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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1890, p. 7

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ltiaieiler. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1890. Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Aprtl "th, train* will paw Mfiltenry SWiion <laily,; ei<-,c<i>i SuaJaj', aa follow*:. * OOIMO BOOTH.J Lake Geneva Passenger •*»--132 £>alce Geneva Express • m*«a i Lake Geneva Freight r. | Lake Geneva Paa&enger... ooitro MOIUH. Lake Geneva Freight ............. Lake Joneva Passenger.... Lake lene^a Express. Lake (iea-va Passenirer......... w ./V except Sunday. Ir . . . .Sill... Mm ..1:9A P. * *• .9-10 a. M . fl:P« M . «-A0 r. M .6:51 " B. Bus#, Agent. McHeurv, III \ MAIOVIC. IVcflKNBT (.omk, No. 158 \. F. and A. M -- Regular Onmninnicati «n« the second and fourth Mondays in each month. > \ <J. O. COLBY. W. M, MOD Bit Jf WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at the new City Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor lially invited- ANN0TJNCEMBNT8. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. The undersigned hereby announceshlm- self a candidate for REPRESENTATIVE in the lower house of the General Assembly of Illinois. subject to the decision of the| _ Democratic district convention. Mayt pounds, and the boy 7%. the best man win. \ ^children are doing well. JOHN C. DONNELLY. PBBSOHAX* „ MRS. Dr. BEERS was calling on. friends here one day last week. MRS. E. H. WALKER bar beea visiting with friends in Richmond this week. MRS. JOHN L. HOWE, starts this week for an extended visit with friends in Iowa. PAUL BROWN and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this'village. MRS. GIBBS, an<pld lady who has lived alone in this village for many years, is quite sick and will probably not survive a great while. JOHN MYERS, an old and well-known cititen of this town, is lying at the point of death at his home, near Johnsburgh. There are little if any hopes entertained of his recovery. CHAS. BYRD, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his wife and daughter in this vil­ lage. Mrs. Byrd is staying a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nord- quest. -• MARRIED.--At the resident of the bride's paretitfl, in Elgin, on Thursday evening, May 8th, 1890, by Rev. W. O. Shepard, Charles F. .lohnsou and Miss CI ira Bridge, both of Elgin. Mr. Johnson was formerly clerk for lohn Evanson & Co., in this village, and bis many friends here wish him and his bride a long, happy, and prosperous life. BY a letter from Trevor, Wis*, JWF learn tbeufollowiug: f Boiix.--To Mr. and Mrs.Efliert A. Ken­ nedy, April 27th, 1890. a pair of Twins, girl and a boy. The girl weighed 01<l Settlers' Organization. * ANNUAL MEETING. & Jfotfeeis hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Old Settlers' Association of Lake and McHenry Counties, for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of general business, will be held at the Riverside House, in McHenry, on Saturday, May 17, at 1 ^clock, P. M. ' , JOEL H. JOHNSON, President. J* VA* SLYKE, Secretary. ' * Democratic Caucus. The Democratic voters of the Town of McHenry, are requested to meet in Town Caucus, at the City Hall, tu the village of McHenry, on Saturday, May 24th, at 1 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of choosing eleven delegates to represent said town in the County Convention to be held at Woodstock on the 28th, and to transact Mich other business as may come before r the meeting. • . . IBY ORDER OF TOWN COMMITTEE. Bert says they are good straight Re­ publicans, and he himself is doing as well as could be expected under the circum stances. * Ma. SLADE'S subjectuext Sunday morn ing will be "The Personality of God.** ATTEND the Opening at the Parker House, to-morrow, Thursday, evening, Without fail. THOSE interested should not torget the Old Settlers' Annual Meeting at the Riv­ erside House on Saturday of this week, •:«ay 17th " REMEMBER the Opening party at the Riverside House, takes place on Friday evening of next week, the 23d IIENUY A. SMITH has opened the saloon, formerly occupied by C. H. Ostrander. This makes five who have taken out license this year, one less than last. ' GEO. W. BESLEY, the West Side Drug­ gist, hue been treating his store front to a new coat of Paiut, which much im­ prove* its appearance. It can now be properly called the "Red Front." All arrangements have now been "per (beted, and those who fail to attend the Grand Opening at the Parker House to-morrow evening Wfll miss the event of . the season. --BEAD the new advertisements of Perry £ Owen, McHenry, Story & McOmber, West McHenry, and J. W. Cristy & Son, Riugwood, to' be found in auother place in this paper. FRIDAY night last this section w. visited by one of the severest storms the season. Thunder, lightning, rai and wind, with low, dark, hangingcloud made the speue to those who were out, one of awful grandeur. MARSHAL HOLMES is on the war path and persons who are allowing their cat tie, horses and hogs to run upon the streets had better "look a little out," Or they may find them in the Pound with a dollar fine attached for each one. THE idea that April showers bring forth. May flowers seems to bean obsolete one this year. May storms bring June rheumatisms, would be a better reading except that it would not, perhaps, be quit^go romantic. As will be seen by the proceedings i another place in this paper, the McHenry Horse Sale Association is a fixed fact, and the first meeting will be held on Thursday, June 12th, and the second Thursday in each month thereafter. The necessary funds have been guaranteed and the committee are now at work in such a mauner as will ensure success, and be a lasting benefit to the town. THIS from an exchange: A young lady asked a young gentleman if he could transpose the letters in "enough," so as to form two words that meant not enough. He took pencil and paper and struggled over the problem some time when suddenly his face was illuminated by a look of holy joy. The character stood out before him in this form--"one hug." v f- W E have heard of |»eople who were so small in their dealings with their fellow- men that nine hundred and. sixty-one of their souls could rattle around in a mus­ tard seed, and none of them know that the other nine hundred and sixty were in existence, but they don't compare with those who ask their local paper to give them a complimentary notice and then go and get their printing done at Bome other office. Such people Will get their reward in--well, we won't say where. Ice Cream Festival An Ice Cream Festival will be given by the M. E. Sunday School, at the City Hall, on Monday evening May 19. In connection with Ice Cream and Cake variety of entertainments will be pro vided Something new and novel. Come and see. A good time is expected and cordial invitation is extended to all. MRS. GEORGE ENGLAND, formerly a res­ ident of McHenry, died at her bome in 5^2 Crystal Lake on Wednesday last, and ] was buried in the Woodland Cemetery in Ittija village on Friday* Notwithstaud ^ lag it was a stormy day, her remains Were followed to their last resting place ®':' by #t large concourse of relatives and lcieiids. _ _ {Our Police-Court did quitea lively busi ness'on Monday morning, the Lock-up containing five prisoners, the victims of an overdose of booze and the vigilance of the Marshal and the President of the |f Board. • They were assessed fines of from $5 to $15 and cost, iu all amounting to about $50. And the general! verdict is served them right. yf^A LITTTE girl of Chas. Hubbard's, aged V\ about three year s, had the misfortune to v fall from the outside stairs, at Colby's I Block, striking upon the ground sixteen | feet below, and strange to say tfi^tmly injury she received was a dislocated shoulder. It is a great wonder that she was not instantly killed. She is now getting along as well as could be ex ted. Largest line of Road Carts eyer seen in JloHenry at B. M. Owen 4 Boo**, Prims &<oui $13 up. • Mother and MEMORIAL DAY is drawing near, and we learn the day will be observed in a fitting manner in McHenry. The com­ mittees have been at work perfecting tne arrangements, aud when completed further particulars will be given in these columns. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present on that oc casion and assist this tribute to the mem ory of those now sleeping in our Ceme­ teries, who assisted our country through her greatest trial, and helped to bring the old flag through without a spot or stain and gave it clean to a rising, patri otic people. Qagre-a Driving1 Park. ™ The Spring Meeting at Gage's Driving Park, West McHenry, on the 11th and 12th of June, promises to be the most interesting ever held in this place. The following OTP the Purses offered. FIRST DAY, June 11TH. 2:45 Class. Trotting Purse $150 2:85 " -?*. '• 150 Running Race....... " 50 SECOND DAY, JUNE 12TH. 2:35 Class. Pacing Purse $150 2:30 " Trotting..., " 150 Running Race for Co. Horses.. " 50 Running Race to be best two in three half mile beats. Entries close, June 10. As this comes between the Elgin and Richmond Races, some good horses are expected to be present. Come out and we will give you two days of as fine sport as you ever witnessed. PROCLAMATION. All saloons, restaurants, hotels, temperance salooiis, are hereby positively forbidden to sell or allow to be sold, deal in, give away, or allow to be given away, to any person or persons whatsoever, any intoxicating drinks or liquors, in cludiug cider, on Sunday, and to close all saloons from 11 P. M., Saturday night, till 5 A. M., Monday morning, each and every door leading to such bar-room under the severest penalties the law im poses and the unconditional revocation of their licenses and privileges. The en tire village board is sworn in as special police to aid and assist the Marshal in maintaining the strictest order during the ensuing year. One-third of all fines collected for vio­ lating the Sunday ordinance shall be allowed to the convicting informer. Each and every ordinance of this vil­ lage whatsoever, in relation to selling liquors to minors or drunkards, or allow ing minors to loiter, play in, or frequent saloons or places of bad repute will be impartially and fearlessly enforced* All saloons and drinking houses are ordered closed between the polls of any and all regular or special election days from this date. PKB ORDER or BOAKP. XoHenry Horn Bale Association. The second meeting for the purpose ot organizing a Horse Sale Association, was held at the Riverside House on Monday evening, May 12th, and was called to order by Dr. C. H. Fegww, temporary chairman. The Committee appointed to make ar­ rangements and draft a Constitution for the Association reported, and presented the following, which was adopted: SEC. 1. This organization shall be known as the McHenry Horse Sale Asso­ ciation. SEC. 2. The officers shall consist of a President, one Vice President,. Treasurer, Secretary, and an Executive Committee of Five. SEC. 3. The meetings of this Associa­ tion will be held on the Second Thursday of each and every month at the Riverside^ Hotel, uuless otherwise arranged by the Executive Committee. SEC. 4. The duty of the Executive Com­ mittee will be to arrange for the meet­ ings of the Association, provide suitable hitching places for horses, and perform such ot;her duties as may be deemed nec­ essary. SEC. 5. The Association will furnish Tags, free of charge, to all persons hav­ ing horses for sale, which Tags will be attached to the bridle of the horse, with name and P. O. address of the owner. The following were then elected as per­ manent officers of the Association: President--Hon. Richard Bishop. Vr v* Vice President--Anton Englen. IVeftsarer--E. W. Howe, •, Secretary--J. Van SlykfB. " Executive Committee--Q. Smith, E. J. Hanly, Geo. W. Owen, Simon Stoffel, John Heiraer. There befeg no further business the meeting adjourned to Monday evening, May 19th, at the Riverside Honi&t? * / ' Another Sire. W' During the severe storm on Friday night last, the large stock barn of Willard Colby, just north of this village, was struck by lightning, and together with almost its entire contents was destroyed. The fire broke opt about halt; past one o'clock, and so rapidly did it ^ftvad that it was with difficulty that his horses and cows were got out, while one hundred and five sheep, twenty lambs and a fine young Devon bull perishftd in the flames. The sheep were all choice breeding ewes, which at this time of year makes the loss much heavier. The following is a partial list of the contents of the barn which were destroyed: 105 sheep. 20 lambs, 1 Devon bull calf, 40 hens, 30 tons tame hay, 1 binder, 2 sets harness, 400 bushels oats, 50 bushels winter Wheat, 5 tons ground feed, 6 bushels grass seed. 100 pounds wool, 30 tons straw, besides a large number of other small articles. The barn was one of the largest in this section, was built only a few years ago at a cost of upwards of $2000. Mr. Colby estimates his loss at $4000. Insured for $2000. The loss is a severe one and Mr. Colby has the sympathy of the com munity in his misfortune. dffffft'rl *1p SiHMi Hebron Medal Contest. Programme of the Silver medal Contest under the auspices of the W. C. T. U., at the M. E. Church, Hebron, 111., Tuesday, May 20,1890. Song--"We'll Help the Cause Along" Prayer... The Martyred Mother Bertha Benson Song ; The Cry of To-day Annie Sirue The Two Pictures. Helen Damon Solo Mrs. Henry Turner Young America's War Cry...Menzo Stone A Voice from the Poorhouse V' Jennie Shoudy. Song..., Mrs. Frank Rowe Two Fires Mabel Householder A Barrel of Whiskey IdaGroesbeek Bass Solo George Phillips Instrumental Music Gracie Boughton Presentation of Medal. Song--God be with you till we Meet Again Commonce at 8 o'clock, sharp. Ad­ mission, 10 cents. Children under ten years of age free. KEYS for the Fire Fngine Houses have been procured, and when needed can be found at the following places: For the \YestSide House, at H. C. Smith's, C. A. Hutson's, R. A. Howard's,- Stevens & Miller's, John Stroner's and Robert Schiessle's. For the East Side House, at Perry & Owen's, G. Boley's. Jos. Freund's, Jno. Heimer's, Owen's warehouse. Bishops Mill, and with the Marshal aud Lamp Lighter. NOTICE. ~ Free busses will convey all parties tq and from the Parker House to-morrow evening. Leave orders at the office. F. A. PARKER, Manager. ON Monday evening, May 19th, the "Bostonians Opera Company" begin a spring season of opera at the Chicago Opera House. The opera to be presented will be "Don Quixote," in which this cel­ ebrated company of singers have made the greatest hit of their career. "Don Quixote" is the work of two Chicago writers, and when first produced in Bos­ ton last November, it ran through the entire engagements in that city, where it was pronounced the most melodious and funniest comic opera seen there in years. The reading public is generally familiar with the celebrated novel of Don Quixote It abounds in coruic incidents, and the two principal characters of the Don and bis squire, Sancho Panzo, are conceded to be two of the greatest comic charac­ ters ever created. There is also a strong romantic story iu the opera, but the humorous element predominates. The opera has already been seen in every prominent American city excepting the home of the authors, where it will doubt­ less be received with favor. There is no more popular company before the public than the Bostonians, which, under the name of the Boston Ideals, won popular favor for ten years, presenting the best light operas in most artistic style. The cast of Don Quixote will include all the favorites of the company--Miss Marie Stone, John Kail, H. C. Barnaby W. H. McDonald, Miss Jessie Bartlett Davis, Miss Juliet Corden, Miss Carlotta Ma- couda, George Frothinghani, EdwinHoff, Eugene Cowles, Miss Josephine Bartlett, and Fred Dixon. The scene of Don Quixote is laid in Spain, and this gives an opportunity for most beautiful scen­ ery and costume-*, and the opera pre­ sents a series of gorgeous stage pictures, together with beautiful music and bright gobool Report.^" - r-,: The following is fiie report of ijie Mc­ Henry Public School for ndibtitli ending MayO, 1890: " HIGH SCHOOL.^;, * Total numberenr (>1 IimI ....... Average daily att*!nda,nce.,..j.;.« Number of pupils tardy 1 Mitautes lost by tardiues8....*;....;.....i.^|0 'Monthly averages as follows: *' A AND B GRADES. Amy C. Owen 98 Ouy Turner ;,.j&7 Ralphfhilds ...98 Joseph Bus*.... Loretta Walsh....98 James Perry 95 Nellie Knov 91 Thomas Walsh....95 Cluts. Noi'Uquest..9T Joel Wbooluiv„.„.»>5 C GRADE. ^ 'v . ̂ -- Allie Smith 96 Otis Parber.........lM> Famiie ()sborn....9(» Joanna Frisby....D<» M'g'ret Mcl)on'ld96 Magj?ieCouway...95 Mary Sutton Lizzie Buss .>..95 Walter Besley 9»> Agnes Perry....'....95 Lyle Howe 96 Carrie Colby .95 Harry Rldredge..,.96 Lonnielloward...95 An earnest desire to do good work has prevailed during the entire month. Xrw classes ha've been organand there ha« been a forward movement manifest; in all departments. The attendance is not what it shonld In*. ' Parents are largely to blame for this. If the pond, river, or lake has more attraction for the boy than the irksome duties of the school room, and if the parent does not insist 'On the bqy's attending, there will evi­ dently be some surprises when the time for the promotion or advancement of his claws arrives. A mouth may not be a very long time for a boy to absent him­ self fit)in school, but it is long enough for his class to m<Sve away from him, and it is neither justieer good sense nor good teaching to hold the class back until he has recovered lost ground. School will close with suitable exercises June GtU. Examinations will occur dur­ ing the month. These will be for promo­ tion or advancement in class and will occur in all grades. Let those interested bear this iu mind. F. M. OVERAKEH, Prin. INTKUMKMATE^EPARTMEXT. No. of pupils enrolled........... 83 Average daily attendauw,M. 23 AOWADE.;^ Frank Colby ..92 Ray $Amphere....92 Milo Howe ....85 i B GRADE. Stella Xordquest.92 Ollie Tilaekuian...87 Amos Turner 91 Edgar Bishop .87 Jennie Co veil 91 Ida Wilson 8<i 3fabel Wheeler....90 Alvina Block. 85 -Kettie Stevens 90 Fred Feltz....'. 84 jta.v Wilson 90 Frank (iill>ert 84 Myrtte,SlittiiHU....87 Charles iSwadish.,81 Everett l'olby..,.».81 c OUADK. Lura Owen „92 Willie Felt? „84 Edith Curtis........92 Tillie Feltz 83 Bernice Perry......91 Delo Kaox.„ «80 Willie Block ...85 Frank Thurlwell.80 Ernest Parker.....70 Those, neither absent nor tardy are: Lura Owen, Amos Turner, Hay Lani- phere, Everett Colby, aydJSdgar Bishop. MARY L. W KNTWORTH, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Whole number enrolled...,^... 46 Average daily attendanc«|i|^...' 38 A GRADE. Ethel Smith .95 Willie Bishop.....,94 Lizzie Simon 94 Claytou Wilson...92 Mary Engelu....v,.92 j B GUAD1S. i ' Harold Colby 96 J ulidf La udilin....93 Albert Holly. .....95 W&hVWvm>dburn92 George Howe 95 Mar ry Fay 90 CarlOvcraker 95 Mamie Besley......89 Hattie Howard...93 EttaSiines 89 C GRADE. ' Eddie Simon 95 JohnKnox.... 93 Mary Frisby.,v...95 Charlie Hloek.i....93 Agnes Quinn 94 Harry Kennedy..92 B'ssieRoseng'rt'n94 Willie Howe 90 Neither absent nor tardy: John Knox, Lizzie Simon, Carl Overaker, Harry Ken­ nedy, Harold Colby, Ralph Colby, Eddie Si«dnt ---- - ! MRS. MARY COBB, Teacher. 'WEST SIDE, DIVISION. No. pupHSikftrolled ......^68 Average daily attendance -- Per. cent of attendance -- At end of first week 16 were trans­ ferred. Pupils averaging 80 or over on written examinations: * Nettie Schiessle...97 Lnella Lawrence.,92 Eddie Cobb 96 Willie»()illes 92 WorthenKimball96 Jose|th Schaid 91 Henry Block 95 Henry Nickles 90 O.rton Gilbert 94 Emma Feltz 89 Donna Lincoln...94 Willie ThurlweU...89 Amos Wolff 93 Henry Kamholz..88 Minnie Feltz ..93 Tillie Poruereuiug86 George Slimpiu...93 Anna Wolff 84 Frank Cobl>.. 93 Charlie Felt*... 84 Willie Poineren'g93 Lizzie Feltz 83 H'n'y Pomereuing.80 J. H. BURGER , Teacher. w --a was erary, aTTJ aynes ALGONQUI, EDITOR PLAINDEALER : well represented at the literary, aT"J aynes school house on Tuesday evening last. A goodly number of our young folks attended the drama at Cary, on Satur­ day eveuing of last week. Miss Adele Montauye, of Elgin, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ilelm. At Chapcll & Morton's auction sale of a car-load of milch cows on Saturday: last, co&s sold on an average of $29 per, head. C. E. t'hapell and Wm. Morton both started north on Monday of this week to buy milch cows. Mr. Chapell buys for his farm,-aud Mr. Morton for an auction sale. W. T. Hamilton, of Nuuda, was calling on friends here on Sunday last. Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Ilelm were in Chi­ cago on Thursday of la^t week. Musicale to be given in the Congrega­ tional church at Algonquin, Friday even­ ing. May 23d, 1890, by J. L. Johnston, the great Scotch singer, formerly of the Schubert Quartette, now leader of the Lotus Quartette, of Chicago, and the Al­ gonquin Congregational church choir. Come every one. and hear Mr. Johnston sing "McGregor's Gathering," "Mary of Argvle," and others. Programmes fur­ nished at the door. Proceeds for the benefit of the parsonage. Dporsopen at seven, concert commences ateight o'clock sharp. Admission, adults, "25 cents, children under 12, 15 cents. Mr. Carter, who has been visiting with Rev. Mr. Hench the past few days, re­ turned to his home at Wheaton, Illinois, on Monday of this week. Miss Florence Kerns, of Cary, was the guest of Miss Nellie Ekstrom on Sunday last. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hencbwid children visited with Mr. Monroe and wife, at Dundee, the first of the week. We are having plenty of rain now, which is a good thing for grass and small grain. ^ If you need a new suit of clothes in a year, you can not aford to miss the closing o u t s a l e a t S T E V E N S & M I L L E R ' S . i > INSURE your property against Fire, Lighting, and Cyclones in only good companies, with S. Stoffel agent, West McHenry, III., and be O. K. A SALARY with expenses paid will come handy to anyone who is now out, of em­ ployment, especially w here no previous experience is required to get the position. If you want a position, see advertisement on editorial page headed, "A Chance to Make Money." GEo. W. OWEN received two flue mares from Chicago and one from Mr. Dole, of Crystal Lake, to be bredfto his great Colt getter, George O. 2:26, We understand he is doing a big»business with- him. LAST CALL. ; All persons kuovving themselves in­ debted to the late firm of Stoffel & Blake are hereby notified to call on the under­ signed and settle the same on or before May 20th, and thereby save costs. These accounts must be settled. -- JOHN I. STORY, Assignee. McHenfjf, 111., May 14th, 1890. STRAYED OK STOLEN. From the pasture at Ringwood, one bay horse 7 years old, star iu forehead, Tfeinded on left shoulder with letter B, weighs about 1,100 pounds. A suitable reward will be given for information or return of the horse to J. PINT, Ringwood, 111. - Ringwood, May 14, 1890. WAIT FOR TH5 GRAND OPENiNC PARTY At the RivarsiJe House, FRIDAY EVKN'O, MAY 23. There will be a Grand Opening Party at the Riverside House, McHenry, on Fri­ day evening, May 23d, to which all are cordially invited. The best oi music will be in attendance, andnothiug left undone to make it one of the most pleasant and enjoyable parties ever held in McHenry. The Hall h;is been newly papered and painted and is now in better shape than eyer before for the accommodation of the dancing public. Call and see me oa the 23d of May and I will make it pleasant for you. ; f A. H. BREWER, Proprietor. . NEAT ROOMS TO RENT Over E. Lawlus'- store. Also for sale, 2 heating stoves, 1 cook stove, 2 bed- comedy* Orders for seats sent by JttttiL .steads, 2 sewjuuc Wil̂ ̂«old will receive every attentioa. Prohibition County Convention. The Prohibitionists of McHenry County are requested to meetin Mass Convention at theJCotfrt House, in Woodstock, on Saturday, May 17, 1890, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing fifteen (15) delegates to attend the State Convention at Bloomingtou, May, 27, 1890, delegates to attend the Congres­ sional, and the Senatorial and Represent­ ative Conventions, the two last hearafter to be called, and to place in nomination. Candidates for the offices of County Judge, County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff County Superintendentof Schools, and to transact any other business that may come beforet he Convention. All Prohi­ bitionists are requested and ladies of the W. C. T. II. are invited to be present. An address may be expected. By order of County Central Committee. W. H. HARBACK, Secretary Co. Com. CARPET WEAVING. MRS. Jos. LAWRENCE, at her residence^ north of the Driving I'ark, West McHenry! is prepared to Weave Carpets in the best of manner, on short notice and guaran­ tee satisfaction. From a long experi ence she is confident she can please all who entruAt their weaving to her. PRI ces reasonable. MRS. JOS. LAWRENCE. West McHenry, April 22d, 1890. Five different styles of road cartB at E. M. Owen & Son's. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros*? A choice line of Box Paper, dteup, at Besley's West Side. Gorham, Buckeye, Van Brant, New Triumph and Badger seeders .and drills at E. M. Owen & Son's. J FOR RENT. A horn# suitable for a small family. Inquire at this office. You should examine the corsets at 50 and 75 cents, sold over at Evanson's. All the late spring-tooth pulverizers and cultivators at E. M. Owen & Son's. Spring styles neckwear, spring styles men's suits are ready at Evanson's. Wall Paper at Perry <& Owen's, trim­ med free while waiting. There never was a better chance to get agood all silk and wool black dress goods than now at STEVENS & MILLER'S dosing out sate. • ... AT PERRY & OWEN'S, Eight bars 5 cent Soap for 25 cents; 4 cans good COrn, 25 cents; 18 pounds choice plump rice, $1; 8 doxen Clothes Pins, 5 cents. Farmers remember that at E. M. Owen &. Son's place you will always find the latest and best at prices as low as any one. Come and see us for anything you want for farm culture. We will not be undersold. • PIANO TUNING. R. H. Owen is now prepared to tune Pianos and Organs on short notice 'and guarantee satigfoction. All orders left at O. W. Owen will receive prompt attention. Charges reasonable Farmers, Attention. Pride of the North seed corn, 1.40 Yunkee seed corn, 1.60; Learning seed corn, 1.50; geauine Red Cob ensilage corn, only 75c; mam moth Evergreen sweet corn for erisilage, only 1.25; Sheep's Trough ensilage corn only 1.90; Spring Rye; Mammoth, June, Luzerne, White, and Alsyke Clover, Timothy, Red Top, Lawn Grass, Sugar Cane, Pumpkin Seed, Sun Flower seed, Cucumber seed. For reliable seeds at closest margins call on Bonslett & Stoffel. CROCKERY. If you are in need of Crockery, China, or Glassware, call ami examine the flue assortment at J. A. Story's drug store. Note a few of the following prices: Wash bowl and pitcher, English ware $1 00 Chamber-set, 6 pieces, Eng. ware.... 1 75 Chamber set, 6 pieces, decorated, brown or pink 2 50 Chamber set, 10 pieces, decorated... 3 50 Tea set. 56 pieces, only 6 00 Also fine China sets, a full line of glass­ ware, lamps, yellow and Rockingham ware, &c., &c. Please call and examine. TOO MANY SHOES. We have by actual count 2300 pairs Boots and Shoes. Altogether too many. They must be sold, converted into cash at once and Saturday, May 10, and Monday, May 12 are days set apart for s}tecial low prices on foot-wear. We in­ vite particular attention to the well- known makes of J. Miln & Co., Racine, Wis., and Phelps, Dodge & Palmer Co., Chicago. These lines are to be closed out entirely the scale of price has been 2.50, 2.20, 3^00 and 3.25. We have most of the higher prices left. On these two days we %ike them all a uniform price of $2. Sljfjjers aud children's shoes equally reduce^ Help us to carry them out if you can. JOHN EVANSON & Co. SATURDAY'S SALE AT EVANSON'S. April 26th all shoes and slippers left from the bargain table worth from $1 to to $1.50 per pair will be closed out at 50 cents on that day. Sizes in Ladies mostly 3 to 4%, and all plow shoes are 6 and 7. All will go at 50 cents Satur­ day. JOHN EVANSON & Co. >F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer- Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive oromot'at- lentinn Address. F K GRANGES West McHenry BUGGIES! BUGGIES! The finest line of open arid top buggies ever brought to McHenry. We are sell­ ing the same carriage now for $100 that we got $125 for last year. Prices range from $60 up but can get them for less* but not Chnrx 1 Scw» When Baby wm tick, g*v« her CMtoria, When ihe WM a Child, aha cried for CMtoria, When die became Mim, aha clunc Cnatorla, When it» had Children, gave them CMtoria _ : . _ _ Bnslnesa Notice*, All the best and hardest m^es of plows at E. M. Owen & Son's. NICE liife of Pipes, just reeeived, Barbian Brothers. Pickles. R. Bishop is now ready to contract for 100 acres of cucumbers. We take all marketable Cucumbers and take them the entire season, and pay the highest market price. Call and see me before making your Contracts. R. BISHOP. HOUSE TO RENT. A good house, pleasantly located, with good well and cistern, good garden, etc. For further particulars inquire of H. E. WlQHTMAN. McHenry, May 7,1890. FROM notice elsewhere the attention of our readers is directed to the fact that John Evanson & Co., of the West Side, have concluded to convert their large spring stock into cash. This will doubt- leas be the grandest opportunity of the season to obtain first-class merchandise at or below wholesale prices, and cash buyers should remember this. FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known fts the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHeury, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of H.C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 Porn Raisers, Don't forget George O., the greatest stock getter in the State, when you are looking for a stock horse, as his colts can't be beat. Look at the prices they are bringing. Three different men have booked three each to him and one four. Remember aud see George 0» be tore' you engage a breeder. MRS. C. A. HUTSON ~ Has a large and complete stock of Milli­ nery Goods now ready for sale. Will sell Ladies' and Misses' Hate from thirty-five cents to one dollar fifty. Trimmed Hats as cheap accordingly. All the latest styles. No old good*. Stamping and Dress Making done on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Yours truly, call again, MRS. C. A. HCTSON. West Side, near the depot. For Sale or Bent. The farm known as the James Kittle farm, situated one mile north of Burton's Bridge, in the town of Nunda, containing 207 acres, 75 acres of plow land, the re­ mainder pasture and meadow. A con­ venient house, containing eight rooms, the necessary outbuildings, a good well of water, and a fine young orchard. Is within one hundred rods of a good But­ ter aud Cheese Factory. The place is well watered, lying as it does on the banks of Fox River, aud is, withal, well adapted for a Dairy Farm. _ For full particulars inquire of Frank Cole, Spring Grove, 111., or of George Walmsby, residing near the premises. ^ 37tf GENTLEMEN, If you want the latest styles of clothes your pick out of 200 samples, a nierchant tailor of Chicago has appointed E. Lawlus, tailor, to take measures. First class tailors in every respect. Prices of suits, $18 to $34. He has measured for seven suits in two weeks. He will show you names of references. E. LAWLUS, Tailor, opposite Riverside Hotel. H.B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algouquln, 111. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly fille d I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele­ graph me at Algonquin, 111. THE WJ5ST SIDE FAILURE John Evanson & Co. Have Failed In turning out the expected quantity of spring stuff. They must go, even to be sold under the hammerif necessary. Ow­ ing to the late revolution in trade, and the fact that you had quite large pur­ chases completed in the early spring of certain lines of spring goods, particular­ ly shoes and clothing, we have concluded under the circumstances to close out the whole spring purchase quick. It must be converted into cash at once and while we don't mean to invite you to a sheriff's sale just yet, we will do our level best to make it as interesting for you as if that officer was running the business. We do not wish to mention this thing in detail but' simply call your attention to the fact that we have nothing but new aud fresh goods to offer, that we are bound to couvert into cash even at a sacrifice. Sate commences Monday morning April 7th. Interesting hat sale this week Sat­ urday. Hats for Easter at wholesale prices. Everything must go quick. Come it will pay you. JOHN EVANSON & Co. SEEDS! SEEDS! Garden and Flower SWdw for X. Story's drag fcUwgf It "Have you seen tW 5-A five mile honfc blanket? If not, why not,? II yon have a horse vou need it." Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, It euros Consumption. Sold by J. A. Story. The finest line of Whitewash and Paiiit Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drugstore. BRADLEY Plows at $11.50 atE. M* Owen & Sons. Others in proportion to lit. quality. Call and see us. < % Croup, Whooping Cough and Bran . ' \%S chitis immediately relieved by Shilohv * , 1 Cure. Sold by J. A. Storv. , ' : • MONEY TO LpAN on farm land, on time " > * bnd in amounts to suit borrowers. Ill-. I1 " fcuire at this office for further particulars. »* , *>£> ̂ CARPETS! CARPETS! . ,4 Largest stock, new patterns and lowest ' '•?'-.*& prices--16c, 25c, 45c, 65c, 75c-, and 80e 1 f > |! per yard, at Perry & Owen's. ^ > "|| Don't forget that in Evanson's closing * fH out sale you will find new wall paper, **$8, new lace curtains, new oil shades, new I i clothing new shoes--everything new and #£§ fresh; no old stock of any kind. ^||| Remember I can save you money on. Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can deliver in „ < any quantity at rock bottom prices. ; * * W. A. CmsTy, Wreet McHenry." " ' 'v SALB. * /I\7 ..„v4f Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars .* and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale, at V the lowest living prices. i - ^ FRANK COLE. ,. ,,- • V Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1(390. 20-8M,*v%': % ̂ , SEED CORN FOR SALE. A quantity of the famous variety Corbett corn for seed which will be sold lor $1.50 per bushel for cash. On sale at Stevens & Miller's or by Frank Wattles, Wwrt, McHenry, ill. FRANK WATTCJW^^ FOR SALE. At two-thirds importers' prices, an Ifn* ported Clyde Stallion Colt, (3795) three years old. Is very stylish, with good action. Color, Bay, white on feet, with small'star. For particulars address, ". CHAPELL, Algonquin, III. . # :| FOR SALE. A good house and two lots situated in this village. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan& | try, etc. Good well and cistern, wood- I shed, barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at-once. For further particulars inquire of ° JAMES B. PERRY. TO FARMERS AND HORSE BREEDERS. I wish to inform farmers and others, that I still have in my possesion that fine Cleveland Bay Stallion, "Van Guard," and that he will be for service the present season as usual. * i # *5 _ CHAS. STEVENSOS. ; . ' - Ringwood, April 1st, 1890. .' ROOMS TO RENT Rooms over Bonslett's Store and also over O. W. Owen's J ewelry Store, are for Rent. Well aranged for two families. Also for Rent the Rooms . orer the Post Office.. Inquire of " E. M. OWEN & So*. " •' *" STATIONERY. J. A. Story is constantly adding new ^ and unique designs to her tine assort- r'4 ment of stationery, among Which may be found wedding invitations, regret, vis­ iting and condolence cards; hitest de- < . signs in letter paper, tablets, papeteries, and a complete assortment oi" teachers reward cards, bithday souvenirs, etc. Call and examine. , - NEWS ROOM* If? _ - . ^ 'it ' jfr.." i Having decided to opeu a News Room at my store, I would hereby inform the public that 1 am now ready to supply all, the Daily and Weekly Papers, leading Magazines, Illustrated Papers, etc., aim guarantee prompt delivery. Leave your orders at the Drug Store and they wUl re-* • ceive prompt attention. GEO. W. BESLEY, The West Side Druggist & H. C. MEAD, General Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the 5 JS? most reasonable terms. A share of pat- * *S ronage solicited. P. O. Address, West . ^ McHenry, 111. - ^4 14 ̂ RINGWOOD NURSERY. . Have on my grounds for the spring trade a good line of-the most hardy varieties of Apple, Cherry, Pear and Plum trees, Grape Vines, Blackberry, Raspberry, Currant and Gooseberry, b., Strawberries, etc. Also Shade and Ornamental trees. Also a quantity of seed sweet corn and choice seed potatoes. All at honest price#. T>. , J. V, BUCKLAND. Ringwood, HI. : j 38-7w SEED CORN. I have a quantity of "StowelTs Mam­ moth Evergreen" corn, which I took pains to dry and cure for seed; have tried it and know it will grow. Shall commence the sale of it at once at Stev­ ens & Miller's store, West McHenry IU, ' .t ' r C. V. STEVENS.' I • h- j "Thy head is full of quarrels as an egg is full of meat." "Well, so would any body's head be, who walked the floor for a week with a horrible face-ache? " "You don't say so; how dreadful! I'll step out and bring you a bottle of quick-cure, catted Salvation Oil." * -Sfl - . FAILURES IN LIFE - ('jg|§ People fail in many ways. In business, in morality, iif religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. If • the blood does not circulate properly la the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; iu the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, pain, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; iu the liver, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach » caused by heart strain. For all these maladies Mr. Milles' New Cure for the ' • heart aud lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by G. W. Besley. Treatise free. ^ NEW SPRING CLOTHim, * Over $1800 worth of choice, stylisfe clothing just received at very lowest* pri- ees ever heard of in town. Bovs' suits, 1.70,2.00,3.00 to 12.00; men's isuits. 4.40, 5.00, 6.25, to 25.00. Prince .11- • bert, Chesterfield, four-button cutaways, sacks, square-cute, etc^ also fine spring overcoats. Over two wagon loads of choice wall paper just received irom 8o to $1 per double roll. Carpets iu variety at close prices. Buy our reliable IIone«t Abe flour, only $1 fw|fa» wiurriurf)*!} inv ui jjnj * alto ira. at BonskU 4 StuflNfW V V

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