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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1890, p. 2

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|Kc|tftttg fflaintUalct VAN SUKE, Editor and PuWHIwr HallENRl, pssrs • * . Invention of ft personal insulation, which the Naval Academy, and for iLLixors. THE WORLD OVER. enables him to handle live wires with im­ punity. Ffetch took the "buzK rod" of the dynamos which operate the entird Erie city system of street oars and with bare hands received Ihe full ch irge of al­ most 000 volts of electricity. Although his clothes were wet and he stood on wet *oil he did not ground the, current. His invention will prove ft savior to all men ; engaged in handling electric wires. Pfotch wa< prompted to the necessity for j of Arizoua. some time had charge of the Naval Ob Kerv«tory. He was a member of the lead­ ing academies of sciences and as LL. D. of Bowdoin. THE President has sent a large num­ ber of appointments tp the Senate. Among them are: Hiram Know lea, to bo United States District Judjre for District of Montana; Robert H. Paul, to b,« United* Marshal for the Territory '^^iniato* OF THE IMPORTANT «©• " "TWWIENCKS OF AAVEEK. Tliat t»o Happen--A Cemp«ta Record of Interesting Events tfca World Orer --Shocking Accidents, BtsrtUo| faiy* I OU»er Topics. £«V*V /: cvaffKMBMn • , . 0( , " SORROWFUL DUTY. ft rv"• • IT, ..... ^, 0»NeM Specks Feellagly : # Jndc* K»ll(y% Death. Iw oi>ening the House proceedings on the 10€h inst. the Chaplain referred feelingly to the death of Congressman Kclley. Immediately after the reading of the journal O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, announced the deat h of Mr. Kelley. It was the saddest duty, he said, that had ever devolved spon htin. Judge Kelley's death wis a per­ sonal IOP* to hi in and a great loan to the nation and the world. He presented resolutions ex­ pressing the deep regret and sorrow and providing for appropriate service to be held in the lie presentation hall at noon oil the 11th and for the appointment of a committee to at­ tend the funeral in Philadelphia. The resolu­ tion was adopted and the following committee appointed : Representatives O'Neill, McKinley. Cannon, Banks. McKenna. Carlisle, Mills. Hol- mui, ai<d Matchler. An adjournment was then bad as an additional mark of respect to the de­ ceased. Vice President Morton appointed Sen­ ators Sherman, Cameron. Mandar«<on, Butler, and Cokiuitt to represent the Senate at the funeral of the late .Representative Kelloy. THE ' WH EAT OF TH E WORLD. __ a A Decrease of Over Eighteen Million Bushels i; from Last Year. i^pHE current number of Bradatreefs contains the following exhibit of wheat •toeks in bushels in the world up to J an. 5. Ifc90: United States and Canada, east of Rocky Mountains United Stat:'3. west of the Rockie3... la Australia and New Zealand (cable to Srudxtreet's) Afloat for Europe In first hands, United Kingdom. Odessa, French ports, Paris, Berlin, Danzig, Stettin ^Beerootun's cable to Brad*treat's).. such an invention bv the electrical fatal ities BO common. His personal institu­ tion can be worn by any one without cither inconvenience or h«rm. CHARLOTTE FISK BATES, the author­ ess, died in Bellevu* Hospital, at New York, from pneumonia. She was frl years of age.. THF. demand for snt»pyrine has been so largely increased since the advent of la grippe that the supply of the dttig at New York is practically exhausted. THE Glamorgan Iron Company of Philadelphia has made general assign­ ment for the benefit of its creditors. The liabilities of the company amount to 5280,000, and the assets are estimated at #230,000. THE owner of a carry-all at Albany, N. Y., has made a contract with the School Board to take ohildren living on the outskirts of the city to the nearest publio school. THB heavy, brick walla of the. new Presbyterian Church at 236 Throop ave­ nue, Brooklyn, were blown, over by a fierce gale. The wall fell - on a three- story frame house adjoining, killing Mary Purdy, aged nineteen, and David Purdy. aged fifteen. The following per­ sons were injured: Mrs. Caroline JVlott, aged seventy, shoulder huit; Miss Sarah llott, her daughter, cut about the heitd; Mrs. Emma Purdy, a widow, and mother of the t wo killed, a few scratches, suffering much fiom the shock; Carrie, her daugh­ ter, aged seventeen, ankle and left shoul- dar hurt; Richard Poole, cousin of Mrs. Purdy, back strained, head and shoulders injured. No one asleep in the house "•scaped uninjured. The church is an utter wreck. THE explosion of a stationary engine in Burke's quarry, near Dunmore, Pa., caused the instant death of one and fatal- 48,5i2,ooo ! ly injured another workman. 54,827,000 7,565,00 J 5,&28,000 f Total 115,8«,000 Ijast year at the same date the grand total was 133,sS3,OSO bushels. This shows a decrease In stocks of wheat in the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe,I and afloat for Europe, as compared 'with one year ago, amounting to 18,051,009 bushels, or 13^ percent. The exhibit gathers interest ironi the now admitted short stocks in liussia, the decline ia Russian ex­ ports, and short supplies of wheat and rye in Germany. The weather is expected to shut off Russian"shipments to the United Kingdom for part of the winter, and California Btocks are not readily available at Liverpool. The Atlan­ tic ports, then, it may be inferred, may have to be relied on. THOSE MONTANA SENATORS. Ihqr Han Proceeded to Washington with Half a Certificate. A HELENA (Mont.) dispatch savs: All the Senators have left for Washington. Sanders and Powfer applied to Gov. Toole before leaving for certificates of election, which the Governor refused to issue, having already given certificates to Clark and Maginnis. The applicants then in­ duced tho Secretary of State to attach the seal of the State to the cer­ tified proceedings of the Senate and House, which the Republicans took to Washington in place of the Governor's certificate. The Democratic certificates lack the State seal, which the Republican Secretary refused to attach. The Republicans, it is said, propose to declare the seat of McNamara, Democrat, vacant on the ground that, being a post trader, he is a government official, and 'ore ineligible to membership. This " e Senate will stand nine Repub- and seven Democrats. NGLAND IS SATISFIED** Gomes' Beply Said to Furnish a Baa's for a (settlement. AT Lisbon, it is semi-officially stated that Lord 8alisbnry, the British Prime Minister, regards the reply of Senhor Gomes, Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the last Britith note relative to the Anglo-Portuguese dispute concern­ ing territory in East Afric i as affording the basis for an amicable settlement of the trouble. All the political groups in , the Cortes concur in the opinion that the 1 Serpa Pinto incident will not retard the two governments in reaching a satisfac- twi'MW agreement. ,")v\ ; '" Poisoned by Their Parents. THBEK children have died suddenly in the New River section of Louisiana, and Investigation 6hows that they came to their death from poison, supposed to be Strychnine. The parents, J. W. Bray den and wife, had recently moved and found in the house a phial which they supposed contained quinine. Their children had been Buffering from malaria, so they made pills out of the contents of the phial and administered them to the childreri, who shortly after died from the effects of the poison. . i* Four Hundred Lives Given Up for Lost THE German Consul at Hong Kong re- ports that all efforts to obtain informa­ tion regarding the fate of the m ssing steamer Duburg of StenBburg, Chleswig, have been fruitless. She had on board twenty-two Europeans and 400 Chinese. It is supposed that she foundered during % •;: typhoon. f - Xexfean Counterfeiters Discovered. ; THE police have discovered a large J. oonnterfeiting establishment at Tehua- / «an, Mex. Over $100,000 in oounterfeit ; > money and a large quantityof tools,etc.; ; fcave been seized. jy. An "Old School" Catholic Dead. DB. JOHANN JOSEPH EGKATZ DOEL- |f^ -XIXHOEB,'^he eminent German divine and leader of the "old Catholic" movement in Bavaria, died in the ninety-first year of )iis age. , 1 The COBOT D'Alene Treaty Slgnied. f / The treaty of the United States with i: CVopur d'Alene Indians has been signed, and jf the Government becomes possessed of 22,- - : 000 acres of the most valuable part of the , , reservation. Furnace Men Roasted. WHILE drilling out some scaffolding at the Lucy furnace at Pittsburg the molten metal broke through the "taps" and an explosion followed. Thomas Welch, a >;' workman, was instantly killed, Michael j'#, •. Welch was fatally injured and a number ¥ of otherB seriously burned. The casting house was damaged by fire. WESTERN HAPPENINGS. A LABAHIE (Wy. T.) dispatch save: The west-bound fast mail collided with a freight train at Howell Station. Both engines were demolished and the mail cars damaged. Engineer Wright and Mail Clerk McComb were severely injur­ ed. The fast mail was on t me. aud it is claimed the freight crew had forgotten all about the flyer. HAMILTON CAKTEK, a professor in the New Lyme (Ohio) Institute, has been im­ prisoned for burglary. He robbed a drug store at New Lyme, and also 6tole the missionary collection taken up in \he Presbyterian Sunday-school at Warren. EIGHT prisoners made their escape from the jail at Springfield, Mo., nmonj: them being two WLO were, charged with murder. A SAN FBASCISCO dispatch says: A singular suicide of an eleven-year-old boy occurred here when Clement Scott skot himself thiough the forehead. The little boy bore a good reputation, but it is thought he had been ie»ding dime nov­ els, for he took his father's pthtol, slipped out of the house, and did not return. Next morning his father, a well-known lawyer, started out to warn the police, as he feared the boy had been kidnaped. Near home he saw Clement on the oppo­ site side of the street and called to him. The boy started to ran, evidently fearing punishment, and darted into a strange house, the father,following. Suddenly a pistol shot was heard, aud when the father rushed in he found the boy writh­ ing in agony, with blood pouriog from a pistol shot wound in the Center of his forehead. The lad died in two hours, never regaining consciousness. TBE cattle men of Kansas met in con- convention at Topeka. 'Resolutions were passed condemning the "dressed beef combine" and demanding of Congress that laws be passed making it a conspira­ cy for buyers of cattle to agree upon a price for their purchases and for packers to form a combination to raise the price of dressed meats beyond reasonable fig- ares. Resolutions were also p isged in­ dorsing the pi n for the free coinage of silver. The present St'te Legislature was characterized as a "boodle" Legislature, and the delegates pledged themselves to see that members of the next Legislature are men who enn not be bribed. A BROKEN electric light wire caused a fire at St. Louis, resulting in th4 destruc tion of the Western Union Telegraph Building. Many of the employes had narrow escapes. The total loss is about $150,000. W. L. EGLESOV, the Topeka, Kan., man who is endeavoring to induce the negroes of South Carolina to emigrate to Oklahoma, has already succeeded in settling 800 negroes there. They are mostly from Topeka and have left dur­ ing the last six months. They have es­ tablished a colony near Kinglislier. und are opening farms and building houses. DETECTIVES have succeeded iu recov- ing $10,000 worth of tho $25,000 worth of goods out of which Ellis & Co., gen- sral merchants of Sioux Falls, and Carte- ton Place attempted to defiand Mont­ real merchants. Ellis & t o. got aWay safely with the rest of the propeity. Ami the following United States Attorneys: Isaac N, Afaxnud^r, Northern Dis­ trict of Ohio; Theodore K. Shepard, Eastern* District of Michigan; Maurice I>. O'Connell, Northern District of Iowa; Franklin F. Mays, District of Oregon; Albert E. Weed, District of Montana. * Treasury--George Finler, to be Snrveyor of Customit of Dubuque, Iowa. Jastloe--David B. Miller, of Iowa, to be Unitid States Marshal for trie Southern District of Iowa ito correct error in name). Interior--Otis H. Culver, to be Ito^is- ter o! the Laud Office at Cueur d'Alcnc, Idaho; ,1. Waltrid, to be Receiver of Public Moneys at Tavli r'a f alls, Minu.; Everett W. Foster, to be Agent for the Indians of the Yankton Agency, S. Dak. •POLITICAL PORRIDGE. 81»ATOR BLACKBURN has been re­ elected Senator by the Kentucky Legis­ lature in joint session. The votes of the Republican®, twenty-one in number, were cast for A. H. Stewart, of Prestonburg. Blackburn's vote was 105. AT Helena, Mont., after days of cau­ cusing and consultation, the Democratic House and the Democratic members of the Senate met in joint session and elect­ ed W. A. Clark and Martin Maginnis, the caucus nominees, United States Senators. This was done notwithstanding the opposition of ex-Gov. Samuel T. Hauser, who exhausted all his efforts to pre­ vent such a result. He might have suc­ ceeded had it not been for Marquis Daly. Neither Maginniq nor Clark was Mr. Daly's choice, but he informed Mr. Hauser that the members of the Legisla­ ture must stand by the action of the cau­ cus. It is believed that Gov. Toole will give Clark and Maginnis certificates and refuse them to Sanders and Power. Both sets of Senators will to to Washington and present their claims fo the United States Senate, which will decide the question. Ax Annapelis (Md.) dispatch says: In ihe Democratic caucus .Senator Wilson was renominated by acclamation to suc­ ceed nimself as United States Senator. THE Democratic Senatorial caucus in Ohio, on its Fecond bal'ot, nominated Calvin S. firice for Senator. JUDGE KELLEY IS DEAD. C. S. BRICE A WINNER. THK KITERAN PENNSYLVANIA WM- 1SLATOK EXPIRES. THB OHIO 8UTATORYAL CONTEST MD- CIJDKIA. ACROSS THE OCEAN. CHAKLES LEVER, son of the celebrated Irish novelist, nnl a scientific electrician of prominence, was found dead in his bed iu Dublin. The doctors say that his death was caused by heart disease. THR Berlin Zeitung, discussing the Jabor trouble, expresses the belief that German employers must eventually grant privileges to the workmen equiva­ lent to those enjoyed by English work­ men, especially m regard to trades unions. ( • . A BERLIN cable says: The Emperor and Empress and other members of the imperial family visited the chamber in which the remains of the Empress are lying, services were held in the chamber at night. After the conclusion of these services the servants of the Court Cham­ berlain conveyed the body to the central gate. Here the officers of the Fourth Grenadiers, of which regiment the dead Empress was honorary Colonel, received the body and escorted it to the chapel in their schloss. Court mourning has been ordered for three months, and the period of general mourning has been fixed at six weeks. The body of the dead Empress has been embalmed, a wax death mask made from her face, and her face was also sketched by Werner. Plackhoist sketched the death chamber. Queeu Victoria and the Prince and 1'iincess of Wales have telegraphed condolences. The English Court will also wear mourning for six weeks. THE latest hulletin from Madrid, Spain, records a slight increase of fever in the King's case. Many statesmen and diplomates are constantly calling at the palace. The threatening feature is the much iucreased prostration. Alfon­ so XIII., King of Spain, is the post­ humous son of Alfonso XII. He was born May 17, l«St>, and wns proclaimed King on the day of his birth, with his mother as Queen Regeut. The latest cables report the condition of Alfonso as hopeless. The Bishops throughout the country are ordered to offer prayers for his recovery. FRESH AND NEWSY. THE sub-committee of the Silcott in­ vestigating, committee have reported to the full committee that the Sergeant-at- nrms is the disbursing officer of the House, and that therefore the loss en­ tailed by Silcott's embezzlement should fall on the Government. A bill has been prepared by the committee reippro- priating the amount of money Btolin by Silcott. PROFESSOR S. W. BUBNHAM, of the Lick Observatory expedition, haa tele­ graphed that their observations of the solar eclipse in South America were en­ tirely successful. THE American Base-Ball Association has decided to play a club in Brooklyn. The Association's circuit will be as fol­ lows: Brooklyn, St. Louis, Louisville, Athletics, Rochester, Columbus, Syra­ cuse, and Toledo. MAIUCET ItErOItTS. ' • * 1 A Week's Failures. FAILURES for the week the United States number 373; for the correspond- ing week last year the number was 381. % F : p EASTERN OCCURRENCES. A UfcOOMSBUBO (Pa.) dispatch says*. A robber entered the First National Bank «t noon, covered the cashier with a pistol imd demanded $1,000 or "his life. The banker attempted to parley, while hif Clerk staited to get behind the robber, »nd the latter backed out the door, threatening death to anyone who inter­ fered with him and escaped to the moun­ tains. AN Erie (Pa.) dispatch says: Jacob Pfetch, Superintendent of the Erie Motor Car Company, gave an exhibition of his SOUTHERN INCIDENTS. LICENSES have been issued to the First National Bank of Brady, Texas, capital $30,003; the First National of Clyde,' Ohio, capital $50,000; the Ger­ man National of Oshkosh, Wis., capital $100,000; and the West End National of Washington, capital $200,(KtO. A LOUISVILLE (Ky.) dispatch says: Fourteen workmen employed on the con­ struction of the new Louisville and Jef­ ferson ville bridge were drowned by the •inking of the caisson. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. THB report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, which h <s just been trans­ mitted to Congress, calls attention to the increased earnings of the railroads dur­ ing the last year as evidence that the ef-. feet of tho law has not been injurious. A number of amendments to the law of minor importance are recommended, also further le^islatiijin, as follows- 1. I'robibitiou of payment of commiBalons by one railroad company to ticket agents of an­ other railway company for passenger trans­ portation, and like 'prohibition of oointniHsions for soliciting or prosuring trailic to outside or- ganizntioiiK or persona. 2. The abolition of ticket brokerages by re­ quiring that evt^ry pertton who selU tickets fnall be duly authorized by the company tot Which he sells. 8. The regulation of payment of car mileage for the use of private companies or individuals. 4. The extension of the law to apply to com­ mon carriers by water. JUDGE W. D. KELLEY, of Pennsylva­ nia, has died in Washington from cancer. PROFESSOR J. H. C. COFFIN, United States Navy, the distinguished mathoma- tician, who for some time had been in feeble health, died at his home in Wash­ ington, in his seventy-lifth year. Pro­ fessor Coffin was born in Wiscasset, Me., Bept. 14, 1815. £Le was professor of mathematics and of astronomy ̂ nd nav- CH1CAGD. CATTM--Prim o Good Common..... Hoos--Shipping Grades SHEEP WHEAT---No. !I Bed....... COHN-NO. 2 OATS--NO. 2 BVB-- NO. 2 ; BUTTEM--Choice Creamery CIIKESK--Full Cream, flats. EGOS-- Fresh POTATOES- Choice new, per bu.. FOMK--Mess MILWAUKEE. WHEiT--Cash Corn --No. 3 OATII--No. 2 White. KYK -No. i BAUL,KY~NO. 2 PoiiK--Mess DETUGIT. CATTCK. IiO(.3 SHEEP,.... WHEAT--No. 2 Red COKN--No. 2 Yellow.... OAT*--No. 2 White TOLEDO. WHEAT COHN--Cash - , OATS--No. 2 White { NEW YORK. CATTLB Iloi.s SHEEP W u EAT-- No. 2 lied CORN'--No. 2; .-; OATS--Mixed Western Pobk--Prime Mess bT. LOUITT. CATTLE . Ho«s I WHEAT--No. 2 Red I Co KM ! OATS | BYE--No. 2 INDIANAPOLIS. CATTLE--Shipping Steers HOGS--Choice Light. SHEEP--Com mo U to Prime WHEAT--No. 2 Red CORN--No. 2 Yellow... OATS--No. 2 White. CINCINNATI. Hoos WHEAT--NO. 2 Bed CORN--No. 2 OATS--No. 2 Mixed. BYE-NO. 2 BUFFALO. CATTLE--Good to Prime... .4,... Hoos WHEAT--No. 1 OOBW--No. 2.. ' *4.75 3.50 2.5J ».%> 4.00 .70 .21) <g .44 & .'23 & •tr.i rn .15)4®# .«» & 0.00 m 5.®0 ® 4.SO V-tQ <® 3.75 & 5.50 .77 .29 .20'6 .43 .20 .10 .16)4 .42 & 9.50 .74 .27 .22 .44 ,45 9.00 loo *.OJ Si 50 .33 <0 .25 .61 .30 .22 .75 .27 .22b W .45 & .46 as 9.50 & 4.00 «$ 4.00 & 5.25 .31 .2554 .81H .90)6 .22 fi I*at Hours of the Venerable "Father of the House"--Brief Skeieh of the Career of the Oldest Congressmen In the Ser­ vice of Ilia Country. Washington dispatch: At 6:20 Thurs­ day evening, surrounded by every mem­ ber of his family except his hiarricd daughter, who resides in York city, Congressman Kelley. mo veteran "father of the House," breathed his last. His tnd was peaceful and quiet. Speaker Reed was notified at once and directed Holmes to take charge of the remains and conduct tne iuneral in accordance with the wishes of the family. Tho interment will bo In Phllv adclphta, where tho remains will b6 taken Saturday. Mr. Kelley was in his seventy-sixth year, and had he lived to finish his term he would have served continuously for thirty years in Congress. His death war caused by cancer of the jaw, which first, made its appearance three years ago. He was liked by everyone who knew him, and his death has called forth expres­ sions of sorrow from both Democrats and Republicans. The death was unnounced In both Houses Friday and both adjourned at once out of respect for the tf the deceased. ' William Darragh Kelley was born in Philadelphia April 12, 1814. His father died when ho was 2 years old. At th£ age of 11 Mr. Kelley began to earn hw living as an errand boy. and later served an apprenticeship to the jewelry trade. He early began to take an interest in politics, and when the deposits were re­ moved from the United States bank in Philadelphia he headed the Democratic demonstration made against the Whig capitalists. In eonsequemce of his ac­ tion in tho matter he became so un­ popular among the employers of Philadelphia that he decided to remove to Boston, to which city he went in 1834 and worked at his trade until 1839, when he returned to Philadelphia. He immediately began the study of law and in 1841 was admitted to the bar. He met with Immediate success in his profession, and in 1840 when a vacancy occurred in tho court of common pleat he was appointed to the position by Gov. Shunk. He occupied the position until 1851, when he was elected to the same place. . In 18S6 he received the Congres­ sional nomination in the Fourth Penn­ sylvania district on the Republican tick­ et, but was defeated. He resigned his seat on the bench after the election from motives of delicacy and resumed the practice of law. In 1840 ho was again nominated for Oonercss bv the Republi­ cans of the Fourth Pennsylvania district and elected, and has represented the dis­ trict continuously from that time to the present. Mr." ,Kelly began his public career as a Democrat, but left that party on the repeal of the Missouri com­ promise. During the war he was one of the earliest agitators for tho removal of McClellan from the com­ mand of the army, making a bitter at­ tack on that General's policy early in the session of 1802. In 18C.5 he favored im­ partial suffrage as a fundamental con­ dition of the restoration of local govern­ ment in the various Southern States which had rebelled. During the pro- eedings against President Johnson in 1808 Mr. Kelley voted for his impeach­ ment. In later years he has been chiefly noted for his fidelity to tho doctrine of protection and especially that portion which most diro^ly affected his con­ stituents, w4i© •WlArgcly engaged in the iron industry, and on this account he gained the sobriquet of 4,Pig-Iron" Kelley," which has become so well known all over the country. Only Two Ballots Necessary to Decide tho Matter--The Successful Contestant Thanks the' Caucus for Its Action, and the Gathering Winds Up as a Ratifica­ tion Meeting. A Columbus (O.) dispatch says: C. S. Brice took the Senatorial prize in tho Democratic Legislative caucus on the secomd ballot. The caucus was called to order by Senator Howolls, chairman of the joint caucus committee, and Senator Perry N. Adams of Tiffin was selected permanent chairman* Nominating speeches were llmitod to five minutes PORTUGAL STANDS FIRM 8HUB BBX.ZEVK9 SERPA PINTO ACTED WISE!.*. Salisbury Insists the Outrages Shall Mot Be Allowed to Occur Again--Burial 'Of Empress Theresa -- Senor Sagasta Valla in Cabinet-Making. Lisbon cable: In Portuguese official circles it is denied that Major Serpa. ness of special importance was transacted. Pinto can rightly be made to bear THE SENATE AND HOUSE. HATIOXAI. LAW-MAKERS AND VATV THES ARE DOING. Proceeding* of the Senate and Hons* ql Representative* -- Important Measures Discussed and Acted On -- Cist ot tho Business. COMGBESB reconvened on the 6th in«t. Nobnsi- CAUGHT IN DEATH TFTALR; CALVIN S. ftlWCB. each A roll-call showed seventy-three of the seventy-seven members present. The absentees were Representativer Brown, Count, Munson, and Smith. Messrs. Smith and Brown sent letters to the caucus announcing they would sup­ port the caucus nominee. The names of Calvin S. BHce, Charles W. Baker, John A. McMahon, John II. Thomas, James E. Ncal, Gen. Samuel F. Hunt and George I. Scney were put in nomination. Tho first ballot resulted: Brice, 20; Thomas, 11; McMahon, 14; Baker, 6; Hunt, 2: Neal, 2; Seney, 2; McSwecliey, 4; Geddes, 2; Outhwaite, 1. After the second call of the roll had been begun Senator Corcoran withdrew the name of Hunt and was about to make a speech, when he was closed out under the rules and voted for Brice. Changes were rapid after this and tho second ball.ot resulted: Brice, 53; Thomas, 3; McMahon, 13; Baker, 14; Seney, 2; Outhwaite, 1. Monott, on behalf of Mr. Thomas, moved that tho nomination be made unanimous, which was agreed to with a whirl and much enthusiasm. Col. Brice was brought to the caucus by a committee and the caucus converted itself into a ratification meeting. Mr. Brice Wing introduced said: -"Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of this joint caucus: I tender to you my sin­ cere and heartfelt acknowledgments for the greatest honor, it seems to me. to be possible to bo bestowed upon a man reared in Ohio in sympathy with her people and her constitution. You will not expect me here and now, at the con­ clusion of this somewhat exciting con­ test through which we have passed, to do more thai; to acknowledge to you tho weight of obligations which I bear to you and which I desire here and now to acknowledge. Whether tho issue be a temporary one or a protracted one, *1 know I can test and determine the place where I will stand and where the Democratic party ought to be. [Applause.] Tariff reform is now of great interest. [Applause and , , IT , , v - ^7 , „ , . cheers.] But, gentlemen, with tariff re- 'j Hakodadi to *ew York, sulphur form accomplished, new issues v '11 de- ^countered a gale in 110 mandthe attention of legislators, and ! Pacific and was totally wrecked by run- any responsibility for the fresh difficulties which have arisen with the natives of southeastern Africa. Not only, they say, was Serpa Pinto himself ill at Moz­ ambique at the time when the revolt broke out, btot the bulk of his forces had retired from the district, leaving the natives no im­ mediate cause for their action* The government here believes that the sharp attacks on Portugal appearing in the English press are due to the machina­ tions of certain English politicians seek­ ing to force Lord Salisbury into a rup­ ture with Portugal. The authorities here are unmoved by this newspaper warfare, but await with anxiety the tone of the debate in the Honse of Commons during its approaching sittings in Feb­ ruary. Tho government has not re­ called Sennor Serpa Pinto, who only left Nyassaland to return home in order to recruit his shattered health. London cable: Tho British naval squadron is collecting at Zanzibar, and is supposed to be destined for Delagoabay. Lord Salisbury insists that Portugal must give guarantees " to prevent the recurrence of outrages in Africa on British subjects and interests, which, as the situation now is, must interfere with a diplomatic settlement of the misunder­ standing between the two countries. The British admiralty has dispatched the Enchantress with sealed orders to the Iienbow and Colossus at Gibraltar. The Portugese officials fct Quillimane, on the east coast of Africa, have forbid­ den British steamers to receive the British Consul Johnston's dispatches direct, but insist that they must pass through the Portuguese postoffice. Lisbon cable: The body of the late Empress of Brazil has been con­ signed to its final resting place in the pantheon here. The remains were brought by the train from Oporto. Doin Pedro and the family came on the same train. The King and his suite waited at the station and received them. The re­ mains were transferred from the train to the hearse amid salutations of respect from all present. The King then bade farewell to Dom Pedro and returned to the palace. Dom Pedro and his relatives then entered the state carriage and the funeral procession moved to the pan­ theon. The representatives of the Em­ perors of Germany and Austria and of the Regent of Spain, the papal nuncio, tho whole diplomatic corps, and the State officials met the cortege at the cathedral. After tho dean had pro­ nounced absolution the Imperial family followed the coffin to the vault and there heard the remainder^of the funeral ser­ vice. Madrid cable: Sagasta, having found It impossible to organize a new cabi­ net, has resigned. The Insuperable diffi­ culty was found with the protection­ ist Liberals, who demanded that revision of tho tariff should be made part of the government program. The Queen has consulted the president of the Cortes and leading statesmen, and it is probable that a provisional cabinet will be formed to pass the budget. London cable: Great solicitude Is reported at Madrid touching the exciting rumors In connection with the illness of ' the King and the political combinations likely to ensue in tho event of his death. The best information obtainable to-day was that the royal patient had suffered a turn for the worse Yokohama cable: Four survivors of the American ship Cheeseborough, H.75 8175 4.25 .ai @ 5.25 4.25 13 6.-2S ts* .W .39)4 .27 .80 ' 10.50 @11.00 4.25 @ 5.00 S.25 ® 3.75 .77!$t3i .785$ .25 <# .25)4 .19)6<9 .20 .42 .43 8.50 & 4.75 8.00 <g 3.78 8.00 ® 4.75 .7C^@ .77 J* .28 m .29 .23)&($ .24)4 8.25 & S.%5 .77 («9 .78 .82 & .83 .2»>£& .24)4 . .49 & .01 4 00 ® 4.7# 8.50 & 4.00 .91 a ,n Foqrteea X4v»s Lost by tho Sinking of a Caisson. Louisville (Ky.) dispatch: Fourteen workmen employed on the construction of the new Louisville and Jeffersonville bridge were drowned by the Sinking of the c a ss on. The dead are: THOMAS ASH. CTIA KLES CHARLES. J. JORDON. WILLIAM HYNES. THOMAS JOHNSON. JOHN KNOX. FRANK MA1IAR. Mr. McAPAMS. H. MONROE. HAMILTON MORRIS. r. NAYLOIi. THOMAS SMITH. FRANK SOAPER. ROBERT TYLOR. William Ilaynes, 40 years of age, was a resident of this city. He leaves a widow and trhree children. Knox was a gang boss and aiso resided here. Me Adams was from Hyde Park, Pa. Mahar was from New Jersey and Xaylor from Philadelphia. The rest of the dead are colored, all of Henderson, Ky. The last man out of the caisson was Frank Haddix. He was barely saved by Murray, who dragged him from wherrt he was caught waist-deep in the quicksand Taylor says he stood nearest the iron ladder by which they got iu and out of thecaifson. He heard a rumbling and there was a rush of air almost at the same instant. He jumped up the rungs of the ladder, followed by the other men. They had hardly got clear of the caisson • when the water burst through tlfe man­ hole in a surge, knocking them into the river, wlwre they were picked up. Haddix says he saw Ham Morris, who was climbing next below himself, swiftly drawn under by the sand and heard his cries for help but could do nothing. The caisson is not, wrecked, as at first supposed, but has settled down In tho bed of the stream, completely filled with sand and water. The pumping station is hard at work clearing the way to the bodies, but none will be Reached to­ night. There seems absolutely no hope for any of those caught within the caisson. John Knox, the gang boss, took charge of the work Monday. The negroes who escaped say he had them dig too deep be­ fore letting the caisson settle, and the digging was too close to the shoe of the caisson. Just before the accident Knox gave some order to Robert Baldwin, the keeper in charge of the upper door to the exit. Baldwin then opened this door, and the compressed air which kept out the river rushed out, letting in the stream* The men say they were working in an ugly quicksand at the time. The caisson was about 40 feet by 20 and built of timbers 12 inches square. It was protected by a coffer-dam, but tho river is very high and the pressure of the water very great. Criminal Note* ^ AT St. Joseph, Mo., E. W. Cooper has been sentenced to four and one- half years in the penitentiary for bigamy. . • Is a drunken row ai a dance near Crab Orchard, Ky., Joseph Efter discharged a shotgun into the crowd and shot his stepdaughter through the heart. TH£ body of Rebecca Fuller, tho young artist who disappeared from SheJbyville. Ind., last Monday night, has been found In the river near that city. Sim bad committed suicide. . v : where then will be the man whose only j claim to Democracy is that of tho tem­ porary issue of a reform of tho tax j schedule. I think there is no one born and brought up in northwestern Ohio who is more in sympathy with every one and with every industry than I. [Ap­ plause.] I have in my time, man and boy, worked with, shared in the tasks and in the struggles and fears of every kind of laboring men in our northwestern country, and I have not lost touch with any one of them, and I include the tem- ' porary struggle--which I hope will never be repeated in1 our time--the tem­ porary struggle for the preservation of our union in which I took a part, and I sympathize with the soldiers • of our country whose memory I wish to have preserved, not only in legislation but in the hearts of our people." Col. Brice was followed by Baker, Hunt, McMahon, and other unsuccessful competitors. They all accepted the sit­ uation with good grace and called for a united support to the nominee. During the speaking Mrs. Brice, her sister, and a friend came in to witness her husband's triumph. There is less bitterness shown at the conclusion of the present fight than hi any that has been waged for the Sena- torship in the last twelve year®. The after meeting amounted to a joll"jeation, and all signs of a bolt seemed to have disap­ peared. One of the most pleasant epi­ sodes of the after meeting was tho finished talk of Gen. Hunt, who gave a brief story of his acquaintance with Brice from boyhood. The committee appointed to bring Mr. Thomas before the caucus was unable to find him. He is probably tho most thoroughly disap­ pointed man among the candidatos. Kniffln and Miss. Purccil Released. Trenton (N. J.) difpatch: Dr. Arthur S. Kniffin and Emma Purcell, who are suspected of the murder of Myra Kniffin, were released from jail after a confine­ ment of twenty-five hours. Their coun­ sel, II. N. Barton and Chauncey H. Beazley, secured writs of habeas corpus from Chief Justice Beazley, and tliev were set free, each furnishing bail in the sum of $20,000. The coroner's in­ quest was adjourned until next Monday, the testimony containing nothing of a criminating nature against either Of th6 suspects. < Tele ;rapMc lire vlties. TITK Florida Sub-Tropical exposition has opened at Jacksonville. Ex-Gov. WEST has been elected presi­ dent of the Salt Lake City chamber of commerce. QUEEN VICTORIA has tho rheumatism and will not be able to open Parliament in person. THE fornml betrothal of Prince Albert Victor, eldest son of the Prince of Wales, to the Princess Mary of Teck, is ar­ ranged to take place after the Easter holidays. THE Butler company, heavy dealers in .mantels and tiles at No. 224 Wabash avenue, Chicago, have failed for about $25,000, with assets amounting to about $15,000. Miss LETITIA Ai.nniCH, niece of Sena­ tor Stewart of Nevada, made her debut at the National theater, Washington, In the presence of a large and fashionable audience in Mrs, M. B. Seawcll's, play, "Maid Marian." AT Indianapolis Judge Gresham en­ tered a decree in the case of the Central Trust company of New York and Frank Sturgis against tho Ohio, Indiana & Western railroad company ordering foreclosure and sale of the company. , % ning ashore, have arrived here. Of the remainder of the crew, sixteen in num­ ber, several were killed by falling of the rigging and others were drowned. The survivors escaped with little more than the shirts on their backs. The Cheese- borough was owned In Bath, Me. AN INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY. Plan for a Road Through Central Amer­ ica and the Isthmus. • A Washington dispatch says: There is a movement on foot now--and the pan- American Congress is made tho field of agitation--to build a continuous railroad system beginning at the southermost point of Mexico reached by rail from the United S-tates through Central America and the isthmus and running well down into South America. Mexico will take care of her share of the enterprise and the South American States involved will take care of theirs. In Central America, however, the governments are too poor to do anything except cede large tracts of land. They look to see our Congress supply the money by giving the govern­ ment's guarantee to the bonds issued, on the strength of tho whole scheme being engineered by American financiers and statesmen. large number of bills were introduced in both houses. Congressman Bynum.of Indiana, in­ troduced a resolution for the appointment of a epecial committee to investigate the course of' the United States District Attorney at Indiauan- oliB, especially with reference to the Dudlev cases. IK the Senate/on the 7th Inst., Mr. Voorheea offered a preamble and resolu'a «n reciting the newspaper report that Mr. Chambers, tho United States District Attorney at Indian­ apolis, had interfered in his official capacity to prevent the arrest of W. W. Dudley on a charge of feloniously violating the election lawa of Indiana at the last Presidential election, and directing the Attorney General to report what • instructions the Department of Justice had is­ sued to Chambers on the subject, and to furnish copies of the correspondence. Ho asked that • the resolution go over one day, when he would submit gome remarks upon it, which was agreed to. Mr, Morgan addressed the Bui.ate on the subject of the bill heretofore introduced by Mr. Butler to provide for the emigration of pt-raonn of color from the Southern States. He closed by declaring it to be the'duty of this • nation, which once brought the negro in the • chains of slavery from Africa, to assist • him to return there and aid in balld- ing up the civilization, enlightenment. and wealth of his native land. The Senate than went into executive session and shortly alter adjourned. In the House Mr. McComaa, of Maryland, offered a resolution that, the House resolve itself into committor of the whole for the consideration of the District of Columbia- appropriation bill, the committee to be govern­ ed i)y the rules of the last Congress. Mr. _ Breckinridge raised the question of' consideration against the resolution. The Hpeaker ruled that the question of considera­ tion could not be liaised against the resolu­ tion because the resolution waa in the nature of a motion regulating the business of the House. Mr. Breckinridge appealed from the de­ cision, aud yielded the floor to Mr. Carlisle, of ' Kentucky, who vigorously attacked the Speak­ er's ruling. After several other speeches had been made a vote was taken and the decision of ' the Speaker sustained--yeas, 133 ; nays, 124. All the Republicans voted to sustain Speaker Reed'B ruling and all the Democrats against it. Tho House then took up the Districo of Co­ lumbia biil and spent the remainder of the' afternoon on its consideration and then ad­ journed. AFTER some routine business in the Senate > on the 8th inst., Mr. Voorheea called up the> resolution offered by him the previous day in relation to the alleged interference by Mr. Chambers, the United States District Attorney • at Indianapolis, to prevent the arrest of W. W. Dudley on a charge of violating the election laws of Indiana, and proceeded to address the Senate. Ho spoke or tho crimo as having inflicted an indelible Btain upon the memora­ ble election and impeached the integrity of the political result that followed. It was hig}} time, Mr. Voorhees Bald, that this episode R lib bid be fully understood by the- whole people, and that the proper degree of responsibility should be assigned to the instru­ ment by whom it was perpetrated. Mr. Voor- hees sent tq, the clerk's desk and had read the notorious "blocks of five" letter. At the con­ clusion of Mr. Voorhees' speech a number of unimportant measures were considered, and the Hen ate then went into executive session and. made the following confirmations: Owen A. Luckenbach, Postmaster, Bethlehem, Pa.; John D. Delille, Consul to Bristol. In the House the Speaker laid before that body a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury recouimend- iug that the estimated appropriation of $150,000 for the public building at fc>an Francisco be- made in a deficiency appropriation bill. The House then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Burrows, of Michigan, taking the chair, for the further consideration of the District of Co­ lumbia appropriation bill. The afternoon waa spent in the discussion of the bill, and that por­ tion of it relating to the laying of overhead electric wires underground waa passed, and the. House adjourned. *, IN the Senate on the 9th inst. the Vice Presi­ dent presented a communication from Attor­ ney General Miller in response to the resolu­ tion adopted by the Senate the previous day. The Attorney General declares that thPre have been no instructions given to District Attorney Chambers on the subject of the arrest of W. W. Dudley, and that 110 communication whatever has passed between the Department, of Justice and the District Attorney in relation to the matter. The communication was referred to the Judiciary Committee. The Senate then went into executive session and confirmed a. long list of nominations.. Among the more im­ portant were the following: William P. Hep­ burn of Iowa, Solicitor of the Treasury; OMCMea- S. Zane, Chief Justice of the supreme Court of Utah; J. G. R. Pitkin of Louisiana, Minister to the Argentine Republic ; Clark E. Carr, of Illi­ nois, Minister and Consul General to Denmark Richard G. Lav of the District of Columbia, Con­ sul General to Ottawa. Consuls--James F. Harti- gan of the District of Columbia, at Trieste; Aulick Palmer of the District of Columbia, ai Dresden; Edward A. Dimmick of Massachu­ setts, at Barbadoes. William W. Bates of New York, Commissioner of Navigation. Samuel V. Haliiday of Pennsylvania, Commissioner of Customs. District Attorneys--Isaac N. Alex­ ander, Northern Ohio; Eugene G. Hay, Minne- i#-ta. Collectors of Interual Revenue--Albert B.White, West Virginia; John Stekee, fourth District of Michigan. ^;I :LL§f I THE SI0UXM)EMANDS. John Grass Speaks Before the Senate | Indian Committee The delegation of Sioux chiefs ap­ peared before tho Senate Indian com­ mittee at Washington the other day. John j Grass, who acted as spokesman, said ' they wanted the provisions of the Sioux commission agreement carried out, and 1 also asked indemnity for 8,800 ponies L said to have been run off by Gen. Terry j a long while ago. Grass then made ay earnest onslaught upon ttyo practice of sending Indians to eastern schools. Tho Indian youth, he said, should be edu­ cated at schools on or near the reserva­ tion. More Indians could be sent to reservation schools and their presence would improve the great mass of the Indians. lie was asked if the Sioux were ready to accept land in severalty. He replied that they were not, and "it would be about fifteen years before they would be ready. . . . POISONED HIS ^VHOLE FAMILY. j A Guyandotto, W Va , Lad Fat Rat Poison in the Floor Barrel A Parkersburg (W. Va.) dispatch says: The second child of Walford Church, living at Guyandotte, has died from eating brea 1 made from flour which had " been poisoned by her brother Ed, aged 17. His father refused to let him go horseback riding and ho put rat poison in the flour barrel. The whole family, six in number, were badly poisoned. Two have died, the father is not expected to live and the others are in a critical condition. Tho boy has f l e d . . . . . WILL MAURY A COUNT. Miss Bayard Verities the Report of Her Engagement 1 Miss Ellen Bayard, the youngest daughter of the ex-Secretary of State, has verified the report of her engage­ ment to Count R. A. Lewinliaupt of Sweden. Miss Bavard is 'St years of age. The prospective groom is 25 years old, and tall and handsome, and is at present undergoing a full course in practical mechanics at the car and ship- building plont of llarland & Hollings- worth, I'.t Wilmington. Del. The wed­ ding will-probably take 't*t tho Bayu'd homestead. % *-' H", As Sharp as They Make Them. ' There, is a conductor on the Tenth ^ ' and Eleventh street railway that could " have given the first Napoleon points on ** 5 ^ generalship, says the Philadelphia In- ^ 1 . ' qHirer. He is the only knight of the punch >4. who will go down the river of time with , the fond satisfaction of having outwit- * . .< ted cranky feipale passengers. Last " » night, when the rain was pouring and | the crowded passengers were smother- s' ing for« air, a rotund maiden past the j • June of life, with more avoirdupois > than is allowed a graceful form, w a:led ^ through the crowd toward the door , while the car stopped and the good- natured men on tho right-hand of the platform cleared a space for the passage of the maiden. But woman- like--at least womanlike on the street. ^ cars--she attempted to break the - (,• crowd of men on the left side. Here *1 " the conductor got in his line work and '^ made himself immortal. • 3. , -J "Madam," he said, with a _ solemn face, "there's a trunk on that side; get ^ ^ off where the way is clear." The woman bolted, and the lond ^ ^ • •; guffaws of a dozen men told llie con- ductor how well he was regarded and \ v..5"[ the unreasonable passenger that she "fe' had been fooled. "That's the way to getaway with^J cranks," paid the proud conductor. "People always go the way you don't^^fg| 'em on a car> aQd <* fellow's got v - to iiTive a thousand guys to fling at 'em to keep'em straight. I think this is' the best one I have," he said, as a pret- .' ty girl boarded the car, compelled to \ ^ v < stand on the platform because it was full inside. "This'll fetch em, see if it , •: don't!" And it did. "Let the Jady in the car with a baby in her arms," he shouted, and all th&f men inside moved toward the front.,-- door with an alacrity that was a credit.. to American gallantry. By the time IJ-rt they had done moving up front there was a space near the back door for Six" " .SK passengers, and as the ingenious con- 1 4 d u c t o r s h o v e d h i s p l a t f q r m r i d e r s i n . * * the vacantjppace he concluded: " You've * '; got to run a street car oil the twentieth."; , -1% century principle or you'll get left , "M every time."" • ; Measures aud Contents A barrel requires a measure 24 inches " long by 16 inches wide and 28 inches •/', ff deep. " Half a barrel requires a measure 24 ' i n c h e s l o n g b y 1 6 i n c h e s w i d e a n d 1 4 . • , 5 ' : inches deep. Half a bushel requires a measure 1Q^K' ':V inches by 8 2-5 inches wide and r' \> inches deep. One peck requires a measure 8 inches v by 8 2-5 inches square and 8 inches deep. One gallon requires a measure 8 inches by 8 inches square and 4 1-5 i n c h e s d e e p . „ . . ® One quart requires a measure 4 ' •*'- inches square and 4 1-5 inches deep. "" One ton of coal requires a measure 4^ feet long, 3 feet 5 iocbfti-- wifie .aud^r ̂ V « feet 8 inches deep. 1 «• ~ ^ ; + V

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