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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1890, p. 8

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A Complete Gospel Via the British Tentftersm^e Advocate, Inn valuable article entitled, "A Com- ft\" {ikfto Gospel," Rev. Samm-I ltwckk>y writ«: " 4 "Against almost every other caufe fit hiudmuce to t!ie progress of true s/ .-eHgion, the people are repeatedly L warned from tbe pulpits of our land; l>ut here is a glaut cause of immorat- , ity and irreligion which is allowed to »|Ctot, and with impunity to produce tl i the worst effects, and that under the iVery shadow of our churches and chapels, h',, >> and, in many cases, sanctioned and b; * defended by the public teachers of moral- ity and religion. Why this thing should be tolerated £ cannot possibly imagine. •!u* . There is a breach in the ramparts of, our >aChristian fortification which ought to be immediately repaired -- a loop-hole Sjv through which this ^sworn foe of ^God and man has been allowed to f" uome and go in and out of the Chris- |; tian camp at leisure, which should be ?||* * wade up at once. The church can never " accomplish her mission, and conquer the forces of evil, so long as the minister and other teachers of Christianity parley with the greatest foe which genuine relig­ ion has upon the face °f the earth. We ^ must have a complete Gospel preached %', to the people, no matter what the hazard %r04 the preacher of it may bo subjected to, J aor what the Sacrifice may be to which 4 we who embrace it may be compelled to ' Mbmit--a Gospel which will fearlessly - / denounce not only sin, immorality, crime • and suffering, but every cause of them." 'h ' f',- H pfei f: -fT: lauiidrVmai<f3 hope is GtyU/S • SOAf- KV6S bd^Jier tine and her ktor, :'J1 find tyat her clothes with a Wtiancy $o#$ than those of her m SANTA & CLAUS soiyp Manufactured only by FAIRBAHK&C ,̂ • . W *h#I «*r «v»tr *1* « W|»rt(«» tm atiyitiing fctV. •m in Pov/ m»<1 H'pii*. Anv WHntinp-a p vwl ;in<l n<>«t f»nit nn'lnthiftir f"r lh** Fourth nf ,!ti!v wi'l do-w#»l pi»iiey hy «a liufi oil n*, H> a'-obave *»«uY- ptt'ern* of -... % : . , ^ voting m*tn » '*I-v m OXXU CLOTH vor* ft which aro worlhv of W(rf attention, they will hfl Bu'd W**il^iiw**a splendid *>f: if- •a. EFJPEPSY. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands.^ dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guar­ antee that Electric Bitters, if used ac­ cording to directions aud the use persist­ ed in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust tbe demon Dyspepsia aud install instead Eupeps.v. We recommend Elec trie Bitters for dispepsia aud all diseases of Liver. Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at ^ 50c. and f 1.00 per bottle Druggist. anevH. ? by G. W. DWWj GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their , , . - c h i l d r e n t o s u f f e r f r o m h e a d a c h e , f i t s , S t . At » Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they ! ^ can be cured Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizziness, dysj^epsia, nervous \ *si prostration of eighteen years' standing, |s,^'yVS.after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. ?fc K., of sick headache for thirty-five years; .j Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty tits a night; I others from this vicinity could be men- I ttoaed who have been cured by that won­ derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' Nervine, which contains no morphine, . opium or dangerous drags. Free sample bottles may be had at Besley's drag store. S-*'; CARPET WEAVING. K JOS, IIAWRENCK, at her rewidwice, of the Driving Park, West McHenry, prepared to Weave Carpets in the best of manner, on short notice and guaran- tie Satisfaction. From a long experi- is confident she can please all . who entrust, their weaving to her. Pri­ nces reasonable H MBS. JOS. LAWKEWCK. |, Wmt MeHsary, April 22d, 1890. fOSL SALE OR RENTr pf • ' • flte bouse known as Hie Sfrfl. t,. A. £ <: Clavk house, situated in the village of ||§:;. McHeury, Is oSered for sale or rent on ; teasoaable tta-ms. The house is in good 44, lepair, good well, cistern and other con- jr? .• s. venieuces. Large garden and plenty of », '.?4 wiiail iruit. For terms aad other partic- ' ^ alam iaqaire of H. C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 D. MSSONAM«»< • Dearborn Stnat, CUCiM M Qmr WEBSTER THE BEST SNVESTMENT Tsr UM Family, School, or Professional Library. A LIBRARY DICTIONAPIM /TSFLF Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing: Office and U. S. Su­ preme Conrt. It is highly recommended by 3S State Sup'ts of Schools and the leading- College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest­ ed by the leading School Book Publishers. 3OQ0 more Words and nearly 2OOP more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. SPECIMENTESTIMON1ALS. The Haw York World says: Webster is al­ most universally conceded to be the best. Boston Globe says: Webster is the ac­ knowledged standard in lexicography. The Atlanta Constitution says: Webster haa ""^Ton^ieei^h^^anda^^uthority in our office. The Chicago Inter Ocean says: Webster's Unabridged has always been the standard. The Hew Orleans Times Democrat says-. ^^Wetoter is standard authority in our office. The Hew York Tribnne says: It is recognized aathe most useful existing "word-book" of I the English language all over th$ world. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. «. AC. MERR1AM * CO., Pab'rs,Springfield, Haa* I,elt to atiol*It) at 7 cents p«r .yard * And the silk and wool mixed. These goods you can hny at even less than wholesale prices. Also some Tricot Flannel, and itnpor THIi ADVERTISEMENT &>(#* th tt. anything in the I'-ne of OOA.I > Ac FKBD I dtock of Every Enterprising Thresherman knows that ^ the threshing machine I? y that will • •inrork the most rapidly, clean perfectly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will f Write now to at once investigate our claim that . Ouner, Kbennuuiiim, Oym Headache, Constip _ * "it.T* i cllPP& FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONG. •^82* £* Net*, prices to auit aD W*. AT»» A Song, PHILADEUH I AT : >i: Sold by all dealers. ' P. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Heal Estate, Stock, Farmii Took, Household Furniture, and Goo_ of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at- %vtioa. hddnm. V K OURODI S f , w ; . M n B t j i r r beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get OUr circulars and . satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application. NICHOLS & SHEPARD B A T T L E C R E E K . ! M I C H I G A N . Can be benight CHEAPER FOR w. A. CRISTY'S, 4 l» Than any other place in to on. (Jar Lnt» a upecuilty. Warehouse at the Piokte Ftictory, in West McHenry. REMEMBER TBE PLACE. & CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY -*olarvnn<l Expenses paid, or Oommis. sioii if preferred. Salesmen wanted everywhere. Mo experieuoe needed ddrpsa, siattntr a«e, H. W. FOSTER Jt CO., Nurserymen, din mill ' Hi'V -ii. 'Hi i.i.ii ii i : -FOR-- [HorsssTQattle, Sheep & Hoge.^ f Excel* am remedy (er the rapid cure ef Hard Sslds,Causes. Hide Bound, Yellow Water, Fever* Distemper, Sore end Weak Eye*, Lung Fever, Cottlvenest, Blotches, and all difficulties arle- Ing from impurities of (he Blood. Will raliaw (leaves at once. Manufactured by the » ) JOPPA MANUFACTURINQ CO., LYONS, N. Y.^ 9areCare for Hog Cholera. FULLER AFIIUH, •aaeral Western Agents, Chicago, III. --- canvass for the sale •m Niirwrv Mock. ACEMTS of jour lloine-G rown Niirwrv Mock. WANTED , UNBtiUALKD KACiLt i itw. t>ne of the lar^eat ol'lepueaiiililiftieil, and iiest known Nurit«ri«i in th»* conn try A'lilresw, IF. <fc T. SMITHt Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N. ¥. »t . IV jL . OMl 1 tl . I Established in 1844. PILBS, B| !*fS TRADE 25 Cn For sale by Ceo. W, Besley c 0 n s u m p ^ IMW permanently cured THOTO5AISTJS • « oaae* proQounoea by doctors hope- If you have premonitory syrup t aeiay, butT use CONSUMPTION By Druggiats. 25 center . lave premonitory syrup W®*) Mich as Cough, Difficulty o nssg-te ̂ r-^- b°'u" Immediately, E.W. BLATtili UKD & CO.. of Chi «ttgo, ha\ e appointed Bonstatt & 8toffeV McHenry, agentafor their famous OB Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers Mould swcoi d a fair trial. Very clo«» »*M» ottered or • END TOR OUR C ATA LO QUE AND PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, 1MPIA.NAPOLI8, INO. Tisioiiy! Area ta Wanted! (JlHUIL \HJ5 FrKX. I,«.I I:i»wstcr'» HIIFET) HELA Holders ^Ivenaviray u>intradui«tlMtai. STMT hare, owner buys from I to 6* Ltnsa iev< i under boitee* feet. HndlB orKickoJl IMPROVED Spur Wire f ur sale at tb« tiarness 8bop of Wm. vValsh, West McHenry Illinoie. 3. SHERMAN. w, - r e ® ^ebratei Br . X'- •V'fl ' Sr our c H 0€ 363 3Efe X TEX & CNI hand at wholoHitie pricos - ' • ' • « • i ^ . - ^ODRS A8 EVKR X .'i*y - - 1 Stevens <fc Miller. Wea| RflcHenry, |||. , JACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE B(8HOP'8 MILL, II.IJKOIK !>FA!.KR Pnn'hane 1 will admit iu (-us'.. »11 o< which will l>e guhl an tow Ufl the maret t'urnit-h first cImmh sToodft. A Wlfijb IINE' OF STOVES, GARLAND AN1) OTII Kit KIN1>«. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. CiUiMft «>t All Sizt'H Conslantl} «>it Hand, BEST BARB WJBX In the Mnrket, at Bottom Prinos. JOBBING AS7D REPAIRXiia will be done on phort notice HnH Satisfaction Guarantwd . share of pubHo p»trouaffe reHuectfully stdicitpd. JACOP BONSLETT. JULIA A. STORY. (One Door West of Riverside!House,) TdfyVAfCE And you can*t afford to do otherwise when you k tovr the §«• me.ys oflpivd hy the Nutidi. WtHHl.stock at.d Dmidee u*»!i stores of ( . P . Hall, Air«nt. The stores «re filled with a choice ind well-selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Sttoes, ttaU and Caps, Groceries, et<^ - ,« ^ , *• Sold for Cash every MolIEN »IT, - 1UJMOIN. DEAI.KR IN- DRUGS, MEDICINE# A e are sending out this ««ad" to reach the far-off trade not naturally coming to us. The home tiade knows a good thins when it sees it, and n'.tumlly come to 119. hut we want more trade and so say to vou come and we will give you a rousin« benefit* Our cash bought merchandise is worth the attention* of- cash buyer, and we guarantee a saving on every item offerod U e iwcupy a large double *tnra at Nunda, and with good and irood light to t»how, you should call and get the rates Pariins cumin? by rail and buyiug ten dollar*' worth ot VfVr hit d se we would say we will allow you two railroad fares within a distance of twenty-five miles, ind guarantee sati taction in all cases. Do von buy for ca*h, or do long prices and long credit suit voV best? Do you live a tnuuth behind or a mouth ahead all you live^ Our plan will please you, and our price*, too, for out's is not to gee how much we « an get for an article but at how sm*ll a price we ctn sell it. * it h three krge stores under our management we carry the mcst complete line of Dry Goods to be found in any section, aud our ( lot.hpig block for men and boys is complete. V\ e sell a boy's suit, age 4 to J2 years, at cents, which is solid and substantial, and if you want something more nobny our suits *at $1 29 $1 48 *1 til). $l.H« will be just one-half the rates charged by credit dealers' W'e are making our prices in all lines tell on high credit ratee and VOU should share in the benefits. Our Grocery Zck Sways fresh a«»d iuviting. aud our rates are much below- our credit coi petitors iii all cases. We have in years past gained the reputation ^! * bargain store and that name will be fully sustained. 0 - f A.FULL LIKE OF Drags, Chimlc&ls, Sy* Sto&a, PaSats, (Kit and Colon, Constantly t n han<^. A so a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, --AND COMPT.BTE STQCK Or--. 5 V STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES P hy îc fans pp©«cr4ptioni| Oiref'iHy aal accuritey comp maded by a Registered Pbarma- <>a. utespup h rw»w«<Mlyyiii»it«d. JUUA A. STORy. Sugars, way oown No, I ....... No, ' (' ill'ne UtmtKice liooil Tea 3"cent Tea.. .. ..., No 1 HHkinff Powiler ... GOOM Plug Tobacco... (i(Kxl iMl'iktnff Ti>l«u*.co... Beet 1'rutin Blue Frlnla No. J Tu-.klDg Sfi W «J 25 u sn tt 4, ft, « Hi w No 2 IVkinr.., .i-.. No I IJont • «n<iv Kiiloinnlrlfil .Hhirtr*.. (Jnlaiiiidi ie<l Shirts, best ... I»I088 Gooiis Bent Oingliams... ....V.'.V.. B e a t ! > h e t ' l i n n , 4 . 4 . * No. 2 SlieetinK. Menu Hhoes. B»I1<I..2V. ,, Men'n ""hoes fine.. Oluldren'4 sboea .... ...Y 13 is 48 i Act •, 9, », » 07 • .17 S2 OS I'48 ;v ' ..v ...... It, JW, 40, as Miaset shoes H, |I ®, |T 04 M'e show the moist complete stock in all lines in McHeury County Do not pa«s this by as an ordinary advertisement, tor if you act oil the suggestion you will visit and get a beuotit at the s£*iv •• jffnada, Woodstack sad Dondes Cash 5tons« 0W IF- Affewt^ Farmers Attm ton We are nol be under­ sold by any firm in the county on any of the farming too we hand:e. W'e have always on hand such farm machinery and extras as are needed. Our Stock is Complete tn Spring tools, such as Plows of several makes, the celebrated Norwegian, Skaudia, Star, Case, Kock Island, Grand Detour, and others which are fully warranted,, The Albion, Whipple aud Buckeye SPBIH3 T00T3 HABB073 CJan never he beaten. Thev in­ sure a sure crop every year as I bey cut the ground up fine and kill all the fine weeds, which gives the corn a start Pulverizers We have alt kinds The Key­ stone two lever is the leader, as a 7TY per^fHt finer job that* with onui Also has ball bearing boxes w,!nich outwear two of any otder Daley, rows. /ake. We also ke< p the <ureka aud Cutaway Har- We handle the Rertrand & Saiues, Standard, Ell wood, Case, Thompson, jNorwegian, Geneva Lake Clipper, and others, Kemftmber the spriag beats thern all for corn. We carry a tine line *»f BUGGIES, Ot all classes, combination wagons, carts in all styles. The Weber lumber wagon is as good as anybody's wagon, aud a', prices to suit the times and people. Call aud see us before you agree to try anything in the machinery liue . At the Old Stand. ; E. If. OWEN & SON. STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS GENERAL HARDWARE, ST0718, anuniMBoa xn imwiin Bartjed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, An<? Wire Cloth of all Widths. Sporting Goods and Cutlery. SiTS STOVES. a The Universal and N^w Process Stoves that by far outrank any other Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them Qlass of All Sizaa. * e tnttke a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing W TIti. Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so­ licited. story «c m-qmber* ; ag..

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