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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1890, p. 8

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I L W. NICHOLS, tt pf: . Article* and Notice* under the above head *1% furnished by the Indies of the W. C T. U. •fid the K'lttor claims no part or credit for wJU&imma.] Need of Total Abstinence. One hundred thousand pairs of hands are annually abstracted from the force of productive industry in the United States by the vice of intemperance, and yet we are told that the question of total absti­ nence has nothing to do with political economy! It is impossible to take up a daily paper and not find in it the record ot some horrible crime resulting from drunkenness. Some child is miingled by a drunken father, some wife is mutilated by ft drunken husband, some father or moth­ er is murdered by a drunken son--thus read the papers day after day. Let all citizens reflect that a city's or town's vote to license the sale of intoxicating liquors is a vote to make that city or town a partner in its sale and the wretchedness and crime that comes from its sale. "You* can't make men temperate by law," cries the ram-seller. Well, you can't make men honest, by law, but We make laws punishing dishonesty and its abettors, and no one questions ite salu­ tary effect. You can't set broken legs by law, but you pass laws requiring streets and sidewalks to be passable without danger, in order that no legs be broken and by throwing this protection around her citizens the State does a better service than she could by erecting a hospital in Which to mend broken bones. WM. STOFFI^ -~Agtnt for-- " ' FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And Accidental Imuranee. .;|LA!»o Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, •M t^UtforcU Lands. o»U on or addreaa . WM.STOrrKL, McHenry, til; D. NEEDHAM'8 SONS US-11> Dearborn Street CHICAOO Kf: Oiier Rheumatism, I)y»pep«ia-81ok Headache, Constlpauon.Pllee, dm be bought IEAPER FOB A T- AGENTS tEFLECtBG SAFETT LAMP, doable their jmomn •elling onr BRASS Finished Corrugated M «"> naake felMMi p«r ftGEwTSy-"!"°s"r 'BED PLUSH Embossed padded sides, Koid eattes, ext«n-... - • C(- - 9' i '• 1 in W\TCHes JEWELER AND ENGRAYKB, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Ail work in mv line neatlv and promptly done. Fine watch repairing a specialty. s W A N T E D ! ; to oanvfcSii tor the s J ie of Nur^err ^tock. \ full line of Icuilir>sr sped*IMe*, SAi A*Y AND EXPENSES paid to «u«,.oes*fa I men** r<\ Write for terms stating ftfte (Mention this paper ) C. L. Bocthby ,B"i8SKBiSl4.V sa N.K.ra RIVERSIDE BLOCK, At® miim prepared to ofFer you the finest assorted line ot Albums;^ Purses, > HANDKERCHIEFS Library Lamps, Tea Sets, TABLE COVERS. Table Scarfs, Dolls, Etc. - AJ[ SO ' Cap, Rlovjis and MitUna, Felt Boots, Sajp that anything in the Une§9f COAL Ac FEED We have Ladies, Mens, Misses and Children! And Rubbers, few double Boys, *» & McOM!BER Sueoemora to W P SteVens, , West McHenry, Having purchased the Hardware stock of VV. P. Stevens we have replenished the stock an i are now prepared to show our friends and be public generally as complete a stock ol" AHDk HEAVY HARDWAKE Stoves Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron <Afare. As can be found in McHenry County, AX BOTTOM PRICES. J O K I I E I * a - A N D K B P A I B I f f © Will be done on short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A pecialty of Butter Factory work. A share of puhiic patronage espectfully solicited. STOKY & M'OMBER, West McHenry, Dec. 10,1889. JACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'9 MlU McHEimY, INOIS, DEALER All wool, Duck lined to close cheap. A. CMSTY'S, Than any other place in town. Oar Zot« a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, l West McHenry. REMEMBER THE, PLAOM- Coats andVeata Pants and Vests Remember the Oil Painting we give away. . We respectfully solicit the in­ spection ot clofee buyers. EV£R YOURS, Purchased f »r Casli. all ol which will be sold av low as the maret will admit and furnish first class goods. A FUXiL &INB Of 8fftflS. GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS! Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Can b« sold in every family. Gives more light than three ordinary lampa. Full eizeil Lamp eeut by Express for [thirty cents. We alno have the bfcHt selling toffee l*ot in the B. S. Send Tor illustrated circulars to F0RSHEE& McMAKIN,Cincinnati,0 We beat the orld for low prices. A PHOTOTIRAPII Si xlOk on clasp, holding Sietures, seri for ft. , ... in Japuneese Morocco.' Illustrated circulars i'B£K Of the above and FIJVEUk -- -- :--STYLES OF SNNHEE «* HMAHLN, Cincinnati. Mi*. pages of Cabinet "and Card .00, retails for $2.25; bound also ALBUMS tEXPRESS STABLES) f WANTED. Jl«n to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Kal- ! • *ry or Commission. J can make a successful & .1; 8ALISK4X Of any one wbo will work and follow my in. •trnctioi.s Will furnish hanriwome oulOt tltee, arnitmy your salary or commisston every »«oit. Write for terms at once. 8.0. QKAUAII, Nurseryman, Koetacatcr, K, T, In the Market, at Bottom Prices. JOBBING Aim L O W E S T " P R I C LARGEST STOCK t t w a n t Y o u r E a r ! But lire waiit yoite to come ami see our big ^ •• STOCK OIT' REASONABLE GOODS ... V ard all NS M aid wa proposo p r' . Oall in and louk tlieni <rre MoIJenrj-, Deoomber lO, 1889, GEO. W. BESLEY'S, WEST -DIALER Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles --PURE WI If MS AlfH MQ U© BSj FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for lHedical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoning and Chetriug Tobacco alwavson hand 4 PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Owpcfully 'Jompounded. Give me a call. McHenrv. December 28th. 1887. C. w. BE8LEY. C. J« UllHMOND ILLINOIS. A full line ol CSoths. of tb« 1»MM ml patterns always on band. ' SlINGLK GAUMB? OR FULL SUITS, M»<le on short noltfo an.l » nt cnaranteert. i '!XM?r'<!nce Hn(l P«-".-t.l« a| know!- nloHHH 11' , .A'it "es8 vf« ««•« < onflflpnt we can ssrsssax^ 'r £ C. J. Rlchnaontt, October i#th, J8P8. DR. B. MINCEK,';. • -THE- - EMINENT'-:- OPTICIAN,:^ OF DETROIT, Claims that Instruments for treating tht Brt, ,;- however good In the hands of one expert In their use, in the hands of the Ignorant are worse than useless A man must be skilled <•'& In the treatment ef the Eye and the pplica. • i tion of instruments in order to receive any ; W benefit, If he is properly skilled he AD t% the moat difficult eye without instruments. * \ tilasses fitted with accuracy so a» to preserve »• "ff the eye»ight---the delicate construction of th« ' it eye mnke8 it neces-ary to use great care >ti selecting spectacles. B. Mincer has made the eve his special '«* • s t u d y , a n d i n h i s l a t e r y e a r s h a s p a i d h i s e n » ^ tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles t<| 'jA the same. Havinga thorough exv>erience it|. U making Hnd adapting Speoaclcs to the evesif he is enabled to fit accurately m every cate op , abnormal vision known as , PRESAYOPIA. KYPERMATROPIA » MYOPIA, As well as weak ••ight, requiring wrlonWijCif tinted glass. His improved spcctac e»are ot* \ a perfect construction, which assist and pre>> serve the sight, rendering frequent change^' . quite unnec.pHsarv. They confer a brilliant#,'1-' V ness and distinctness oi ease and comfort ne^F geiioially en jo yea uy -• peraonts uflug epeot cles His lenses are ground on the mosf;': scientific principles, rendering the ey® clear as when in the full strength of yor.t B. Mincer has some highly fluttering teal, monlals of *onie of the leading oculists of thi state as to his ability in fitting Spectacles. IlEMEMBHBt msFAiiima Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 hare of public patronage respectfully solicited, JACOB BONSLETT Fan Loans MADE ON TIliB and terms to suit borrowers; no com­ mission or charges for examination of abstracts. Money furniehed at once, without red tape or delay. J . W K A N B T E A D , Booms land 2 Borden Block, Elgin, 111. Ask your dealer for Ed. L. Huntley & Co.'s HONEST Clothing. If o Agents Wanted I Will be given to introduc Towhotn unusually LIBKKAL TLBMS otluce our new book, Bible Brilliants: ' *hS?'8 BIBLE The greatest success of the year, and some, thing entirely new In the book line, ttoyal Quarto; size, 9%xli%; finest of paper; large ttvpe; 320 illustrations. t>8 full page, two of them printed in nine eol>rs; retail price only ' I8 60 Thousands will be sold for Holiday Presents. Those first in the field will reap a , torveet. Act quick or you will miss it. | FORSHEE A MACMAKIN, ; Cincinnati, O. AQEfIS WABTID. IMA Of L TB»VBLIM. tlBBBALPAI Permanent work. . Quid Seliisi Specialties. STOCK W ABB AN TED. Xlegant Outfit FKEB. Experience not r«. Jnlrod. uomplete instructions to. inanre aooess. 4m & WHITNET, Nurseryman, ^"i^SIKLEGG ̂"Work hones in the city are worth three times as much as country horses because we HanVet them in the stable." FREE--Get from your dealer frast the Book,^ It has handsome pictures and Valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a S/A Horse Blanket will make your horse worth DON •nd eat less to keep warm. 5/A Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable 5/A Electric blk Extra Tetl SC oOier styles at prices to suit every­ body. If you can't get them from your write us. Aak for FOR OORPORAL It beats them all. No book like it. Everybody wants it, 200 illustrations. Humorous, Pathetic.Fas* cinating. Hundreds of dollars to hustlers. Old and young buy; also thousands of G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans. One agent has ordered over 700 books. Anothre made 183 in 4 days, an­ other took 15 orders in 30 min. inl G A. R. Post. Choose territory at once. 24 attractive illustrations free with circulars and terms. w.c St IB2 Superior! TBS TXBEIIESS TOIUEB VOK TRADE I' HiJt ,Thc»e' Youra, anxious to please, Kd. 1/. HUNTLEY. Write our goods are not in the hands of some STORE- KEEP Ell in your section, you can PRO­ CURE THEM from the best KNOWN and largest MAIL­ ORDER Whole­ sale CLOTHING HOUSE in the world, at pri­ ces that will MAKE YOUR eyea snap and KEEP YOU guessing' how we can nftord TO DO IT. If your DEALER does not keep our goods send to us aud we WILL furnish ith that of editor and was connected kitli three papers in that capacity--the 'enth Legion, Shenandoah Democrat, nd Virginian. He was a member of the itate committee of the Conservative irty until 1875, was a Presidential lector on the Democratic ticket of 1876, Ind the same on the Readjuster ticket In 1880. In 1881 he was elected to the lenate as a Readjuster. Ills term ex- lired in 1889. Mr. Riddleberger was an irator of ho mean ability amd a man who :ould have won a brilliant reputation tut for his fondness for alchoholic stimu­ lants. MOST MUST SERVE HIS TERM. His Sentence to One Year's Imprisonment Affirmed by the Supreme Court. New York dispatch: Johann Most, tho Anarchist agitator,will have to serve out the sentence imposed upon him some time ago by Judge Cowing. The charge against him was in­ citing to riot. His trial took place dur­ ing the excitement caused by the hang­ ing of the Chicago t Anarchists. Shortly after that event the Anarchists in this city honored the memory of their dead brethren wKh a p a r a d e . T h e r e were also a number of meetings held, at one of which Most made a fiery speech that excited his auditor^ to wild frenzy, and before he could finish he was ar­ rested. His trial followed and he was sentenced to serve one year in the peni- tentlary and pap a fine of $500. The ' '" * * XA- JOHANN MOST. Ttwaslearned through tne pi... patches received by the general superinT" tended that five people met death in tha wreck and that three were seriously in­ jured, though not fatally, and that eighl others had received many cuts and bruises. M. E. Ingalls, president of the "Big Four," who was reported to bo among the injured, was not on the train. The conductor of the train was W. C. Angel, and the general superintendent thinks that the similarity of the names was the occasion of the report that Mr. In- jjalls was hurt. Conductor Angel was ,Sftrip|i?!y injured, but he was able to sit upjn a couch that was prepared for hi in In one of the cars that did not leave tho \,rack and send a full report of the acci­ dent. 1 Conductor Angel, In his account of the tfffdlr, says he loft Chicago with his train 4aind no mishap was met with until with­ in fifteen miles of Indianapolis, near Car- ri»el station. At this point a rail broke tthd'tho tender left the track. The trai was ( limbing a trestle-work leading to a small bridge crossing a creek, and when the tender toppled over the embankment it pulled the baggage-car, two coaches, and a sleeper from the rails, and they fell in a heap in the ditch. The stoves in the cars were knocked from their fastenings by tho fall, and the red hot coals were thrown in all di­ rections. Soon the wreck was in flames and the inlurcd were making frantic efforts to crawl out of reach of tho fire. Those who were not hurt worked heroically to extinguish the flames, but the sleeping car was almostentirfely con sumed before sufficient water could be carried from the creek. Those who were burned to death were pinioned under the wreck by several heavy timbers and could not be released before the flames reached them. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. MONK 4MCNUINE WflTHOUTTHE SM LABCt W*. AYKBB & Sons, Phiiada., who [Hnrw ttwuwt Wnlr«>y HlnnVat. A J c0NSUMP^1 It has permanently cured THOUSANDS of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION By Driignriate. 2fi i «nt«. % r 1 j ~ *}'. • you a Suit or Overcoat, express or mail paid, on receipt of prico. Wo will win and hold your patronage jf you try ua with, an order 1 We have built up this immense business by our painstaking methods, aud by doing' by- Others as we would be done by. ED. L. HUNTLEY & Co., Stylo Originators. In ordering Sui i s or Overooats observe strictly following rules for measure­ ment: Breast moasu re, over yest, close up underarms. Waist measure, over pants. In­ side leg measure, from crotch to heeL PRICE-LIST. HBAVY-WEIGHT CLOTHING--StTtTS. Men's Brown All-Wool Double and Twist Casslmere Back or Frock Suit $9 00 Men's Fancy Black or Iliuo Etifrli«h Worst­ ed All-Wool Sack or Frock Suits 14 CO Men's Brown or Gray Velvet FiuiBh, All- Wool, Tricot Weave, Fine Cassiraero Sack or Frock Suit 17 OO Men's Black or Bluo English. All-Wool Corkscrew, fine worsted. Sack or Frock Buits 18 OO Men's Black, Blue, Plum.La vender or 81at©-color English Wide Wale Diagonal Worsted Sack or Frock Suits 24 OO References--I-""4'. Mationcl Bank, of Chicago, capital $3,000,000; Continental Na­ tional Bank, of Chicago, capital 92,0<}0,000. En. L. HUNTLKY & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing for Men, Boys and ^toildren, l,',t and 124 Market St« Chicago, 111. ; Office Box, 687. He uses no Instruments; • i- He fits the eye the first time; He made the eye a study for Offer-.*#.«#**.... years; • <.? He uses pure crystal lenses. . . . \^ He ihiarantees satisfaction; He treits weak eyes successfully; ' Re saves eyes injured by using inferior ' He il's all kinds of glasses required by del: fectire glasses He nakes every variety of glasses. sa~Orders can be left at postoffice and wl|v':' receive prompt attention. No charges tnf examinations or visiting natients %t thelt tomes - l --Jk I; R0SC0E CQNKLING HIS LIFE AND LETTERS. By his nephew, Alfred R. ConVling. This work wi®- sbortly be issued by us, and sold strictly by Mubtcrip* •• lion. Octavo. 600 pages, steel portrait, and ftc-simlles ol * letters of eminent contemporaries in both parties. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE 'V ' LAWYERS AND MEN OUT BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, j AND CANVASSERS, t|to make early applications for the exclusive control of territory. One ot the greatest opportunities tjKw imake money ever offered. ,«: li When writing, mention this paper.) CHARLES l. WEBSTER & co.; 3 Bast l*th Street, Hew York, Z IPPINCOT l'i> varied and exctfltnt magazine, wUh m ' stents, is a librarf$:&}*> in itself ̂ , ft was indeed a happy thought to print am tutire novel in each number. Not a short novelette. but a long story sudH& as you are used to get in booh form and pay ̂ from one dollar to one dollar and a half for. Not only that, but with each number you get ax abundance of other contributions, which giver you a good magazine besides the novel. The ringing blows which have been struck mt' the gateway of popular favor, have resounded|s throughout the entire land, and to-day Lipping eott's Magazine stands m the front rani «f'%- monthly publications, and is the most widely« rtad-and-talked- of publication of its kind in tktt- world. For full descriptive circulars, address LIPPINCO TT S MAGAZINE, Philadelphia $3.00 per year. 35 cts. single number. * The publisher of this paper will ntCOMjmit mbscription. ,,-vV Nursery well-known solicit for our jGood waires paid weekly, steady em pi oy men (?• 'All stock guaranteed true-to name. Ouf:. Specialty is _/orthwest. bnrdv stock for the North an4 Write tor terms before territorj »« vw iriJi JUUA A. HTOltY, w> ~ (One Door West of Riverside HOUM,) McHENitY, ILLINOIS. -DEALER IN- DRUGS . ME D I C I N E S , S A FULL LINE OF-- Drugs, Chtialcfcls, Sys Stufis, Palate, Dili sad Colon. % Constantly on hand Also a large line of 4 Patent Medicines, Toilet Artice% AND COMPLETE 8T0CK OF ^ v STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Phvalelaiia Pregcriptlons Cwehilly and aoenrntey compnnn^i hy a Boiriatorad PfaartDfl ciet. X9^tf9m»iBu^tCuUi,n>lieited. * - 4UUA *,«TWf ... taken, statineage. CHASE RROTHBUS* COMPAKT, Chicago, IH^r V.J.Barb an* BARSIAN X 7 Barb 11 BROS. % Wholesale and DBALBRS IN FINE CIGAmiJ McHENSY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building one doot South ot the post office we have opened f-n; J- retail store, where, at all times can be foun(| r fine cigars «f our own mnnufacture, toarethef » with smoking and eke wing wliaeeo * best brands. Pipes a Specialty, 41# We have a very large assortment aid eoms^v? very hMdsome patterns. >• ; '**&£$•> CALL AND 8BE CTft, ̂ 5 MoHenry, November IStb, waS*1*1"**0*' BEFORE YOU Buy S T E A M E N G I N E O R BOILER •END FOR OUR C»TAIOOU»*«P RRIOKS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, (•IMANAPOUS, INS; I* • j •. ' f '*•* • W k4i« » • 1. v ̂

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