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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1890, p. 4

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JULY t 18001 Khiltbr. > A DI71> M*T be-lbun>i on •Jtirlilfcm# at GBo. P fftx/t Newajieper Advertising ItMreoe Street), where advertising WE NEW YORK. OKit*. Iffter was active at Elgin, 111., , the total sales aggregating Quotations ranged at16X@17& *9TT1m Illinois general assembly or> |CatiiMd in special session Wednesday fpr Colombian fair legislation. A me«- «lge from the governor was read, setting forth the necessity of the session, and aiding speedy completion of the work projected. WBo* is this for high ? "The water fof the recent State Democratic Conven­ tion held at Nashville cost $40 per day" --so says the Nashville Banner. When a are common at tlie mountains' peaks all Democratic State Convention begins to I through the summer. The streams are ftnrinrl 110 rw»r rinv fnr wator T>pmrw»p«pv » ;? " Lett«nfr«nCo ,$tort|»e PuiwBitiuii. _ Rkdtliff, Colo., .Tu13^^E9j&0 This is the county seat ^H^MyjJo., thirty miles west of Ix>advi^^^^HpPa- ciflc Slope, and the Denver ^^^^Egtade R. R., on the great routf ^^^^Hrood 8prings and the great The present road is narr^E^^^B but they are rapidly building ^^^^^Bauge from I>env*T to the Pacifi^^^^Horter route. At present thaj^^^^HUting through Iron Hiil, wi thinlWW^p>T' my hotel window, and the thunder of the thirty foot blasts as ten or a dozen of them go off at once is something appall­ ing. Yesterday a thunder storm was in progress daring the blastiug, and the rattle of Heaven's artillery, mingled with the railroad cannonade, hail, rain and lightning, combined to make it a scene of impressive grandeur, even for the Rocky Mountains. Ten or fifteen minutes pre­ ceding these terrible explosions, the school bell is rung to warn people to cover, as broken glass and crushed roofs are frequently the results. \ T^e mountain streams are numerous herei being fed by melting snows which are common at the mountains' peaks all apefnd f 40 per day for water Democracy gone back an first principles. 1ST rhe House Committee on Invalid Pensions has made a favorable report on the bill to pension army nurses. The bill oaly effects about 900 women and it awma bnt tardy justice that these women, *f»y of whom are destitute and in bad r:; health, should be provided for by the <iovernmeDt for the rest of their lives .•BTHon. A. M. (Long) Jones, wan unanimously chosen Chairman of the Re- , pab'ioan Sta'e Central Committee, which £ met at Chicago on Tuesday and Daniel Sbepard Secretary. Both were excellent t selections, and the Republicans of Illinois are now assured that the coming cam­ paign will be pushed with vigor and that there will bo no let up until the polls close in November. f ISF"The public debt of tfie ifnited States on August 31,1865, was $2,756,- 411,571.43; the annual interest' charge $150,977,697:87. On the lstof July, W0, the debt, exclusive of Pacific rail I bonds, was $921,603,896, and the al interest account $29,417,603.15 Aftte rate of payment maintained thro: the last decade the last dollar of the it war debt would be discharged ! July 1,1900. The money in cir- on the first of the present *th amounted to $1,429,718,376, an > of 40 per cent in ten years If the Democratic Senators have nicer arguments to offer against "McFCinley tariff bill than those made Senator Vorhees in his speech deliver- •ff ja the Senate last week they might as wJl retire from politics, for this year any way. As a phrase maker Mr. Vorhees is fniictotly trying to run opposition to Cleveland: but he seems to lack the ility of the Ex-President. It is food that the Republican Senators ;e no set speeches on the tariff an tin the appropriation bills have all disposed qlby the senate. be reapportionment of Congree- uiHtriets on the basis of the new will cause a gain in the Northwest «&i a loss in the South. The chief losses w?H be in Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina. If the present basis, of 332 representatives is kept on the estimate el 64,000,000 population for the United States the population requisite for a dis­ trict would be 192,000. Pennsylvania and Ohio will probably make gains. The sqggestion is made that the reapportion­ ment can be made applicable to the next congress by requiring that where a State loses in numbers, all that State's Repre­ sentative* can be chosen at large on a general ticket, and where the number is increased the members from districts as far as they now go be elected as at pres­ ent, the representatives from new or added districts to be elected at large. atCa \y men IflTThe President certainly has the taagh on the democratic press of the country which has been railing at him for allowing his wife to accept a seaside cottage at Cape May Point. The criti­ cism would have been but just if Mrs. Harrison had accepted a cottage from oituensasagift: but the fact has juet leaked out, and it did not come from them either, that Mr. Harrison gave his check fqr $10,000 in payment for the cottage which his family ig at present occupying Point. It was intended by who purchased the ground to have presented >u, but as soon as the of it be informed them it an inviolable rule never to accept, nor allow ? of his family to accept present* af any kihd. How many demo­ cratic papers will have the decency to correct tie wrong accusation they have •Wn making? A dispatch from Weshington says: Congressman Hopkins, of Illinois, has not given up hope of the passage of anti- lottery legislation this session,in spite of the want of interest on the part of the Chairman of the House Postoffioe Com- niittee, who could have had one or more of the anti-lottery bills reported favor­ able months ago if he had made the least effort; Mr. Hopkins, having conferred with other members of the Poetoffice Committee to found that the gener&l sentiment was favorable to a short cut in parlimantary proceedings to get the lottery question before the house. As •POP as Senator Sawyer's committee completes its bill Mr. Hopkins intends to introduce the saute bill in the House and with the help of Caldwell, Evans, Blount, and Anderson of Missisrfppi, members of the House cqpunittee, it reported to the House in time for the Senate bill to be substituted for it. At this period in the saasioa the would bav| serious obsta- eliM to meet tf aay other hlaa to be generally narrow, rapid, stony creeks, and as pure and clear as crystal. A few mo nta'n trout are caught, and a bear or mountain Hon occasionally trapped or shot. A new impetus has recently been given silver and lead mining, by the passage of the Silver Act. Silver has risen within .two weeks 17 cents per ounce, and lead one cent per pound, and now prospectors are rushing once more to the Rockies> The new bonanza gold find at Tin Cup, although exaggerated is without doubt the biggest since those of Pike's Peak and Gilpin county. Of late many specu­ lators have been turning their attention to Peach Blow Granite, which is said to be the finest building material of modern times, thousands of tons of it being hipped to Chicago an 1 New York cities from Colorado. Governor Francis, of Missouri, is Sit­ ing in Denver, and with his characteristic Southern blow remarked to a Republican reporter that his State was the richest in mineral wealth in the Union. Upon com­ paring notes we found the following: There are three great mineral Statee, Pennsylvania, Missouri and Colorado. Pennsylvania has oil, Missouri has none; Missouri has lead, Pennsylvania hap none; Colorado has abundance of both. Neither Pennsylvania nor Missouri has gold or silver, while Colorado has iron deposits that would make the great Iron Mountain of Missouri look like a baby by comparison. Colorado has also plenty of copper and granite. Last year Colorado exceeded all the gold and silver States of the Union by the amount of her products in those two metals, taking out over $30,000,000. The summer air here m simply charm­ ing, the mercury never rising above 75° up in the mountain towns. This is » little village of 500 or 600 peoplp, includ ing four saloons and one church. Beer, 15 ceuts per glass. Gospel refresh men t* come cheaper. To-night we are to sing at the dedication of this lone church (1 mean the Congregational Church, of course). Last night we gave a concert here to less than 100 people, and they voted us $142 and feel proud of it. They are a wide awake, energetic sort of peo Board here is $12 per week, and everything in proportion. We were at Leadville a day or so ago, and I tell you it is a lively camp, as all other camps and towns in Colorado are at present. There is no such word as hard times io this State. Well I must say we part fe~ the present. As ever, R. D. SCOTT. ! P. S.--Yesterday we visited the cele­ brated mines, Quart site, Spirit, Iron Mask and Exedental Mr. and Mrs. Surrick went down the Incline 1300 feet, and came out covered with glory (I mean dirt and sweat). Mrs. Scott and I clam­ bered down the steep mountain to the Ea?le River, and by the time we climbed np again, some 1500 feet, we had an appetite for dinner. The landlord has the papers to show that. We procured some vary fine specimens. These mines are located about three miles from Red- cliff up the mountain at a little camp called Gill man. Tin Cup is about 100 miles southwest from Denver, where we expect to go to-morrow. R. D. 8. Among the most active workers to defeat "the iniquitous McKinley bill" now in sight are the English manufactur- ers. A good sympathizing letter from Grover Cleveland would doubtless be very e icouragint; to them. It is singular that he has not thought of it. To save your Horses, to s&ve your Crops, to save your Money, buy the McCormick. For Sale at Bishop's. NICB line of Pipes, Barbian Brothers. just received, at Low Hates East. ?,*^'er,t opportunity for & irip east will be afforded by the G. A. R. Eu- campinent at Boston, An trust 10th to loth. a* for that occasion tickets to Bos­ ton and return will be sold at Tory low rates. 1 ickets and full information can ^obtained of ticket a+rent* Chicago-ft north-Western Railwav Low Hates East. «w*Hent opportunity for a trip east will be afforded by the G. A. It. En­ campment at, Boston. August 10th to lbth, as for that occasion tickets to Bos­ ton and return will be wold at verv low rates. Tickets and full information can Imw Bates to Chloaro. The;Chicago & North-Western Railway Co. will sell excursion tickets to HiicHiro and return August 2d to 6th, inclusive good returning trom August 7th to 11 th' inclusive, on account, of the Continental Cantonment and Triennial Parade Petri archs Militant and I. O. 0. F.. at the low rate of one fare for the round trip, with $1. added for admission coupon to the Grand Military Drills, which will be a very interesting feature of the occasion For tickets and full information UDDIV to ticket agents C. & N.-W. Railwav Co. 2w2 The McCormick is the Conqueror, both m the East and West. The McCoriuick w the Victor of all the world the beet i For sa|g at Bjwhqpa. TO."' Has been pained in the stotv ^ for the proper display of theirf $ large stock of poods, by the un * deraiyned firm, [and special bar gut us ace offered for the thirty days to reduce stock By looking over our »tock <rf ̂• / " With ProperTrimerilnge, Silk* Satin* Velwff* Plm Cashmere. Henrietta, Orenadin Chailies, Huntings. Outin^ Cloths, India Linen, Lawns,- Seersuckers, < Ihambrays, etc., in the newest shades, and in grado&* trom medium to the very best. Imbreidtrtd Sobai, ..i* • -- ' - • > : . fore buying elsewhere. 1 Bilk «tttniS6t fiehns, squares. Great bargains in i ;» PABAS0L8 AID 7A8S, IRBE OUl» - GAUZE UNDERWEAR Ladies' gauze ve^ts, 8c, 3 fat- 25c; letter, ^1, 30 to 50; all sizes childrens gauze underwear io stock always. Cotton. Lisle Thread & Silk Gloves and Mitts, In Great Variety, Five doz. new lace cap*, each; 200 yds. new oriental lace, 3c, 5c, 7c; 48 pair only, ladies black hose, #c per pair; 400 yds. arood lawns, 4c, 5c, 7c 12c J 500 yds. CMIico, 3 1-2 to 8c; Imys lawn tennis or pecale waists, 40c . ; RELIABL^ CLOTHING, Our stock is over large and we will reduce prires all round to re­ duce stock before fall hjsincss begins. Meu's suits $4.40, 5, 6, to 25; Boys and youths suits7 $3.40, 4 to 15; Childrens two pi«=ce 'suits, $1.(55, 2 to 8 odd knee pants, 40c, to $1.50. btpietisa Invited at 0 oci. r • ^ ' .y : .. , Blegant Prince Albert ;; ".C\; Coats & Vests In plain and fancy from $12 to $18; •viens silk mixed pants worth 18, far only $5.75, good variety. Durable, Stylish, FOOTWEAR, Have just received a large in* voice of good, stylisk shoes for men, women and children, spec­ ially for the June and July trade at very low prices--quality con­ sidered. Beginning at once we will sell pell all odd sizfs and styles as well as small lots and sell them without regard to cost to close them ont. See our new C&rptU & Window Shodn, Trunks, Valises, flur,Woolanj Strati K A V S - f In great variety, at uneqrialed styles and prices in this town. Look them over. Hammocks, Dusters, Fly Nets, reasonable in price and stylish in appearance. V RINGWOOD^L. 2ti6a55ssste;t INDIANAPOLIS, IMS. * JNO. /2- \ | Met, $18.00 at Factor*, . WV V J cash with older, jf t \ q All second Growth Hickory. Steel Axles and Tiros. Low Uent Seat Arms. I'eriVctiv JJalanciKl. Long, Eisy Riding. Oil Tempe.e'l Snring. Best Wheels and Best All Over. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THEM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS, WRITS US. CI etusc^ Freak, Always in stock at closect prices possible tor us to meet our oWj^iiJions. , , / ^ ^ WIST. V;" • ' DEALER Drags and Medicines, PAINTS, OIL* Toilet WINES AN II B MEPICAji TOE. XilQIJOBS ̂ Also Bbttred A^e and Porter for Medical use. \ The best brands ot Cigars anl Smouing and' Chewing Tobacco flwas on hand. PHYSICIAN'S JULY - HV' >_£<' ^ JL1 , r 1 ^ This week the Lawn* and Sateens in price from 3c to 35c. July ot bila aad endU, euough to cover a room or mow. I N W A S t "H. 4' O O D S Plenty of desirable things. IMlies, 6 1-2 cetfts. and told you of good things about g >od r^rsetsk/V^7 ^ %'fr'b Tlie July Shoe Week Open# p July ̂jlst -i "'iSlliP® v jT<#p many good Shoes makes it necessarj' for us to reduce the y' profit,H»e»ice the shoes, in fine walking shoes, low shoes, high shoes ' * ;V tennis ^^qes, and all sorts of shoes will go from us to you at much « less figures t^an you have ever seen them before. Monday of next , ^ - 4*1 week it v .. 'i ' " Such Ih Che Wi.initio oi " W<L«.t^er upon the month wijh cheer. The ba-ines« meh te jib will bring you more things at „ „ . ™ gpJESSER ' PHICES Than you have your mind on » bur ground for this is that we have too many goods and must sell All the Fans that are Jikelv - ' to please and bnnjr you comfort, 25c to 75c. Rough' and ready ones, iJc, more or less. 3^ A £tA Tb^ park down as earnest a« anywhere. No shama or makelS* The $2.50 goes at $1.90. The $2.50 g-oes at $1.75. to k«»ep interest #om season next week. • FTESPECTF^ULLYI • Evanson <fe Co. i yv : .1)1 I'lHM'iiyiliiWijrn MTHi • j&Sjk'- Carefully Compounded, Give me a call, McHeorv, December HHtb. 1HH7. c. w. BESLEY. ESTABLISHED IN 1868. Paid 100 Cents on the Dollar tro iĵ oo, Yet doing business at the old stand, near the Depot, at V^'est McHe ury, III., WHER^i At all times can be found a stock ot Fercip aid Doiusstw Green art' Jrisfl Fruits, GROCERIES > AND FBOY£SIONIS Of a quality not to be surpassed in any market. To show that good goods can be sold ti t reasonable rates uu examina­ tion by those .in want of them is cordially invited. No special days of cheap rates but reasonable prices every day. ALIt BY THE EXCLUSIVE AND ONLY UNCLE BEN GILBERT. Record 3i2e. No. 9701. Wlil be for service nt the barns of George W. Owen, McHenry, Illinois. TERMS, $50. Oile iHUt payable in Ca9h, balance by Nttt* due «ix months from scrvice wiCtoout interest. Interest afttir due at 8 per cent. "GoorsreO." was uired by Lakttlaml Alwlallah 3(51. bv the t'oumler of our trotting wonders, ol«t Uysilvkes llambletoman, 10. Dam of George <) u by Autocrat, a son of Georpco M. I'atchen, 3(), record >»he paced hi six years oil a halt mil« in 1MX, and at 17 years a full mile i:i 2:27. "Georirp O " has had very limited advnn. tages in the stud, never having bred a »tan. dard bied mare, but his colts are all very 6needy and sell tor long prices. He »lred a two-yeav-old with ft record Of 2:49. trial ft mile in 1:22 to Road Oart Mo Henry, lUtnet*. J,VU, ti}* t mi.. J. <• * >. V 'j , - U MILES' NERVE ft LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. .Splendid for men women and children. SinaHeat, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cento. Sampled' at Geo. W. Beaiey's. H. C._ , neral I Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Fanning Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on tliQ. most reasonable terms. A share of pat* ronage solicited. P. 0. Address, Weeft A.,v /; KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP * .ivii DEALER S A^,«.ND3 OF ,r? ? . :?W ' i* 'j/tH | To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity: I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Apriicultnr«»l Iraplemeiits second t>» none in the county and at prices^ that I am confident it will pay you to investigate before making ^our purchases. • . If. SAtrEf*- CO If you wanUo own the »>eat, behold it here, finely finished!, W?t i r°??r "ftkt running, durable, superior quality, unex* eel ed, Do you want fl^wagon? If so examiue the liishop before you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with broad tire9. W ood g,nd iron pumps, platform spring wagons, combination wugons, hne carnages, all kinds that will bear close inspection. MOWERS J MOWERS I Tha.McCormick, lted White and Blue, aud the Crowff, a}l class goods and puces way down. I T The H°Hing8wdHt!i, Gazelle self dump, • iftiff^ the El I wood self dump. C an furnish pole or shafts as desired, with any of the above named rakes. The McCormick Simple Knotter " ̂ - y Is the Sest knotter or earth. It ties more grain with left twine--and does it better --than any other machine. J|je invineir ble WcOormiclc offers you twine when twine is cheap, wire when twine is dear, For particulars call at agricultural warehouse of Richard Bishop. Having just received a carload ot itnml n il n i u tugf*" I would respectfully ask those in need of twine to a calH * Call at my warehouse, examine goods and learn pHcea on all fooda in the im^leinent ling^ / 'Jj y Very Truly Tounk RICHARD BISHOP. "J?', .

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