HeMUBste BXttoralons. For foil information concerning the series of excursions to point* in Minne sota, the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska, Wy oming, Colorado, Idaho and Montana, for which t icket* will be sold at half rates (one fare for the round trip), agjply to ajrenta of the Chicago ft North-western Railway Company. 6 t'7 The Ohioaro Exposition. *or the Inter-State Industrial Ezposi tJon at Chicago, the Chicago & North western Railway Co., will,on each Thurs day, from Sept. 3d to Oct. 18th, sell ex cnraioii tickets to Chicago at low rates. Tickets will be good for return passage to and including the Monday following date of sale. For further information, apply to agents C. & N.-W. R'yi 6 A RSJIA.RKABLE LErrSR. The following Jetter from Mr. W. A. Thomson, of Columbus, Wis., is pecul iarly interesting : "My wife," says he, "has bean treated for her head, stomach aud nervous prostration by three doctors in New York, two in Chicago, one in Phila delphia, one in Cincinnati, and at the large institute in Buffalo for sixteen months. They all failed. Bat one bot tle of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine helped her wonderfully." This should be used in all headaches, backaches, changes of life, nervous disturbances,-fits, rheu matism, etc. Ask at Besley's drug store for a free trial bottle and Dr. MUM' new book on the Nerves and Heart. Wy. fc>- pfe IPS'* ; V < f, FAILURES IN LIFE People fail in many ways. In basiness, hi morality, in religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. If the blood does not circulate properly in the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, pain, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; in the liver, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For all these maladies Mr. Milles' New Cure for the heart and lungs is the beet remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by G. W. Besley. Treatise free. GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their children to suffer from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. K., of sick headache for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this vicinity could be men tioned who have been cured by that won derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' Nervine, which contains no morphine, opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at Besley's drug store. Wis^edMjSu^ Jfyrf ffere yw see i^e caige. Looked too biff for SANTA CLAUS. But Ijer njdtter, • cipjjgral to utter Happiness of fewest c -i grwte. wU&jyit , Noge deijy.ll SOAP Is ^ Soap ever tywte. PHEN0MENA11Y POPULAR, MADE BY "CowbinMion.. N.K.FAIRBANK &CO.-*~CHICAGO. TOO VILL SHE NONE! J AN IMPORTANT MATTER. *?• " m di , ' • • £*•- everywhere report that the sales oi the Restorative Nervine a nervine iood and medicine-are astonishing; ex ceeding anything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction in headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility, backache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, et3. Taylor Bros., of Bryan, 0.; Amber & Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. B. Woodworth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., and hundreds of others state that they never handled any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial bottles of this great medicine and book on Nervous Diseases free at G. W. Besley's who guarantees and recommends it. BUFFALO BOOTS AND SHOES. We are pleased to inform you that we have secured the agency for the celebrat ed Buffalo Boots and shoes, and when shoe leather of any description is needed,, please call and look our stock over. In addition to this line we have the cele brated Henderson's School House Shoes; also the Rockfords and Racines, making our shoe stock the most complete and reliable to be found anywhere. We are also offering special bargains in clothing for men and boys. Please call. r. Respectfully, JOHN EvAXSON, FT €©. A FORTUNATE WOMAN. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., has reason to be very thankfuL She was a great sufferer from heart disease for years. Was short of breath, had hungry spells, pain in side, fluttering, faintness, etc. Alter taking two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, "I am better than for twenty years. My mind and eyesight have improved wonderfully. I advise ajl persons thus afflicted to us» %js grq&t WHuedar.'" G. W. Besley, drug gist, recommends and guarantees it. D»r. Mjles' work on heart disease, 9MKrek>B£ testimonials, free. FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on teasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic ulars inquire of . T H. C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 ®r 1dham's sons 116*11 * Dearborn 8tr0e£» CHICAGO ^ ltd Omr Bltssotn R By looking over our stock of I N B O B I R O I Having purchased Mr*. O V. Steven's interest in the stock for merly ownwl by Slovens & filler, and having greatly reduced our expensei»f we nro n,ow better than ever prepared to yell you good goods on a small profit. Now is the tim^ ot year for you to buy your / \ • * J ,r;: res Goo BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS, Corsets, Shirting F annels, Onttim flannels, in whftr and colors. All*of the#f MtWt behold in the shorten*, possihi) time, and will be sold at absolute cosTp^ice and less to clo^e ou'- and make room tor our stock of 8 Coming in lor Fall and Winter, in Men's, Woirep'sni^d Children's We shall aim to carry a lino of JBoots and Shoes thit in quality and price will nnt tie excelled in the county. We wttl aho otter you a well selected line of Rock ford Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Duck Coats, etc. A choice line of . . . Brought in fresh every two weeks and jsold at the clo.est living prices The best brand* of Flour rt¥$rays kept" "on hand at prices way down, quality considered. Thanking you for past favors wt respectfully sMicita continuance of your valued patronage. lOllf «i. MIXX.ER, West IV! c Henry, III. ¥ and iu quality under one root NOW IS APPOINTED To make your tail purchases from the lifgest* the liest stock ot General Merccandiao ever ottered in Mcileury County. New Cloaks, Stylish, Good & Cheap. We will have in stock this week sure over 200 carefully select ed garments iu all sizes, and in the be^fc possible styles, and varieties suitable tor our large Cloak, Wrtp and Jacket trade. Cloth, striped plain and plush garments. , ..f quarters. CSatll and see our new f ' * Striped and plaid Flannels, filUhades of real Elglish Broad cloth, Jamestown worsteds. Mena*ha am! Clear Lake flannels, rang ing in price froin l(>c to $1.25, with choice and appropriate trim, mings to match the same. Po look UP over means to convince that our gyotJk pid ̂ riees aro r jou lnspedt our ng! Ot the very best cut, material and workmanship to bo had. We make special prices on any odd suit or pieces we now have trom 25c for childs knee pants to $4 40 for mans full suits with susp ' ers to hoU them up thrown in the deal. :We offer bargainilnf E. M. OWEN & SON. N Before buying elsewhere. J. W.Cristy & Son, R1NGWOOD. ILL. JACOB BONSLETT, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, McHEl\RY, IIXINOIS. -DEALER IK. JPurchased for Cash, all of which will be Bold as low as the maret will admit p.nd furnish first class fcoOds. A miJWL LIlfMj OF STOTISS. OAKLAND AND OTHER, KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. Glass of All Sizes Constantly on Hand. In the Market, fit Bottom Prices. JOBBING AND REPAIRING r will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT. hB&ii. ACEHT8S"¥S"bSJS? «; _iti Nqrwerv Stock WANTED MQg'l' LlflEWegr gggg 0VBQUALED FACILITIES. One at TOE la.-.-. Oldest- established, and best knows. 2 in the country. Address, urseriei „ W. & T. SMITH, GenevaXm «erv Established in 1846. Qanm & jy y iCHANCE TO MAKE. MONEY irery where. Ma tzpv .-ie&oe needed. Address, at&ti&g ag*. If. FOSTER & CO., 3 urserymen, fe , i, Geneva, N. 7. •< >y*'> . .. • J • f* J}*1108 PENUANENTLY cured THOTTBAKDS ? by doctors hope- r • If you have premonitory svmn- • .SSfiuf™11 ^ 9°"^,. Difficulty of A., STOIIY COite Door West oCJtiverslde House,) McHENUV, ILIjI^OIS. MANUFACTURCD BY THE GRAND DETOUR PLOW DIXON, ILLINOIS. Hks a walking pin**. Hitch CO. Draft !• rflrect from the be: trol< the bottom IO that U w\ Hm no landiide, v. ill turn ithout raisinjr the fh lx- -- L. i driver and Its work in full ^ Front and rear whut-U .-»r jirt»ssure and preserves a turn imrSb"mvranow f a b m e r S } If you wish the best Plows made come and see us and exam ine the renouned extra hardened Norwegian Plows, als»o the Star; Bradley, Grand Detour, Hock Island, Thompson, J. I. Case and others. Also the latest pat terns of Ihni Wh»»l Solky Row*. Above you ran see the Little Yankee, considered fquil to any on earth. Also have the Big Injun, New Wonder tongueless, and several others, WAGONS! We keep the Bain wagon, of Kenoaha, Wis., also the Weber, of Chicago, at'lowest possible prices . Also a newthing entirely in a wagon is the Champion, with no front bolster, the front axle being stationary, which insures bay or straw from ever tipping over and aie warrauted for five jears. Will give the right party a trial ot thirty days on these wagons. Carriages, Buggies, etc. We keep constantly on hand the only Cortland wagons ^jid buggies, that have stood the hardest tests here for years. Also the liice Coil Spring 13uggy, the easiest rider made, and other styles Pumps, wood and iron, put iu trom 10 to 100 leet deep at way down prices and all guaranteed, (drive us a call betore you buy anything in our line as it will surely pay you E. IM. OWEN & SON. Rivle wMch equalise* all «ldt iform width. The entire weight of the plow is carried cu the wheelt, there (t no vf'k draft- no landfiide pressu.vj-- no bottom friction. IU draft U ttuu lightest possible. Can be u&ed w ith 14 or 16 h;ch bottoms, and either two or thrst Tones. The front lev- rejrjlftt** the depth, ra1s£5«nd low«r« the plow and coulter. 'A he s»uc lever levels t.;»* j»lo*7 Rn<! the rear lever control* the rear wheel which will tern u> rih'«t or leit, or it rigid to that it can be backed by tettci. Tho "Little Yankee" i<? 3 T>^pai,tur© In Hiding Plowa. It is Built on iho Kot»i Approved y^incioles. It combines all the ^• tirod Quaatier). Steel Beam, Wbnehi arul >- AU>. Xt w A.irUl, CMM Compact. It ia Wot a "ilorrc KIUj:/' KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAB AND f/lARK TRADE ^ --FOR-- Horses, Cattb, Sheep & Hogs. Excels any remedy for the rr.p'd ci:fe of Hard Colds,CcuQhs, Hide Doun !, Yc-llcwW^tcr, Fever, Distemper. Sore and VVe.t; Eyes, Li:ng Fever, Cosiiveness, Blotches, and all difficile* ar!s« Ing from imputi'.ias of the Bleed. W:<i reiievt Heaves at OIICO. Ma>^.i/,tciurt.lhy the J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. Sure Cure for Hog Cholera. FULLER & FULLER, Sansral V.'eitern Agenta, Chicago, III. -DEALER IN- DRUGS, ME D I C I N E S , •A FULLCLINE OF- Brd|t', Cbimietb, Byt Sto&, Fainta, 0U« and Colon. Constantly on hand. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Pi lysiciaius Preacrlptioua Owefnlly an. I accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- eist„. To^ir ron« ?je is respectfully so'icited, 4UUAA.ITORY. IMPROVED Spur Wire. For sale at the Harness Shop of Wm. Walsh, West McHenry, Illinois. 8. SHERMAN. West McHenry, May 2d, 1890 iq_$ioam yar Agents Wantedl ClRCOLAKS FBK». I Brewster's K>it«-ty Ke!n HoianO plveri away to introduce them. horse owner buys from I to O. MB* imver under horses' feet. 8«n<l>#C«BIt in Btamps to pay port«* »nd WjWBJ r.r Nickel Maid :-<»mpi*th»tj»*ll»Jor•» CU. trwHtw IMPORTANT - .. . f '• . .k::d.\&k,: :\£1 i'Mii:, Jfei' EK. w. BLATCMFORl) & CO., of Chi cago, have appointed' lioiifilett & Stoffel of We«t McHenry, agents for tfieirfaaiOU^ Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Vory clote p r i c e s a r e o t t e r e d o n s m a l l o r I I o t a * 4 . T! af, the man who eel's his best goous for tho LEAST MONEY, Is the man that pays cash for his ^oods. Call and se&him and his prices, t22 oc finest Suit, only #19 75 20 00 - •• «« 17 80 13 (JO •• 8 75 BjysSult (iMd 1SS Boys Knee Tantx ®5 Lvliee' Fine Shoes - 17* " Common Senao Shoe 1 7ft Wells A Fargo Plo«r Shoos 1 to f ongrcas Shoes 1 80 Hundreds of other goods at the same prices. YOURS, E. LAWLUS. Oil Cloths, Carpets, ai Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods.. Our tali purchases are a real success in quality, quantity, styles and prices. Children's shoes 25c 50c to $1.50; Ladies' button shoes, $1, $1.50 to $5; mens boys and childrens Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, etc. In good variety. Great stacks ot cheap UNDERWEAR. Ladies fine heavy merino vests, 25c, 30c. 38c, mens underwear, 25c, 40c to $2.50 each; childrens underwear, 9c, 11c, 16c to 75c. SHAWLS, HOSIERY, I £ IN IT GOODS, Cotton, half wool and all wool Flannels, in great Variety and at- exceptionally low prices. Good, hue, heavy Cotton Flannel. 5c, 6c. 7c tn 17c; good red Flannel 15c to 05c; some real good sheeting, 7c worth 9c; about 300 yards calico for only 3c; 200 yards mens good shirting, 5c; 300 yards good giugham. 5c. sy At all times at living prices to all. From now on watcE our advertisement and locals for candid assertions only. Bonslett & Stoffel. GEO. W. BESLEY'S, WEST M HENEY* -DEALER IN- Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, PURE WINES' . AND -XilQUOlUSj FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smofcirtg and Chewing Tobacco alwas on hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. w. BESLEY. STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVES, 6BABITX-1BDS ABO TIHWAB1. Barted Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of all Widths. Sporting Goods and Cutlery. OASOLEflE STOVES, The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far outrank any 0ther Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them. Glass of AH Sizes. W e make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin- Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage. (|s respectfully |U. iicited. -rV3 STORY & M'OMBE% .jf' -