MPARTMRNT. |Arllc|««iinil Nolici'i un'lt-r the lw»a«t fUt fltrftin-l *»y Ihr l.H'U'-- «t IW," 41 T I' tltf Klibir oh (nit »*r mwil P" , •&VK •«f; OuKotkiathDoiMr Xotsliitig can be Hone! Why can liotifo* la ; be done? Because the intemperate Will not stop drinking shall th« temper ate become drunkards? Because the in- ^6p:nperate cannot be reasoned with Khali Hie temperate become madmen? And because force will not avail with men of fsddpeiideuce arid property does it, follow tlat reason and conscience, aud the fear <rfthe Lord will have no influence? and; because the public miud is now unenlight-j «ted and unawakened and unconcen- ti ated, does it follow chat it cannot t» enlightened and aroused and concentrate •I in simultaneous and successful effort? Informations as resisted by popular feel ing and impeded by ignoraflce, interest end depraved obstinacy, have been ac- c unplished through the medium of a issctilled public opinion, and no nation e ver }K>ssessed the opportunities and the means that we possess of correctly form ing public opinion, nor was a nation ever# Called upon to attempt it by motives of eoeh imperious necessity. Our all is at •take. We shall perish if we do not. ac complish i t. There is nothing that ought to be done which a free people cannot do. Ko extended, well-directed application of moral influence was ever made in vain. * All denominations of Christians in the nation may with great ease, be united, in the effort to exclude the use and commerce in Ardent spirits. The churches can do much to aid this reformation. They are organized to "snine as lights in the vortd," and to avoid the very appear ance of evil. "To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is ein." . Best Cough Cure. * For all diseases of the Throat and Jbbng8, no remedy is so safe, speedy,'and certain as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral* indispensable family medicine. " *'I find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an invaluable remedy lor colds, coughs, •ad other ailments of the throat and longs.r"--M. 8. Baud all, aOi Broadway, Albany, N. Y. F " I have nsed Ayer's Cherry Pootem1 Cor bronchitis and Lung Diseases, *||ip which I believe it to be the greatest pifedicine in the world."---James Miller, Oaraway.-N. C. w My wife had a distressing cough, •with pains in the side and breast. "We tried various medicines, bat none did Iber any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Ufterry rectoral which has cored feer. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the nwasles, and the cough was relieved by_ the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I J»ve no hesitation in recommending IMS medicine." -- Robert H or ton, Fore- A Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of »cold which had settled on niy My wife says the Pectoral helps lier more than any other medicine she ever used." -- Enoa Clark, Ml. Liberty, « r's Cherry Pectoral, mriXBD *T Dr. <1* C. Ayer & Co., Lowed, Mass. •tfibrallDnisgMa. Priee$l; atsbottlM,**. - 't 5 k , 7<1 louJ pile f£e pfeise. MADE ONLVfiy JCFAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. LOWEST PRICES MS LARGEST STOCK 1 •-* V. ' ,w * "V'~ ' ">V.4 I y K l U M f O X D . I L L I N O I S ] But Wi'wiiiit y«»u to coaie and see our l»ig SEASONABLE i'SEIjIj i full line of cloth», «f the latest style* V-' (bit patterns alvrava on ha nit. . tpf ' «l.\GLi; GAUMEJNTB.i OR FULL SUITS, Ms.te on short notion ami a fit frnaranteeri, . , f«t>M our experience and practical know]. . eriyeof he bnainess we are confltent we nae (•"»»« the mwt taetidious, and respectfully invite all in want of Clothing of any kind to give me a call. CHEAP Prices as tow as the rame quality of tooUA «4ii be parebaaed a&/where. V-, R ( M e b M B E R , Call In and look them over. n m nine. ara&TiNa We have sealed up a quart fruit can which we first tilled with beans aud we make this offer: 1\> the pers m who ^ueases t he exact nuni'ier to** can contain*, we will give oo to W P 8(even«, est McHenry, • ,- k . f t f , <v • * MoHenrji C. J. Richmond, October 15tb, IW"f DR. T1HTT.T. Defiember l O, Sri," •' r- .r: , Sty* thai anything in the tint of COiX, Ac FEES Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH '/ • --AT--' !• ,A. CRISTY'S, If th 3 exut uun'jjr is no guessed, we"will the person who guesses nearest to the ea^aol number, $50 in Gold! It two or j person8 «riies^ the exict number the premium will he divided pro rata, and thi? will hold £ood on the premium in the second ruse also The bet1 ns were poured into the can without heinsr counted, and will not he counted until thej are opened by three ditinterei-tec! persons on Januarjr 1,1891. > The last week of December, 1890, will be the week you are to mak« jour guess. wha||/; X&titln Tw t» » BUMS! If you buy a pair of Boots or Shoes from us trom Jan 1, 18iK)to Jan 1, 1891, you will be [entitled to a guess; if two pairs two guesses, etc. The more pairs you buy the more guesses you have. J n the meantime we I shall make it our business to sell you good Boots and Shoes for as little money as you can buy them in the State. Our store is now being filled with [New Prints, New Ginghams, INew Dress Goods Having purchased the Hardware stock of Stevens ,wn have-' replenished the stock an I are now prepired totihow our friend* *nc he »i'» Ic generally as complete a stockof HEAVY .' StoVM Tin Co|?|K.Y «rd At can be found in McHenry County, ;i* --^-*T BOTTOM PRICES. AND BGPABIIfC; Will be thine on short N ilice and petnaltv of Butter Factory w wrk. espectfully solicited. ^ GEO. W. Siitlsfaction Guaranteed. A \ sharv ot jiuh. »c fptronage STOKY & M'OMBER, West McHenry, Dec. 10, 1**9. WIST iriigpanrayi j . DEALER IH- Than any other place in town. Our hots n specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factor#, In West McHenry. Bight in^tyle and price, aw we shall try to keep a line of REMEMBER THE PLACE. GROCERIES BLANKET That will always Yours as ever. please you earnestly solicit an inspection our new of Wall Paper which is complete and worthy of your inspection. J. P , O D R > 1 RIOES RE HE LOWEST WINXSB 'jJINB FOR MEDIC Also Bottled Ale atid Sorter for v The best brands ot Cigars an I Si always on hand. PHYSICIAN'S P l^^etnlly 'Jompounde<1. (five ^iHenrf*;:|ii»cei»ber 2Hth, \M? Drags and Medicines, MINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, ~ i \ i ITt ?•« w varpecs, JLM f ̂ B. MINCER, ' -THE- , EMINENT 0PTICIAN| OF DETROIT, that Instruments for treating Mie Effc-i however good in the hands of one expert tik their use, in the hands of the ignorant ana worse than useless a man must be skilled In the treatment ©f the Eye and the ppliea* tlon of instruments in order to receive any benefit. If he is properly skilled ho can i( the moat difficult eye without instruments. ulNBses fitted with accuracy so aa to presents ' the eyesight--the delicate construction of tlir eye mtikes it neces-ary to use great care ttt selecting spectacles. B. Mincer has made the hid special Study, and in his later years has paid his en. Mre attention to the adaption of Spectacles to the same. Having a thorough experience Ib making and adapting Spectacles to the ev<HL he is erabled to fit accurately in every case Ox abnormal vision known as PRESAYOPIA. HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, As well its weak sight, reqairing tinted glass. His improved appctac p tarct < a poi fe'-t construction, which assist and pre serve the sight, rendering frequent changes quite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant. Bess and distinctness ol eaaeand comfort not generally enjoyed by persons using uperta- ©>®8 His lenses are ground on the moat Scientific principles, rendering the eye M clear as when in the full strength of youth. B. Mincer has some highly flattering testi* Oionlafs of H>me of the leading oculists of thl state as to his ability in fitting Spectacles. REMEMBER: (1 st Cash and Shoes Prioew, He nses no Instruments; ,v He Ots the eye the first time; lie made the eye a study for over twefetV fears; ' He use* pure crvetal lenses. * •• i> He guarantees sk<isfitction; v'.V'-.w 'le tre «ts weak eyes successfully; * , ... ve8 6^es injured by using iattri«r s all kinds of glasses required by ' glasses *le nakeK every variety of glasses. kff-Oniors caii oe left at poltoflwiM' wt? rvive prompt attention No charges Mr .urn matron* or visiting natient* at their PE R R Y I tOSCOE CONKLINQ; r~4HI 3aa"f aA'is C. w. BE8LEY. WA UC ON DA, ILLINOIS. renow better than evfr prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS In ^Venjean basinet and will {jveyoa X«ow- ;er Prices than ever before otfered in Lae County. . STOCK OF-- &: Son,, RINGWOOD, ILL. * as never more Complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere Special idducementci for Cash Buy «f» iu auui* from $1 up. COLDING BROTHER .̂ Prioo paid for Farm Proditee. JACOB OPPOSITE BI8HOP'8 MIL, McIffii^RY, : s ILLINOIS -DEALER IN- "How fet I'd get if I had one." ^S££--Get from your dealer free, the 94 Book. It has handsome pictures mil valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a S/A H<«M Blanket will make your horse worth mor# A0d«at leas to keep warm. A* for 5fA Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable 5/A Electric 50V Extra Test S T E V E N S & • - *30 other styles at prices to suit every- • body. If you can't get them from your daaler, write us. Nice line of PipiNi, just reodved, at I Purchase 1 f .r ('asl.. all ol which wilt he «o1<i as low an the marel will adpit and furnish fiwt class ̂ OII4H A- fuiii. X.IWE OF mtoTmBl GARLAND A1NO OTIIER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLtSi or ALL SIZES COVSrAMTLT ON HAND. ' * In the Market, a.t Bottom Prtocw. JOBBZXTO MD Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed JULIA A. STOUT* SfoHEIV . tYi . -. ? LLIX) IN. •M DRUGS -A FtTLL I.tNB OP Smft, Cto&Iotb, Sy§ Stusa, Fdntsr, Oils and Colors. Constant'y on band Also a large line • f Patent Medicines, Toilet Articei, ;^«-AND OOA1PLETK STOCK OP- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Wiim ' - - • ' .V-',.^#1 ' % Phy«ician«^ Prescription* Carefully and accuratey conirtoimded by a Registered Pharraa cist« X«iur paUonage itf Wipectfully solicited. JULIA A.ST0RY jt <- " , fe-iiWs? ,drS:;k: 0 HI& LIFE AND LETTERS. :y bis nephew. Alfred B. Conkling. This work Wfll shortly be issued by ua, and sold uricUf by tubtcrip. turn. Octavo. COO pases, steel portrait, and fac-simile««j4 letters of eminent contemporaries in both psirtid. $ WE ESPECIALLY INVITE !1 ;j LAWYERS AND MEN OUT OF BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, AND CANVASSERS. to make early applications for the exclusive control i Of territory. Oue of the greatest opportunities-pii" * make money ever offered. • ^, (When writing, mention this paper.) ' v', ;55 CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO, 3 fiSjMt lilll g^-eef, New Tork. Nursery .To solicit for our well-tenowq „ Good watres paid weekly, steady ein^lo|ina«t All stock guaranteed true-to name. Our S specialtv is hnrdv stock for the North aim Northwest. Write tor terms before territory taken, strttinvr Hge. CBAAii liiiOTHKSUt' OOJU0AST. Chicago, III. i •|VV'.I.)W. " 4* V. J. Barbitn* BARBIAN J. JBarbtftS BROS# Wholesale and BetaU DBALKRB IN FINE CIGAK3. Mic HENRY ILLINOIS* ; Having leased the brick UuiUling one door Mouth of the post office, we have opened • retail store, where, at nil times can be found jlne cigars of our own manufacture, togefcf with smoking aad ebewlng tobacco «# b^st brands. Pipes a Specialty. - We have a vary large assortment aad ao«|#^ very h»ndaom« ptiwrai. ^ f CALL AND 8EK 09. BABBlAViBBOflL MoHenry, November ISth, 1888. offORE you Buy S T E A M E N G I N E BOILER' •END FOB OU« CATALOQUE AND PRICEft 4 ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INPIANAPOU8, I Nil. . IS CONSUMPTION INCLKABLE? " = ^Bead the following: Mr. C. H. Morriit Newark, Ark., says: "Was dowu with abscess of lungs, and friends and physi- ciaiiH pronounced me an incurable cot- Burnptive. Began taking Dr. King** New Dincoverj' for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to overs#; the work on my farm. It is the flnqjil medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Pecatur, Ohio, says: "Had it. not been for Dr. King's New Di#. aovery for Consumption, I would hav# died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health.* Try it. Sample bottles free at (i ;-v- 't 'J