Id Notice* under the a hove head i t>y the Udlei of the W O T U. claims no part or credit fwr the name of the law your jails have filled; your gallows famished with is, your alms houses tenanted,your made the scenes of riot, debauch ery avid crime; in the name of the law tbe Sttlibfith day has been desecrated and re ligion wot mourning to her temples; in the name of the law grave yards have b»*n fattened; in the name of the law the law has been violated and justice mocked. Such is the License system. lk> you doubt this? Look at the rec- fi ords of the mortality and crime of your county or your State. Trace the result W to the cause, and you will find that nine- || tenths of the drunkenness and crime within your notice, is directly attribute- tie to the presence of licensed liquor shops. To the temptation you have jjjj^ placed in the way of young men you are 5c , indebted for this degradation. The snare j|v" whioli you have set in their path has en- trapped them. The usages of fashion, C * the customs of society, the disposition to ||/ * be convival, havejacted in harmony with 5\r|S the system, until, in the pi esence of the ipt continued temptation, the man who would have scorned to touch the fiery fe*, draught in any other form, has clutched 1 the fatal cup and been lost. Where have your brawls originated, and where do ||f they occur but in the licensed darm-shop ? |fVl Where is the site of the gambling, in all '0C its cloaked forms, which occupies the atr M- tention of your courts ? In the licensed dram-shop! Where is it that the young, ?tt the noble, the talented and the good < learn the way of sin, and are robbed of ||*;' their virtue? In the licensed dram-shop! Kl1 What is it that haunts the footsteps of the man who would shake off the demon ||'fr ; that has enslaved him? The licensed dram-shop! •CNO roa OUH CATALOQUT AMD PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, tNO. WANTED. ««A AU M«»r ins ror r« ursery SIOOK, W Ml- lt| er Ommiaslott. I CAN make a successful For all diseases of the Throat Langs, no remedy ia ao aafe, speedy,'and certain as Ajm*» CSherry PeotoraL An indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral an. Invaluable remedy for colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and v- lungs."--M. 8. Bandall, 204 Broadway, | Albany, N. Y. " I have used Ayes'* Cherry PeotMal* for bronchitia and Lung Diseases, Cor which I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world.*'--James Miller, Caraway, N. C. "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. Wo tried various medicines, but none did i; her any good until I got a bottle of JS Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral which has cured'1® her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the* 4 measles, and the cough was relieved by ' the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." -- Robert Horton, Fore man Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. '* "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured moot a severe cold which had settled on ntjr. lungs. My wife says the Pectoral helps' her more than any other BMdkine sW ever use*'-" -Enoe Clarke MU liberty*.. Kansas. K Ayer's Ghsny Pectoral, mmm> BT Dr. 4. C. Ayer ft Co.* Lowed, Mass. OotttyallDnWBi*. SrtoafU si* hattls**. v.<tMaa. 1 i Barbiaa BARStAN BROS. 'Wholesale and SeUfl DSALIM W MlcHENRY ILLINOIS, . . . . . . . . . . wavfe'g 1ease«l the brick bntiding one rloor tonlh of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found line cigars off our own manufacture, together with smoking.and shewing lolaee* ef ike Iwst brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a vary large assortment aad some feet tanrtiewa patterns. CALL ANI>KKWltlA P**B1AW BK«W. MeHenry, Noveaaber ISth, 1888. SALESlLyf Ora»*eeswno wilt work RH<i fniUvmr t»- structtons. Will furnisb handsome eatflt free, aBdpay your salary or comrniasion every week write for terms at once. X. O. GRAHAM, Murservroan, Rochester, X, T. invars for the sate of Nursery fttoeh. Steady employment guarantee i. .SALARY and JtXPkiXsES p'"'d to successful utea. Apply at once swains; ajre. Mention this paper. Oil ASK llKoe oo , ln»* Bochuter, W Y. Agents Will be giv Wanted! givea to introduce our new book, Bible Brilliants: "°HS£"'s BIBLE STORIES, The greatest success of the year, and some, thing entirely new tn ihe booa line, boyal (Qiart'.; »U<', 9?4vll3i; finest of paper; iargw tvpe; 320 illustrations. hS full page, two of them pr-nted in nine coi rs; retail price only OS 90 Thousands will i>e gold for HojMay Presento. Those flrnt in the. will rea»» harvest. Act qui«-k or you will mi»s It. jmsiim & MACMAKIN, Cincinnati, O. "Boss wouldnft blanket him in Said it wasn't no use;" /3K6E--Get £mn yoor daaler firee, At flBook. It has handsome plctara and Two «r three dollars for a 9/a HO»« Bbnket will jnake yoor hone wetih jaeei ** • to keep wano. SA Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable / 5/A Electric < M Extra Test ' other styles at prices to salt naf» bodr. If you can't get Uum fin jam 4pn wzitoa r\'* Are im»w prcpHrpO t«» fflVr you llneei «N*orl«^| line «>< A j Albums, - Purses, f-1-" W} r s. * " »i"W « if * .Aj* ° HANOKERCHIErS, Library Lamps, ' COVERS, f Tabls Scarfs, DoUs, AJ eio Caps, GioTta and Mittens, We have Ladies, M«Q», OTBRSHOES, And lluhbers. few double AU wool Duck lined Coats and Vasts Pants and Vests- . I Remem ber the OH Pttinting we give away, ^ . * " V\ e rfKpec ttully solicit the in spection ol close buyen. EVER YUCliS, "• ' LARGEST STOCK jjij {£ Y aiici nee our We Don't Want Your Ear I Iflnt yfr wmit y«u ti» came • ' 1 s t o c k ; SEASONABLE ̂** iPv * : GOODS. ECONOIIICAL MEN! n&mssgsF9*-1* Ifoar, THIS ACVERTISEHZNT that anything in (he line of . - * €bm H CHaP£JJ rQ8CA5H kk >< BLANKETS MB THE STRONBEST. natottoWBBOiia Horse Brand Baker Blanketa, AG1BTS WABISD, 4bevAL OK iBtmisa LIBKBALPAT. Permanent work. : QoM Selliiu Specialtiei STOCK WABKAM Cm .SlffWt Outfit FRBB. Experience not' re. <%ukMd. Cua>piets Instructions to ntaue & WHITNEY, Nurseryman, w. A- CIUSTV ,̂ Thrm (my ffthrr place in town. Car (i xpre.iolty, Wareh'twie at the Pickle Factory, i>* W< at .»ic i i • my. UF. MM HE ft THE PI.AC P.. HARWLE88 SPUR ,. not a * on,ler that people will tnsur< their builitingB against Are, ihelr stock agninei ueir.R killeil hv ligtUni^Dg, and gtiil p. rsist In using wicked hark; to turn their stock when It bas already damaged their'siock'an'l oin""!8* 6 l"KD flre llghtninv com- We now offer for sale for the next three months In order to get It Introduced, the Harmless Spur Wire, 3OB*"*" - * - - extreme low price of »nble painted, at tbe 3 Cents per Petind . .» stack as weM as any hard twisted wicked barb wire, ami will reach farther per hnndrs't »oun>tB. oatisfactson gaaraeteed or money refond- _For sale at B. Gilbert's, W«gt UcHenry ed. llllaola. Hi SAMUIL SHERMAN. WEH MOH<»R7 TA*P.ULI«A. - ^ *Oo.'s not in da of your section, can PRO- B THBM the best Wl and &£££& aaleOu>TBnio Hocsn In tbe world, at prl- EM gueaalnff bow not keep oar goods send to ne and we WILL fornlsh . orderl uptbls immense boslnesa by our painstaking methods, and by doing Vf others as we would be done by. ED. L. HOSXUIT * CO^ StyM Origlnatot*. "TUL TIBKLJBSS TOIUS JOB SRA1» 1" Yoma, BURTONS to ptoaaa, ED. JL. Huireunr. ments In ordering Suits <w Oyeroo*ts < strictly following raise form Breast measure, over Test, e i observe r measure- ' measnreT over Vest, oloae up underarms. Waist measure, overpants. la* aWe leg measure, from crotch to he£ PRIOK-LIST. .HBAVT-WniQHT CLFFTHIHQ Stll'XS. Men s Brown A11-WOM Double and Twisft , Casslmore Beck orFrock Suit fO OO Wcwst- ed AltWoolSwdcorfrqpkSuits.....|4 00 Mm'sBrown orOrayTOvet Finish, AII- Wort, iMeot Weave, Fine Ossslmere BackorFrosk Suit ,.17 00 Men's Blade or Blue fciM. AU-Wool OoKtecrew.flneworstedTSaokorFrook Wonted Saok or Frodc Suits....77.24 OO Bd. L. Hulnrur A oo^ lbnutectuNnud A8ENT$Sî 3! KEFUCTIK UFETT LAMP. Can_be_sold In every famllr. 6ifN for mors light thko three ordinary lami gent by Kzprou • «IM> have the bsst jgENTSir- UD nvm rHOTOOBAPH :..v" K?' (•'. f* * : They are all NEW and we propose THE i pwrrMfovo. ILLINOIS. , * fail line of flloMn, of the latest at] nd pUterns alw ivs «n haml. JINGLE! GA It Ml IS^T 19^ / OR PULL SUITS. Made on short notice and a at ruaranteert* rromour experience and pr«cn<-n| knowl.'r eiistj of he inioiuess we are < on6dent we «Sn |tli>.'tMO the moHt tas'i'iioiia, and respectfully invite all in want of dlotblng ol any kind, fa give sue a call. 1 J Prices aa low as the name quality of gniil ;.eaa l>e panthasedaa>where. Money Earned I MoHenry, Deoembef enn alw%» save fia^nev by hHvinsr your jjooils of th^. 11 ruler- si £ 11 ert, who have a complete slock of 1 • j - Push aa! ttMi, 40 Cents to ̂ 8.50. Plush Albums, with oxidizer n»f ivorv trimmings; Plush Toi let iShavinof. Odor and Mauicure Sets; Fancy iluve, Handkerchief and Jewelry <Jaae&. FANCY WALL POCKETS. <5, . 4, SL.^H > WIST MMINEY. --i»EALKR IN- PAINT8, OILS, Toilet Articles, I'UKE AN® ^U<|170;M ̂ FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars an \ Smoking and Tobacco alwayaon hand PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION ̂ Caretully Jomponnde*!. Give me a cal)| McHenrv, IWember sWt.h, 1H«7 . •Wh i '"V "•*»»? M C. w BE8LEY WAUC3MOA, ILLINOIS. Ar#»now ^»tfer tlrnw t f^cpurod to om»rJyoi« -BARGAINS ft Otninl Blacksmith asd WAGON-MAKER. 8HOPt HEAR THE DEP9^ t HnTing tMit it a new ft hop, lam now pr*p*r*d Willi first C)IIM workmen, anil good maioiM. W<iO tli kimU of fiucHsunam, AND w III all indh of Goods. ^Vnn*in busiiipsa MIKI will Vive yon Low er J'!**® than ^ver ottered in * * Lae C<MIII|J?V 'Mt< • J->. OU It STQCK ^aHiiovf-r m,»ie « oui|»U n» than now. TMII and our Prieeh r»et«.re |»im li;tHing elaewlwce ..^|u>oial i »«lu<-eiiieuU> for < ash era 111 dUiua tlMUl *! U|>. S Buy. COLOIMC Bt«OTHEIl3. ^ 1'i-ine pai<l for Pttrm Produce. JULIA A, STOBY, (Oiie Door West of rdve»id« HOMM^) Full «iz«d thirty cent*. sellipg CeOfee P«t in "the U. 0.' Sendror illustrated clrenlars to FOR8HEE ft MeMAKlN.CtaeiaaatldO .sre Ws beat the low price*. A • . I I1/ '".'C1*.?•' . .. ' • .'Si i I. • 'JbJ'aJk PHOTOBBAPH AMttlT G'MJR &££• 'BSM; SAIW ^^ALBUMS «!SS'SIKLfiGC3 It beats them all. No booklilceit. Evenrfaodv wants it, 200illustrations. Humorous, Pathetic,Fae- rinstiiig, Hundretto of doUan to htutleis. Old Mid young buy; also thousands of G. A. R. ttid Sons of Veterans. One agent ha* ordered over 160 books. Anocfaiw nm. in 1 G A R. Poi! Choose territory at once. M aflr aetrre illUratioM ^ fcee wkh drnian and terwa. Write • - "TT" i ftr tiia In ptnsh, with horn ftrd metal decorations, D aster Holders, Broom Holderb, Cuff and C%>ll ir Boxes. Elegrant Smokinjr ^et», Kiiney Fipos. Elegant Towel Ring's. Ueuts* leathfr pocket Toilet cases 75c to $4. Fancy M:rrors. i^ar Oases. Hat Cap Holders, Paper Racks fhsli and Raw Silk Stw4s Dreeing Caaes^ Table. Covers and Scarfs, l)eanU- fully embroidered ia •C^ eij^nsel apa che- , miller. INELEGANT . : Perfumed Pillows Satchets, Splashers, silk Ban ners, Head Ke^ts, fancy Chair Backs, 40 shades of new Plushes and Velvets, for tancy work or dies* trimmings, 75c to $155 «*re*t bargain* in 2C0 elegant n«T? *siIk ilamlken-hiefrt. all diff erent »tjl"s, at 17c, 20»', 25c to $3 enrh The above goods are decided driven . * Wagon - Making. On short notice and at teisenable prices. I will do your w nrk in ih« lM>st of manner and with the lea»t possiblo delay. Horse Shoeing; A SprclaliT. atlende<ttO Bepairlnftof till hln'ls protaMlT Call and se« for yourself. * HENRY West MeHenry, III., HOT. 4th, 1881. SL. Wool and Silk Mufflers. In the very newest styles and of the *<e*t qua'ities, ransrtng in price from'-20c to $4. Fine di^" jday of . Which we fully warrant aff to we:»r, «nd to be the Very latest designs a"«l |c»w in j>ric« Scarf Pins. Cuff and Buttons etc. Hold Pens and Ptneils, Watch Chains, ( harms, etc. Neu silver Patent ware, knives f«»rkh , spoons, shells, pohlets, etc 4 doK«'u elegant, imported tow. Is in various ntyles and prices, from 35c to $1, f«fc' chairs, sola*, bu reaus, dressing cases Ftrfaaery Toilet Artiolts llnn-Uome Snivrna Ru?s. In various Mafe mi.'< si v»fs. wilh tl"it frinans, 75o $175. #210. #* 4»» t»fa.(W. see them sure. R U G S . 7£-H • -J-tV ^ ' E D I C I N E S , "S§;" ' m mm nigs, .Uyt'Stdb; Wats, stiint:y on hand JgAlso a large line «f mo 6 US SWABS, r&. atent" IVSedicines^ Toilet Artices, -AND UOMPLKTK STOCK UK- $TfTIONABY & DRUGGISTS SUNBlttES FhTAioiaiii Preaoriptioxw CtrettiMy and accuratey compounded by n Reirijstered Your patronage is respectfully solicited., . r * ̂ 4'" • f ; Jill 3A fin"' Hinurii'f!. ^tand an • N-rln i. 'ii<p«, trom H - t<> #8 50 Plain, linlil Bmil, HO'I Drpiirntcil Tkh, l)in II I HIHI I HIMI'IER AELH T'P N. »l 754o tlri Knic.y (Juxpi- ore-., Cup* ami ^mii-eta, Kru t , IM.itOH, Toy Trji !«>etM, r, •. i.. f I 75, Water Sets Trays, Kane) Castorri, t!ai>" iiHn<ls. Ulas- Sets elr. Toy Wi».-hinir S^T-, OiesRirnt CHKOS. Ohalrs n»li«. Hanks, I'ops. Orn<l irg, Tx»l Chests, etc. a t i i r t ce s w i t h i n r e a c h o * a i l ^ilk Mitten P, Fanrv Wool Mittens, Scarfs llwis, Nfi'kwwir I.i.-i l ut not least one of «.»ir line anil rheap rl»>th or pliisli OIOUKS, or a An'-, cheap und warm Ove'«-<«t A suit of Clothi'H would not make an oljectionable Christmas or New Years Present, au wav •loiyn will l>« mail«- on -ill « ,ln.*ks Over- | coats, (JIOUIIIIK, Blankets, Flannels, Umler- wear. l)ies» Kl.-innel«, Mitte»s Yarns, etc., to reduce stock before Jan 1, A large tvexq and flru.c iai»8 stock of Can dle#, Nnts, fruits ana Uraea^leaofall kJstote, will arrive this week. mmMsA JUMA a. STCRV MpHenrg DR. B. MINCER^ -THE- : - EMNENT OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, Claims that instruments for treating the Rjre, however good in the hanas ofone expert In their use, in the hands of the ignorant are worse ih»n useless A man must be skilled in the treatment of the Rye and the ppiica- lion of instruments in order to iw.oive any benefit, If he is properly skilled he can lit the most difficult eye without instruments, Glasses titled with accuracy so as to ia«e«erv>- the eyesight--the delicate construction of the eye mnki-s it neces ary to use great care ,n selecting spectacles. B Mincer has made the ere his Bpecial studv, and in his later yesrn has paid his en tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles to the 8»nie Having a thorough experience la making and adapting Speoaclou u> tiie eves, be is ecabled to nt accurate!; iu every cafce of abnormal vision known as PRE9AYOPIA. HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, As weM aa weak -Ight. requiring various tinted glass. H'S improved sp< ctac..«tare of a petfertt con«trtn*lion, which assist snd pre- Herve the sight, rendering tiequent changes quite unnecessary They collier a liriMiant. ness and distinctness ol ease and comforw not gebcially enjoved oy p'-isons UHiug .• pecta- cles His lenses tire ground on the most s ientiflc principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in the full ftiength of yocth. Jl. Mincer has some highly ilMitcring testi monials of fome of the leading tx-nlisi* of the state aa to bis ability iu tilting Spectacles. HEMEMBElif Henaeano instruments; Meflts thy eye the lirst time; - A^ '•'£ He made the eye a study for e»er years; Ho uvea pure ervstal lenses. He Kiiuranteea sa isfaction; He t re its weak eyes successfully; He saves eyes injure! by using interior glasses. He fl'.s all kinds of glasses required by de fec t i ve g l a s s e s ' • • * ; tie nakei- every variety of glasses. ^ *9*Ordera can he left at poatofllu# and 'Wttf receive prompt attention. No charges for •sxam inatwna or vailing natienu nt (heir io>ues 1 i ROSCOE CONKLING: Hia urs awe Um. Octavo, ®)0 pages, steel portrait, pad fsc-slm4as of |#ttgra of apUpant #<«|empofaris|» Jn Ibpth psrHag. WI ESPECIALLY WV1T8 LAWYERS AN0 MEN OUT OF BU8INES8, POLITICIANS, AND CANVAS8ER8, to maka aarly applications (br the eaalosiv# mtwl of territory. One of tbe gnatest opportunitlse to make money aver offend. (Whan writiaf, meatiim tida papar.) CHARLES L WEBSTER & CO, a £ast 1Mb IKwt, Isw Tark, Z IPPINCOTTS MAGAZmS, e varied a$td txctlUnt conUmtt, is a im itself. i*rr. ' '"'A *f'i7 M was inittd a tu&M ttumghi it frtnt m mtint movtl im *ack mmmitr. AM a skirt mevtlttt*, tut a long stmysmdk as jrm art used to get it book form ami', ftp from on* dollar to on* dollar aid m WAr. _ Not only that, tut with tack numhtr ymgti ̂ tit rfyinfaitff ofrthtr ren fri&ttfi&iuw jwn fom a good mogoMin* itsidts th* MM/. 7TU ringing Hows wkich kav*k**»strmekom tk* gateway of fofulor favor, k*v* mtmrndoi tksvmgkomt tk* tntirt land, mid to-day LjMim toffs Magasdn* stands *n tk* front ram* of montkly publications, and is tk* must widtfr read-a*d-ialk*d-»f publication of itskiadimtht vnrtd. For full descriptiv* circulars, addwt LIPPINCO TTS MAGAZINE, PkUado&i* $$.oo p*ryear. 35 cts. single nstmkor. Tk* tmblithtr qftkisf̂ cr wiU rtuimjtm To folli it lor our well.', nowti Nursery Good wHjf-B pn id weekly, steady employment All slock guaranteed true-to name. Our specialty is hardy stock for the North and Northwest. Write tor term* before territory taken, statin? ng*. CMA8K BBOTHBBW COMPAKT, Chicago^ Hi.. P. K. GRANGER, Ceneral Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the tuoetreae- onabie terms. Orders by mail wfl) receive orompt- ab> by mail wiirreoei^ fcff Ai w»»*