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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1890, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUG 1890. Time Table r\w-i V 7 * * - J »«©> £.'-;«;v ' • j* 5Sf->. t * £? / -, v*"*" * " rfej-J Taking effeAt Sunday, Jnns 15th. WSO, train* »/ . Wilt pass this station as follows: F^V QOM« BOOTH. JH^Lake Geneva Fas»«n|t*r A* *' /^Lak« Geneva Express ...*'48 Lake Geneva Freight J:® ,, ft?Lake Genera Passenger «:*j ~ Lake Genera l»ass®n«er .. |:J* „ tLxke Genera Passenger •'••* JffOhtcago feunday Passenger. OOIMO WOBTH. ,»^*Leke Gannva Freight - L- V*Lak«Geneva Passenger ... I f*|^akeGeneva Passenger .... ;s: V > » Lake Geneva Express 2$, v »Lake Geneva Passenger ... ___ £ ; B X P U V A T I O * . ! ^ *L f Daltv except Son lay. ES, * Swntlays oniy. P, / g 8tops only to leave passengers. .7 :25 4. M. . SM A. M. , #5#* •• m.10 •« , 4:8* P. M. . «:M " MAsovic. 'MCHXHRT LODOK, NO. 158 A. F. a»<l A. M.~ K«gniar Oomnnnicatitns the swond and thurlh Mondays in each month. 0. O. COLBY, W. M. MODERS WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at the new Oity Hall, every Second 84 Last Tuesday evening of each month, lighbors cor lially invtteU- ANNOUNCEMEHTS. I " * FOB SHERIFF. >By the earnest request of many of my old time frfonds, I hereby announce my- «f»lf an independent. candidate for the office of Sheriff of McHenry County, sub­ ject to the will of the voters of thecounty, at the November election. D. A. STEDMAN. Adjourned Meeting-. \ An adjourned meeting, for the purpose /of discussing plans and devising ways latid means for building a Hotel in West [Me Henry, will be held at tbo City Hall Ion Monday evening next at 8 o'clock. LLet there be a general attendance. PER ORDKR. . - -- UKM EMBER the Old Settlers Dance, at J^s^be Riverside House, August 21st. V;.I Do not forget the Horse Sale, on Thurs- * day next, A ugnst 14th. Sale--of : Evanson's special bargain black Hosiery Saturday Aug 9. THIS section was visited by a splendid in on Sunday afternoon and evening, REMEMBER the Ice Cream Festival on $he Lawn at the residence of E. Lam- pbere on Friday evening of this week. THERE will be a grand Trotting Mat- inee, at Gage's Driving Park, in this vil­ lage, on August 21st. See notice elsfi^ yjthere. LOST.--A small satchel is lost from' the McHenry Depot waiting room. Possessor gg please return it to 476 W. 12th, St,,. ,, Chicago, aixj get, reward. v •--1-- ARE you nudcih& arrangements to at- 4;, tend the Old Settlera" Sleeting, to be bold in this village on the 2lsHi>8t. ? If not, ' *hy not? §;> FOUND, in this village, a ladies or childs ' Knit Cape. The owner can have the same y by calling at this office, proving property «pd paying for this notice. ^ OUR Public School Buildings are now miag put in proper shape for the coming (year, which will commence on Monday, pptember 1st. , O. W. OWEN has received bis Patent /for an attachment to a Hay Rake. It is [one of the finest things of the kind we lever saw. No farmer can afford to be without one. VIMOHAlk HAY LAMPHKKK is- visiting in Elgin this week. EDITH CARPENTER, of Elgin has been calling on friends here the past few days. FKED SHEUBUBN started Tueadayjfor Boston, where he proposes to spend the next forty Jays. L. H. JONES, Internal Re venae Collec­ tor for this District, was a caller on Saturday. Miss KITTIE BRUNTON, of Maplewood, is the guest of Miss Maggie Osborne this week. MB. AND MRS. J. T. STILES and daugh­ ter, of Elgin, cure the guests of F. L Mc- Omber and wife this week. MBS. J. VAN SLYKE, who has been dangerously sick the past two weeks, is now slowly recovering. PROF. FRANK L. CAKR,of the Richmond Gazette, made oar sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday. MIBSES MAVD AND AGGIE COLBY, of Lake Geneva, are visiting with friends here this week. CHAS. WHITTEMOIIK, of Huntley, was the guest of James B. Perry and family over Sunday. MRS. CONE, of Waukegan, was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Besley, last week. MRS. E. T. FRYER, who has been visit* ing friends here the past six weeks, re­ turned to her home at Dolan, Dakota, on Tuesday. J AS. B. PERRY Esq., of this village, starts on Friday for Boston, where he goes to attend the Natioual Encampment G. A. R. He will go by the way of West Point and visit his son Howard. CHAH. W. FAY, of Chicago, is visiting among friends here this week. He will start for Colorado next week, where, if the climate agrees with him, he expects to make his future home. \ THE party that helped himself to Barb Wire at our warehouse and failed to ynotify us at the office will do well to call land settle for same and save themselves trouble. WILBUR LUMBER CO. "V THE Ladies' Society of Willing Workers will hold an ice-cream festival on Friday evening of this week, on Mr. Lamphere's lawn. In case of storm it will be held in the Universalis Church. Plenty of ice cream and cake. All are cordially in­ vited to come ont and enjoy an evening on the Lawn. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for the post office at McHenry, 111., August 1,1890T =...... - •' Charles McDonald, Earnest Wendell, Legrand Powers, Rev. M. Welby; Chas. Baker. Mru. Kati» Lourenne, Mrs. Margaret Benolken. POSTAL CARDS. Mrs. Margaret Benolken, J as. Maui corn. PHOTOGRAPHS. Mr. Morris Wart. JAY VAN SLYKE, F. M. . THE McHenry correspondent ..of .the Woodstock Sentinel says that the Elgin Brick and Tile Co., in this village, have made 450,000 Brick this mason ! Now the facts are they made 540,000 in the month of July, and that with a one horse power machine, and they challenge the world to beat the record. This season they have already made 1,340,000 Brick, and will make fully as many more before the season is over. The Sentinel corres­ pondent evidently don't know Supt. .Wentwortb, or they are badly deficient n their arithmetic. Old Settler's Keating. At the meeting held at the City Hall on Friday evening last, for the purposo of making arrangements for the Old Set­ tler's Meeting, which is to be held in this village on the 21st iust., the following committees were appointed: Reception Committee.--J. H. Johnson, F. K. Granger, Jehiel Compton. Committee on Speakers.--F. K. Gran­ ger, J. B. Perry, R. Bishop. Committee on Arrangements.--J. Van Slyke, Geo. Smith, Win. Stoffel, B. Gil­ bert, A. Brewer. Committm on • Stands and Games.-- John I. Story. Committee on Vocal Maeic.--O. N. Owen, Mrs. E. J. Hauly. Committee on Instrumental Music.--3. J. Barbian, Geo. Besley, Jerry Smith. Committee on Amusements.--John Heimer, Win. Bonslett. Chas. Granger. Committee on Refreshments or Hon­ orary Tables.--Mrs. C. T. Eld red ge, Mrs. H. C. Mead, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mrs. E. L. Mead, Mrs. Simeon Covil, Mrs. Frank Hanly, Mrs. Wm. Cristy. Treasurer.--Simon Stoffel. Marshal ot the Da,r.--H. C. Mead. \ These committees are now actively at work, and we confidently predict one of tbe most interesting meetings ever held by the Society. No pains will be spared by the citiaens of McHenry to make it pleasant for all old and young settlers, and a programme is being prepared, which will be published next week, which will be of a highly interesting nature. Look ont- for the. Posters and* Pro­ grammes, and do not fait to visit McHenry August 21st, and help the Old Sutlers Re-Une. ^ / PURSUANT to notice which appeared in 4'ie PLAIN DEALER last week, a meeting was held at the City Hall on Saturday evening last to take some action towards building a new hotel in West McHenry, to take the place of the Parker House which recently burned. The meeting was called to order and on motion Dr. A. S. Childs was chosen chairman and Simon Stoffel Secretary. After the matter had been discussed by those present, on mo­ tion a committee of five, consisting of F. K. Granger, H. C. Mead, John Evan- son, R. A. Howard and Simon Stoffel, was appointed to consult with parties interested and report at a special meet- iog of said committee, to be held at the office of Dr. Childs, oh Monday, Aug. 4th, at 4 p. M. Said committee met on Mon­ day, and after various ways and means were proposed, agreed that, more time was necessary to investigate and talk up the matter, and decided to hold another meeting at the City Hall on Monday AN exchange says: /It is no longer good manners for a gentleman to raise this hat when he meets a lady on the street. A courteous wave of the band not unlike a military salute has been substituted for the old custom in London, Paris aud Vienna. It is not a fad, but \ponviction that uncovering the head in CHAS. NICKLES, who works for the Wil- ur Lumber Co., met with quite a severe ..njurv on Wednesday morning, by being °Pen air causes a number of cases of thrown from a load of lumber, striking lnfluenza- To see a man pass along the his side and hip. Fortunately n(V Street and with a spasmodic grace, yank tones were broken. ATTENTION is called to "the NOTFC* of J>rof. W. H. Watson's Great Exhibition of Paintings, at Richmond, commencing |fouday next, Angust 11th, and continue during the week. They are said to be Very fine. THE Woodstock Fair Association have fengajrod Cole Bros, to make a balloon ' ascension and grand parachute leap, at the Woodstock Fair on Angust 28th and g9th, 1890. Don't miss ft, as it if •Chance of a lifetime. -i- \ I1:1' ' AN exchange has discovered that a poor girl has to be awfully good looking y|o be pretty, and a rich girl has to be lawfully homely to be ugly. It might be iidded that a poor man has to be awfully •mart to be intelligent, and a rich man almost a blockhead to be ignorant. , WE are in receipt of a neatly printed and elegantly designed souvenir. "A fctory of Damon and Pythias," to the Knights of Pythias of the world, from the Pabst Brewing Company of Milwau­ kee, issued in lieu of ttye recent conven- *W £ion of the above named order held at Ip.j^^'jMilwaukee. i -- -- -- V WE learn that J. W. Horseman, Con- *L ductor on No. 155 Freight, was killed at • .Woodstock on Monday, by falling from the top of a car, two cars passing over him, crushing and mangling him in a frightful manner. His home is at Park Ridge, where be leaves a wife, two chil­ dren and a mother. , ' Mv IF you wish to see some of the grandest scenery on the continent, go on the ex­ cursion to Devil's Lake,Tnesday, August 12. Round trip only $2. Leave Lake Geneva, 6:50 A. M. ; Genoa Junction, 7:04; Richmond, 7:09; Ringwood, 7:22; • McHenry, 7:30; Terra Ootta, 7:40; Crys- ital Lake, 7:50. Leave Cliff House, Devil's Lake, 7 P. M. Tickets for sale by station agent. t The McCormick is the Conqueror, both in the East aud West. Th^ MoConnick fctfa# Victor of all ttc world the l«t, $1 T^hops, his hat. off and bring it down over his face so he can see inside of the crown is amusing. In the future keep your hat on if you wish to be in style. Make a semi-military salute, just touching the rim of the hat. WATSON'S Great Exhibition of Paint- bigs next week only, commencing Mon day, Aug. 11, at the Richmond school house, as shown in Paris and London: "Triumph of the God of Daniel ;" "Con- ktantine Entering Rome;" "Cyrus at . Babylon;" "Stonesof Fallen Greatness," and other works, said to be the most wonderful productions of human genius. The art critic of the Paris News "Most perfectly treatedLondon Acad­ emy, "Very Wondrous;" Glasgow Her­ ald, "ExaltedChristian Union, "Beau­ tiful Imagery," etc. Open from 10 A. M till dark. Admission, 25 cents. Grand Trottin* X&tinee. There will be a grand Trotting Matinee at. Gage's Driving Park, McHtnry, on Thursday, August 21st, at which time the following Purses will be offered: 3:20 Class--Trotting--Special, Purse, $20 3:00 " - •« -Purse 40 2:50 " - " - " 60 Entrance Fee 10 percent of Purse. Five to enter and three to start. Purses to be divided as follows: Fifty per cent to first, twenty-five to second fifteen to third, and ten to fourth. National Rules to govern. - E. J. HANLY, President. GEO. G. SMITH, Secretary. Devil's Lake, Wis. Excursion to this marvelous lake Tues­ day August 12th. Round trip only |2.00 Leave Lake Geneva on regular train 6:50 A. M., Genoa Junction 7:04 A. M., Rich mond 7:09 A. M., Ringwood 7:22 A. M.. McHenry 7:80 A. M.. Terra Cotta.7:40 A. M., Crystal Lake 7:50 A.M. Tickets for sale by the sation agent. H you wish to see some of the grandest scenery on this continent go on this Excursion. Remember the day and date Tuesday, August 12th. Round trip only f 2,00. 2 aw evening next at 8 o'clock, and everybody is earnestly invited to attend. The com­ mittee will meet again on Friday at the office of Dr. Childs. THE Base BaUgame, on Thursday last, between the McHenry and Woodstock Nines, which was played on the Fair Grounds, at Woodstock, was a genuine farce from beginning to end; Our boys were foolish enough to eonsent to play the game under the two umpire rule, one of the most senseless things ever intro­ duced on a ball field, and in this case it was a battle of the Umpires, aud not of the contesting Clubs. The Umpire for the Woodstock Nine was either a fool or a knave, it would be hard to tell which from his decisions. That the McHenry nine outplayed the Woodstocks at every point is conceded by every impartial man who saw the game, yet the game was de­ cided in favor of the latter by a score of 15 to 12. Our boys are anxious for the return game and will guarantee a fair field and no favors. liattio A. Story - Sorrow from a Distance Truly a minister's pastorate never ends with a family whose friendship has l>een once formed; but never broken by discord or distance; where the richness of confidence was fully "developed in the baby-girl, young maiden! and in father aud mother. Four-sfded, strongly- banded, one for each and each for all-- such a home was John I. Story's when I was pastor in McHenry, 111. In it was my first abiding place in the village, and a heartier welcome man never had. A happier home is seldom found when the four with health abounded. Whenever I crossed the yard or entered the door, the cheerful "Good morning,was never with­ held by either of the four. Since then, many a letter has passed between us, and friendship, ever alive, has grown and thriven in our hearts, and the words, "Edna says" this, and "Hattie says" that, were the sentences mingled with the loving, kindly words that came. But now, yea notr, the dreaded words have come to cast a gloom over our hearts, saying "Dear Hattie is dead." Nay, not dead, but passed up higher. God bless those parents and the little sister; for that home is not fourJsided now. To you, dear brother John^and sister Julia, on that darker side let there be a window put, and there to stay, with no curtain to fall, no shutter to otose and mar the light; yes, the window, of abiding faith, through which you can look and see your darling daughter among the angels; for remember, you have not lost her--God gave her to you for yours, and yours always. Disease has moved her a little further on and up, to watch and wait for your after-coming. And that faith shall give you sustaining strength as the days ^shall come and go. Nevertheless the heart pants for the sweet communion of living words between parents aud loving daughter, and tears will come for love will mourn, for those affectionate, intelli­ gent and charming lives were a benedic­ tion to us all, as was hero. And so our tears (my wife's and mine) mitigle with the rest for the absence of her who had so many frieuds, attracted to her by the genial joy ot her daily life. May the God of peace and love, which passeth under­ standing, help her loved ones who are left to bear the burden Of sorrow, and with the many others we bear a part for consolation's and friendship's sake. "Not death, but life. Tbsak Go1 that she has risen! That he haih sent tier pease! That from the pain and shadow of It* prison, Her soul has found release. '•W« may not know the glory and Hit |'ad- ness, Th*t jn the spirit shine, That bore on earth its agoay^md With patience so divine. ('i&i Evaodop'e. Clearing ysH AT a regular meeting of St. Johns Court, No. 96, Catholic Order of Forrest­ ers, held Aug. 3,1890, the following reso­ lutions were unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, God in his infinite wisdom has seen lit to call from our midst, our brother, Engelbert Herbes, therefore Resolved, That we the members of St. Johns Court, No. 96, mourn the loss of a good brother, and the family the loss of a kind husband and father, the church a pious member, and the commu­ nity an honorable and upright citizen, Resolved, That the Charter of the Court be left draped in mourning for the next thirty days, in respect to the mem­ ory of t he departed brother, Resolved, That a copy of these resolu­ tion be sent to the family of the deceased and also printed in the PLAINDEALER, Yolksblatt, Waehenblatt and Guide and that the same be entered upon the records of the Court. LEWIS ALTHOFF, ADOLPH FISHER, DK. C. H. FEGEKS. Committee. Fair Programme. TUESDAY, ACODST 26TH. Entry Day.--All entries to be made before 6 P. M. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 27TH. Children's Day.--All under 16 years of age admitted free. Balloon ascension and parachute jump. THURSDAY, AUO. 28TH. Address; subject, Agriculture. Balloon Ascension and ppraahate jump. FRIDAY, AUG. 29TH. Arrangements not complete. Will an­ nounce later. Racing each day of Fair. All are invited to come. , FRED HATCH, PRES. A. F. FIELD, Sec. ' V Horse Sale Day. The next regular monthly Hon# Sale by the McHenry Horse Sale Association, will be be held on Thursday of next week, Aug 14th. As a large number of buyers are expected parties having horses for e de will do well to have them here as early as 10 o'clock A. M. Bring in your horses and you will be sure to find a buyer provided you Will sell them for what thej are worth. OLD SETTLERS DANCE. There will be an Old Settlers Danes, at the Riverside House, McHenry, on Thurs­ day evening, Aug. 21st, to which all old and young settlers are cordially invited. Good music will be in attendance and all can be assured of a good time. Good accommodations ior carefully taken care of. * I~r «?••» i, "We know her weariness is ended, That she from pain is free, That her pure soul has to its So<1 ascended. In joy and liberty. Ai «"T.s ours to prise the natufs we lahsrlt, Which she has gtoriited; " < - Nor doubt the power of the immortal spirit. Sinoe she luts lived aad died." B. BRCNMtlto. Hyannis, Mass , Jttly */, 1890. And Siill Another--Xtaar DCaude/*"^ P. S.--And now, before We send the above brief words, there comes another sadness--another sorrow. Dear Maude, so sad,-so sudden and so near to Hattie, whom she loved so well; who scattered flowers so lovingly with the rest at the burial of her friend, only to go so soon, to gather the heavenly fruitage on the other side. Two of my former congrega­ tion and of my Sunday school:--mates then, htaters now in God's kingdom of love aud glory. Brother and sister Van Slyke, to you y^e send our sympathy and the consolation of our friendship. This double sorrow, for those onoe so near to us and never yet forgotten, is full more than we, with you, seem hardly able to bear, and yet we must. Our hands and our tears are here, but our hearts are with you there in your sadness. Disease may destroy the body, but God gives the soul of your daughter to you forever. Count her among your treasures laid up for future and endless enjoyment, and may the good Father bless, sustain and strengthen you. BEKJ. AND SOPHIA E. BRUNNING. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOHIO.--A. K. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even. ta*ra of each month. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMBF'CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. Buchanan has been having his North factory painted. Nell Kane, of Harvard, spent Friday in town. Pete Robinson spent' fi»w days in Richmond lately. Mrs. Hewes and tittle daughter Ida, went to Lawrence Friday night. Mr. Rotnour's folks have been enter­ taining company* Mrs. Slater is having her house shingled. " Mrs. Archibald made Richmond ft call Saturday. Fred Barrigau visited his mother in Harvard, last Monday. Pete Rowe has had a severe attack of erysipelas^, Mrs. Payiiter, of Harvard, visited her sister, Mrs. Vincellette, last week. Rev. John Corlette, of Lawrence, spoke in our church Sunday. That shower we had Sunday^ was just what we ueeded. f Miss Hattie Hyde, of Genoa, made her cousin Grace a pleasant visit last week. Some of the campers have returned home. They looked as if they had been having a good time. We were sorry to hear of the death of Editor Vau Slyke's only daughter, Maude. Frank and Montie Housholder went to Harvard, Saturday night, to visit their aunt. Elder Fish, of Chicago, who used oc­ casionally to preach in Hebron, visited old friends Thursday and Friday. Jennie Shoudy, Ida Hewes, Maud Prouty and Mabel Housholder spent Wednesday with Miss Jennie's grandpa, Mr. Dillenbeck. Ira Phillips and family, Miss Crewe, Libbie Rotnour and David Rowe have been added to the list of campers at Lake Geneva. Mrs. T. B. Housholder, of Rowley, la., visited relatives in town last week. The Sunday School was anticipating the pleasures of a picnic at Twin Lakes this week but were disappointed on ac­ count of the rates being so high. Millie Housholder is visiting in Har­ vard and Chemung. We haven't heard yet what our new paper is to be called. They say the print­ ing office will soon be in running order. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Chas. Prouty, Friday evening, Aug. 8. All are cordially iuvited to be present. Our town furnishes cheese-boxes for some of our neighboring towns. Charlie Durkoe took a load to llartland Saturday Business Noticed. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. The Horses draw from the right place on the McCormick. E. M. Owen & Son are selling Une of Mowers and rakes. They always carry the best machines made. . "Have you seen the 5-A flve'mile horse blanket? If not, why not,? If "you have a horse you need it." The finest line of Whitewash i&ttd Paint Brushes in town at Besley's "West Side Drug Store. E. M. Owen & Son are knocking them all out this year with that celebrated Walter A. Wood single apron binder. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. No firm in the county handles a larger or better assortment of Binders ^nd Mowers than E. M. Owen & Son. SOCIAL PARTY. At Heimer's Hall, McHenry, Thursday evening, Aug. 21st, Old Settlers Day. Music Kline's Orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. All are cordially invited, • * JOHN HEIMER, Proprietor. Evanson's Clearing Sale. NOTICE. TIM stockholders of His National Building and Protective Union will please l^ay their monthly dues at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store where the books will be open at all t imes. 2-tf WM. STOFFEL. THE triumphal career of "The Crystal" at the Chicago Opera House is rapidly drawing to a close. There will be but four weeks more of this the most brill­ iant production Chicago has ever seen. The company embraces half a dozen stars who are now working together with per­ fect smoothness, and the result is a per­ formance which for sparkle, vivacity, and fun has nefer been equalled in the Northwest. The management of the Chicago Opera House has reluctantly been compelled to withdraw it owing "to arrangements made a year ago. Among the many different ballet features, the novelty never seems to wear off such things as the "nursery rhymes divertise- ment," danced by fifty coryphees; the "ioe cream," Champagne," Mid other ballets in the banquet scene. The '"skirt dance" proves to be a great hit, being danced by six of the b§st danccrs ever s&en upon the stage of the Chicago Opera House. On Sunday evening, Aug. 10th, the third and last edition of .the piece Will be given. This will also inaugurate the series of final performances of "The Crystal Slipper" to be given in Chicago. A number ot new features will be intro­ duced. Mr. Daboll, the Baron Anthra­ cite of the cast, will sing a song, heard for the first time in this country, entitled, "All the World's a Stage." A new "tarantella" will be introduced in the ballet, and there wjll be an Irish song and chorus, "McCarty's Daughter," for Mr. Edwin Foy. The latter has created quite a success, and is said to be quite as funny as the famous "Ballyhooley" song. "Little Mary," another entirely new song and dance, will be furnished for Mr. Foy in the third act. The new ballet features in the third act*will be a Hungarian dance for Frl. Clara Qualitz and Mile. Madeline Morando. and a character dance for Mr. Wm. Martini and two secondos. The Inst act will be further embellished by the addition of an entire­ ly new serenade for Miss Louise Mor- ' Art. *, ' ' ' .1?.. y ..iu.n . MONEY TO LOAN. Tn sums of $500 and upward, on good secured Notes. Inquire at this office. PHOTOGRAPHS. Call at Blue Tent, West McHenry, for Fine Work in Cabinets and Tin Types. Child rens work a Specialty. Cabinets $2.00 Per Doz. 4 Tin Types 50 16 Tin Types 25 None but Ape work made. J. S. BOSCEY, Artist FOR SALE CHEAP. A Steam Launch Catamaran, on Fox River, at McHenry, 23 feet long fitted with a one horse power Shipman Engine. Will carry six persons. Address, A. S. TYLER. ' 151 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. To save your Horses, to save your Crops, to save your Money, buy the McCormick. For Sale at Bishop'B. NICK line of Pipes, just received, At Barbian Brothers. Parasols at bargains at Evansons. HOSIERY ^ Too many Hose makes it necessary for us to bring the stock down, hence we name Saturday Aug. 9 as a special bargain Sale particularly in black On that day 3 pair good black, Ladies Hose for 2oc; 4 pair good colored, Ladies Hose fcr 25c. The 30, 35, 40, and 50 cent quality will all go in at one price 25c. You can have 16 pairs, 12 paire or 4 pairs for f 1.00 as you choose, but be sure and come. Respectfully. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Remember I can save you money on Coal, Corn and MillstuSs. Can deliver in any quantity at rock bottom prices. W. A. CRiSTy, West McHenry. Call Meafl Oil Meal 1 Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at close prices. A good article will bring a good price. The blind, spavined, and spring-halted horse is dear at any pri6e. Look them all over, but don,t forget the McCormick. For sale at Bishop's Warehouse. NEAT ROOMS TO RENT Over E. Lawlus' store. Also for sale, 2 heating stoves, 1 cook stove, 2 bed­ steads, 2 sewing machines. Will be sold at half price. ______ Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss Of Appetite, Di2ziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. A. Story. TOE SALE. Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale, at the lowest living prices. FRANK COLE. Spring Grove, Jan. 6.1890. 26-8m. FOR SA-L.E. The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor. RIGHT THIS WAY! All sizes boys' knee pants at 25c, 40c, 50c, 55c, 60c to 1.75 each; 5 doz. elegant blouse or shirt waists at 28c, 40c, 75c, to 80c. New cream-white ecru oriental lace 4 inches wide, 4c, 5% inch, 5c, etc. 1000 yards good calico at 3^c, 4c, 5c and 8c; good lawn, 4c, 5c, 6c, to 14c; 2 good fancy handkerchiefs tor 5c; white or; black India linen at 9c to 35c; fine white laces 3d yd. The best and largest lot of all silk ribbon in plain or fancy ever shown in this town. See our job lot of children's shoes from 10c to $1. All rare bargains; great drives in good substan­ tial fans in great variety; fire-works of all kinds a specialty. Call on us at once. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. * \ v J • ' ; : ti,y' A #^ '*• > ' 4 ̂ uO'Ji -*« T 'A' We have an extra large stock of floe { and medium priced Clothing. Be* - member MM place--Perry A Owen's We out St altnmtMtfhody la tea)* hi any style oolor or price. Remember the place--Perry & Owen's. 'M'M ; -{?'-* s" In Young Mens Black Suits we beat them all. Remember the place--Perry Ton may nil a salt soon. Doo*t forget that we carry the largest stock and can sell you at the lowest Cash orlce. Remember the place--Perry & Owen's, * -r \;<r -3 Be sure and see our firacfe and d'atl: ' colored Confirmation Suits for the boys. We are selling lots of them Bememqer the piaoe--Perrjr & OwMfc;-., Pis We have a dozen odd suits that we will sell at very low prices to anyone they will fit. They are all good style and good goods. Any of them are bargains. Remember tne place-- Perry & Owen's.I •We have several hundred yards Ote- petlng, In all grades, styles, and prices ranging at 16c. 22c, 35c, 50c. 60c and 75c per yard. You are pretty sure to get suited. Remember pAaiw ifofrrjr 4 Owen's. PASTURE TO RENT. 1 have three separate Pastures of forty acres each to rent on the L. A. Parker farm, located between McHenry and Burton's Bridge. They are newly fenced and each well supplied with water. For further particulars inquire at this office or write. 4w4 T. J. Dacy, Woodstock, 111. WANTED, A good man for a large farm, 640 acres. Most all in hay and pasture. v Would pre­ fer to rent for cash for a term of years but would rent on shares if I can't rent for cash. I will give the right man a big chance. It will pay you to investigate. Located in Hancock Co., Iowa. Address, 2 W. H. FORDI, Vinton, Iowa. DON'T FORGET That the Crown, Red White and Blue and MoCormiok Mowers are sold at Bishops, _______ The best binding twine made at <E. M. Owen & Son's. Young mens outfit for July 4th, correct styles, at Evansons. White Dresses at bargains at E vansons. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's West Side. Evanson's,Clearing Sale. PURE VERMONT MAPLE SUGAR. We have a quantity of Pure Vermont Maple Sugar, just received, in 30 and 50 I pound tabs, at 12Ji cento per pound. I Call at the Fickle Factory. W. A. Cwwt. West Mcllcqrjf» Maj 27 th, 1890. J. A. Story's Iiooals. ' **•:. Our Quinine Hair Vigor, for the growth of hair, is a grand success. Everybody is praising it. It is a perfect tonic as^well as dressing. Only 75 cents. If you have time to paint your OWB buggy, use Neat's Carriage Paint. Ready for use and guaranteed the best; Those new Lamps have just arrived at Julia A. Story's. Also a new assortments of Bird Cages cheap. Don't forget. Did you say that diarrhea mixture was just the thing? Of course, every­ body says so. Earl will get up at night if you say. I paid 10 cents for the last box of tooth-picks, and I could have gotten the" same for 5 cents at Julia A. Story's. The finest assortment of Oils in Mc­ Henry are kept at Julia A. Story's. The Golden Machine Oil for general use. You can tell it by its color. Don't be deceiv­ ed by a composition oil. Ask your neighbor what Machine Oil he uses. "Why the Golden Machine Oil, at Julia A. Story's, only 40 cents a gal­ lon. We are glad to see our customers com­ ing way over here and we appreciate it and feel sure they will come again. There it is again, I paid 15 and twenty cents for a bottle of Vaseline and can-get the same thing at 3. A. Story's for 10 cents. * We are still selling Hammocks at the lowest prices.' JULIA A. STOBY. Korae Baiaera, Don't forget George 0., the greatest stock getter in the State, when you are looking for a stock horse, as his colts can't be beat. Look at the prices they are bringing. Three different men have booked three each to him and one four. Remember and see George O. be tors yon engage a breeder. When Baby was eksk»we t*w her CaslMili; When ahe waa a Child, ihe cried for Oaitoria, When she became Xiaa, rite ehwt to Oasterte, Wbw As had Ch0drM.«M fave IkMaCfertflcfe & / f ' V" ' Yd& can save from 50c to $1 on every pair of ladles or gents Fine Shoes you buy of us, and 25c to 50a per pair on Ohildrens Shoes. We carry the best makes the country can produce and are selling them cheap. Remsmbet the place--Perry ft Owen's. •0; In Men's Hats and Neck wear them all, We always keep stook and the latest styles. Be' qer the place--Perry & Owen*. We have Men's and Boys Fancy Flan* nel and l'euuis 6'uirts iu great variety oi styles and prices. Remetnbftf Uuat, place--Perry ds Owen's. >- w * *! * DONT WHIP A SICK HORSE, M. P. Nor take Cathartic Pills when yonr bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drug store. FAILURES IN LIFE People fail in many ways. In business, in morality, in religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. If the blood does not circulate properly in the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, Sain, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; in the ver, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For all these maladies Mr. Milles' New Cure for the heart and lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by G. W. Besley. Treatise free. AN INVARIABLE SIGN. Swelling of the ankles or feet when not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta sayf>, is always caused by a weak or diseast ds heart. So is shortness of breath, pain or uueasinPBfi when lying on th" Mt OPiothering Bpetta. The only euiv is Dr. Miles' New Cure. Sold at Besley's drug We carry a large line of Summer Dress Goods In S*teens, Tetania Flan­ nel, Lawns. Ohallies, Mohairs, Fine Ginghams, Prints, etc. Our stock of Black Goods cannot be equaled'In this seotloni Remember Jhepiaoe--£*«nry w Owens. Be sure and see our floe French Sat­ eens In fast black. Buy IIOO) but the gennine. It giver satisfaction. Re­ member the plaoe--Perry ft Owen's. ' tjj! ••• , 4| v *' bargain ftrtaielt Dress «S11k--all silk--at 75c, worth $1. I Don t miss the opportunity. Re mem-, " ber th© place--Perry & Owen's, ^ *Ji In uress Trimmings, Buttons, Rib­ bons, Spool Silks, Twists, etc. We eao moSch almost anything, the plaoe Perry ft Owen'B. - !| We are Dropared for tbe warm weather with a great lot of Fans, Par­ asols and Umbrellas at low prices. Re­ member the place--Perry ft Owea*«, When you want Table Linens or Towellngs, see tbe variety we keep. Nobody can give better bargains In this line than we. Remember the plaoe--Perry & Owen's. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We keep Plllsbury'8. Bishop's, Hon­ est Abe and otber brands. Buy a sack of Honest Abe at at 91 per saek. Be* member the plaoe--Perry ft Owea'a . •. v \4| Also remember we pay Cash fw all our goods |and sell them as low end many times lower than the so ClU*& Cash Stores. Perry & -H'-M ht" .V-i %r .,>:h ,

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