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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1890, p. 8

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*. If. DmMTMSNT. ,J Kottces under the above heart wm^, by the Ladies of the W. CI T. U. titor claim M part or credit for : Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet Mrs. A. H. Colby, Thursday al- at 2:80 o'clock, ftv; Mu L. E. ft*NB»TT, PrasWant. " Utt T. J. WALSH, Secretory. Intemperance. 'Ittttmpemte persons are particularly to all acute diseases, as Inflam- ';J0|Hfoi7 complaints and fevers of every HHilNption. It is presumed that way practising physician and every person of observation can bear a melancholy testi­ mony to the truth of this assertion. Who has not seen the bloom of youth, the vigor of manhood, or even the maturity of age, cat off by the frightful train of diseases, whose seeds and nourishment are derived from the intoxicating cup ? How -many widows, and orphans, and parents, and brothers, and sisters, now mourn the loss of their relatives, who but lor the poisonous beverage, might hav» been the guardians of youth, the support of female virtue, the ornaments of the family circle, the props of declining age, and the pillars of society. The excessive use of ardent spirits is one of the darkest shades in the pros­ pects of our rising Republic, and unless the wisdom of government or the return­ ing reason of individuals arrests the progress of this destructive pestilence, an Indelible stain must be fixed upon our national character. viz.: A fOnrtnwerl from P%rM Receipts dor nerforrael I «, I8W, and 94ft TO •Oft W M6 7S i daring half year for services ned ia naif year ending Deo j and heretofore reported a* net received Tetal receipts Sheriffs salary fo* half year Total receiptsaboye .... Balance due Sheriff S 9M Si And we recommend that an order be drawn for the amount due him. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. H. Groesbeck,.... . H. a Williams, f A. R. Alexander, A. J. Shurtliff, .... Fred Hatch. sRcKaj/p Will ]offe|CM|«c tit JfesU IFee*.] •Mi- I?IY£R$1Q£, TbKtlU.HU> l&Kft MjO Xti&XTMIK. * "*•" I flar-i s: .*•* AV- inzjfct. i ,'i, i l '3IC233 _ v^l I Are no w prepared to offer you the finest assorted line ot •» ' •urns, - • HANDKERCHIEFS, Library Lamps, Tea Sets, TABLE COVERS. * ' Table Sctrfs. Ms, Etc. ; J&m*. |w,i9to7ia tad HttHa, Largest '* , | V MWBMOND. ILLINOIS, ' *4" $AHTA Claws §MP. CMCACO. We Don't Want Your Ear ! ̂ .. - .• • ^7^ But we want you to come and see oar big SEASONABLE GOODS. they are ail NEW and we propose if Call In and look tHem OVOlWvi V.fcv S T O R Y , M c O M B E R , ^ENioeemoratoW P Storens. ^ McHenry, Having purchased the Hardware stock of W. P. Stevens, we have replenished the stock an«l are now prepared our friend* ant he public generally as complete a stock ot" ; yv* HEAVY HARDWARE . MoHenryv •. Dec? ©i**l>er lO* • 1.880, BESLEY'S. For sale Fel# Boots, We have Ladies, Mens, Boys, Misses and Childrens OTBBSHOES) Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron *are. Afican be found in McHenry County, WEST -AT BOTTOM PRICES.--- JOBBING AND REPABINC Will be done on short Notice and Satisfaction G-uaranteed. A pecialty of Butter Factory work. A $hare ot public patronage espectfully solicited. ' ^ And Rubbers, few double We have a STOKY & M'OMBER. Weet McHenry, Dec. 10,1889. 1 WINKS AID wool, to close cheap. ADVERTISEMENT Say* that anything in the thuTaf OOAL. & FEED * i%+< ./* , J'"" • Coats 'HP- v. Pants and Vests y Remember the Oil Painting we give away. We respectfully solicit the in- 1 close buyers. EVER YOURS, CHEAPER FOR w. i*--ATs A. CKISTY*S, Than any other place in town. X&sja specialty. Car Warehouse at the Pickle Ifactory, West McHenry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. AGENTS EEEiam arm LAMP I donbl« , Bellini ' Finisi |W|tf BMNIMf Belling onr SEA88 ibed Corrugated WE WILL SELL YOU 31 &000 Of Cteeoette Flour at 01 Eatdi. W I L L H E E T Auj Out Price made on any elaM of Goods which we handle. M OUR STOCK OMaprtoea a. iull lip© ot Seaiionable ;Goo^^i|||(9i io« getherwlth ow prices deserve jour in«p«ctioii^f •mipH Can be BOW In every family. Gives more liulit than tlin« or.lii.ary lamp®. Full Bixefl Lauip sent by Kxpn-hS for tLirtv eeats. Wo also have the beat Relling Coffrt- Pot in the If. S. Send for illastrated circulars to FORSHEE&McMAKIN,Cincinnati^ cu make W.OO per Oar profit strlling our ALBUMS. We beat th® World for low prices.. PHOTOTIRAPH AI.BI S H1NBT* ---DEALER Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, A full line of Olotha, of the Utest «t*lM tad patterns titan on ha»d. SINGLE GARMENT^ OR PULL SUITS, Made on short notice ami a flt frnaraisiiee<l. From our experience and practical knowS-t -wft edge of he bnuiness we are confident we tan please the most taer.i<tioi)B, and reapoetfnlly sju invite alt in want of Clothing ox any kind to ¥• I glvemeacaiL " '?"lV Prices as low as the same quality of goods can ba-paretoniiifd an; where. , „ >. C. J. Richmond, October 15th, 18*8. i>R. B. MINCE Hg • -THE- EMNENT OPTICIAN, ^ OF DETROIT, • -^5 Claims that instruments for treating the Eye.. however good in the hanas of one expert In v' '. their use, in the hands of the ignorant worse than useless A man must Uefrkilletr- > in the treatment ef the Eye and the ppliea. ' tion ef instruments in order to receive any' ^ • * • benefit, If he is properly skilled he can iff *•"«^ the most difficult eye without instruments. 'W Glasses fitted with accuracy so as to preserve). .• the eyesight--the delicate construction of tb«f eye mukes it necessary to use great care JJ"' selecting spectacles. J-ZM&sfc B. Mincer has made the eve his special I study, and in his later years has paid his en*. / )t! tire attention to the adaption of Upectncler-1<) „ ' the sttme. Having a thorough experience in «1> making and adapting Speciaclea to the ©?e«i he is enabled to fit accurately in every ease of abnormal vision known as - «| PRESAYOPIA. HYPERMATROPIA : MYOPIA, | As well aa weak sight, requiring various tin t e d g l a s s . H i s i m p r o v e d s p r c t a c 3 « t a r e o f ^ f a perfect construction, which assist and pre* serve the sight, rendering frequent change* | quite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant* ness and distinctness ol ease and comfor"' aoft% " 5 geneially enjoyed uy persons uping bpeetaS? cles His lenses are ground on the mosV:- scientific principles, rendering the eye aj§v clear ns when in the full strength of youth| B. Mincer has some highly flattering teati. monials of tome of the leading oculists of th| state as to his ability in lilting Spectacles. REMEMBEUI, -PURE- LIQIO US, FOR MEDICAL USS. '• Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars an I Smo&ing and Chewing1 Tobacco alwayson hand PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS* Oaretully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenrv. December 28tb. 1887. ^ C. w. B WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Arenovr better than ever prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS In all inds of Goods. *Ve mean business and will fcive yoo Low­ er Prices than ever before offered in Lae County. ----OUR STOCK OF : T)'4. Embossed padded side., KO'd euges, extea- cia»p, holdioK SX pages of Cabinet and Card Btutures. : for 11.00, retails for #2.25; bound also Jli Japa'K-'-se Morocco. Illustrated circulars FBEE Of the above and #"M(i --&t VMS* «r- '"fsorsbee4k HeHakiii, ' (Lincinmaai. Ohio. ALBUMS WANTED. •IS-I Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Ral- arjr or Oommission. I can make a sueoessful SAL18WAW Itructioua Will furnish y In- handsome outfit 'Of any one who will work and follow BtlOH tree, and pay your salary or commission ever; It. write for terms at once. B. O. GUAUAM, Nursp'vnmi, Bochester, K, T. "Boss wouldn't blanket him In tile stable. Said it wasn't no use." FBEE--Get from yoar dealer ftat &• |4 Boot It has handsome picturea anil valuable information about hones. Two or three dollars for a 3/A Home Blanket will make your horse WfltthfiWflf sod eat less to keep warm. 5IA Five Mile .. . , 5/A Boss Stable ** **{ 51k ElectHc 5/A Extra Test WANTED Apply paper. 2m* To canvars for the sale of Nursery Stock. Steadv employment g and £XP£NHKS paid to successful Bry SALARY men. " ̂ axs.5t,on thla liocheifler, N' Y. Agents Wanted! L lBKEALUIMTlJr« will be given to introduce our new book, Bible Brilliants: * HOIK 8 BIBLE STORIES, The greatest success of the year, and some, thing entirely new In the book line. Boyal Qiuurto; sUe,9^x11%; finest of paper; large am illustrations. 08 full page, two of ' taSa mrinted in nine colirs; retail price only mCB Tkbasands will be sold for Holiday TVeaeats. Those first in the field will reap a ' harvest. l«t quiek or you will miss it. FOBSHEE 4k MACMAKIN, Cincizmati, O. 80 other styles at prices to salt bod^ If you can't get them from jam write us. X W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. General Merchandise •V as never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere jSpecial inducements for Cash Buy ers in sums from $1 up. - COLDINC BROTHERS. r H ighoat Market Price paid for Farm Produoit I BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. "°"l?J"!il"I.WIT"<>UTT',« t»<i uTd by WM. ATKES & SONS. Phllada., who »the iaiaous Horse Brand Baker Blanket*. HM'S Buckle Arctics fl at John Evan AlilllS WAHTED. LOOAL OB TH^VKLlna. LIBCIUlfAft Permanent work. Qiict Seliiue Specialtio. STOCK WAKItAN fED. Elegant Outfit TRBE. Experience aet qairod. .Complete instructions to utsara success^ J AS. E. WHITNEY, Nurseryman, BvtoHter.N.I, OPPOSITE B18HOF8 Ml!* MoHEiVBY, : -----DIALER IN SHELF mi BIT HARDWARE Purchased for Cash, all o< which will be sold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first class goodf. A VVLL inTB OF STOTB8* GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLASS 07 ALL SIZES CONSTAKTLY ON HAKD BEST 8ARB;1 In «fce BCark«C9 at Bottom 6I»rieea» JOBBZXTQ AXTS Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed tore of V ublic j^trona^e reajpectfully solicited, •m alSSlil dSiti?,. 4s- BOHSUTT * A „ &*f. \ Yh-'i i. He uses no instruments; • , He fits the eye the first time; - He made the eye a study for over tweaty years; , /'• He uses pure crvstal lenses. He guarantees satisfaction; . ' • He tre tts weak eyes euccesafntly; He saves eyes injured by using inferktf He fl's all kinds of glasses required by da>^ ^ feetive glasses - He nakes every variety .of glasses. • •WOrders can oe left at postofflce and wlit receive prompt attention. No charges fo* examinations or visiting patients at tbeif lonies ROSCOE CONKLING; HIS LIFE AND LETTERS. By his nephew, Alfred R. Conkling. This work will , shortly be issued by us, and sold itrictty by subtcrip. • j s ' U m • Octavo, 600 pages, steel portrait, and fec-aimile« at ' letters of eminent contemporaries in both parties. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE I Auivroc Aiin ucu mil Lnn • buu nnw mi>ii wu i BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, l\ AND CANVASSERS, .tomake early applications for the exclusive control of territory. One of the greatest opportunities to', make money ever offered. (When writing, mention this paper.) ' CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO, . 8 Bsst 14th Street. Hew York. ' .1, ^ 4'- . ZtPHNCOTt b M.iliA/tNE. with varied and exit/tent contents, is a library X > in itself. _ ' . ' • " It was indeed a happy thought to print am tut ire ntvel in each number. • Not <i short novelette. but a long story suck '̂ ̂ y_, at you .ire used to grt in. book form and pay.' from one doll ir to one dollar and a half for. Not only but -u»th each number you g*tWf>, :||! ax abundance of other contributions, whickgtvtti * you a good fit igatine besides the mwel, ,* The ringing blows which have been struck on the gateway of popular ftvor. have resounded throughout the entire land, and to day Lippin- % eott's Magazine stands tn the front rank of - monthly publications, and is the most widely- • > , read-and-talked of publication of its kind in the .* world. For full descriptive circulars, addreu *' "f } LIPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE, Philadelphia $3.00 per year, as cts. single number. The publisher of this paper will receive yomr ,• ̂ mbscription. , . * -t m - To solicit for our wetl-Vnown Nureerfe Good wanes paid weekly, steady employments: All stock guaranteed name. Ogf specialty is hardy stock for the North ami Northwest. Write tor terms before terrlto^jr taken, statin* age. . ¥- CHA8K BKOTHBBS OOMFAKT, Chicago, la* E M - JULIA A. iTOBIi (One Door West of Riverside House,) V. J. Barbian- BARSIAN •!*» BR< B»UU ROS. fFliolc«ale and PBALSBS Uf [FINE MoHENilY, TLLOOI^ McHENRY Unvfnf ILLINOIS* -DEALER IN- South of I DRUGS, leased the brisk building one deit-p , the post office, we hnve opened a retail store, where, at all times can bit found line cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and Gbewing tolmceo or tg|, best brands. ' rv": . ie iNE^S, Pipes a Speculty . -A FULL LINE OF- Dragg, Qumletls, 9jt Stu&i, Paints, Oili tad Colon. Constantly on hand Also a lar^e line i f Patent Medicines, Toilet Artic^b __AND COUPLETS STOCK or-- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES V'-"- \ - Fhy îeiaim Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Your uatron«ge is respectfully solicited. We have a very large assortment and nxa* 4 very Imqdsome paiterne. ^ CALL AND 8EE US. 1 ^ aABBttv saos. McHenry, November ISth, KSS, | «U« A. »TORT. gffORt YOU Buy S T E A M E N C I N E OR BOILER •END FOR OUR C»T»LOTTUT*«» WHOM ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, W?lW«»VP9W»|W9v " • ' • " ^J 3MM faUKJtT WSSkf:i -2 • • 'if 3 ̂ • •

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