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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1890, p. 4

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gr®?# £Mjs WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, I860. •f* VAN 8LYKE, Editor. & W niLS PAPERKoKai> ittJU KM, ft CO.'8 Newspaper Advertising iluroau (10 Spruce Street), where advertising STZTSNEW YORK- IST Elgin's butter market shows little oh&nge Monday, closing firm, with nates aggregating f8,182. 1ST A heavy freight train on the Ohio, Indiana and Western Railroad, crashed through a bridge at Peoria on Monday 'night, the engineer, fireman and a brake- iB&n losing their lives. ii-i. .. .. - '--t • •£fTA man and women are traversing Delaware county, Ohio, getting married fey every preacher they come across. The fake they work is to give the minister a $20 bill and receive f ltf and $13 good money in change. , mr The coroner's jury in the Rose Hill railroad tragedy returned a verdict to the effect that Driver Anderson was care­ less, and censuring the cemetery associa­ tion for not' taking proper precautions against accident, and the Northwestern Railroad for running its train faster than the law allows. It exonerated Engineer Mahoney from blame. h:'r §R-,< 'Brick" Pomeroy says there are #800,000,000 of silver coin iii the vanltf Of the United States Treasury. He says, too, that King Solomon had $500,000,- 000 worth of stiver locked up in his vaults and yet be was not happy. Of coarse, "Brick's" hobby is that Uncle 8am should use his millions of silver in paying his debts, and thus set it in circu­ lation, which is certainly a good hobby. KST'The Northern Illinois Merino Sheep Breeders' Association which met in annu­ al convention at Richmond, 111., recently passed resolutions protesting against any farther redaction of the tariff on wool. That body of men who are exten­ sively engaged in the business of wool growing can see no salvation in the free trade theories and are satisfied that pro­ tection protects, tence their action as fqrmulated in thier resolutions. The Republican clubs of Illinois are called upon by the Republican state e to send e&ch three delegates to a veution in Representatives' hall at ngfield, Tuesday, February 25th. The iness will include the reports of officers of the league, the election of officers and members of the executive committee for the ensuing year, and the election of dele­ gates to the National League conventiou to be held at Nashville, Tennessee, March m* Den VPKail I©* The messenger of Gov. Campbell of Ohio and Gov. Abbott of New Jersey, both Democrats, following so closely after that Gov. Hill of New York, and favoring phatically the Australian system of oting, have effectually rebuked the utterances on the side of ignorance and fraud of the shameless demagogue of the Empire State. It is very evident that the Democratic party of this nation will not accept the leadership of Gov. Hill on any important subject. Ex-President Ctevelaud, first qf all, holds their allegi­ ance. After him come half a score of men *ho are in sympathy with his ideas on tariff reform and ballot reform, and who are now content to be known simply as the ex-President's lieutenants. With the Democratic party outside of New York Gov. Hill has no position at alL He is the peculiar product of a State ruled by the illiterate voters at the two ends of the Brooklyn bridge. if- lite 0X • 4#®* The residence of Secretary of the Navy Tracy, on I street, Washington, caught fire a few minutes before 7 o'clock Monday morning and was destroyed. The fire was attended with terrible conse­ quences. Mrs. Tracy, wife of the Secre­ tary, while half suffocated with smoke, Came to a window, dragging the uncon­ scious form of her husband. She failed to see a ladder that was being placed to rescue her, and fell to the street below. She died in a few minutes. The bodies of Miss Marie Tracy, the Secretary's young­ est' daughter, and Josephine, a French maid, were taken from the ruins charred almost beyond recognition. Secretary Tracy was taken out unconscious but on being removed to a neighboring resident and cared for, partially recovered. His eldest daughter, Mrs. Wilmerding, and the latter's 13-year-old daughter Alice, leaped from a window and escaped with - slight injuries. It was one of the most shocking calamities that we have been obliged to record for many a day. tffi~The Marengo Republican has the following to say about our next County Treasurer: "Mr. J. li. Perry, of MelTeriry, was in our village Wednesday, interview­ ing our business men and citizens some­ what as to his candidacy for Coanty Treasurer. Mr. Perry is a man whose personnel alone is a good recommenda­ tion, and he made a good impression here. Resides he is an old citizen of our County, did good service under the stars and stripes for his country in the late war, and is a man of good repute where- ever he I'R knojvn, and especially in the eastern part of the County where he re­ sides. He will be glad to have the sup­ port of the Republicans from the western part of the County also, for the office, in the County Convention. Under our present law, Coanty Treas­ urers are elected for four years, and can serve but one term. Capt. W. H. Stew­ art has filled the office, very bly; his term will expire next fall. Supervisor*' Terms. It may be of interest to the voters of this couuty to know that the last legis­ lature changed the law in regard to the length of supervisors' terms of office. Sui^rvisors will hereafter be elected to serve two years. As this is the first year ander the new law, and the intention being to have one-half of the supervisors hold over each year, at the first meeting of the newly elected board lots will be drawn for one and two-year terms. The sujwrvisors drawing the two-year term will hold over another year. After the first year the term of supervisors to be elected will be two years. The law is ap­ plicable to all counties in the state of Illinois except Cook county. • «&~It is about time that American . Birth gave place to indignation over the Ally and misleading weather indications issued by the Signal Service Bureau at Washington. These are as false as churchyard epitaphs, and not half as amusing. They should be abated as public nuisances or else reformed. In­ competence in the officials making out the indications is the only explanation of their unreliability. With the data gath­ ered at the numerous points of observa­ tion, any man, gifted with a nickel's worth of weather sense could formulate predictions twenty-four hours ahead that would approximate more nearly to the truth than the vague, contradictory and unsatisfactory announcements now made from Washington every twelve hours * About half the tame the sapient individ nal in charge does not,take the pains to formulate new predictions. So uniform are these that the public is beginning to •aspect that he has them all ready on tickets which he tosses into a hat and then picks them out at random. Lieut. Greeley in ay be a great Arctic explorer, bat as chiex of the Signal Service Bureau be is an arrant fraud. The truth is, his heart is in the past with his Arctic explo- rations and not in present observations A Reply to a Liar. A hired man of Chamberlain's Insur­ ance Agency, of Elgin, 111., called upon a number of our citizens here last week to renew their unexpired insurance in the Rockford Insurance Co.. in some cases 6 or 7 months in advance of the time, and succeeded by a rehearsed tale of false rep­ resentations and lies to take up their fully paid for insurance and renewing the same at a higher rate than required, be­ sides taking up that that was already paid for, by claiming to be a special, that I was only agent for the mercantile, or store, factory, etc., branch of the busi­ ness, and could not, and had no author­ ity whatever to, solicit or collect any dwelling or farm insurance; also that the dwelling risks written by Mr. Morey were so full of errors that he (havingno doubt enlargement of the heart) desired to place the assured once more on a safe road in regard to their insurance. All this from a stranger free gratis; to which the as­ sured do not say amen in any sense of the word, judging from the rates they agree to pay this benevolent missionary from the vicinity of the insane asylum. Now I desire one and all to fully under­ stand that I am fully authorized by the Rockford Insurance Company of Rock- ford, 111., and the Phenix Insurance Co.', of Brooklyn, N. Y., and also by the audi­ tor of this State, to transact all kinds of fire, lightning, or tornado insurance written by the companies, either for cash, note, etc., whether mercantile or farm, or dwelling insurance. Also that I paid good money to Mr. Morey for the risks in this vicinity, and I further assure the public that Mr. Morey knew more about, and did a more careful insurance business for our citizens than any lying dude ever knew of or could do. In case of loss or any endorsement to be made the assured have no friend to appeal to but leave their business with a stranger. All the risks sneaked from me by sneaking in a long time before they expired, wert only secured by false and lying representation and statements, and I assure the patrons of any company lower rates and a careful guarding of their interests if placed with me, as I am only too glad to give the names of sev­ eral hundred patrons whom I have in­ sured with entire satisfaction to all con­ cerned. Very Truly You rs, SIMON STOFFEL. l®"The experience of England with the Armstrong guns of 110 tons, 16 inch cal­ iber, is a warning that should not pass unheeded by the United States. That Government has built seven guns of this size, four of which have broken dowij, though never subjected to the test of half an hour's firing. These guns cost $150,- 000 each, and are designed to throw a projectile weighing 1,800 pounds fifteen miles. But they are so unwieldy that it is impossible to load and fire them rap­ idly, even if they can be used at all. Then, their life is brief in service. They are counted good for only seventy-five shots, owing to disintegration and ero­ sion. England is reported cured of its craze for this style of gun, and will build no more of them. CBOCP frequently finds a household un­ prepared for its visit, while the rapidity with which it develops calls for instant treatment. For this dangerous disease Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is an admirably remedy. It saves many lives every year. Keep it in the house. The! Old' Doctors Drew blood, modern doctors cleanse it; hence the increased demand for Altera­ tives. It ia now well known that most diseases are due, not to over-abundance, but to impurity, of the Blood; and it Is equally well attested that no blood inedicine is so efficacious as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. . . i . 9ne °i my children had a large sore out OI* the leg. We applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking „l!ore ™ uld 8h°rtly heal. But it grew raedical advice, and were tola that an alterative medicine was necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla $£< Recommended above all others, we used it with mar" veloua results. The sore healed and' Health and strength rapidly returned." --J.J. Armstrong, Weimar, Texas. "I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be an admirable remedy for the cure of blood diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the work every time." -- E. L. Pater, M. D.. Manhattan, Kansas. «We have Bold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-purifier."--W. T. Mi'Imao. Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. "Ayer's medicines continue to be the standard remedies in spite of all com- Ayer's Sarsaparilla, -A.-. --RXPABBD BY Dr. J. 6. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. VtlM$l; slxbetU«,t«. Wert* ft a h - 4. 1 THE OLD. The saving grows more mark­ ed each day. We must reduce stock a id in consequence look for low prices. THE Price Tramper Has l»een here with his price acts this week, and each day tells its tale. Keep clo^eWwatch of them. Every price Tow enough to keep change jingling in the pockets. The Sale Opens There will be unusual Shoe Selling, and Udfn* Mulls Undwmr, Selling also, if buyers enough. Partly soiled LADIES' MUSLIN G A R M E N T S , That have hung around for some reason or other, will be on the counters. You will not look into the reason when you Hear the Price. We want yon to look at them all, particularly the* 78 Gent Ones. A big turnout of useful House­ keepers Articles thie week. Lots of people have seen them. There will be a whole lot ot things added to interest you Again next week, If you happen to have the time to spare look them over. Prices, 5,10 to 25 cents. Our Is very complete, lot* ot pounds to the dollars woitll. We in­ vite you. Bespectfally Joha Ev&sgon & Co. • * *• . Ja|f 4*5^ FT AMD NO OFFERS 0T-* - ^ - ZPiWfSM Something for Nothing! Will lie made by us to make sales of any class of aroodf in or out of'Senson, us we will not in­ sult the intelligence of-the driving public by offering impossibilities to create si temporary ? resurectinn of trade and in the f| seed ot oitter dii>Hppoin*nieut., *, ** y ,'\A OUR PLLTFORSl Is formed entiiely of actual business experi­ ence for year*, iu buying and selling only. t w Standard, Merchandise^ l; ji^n sloaall profits which in time bring jifq«°nt sales, coupled With'Tow expenses for Conducting the 'business,' enables us to cope, compete, hi'M our own, stand up to tne-rack, or successfully brace up ba conipeti^|%jim any In this town or county, stid being permanently located with » very determined intention to, in future. iourt the patronage of the buying public, we assure one and all To Protect Our Customers In wffry way shape and manner, in quality, price, credit, war- ran tee etc.. despite all the little worn out rackets offered as a 5 cent lunch irony time to time. -- ** All those in need of warm goods of any kitfd are cordially in vited to give ns an ear arrtl a change to do HS promised, as we have lots of goods which must be unloaded at some price. NT/ ' ® ' 1 ' ** O I T B N V" "'"J" Dress jjroods, Flannels, , Blankets, Robes, Yarns, All of the above goods are of the best and first cost will satisfy u« if payment isnot too far off. Bonslett & Stoffel. West l&cHenry, Illinois, C A L L O N U S ! We will do our utmost V' <9 ' ' to make the meeting mut­ ually agreeable. J. W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. A: - -•« HANLY BROTHERS. BBEKDEXa OF-- Roadsters, Draft AND GBADE HORSES. We have the following •(Alliens is »erTice for the reason of VON LEER. < TJpimg HamUletonian Stallion. Foaled June Bt.icjtfO. Stands Ifi)* handa high, weiglit I1W) pounds. Is bright buy. black points, Has fine style and good action. As a representa­ tive for getting good roadsters is hard to "Von I.eer" was sired by George O. (8701), by Lakeland Abdallnh, Ml. First dam by Patched, by Autocrat. Secontl da in Dolly, by Gilford Morgan. CHANCELLOR JR. Having recently purchased a very fine Imported Clyuesdale Hitt llion, Ohancnilor, Jr , for our own use, will breed a limited nuinlier of Mares outside Chttnrellor Jr is 8 years oid this spring; fsa Oherry Itay with uNok points; lKJ^ hands high and weighs about 1,700 pounas; strong, clean limbs, fine action, n lld itinjKjfillon, lie was sired by Chnnreller, tWlOj, he by Drew Prince of Wales, 'VW3), I'am by l^ofty, (460); grand dam by Duke of Well, ington, (1513); great gram' dam by sir Willian Hal lace, (894). He rem bines in his breeding the best blood ^cotlaci ever had, and has proven lits ability to gut uniform Oolta,of great alee, One form, strong and rugged CHAMPION JR . - The Percheon Morgan ilorae Ho has proven hiuis«:li a Uite #twk getter for general fiurpusvs, and cannot be beaten in the North­ west. Parties who intend breeding the com- ipg reason, will tlnd it to their advantage to call and tee our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. * Mares from a distance will be well cared for.'at owner's risk, at moderate rates. 1 Call and see us IIAISLY ODRBfl mi For sale by Ceo. W. Besley. siysr-x. jkxro. Life in Southern California. SEND 20 CENTS FOIi THE TWO. •Los Angeles Ti»ic* Annunt, Tn!M. p»ge8; Weekly Mirrw. r '- |>iti> icatiou. Or send fl lor the Mirror 62 weeks (624 Inrre pages), frullotid valuable information about itae most famous section of the Union. TIM 1HROK '"O., Los Angeles, 0*1. ; ' -r STATIONERY. J. A. Story is constantly adding new and unique designs to her fine assort­ ment of stationery, among which may be found wedding invitations, regret, vis­ iting and condolence cards; latest de» signs in letter paper, tablets, papeteries, and a complete assortment of teachers' reward cards, bithday souvenirs, etc. QlU and examiiQi m ft, n T !. . .. - j#' ' "*•"* •%', J '"ft. ?1 """"mt'iy (i nm iiniji HI '<? 4 ^ <• ^ •* i > • ' ' , "if ^^ ^ s ^ it i', > vI* * * .§• • SOMETHING FOE ji hiji i.Piiiji.i'. ."."L.', L.Ui.1 inn ^ ' V # .s.i'.'S'l "M * have a few of our best; ? and medium priced On hand, and in order to :V ' r V"! : ' •* ' , ' ' ' ** ' * ' preveni^t^rfyittg^thjein ovef iwe -will give away a pair pt ' F I N E i i o 'is With every Ladies' Cloak sold for Cash, from §6 up, for the next 30 days. 'ff You may have your choice out ot 300 pairs of the best makes ot Fine Shoes, rang- .« * ' " A,, •>n;\ - 'a * | •M' MtSf mg 1+ in price from i^&^to^;"-A \ $3.60, every pair warrant-" . ed. • We will include in above offer Mens, Boys and Miss • es Shoes, if you do not want Shoes for yourself, you can get a pair of ^ BOOTS OR t * For the boy or a pair Shoes for the girl. Our Cloaks are negt , *( - ' 'i-.' . 1 the best makes and fits ^hd at bottom prices. See them. With every -MM o v b r c o a t , A; 'db' •We will give a pair of Gloves or ̂ Mittens. Tour choice of Goods ranging from 50 cents to $2 per paif. Do not miss the o; ting a big bargain. P E R R Y . . ' • * * v 4^ *r',' • ' k t - 'P . • ft*:*?':

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