^hairl», . Booti^ t>rffi.s H lanreb, Uver>hirtn in cotton and wool, « ardigan Jackets, culort-d<m Flaniulsat 10o, and nianv other things which will VM lo iove^t;i<;utc. '2 dozen fine X)ivss Buttons 1(X,. wort|i 4C00 yuwlti iill Bilk Hibbons. No. 7, H, 12, newest shades, 14d§ •>8*^ ••X ' M ? I Mens' and Boys' Overcoats, IT! ^ <*ood and staple, stylish »nd silk lint<1 il vou wibh, at correct p»i<es. Come, it will pay you. --=^-- Friii? 2£$u$is£ft t7 Vai>j ^T t Cisooette input* at «p 1 Ea^h* W I L L Any Cm Price ma do on'any^rlaiM Goods whiok We handle. - s : ' • Compiisies a, full line of 8ea«onable GS-ood« and getter with our prices deserve your inspection. to- ^--DEALER WEST IrHKSTBYf; ALBUMS STE V E ITS WoMIKLEGG, It beats them all. No book IIIce it . Everybody wants its WO illustration*. Humorous, Pathetic.Fa^ cinating. Hundred* of dollars to hustlers. Old and voune buy: aliu> thousands of G." A. K. and Sons of Veterans. One agent has ordered over 700 books. Anothre msde #S3 tn 4 days, an­ other took 15 orders in 30 pits, in 1 G A. R. Post. hoose territory at onoe. 24 attiuMive illustration* free with circulars and terms. Write *•••• ***** DJBALKB Erugs fnd Medicines, #AINT8y OIL% <fe MtLLER fVIHBCi AND" FOB MEDICAL PUKE \ LIQUOR8, USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. -- • The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tojbaoco always on hand. 4 V PHYSICJAN'S Caretiilly Compounded, Mcftearf. peocmbor 28tb PRESCRIPTIONS C, Give me a call. - &,-4 vv. Cristy & Son, " wij' •>.'.••••- RINGWOOD, IL1 ^EilVY .HARDWARE StoveslTln ciftfiBr anl Sheet-Iron addi-tum h«s putin a full stock ot * AGRIODJiTDRAL IMPLEMENTS^ Ittcludin? the Moline Plows, Grainy Snlsy Piows, Orvis Plows, ' Stoddard Seeders, Disa Harrows, Drigs. and in short everything In the Farming Tool lintf, which will be sold at Bottom Figures. sf ̂ Baish's Barb Wiro, fe""-" ' * * . ' 1 " ' * AX BOTTOM PRICES. J.'S*1 Will be done on*khort. Notice and' Satisfaction Guaranteed. A pecialty of Hutter Factory work. A share ol public patronage «, f •« i ^ , i=p0tiiiiiy oi ntiiivr Cavwrjf wuiii* jsk. PW."* 're8pteu«liy solicited* -- v>. - > •••; • * . \ ^ ^ i **-U sf,:

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