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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1890, p. 8

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iS ijt m w- *-y |||V-r- Saj/a that anything in the line of COAL Ac FEED dm be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH -AT- n. 4» CRISTY'S, any other place in town. Car ecialty. rehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West McHenry, MEMEMBER TUM PLACE. VP DUSTERS .A- FMtSALE MRS - V • v; jr. C. T. U. OlPARTWIEilT- .jfr t==rr-TT7T ^=- - Articles and Noticcs under tlie Htiove h«*<l i i f f f i n n i a l i t » l u y I h e l A i t i t t S o f t h e W V T V . '* « ft the Kilihir tslaiiiH a» |«iil «r ernlll t»Mr I-Ai lh«>atu.)J t + \' 1,1 Tl»« Effects of Whisky! """ fe,v.', all tbe direful derangements that hi ark the course of those who still incline ?ll , *•" il»* use uiider the impression that they M;derive strength from the lire that always eotiisumeu, tjowever deceitfully genial its h*wt may seem to b^, there is none that .more uuerritigly marks its inherent 4$ Hados-power than tho fact that among fj iu victims, the most, active and intelli- f*;V* gent--the naturally most useful--are ' • t'loae it injures most. To show a ;|fC< mechanic who turns to alcoholic drinks . for physical strength and mental vigor F*-r any satisfactory ies ilt in the end, is im- \ '** possible; and yet how many there still arc who will even boastingly tell of what they deem the advantage to them of the use of spirituous liquors. As well might the turtle sing songs of the coal on his back, because he paddles along more swiftly while it scorches his shell tfud stirs *|J: • ijiis motive powers to sometimes even \Y': startling activity. The man who fires fiis *< foloqd and nerves with whisky for the SV , work of to-day not only steals the need- Sit, - «h! strength ot to-morrow, but deadens f.k liis powers of recuperation when the time |! - for natural rest shall arrive. There is not P*:'!; a human being in existence fitted for any p-i work, who can long continue to perform \ it upon a basis of alcoholic stimulants* . without finding the truth of the oft-told * fact that the apparent Necessity grows by what it feeds upon, and leaves the yic- ; tim daily in greater apparent need of its poisonous exhilaration than on the pre­ vious day. It excites but to weaken and debases both body and mind, and isuever beuc ficial outside its proper use ia phar­ macy." ;si# QRE33TING1. We have sealed up a quart fruit can which we first tilled with beans ,aud we make this oiler: To the pera m who guesses the exact Qum'ier toe can contains, we will give S l O O THIS ADVERTISEMENT It th) ex lit nun'xr is no guessed, we will give the person who guosses nearest to the exict number, $50 in Gold! If two or morj persons guess the exict number the premium will be divided pro rata, and this will hold good on the premium in the second case also The beans were poured into the can without being counted, and will not be counted until tbey are opened by three dirinterested persons on OKiV CHICAGO. KIRK'S I" Aawnif* t , " " n f t • * ' ; " 1 1 " 11 11 yw*' y t f, - - #%IVICbB1I^P . 1 " - & ii iV ' -- - - •< ;1 . . • FAMILY. BOAP. v . js _i?U- sV? >'* See-to Your Dollars ! S T O R Y & Sueeessors to W P Stevens. West McHenry, Having purchased the Hardware stock of P. Stevens lip havd replenished tbe stock and sre now prepared to show our friends and he pubic generally as complete a stockof A R D HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves Tin Copper and 8heet-lfon Ware. As can be found in McHenry County, -AT BOTTOM PRICES. . JOBBING AND JtEPABIlffi n"4 Will be done on short pecialty of Rutter respectfully solicited. Notice and; Satisfaction Guaranteed* A -A shartof pub I io patronage its Wring y©u ott#!it«idr<id ^irts worth in v:i(un when you part wild them, but don't expect it if you aie buying on credit. . There is where the leakage comes in. It costs money to care futr and look alter accounts and that cos^ must come out ot you. • * ' " s ' * 1 £ ' \ f ^ >' -W :>«• ••• ^ ' t'.; * ' '«• . ' ' v:% V i w v. ,s * ^ s „ c ;.',U'ir ' t J f H H Mp O. J. They are the great levers thatvmqv^; ttierchaiidise rapidly and profitably. We are using the ^ '5. di^r. ' 1f hich ib your choice, CASH OR CREDIT. The Shoe Stock was never so complete as now. ; The € f X m O For Spring and Summer wear is here. STOUY & M'OMBER, West McHenry, Dec, 10,1889. We earnest!^ solicit an inspection January 1, 1891.lour new stock of Wall Paper which is I complete and fatitias You to a Gtuu 11 worthy of The last week of DecemVier, 1890, will be the week you arc to make your guess. WHAT "This is one of the 5/a Dusters. It is dotely woven andhandsomely embroidered." Don'| get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5/A Lap Dusters 5/A Ironsides Sheet is Stable. M Clipper Fly Nets ForTftmcxaui Taunitcn. at H&lf the OMt. If you buy a pair of Boots or I Shoes from us trom • Jan 1, 1890 to Jan 1, 1891, you will be entitled,to a guess; it' two pair* two guesses, etc. The more pairs you buy the more gue&ses | you have. Jn the meantime we shill make it our business to sell I you good Hoots and Shoes for as I little money as you can buy them in the State. Our store is now being tiJ ted with your inspection OUR PRICES ARB THE : LOWEST ! Nobby and stylish, stiff or soft an you preier. Prices are always correct. Come in, RESPECTFULLY, John Evanson & Co. 100 other styles of 5/A Horse Sheets and P l y N e t s , a t p r i c e s t o s u i t e v e r y b o d y . F o r • - . •ate by all dealers. If you can't get them, I J^| KflTlfA write as. ' I * W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. 5/A %RSt. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITH OUT THE 6/A LABE1 Manufd by Wh. Ay res & Sons, Phllada., who Bake the tamous Horse Brand Baker Blankets. MILES' NERVE & LIVElt PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid lor men women and children. Smallest, mildest, Barest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. A FORTUNATE WOMAN. J: lire. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich.,, lift* reason to be very thankful. She wasj a great sufferer from heart disease for yearn. Was short of breath, had hungry] spells, pain in side, fluttering, faintness, etc. After taking two bottles of I)r. Miles' New Heart (Jure, she says, "I am better than for twenty years. My mind and eyesight have improved wonderfully. I advise all persons thus afflicted to use I this great remedy." (J. W. Besley, drug-, gist, recommends and guarantees it. Dr. i Miles' work on heart disease, containing! inarvelous testimonials, free. i BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The beet salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ! sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,] corns and all skin eruptions, and posi-i tively cures piles, or no pay required, ltd la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction | OT •WOflSF refunded. Price 25 cents pee FwBalebyG.W.Be*^ 0 ' " " •f . i-.'-'----' « K i * 1 C ( ' < • - • % ' i * 4 * * * . Uv t * .. I .. I New Gfiighams, New Dress Goods, Kigbt in stylo and price, and I JACOB BONS L EX F, we shall try to keep a line ot I*7 OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL, GROCERIES Imche^hy, . . U.LÎ ois. That will alwayn JJplease you. Yours as ever. -DEALER IN"- IUJ Purchased f>r Cash, all ot which will be sold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first class goodf\. k. WmEJL. OF ST'OTl®. GARLAND AND OXHStl KINDS. q _ , _ _ _ . C a l l a n d s e e o u r G a s o l e n e S t o v e s O X -C4 V ili iM Ol GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. In the Market, at JBottom Priecs, JOBBIXTQ AND REPAIHIiTGI ff ill be done on short notice and SatisfactiorMp^rayotg^ hireof public patrouage respeGcfully solicit^, f 1 ' V ' r iv*?;C - • • .'ttXCi'^BCMLBri ' ̂ |HLL£R« =S5= RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, ' M A fall line of Cloths, of the and patterns at wars on SINGLE ;G FULL 8UIT8, IWfl on short notice And a fit martini From our experience and practical knowl­ edge of rhe bnsiness we are confident wa can please the mont. fastidious, and reepectlully invite all in want of Olothing ot any Mind to give me a call. Prices as low as the same quality of goods 0. J. Richmond, October 15lb, 1898. AGENT8 WANTED! THE Total Mb Li Associate | OF AMERICA* FurnlsAes the BEST and CHEAPEST In- SHrabce for tjtal abstainers from alcoholic rt. '••ij liquors as a bever Policies self-sup rage. ing after 20 years. Women insured on terms as men. v a w. on THANK, . Harvard, General Agent for McHenry County. i port- Sum WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT For the Family, School, or Professional Library. 'WABMOCffflVB£MY i JDI0TI0NAR)£ ITSELF j WAUCONDA, ILUNOIS. Arenow better than ever prepared to offer^yoa GREAT BARGAINS In all inds of Ooods. We mein business and will sjive you Low­ er Prices than ever before offered in Lae County. -OUR STOCK OF1- General Merchandise as never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special iaduceraents for Cash Buv, ers in sums from $L up. ~ COLDINC BROTHERS. ^Hi^bosit Market Prloo paid for Farm Produce. JUlilA A. 8TOBT. (One Door Westiof Riverside Houstf) MoHEIVIIY, - • ' ILLINOIS. -DEALER IN-- Dr u g s , Me d i c i n e s , -A FULL itINB OP ̂ Oro£a, Cbmicals, Djt 8tu&, Painti, Oils and^Colon. Constantly on hand ; Also a large line - Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, • AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS jPhyedciaius Prescriptions lawfully and accuratey compounded by a cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. I I' . Has lieeu for years Standard Authority in tlie Government Printing" Office and U. fif. Su­ preme Court. It is highly recommended by 38 State Sup'ts ol" Schools and the leading College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest­ ed. by tho leading1 School Book Publishers, 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary* SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. The New York World Kays: Webster is most universally couccdedto bo the best* The Boston Globe Eftva : Webster is tin w* knowledged standard in lexicography. The Atlanta Constitution suy**; Webster has* "" long be«an^ta!nddn^!uthori{y in our office. Ike Chicago Inter Ocean says: Web«ter'» Unabridged has always been the standard. The Hew Orleans Times Democrat -ys; ^^Rf^terTs^tomlanTauthorjty in ourortice. The Hew York Tribune says: it is recogntaed ™" s the most useful existing "word-book" vt the English language all over the world. ^ Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free, i. AC. HERR1AN A CO., Pub'rs, Springfield," g t f O R E Y O U B u y STEAM ENGINE OR BOILER • END FOR OUW C*T*tO<IUI«W» WICU ATLAS ENGINE W0RK8, INOIANAPOLISt IND. 25CTSv^ For sale by Ceo.1 W. Besley. JULIA A. STORY IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abscess of lungs, and friends and physi­ cians pronounced me an incurable con­ sumptive. Began taking !>r King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Itie- aovery for Consumption, I would have died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health" T»y it. Sample bottle* free Q. f. Bodoy's (Jru^to^.

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