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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1890, p. 10

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' ' > , v "•> s'i Owing to the death of Mr. Stevens, the Entire Stock of Stevens & Miller will be • *.<.; ;.if* The stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Clo.thing( Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Oil Gloths. Underwear, Groceries, or anything else pertaining, to a general store. All of the above lines are full and com­ plete in every department; We ask you one and all to call while the Stock is complete and share iiixhese great •Vp;1' •S'-:. "/ :-v ' 4 ' };i • *:•.$ These goods are all tresh and new, and will bs sold jat absolute first^ost price. Hoping to §££ 1 pu all for 20 miles around, as it will surely pay you to come that distance, we remain, as ever, Mf i * ? McHENRY. ILLINOIS. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. • ^ Articles and Notices under the above head mt- aors furnished by the Ladies of the W. C T. U. «*t the K'litor claims no part or credit for J Mu&«.] _ "THBT STBAL." - ' Wkat an Bz-Saloon Keeper Says <** j toon Keepers. 1 the âsk VIBRATOR m- m- i An ex-saloon keeper, who sold liquor ; some years ago, said to me the other r ' . ! Last summer I got to drinking so j hard in this city, and got so disgusted j with myself, and got so sick, too, that I nade up my mind to get out o! the city and away from my old associates and ] quit it, and I have been away from town I tor the last six mofiths and haven't tasted a drop of drink daring that time." And his face showed that he had not irank any liquor for a long time, for it | as as clear and fair as a babe's. "Now," said I, "look there," pointing ] to three high-licensed saloons within | about fifty-six feet of each other, aijd I near the post office. "They are pretty thick around here, ain't they? Those| fellows are making money, too." "Yes," said he, "and they steal. They | »re a set of thieves. Why,last summer," eaid he, "[ started out one evening with $50 of my hard-earned money in my pocket, and how much do you suppose 1 had of it when I got home that night? fe- I had just a five dollar bill left. Now," said he, "I did not spend that money, 0,. . that is sure. They stole it from me. If jv ,. They either kept back the change due me, r t \ or went through my pockets and robbed tjL ^ me when I was drunk. "No use, either," ft,*' ; - said he, to make any row about it when a fellow is 'full,' for the bar-tender will I ^ i ~ call in a policeman and hand you over to j the authorities (?) for being drunk and 1 d-'" making a disturbance in his saloon. The police and rum-sellers are in together. It is a put-up job between them. The I I' , I tu in-sellers rob us," said he, "and the po- tp" ' ]ice arrest us if we make any fuss about I >7'i«-» * ; Yes, and that is exactly the way the j%* i whole thing works all over this country. The rum-sellers rob us, not only of I money, but health, happiness and life,! Ifjb; and if we make any fuss about it the | hr" » police or authorities "take care of us," fo and the 17,000,000 of Christian people, j jjpv, together with 60,000 ministers of thel S gospel, in this country license these liquor E$!, robbers to do their work, protect therb and authorize the police to make the| SL* arrests. A. W. ATKINSON. THE NEW VIBRATOR. THE NEW VIBRATOR. THE NEW VIBRATOR. THE NEW VIBRATOR. THE NEW VIBRATOR. THE {HEW VIBRATOR. THE NEW VIBRATOR. k CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY The same firm which 31 years ago com­ pletely revolution­ ized the Threshing Machine trade by invent ing a new Threshing Machine, --so much better than any machine be­ fore known, that all thebuildersofth e old style Threshing Ma­ chines stopped mak­ ing them and copied the new machine as closely as they dared --Jiave now made an­ other advance, and in their New Vibra­ tor present a Thresh­ ing Machine contain­ ing entirely new fea­ tures in separation and cleaning, which place it as for ahead of any other as the old Yib r a tor was ahead of the "End­ less Apron" ma­ chines. Every Farm­ er and Thresherman should at once get fall information re­ garding the NEW VIBRATOR, which will be sent Free on application to •«alrtry and Expenses palU, or Commis­ sion if preferred. Sale*men wanted everywhere. No experience needed. Addre«8, Btaiinir nar, H. W. FOSTER & CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. 1'. « . FRANK BARKER. Carriage. Sip anil OraiMtdl PAINTER, 0!im be fonnd in the rooms over HauperUch'* Slop. MoHenry, III., where he i* ready to Kulni your bugitiei* in lirut class ttiyle, ai ;i-asunul>lo Kaieo, and Guarantee Satisfaction- From long experience in the l>u»in«ss 1 am continent I cud plea.e all. Call and ate me. inspect work and learn price*. Frank Barker., McHenry, April 1A, ' GERMAN Pain-Killer aaS Hip ire Salve, la the very bent medicine ever introduced Irilo the country. The following are the names of a few of the many who nave been, oured by thi« great medicine: » i.l. P. Mailer, Uenot, Win., cured of aathma of ten years' standing. & l). C. Delgati, of tbe same place, eured of a cbronlc sore li ui>. MVB, J. J. Huff, f^lnhmond, III., cured of lung trouble ot six mouths' standing. Mrs. llulburt, Muu.ia III., cured uf aathma ind catarrh of long Mlttndintf. Mrs. Wetisiewi, Harvitnl. cured of internal trouble of ten years' utanding. Mr, llandeehall. of Harvard, cured of ca­ tarrh, scrofula, and varicose veins of flv* fcara' standing. Theodore Uorrhold, of Harvard, cured of paralysis of two yeata' alaixling. Tina new medicine haa cuied bronchitis, «croiula. abscesees, ooils, burnit,catarrh, e|i., in l relieved and consumption for all who have used it. It is a sure and sate medi* tine lor all troubles and never falls to give laiislnction. Try it under a full warrantee. Price oi Kmplresalve haltounoc box,25 cents; two ounce box, 75 centh, or three ooxes for |I 50. Painkiller, one-ounce bottle, 20 rents; two-ounce bottle, do cents. Call on your Iruggist for it, or seiid to N. LEMNAKOS, Harvard. III. For sale by Uro. W. Bute), WettJielleary, Illinois. BONSLETT. OPFOSlPliJ 15! SHOP'S MILL. McIIKiVR\ ILLINOIK »«AT^K NICHOLS & SHEPARD BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. Purchase I ' i.'ahli. n 11 of \vhi«b will be sold as low as the ma ret will admit »nii"fnrnii&h first rlass r> , A FUIili IiINKI- OP GARLAND AISDJOTIIEII KINDS. -- -• - *. Qall and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLASS OF ALL, SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. THE JB3K3V2* WIEtEl, In tlt<i iliu krt, iit Itottoin Priocs. JOBBING AND REPAIRING will he ilor<e on 8<hbrt not ice und Satisfaction Guurauteed A share of public trounce reHpt'Ciful y solicited, JACOB BONSLETT Farmers Attention! We n®a not £?<>iii£r to be under­ sold by any tirui in the comity oil any of the farming too ^ we han(])e. We have always on hand such farm machinery and extras"as are needed. ^ <> Our Stock is Complete In Sjjrinw tools, such as Plows of several makes., the celebrated Norwegian, Skandia, Star, Case, Kock Iflsmd, Grand Detour, and others which are fully warranted. The Albion,-.Whipple and Buckeye SFBIHSt TOOTH H&BBOWS (Jan never be beaten. Thev in­ sure a sure crop every year as j they cut the ground up fine and } kill alt the tine weeds, which ! gives the corn a start Pulverizers We have ah kinds The Key­ stone two lever is the leader, as a l&LES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. Att important discovery. They act qn the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed-1 ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, •orest, 30 doses for 25 cento. Samples j -.fpt Geo. W. Besley's. ' BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. \ line best salve in the world for cuts,' tonuses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever I *orw, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively euree piles, or no pay required. It I is guamtm to give perfect satisfaction or momes nfnnded. Price ^fOREYOU fiyy STEAM ENGINE OR BOILER •END FOR OUR CATALOGUEANO PRICE* ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS) IND. Agents Wanted! Wlii be veil lo liuruiltiue our new book. Bible Brilliants: mS' BIBLE stories, The greuteol eucces* of the ye»r, unit soma. Hung enurely new lu ihe bixjk. line. Hoinl Q IHTU>; 'Jtixllfi ; llnest of papur; large l. pe; illUKintliuiix, be full page, two <>l UICUI pi iutea in nine roi>r», retiil prii c only f l BU Tfioii oauus will BE MI|II tor Holnlay i re»enis. .Tiioue Ural iu the llelit will rimp it li.trve»t. Act or you will inias It. rOIlSHEE & MACMAKIN, ; r • CiucinDStti, O. rtltr Tore IMOroveathe HonienteaO. I rlt I net Il'lI Improve juuri l»y i..itiiting the lUuok I'lllijHpruue, » trre Ural mscoveici noar HKHI ' Unite mid the Iron Hill ii'giuii >.f oiilli Uukotii HrouKht lo North. l >Wit leu earn t> i to by tiolu Hunt-ris"%rsaa A Great Success I Willi line folUge. compHc.t lorm, jtooil < olor. i-iisfc ot traimplunliiig pcrler.t lmmliie*H, ill* iiroi oiibi'i-.i Uy piuciii'.»l men tlie \ fe.ltv UKii'i' K,VKlHjltKt.N lor 1'i'iiirie ofcuoi.«. i riiiirp anleti ireto, rt io 1*2 iii'*lied, m<icky t with gou.l, pel «, ti per til, by inul., t icali ireea fiom the Hills, 6 to M luchca, $.{. for SO, 16 tor 100. W«ll pftrkeU and prepaid. i.iiw rates by the iuoo onler now. catalogue free. Also*ro»»er of all kinds uf fruit ai.d ornanaenial trees. Evergreens au<t Suiall Kruiiu a specialty. AtlUre»» BESLEY'S, p^r on ftner jfth thatt with one. Also has ball bearing boxes which outwear two of any otner make. VVe also keep the Daley, Eureka aud (Cutaway Har- rwws We handle the Bertrand & iSumes, Standard, Ell wood, Case, Thompson, Norwegian, Geneva^ Lake Clipper, and others, Kemember the spring tooth beats them all for corn. We carry a fine line of BUGGIES, Of all classes, combination wagons; carts in all styles. The Weber lumber wajjon is as good as anybody's wagon, and a', price* to suit the times and people. Cull and see us before yon agree to try anything in the farm machinery line. At the Old StaBa*' E. M. 0 WEN & SON. 25 cents perl for sale by G. W, Ik.'Klej, E. W. BLATCH FORI) & CO., of Chi­ cago* h stve appointed I'oiiKlutt A: Stoft'el of We-it McHenry, ageutH for their famous Oil M&aL aud Calf Meal, which aJl fanners Bhoul'l accord a fair trial. Very close pri<xj| a^e ottered on small or large lota. M.JS. UINKLEK, General Nurseryman (Itarou*, lowa. WINES DEALER IJT---- 3, Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS# Toilet Articles, • "• PtTftfC • - J s.- AND MQUOIiS, roil aiiiDIOAL USE. JUMA A. STOBY, (One Door West of Riverside Housev) McHENitY, Also Bottled Ale an i porter for Meidieal use. » The best brands ot Cigars an t duioKiug and Tdbacco ^Iwaysou t^uid. * ^ PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, ----r.KAJ.KR I*. D R U G S , M E D I ^ I N E S | I * • V ;'W C^niicals! Dys Stufb, Famis, Oils and Colon. y on hand A.l|o a large line Patent WIedicines, Toilet Artices, €»!«Tn.l!!TE STOCK Or -- Oretully 'irnnpaaiidad. Give me a call. fiaco-xiSer 1^7. ©% W' mnuKti STATIONABY ^ DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Phynieian^ Prescriptions C&retully aud accuratey compounded by a Registered PharnaM cist. IT our patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA Am STZnr m$0 sis® L .... ----r--- :?-K 1 • - Si.-. ;.v- sJd.-, 5 " .

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